AnarchismAntifascismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE THE NON PARTISAN LABOR DEFENSE Year of Activity, Success and Service to the Working Class on All Fronts of the Radical and Labor Movement Norman MiniWritesfrom His Dungeon in San Quentin Ideas to New Stalinist Pamphlet Covers Uptheir Shameful Role in ihe Sacramento Case The Race Into War One year after the beginning of and like it and will be glad the Sacramento trial, Norman sopping up the gravy with it)
The Non Partisan Labor Defense has a record of wchievement of Mini sent from San Quentin Prisdefense at this Juncture, the take up your time and you have which its members and the working class organizations which support Againts Martial Law organized a movement which on the following letter to Herbert no sense that it could he othersecured broad backing. The Judges Sacramento Appeal Committee: Solow, secretary of the National it may well be proud. The following summary of some of its defense wise.
activities concretely illustrates what is meant by hon partisan labor committee of seven organisations mously reversed the conviction on The initiated a joint of the Appeltate Division unaniProbably the adjustment has been 60 complete because it has defane.
which held a mass meeting in New the ground of obvious prejudice on Dear Solow: Nov. 18, 1935 been, in a sense, deliberate. About York protesting against the use of the part of the trial judge.
the Committee to Ald, the Defense the National Guard as strikebreak FARGO TEAMSTERS: a month ago said, Come on Anti Fascist and InterGetting those orange colored now, we are going to get down national Activities of Ward Rogers, young FERA In ers, and which sent defense funds two pages (the News to business, and when started structor and Socialist, convieted of to Toledo, Minneapolis and the Gulf One of the longest and most bit Letter. was a surprise and a working on my novel, life began HITLER GERMANY. anarchy for alding the organiza Coast. With five other defense or terly fought strikes in the history gratification. Today it struck me to fit into three distinct categorof the Northwest, in Fargo, North this might be a good time to write It was the which organ. tion of the Southern Tenant Farm counter offensive against the strike Dakota, led to a frame up instigat you a sort of summary of my ies the jute mill, writing, and the outside world. Books, newsized the protest movement against ers Union in Arkansas An appeal breaking anti red scare in Califor ed directly by the notorious Associ state of mind.
papers, visitors. the deportation to Hitler Germany is now pending.
nia in the summer of 1984. It preated Industries of Minneapolis Just this afternoon as was almost hate to say it but, in by the Dutch police of four young spite of the work, the ascetic diet German refugees attending a radsented to Secretary Perkins a peti: The PL. sentits Chicago wandering around in the yard Deportation of Aliens and the innumerable petty Anical congress at Laren, Holland.
arrested by the tropens it organ sent the strikers during the strike walk, look at the sky, think) it noyances, m getting along very The organized a joint pro ANTONIO BELLUSSI: ized an Eastern protest against struggles: defended the strikers came to me that now almost any well JUST NOW. know that test of many workers organizations Antonio Bellus, veteran anti martial law in Minneapolis, during numerous cases, and carried the 17 feeling of strangeness or wonder the writting is really the cause and, despite his reluctance, com. Fascist, union coal miner, and the great strike of teamsters Local convictions to the North Dakota at the life m leading has worn of this, and that in time some574, in July August, 1984. Supreme Court, which has not yet off; this has become the normal thing is sure to happen to it and accept it.
member of the Bordiquist group, handed down a decision.
existence. It is completely and then there ll be a reaction. But NEW YORK: was forced to flee Italy in 1923 be Against Persecution MINNEAPOLIS natural that you should maybe by that time something Strikers As the defense representatives of work down there in the fute The organized the pro cause of his fight against the Puswill have happened to change the He was arrested by Federal the famous General Drivers Local mill) six days the week, that test movement against the clubbing cisti.
whole perspective. don think 574 of Minneapolis, ll actually stay in here forever!
whose 1984 you should sit around doing nothof anti Fascists by the New York agents on June 17, 1933 for express HARLAN MINERS: Before forget it, the police, arising out of a demonstra ing his opposition to Fascism durIn 1931 the eyes of the working strikes have led to a resurgence of ing on Sunday, that you should Times runs out on November 26, tion of young Socialists and Sparing a meeting of Precist Khaki class were centered upon the terror the Northwest labor movement, the At all your actions and Wilkesbarre, Pa.
tacus youth against a Naxl meeting Shirts at the first anniversary of the be In the Harlan, Kentucky coal LD. has been in charge of this particular rhythm. It is the only existence NORMAN MINI ginning of the trial, and my letat Madison Square Garden in May. danger of deportation to Italy, Bel Lelde, where seven union organizers numerous defense cases in that loSomehow it strike you as abter to the Non Partisan Labor De1934 The activities lussi appealed to the for who defended themselves against cality. Latest of these cases are: lar feeling of unhappiness. Yopr fense asking their aid. In honor were recognized as a factor leading aid. The PL. secured Bellus the attacks of coal company sang Vincent Dunne, officer of Local surd that you should have ever desires, the things you worry or of the occasion, want to thank to the removal of Commissioner release on bond after he had sters armed with machine guns, 574 while leading a picket line in domeen the most everyday all of you for everything you ve.
dream about, are the MINOR done in this past year. and ITALY: LD. obtained for him the right to eral Defense Committee of the Lw. Hosiery workers strike, had three street corner looking into the events of your life; the things mean EVERYTHING. leave it Bo to South America, and raised has never ceased its fight for ribs broken by Farmer Labor police window of a cigar store; ruffling up a starchy napkin; seeing a close to you (my god, my task. to you to get my thanks to the The was an active con. the funds necessary for transporta the release of these seven prisoners, and was arrested and convicted.
bill board in a vacant lot. the loom broke down yesterday proper people.
atituent of the Committee which tion and admission to a South Am. It has had the collaboration of the When police shot and killed two held effective counter demonstra erican country LD. In raising funds to ala pickets and wounded numerous And you realize all this pro and 30 yards behind; tomorrow we Fraternally, will have cornbread for breakfast the fight for a pardon. The others who had closed down the foundly, but without any particuMINI, No. 57606.
tions against visiting Italian Pas JACK WARNICK: LD. and LD have now Ornamental Iron Works, and the Day, 1031, in New York. When Jack Warnick, one of the defend formed the Joint Committee to Ata Parmer Labor Mayor Latimer recollege students were expelled for ants acquitted in the Sacramento the Kentucky Defense fused to conduct an open hearing, participation in these activities, it trial, but thenceforth pursued by ROBINS GRAS: Harold Robins and Andre Gras public hearing on Issues: a was the intelligent aggressiveness the Committee on Subversive Active of the PL. which forced on a ties of the American Legion, has were arrested during the hotel score of eye witnesses testified: reluctant city administration a dis.
been seized by the immigration au strike of the Amalgamated Food leading Farmer Laborites denounced cussion of this attack on civil thorities, acting on the instigation Workers in New York City in Feb the mayor for scabbery and murrights.
of the Legion, and basing them ruary, 1933 on the charge latd the murders at the door of SAN FRANCISCO. The applica. Truth. Telling Remains other participants in the united selves on the evidence on which saulting a non union chef. Found CUBA: Warnick was acquitted in Sacra guilty, they were sent by the no Mayor Latimer.
tion to San Francisco of the new the Worst Evil front, is that the ruthlessly capitulatory turn of the Communist The Cuban National Committee mento. Released on bail, Warnlek torious anti labor Judge Corrigan PHILA. FRUIT CLERKS: and deliberately broke up the unitto Sing Sing.
for Amnesty, composed of thirty one is being aided by the LD.
Undertaking their International, has meant the crea ed front on orders from 13th Street Local 753 of the Retail Clerks tion of the United (Stooge) Labor for the Cuban labor Organizations, has Later, Charles Gordon, California asked and received the ald of the International appealed to the Party. In the recent campaign a plain. Nor does he mention the LL. organizer, was fired from his in winning American sup port for its struggle against the framed by the employers assoela for the release of Mooney and vart role of the LD. In the ball post; the Western Worker printed Mendieta regime of terror. Anita tion during a strike. With the ex. ous other California political pris matter. Nor does he mention how the charge made against him: he Brenner Is chairman of the ception of a peace bond required oners. The victims of the historie his rag had to publish an apology had entered a united front with Keen for. Committee on Cuba.
world to the after it had insinu. Trotskylsts. So who broke it up?
Bales per worker Workers per from one striker, the cases were all Sacramento frame up were notated that ball should not be put up Mini Testimony markets marches hand in hand Year per month 1000 spindles won.
CHINA: On page 25 Quin states that through the because it 23 1927 On occasion, the Communist was composed of racketeers.
35. with flerce exploitation of the Norman Mini took the stand first 1930 51 23. Rallying the Labor Party or its gets out a pamThe LD. for the defense. What?
Was he organizing an working class in an endeavor to 1932 85 20. phlet concerning some case of little Insulting the Jurors International protest Movement part of the defense? As to what movement degrade prices to the lowest pos 1934 04 18. moment to organized labor within a On page 15 is an impeach he said, not a word here. But the against Chiang Kal Shek reign of The Intensity of this Between 1933 and 1934, the last terror. Herald Isaacs, formerly sible level.
The main aim of the In few weeks after the arrest. The ment of the intelligence of the day after he testified, the Western editor of the Shaighai China For competition indicates the proximity year for which figures are avall. All cases is to rally the broadest Sacramento prisoners were convict jurors. We haven conducted any Worker charged that Mini testium, leading labor organ of China, of war which is felt immediately able, the number of sploning work possible section of the organized ed in April 1, 1985. Months before psychological examination of the mony had consisted of a fantastle is chairman of the Committee on by the workers in the mad pace deters increased only percent while labor movement in support of per the Calitirna with material matter with Professor Quin.
the yard production rose 12 persecuted workers, instead of limiting We ernment, which was not Marxism, by capitalist industry the speed cent. And this, it is pointed out, defense struggles merely to the for a pamphlet. For almost sixteen can, however, ask why Quin does gave the prosecution weapon, etc.
up The Fight Against Crimis not because Japan is turning out necessary legal steps.
the course months after the arrests the LL. not reprint some of the scurrilougete. Where are all those charges The race between American and coarser yards.
inal Syndicalism Laws On the contrary of its activities, the has published no pamphlet on this case, cartoons and insulting wise cracks now?
Japanese capitalists for markets to the tner yarn output Increased enlisted the support for cases of the which resulted in the imprisonment which bls ras published during the On page 28 Quin writes that grapheally illustrated in the story much faster than the output of the leading trade union, fraternal and of elght workers for to 14 years, trial about the jurors and which one juror, after the conviction, SACRAMENTO: told by the October Textile World coarser counts.
political organizations. Its ultimate On Labor Day, 1936, the National the prosecution undercover agents signed an an affidavit revealing that The has taken an out which publishes figures on the Jap American employers and thelraim the unification of the largest Sacramento Appeal Committee, were in a position to slip to the the verdicts were arrived at in an standing part in the most important Ianese cotton Industry showing an trade journals polnt with envy to number of labor groups in one de constituted by a dozen national or gurors when they went home at illegal manner. True What Quin criminal ayndicalist case of the increase in bales per worker and a the ability of Japanese capitalista tense organization on the basis of Partisan Labor Defense brought On pages 17 and 21 is a dis Molntire gave this affidavit not past decade the famous Sacramendecrease in workers per 1, 000 spin to speed up the workers and the a militant, class struggle program.
to frame up.
dles between 1927 and 1934. handsome profits derived from this. The foregoing brief and During the trial the pro plete record of the work of the to: The Truth About the Criminal Norman Mini to the prosecutor Gallagher, but to the LD. AtSyndicalism Trial by Herbert shortly after his arrest. Jack torney Goldman and to the Sacravided Norman Mini, a member 11 LD. testifies to the way in Solow, secretary of the folnt body. Warnick bas testified and events mento representative of the the Workers Party, with the serv.
which the LD. meets a funda Thereupon the LD. got to work; have shown that Mini statement LD.
Ices of attorney Albert Goldman, mental feed. Hardly a day, but it has just published The in no way alded the prosecution. The pamphlet admits that noted Socialist lawyer, whose work DISPseeks its ald. The American work the Sacramento frame up.
some labor organisation or worker Case Against Labor, dealing with Pat Chambers has signed a state Norman Mini was a defendant and was an outstanding feature of the ment scoring the capitalist press that he is now in San Quentin. It courtroom struggle. At their re The first volume of a series of The Revolution of 1917.
Ing class has greater need than he rumor and His Job for calling Mini statement a con has a cover design which the carequest, It raised 8, 400 ball to Ilb six of the Selected Works of Leon erate Caroline Decker Seven years of World Poliever of a strong defense arm to proless might think represents only The author is Mike Quin, former fession.
tect it against enemies. The nd Jack Trutsky, publisher by Pioneer PubThe Stool Pigeon Legend Warnick (members of the Commu lishers, is to be The Third Internatles seven prisoners. But if you look The Chinese Revolution LD. needs the active support and reporter of the Stalinist Western Worker. This Quin was in the During the trial, however, Quin closely, you will see a little lock of nist Party) from Sacramento Countional After Lenin It is sched ty Jall, where they had been hela uled to appear in January of next in order to raise the necessary every friend of the labor movement, San Francisco last spring. Indig Hearst papers. They and he called on the other hand, when the sympathy every workers and audience at the Cannon lecture in made a united front with the hair. That is Norman Mini!
for six months. It stimulated wide year. The contents are: spread public interest in the case Letter to the Sixth Congress of Pioneer Publishers is conducting a participate in its work by joining bant when he heard a few truths the Mint statement a confession names of the prisoners are listed through press publicity and public the Comintern.
meetings from coast to coast.
The cases are now being apThe Program of the Comintern. cantes at 10 each, which entitle the or help build a branch where none feet and challenged Cannon to a argument that a crime had been teneng Judge, Mini name is ab(a) Program of International holder to 30 percent discount on all yet exlats. Build the Non Partisan debate. Of course, he reneged on committed. Mint was denounced by sent! Quin does not want to me the debate arrangements: he be Quin and the whole as a cord that Mini said: pealed. Owing to the importance Revolution a Program of So of their own publications and 15 Labor Defense came editor of the rag and stool pigeon.
clalism in One Country?
percent on all books of other pub Our standing here is no acelof the Sacramento case to the enThe Quin pamphlet says nothing dent. Our conviction is the result was assigned to write their pamtire labor movement, the LD. b) Strategy and Tactics in the lishers.
of tool pigeon. whether sub of the immer logie of the class To Hold Protest Against phlet on the Sacramento case.
Imperialist Epoch.
The Trotsky series will cost 650 organized the National Sacramento The latter job must have been a jective or objective. It states struggle. But the same class Appeal Committee, including the (c) Balance and Perspectives of it paid in advance and 00 to Ferrero Deportation difficult one, even for an experi only that Mini statement ridi: struggle that results in our conthe Chinese Revolution.
certificate holders.
Socialist Party. Workers Party, enced liat The record of the culed the Communist Party. It dia viction will some day generate an An Analysis of the Seventh Com. All those interested are urged to General Defense Committee, In the Sacramento case is one of. and quite properly so. It was irresistible wave that will sweep Intern Congress.
subscribe. National Unemployed Write to Pioneer Pub mass meeting to protest the League, Workers Alliance of Amer This volume deals with all the lishers, 100 Fifth Ave, for further imminent deportation of Ferrere the blackest in the history of labor in the tone st Munits remark to Al Away forever everything that court and state represents. With ica, and the Workmen sick and major polemics raging between the details.
and Sallitto is to be held at the ruption, provocation are mild words Izer, when Mini was thrown into this knowledge we can face our Death Benefit Fund. This Commit International Left Opposition and Rand School, East 15th St. at for what the Stalinists did in the the tank in Sacramento County Jail sentences confidently: we know tee, together with sub committees Stalin, bringing them to their final PAUL LUTTINGBR, 8:15 on Wednesday, Dec. Sacramento court. The pamphlet along with this petty bureaucrat: that the future belongs to as acting in San Francisco, Oakland, climax at the Seventh Congress of DANIEL LUTTINGER, under the auspices of the Ferrero is primarily an attempt to cover up The only criminal syndicalism you the Comintern.
Even a Quin can show that there Los Angeles, Boston, Cleveland, Sallitto Defense Conference. 21 the shameful record of California have ever been guilty of is being was perpetrated in Sacramento a The other five volumes will be: organizations, among them the Non Stalinism. Washington Square North Toledo and elsewhere, has assumed section organizer all the time and gross frame up not only against The Stalin School of Falsifldirection of the appeal fight. Her 2 and 8 Hxcept Sunday Partisan Labor Defense, the AmWho Raised the Ball never organizing anything. the revolutionist Norman Mint, but cation bert Solow of the LAD. Is secand Holidays.
erican Civil Liberties Union, and Here are a few Illustrations: Gallagher and Goldman against those workers who endorsed The Revolution of 1905.
the General Defense Committee of retary treasurer of the Committee. On page 14 is a long, pathetic the are calling this meeting story of what difficulty On pages 17 and 21, mention the centrist views expressed by Sam The has retained Raymond is made of the fact that at one Darcy at the trial. Henderson, attorney in every as the latest step in the long strug had in getting ball for the eighteen point in the trial Attorney Albert The may be in a new period, gle to save these two men.
Sulecessful criminal syndicalism ap.
workers jailed in Sacramento in Goldman of the dissociat but when it comes to telling the It up with and circulated 10, 000 copies of ta the outside and from the partiel boast that the 18 prisoners were Leo Gallagher, the LL. genlus nents, that part of the line pamphlet on the case entitled pating organizations will outline finally balled out, and it thanks the attorney. Quin does not reveal that knows It Browder remains un Union Smashing in Sacramento, AFTER LENIN the came to date and the further Civil Liberties Union for balling Gallagher remark was a challenge changed.
and is conducting a nation wide steps which must be taken. Ferrero out one of them.
to the jury to do its damndest: During the trial the discampaign to organise mase support 1s in immediate danger of forcible The truth is that the LD. de am not speaking for the jury: Irupted the defense, attacked those behind the Committee efforts to By LEON TROTSKY deportation to Italy where, because liberately kept the prisoners in Ja11 am speaking for the people in the who sought honest, militant unity, obtain a reversal from the Califorof his anti Fascist views, certain from August until January, with back of the court. Quin writes knifed in the back courageous nia Supreme Court.
will appear in January, 1935.
death or imprisonment awaits him. holding ball which it could have that Goldman asked exeeption for hero of the working class move similar fate for sallitto hangs put up. In Janary, the Non Partihis client, Mini, from the displeas ment, and spread a thousand lying ANGELO HERNDON: FIVE OTHER VOLUMES OF SELECTED WORKS OF TROTSKY upon a pending decision in his case san Labor Defense received a reure of court, jury and prosecution. stories. Because the LD.
The is one of six organ.
WILL FOLLOW IN QUICK SUCCESSION by the Department of Labor. Only quest from two prisoners to raise This is a typically Quinnish lle pounded it for six months thereIzations which set up the Joint You can help buten thelr appearance If you: mass pressure and additional funds ball. Within two weeks it raised Goldman asked that the jury not after, nalled it at every turn, erCommittee to Herndon Dewith which to carry on the legal 4, 400 and balled out Caroline permit itself to be prejudiced posed its corruption and slanders, fense. The Committee has printed Subscribe to Pioneer Publishers Certificate for 10 which battle can save elther of them. Decker and Jack Warnick, two against any of the defendants by the has had to back down.
and distributed over 45, 000 copies will entitle you to 30 percent discount on all Ploneer publica The charges against both men, loading agricultural union members Gallagher remark. In so doing. Today it merely wbines: Norman of a 16 page pamphlet. It aims to tions and 15 percent on books of all other publishers long residents of this country, are. and members. Then Nora Goldman served all the defendants. Mini, the Trotskylats.
secure 1, 000, 000 additional signa.
turce to petitions calling upon the Subscribe to the first volume by paying in advance 00. anarchist views. In reality thelr The raised it, but before ports that a united front was brok Come, come, Mike Quin. next To certificate holders only 00 Governor of Georgia to free Herncases are but another in the long it could be posted, e snd. en up. He blames this on the Wort: thing you know you will find that don.
11st of cases wherein the govern denly produced ball enough for five ers Party. The truth, testined to you are willy nilly, in a united PIONEER PUBLISHERS ment is taking aggressive and ar prisoners, and within a few days in official documents of the Social. front with the LD. Or is your WARD ROGERS: 100 Fifth Avc, New York City bitrary steps against all militant all the prisoners were out. ist Party of California, the Ameril national office keeping secrets from The LD. 18 a constituent of nghters in the labor movement How come? Quin does not ex. can Civil Liberties Union and by you?
Pioneer Notes