CapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1935 HighLights Square Deaľ Corporation How They AcheforWar!
The Resettlement Fraud An Altruistic Boss! Texas Thanksgiving Workers Get It in the Neck Relief Is Discontinued Appeal Date Set in Cal. Frame Up Minneapolis ARadical Farmer View of Recent Shifts in AAA Editor Noto: How the Stalintern is ont Baldwining Baldwin and becoming the most rabid advocate of military sanctions, e.
imperialist war, is revealed in the quotation below from the Journal de Moscow, French equivalent of the Moscow Daily News one of the many Stalinist stoogo periodicals By HENRY THURMAN By CYRUS RIGBY THE PEOPLE FRIENDS effort to do the work well and a MOSCOW. Nov. Steps to make possible military sanctions must By JAMES EVANS edness before he is allowed the fair and sufficient amount of it. be taken by the League of Nations, the Journal de Moscou, French Anti Soviet, ally of the Friends privilege of supervised starvation.
Because the most recent break language newspaper here, declared tonight. Special to the New Militant)
of New Germany, shielder of the last week the workers in the down of capitalism has forced In McLennan county alone, five DALLAS, Tex. Thousands of hundred rural families were taken The sanctions already voted against Italy will help the League murderers of a charity patient. hoe factories of the Endicott John more and more people to wear impoverished Texas farmers are prestige by showing that it is prepared to act, the newspaper sald.
was the cheerful manner in which won Corporation were given resboes of a cheaper, and hence in But economic and Anancial penalties never stop war.
being made the victims of Ronse of the rellef rolls last year and the of Cleveland character newed and positive assurance that terlor grade, the Endicott Johnson given government loans to rehabilvelt resettlement fraud, ized Doe Walz for the past few the world does not move. The oc factories have enjoyed an ever in The first experiment of the League will allow us to conclude relief administrators make glowing ties of central Texas, 2, 600 such The itate themselves. In twelve counyears. Walx has the habit of run caston was the posting, on all shop creasing expansion since 1920. But that economic sanctions alone never can succeed in guaranteeing promises to these bankrupt produes familles were given opportunities ning as an independent mayoralty bulletin boards, of the identical peace, it stated, and that it will be imposed ble in the future in not one extra benefit has accrued ers, only to shunt them into leaky to lead the simple life as precandidate.
Promotion Policy Message that to shoe workers by this circumanalogous cases to limit ourselves to economic sanctions, as is fore. shacks on sub marginal lands. As seen in Article XVI, Paragraph (of the Covenant) treating of millscribed by the banking interests But this year, after the primar. George Johnson had himself isstance.
a rule, the tenant is forced to incur that dominate the Federal agricul.
Wages have been lowered tary sanctions.
ler, Ford, Communist candi sned before in 1920.
and the threat of unemployment several hundred dollars of indebt. tural policies.
date for mayor, told a meeting of the statement was prefaced by held constantly over their heads to It will suffice to study especially this paragraph and at the per Yime create the conditions necessary to apply it rapidly in Slaves of King Cotton the Independent Civic League that a note saying that This is just as still protests. Speed up has been case of need.
the minority candidates ought to true todas as it was 15 years ago. growing in pace every month.
Texas Ol Age Pensions Despite the uncertain condition If the sanctions already voted are not energetically applied they get behind a write in campaign for and as it will be 50 years from Stoolpigeons and spies, always with will only have a harmful effect, the paper declared.
now. Resuscitated, the message hope of promotion at the expense Cheaper than Poorhouse have been put to growing crops of Ford sat down with Walx and took no account of the ravages of their class, have been more damthis staple. These recipients of (By a Worker Correspondent)
government bounty are truly the wrote out a reformist platform for made by the system of capitalismerous and more active.
slaves of King Cotton. Many of Austin, Tex. Nov. 18. The Tex: them became impoverished as a rehim.
on the workers of the Southern Working Class Bank The leaders met and decid Tier no less than in other parts of Everything in Endlcott and Johnas old age pension act has proven ed to participate in this action it the world. Parading of the now son City is cloaked with a fake to be a pig in poke, as every sult of the cotton plow up program.
Marxist knew it to be. No funds back to the owners upon being re.
Their rented tracts of land went the stated its willingness to completely exploded American myth working class cooperative veneer.
go into it. Otherwise the was of equal opportunity to all was Even the local bank bears the Nave been raised to pay the pen tired from cultivation. Their small to pretend that it has reached a sobrazen. In the light of past name Workers Trust Company contrary decision for some trumped events, that the notice was this ret further scrutiny of this instituappropriated by the legislature to checks went to satisfy the SACRAMENTO, Cal. Nov. 27. tin Wilson and several other appel begin paying the salaries of the ad livestock starved to death or was up reason. Write in campaigns are time greeted only by ridicule by tion, as an example. will show how not effective. those few workers who paused to all these labels and policies are The District Court of Appeals has ants who represent themselves le ministrators immediately. There is sold for a song. Now, they find At the meeting where the united read it.
merely clever methods of deluding set a hearing for Dec. 3, at which rally, have been denied.
the workers into a false sense of Raymond Henderson, attorney Due to the refusal of the LD. measure will bear out the state themselves once more planting cotfront was to be consummated. Dividing the Workers for Profit Waly made a typical liberal, reThe message is part of the hal. power. Assets of the Workers Trust retained for Norman Mini by the to consider a unified defense, there ment made last year by Mary ton, bound to Uncle Sam rather formist speech then launched into lowed Endicott Johnson Square Company are placed at about five National Sacramento Appeal Com are two attorneys in the case. Leo Norton, Congresswoman from New than the landlord, still keeping their children out of school to pick an attack on conditions in the so deal plan, which is itself founded and a half million dollars. Stocks mittee. will argue for writ of Gallagher represents the LL. de Jersey the crop during the fall.
viet Union! The representa upon a policy of dividing the work in the bank consist of 8, 000 shares mandate ordering the trial court fendants, while Henderson repre Old age pensions are cheaper this in the famous criminal syndicalism sents Mini. By compelling the two than poophouses.
4, 000 bales of cotton were protive sat without a protest, with his ers in order the better to use them are most of the shares establishment case to provide the Mini defense attorneys to prepare their brlets duced on these Roosevelt poor head bowed sheepishly. No objee for profit. One passage reads, working class So much red tape has been wound farms last year, an average of two tion could be made to Wala state Yon may even be the general owned by the workers in the with a copy of the proceedings or on the basis of one copy of the Into the provisions of the act that bales or 120 cash income for each transcript, the court is working only eight percent of those entitled family. Out of this princely sum, stated their prisition as yet. And we are looking for the best talent Mhares, or complete control and Mini, Prisoner 57606 in San Quen hardship on both, Henderson fight to nensions will receive this begrar the family had to repay loans of ments because the Socialists hadn manager or one of the directors, as factories? By no means! 7, 584 the trial.
the united front was yet tentative to All positions of responsibility ownership of the Institution, aretin, one of eight workers appealing for an additional copy has the suplis asistance. As in the case of the 31 for grocerles (mostly fatback relief, relatives with small jobs will and cornmeal) and 37 for feed it closes with the words, If you owned by the Marine Midland Cor. against the frame up convictions port of Gallagher.
titul united front. They thought Are faithful, loyal and reliable, you poration, major fortress of An arrived at under pressure of an Support for the defendants is on be coerced into supporting the and seed After buying insufficient The disrupted another beauanti union and anti radical drive the increase. The Los Angeles and the platform (prepared by the will earn good living with aance capital in America. Investi Launched by employers organiza San Francisco sub committees of caring for those who do clear allaverage subsistence farmer does agedl. Moreover, the burden of amounts of winter clothing, the had nothing to do with chance for advancement. This com sation has shown that the same tigspurlousness covers every tions in this state. Thus far the the recently held success the hurdles will probably fall upon not have enough money to last the had nothing to do with any and its directing heads know sue the workers through some tax on himself and his family until the labor and didn resemble anything their business. Their business is supposedly benevolent gesture of trial court has provided only one ful mass meetings.
transcript of the proceedings. Apsales or even a discriminatory in first of the year.
that militants could rally around to see that you give them a square the Endicott Johnson sexrned, plications for coples made by Mar. Subscribe to the New Militant American workers have come tax.
At any rate, the audience got a deal, which means a fair return In the meantime, all relief was good laugh.
for what you receive an honest to their sorrow, that they are no different from workers in every The act is intended to discrimin discontinued for the subsistence ate against Negroes and Mexicans sert long before Roosevelt made part of the world that for the DESIGN FOR LIVING by providing that usual living good his heartiess promise to the working class there to strength Frankie and Uppie were lovers.
only in unity. Anything evei faintstandards are to be considered to business luterests that he would determining the amounts of indiget out of this business of relief.
ly resembling a real trade union is vidual pensions The tenants were buncoed by adrejt Sinclair in the Detroit debate on Labor Notes still banned in the Endicott Johnson case workers who promised them America Way Out EPIC or sphere of influence. Most of the part time jobs at manual labor.
Farmer Labor Party?
workers there still hope to live on (Reprinted from the Producers MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 19. Ilans altruistle crumbs from the table of purpose of the AAA wheat control He was your man but he done Corruption Rampant in Now, all pretense of work relief you wrong. You captured the Dem. Luther, Germany ambasador to George and his fellow capi. News, official organ of Farmers este ukele privilege for have a Ft. Worth, Texas, Relief ander har mange fordelene vinte ca mea, super Holiday Asso. of Montana)
ocratle Party. Roosevelt has eap the United States, was sneaked in talists. Yet even tured you! Mr. Sinclair, it is ap the back door of the Radisson helal examination of the facts will The AAA Wheat Production license, a government permit to are expected to live altogether by Tarent that you fell in love with IIotel this noon by a squad of po prove that their one salvation is in Control Board has now amended, Carm: no others will. The purpose (By a Worker Correspondent) what they earn from the farms a Itoosevelt at first sight. He car lice, where he was scheduled to solidarity with the entire working the bones basts from the county IN to eliminate all the imporеrished FORT WORTH, Tex. Nov. 18. forced continuntion of the dying trestled you the late address the Minneapolis Civic and class, rather than in accepting the acreage of wheat production per capelliere trom the land put them on Fort Worth relief clients are being southern feudal system.
played with you. Mr. Sinclair. Commerce Association. The reason occasional sops handed out to them acre average to that of the individ subsistence farme, take the poor put off projects because they wil Most of the subsistence farmers play every man, you have been se was that a picket line was parad by their explotters to keep them ual unit of wheat production as the fouds out of production entirely not ek turkeys for poultry houses live in tolserable Coloniese scattered duced. Daily Worker, Nov. ing in front of the Radisson Ilotel. docile.
production adjusted to the preced tion, in the hands of the rich farm and sixty cents per day. The price single tracts, temporarily consigued This Freudian analysis does not in protest against the appearance ing two years, whatever that may ors, on a basis where they can farm of turkeys has advanced with the to the resettlement administration help us to understand that of the emissary of Hitler barbar Farmer Labor Party will get amous Fascism. Among the micketers Shachtman Meeting in een his individual com base is cute the producentento de las to approaching holidays and due to a wy landlords. Generally these tracts San Diego. but we would like to point out the Spartacus Youth League, car grower, against the poverty strick who have buying power can con. poultry dealers to pay more for the bave been able to rent otherwise that Earl Browder states in the rying a banner reading: Hitler Is the the Enemy of All Workers.
means to arm properly. or who AAA and has been since the begin are adhering to the same wage make enough to carry his own fam September Communist that SAN DIEGO, Cal. Nov. 19. Ap for the want of seed wheat coula ning, and the idea that is going to scales. ought to take over the Epic ily, but also to pay his debts to MINNEAPOLIS, Nov.
19. proximately 75 workers came to not get his crop in when he should be carried out. recent investigation of the Fort the government and the landlord.
Plan. bedroom must be getting is de St. Paul are being picketea Max Sbactman lectured on War me would have had the planting at first because it was necessary to widespread graft, coercion and cor result in a continual turn over in The county unit plan was adopted Worth relief administration showed it is obvious that this policy will Walgreen Drug stores in Minneapo Woodbine Hall last night to hear and so did not get the crop which popular.
by members and the sign Painters and the Soviet Union. Shachtman been done in the proper seed bed put the scheme over, in order to get ruption. Young girls were even tenants, since not one out of ten and Card Writers Union, Local analyzed the causes of war and and at the right time, and in favor the farmers to sign up the con told by case workers to get out and will be able to meet these require KNOWS IT, BROTHER 880 of the of Walgreen outlined the revolutionary tasks of of the farmers who have the proper tracts. The Individual unit basta hustle if they did not like the ra ments.
Mike Gold chides the Left young locked out the workers because the proletariat in relation to war machinery, the seed and the means was the plan all of the time. Now tions afforded them by the relief The entire project has proven a Socialists for singing ribald parody they joined the union. Sign paint as advocated by the Workers Party as he should veloped where it can substitute ere even forced Indigent women to in many cases, the landowners Instead the abuse to 85 to 90 hours The first and the largest section the latter plan, it has Inreets, and third period epithets. here forced he work, Shich is to the class collaboration policies of or farmers of course raised very The work out is to him who has it was for exposing such evils as acres en este core the tracts they.
the columnist resorts to wheedling, ing the lockout into a strike, is the parties of the Second and Third poor crops, the latter quite good shall be given, while to him who these that Barlow, Unem have sold for colonies. Misrepreplending, and sugar talk. We un asking for higher wages and short and Faiscussion period followed the stores the impoverished farmer gets is the spirit of the AAA in all of dered by the third degree in Sept. mon, and even Rex Tugwell has derstands, Mike your line been er hours.
changed again!
lecture and nearly everyone stayed a reduced bonus, while the rich its ramifications just set yourselt ember of 1933.
been forced to have the situation ST. PAUL, Nov. 20. special until midnight asking questions Investigated. In the long run, all WORKERS SCHOOL HANDS The late delivery of seed grain session of the Minnesota legislature about the Workers Party. This was farmers set the big check the right on that.
OUT PLENTY TOO this graft will have to be paid by one of the first public meetings at has been called for December to tempted by the San Diego branch the last five years, all farmers het duction possibilities, the ruthless On the county average basis for loan check us to reduce pee Newark Jobless the tenants, through increasing IIave you ever wondered why clear up the relief problem in this and shachtman lecture is calcu the bonus on the average acreage seed grain loan collections, removal debt and unremunerative extra la1. Ford (Communist candidate state. The Minnesota Conference lated to conclusively solidify the production of the county so all of farmers to subsistence farms, In Demonstration bor on the Infertile acres for mayor) is always so Jolly and for Progressive Social Legislation, with the already sympathette farmers share alike as to the nom etcetera, are all a part of the gengay, why he has that big smile on Purmer Labor controlled, has been class conscious workers.
his face gushed Onda at the meeting this week to draw up ber of bushels per acre they re eral scheme.
NEWARK, Nov. 21. Cleveland Browder meeting. Be plans to resist the fight for a receive the bonus on, and this is as The only thing that will defeat demonstration of organized unemcause he a Communist!
tail sales tax, which the state Tax Dunne to Give Series it should be.
this scheme is understanding of itployed and project workers took We thought it was because Onda, Payers Association is pushing. The But the county average basis for by the farmers and mass resistance. place in Washington Park today. Call for Aid running for council on a Labor Farmer. Labor conference has the bonne payment is contrary to The Dagmar farmers are showing the demonstration was called by on Labor Party Ticket, promised to collect all the drawn up a program calling for the basie policy and program of the way. Other impoverished and a united front of three unemployed garbage if he was elected.
enforcement of existing taxes, par the AAA, in spite of all the illu. bankrupt farmers must follow their organizations: the Workers AllThe strike in the Mays departToo bad he didn get in. His ticularly levies on corporations and Tuesday Night, Dec. P. sions the farmers may be enter lead or get ready for the subsistence ance of America: the Unemployment store in Brooklyn, entering first job would have been to send individuals with large incomes. What is a Labor Party! taining of the purpose of the act, farms. And it time to get into ment Councils and the Association its fifth week, is agitating the New and so just could not stand. The action!
for Adequate Rellef, Newark sec York labor movement. Over 100 around a truck behind the Workers Tuesday Night, Dec. 10, P.
Book Shop to plck up all those tion of the National Unemployed strkers came out in answer to a Can a Labor Party Promote Trade INOMAILIDADANOMME League. The demonstration marked strike call when Mays began to fire copies of The Name is Lewis, John PARTY AT Union Organization?
the launching of the fight for an members of Local 1250. The work. which have been withdrawn Tuesday Night, Dec. 17. P.
increase in wages on the projects ing conditions in Mays are absoand for the continuation of direct Intely intolerable. We are fighting WORK Can Labor Partles Prevent Imperialist War 011011111111111111111111111111110111111111111 MUNICATIONWHIMI INAMIOT relief. The meeting was an enthu. agninst the starvation wage of 10 WORKERS Tuesday Night, Jan. 8, P.
Editor, NEW MILITANT: siastic one and is to be followed and 12 for a 50 to 60 hour week.
to outline briefly the historically by a large indoor mass meeting to This wage is lower than that reNEWARK, Protect Yourselves Against the Labor Party or Revolutionary cite the following incident as correct theses of Trotsky and the hear the reports of the delegations celved by most workers on relle The Newark branch of the Hazards of Life. Join the Party.
a revelation of the inner workings Left Opposition. He immediately that visited the state and county projects. We have been compelled has taken a new headquarters at of that great democracy loving or entertained a motion that be ex: WPA and ERA officials.
to work on Sundays or suffer the WORKMEN SICK DEATH 105 Springfield Ave. The new place MINNEAPOLIS HEADQUARTERS Sanization, the League Against cluded from all further meetings of The mass meeting was preceded loss of day pay, or worse, the BENEFIT FUND OF THE is fitted out with an office, meeting War and Fascism. Essentially pac the League since for several weeks by a sbort parade of the women lors of our jobs.
hall, kitchen and library. The 11631 Third Avene South ifist and reactionary in nature, this had insisted on presenting a po who decided suddenly that they The militancy 1884 1935 courage of the Organized, managed by and for Ibrary which is now being put in Ticket for Complete Course, 50e body listens no end to preachers, litical point of view which could didn need a permit to parade. Istrikers has won the widespread order will have available to work Individual Lectures, 150 rabbis, society ladies, senators and only succeed in disrupting the or This was led by Elste Salvatore and admiration of labor for the strug workers with only one purpose: ers an extensive collection of Marxothers of the same kidney but can Fanization, etc, etc. The organ other members of the Association gle we are making. Wholesale to render protection to members an iterature and fles of labor and NEW MILITANT ofert not in moment to a real bracked the notion, fulmination best for Adequate Relief. The speakers rests, reaching a total of 102, have and their families, and to suption.
port all endeavors and struggles with which is merged presentation of the point of view fully fifteen minutes against the ers Alliance: Fred Haug for the terfere with business charge made The weekly Sunday night forums of the Workers Party meant efec counter. revalutionary Trotskyite Unemployment Councils and Irving against two union organizers and for the improvement of tollers.
THE MILITANT About 60, 000 members organ held at St. Regls Hall, 34 Park Published weekly by the New Milltion from a meeting of the League. lee. Some innocent members of Rosenberg for the Association for three strikers have hardened us ized in 350 branches. Reserves attended a meeting of the Boro the American League protested Adequate Relief. The chairman and we are more determined than Place are proving very successful and are attracting an ever incretant Publishing Co. 58 at 11th Park branch of the League in a that this action smacked of bureau was Jerry Kotz of the Association ever to win this fight. 3, 400, 000 ing audtence of workers. The more Entered as second class mall matter and 4th Avenue, at which speech a majority and the motion of exSt. Phone: ALgon. 9068. building at 49th Street cracy, but the fraction bad for Adequate Reliet.
We will win this strike if you Death benefit graded accordthan doubling of the sale of Workers The project workers locals of give us your support. We appeal Ing to age at entry. Sick benent the Association for Adequate Relief to you for assistance.
arch 3, 1879. and the situation in the Pr East.
Through payments from 880 to 6000to Party literature in Newark is an at the Post Offee at New York, was given on the Chinese Sovietsclusion was passed The American League, which are planning a giant mass meeting your Executive Board, Indication of the rapidly extending under the act of through men and women, according to influence of the local branch.
JAMES CANNON: Editor During the discussion took the would fight for democracy Ger for Dec. in the City Hall council your membership, through your atclasses.
Ten of the new party members Subscription rates: In the United floor and attempted to show that many, Italy, Spain and everywhere chamber in Newark. The Monday Allations we appeal for immediate Monthly Assessments from 45 employed as workers at states 00 per year; 65 per elix the speaker had been guilty of ser except in the American League, night project workers local, attend financial aid.
to 20.
present are doing a splendid job of months; Canada and foreign 50 eral misstatements as well as out will never learn that the struggle ed by over a hundred workers, re Send all contributions to LeonFor further information apply organising on the projects and the per year: 00 alx months. Bundle right lles, all of which were intend against tyranny like charity begins ceived reports from almost all Es Tevy. chairman of the Finance to Main Office: meeting they hold at noon hour on rates: Two cents per copy ed to justify the line of Stalin on at home. stooge can only mimic sex County pojects that the men Committee, Department Store En714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, the projects are attended by from the Chinese Revolution. The chair his master, the American League are clamoring for action against ployees Union, Local 1250, 285 30 to 200 project workers. Vol. NOVEMBER 30, 1935 No. 49 man interrupted me when offered the MILTON HINDUS. the 56 slave wages.
West 14th Street, New York City. Our Line Been Changed Again. ers in the Walgreen stores have and other adherents of the Fourth to carry on his farming operations that the AAA crop control has de boards. In some cases, case work bonanza for the large landowners.
Mays Strikers Letters to the Editor from circulation