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SPECIAL EIGHT PAGE WORKERS PARTY ANNIVERSARY EDITION NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 419 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1935 PRICE CENTS One Year of the Workers Party Lewis Reported Retired Chevrolet Plant May Lead OFF meeting Peoples Front Cracks in Crisis Fred Zeller Declares for 4th Int sis.
By MUSTE SPOUTING THE GOSPEL IN ETHIOPIA YEAR ago the Workers Party of the United States came into existence as a result of the fusion of two of the most significant currents in the American labor movement. One of these was the American Workers Party (outgrowth in turn of the Conference for Progressive Labor Action. the other the Communist League of America. The forces came mainly from militant elements in the unions and unemployed organizations who, through practical experience in Minneapolis ReMotor Products Strike In Detroit Is First realize the need of a theoretical fuses Splitters Aid;Nefoundation and political expresgotiates with 574 Skirmish sion, and who believed that this foundation must be revolutionBy CARL SHEA BULLETIN ary and internationalist. OrganMINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 25. In TOLEDO, Nov. 26. At the izationally they had taken the strong contrast with its initial mass meeting of the Toledo Chev.
position that new revolutionary bombast, the attack of William rolet workers, held this Saturday afteriyon, the Chevrolet men unparties and a new International, Green and Meyer Lewis upon the labor movement of animously rejected the company As against the Second and Third, Minneapolis has quleted down to proposal of a seven and a halfmust be built. The and whisper. It is reported that Split, hour day, four day week, three shiftsa proposal which would its sister groups of the Inter ter Lewis will spend the rest of national Communist automatically throw 900 of the League his time auditing the books of local MUSTE throughout the world came out federal unlong.
Chevrolet employees out into the DOGALL of the Communist (Third) In Union has told Lewis they can set The Minneapolis Central Labor street. The shop committee, instead is instructed to offer counternational. They fought within that International and after expul tle matters with 574 without his ter proposals to the management sion as a group seeking readmission, against the Stalinist line of which would provide a greater assistance. The executive board schedule for Toledo, and that socialism in a single country, etc. After the debacle of the and a special committee from the every man not reabsorbed be im in Germany and similar developments, they concluded that the Third central body asked for a mediately placed on other GenerInternational could no longer serve as the vanguard of the working with 574 executive board, and on al Motors payrolls.
class, that a new, Fourth, International, must be built. Hence the groups conferred for the first time, The Chevrolet executive comfusion of the and in December, 1934.
with the hope of bringing about ASMARA, Ethiopia Above is a portable altar used by the Italian general staff to sanctify the murder mittee is already establishing expedition in Ethiopia (Associated Press Photo)
contacts with the Committee for within the labor movement know that fusions by no means always press, 674 sald: Local 674 has Those who have some knowledge of the interaction of groups peace in the local trade union situIndustrial Unfonism with the aim of immediately organizing result in fusion. The first year of the history of the has been invited by a committee of the Saginaw and Muncie and other however, demonstrated the genuine success of this particular fusion. Central Labor Union to meet with unorganized General Motors It is true that there have been unclear individuals who could not be them with the view to Ironing out plants in the Detroit area.
With the bitterly fought Motors assimilated, and on the other hand ultra leftist, sectarian elements some disputed questions. The GenProducts strike in Detroit holdthat proved unfitted for existence in a revolutionary party with its eral Drivers unton has accepted Ing out solid, and the prospect of face turned to the masses which was more than a debating society. And friendliness to the trade union the Hudson plant men golng out The main core of the on the one hand and the on the movement. We believe that any very soon, the prospects are that hell will be popping loose around other are fused into one. Whatever differences of emphasis and dispute which may now new lista con Paris Socialist Yonth IN THE NEXT Rodicals, Stalinists, Soc these parts in the immediato tu tactics may emerge, and those always exist in every living organizISSUE: with any bona fide of Lunion ation, the struggle over these differences will not be as between ialists Collapse at Every effort consistent Leader Writes Stiras such.
keyed up to the possibilities of former members and former members. They will be with the principles of honest trade Watch for the next issue of the situation, and must stand fought out by revolutionists who all stand upon the Declaration of ring Pamphlet First Test the NEW MILITANT for a union practice will be made by ready to give the men in the field complete factual report and poall their ald, at a moment noPrinciples of the and owe unswerving allegiance to the Fourth Local 674 to come to a worthwhile and lasting agreement.
tlen, litical analysis of Comrade Fred Zeller, acknowBrowder By ROBERTS On Thursday morning 574 again tedged leader of the revolutionary Thomas debate bold Thursday Now this achievement of fusion is in itself a big thing. If met with the of committee. Socialist Youth Federation of the The Bonapartist regime of Pierre TOLEDO, Nov. 21 The Chevthere were nothing else to record at the end of the year, this year in It is understood that the General Seine, has declared for the Fourth rush of work connected with this porary renewal of its mandate this rolet plant at Toledo has opened the existence of the would none the less be justified. It would DFIvers union is proposing that the International, and for a new revoIssue, being eight page, prevents week from the Chamber of Depo its doors this Monday, after a have marked an important step in the creation of the Fourth Inter local trade union movement recom lutionary party in France.
an immediate report and analy ties which reconvened on Thurs four week shutdown, and announced national.
mend 574 be reinstated in the Team Behind comrade Zeller march day. Fear for the safety of the through its general manager, Mr.
The fact that the year has not been marked by anything apfranc stempeded the doughty Rad. Gulliver, that the plant will rehire sters and Drivers International. the revolutionary proletarian youth In thelr fight against willam of the Seine, the proletarian heart ical Socialist leaders of the Front 100 men. Prior to the lay of proaching a mass influx of members into the in no way invalidates this estimate progressives bave obtained impres know him as a leader who has Green red drive the Minneapolls of France. To the thousands who Army Stocks Up in Cas. Populaire back into the arms of approximately 2, 200 men were em The period in which the lived out its first year is predom sive support from various forces served prison terms his activity The War Department over the rlot, darling of the Stalinists, the shut down, the management spectinantly reactionary in character. The trend away from parliament. Rieve, president of the Hosiery Aght under the banner of revolu 786 worth of blankets. This blanket Pront and cast their votes for that all of these men would be rethroughout the country. Em in the class struggle for his bold Inst six months has ordered 3, 886, Radicals swung from the People Alcally promised the shop committee piling up of armaments, the actual outbreak of war between Italy doing everything possible to pre hos Elven ta revolutionary lead at Street (Oct. 22, 1965) as the first orlty of 120 The shop committee, headed by and Ethiopia and the increasing tension in the foreign relations of vent the of from making a time when such a lead is the substantial order since the World It took just that threat to the Its chairman, James Roland, has frane to crack the parliamentary been in interminable negotiations all the important capitalist powers are all illustrations of the general the mistake of going on a red balt most imperative need of the French War.
ing enmpaign. Norman Thomas working class.
Recent woolen contracts placed front of the Front Populaire and with the management since MonThe pressure upon the working class movement from capitalism support to the General Drivers un ancora nonumes Communista sochouta Puntladelphia, include the following it hasil At the first erltical moment moted by General Motorek, watermelon making a desperate effort to save itself is in such a period tremen ion.
American Woolen Co. Over 280, study the political evolution of dous. The world labor movement has suffered severe set backs in Local 574 is in a strong position Fred Zeller with the closest atten. 000 yards of flannel.
Radical party decided that powershifts. This arrangement would recent years and important sections, such as the German and Aus control of the workers; second, the are being tempered today for to yards of flannel.
for three reasons: first, its own tion for it is in France that abres Gera Mills, Passaic, 125, 000 would be too hot to handle. The hire approximately 1, 400 men, sin Socialists and Stalinists. whose lopping of some 800 Chevrolet emtrian, have been almost obliterated. Reaction is thus also character local trade unionists want to sup morrow test. It is in France to Willam Whitman Co. 400, 000 Socialist government were left only perspective was Radial ployees.
istic of the labor movement, as is most clearly seen in the stampede port the General Drivers. thirdly, The shop committee is in a quar(Continued on Page 5) yards of flannel. Continued on Page Continued on Page 8)
to the right of the Stalinist movement capitulation to social patriot the national situation is shaping up ism, People Front, support of bourgeois democracy, etc.
in favor of the advocates of IndusFrom a superficial viewpoint the general trend is obscured by local leaders have realized this certain developments in the Second International and its parties. very clearly, and that explains why geoisie with social reformism in favor of fascism undermines the phatically to keep wilde hands on Mass Conference of Illinois Workers Alliance Draws Plan General Strike in Akron Suburb to Meet Threat internal stability of the social democracy as it involves its ultimate Minneapolis.
Up Demands for Wage Increase and Hour Reduction destruction. cleavage between leaders and followers and within Minneapolis employers, of Militia; Reporter Tells of Heroic Battle encourthe leadership itself develops. The classic reformism of the party statements of the red baiting Meyergates representing of the Thinois aged by the frresponsible and false LEADER AUBURN, 11. Nov. 24. DeleBy JACK WILSON thugs to keep peace, and brought thirteen wellgives way to centrism, etc.
Lewis, are making a strong drive organized BARBERTON, Ohio, Nov. 28. out all the tear gas guns and clubs This does not mean that it is our concept that the Second Inter to re open the Strutwear Hostery Workers Alliance unanimously vot8. 000 organized workers in this bought last spring for possible use national is now becoming the international of revolution. As the plant, where 1, 200 hostery workers ed today to strike all WPA projects highly Industrialized suburb of against the rubber workers have been on strike since Open Letter stated, the social democracy everywhere continues to Augustin Illinois Dec. 16.
Akron planned a general strike to The Weed Double Crosses 15. On Wednesday, Nov. 20, the back 300 strikers at the Ohio Inremain the agency of the bourgeoisie within the working class. bosses met at the Radisson Hotel with hundreds of delegates and visA solid picket line greeted the The Labor Temple was crowded sulator Co. Dupont subsidiary company officials and the thuga The reaction the capitulation or preparation for capitulation to and drew up plan by which strut tors who voiced an emphatic disagainst possible use of the National early Wednesday. Flower, a big social patriotism marks the main body of the social democracy wear would agree to take back all approval of the WPA arrangeGuard and martial law to smash burly brute, called the pickets to everywhere, though camouflaged by centrist maneuvering and equivo would be willing, after the plantments; the delegates minced no employees the solid picket line, after their one side and demanded peace. Just of August 15, and threat of the city wide walkout when the pickets came toward him, ocation. We note, on the one hand, the trend in the Scandinavian has been in operation 30 days, to words in denouncing the scab wage forced the serie to withdraw 60 12 cars filed with scabs, tried to countries, British Labor Party, Canadian In the main, on meet with any employee groups for 55 scale that averages much less than scabs and completely shut down the break through. The workers grabbed the other hand, the shift to the left in such countries as France the purpose of discussing any com. the lend an aggressive move month and demanded that plant.
stonce, but volley of tear gas and expresses itself in rapproachement with the Stalinists plaints. They demand that the ment to end the starvation pay.
Aroused by the tear gas terror and a clubfest by the thugs proved American Federation of Holery The Action Committee elected by and clubbings by 70 company thugs too strong. organic unity, People Front, labor party, conciliationism toward (Continued on Page 6)
Workers cease picketing, and call the conference recommended that against the 100 percent organized Shouting, We ve been doubleupon Mayor Latimer for pollee pro the following demands be presented strikers, 2, 000 unionists and sym. crossed by that rat, the workers tection for this strike breaking to the Tillots Emergency Rellet pathizers stormed the plant last vallantly defended themselves, almove.
Commission night after they were attacked and though over 20 were hurt by the routed the thugs and shouted: president of the Hosiery Workers, The 30 hour week, no Saturday as shells and clubs. Another at We ll give you another Auto tack was made by Colonel Joe LOS ANGLESES. At a mass of imperialist war and the attitude strike, has answered this proposal who is conducting the Minneapolis work.
Lite strike if you want it. Johnson, an old strike breaker and Pay day every Friday night.
The union went on strike ten aide to Flower, at the railroad enmeeting of some 280 Los Angeles of revolutionists to it.
by pointing out that It offers no Prevalling unlon wages.
weeks ago for a 20 percent pas trance against another picket line workers Max Shachtman gave an The following night 62 members assurance to our membership that minimum of 50e for agricul.
raise, seniority rights, union recog. So a train could bring in food to inspiring lecture on War and the and friends of the workers Party grievances or complaint Union. The enthusiastic attended a banquet where comrade before the management will receive placed tural districts Soviet nition and a written agreement. It the scabe.
First aid kits on all projects.
Gerry Allard was called the most penceful strike As the tear gas drifted away the crowd stayed until the very last, Shachtman spoke on the history of just consideration and action to Free transportation to and from ported for the Action Committee. in Ohto history plying Shachtman with questions the Lett Opposition. Songs by the adjust the grievances and com work.
the bourgeous workers reformed their line. FlowThe chairman of the conference press. But last Tuesday the comer marched out of the factory and and engaging him into hented dis Spartacus Chorus and speeches plaints. McKeown calls upon the Recognition of all project grler. Was Gerry Allard who stated in a pany announced it would open the ordered them to dissolve. He dug cussions. From every polntot by the local activists Anthed of Strutwear employers to agree, as Ance committees burning address that the unem actory for an loyal workers who up rot act passed in 1902 as view the meeting was a successful the evening.
have the strikers from the very bel. These demands were unanimous ployed workers of mulinois would wanted to work. Meanwhile, Jim his authority and threatened a 500 one. Many new people heard for ginning to arbitrate all dlaputedly accepted after a healthy dlacus. win their demands for union wages Flower, the sheriff, who is also a fine and 80 day sentences for workthe first time a Marslan analysis Subscribe to NEW MILITANT. points before the plant re opene. sion. Hank Mayer, Carlinville, re. Continued on Page 4) National Guard captain, hired 70 (Continced on Papo 8)
en la ventant de aquae ten co VOTE TO STRIKE ILL. WPA BARBERTON LABOR RISES