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PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1935 Chiang Hands Over North China to Japanese for the Asking Abandons Region Peoples Press Sinks Ever British Iories Sweep Election as Best Lower in Its Methods Sanctions Party to Protect Empire Without Raising Finger of the People Press. Following the lead of its big brother, the Daily Worker, the New Masses also applauded its appearance, and its attempt to apply the tabloid 66 technique to the popular issues of the day, and to approach politics The third issue of the People a brief statement of the paper through personalities, By MAURICE SPECTOR By LO SEN have dismally collapsed. Hitler re Nations prefer to put their trust in Press, that new national tabloid editorial policy. But no! It is an Faselst Propaganda Methods The Baldwin government was armed with the complicity of the additions to the fleet and the air for the expose of Ex LAX by Editor Kal In our opinion, such a policy is returned to power by a majority government and the Bank of Eng force rather than in more profes formal autonomy in North China being peddied on the streeta. Slek. let of 100 million Guinea Ples absolutely false. Marxists approach that exceeded every Tory expectatand. Bat the elections neverthe hors of international law.
were temporarily postponed on ened as we were by the filth of the fame. Ex LAX, we are told, con personalities through politics. This The distribution by parties less give the party of National Re Role of Independent Labor Party Nov. 20 following what looked first issue, we decided to skip the tains phenolphthalein, an irritant principle holds true in every field in the new House of Commons is: action five more years of a free very much like a deal between second in order to see whether the and a polson. Kallet, however, of political action and propaganda, That there are prospects for a Chiang Kai shek and the Japanese. third showed signs of reform. Per doesn consider one important or even to the most popular printed For the National Government: hand at home and abroad.
Conservatives, 385; Liberal Na Supports and Deplores revolutionary party in Great BritIt should be clearly understood hape, after all, we were unduly cumstance. So long as people con agitational material, ain is indicated by the fact that that the question involved in the harsh in our criticism, and the op tinue to stomach such stuff as ap There exists, however, another tonal, 32; National Labor, 8; Na And the principal reason? At the Independent Labor Party which North China situation at the pres ning issue was simply an aberra pears in his paper, they need strong tendency in the world today, which tional, 3total, 42.
ent time is almost entirely a formal tion on the part of the editors. laxatives. We do not uphold this believes and acts in a totally dit Against the government: Labor, war epoch the policy of the British was yet able to return four mem this crucial juncture of the post has vacillated so badly for so long This tendency 154Liberal, 17; Independent Lib. Labor Party is in every practical bers.
The must make up has existed in North China since that the character of the People say: boycott the sheet and you stresses the personal side of politics eral, 4; Independent Labor Party, essential a capitulation the in its mind which route to travel or the conclusion of the Tangka Truce Press has not altered in the least. won need laxatives after reading to the exclusion of the real political 4: Communist. 1; Independent 3: terests of British imperialism. The be dissipated by the a. For a in May, 1988. Ever since that time Although the third issue has a little it.
issues involved, shouts turn the total, 183: Four seats were still outstanding fact is that there is considerable time, Maxton and no Chinese official in North China more red paint on its cheeks and The biggest lakh of the week rascals out and put right men in doubt when these Hists were virtually nothing but a feeble pro Brockway bave balanced them or the strong man in their place. compiled.
is contained in the It stoops to vilest level testation to distinguish the pro selves on a tight rope. The stand bol. cared breathe without permis sus lips, it remains the same jour hotela istory on the Amsterdam de ser resorts the plat klinds of 108tional and international background security, pro sanctions position bottons and its approximation to the If one considers the entire na League Covenant. pro collective of the LLP. in opposition to sancThe autonomy movement which nallstic prostitute.
News strike, which reads: Har and tricks of deceit; and panders of this election, the British work, the Laborites from the Torles. Both revolutionary sprang into being only a few weeks Indeed, the paper has been going lem reputation as a hotbed of en ago was a direct product not of from bad to Hearst. Almost the tertainment has acquired a new ward elements in the working and the class. collaborationist, pro anc Congress went on record urging not with a clear cut orlentation on the to every prejudice among the backing class, under ship of the labor Party and the Trades should clear the air ir followed up North China itself but of Nanking ing news stories, photos, a full page case you re interested vs William middle classes. That tendency is tlone. Labor Parts, has sustained only economie but military sane problem of the International. Prectemerity in trying to make mone True Story, and the leading edi. Davis, husband of the owner of It has nothing They gave the Torles Just lous time has been frittered away tary and other arrangements, with torials, revolves around the Sultan the Amsterdam News who, although Marxism or the revolutionary move water mark of 52 in the elections perialist plans to increase the air united front with the Stalinists.
common with bor representation from the low. the right ammunition for the im in the attempt to establish the out consulting Japan.
of San Simeon and his personal at he owns 41 percent of the stock, is ment. It is indeed, its deadliest of 1931, may be Thanksgiving Rod and naval forces on a sigintie The result was demoralization of Britain Steps In fairs. The main headline on the presumably willing to play ball enemy.
der for the New Lender of this scale in preparation for war. the The British is British imperialism stepped in front page, announcing that Mars with the strikers in order to get with a plan for reasserting itsellton Davies Rushes East to Be With even with his wife. That class. Hearst is at present its leading ex mad revelry in the ranks oven of clared that it deplored this at sage in united front activities with This tendency is called Fascism. city, but it will be no occasion for The Labor Party manifesto de sterile and the problem was to en by having the Chinese dollar perged Hearst; treats the palpitating angling the eternal trtangle with a ponent in the United States.
to the pound sterling and for or public to another chapter in that vengeance. The editors of the People Press The Conservative strategists a situation of grave international tacts with the masses, but the leadtheir anxiety. But they have deplored ers of the LLP. adamantly Inglated which would relegate Japan to the and Good Times of Hearst. To date, the NEW MILITANT have begun by imitating the propa themselves, who learned The leading editorial is given the only labor paper that has pro sanda methods of the Fascists. Cricket on the playing fields of before! The Labor Party de that they wanted a revolutionary position of being merely a partner over to a puny peevish personal tested against the putrescent polley Where will they end?
Eton, did not expect a government plored Lloyd George Khaki elec funited front. For a while they in the plundering of China.
majority of 250. In the face of tion but they had ardently helped even utilized the third period It seems that Nanking, and Chiang Kal shek, attack upon Hearst.
such a majority the return of the Lloyd George prosecute the war. concepts the The social Jumped at the hope of finding aking Features, the Hearst syndi.
lone Stalinist Gallacher will hardly, They deplored the fake Zinovio patriotic rightward swing of the cate, refused to sell photos to the send any tremor through the Emletter sensation which won another Comintern seems to have had a Chinese dollar was devaluated and of cities, etc. the People Press pire, particularly as the Stalinists election for the Tories, but the sobering effect on some leading eleall silver called in stood for sanctions and the Labor government had been prose ments of the this doesn seem The soon their has been (Continued from Page 1) Jim judge overlook League as staunchly as Sir Sam cuting Communists. They But the is still bound up Britain that no loan would be coun ever, this unjust act brings all the this materal being allowed in the phy and demands.
Communist Party representatives gem by which the Torles turned reau of Socialist Revolutionary Fetivos by. that they and bluntly told Chiang Kal shek boil. They simmer over in a way reserved decision on the argument Itain the outrageous clase sentence the Tories like Colonel Malone, to in 1981: but with what right when still pursuing organle unity of and Nanking to behave or elseage editorial. Listen to the lions as a whole, but refused even to passed on Angelo Herndon, the the Líbor Party like Walton New. they had themselves been preparing the second and Third Internationthere would be autonomy in TORT!
decide whether he would eventually governor can free him. For this bold and Ellen Wilkinson or feebly to cut wages and social services in als North China and perhaps a new WILLIE MAD AT US! allow the certified record of trial reason, the petition campaign must subsiding at the first supercilious the interests of economy? MacDon Mustration of the futility of mere If any country provides an Invasion of Shanghai. In the north Willie mad and we are glad, proceedings to be counted in the be intensified.
an Independence movement mirWe know what will please bim, argument before him. decisioni While the Joint Committee doesTory push like the unfortunate ald was merely following out the unity on the basis of a program of extreme logie of his position as the social reformism, bourgeois demo aculously came into being after Sugar plums to make him sweet, should be forthcoming on all polnts not control the policy of the Hern Parsee Saklatvala.
Nanking demand for the shipment don defense, which is directed by Labor Party Prepares Own Defeat leader of the Labor Parts, when cracy and social chauvinism, surely of silver stocks southward. No Despite all our efforts to please Sutherland of Atlanta, the ILD. It can do a lot to help. For the past four years the Labor he entered the coalition. MacDon. It is Britain with its labor Party Northern general had any intention everybody. William Randolph Georgia, the other defense counsel. Herndon struggle for liberation Party has assiduously prepared its Ald policy, was always based on already overwhelmingly In fact the continuity instead of class strug Party of organic unity. To Imof whipping good hard silver to Hearst doesn like the PEOPLE did not deal with legal questions, through this petition campaign, own defeat. When you estimate the cle and community as Againsagine that the addition of the BritNanking in return for paper! And Press. And we try so hard.
We results, remember that the Labor but presented the judge with his which is its primary co. LD. Party has already formed two La class consciousness. Those who ish Labor Party to the German Japan stood ready to back their re His boys. sent our money political arguments in favor of call on all members of th continuity and social fusal.
back. So we marked, Charge granting Herndon a writ of babeas and all members of other organiza hor governments. We are not deal believe Japanese Marines March Again Marion Davies acount, to help the corpus as a step towards Herndon tions who have received petitioning with an electione victory of our ism by parliamentary procedure Social Democracy to the stallnist In Shanghai Japanese marine boys figure it out, borse ou une heure les about the sument was that existing social. once with every space hired out a one hundred percent increase Donald is not the only undone ola batlehow engreiches mos was conveniently murdered and a best people in America. Then he political and economic relations with a bona Ade signature.
whole flock of Ineldents occurred. poses as the Great American when (probably with the aid of a man in the ranks of the present The unity of the working class and former heroes of the Second movement can only be progressive could best he preserved by allowlittle colonization) they add anInternational Japanese marines tramped once band, the Savior of the American ing radicals, whom he regards as ALABAMA MINERS WIN other vote to the solitary vote in it it embarks on a program of class more through the streets of Chapel PARTIAL VICTORY Oshkosh! The British Labor Party Right Party for Right Job Threats were Home, and the Patron of Clean ridiculous, freedom of criticism and struggle, if it breaks with bourgeois again made that Movies. And he lets publishers agitation up to the point where is the party of the majority of the The point cannot be too strongly democracy, if it is a revolutionary Japan would enter Shanghai to know that anyone who dares tell they might threaten to succeed in BIRMINGHAM, Ala. Union rec organized British working class. stressed. If what is wanted is a unity. The LLP, has recently take for itself what Nanking hesl the story of his long aftale with their aims. This argument he sup ognition and an agreement granting In these past four years, the party that will maintain the imper been rid of the Gaster Lovestonelte ported by flattering references to approximately half their demands army of nearly two million unem ial establishment, support the pres. clique that was striving The developments at Shanghat Marion Davies will be blasted from the social system of Georgia today. were won by 17, 000 miners in the plosed has not appreciably de ent distribution of world markets. to liquidate the LL. Into the stration of force to frighten Nank, lasted but there a new deal in were not only meant as a demon existence. Well it was a good act while it Jim Crow Political Philosophy Birmingham district as a result of clined. Wages and the social serv called collective security, and en The revolutionary left of the ices have been reduced. Sonditions force military sanctions, then a the Marxist Group, clearly indiing but were also directly linked American life and that means cur making legalistic and technical reSolicitor Lecraw, in addition to an eight week strike.
The miners will receive wage in the distressed areas have be single minded, strong willed, forth cates the road the party must travto the Anglo Japanese struggle forains for the Hearst myth plies to Seymour argument, give herese of 20 cents a day, with come bye word of destitution. As right imperialist party Hke the el the road of the Fourth Inter control of Shanghai rich foreign Thanks to the People Press, we Sutherland a political reply from increases of 45 cents a ton for ton in the case of the miners DowTories will get the support over national settlement, now dominated by Brit now know what the new deal is the viewpoint of the State of Geornage workers and percent for threatening a great strike, longer the arf and art, milk and water, The Years Ahead Ish interests. Japanese demands all about. It is to expose the pri gia, the instrument of ruling class dead work. The new agreement hours were imposed by legislation Socialistic allution of these obfor a bigger hand in the adminis wate Wfe of Hearst and defend the political oppression. Denying that runs until April 1, 1937. The strike of the National Government injectives by the Labor Party. The We have said that the next tration and police of the settlement best people against his slanderous Sutherland theory of limited free was hard fought, and at least one 1832. In the feld of foreign af twelve million who participated in years will be crucial, confronting were again brought forward with attacks. Mrs. Whitney, Mrs. Van speech is the law of Georgia. heminer was killed.
fairs, the disarmament conferences the straw vote for the League of the revolutionists with gigantie one hand, while with the other derbilt: Mrs. Rockefeller, meet your went on to say: problems and decisions. Consider stinging slaps were administered to valiant knights, the People Press that in the hall decade of the Nathe Nanking government. Should the Supreme Court of tional government Just gone, his Meanwhile autonomy was an men.
the United tates decide that this tory Inscribed on its rolls the Spannounced for North China, to be We have nothing good to say for doctrine is the law of the land, This is the atish revolution, the victory of Hitproclaimed on Nov. 20.
we are through. When things Under the arch reactionary Hearst. His ler, the Viennese Insurrection, the cover of specious press reports anti labor and anti Soviet activities get so that there is a danger that tractive cover of seizure of Manchuria, the Italoabout the massing of troops to re must be exposed to the last detail. they will succeed, we won be our new pamphlet.
Ethioplan war. Ahead of us lle sist further Japanese Incursions a But the campaign against him must able to fight them in the courts.
just off the press.
the prospects of yet greater up bit of window dressing Chiang be waged upon the level of political Then we will fight them some heavals. Japanese imperialism is Popularly writneeded to show his good will in the propaganda. It is Hearst politi where else. Now is the time to Rystematically carving up China.
matter. Chiang moved toward cal and economic activities that fight them in the courts.
ten so that every The United States is carefully prenew settlement with the Japanese menace the working elass, not his Weighty legal technicalities, with worker can underparing for the great struggle in Chiang Backs Down personal pecadilloes. Such keyhole such fancy names as the rule of stand it, Comrade the Pacific German armament peeps into his private 11e as the stare decisks, stand in the way. West pamphlet is proceeds apace. The Egyptian demHe looked over his shoulder for People Press Indulges in have Judge Dorsey granting the writ, help from Britain and America. But nothing to do with the case. They Lecraw argued.
a searching analyonstrations indicate the challenge to imperialism generally contained from London and Washington come can only make the untutored work Whatever Dorsey decides, a long sis into the causes in the colonial ferment. The caponly expressions of concern over er belleve that Hearst acts the way struggle is ahead. The Joint Com. for war, the imitalist world is a powder keg. The Japan new conquests. This con he does because he is a degenerate mittee for the Herndon Defense is perialist conflicts British Labor Party has given present every evidence of its impotence, in mafor war in the Pacific but at the gressive spokesman for the masters don by circulating pamphlets and of the the tests of offee and of opposition.
Accordingly, if Hearst petitions.
epoch and a scathhelp to Chiang, who is nothing led a pure moral life, he would The If It takes the road of Statement of LD. ing indictment of revolutionary Marxism, can become not realistic. So Chiang started presumably be as well disposed totalking terms.
In statement issued subsequent all forms of paci.
the party of socialist power.
ward democracy and the workers to the Atlanta hearing, the Non fism and socialThe first indication that an agree as the best people he slanders, Parisan Labor Defense, a constito re ment was approaching came when such as the Rockefellers, the Whitent of the Joint Committee, depatriotism.
the Japanese modified complete neys and other leaders of bourgeois clares: CONCERT Party branches autonomy to only Anancial and society.
and It is hardly likely that Judge are asked to make economie autonomy with face sav. Another streamer head on the Dorsey will fly in the face of the special efforts toDANCE ing political sovereignty left to front page reads: Poison Candy ruling Bourbons of Georgia by Nanking. But that Japan meant Sold As Medicine for Children. At overlooking these good excusewards a large scale given by was llkewise made plain first glance, we thought this was for denying a writ. Nor is this distribution. This with the concentration of Japanese BRANCH should be done, of troops and planes on the border Dancing until ready to move in at a moment nocourse, without deRefreshments of Course!
tlee if need be.
Will Hitler and Laval Unite Against the lay and in such a Al zero hour, noon on the 20th, manner that it can at 320 East 14th St.
no proclamation was forthcoming Soviet Union. really become an SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd In Pelping.
Instead at Nanking, important part of Akira Ariyoshi, the Japanese amMAMAMAMAMAMLAM What Is the Fate of the Franco Soviet Past?
our campaign bassador, emerged beaming from a bour talk with Chiang and an Speaker: against imperialist nounced that he was completely Arne Swabeck war. Those branchNEW MILITANT reassured concerning China Ines which have not with which is merged tentions toward Japan.
Member National Committee as yet forwarded The terms of the deal remain to THE MILITANT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, at P.
BY their orders should Published weekly by the New M111be divulged. They will be concealed, as usual, under the diaphan do so right away.
lant Publishing Co. 55 Hast 11th ous veil of a compromise formula.
All orders are to be st. Phone: ALgon, 9068 But the latest despatches at this The British Empire and the War Crisis. sent to the NEW Entered as second class mall matter writing (Nov. 20) indicated that at the Post Omee at New York, MILITANT, 55 under the act of March 8, 1879.
negotiations were about to open at Speaker! IIth St. New Nanking to cover a thorough set CANNON: Editor tlement of outstanding Sino JapMaurice Spector York City. The PUBLISHED BY Subscription rates: In the United anese questions pamphlet retails for States 00 per year: 650 per stk SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1, at P.
IOC a copy. 7e in 10 CENTS WORKERS PARTY months; Canada and foreign 50 1, 000 NEW MILITANT SUBS lots of 10 or more.
per year: 00 six months. Bundle IRVING PLAZA HALL, Irving Place and 15th Street BY CHRISTMAS!
OF rates: Two cents per copy Auspices: Workers Party of the New York District JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY.
ies without delay!