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SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE Lovestone Gets His Price Question Box Old Guard Reorganizes Socialist Party Meet Converted Into Forum against SocialPatriots MARCH OF EVENTS The Lovestone Brandler group, Herberg and Zimmerman Dicker known as the Communist Party Opar Entry into Lovestone in Psimple worker who is beginning to By JACK WEBER position, notorious for six years for teel.
Scottsboro Case grant a new constitution. The first its opportunist attempts to get back Now he utters the gentle cry that sation against the on the war Note: Herberg does not speak constitution of 1923 had been re into the Communist International the Stalintern must clarify its question is against the organiza here of specific, united front actions By WEAVER Once more the Scottsboro boys placed by a new one in 1930. The at any price, has at last had the stand. He gathers up all his cour: tional form through which it pur. sive broad masses in order to help BRONX law of the South. This time just to when the Waldist movement be cracy will welcome ita repentant the Seventh Congress to say Does what is the doing? It ob them take their first step toward Question: Why should it not satisfy those old fogtes of the su came a threat to British rule. The servants if they successfully act as not the Seventh Congress bear the stinately persists in pushing for Berg proposes that the program It.
be correct for a revolutionary preme Court the farce has been reactlonary speech of Hoare started brokers between the stalinists and responsibility of not having spoken ward the American League Against Selle be written down to the level of Fight in the next war under the party to proclaim the slogan the srand Jury rolls. Nobody has that were put down ruthlessly by The sudden cessation of criticism slovak errors, of having tried to vehicle for rallying the chosen the simple worker. In other words, leadership of your imperialist any illustons at all that this means troops This is the beginning of of the Lovestoneites in the Stalin correct some of them by just drop this field.
write the kind of program on which government while it is allied to social patriots and Leninist fight the and turn against Negro or his Tights. on the in Egypt, one of the traits of the the Lovestoneste, Charles Zim. leaving loopholes for their repeti: ing to Herberg, is get rid of the But what kind of united front ac against the your government when it turns Answer: What is completely ter with atter cynicismo, pointing would not requtre much to cause provingly quoting him as favoring to him, he must say it. The Com: anew in the face of the new situa able programs, and where would false in this slogan, which is es out that of course no Negro win the spread of this movement for the Stalinist conception of a Labor intern must hasten to clean house. tion and, in collaboration with the il lead to a homly to the camp of sentially that of the stalinista, is trial Jurles The cynical gesture onles of Great Britain, particularly of the Lovestoneite Workers Age. charade of Bertram Wolfe! He launch a new anti war movement ers, imbued with bourgeois ideology not to the International has exactly the same meaning as India. widespread concerted provide independent verification of speaks of errors of ague and on sound foundations, with pro and otherwise unassisted, will move proletariat, but to the Soviet Un that of Hitler in inviting two Jews movement of revolt of the colonial information from a reliable source worse than vague formulations, ot gram, methods and appeal such as toward social patriotism. The op lon Imperialist alles on the beds Listen kan ton by the farce, but at British imperialism but at all just negotiated with comintern rop tactics of Soviet sovernmental dip proach to organized labor7 on such negalitet war, is one watch nurse le port of the latter can detend the over the realities and to state that the formal rules of the game have Shanghai.
as Stalinist agents in ballyhoolng struggle of the need to clarify possible immediately. Lest any. the reasonable that is, the Arst whereas the class struggle of the been satisfied.
organle unity on an unprincipled we speaks everything except the one harbor the notion that Fler thoughts, or backward workers. In proletariat will only weaken such The ruling clase would like nothing better than to An open anti Japanese movement It is understood that the agree tles everywhere are social patriotic refers to any revision of the stal program, a unity inclusive of stal. The class state online between victed without too much public The threat of the Japanese to take ment so far as concerns this to the heart of their bones, and intet social patriotic decisions to Pulsen, Herbert is serving the cause the Workers state and ANY Imtuss. This the class conscious work over the tive northern provinces Bertram Wolte and others are to every fundamental principle of the war this, to repeat, is completely new System of Stalinist Apologeties mental characters the per lasta or perialist power is of a more funda ers will never permit. Mase press and the demand for a war against per neue verhite Zimmerman, wh every step taken by the Seventh Herberg notion of how to get a snatch these boys out of the hands Shanghai resulting from this agita Herberg and the main body of Congress of the Comintern. The common platform: social patriotism, the erection of a groups of imperialists so that, in the final analysis, the aid which Reasonable Appeal smokescreen to cover the bare, bald an imperialist ally will give the this act of terrorism against the against the Japanese became 60 Party. We have definite informa what fantastic Joke! Real revo fact that the Seventh Congress Soviet Union can be, at best of In order to be really fruitful, adopted a policy of supporting such treacherous and unreliable a tense that the population of Chapet. have been negotiating with leading generate Third International to socialist. Communist Egypt.
cooperation capitalist governments in war character as to constitute, in realunderstanding for clean house than One of the reasons for British Rocked into the International Set their entrance into the under degenerates they will ask the must be cemented on such a basis they are wided with the Soviet Unity acts of hostility against the and slaughter in this district, Socialists for Second International to and on such a program will most on the invention of a theorettenl latter. As in 1914 18, the outbreak opposition to the Italian invasion tlement by the tense and scores the pretense that the negotiations clean house. Roth are equally in effectively mobilize the organized Justification for uniting with stal botar muy reveal secret treaties labor movement for action. The inlst social patriots in anti war of Ethiopia was the dread that the thousands. The hared and mistrust stone knowledge and that to enter Take Any Program Not Revolu question is not how correct or how work. this is merely the best by means of which pacts between sympathies of every colonial people of the Japanese brigands 18 too the they are splitting with tionary revolutionary a program or slo ning of the doctrinal facade being the Soviet Union and imperialist might take channels of revolt belleve the words of reassurance sons are under Lovestone direc Herberg goes even beyond Wolfe to appear it makes to the trade undone illitate their attempts to bring about for the imperialist ally. at the In the same November issue, san may be but how reasonable an erected by the Lovestoneftes to the powers have been completely neg against the immediate oppressor. tssued by the Japanese army repretion. The sending of the main body covering up the stalinist war line ist who is beginning to feel keenly organic unity. From this point same time that it agrees to support The fear of the English ruling class sentatives that no bombardment or of Lovestoneltes into the ns and seeking a basis for unity with the need of doing something about they go on to give a completely the Soviet Union in case of attack, events in Egypt. All that were imperialists have been laying the stalinist agents is an elaborate the Socialists. Never. declares the danger of war, etc. Our em false picture of the line adopted by to give the imperialist enemy to quired to met of the spark was the basis for some time for large scale which the Lovestoneltes have long favorable for the development of In other words: the Stalinists, the stalinists anywhere commit an the ally neatrality: the inten the Seventh Congress.
speech of Hoare, British Foreign operations designed to meet any been notorious in the labor more powerful anti war and anti Pas with thelr social patrlotte concep act so flagrantly opposed to revolution of such a trick being of Whenever understand that it can depend upon Minister, giving clear evidence that resistance that might enue when the rulers of Egypt did not intend the seleure of the northern provincment.
cist mass movement deeply rooted tions, should unite with the anti tionary policy that even the Love course, to involve the Soviet Union to carry out a previous promise toes was consummated An Interlude of Critica in the trade unions. But what is sanctions Socialists, and the M11. stoneftes must condemn it, they do and the oppoeing imperialist power Recent issues of the Lovestonette the doing? And what do our tant Socialists with their near rev. so with the retraln: Is that the in an exhausting war from which Workers Age provide the theoret. readers Imagine that Herberg solutionary analysis of the struggle way to carry out Dimitroft directhe neutral imperialista expect to maneuver. The Arat issues of doing? Their general social patrio campo unite? Herberg, as attorney This preposterous enbrication, how benefit. Even if it should enter a the paper after the Seventh contie war program? Their position on for Stalinism, finds the formula: ever, requires another article to do war as opposed to the same imper a correct or revolu. It Justice. ally will attempt to conserve its social patriotic and reformist polley tions, etc. etc. Not a word about tionary program, but on one mak. second article on the Love reflected spontaneous shock and re this from Herberg. His role accu. Ing a reasonable appeal to the stoneltes will appear next week. own resources at the expense of the so as to exhaust the action against the Stalinist betrayAfter weeks of conferences to de Committee which had disapproved al. Shadows of 1914 Over the latter as well as the imperialist cide upon a course of action, the of the expulsion of Ave Buffalo left Comintern, principled deviations enemy. As the world war showed, Socialist Old Guard has decided to wingers.
the imperialists, when allies, prac stay in the Socialist Party and from Bolshevism, degeneration, At the protest mass meeting. were among the characterizations capture control of the national ap which was called by a committee of the course. One section of in every turn of events the true paratus by hook or crook.
nature of the ally would mant of fifty members of the dissolved the Lovestone group proposed a The first important step in its City Central Committee, Thomas complete break with stalinism. But fest Itsell. Areas and property.
campaign to get a majority at the declared that he would refuse to six years of a false theoretical anvaluable to both opposing imperial national convention in May, 1936 appear before the City Executive alysis of the Stalinist line had its ists would be free from attack. If was taken at the November 18 to answer charges of breach of die effect; so long fed the Philistine By JOSEPH CARTER pronts can be made out of the meeting of the New York City Cen cipline for debating Browder. Res doctrine that all that was wrong Last Friday New York meeting italism! Nor did he even attempt We of the agree with possible to purchase arms and sup all about the struggle against cap are bemoanluig at present. transaction, the enemy may find it tral Committee when by a vote of olutions were adopted branding the with the Comintern was its ultra of the Young Communist League to explain 69 to 47, the Old Guard vested dic re organization as Megal and an leftiam, the followers of Love on the new turn of the Young Com on the struggle against war aná lutionary party, disciplined and ers state, who will even attempt program of the the goal of a homogeneous revoplies from the allies of the Work: tatorlal power in the all old Guard attempt to split the party locally stone were driven into line by being munist International was converted struggle against Fascism. Only centralized, which will be capable to prolong the war if such profite City Brecutive for a sweeping re and nationally, and declaring the red the equally Philistine doctrine into a forum Against Stallnlst bare formulas were presented of overthrowing the capitalist organization of the New York protestants were determined to re that the Seventh Congress was like social patriotism.
are assured thereby. During the unity of all non Fascist and prostate. But we consider that such branches course of the war the class antasist the splitting move.
a pendulum which had swung too The several thousand The resolution bluntly states that In recent weeks, since last far to the right and would eventu. mostly students, who came to the the and the youth, gressive youth, OPS.
unity of an ond can be achiored only by a process of diseassion and self gonism between the allles would the purpose of the reorganization month Chicago meeting of the Ally swing back to the correct meeting were given innumerable YPSL Denounces Social Patriotism development within the party, question as to the form of govern immediately come to the fore. The is to put an end to factional or showed that the peace pact place.
pleces of anti Stalinist literature by ganizations and disruptive activi adopted three months previously. It is significant of the disastrous the Spartacus Youth League, the in semi official capacity since the sincered from without as the or capitalist, is sufficient to PTO The young Socialists who spoke not through an artificial spéit on ment in captured territory, Soviet tives, enforce the orders of the had broken down, some of the old results of the theoretical miseduca Young People Socialist League had refused to send an Comintern leaders believed. We and the State Committee con Guard had counselled withdrawal tion of the Lovestone group that and others. As a prelude to a dry official spokesman. followed the therefore welcome the new turn duce rupture which could be cerning the ineligibility to party of Old Guard state organizations the trrelevant analogy from mech humanitarian speech by GIl Green line of the leaflet issued by their of the and the to solved only by force of arms.
The Soviet Union is dealing with membership of those advocating from the national party. The pol anics of a swinging pendulum was the audience was treated to some organization.
violence, armed insurrection or die Icy that prevailed, however, be accepted by the speedometer ce soothing emas tewas the young Sociales en el medis by the winter moped caricando unha organisationen imperlahat you these are the people tatorship as a means of achieving based on the conviction that the and the other leaders, of course, no ists were given the platform tol. to the In New York and tol principle upon which the to whose allence the Siteli vieta plishment of these purposes by re Hoan, Hoopes and other erstwhile their followers than they believe man announced that two represencialist leaflet which greeted Brow its reason for separate exist material Interests. It is only by organization, puts all power in the allies of Thomas, particularly the any of the scores of other fantastic tatives of the Spartacus Youth der meeting in Chicago several hands of the City Executive ance.
hlding the true character of the With the City Central Committee Bridgeport and Milwaukee, to eld have brought forward during that there was not sufficient time The leaflet scores the liquida an ignorance as to how the comin. and will give the Soviet Union, that Here we have a combination of id which the imperiallats can thus dissolved, there exlsts now 10 them in carrying the convention years of degeneration of the Com for any more discussion. This tionism of the a antern was formed and confusion it is possible to claim that the official body through which the against the Thomas. Militant Intern. Having driven their follow after only two Yipeels and no one abandonment of the struggle for a on the conception of a revolution struggle of the workers against Norman Thomas and Militant group.
era in line, and arrived at an under else had been permitted to speak! Socialist revolution. The Inferary party.
minorities can act.
their own capitalists, allled to With the aid of these elements, standing with Herberg and ZimmerFollowing the meeting a group ence might logically be drawn from Let History Speak the Workers State, can endanger bers protesting the Old Guard ac the well organized Old Guard face ista, the Lovestone leadersblp pro street and lustily sang revolutionated to the 18 a revolutionary labor movement was caused by the In a mass meeting of party mem. and powerful financial resources, man to negotiate with the social of Spartacan 18embled in the this that the directly as In the first place the split in the the latter.
Only the class struggle of the tion, held at Stuyvesant Casino la heterogeneous conglomeration of ceeded to develop the necessary aty songs and shouted sloganeorganization. Sunday afternoon, Norman Thomas Thomasites and Militants who theoretical Ine in their press: most popular of which was social democratie betrayal during proletariat can save the Soviet and the Mutant leaders declared have little in common except hatred Union from being eventually faced The social patriotism of the com and following the World War.
knows it Browder and the slogan Intern is attacked. Whitewashing the Stalinist of the Old Guard. Only decisive they would not submit.
We Program of Fourth, Fourth, Fourth InterStrangely enough, this was stated with the military opposition The Comintern Justified the meeting the same day of the steps to organize a left wing on national.
No more talk of badows of by the young Socialist speaker at imperialist allies as well as its split 16 years ago mainly on the the meeting who is the au enemies. It at first the workers Old Guard controlled State Com revolutionary program provide 1914 what regrettable error Green Sees the Light ground that the International thor of the leaflet!
mittee took two further stepe in the necessary rallying center to that was! No, indeed; instead, struggle appears to deprive the 80Green disbed out the new line of had to exclude all remnants of Second, the organizational split viet Union on of a certain, even if consolidating Old Guard forces for ons. With only five months to that the sole deviation of the al. He sounded like a dr. had supported the imperialist oppose the Old Guard machina. Lovestone developed the theory the Young Communist Internation social patriotism, all those who with the social patriots was not treacherous, military support, it the coming convention.
The Old Guard meeting and be convention, and only three was on the question of mixed rector who had just seen the light war because they considered without. One has but to read, for ers state the possibility of obtaintwo day conference will be held in elected to the convention, the MA viet Union was involved on one of the young generation against the just side Today a similar of the French and American Com proletariat of the enemy capitalist New York in which the state organ tants have not yet published their side, and that even this deviation war and Fascism. Nothing new situation is developing. Again we munist parties. In the first case countries; and a demoralization in izations of New York, Massachus program.
arose from the laudable desire to was added to his interview in the find sections of the working class Lenin urged the Communlats to stay the armles of the latter can more etts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Maryland would be officially repreprotect the Soviet Union. Since Daily Worker and Young Worker (including the Communist Inter in the and it was more than a than offset the loss of such military CHICAGO AFFAIR mixed wars are the only kind ot on the reorganization of the national) beating the war drums year and a half after the Comin support. Finally, it is the work sented, as well as minority delege THANKSGIVING FESTIVAL large scale wars which are possible preparatory to organle unity with in the name of the revolution. tern was formed (March 1919 ers alone who can permanently retions from New Jersey, Ohio, Michin a period in which Thursday, Nov. 28, at P.
wars tend the Young Socialist International The frankly states that if, that the Communists won a major move all danger of attack on the igan and other states. The Finnish Dancing. Kats. Entertainment to be international in scope, and The Young Communist League 18 in the next world war, the ity in the French Dec.
and Jewish Federations will also be Admission 15 cents since Social Democrats support today nothing but a young com finds itself aligned on the same 1920. The party amitted to the We have repeatedly stated that officially represented. The contercapitalist governments from the munist party, he stated. It must side as the against Comintern.
1237 California Avenue the Staliniste bave squandered the the ora were and the then dobryment Ausplces. Branch Chicago Workeling het more than others berganization not an els antiated support that war by the Govern of the super was expelled in to the tober revolution that they role In United States the majority of the Oc tion, including the drafting of a Against the foreign enemy, Love with any political party. He departy platform and a new declaraCHICAGO MEETING stone arguments do not hoia nied that this meant the liquida Here is a clear cut statement its support to the program of the tarlat and cannot be depended upon tion of principles, decide on nomin Egypt, the Philippines, and the National Question water for a moment. But no mat tion of the but avoided any against social patriotism, ees for President and Vice Presiter; they confused the issue suff explaination of the omission of the Third International. They agreed to defend the The The Twenty One Points with the goal of a homogeneous subordination of the proletariat to dent, and plan the strategy of the Speaker: clently to enable the Workers Age road to power in the proposed proBut strangely enough, this state revolutionary party, disciplined the class enemy, which is palmed convention struggle.
NORMAN SATIR to move to the next stage, in which gram of the reorganized league ment appears in the same leaflet and centralised (present state off as the defender of the Soviet The State Committee also an Member Natl. Committee, all talk of fundamental differences Green declared that the commu wherein the twenty one conditions ment of and attempted to Union, is so much more confirmanounced that it had decided to TUESDAY, NOV. 26, 8:00 with the Comintern disappears nists in this broad league would for admittance to the Communist achieve this end which means tion of this. real defense of the overrule the National Brecutive Auspices: Branch 2, Chicago completely. democratically urge that the or. International (adopted 1020) break with the social patriots of all therefore means the Wolfe sees the Fleshoots ganization have fraternal relations, attacked as the cause of the split stripe by a proces of discussion struggle for the Fourth InternaFinally, in the issue of November engage in Joint activities, etc. with in the international working class and self development within the tional. All else is quicksand.
PRIVATE SHOWING 9, Bertram Wolfe and Herberg show the Communist Party. If organic movement.
party us to what lengths these cynical unity were achieved between the We are glad that they (the Groen Nods His Head deny that the CL. would support In the Land of the Soviets tricksters are ready to go. Only aY. and the then the leaders of the Cominter The leaflet confuses Stalinism the United States if it were in alfew weeks before, it had been per young Socialists would have the new wish to take measures to with the early Comintern under liance with the Soviet Unlon in the Including Now Reel, Charley Chaplin Ballet and fectly clear to Wolfe what the right to propose that the new youth overcome the split in our move Lenin. Stalinism has repudiated coming war. He stated very dramPuppet Show Reel line on war was one of principled organization have certain relations ment which has lasted since 1919 the 21 points in regard to the polit atically that we would force the deviations, abadows of 1914, etc. with the Socialist Party. This, he and for which the famous 31 ical struggle against social patriot government to support the Soviet Accompanied by a Lecture By November, however, the pros stated, would be a step to organic points were largely responsible am because it has adopted the Union in case of war. By F. REMUS peratus humanos en el mila, the rise un te fresponse Poeme audience in on the course is endles that en linea che per parole proposed tortor were un Loubtedly impressed by the TOLEDO WORKERS SCHOOL HALL aromas and heavy vapors arising dicated that the young Communists was inadmissible for revolution unity to the social patriots of the anti Stalinist literature given to 3221 Ontario Street from the stalinist fleshipots had present were uneasy about the 18 arles to be in the same party Second International!
them. The statement of the SparADMISSION 160 spread such a mlat before his eyes, uidation of the but seemed with the reformists and contrast GIl Green reply to the young tacus Youth League clearly exthat Wolfe was no longer able to to be reassured by the remarks of It was with this gulding idea that Ausploest Toledo Worken School Socialista charge of social patriot plained the political basis and sig.
see what had been no crystal clear Green.
they drove toward the thorough lam was an admission of the accace of the new turn of the few short weeks before.
Green had apparently forgotten going split while your londer curacy of the charge. He did not o.