CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyExtremistFascismFranceItalyMussoliniPopular FrontsStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1935 Oar Revolutionary Heritage Lewis Catches rain Shays Rebellion Support Italian Comrades In Their Struggle Against Fascism and War Raps Meyer Lewis (Continued from Page 1) spot for labor By Leighton Rigby of purge, as had been an Lewis, forced to make a reply, Note: Hearst quotes Jefferson. But quotations, like statistics, cantinental storehouse should be dis The Attitude of the of cause it was against the principles nounced. His subject was to be said that he was against 674 be MUSSOLINI must go.
be so manipulated me to seemingly pro add in new one, quotations The supreme court of Massachus. He further revealed how disturbed is that Green is the only prophet black te is plous truth. tributed among the revolutionists. toward the Minneapolle situation. of the of L, the first of which But with Mussolini, ITALIAN CAPITALISM must also go.
Jerked from their true settings and often shine with false brilliance and fool the eye.
etts under the state constitution of he was by the presence of the lead of American labor, and there is no OUR ITALIAN COMRADES HAVE CONSTITUTED Yes, Hearst quotes Jefferson. But what about Thomas Jefferson 1780 would probably have diapers of 574 by giving loose, ramb other. Lewis was forced to aban Coordination Committee for the Revolutionary Struggle in Italy, opinion of Shays Rebellion! If it were not so horribly tragic, it peared indeed had Shays been able This Committee of Coordination has issued manifesto to the Italian would be amusing to watch the Hearstians as they ayold that opinion to gain possession of the too well ling talk. He told how the depres don all pretenses of defending de soldiers, to the youth, to the Italian mothers, to the workers and pens ants that: out such rebellion, and The tree of liberty must be refreshed from lean supply of the insurrectionists. nation, and how it was to be ex Reds. In almost so many words, on tipton. God forbid that we should ever be for twenty years with guarded arms, thus augmenting the slon had resulted in terrible condi. mocracy against communism, or ONLY REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE time to time with the blood of tyrants. That the real Thomas Jefferson, the Jefferson who fought tyranta but was impeded by lack of Strong Government pected that there would be trouble he revealed that the present deve with the aim of overthrowing Italian capitalism can yield any fundamental knowledge of class relations.
There was quaking among the (for the bosses, he meant) arising against Alve seventy four has at results; that all CLASS COLLABORATION is a betrayal of the This article concerns Shays Rebellion, the joy of the real Thomas Influentials throughout the land. from such conditions. But in Minn its basts a struggle for continued worlding class and that the path of the so called popular front is Jefferson and a part of our revolutionary heritage.
Fears of a general agrarian revolt eapolis, labor troubles were pot due power on th part of the bureau nothing else than collaboration with the boargeoisle.
led to talk of an outright military to bad working conditions and low cracy. Green, Lewis, Tobin and The Coordination Committee needs funds: When the embattled farmers dictatorship. Colonel Humphreys wages. They were due to outside Co. demand the right to continue Everywhere where there are Italians, REAL enemies of Italy held that nothing but a good Prov. Influences. There were two out to slowly strangle the American Fascism; everywhere where there are revolutionists able to under stood by the rude bridge and Aredloutings were the order of the day. Isdence can extricate us from the side Influences in Minneapolis the labor movement to death. They the shot heard round the world. As the pressure became dally stand the extreme importance of an Italian revolution everywhere they are asking for funds for the revolutionary struggle in Italy.
the were conspired by dreams of more hard to bear, the farmers present convulsion, and he begged Communista. who are the same are determined, Lewis admitted, to freedom from tyranny. Because made no secret of their resentment George Washington to again enter as the leaders of Address messages, letters, donations to: the. The latter was stunned zens Alliance the extremists on to expel any and all elements which. ability of class dictatorships where them to boot out one gang of ty God! is man, that there should be Meyer said with some emphasis, the masters of the AF. of Any Walfls, 17 rue de Menu, Paris XIXe, France The International Secretariat of the ever classes exist, they had the rants still smoldered, and each new such inconsistency and perfidione. of is not opposed to the effort to agitate within the ranks International Communist Longue.
right to hope Indeed that victory for stinging lash only served to fan ness in this conduct. But he was members of other the citizens All of the of them would bring freedom. In the higher the fire of Indignation. In also moved to vigorously propose lance or of 574. The members in of the of IS violation of of for the reform end, they succeeded only in driving surrection was inevitable. Had it room for another.
The new tyrants did not quickly HII, another would have led.
Daniel Shays, veteran of Bunker local revolts: What stronger evi but particularly to the leaders of cracy in their own interests. Thus, federal government to suppress It only opposed to the leaders principles Iuld down by the bureauestablish themselves. It was not dence can be given the want of 574 who use intimidation and willy nilly, all of Lewis, pretensione terrible fate has overtaken the The social creditors are already until the Articles of Confederation The Common Property of All energy in our government than threats to force unwilling workers were scrapped in favor of the Conto reveal his real purposes. chance to put its theorles into prac the ground that the previous adstitution that the new batch of opCongress appointed a committee. these disturbances? And, make no to accept better working conditions were punctured, and he was forced social Credit movement It has a beginning to excuse themselves on Lewis Has Enough and Scrame (Yes, even then. In this case it mistake! the money lenders and and raises In pay. The latter is tice.
ministration left them an empty When asked by a student why In the last Canadian elections the treasury, an unbalanced budget, dictatorship secure. But lack of was sent to Massachusetts to see on making their position more se the Fof L, which Lewis proud the members of 674 did not join Social Creditors swept the province and a huge debt.
pressors were able to make thelr was one man, General Knox, who commercialists were bent even more entirely opposite to the methods of ot a very or complete control did not prevent what was what. His report on the cure Ly called conservative. The meth local 500 if they were dissatisfied of Alberta, Canada, under the lead sinal excuse.
ods of the of are cautious, with thelt present leaders. Lewis ership of Premier Aberhart, prom. The great social credit crusade commercialists and industrialist: pointers their creed me tbon to the revolt sought refuge in Canada, and slow, and gradual. The of replied, How do you know they wing social credit paradise of 25 hus tea ishter side: Major Doug from making themselves known at property of the United states has shays revolutionists suffered dis does not believe to strikes and haven solned? This brought a per month to man, woman and has the originator of the myster, In gaining their selfish ends, there ton of Britain by the folnt exer. Massachusetts legislators. The in: been fying from city to city and lenge, replied that more than 8, 000 Today we find that Premier Aber.
once. And while they were engaged been protected from the confisca franchisement at the hands of the Lewis admitted that one of his loud laugh from the students and child within eighteen months after how so far refused to commit him self to the experiment.
was an increasing determination tons of all, and therefore ought to surrection was put down, but not stopping strikes when we didn members of 674 and other trade hart has extended the time limit The major has told London on the part of the agrarian popula be the common property of all, and until the clash of arms bad revealed think they were justified. The unions had attended a mass meet from eighteen months to two years, has not been asked to come to Alnewspaper correspondents that he tlon that freedom should not ring he that attempts opposition to this the militancy of oppressed Amer. of believed that the rank and Ing called by 674 the preceding and hardly a few months gone since out only to be immediately resub creed is an enemy to equity and cans, file of the bosses were fine fellows Friday. How do you know that the election.
berta Mr. Aberhart provincial merged.
Ford al fairness, we must take on face or the earth. Pleat Tiene that may be The militant working class of at heart, and that 1r outside influ. the people present were members Twenty five dollars a month is no secretary, Ernest Manning, has de care not to magnify the size of the Hearstlans try to explain that quo battled farmers of yesterday. It trouble the bosses would fall over a number of students to their feet, are many relle workers whore would not be needed until the revolutionary group of 1776. Two tation away!
they of 1776 believed democracy over each other trying to make life and one of them shouted that he celve the same miserable pittance, foundations had been laid.
thirds of the population elther op The general court of Massachus possible in spite of class antagon sweet for the workers.
posed or showed no interest in the etts offered the olive branch in the isms, the reason lles in their lack had been there and had seen most and that without any fancy social conftet. But those who actually form of questionable redress, and of experience.
We have no will to Reserves Right to Refuse to Reply of the people present wearing 674 credit theories. Yet Mr. Aberhart Mr. Aberhart himself has de After having finished with this buttons. Well, you ll be surprised has so far failed to provide even clared that he is awaiting word to do exactly that, not to effect a state militla. But Shays, with we intend to allow them to be rubbish. Meyer announced that he six months from now. was all that. He has limited himself to from the Very Rev. Hewlett Johnmere transfer of rulers. It is prob hundreds of militant followers, was clothed in the garments provided reserved the right to refuse to an Lewis could reply. By now, the economies, the last resort of every son, dean of Canterbury, who was altered the result: capitalism hnd should not meet. He was equally ample is our tradition, our Heritage proper sprit. But the students to wear upon Lewis hearty but ob ished several of the provincial de berta behalf.
aller trebate no power could have determined that the supreme court by capitalist apologists. Their swer any questions not put in the boetility of the audience had begun reform government. He has abol asked to Interview Douglas on AlIt would seem that the major is something to put forward then be determined, moreover, that the ten the tree of liberty will again be and faculty were not impressed by use frame. Casting a glance at partments, applied to the govern sides stinking, decaying flesh. Be thousand stand of arms in the con refreshed with the blood of tyrants! his high and mighty attitude. One his watch be announced that he ment for Anancial rellet, and is somewhat reluctant to associate that as it may, the truth is that a professor Jumped up, and made would have to leave after the next planning to convert the provincial himself with the concrete applicamilitant minority sought to overpoint of order that it was not for question were asked. And thus dialoon to a lower rate of Interest. tion of the system he has been leethrow oppreton, both the old and the speaker to decide whether a Steyer meet, instead of warm Not a very auspicious start for a turing on for the last ten years.
the new. Their spirit is our heriquestion was proper or not but for welcome and sympathy, one of the movement that is supposed to re After all lecture is one thing, a tage.
the student chairman. This brought most crushing defeats that any Juvenate the whole capitalist sy real government problem another Hamilton Safeguards the System tem. and lectures are much easier In a society of classes, there must of the forum. Continued from Page 1) drive on the progressives. It will dience, and showed immediately considerable applause from the au speaker at the Forum has ever er be a ruling class. When the ruling be recalled that in the Dally Work that the students were almost to a. 80 dramatic was the appearance class cannot rule, there 18 Chaos Bosses Plan to Open Strutwear 6, Bil THE MANAGER CORNER Such were the circumstances In Alliance held a meeting at the Rad Minneapolis red hunt, saying edi that time on, Lewis did not have the next evening the University of On Wednesday noon the Citizens Party took a good position on the clous slanders and falsehoods. From witty his remarks to Lewis, that America following the Declaration Lsson Hotel and outlined a plan to torially that Meyer Lewis is try. jaatcomfortable moment. In the Minnesota Dally broadcasted the The best results in the campaign Cleveland, Ohio. 25 The Minnesota Daily, highlights of the Forum meeting as to increase our circulation by 1, 000 Columbus, Ohio. 10 and mighty needed time to learn month strike the bosses claimed but all progressives from the un student organ, Lewis brought down part of its regular newscast.
the art of subtle persuasion. It their proposed action was on a tons.
new subscribers at the time of the Davenport, Iowa. 10 took Alexander Hamilton to give non controversial The necessity for a genuine second Workers Party convention, basis. The teamsters who have led Minneapo dience, which asked questions with workers ther their first lesson when he art. Citizens Alliance had taken Lewis lis labor most heroic struggles, a erecided put him on the spot in revealed by the way in which the far from New York City. Even Dickson City, Pa.
to be held Dec. 28, have come Detroit, Mich. Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, come out against the hostery work to repudiate Lewis and drive him Sam Adams and Tom Paine had no ers strike) And thought they saw from Minneapolis.
One student asked Lewis why he Lewis defeat at the Forum. This way that it is only a beginning. But Gulfport, Miss.
had so far depended entirely upon is just another instance of how the best sub get High Point, hand doctracoming the Constitution the chance to deliver a blow at the We will only pause here for an publicity in the capitalist papers, datly papers serve as instruments ters from various parts of the coun. Kansas City, Mo. 10 order, in addition to much comfort ously, Lewis had tried to get Alex mission that Local 674 has led before any unions? Lewis replied Organizer. Push its sub drive on plans are ready and they are going Minneapolls, Minn.
to shivering capitalists, Shays Rebellion was largely re of the American Federation of How and to recall a certain no longer been here the had not met, ander McKeown, first vice president heroic struggles in Minneapolis that in the six weeks that he had to victory!
to work.
Mount Carmel, Pa.
sponsible for the urgency felt by lery Workers, who is in Minneapo available pamphlet entitled Perm but that he intended to appear be In New York City the best record Newark, 20 10 the capitalists in the matter of 11s to come out with a statement ament Counter Revolution in Minn fore the the next day. Every drawing up a constitution more denouncing 574.
Shachtman Holds First Is held by Branch Undoubtedly New Castle, Pa.
This McKeown capolis.
suited to their needs. That armed refused to do, maintaining that it. The truth is that the local stal lying, because the questioner pointone in the audience knew he was Meeting In Fresno, Cal. branch has in comrade Ray Saun. New York City. 400 insurrection the handwriting was 574 who had been the chler inlsts have played exactly the same ed out that the met every (Branch 90 28)
on the wall that told the new tyforce in making the strike Buc game in the Lewis Green drive that other Wednesday, and had actually Branch 40 rants that to make themselves mas cess. This move of the bosses put they played in the truck strikes of met. To many of the other ques. Shachtman spoke to a group of FRESNO, Cal. Nov. 14 Mer ficlent literature agent. The cooperation she recelves from the (Branch 75 ter they were obliged to use the wis right up against the gun, 1984. The truth is that the actions tons, Lewis refused to reply twenty people at a meeting under membership flows essentially from (Branch 1)
whip of artifice to retain demoe and be had to make complete of the local stalinists is at complete rectly, saying You be surprised. the auspices of the Fresno branch live methods of organizing the her own careful attention and effec(Branch 20 racy, yes, but only in name.
15 (Branch I change of front, formally announc variance with the position the He said this so many times that it of the Workers Party tonight Foreclosures, Taxes, Oppression ing that the of was stand pats forth in the Daily Worker.
drive. Branch is also moving Branch 15 (Branch 10 In the state of Massachusetts, ang behind the hostery workers The truth is that the actions of the dubbed him You be surprised and the Working Classe was well forward apparently in an effort to group of capitalists (hardly strike to extent.
Local Staliniste are vile and Lewis received Many questions were contest Branch for first place. District 100 party) among them merchants The Meeting anti labor that they dare not tell Less than five weeks are still Northampton, Pa.
asked and answered to the satisfacBrown Shoots a Question and money lenders determined to. On Wednesday night Meyer their own supporters in the nation tion of an enthusiastie audience. available for the various branches Paterson, 10 solve the problem by jamming Lewis went into the Central Labor just exactly what they are doing Then Bill Brown got up. m This was the first public meeting to work and make good on their Philadelphia, Pa. 20 through a state constitution of their Union meeting all primed to beat in Minneapolis.
Bill Brown, President of 574, he held by the Frosno branch since it quota of new subscriptions. Is it Pittsburgh, Pa.
own making. Under this code, down opposition to his outrageous Let us observe them in action. announced. All eyes turned upon was organized less than one month necessary to mention again that Plenty wood, Mont. 10 him. Lewis became adopted in 1780, the makers and splitting program; for this purpose Prior to the November mass Ited and ago, and although the turnout was speed is essential?
St. Louis, Mo. 10 administrators of the laws were he was ready to wield the club ofing in 574 auditorium, various shouted, Before you ask your small it speaks well for a town Since our last report on the cam Salt Lake City. 10 chosen on the basis of their sympa wholesale expulsion from the Stalinists came to 574 and asked question, ll tell you won an which is considered by many to be paign we have received new sub San Francisco, Cal. 20 thy for the capltallst cause. The of An awful surprise was due that the mass meeting be held unswer it. Quick as a trigger, Bill reactionary and apathetic. The scriptions and the standing of the San Diego, Cal.
immediate result was the hiking of him. In a heated four hour ses der the auspices of the Conference flashed back, don expect you to Workers Party branch of Fresno, branches is as listed below: Springfield. Quota. Turned in Toledo, Oblo.
that wholesale foreclosures and supporting his game. Instead, dele had banded together to Aglit for it. This witty retort brought misjudged, and that a strong work Utic, cate after delegate arose in abeo progressive labor principles. 574 down thunderous applause and ing class movement will soon be Akron, Oblo. 20 Washington, 10 Albert Lea, Minn. 10 lute opposition to the Green Lewis replied that the situation was too laughter. Never had there been so established.
Williston, Dakota 10 WORKERS Allentown, Pa.
drive, the fight on the floor being serions, that it was not ready to rlotous a Student Forum. When Youngstown, Ohio. 10 Austin, Minn.
ably led by Sanders Gennis of the place its fate at that time in the the applause and laughter subsided, Received from cities Protect Yourselves Against the 10 Amalgamated Clothing Workers. hands of people who had not set Bill went on to say, You say that Textile Barons Ready Berkeley, Cal.
not listed above.
Boston, MASS.
Hazards of Life. Join the Even Cunningham, president been tested For War Charleston, Va.
WORKMENS SICK DEATH of the State Federation of Labor weeks time would show who were spot in the United States for labor Chicago, Ill. 50 Total. 1, 000 BENEFIT FUND OF THE Il posed Lewis.
and chairman of the meeting, op the friends and who the enemies of troubles. Just what do you mean?
labor in Minneapolis. The Stalin. Here the workers have taken con The outbreak of a war involv1884 1935 The significance of this event can ists were invited to send speakers of their own economic and poing the United States would find WORKMEN SICK AND DEATH BENEFIT FUND Organized, managed by and for only be understood If one recalls to the mass meeting and assured Mitical organizations, and have sure the cotton textile Industry well ceeded in improving their cond prepared for rapid mobilization of 51st JUBILEE CELEBRATION WITH BALL workers with only one purpose the impressive showing of the in they would be given the floor.
dustrial unionists at the Atlantic Funks on 574 tion. Does that make it a bad its resources, the United States to render protection to members City of convention, plus Events quickly showed how corArmy Industrial College was 28SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1935, 3:30 and their families, and to sup the recent move of the John rect 574 stand was. The night mass meeting. They were informed sured today by George Sloan.
ST. NICHOLAS PALACE, 66th St, and Columbus Ave port all endeavors and struggles Lewis group to wage a nation wide prior to the mass meeting the Auto that the fight would continue to be (Daily News Record, Oct. 29. 1985. for the improvement of tollers. campaign on behalf of industrial Mechanics Local 382 (the very local waged against Lewis and that the Mr. Sloan, who was formerly About 50, 000 members organ unionism within the of for whom 574 has done most in as progressives would worry along president of the Cotton Textile InConcert. Varieties. Ball Ined in 350 branches, Reserves through a committee for industrial sisting to fight the bosses) met and without their support; that the stitute, the One Big Union of the Guest Speaker: NORMAN THOMAS 3, 400, 000.
organization, in cooperation with decided to withdraw from the con conference of progressive unions cotton mill magnates, told the Denth benefit graded accord Charles Howard, Sidney Human, ference of progressive unions, the would continue to meet, and that Army college that the Institute Tickets: Advance 25e; at box office 40e.
ing to age at entry. Sick benefit Dubinsky. McMahon, Fleming. Zar Stalinists attacked the 574 leaders as far as a reconciliation was con has developed a splendid technique payments from 360 to 8000 toitsky, Brophy. Thomas Brown and as dishonest and moved to send cerned, they would have to prove for determining the facilities for men and women, according to other of leaders. There no speakers to the mass meeting their sincerity in action. They had manufacturing the various types of The Workmen sick and Death Group, the modern dances of the classes can be little doubt that this com In short, the completely already shown just what their sup. cotton products that the nation Benefit Fund, for more than half a Nature Friends and a 30 plece PhilMonthly assessments from 450 to 20.
puse Minneapolis locals. The fact Meyer Lewis in his red drive. rough. Before the delegation lett, He referred to the preparations century a ploneer in the field of barmonic Orchestra under the baton that various reactionary labor lead. The did precisely what they the 574 leaders also severely criti for war in the textile field that Fraternal Insurance and advocate Kaltenborn will find the approval For further information apply to Main Office: ers are already no longer willing did in the truck drivers strikes, cized them for their treacherous the War Department has been mak of Social Insurance, will celebrate of even the most fastidious audi714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, to go along with Green in his fight sided openly with the worst ene methods and accused them polnting in cooperation with mill own. Its 51st anniversary on Sunday, ence. Norman Thomas, as guest would seem to indicate that Green mies of the working class against blank of seeking to smash Localers. Needless to say, he added, Nov. 24, at St. Nicholas Palace, bota speaker, will be another attraction.
days are numbered, and that the Local 574 574 for the sole reason that mem the cotton manufacturers are alStreet and Columbus Avenue, New The advance price for tickets is policies he Advocates are fast The Stalinists, in the last few bers of the Workers Party of the ways only too glad to cooperate York.
25c, admission at office 40c.
PAUL LUTTINGER, headed for oblivion faster than days, have seen their mistake. Yes are leaders of the General with the War Department. As at past occasions a program The arrangements committee exDANIEL LUTTINGER, was even suspected by the most terday they sent a delegation to Drivers Union.
Such cooperation between the Gov. will be presented, that will mainly tends its invitation not only to optimistic of his opponenta. 574 to seek a reconcillation. It Maybe the Daily Worker can now ernment and industry cannot but consist of the splendid achieve members of this society, but also Washington Square North Stalinists Play Miserable Role was pointed out to them that they explain the raw deal that the local help to pay dividends so to speak ments of our workers cultural to the masses of progressive work 2 and 8 Except Sundays In closing, it is well to point out had been the very first to go over Communists have tried to give in the form of the most practical clube. The performances of the ers and to all friends of the Antiand Holidays the mple that the Communist Party to the enemy after the brave the progressive labor movement in and efficient product for the pur Mase Chorus of the Workers Sing Pasclat movement. The program has played locally in the Green stand they had taken prior to the Minneapolis.
pose of which it is intended. ing Societies, the New Theater will start at 8:30 sharp 25 111111111118 8)
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