BolshevismCommunismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMussoliniPopular FrontsSocialismStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 48 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1935 PRICE CENTS MESSAGE TO NEW MILITANT READERS 574 Heads Confident Meyer Lewis Stormy Rally in Of Smashing Victory Has to Catch Mpls. Voices Protest Train.
November 7th saw the first eight page NEW MILITANT.
Next week, the first anniversary of the Workers Party, the second will on the propewiil then be conclusive of the infinite value added Fascists Grow Bolder in Franceafter Recent Clash Egypt Rises In Revolt have to the only revolutionary paper by its enlarged size.
Our members are convinced; they are prepared for the final push to send the regular eight page NEW MILITANT over the top The entire machinery of the party is being geared up to highspeed for the attainment of this goal in the shortest possible time.
Every branch has its quota and every member his assignment. Cannon, on the Scene, Reports Drivers Local Green Stooge Forced to Backwater on Hosiery But our party is small; the inembers will do their part, but Stronger than Ever and the Center of the more is needed.
After Students and 574 Strike Despite Solidarity with 574; We need the help of every sympathizer and supporter of the Minneapolis Labor Movement party to fulfill the goal and make the eight pager ours.
President Get Thru Plays Cowardly Role.
We need your help.
By JAMES CANNON with Him MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 18. Meyer Lewis, despite the fact that he has You can get subs from your friends, shopmates and union MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 20 One doesn have to be here very long to members.
the complete backing of William Green, Farmer Labor Mayor Latimer, learn that William Green picked the poorest spot in the country to begin Make your Christmas gift to the Workers Party send in every sub you can lay hands on.
huis ill fated campalgn against radicalism and militaney in the of Nov. 12. Meyer Lewis, the neighy and the bosses with the Conmunist Party helping in its own way lost And we will reciprocate with THE EIGHT PAGE NEW Meyer Lewis, the man selected by Green to do the job here, has unton splitter, was scheduled to every round in last week battle to split the strong Minnenpolis labor MILITANT!
made such a miserable showing that his early elimination from the appear before the University of movement and smash fighting Local 574.
scene is freely predicted on all sides. The stormy reception accorded how he was going to make the him, and had to be hurriedly adjourned.
The regular Tuesday noon business agents luncheon openly opposed him at the Central Labor Union the other night his first appearance world safe for trade union bureauAt the Tuesday Student Forum at the University of Minnesota before a labor body after numerous speeches before employers meetings, cracy.
luncheons and teas showed that he has ceased to inspire any fear even this cocaston as Just another step a speaker there has ever received.
Undoubtedly. Meyer considered where Lewis spoke, he was given the most brutal verbal Wracking that among the old line labor leaders in his program of rallying nonOn Wednesday night the memand has become a nuisance and a EXPOSED! union support in his and Bill joke.
bership of the expelled Laundry Green campaign for the destrucFRAME UP! Workers Local No. 18005 voted unMeantime Local 574, the speartion of the living union movement.
animously to support its executive By head of progressivism and militanThe subject of his talk, as it apboard in repudiating Lewis and At Limoges on November 17 some cs, which met his red baiting cam. Bradley, Lewis Aide Re peared on placards distributed an Militant 574 Leader Arr continuing friendly relations with 80 French Socialist workers were wounded when members of the stve, is still fighting, going stronger vealed as Swindler in Akron over the campus, was The of Red Purge in Minneapolis. ested on Fake Charges Lewis appearance at the Central Croix de Feu opened fire.
than ever and recruiting new memMeyer thought, unquestionably, that Labor Union meeting Wednesday The shooting definitely estab.
bers daily.
By RICHARD FERGUSON he was going to hold forth, this MINNEAPOLIS. To secure ad night, the first time he has apIshes beyond any possible doubt, 574 Demands Return of Charter AKRON, Nov. 19. Following time also before another boss club verse publicity against General peared there in his six weeks stay says the Daily Worker, that the In a direct move to conciliate the hard on his activities with Meyer. Junior edition of the Citizens Drivers Local 574, harass the union in Minneapolis, was the signal for Croix de Feu is well armed for a British Imperialism Casts Off struggle, the Central Labor Union Lewis, representative William Alliance or of the Chamber of Anancially and attempt to shake one of the stormlest sessions the coup.
It also proved that the workers Hypocritical Mask in has appointed a special committee. Green, in attempting to purge the commerce, perhaps. He thought, the morale of the union members, has ever seen. Not one dele would be going: the Farmer Labor administration of gate took the floor to support were facing the well armed Fas Severe Repression board and jointly with it, to nego militant workers, Bradley, wouldn the students, like any Minneapolis is digging up forgot Lewis.
cists with nothing but their bare tiate with local 574. These nego president of the national council of other boss organization, simply ten cases connected with the May, Lewis has been forced to make hands.
An abrupt about face and come out defending Cachin, says the Daily Worker, the national rights of the ethiopian Conference with the CLU. com exposed here as corrupt swindle and accept it as the gospel truth? larry De Boer, member of the operaren support of the Strutwear wants to oust Laval because the people is not making such a hit mittee, and in a statement prepared steps are being taken to oust him wouldn they just adore his untonExecutive Board of 574, and Phillip strikers, government has not yet made any since Britain own national prob: today, the executive board of Local forever from the ranks of organ splitting tricks Scott, who was tried and acquitted Planned Frame up Meyer Meets Bill Brown last winter on the charge of killing Finally, in desperation, Lewis What is Cachin going to do about Waldist nationalist) riots in that a fundamental settlement of Although the exposure of Bradley it?
has no connection with the Minne in the room where the Forum the fed Meyer was sitting upon a settee the employer vigilante Lyman in and the Latimer city administra strik tion began the use tacEdouard Herriot, Radical co min Sir Samuel Hoare, the British Portion of its charter and the recognlapous affair, its importance is im. meets, waiting for the meeting to arrested, and warrants sworn out tics and attempted a frame up. On ister of Laval, is the present beau el Secretary, is oozing righteous tion of the jurisdictional rights mediately evident. Without the begin and in the meantime basking against three other union members. Wednesday night, Local 574 had ideal of the Staliniste for premier sympathy for the poor Ethiopians, obtaining prior to its revocation, trumped up excuse of driving out in the glory of his anticipated vieThe five men technically defaulted planned a stag show for its mem or at least foreign minister.
But this week Comrade Herriot navy, for the purposes of defending from the record that it had not in been found guilty by Akron labora dash of cold water. Meyer was the cases were lot forgotten word came that the police were all and calling for a vastly enlarged Local 574, in its statement, showed the reds, this time Bradley has tory. In a few minutes, as it by bail of 25 each on picketing chargbership. Just before the show was es connected with the May strike. about to go on before 700 workers, bluntly declared that he was fully Ethiopia no doubt, six Egyptians fringed on the jurisdiction of any of busting up unions in other ways rudely brought back to reality. until. eighteen months later, the set to raid 574 and arrest the leadwould countenance no attempt to wounded in riots of recentment had cooperated with them in their ter of Stenographers. Typists, char through the door poverthrow Laval, and that he Her against a speech on the Egyptian struggles and helped to build them Bookkeepers and Assistants Local of the Forum hall. Fons student at busting campaign with the cooper patrol wagons and armored cars, riot, would not take part in any question by Sir Samuel Hoare. Labor Mayor Lat were all set to make the raid, and cabinet designed to succeed Laval dozen plain Dutifully Leon Blum declared Egypt stands to Britain much as the firm determination to maintain union with which he was connected having learned a new is scheduled imer. The move is an obvlous at. próvoke a Ight.
before the delegation of Radical our own Phillippines stand to the top of a ne zatlon it has built at the Steather stats du ballegedi odues appearance at the Forum, had in tempt to strike at the unton in the clothes men were in the audience.
The newspapers actually had the vited the leaders of 574 to come midst of the red scare.
any attempt to overthrow the Laval that Egypt has already been twice and to defend itself against attendants union Another projected move against whole story already set up and granted an independent constitutacks from any quarter, regardless Already at least two internation dope direct from Lewis on line the Minneapolis progressives, ac ready to run in Thursday papers, of whether they come from the al locals have sent sharp demands As the leaders of 574 experiment.
government would be a dangerous tion, once in 1923 and once in 1980. Citizens Alliance, Mayor Latimer to their representatives on the through the door, they were greeted the banding down by the next prostitutes in Minneapolis redwalked cording to reliable information is the plan was to arrest a bunch of and had re to The things to dissolved Beaumon voked, while the Philippines are police, or misleaders sowing dis of Executive Council that by out, there Bil. Do you know srand jury of indictments under light district and use them leagues, dissolve Parliament and just starting their career of so ruption in the labor movement.
call new elections.
called independence.
Local 571 is well equipped for office and expelled forever from the president of 674. Bill Brown shook despite years of Farmer Labor rule, graph the 574 leaders. Bat at the Whl Sacrifice People Front arre selotes de rem fhoireaction of neue Victoria with a subert self cont including the United Rubber Work knows rayana Grant une la Minnesota. The tintormation is and the stag show was called one Government One or two parts reports indi colonial unrest stimulated by the sence. The magnificent organizaers of America, are expected to was the first time that Meyer had that these indictments will be based and the money refunded. Seven cated that the Stalinists, who mor Ethiopian war. Britain at first tion which went through the great take action in similar manner in come face to face with the leaders on the battles which took place hundred men left the hall with even tally hate and fear Laval tenden tried to pass the riots off as the strikes of 1934 with such a shining the near future.
of 574, whom he was trying to during the recent strike at the less love for Meyer Lewis and Complete information on these purge. It was rude shock for Flour City Iron Works, when Par Mayor Latimer who had suddenly attacked the taken such a fatherly interest in feerful. The latest Humanite to bosses always try to pass or strikes to the wall any more. The morale Latest moves is still lacking, but him, Indeed. But the leaders of mer Labor police band indicates that even the slogan as the work of outside agitators of its membership, tested and hard reliable sources have indicated that 574 enjoyed it immensely: they ob picket lines three successive nights the morals of 574 membership This wasn the only frame up atof a Front Populaire Government This explanation is absurd on the ened in heroic battles, is on the the above exposures will not only tained front row seats, right under and killed two workers.
has been foresaken. It now face of it, for the rlots and the heights. Job control is more se be further related, but that they Lewis nose. You see, they didn The Non Partisan Labor Defense tempted that night. One of the is taking charge of the cases of simple government of the lett Egyptian people generally are more cuire than ever. The authority of may be extended to include those want to miss a word!
574 leaders, Harry DeBoer, WAS the same night by the When Lewis got up to talk, he arrested unton members and will picked up which the stalinists demand. And than friendly to the Ethiopians in the leadership is undisputed. The persons high up in the leadership what would this government of the thelr struggle with Mussolini. sympathy of the rank and tle of of the of with whom Brad. was not going to talk about the expose the political purpose behind comes and thrown into all charged left be? government, writes Today there are reports of wider organized labor is outspokenly on ley must have been acting in full (Continued from Page 2) the resurrection of these old cases. charge growing out of the Max: life to the resolutions of Wagram.
Jacques Duclos, which would give unrest in Egypt, more demonstra the side of local 674. Unless all necord.
tions, 1934, drivers strike, and one that Once again the membership of deepening movement. High signs fail progressive unionism will had been settled out of court over words, the resolutions of the Radt express fear that more serious Minneapolis with a smashing vie to peer into the inner life of the on 25 ball early the following ended on the keynote appeal for president of the watd movement of the anti Red campaign on a stench comes forth: Here are the Impresioned devotion to national sald that a protest had been sent national scale.
men who want weak, easily domhis case came up in court, the judge was forced postpone it for lack defense. Next week will to the League and that the Wafdi provide the mated unions, unlons in which the Two days after new Indictments tal will be possible if the defense of evidence. The two incidents Such a government, which win were seeking the world sympathy readers of the NEW MILITANT backbone of progressive and radwith a first hand account in some ical thought has been broken. Labor were returned against the Scotts is conducted by this or any other cited above show the growing bitapply, says Duclos, a left polley. in our struggle.
i, e, dissolution of the Fascist Nahas Pasha may seek the aid of details of the presente situation to throughout the country must a thoritative spokesman of the Alu come to be known as outside in Minneapolis, and the lengths to boro boys by a grand Jury, an au group identified with what has terness of the current struggle in leagues and passionate national the world at large through defense? will meet no difficulties League of Nations, but the Egypation which justify every militant AGAINST their splitting policies.
from the Communists.
they were prepared to let the This is in all probability the essen to go in their fight against militant tian nationalist movement can only in the labor movement in looking No, hardly Valllant Couturier, become a force when the Egyptian the outcome of the struggle here GET SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR Scottsboro boys off, If the Interna tially realist attitude toward the unionism. Readers of the NEW tional Labor Defense were prepared case.
MILITANT should not be surprised who marched on November 11 with workers and poor farmers are en with enthusiasm and hope. PAGE NEW MILITANT.
to make a deal.
uniformed, be medalled war veter listed, and when the Egyptian Emptiness of Supreme Court 11, in the near future, they bear If the Scottsboro case is turned Decision that various militant trade union ans, rhapsodically reported in the workers appeal not to the world at over by the to non labor ele In the same article, the Alabam ists have been arrested on the most columns of Humanite that as they large, the capitalist world and its marched by, the unanimous elec Robber League, but to the internaments and thus censes to be identi, an editor boasts that the Su outrageous charges that can be fied with the cause of labor and preme Court decision requiring conceived by the enemies of the oppressed minorities, an acquittal placing of Negroes on jury rolls, working class.
lican army! Long live the Repub it is just this possible awakening lle!
is impliedly promised by John does not interfere with chauvintat 574 Goes to College of the Egyptian workers that caus The Unknown Soldier has once es high officials to fear serious Temple Graves, prominent Birm exclusion of Negroes At the Tuesday business agents With hundreds of thousands of Court again before it is settled. ingham editor, whose editorial cormore found his comrades. Is the troubles ahead.
The dispatch with which the luncheon, one of the delegates rose workers and sympathizers, white headline over the Armistice Day While no organized effort was respondence to the Sunday edition Southern rulers have rendered and demanded point blank that the and black, anxiously awalting news made to induce sympathizers with of the New York Times during the meaningless the legalistic require group reach a decision on the se press trueHemending Trasigana Roosevelt Pacifism is to Angelo Herndon fate, Judge the Herndon struggle to show their trials and appeals authoritatively ments of the Supreme Court proves Lewis Green drive, as for himself. ed over millions to unknown graves lor Court on November 13 reserved it is an interesting fact that the Southern bourbons in 1914 18 are today preparing to American financial and Industrial decision in subsequently not exist where white supremacy. 1s fight on 574. Support Immedisuit brought by the Negro section of the court was carried out. which is actually the policy of ately rallied to this suggestion, hand the new generation over to interests greedily eyeing the rich International Labor Defense for a crowded and that several dozen The Bourbon Deal the same fate symbolized by the plum that the huge Far Eastern writ of habeas corpus. Through whites, a number of whom were divide and rules involved. It with the result that Pat Corcoran, Are de Triomphe in Paris with the market means for them have this suit, brought for the by sympathetle to Herndon, were 180 ans the prime thing to be consid the case over to respectable people the meeting. In the opinion of many Alabam. the opportunistically turns chairman, had to hurriedly adjourn slab of cold marble beneath it. worthy servant in Franklin Attorneys Seymour and Sutherland, present.
ered today is whether the Interna and the necessary militant mass At about the same time, Mr.
Roosevelt, the extent of whose the hopes to upset the sen Defense Arguments for Herndon tional Labor Defense shall be per support of the labor movement is Lewis was making the fatal misCUBAN BOLSHEVIK LENIN Ichfist comment is matched only tence of 18 to 20 years on a chain The constitutional questions in mitted to win a famous victory not bullt up, the Scottsboro boys take of addressing a student forum by the extent of his naval program cang.
ISTS SIGN OPEN LETTER volved were argued in the Atlanta and exploit it to further the com are in greater danger than they at the University (reported else the largest in recent history. Herndon, whose appeal to the Court by Whitney North Seymour, munist movement among the sou were when the combined a where in this issue. and got the of the Bolshevik Leninist Partyertends from 1833 to 1988. in out on the technical ground that it General, who presented at masterturn the New York Times of November Seattelander the sole banner or the drahe meraft hate held day for repression by the Mendlets Wall for legal would be and the LD. with trimmings 574, pleasant Interlude in the 000.
Street government has frust sont volves an outlay of over 650. 000. had not been properly pay in argument in a dignified force. 16. Theme Should in the form of Attorney Lebowitz bitter struggle that is taking place There are 87 Vessels now in in the lower courts, is ful manner. He contended that well satisfied if Its lignature to the Open Letter process of construetion33 in etght Fulton Tower Jall in Atlanta. Herndon bas been denied due proc be taken over by some well known catering to Southern prejudices in Minneapolis today. Incidentally for the Fourth International to parate de na in the World Proletariat. The Present employment in writ, the prosecution would go over rection law under which he was acquittal won under such command of the organized political and trade paper, came out next day with a Workers Party of the lo naval construction is nearly 45, 000 his head and appeal to the Georgia convicted is unconstitutional. They do not believe acquittal union forces of labor to support story and editorial attacking Lewis, one of the signatories.
workers, 19, 000 of whom work for Supreme Court to order Herndon Solicitor Lecraw of Fulton would be wise if the LD. were in the Scottsboro night will convince and that night broadcast over the private employers, the remainder rearrest. The fight will almost County, representing the Jim Crow a position to claim credit for it the Alabama bourbons that the university radio station the story for the government.
certainly go to the Supreme (Continued op Page 4) and they do not believe an acquit. Scottsboro boys must be freed. Continued from Page 2)
there what the Southern Bourbons Hint Deal morning, and the next day when Jim Crow Justice Keeps Angelo tric young live the repus tonal working het apport, Herndon in Jail; Protest Now!