CominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

The Auto Union Amalgamation Emergence of New Union and Fusion with The Daily worker is having a tough time also in for Industrial un finism at The seat May Have Far Reaching Effects for Auto Workers Elegan nehting determination The NEW MILITANT some weeks ago, However, himself realized that the last word to that the same place. Labor Party Evaluation of the Associated Poor3rd In Poworking site per around a sua Rubber Union Greers inton, and the Industrial der the careful tutelage of Colums, united liabor tickets to incontrophet In Hr. Strike Mpls. Labor Slams Union Busting Campaign PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1935 NEW MILITANT dence that Communist support of Socialist candidates with which 18 merged resulted in general increase in the vote for such THE MILITANT candidates. In the case of Samuel DeWitt running in the Bronx as a Socialist, with no opposing Com.
Published weekly by the New Militant Publishin; oo.
55 East 11th Street, New York City munist candidate, the vote dropped below the last Phone. Algonquin 9068 election, which may perhaps be accounted for in large part by sabotage of De Witt campaign by Old By BURKE COCHRAN Entered as second class mali matter at the Post Office Guard Socialists. Nov. Aght program of militancy, class strug At New York, under the act of March 8, 1879.
supporting its Labor Party ballyhoo by actual cases convention of the of gave win, and a trade unionism based JAMES CANNON.
upon such principles.
Editor of local Labor Party gains in the election, though encouragement and hope to every for an aggressive, militant union got hooked up with Byrd, of the Green Polley Repulses Independents there are a few such instances. It may be argued trade union progressive for the esism.
Automobile Labor Board, and tried SUBSCRIPTION RATES: that the traditional oscillation between the Republi tablishment of a more aggressive Under ordinary can and the Democratic party still dominates among and a more militant unionism in to take the whole in tow circumstances, Background of the In the United States 00 per year: 65 sis months.
Canada and Foreigo 50 per year: 00 six months.
the American masses and that a swing to the right. America in the future. But therty of America is well known to all then they have been feeling their the of Land unless insuperThe Mechanics Educational Soci with the company union. The work independent unions in their natural Rundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
with the temporary upturn in business, affects all decisions of the convention gave no ets ers refused to follow. And since evolution would gravitate towards Vol. labor activities. Such factors must not be underes. immediate encouragement to union automobile workers in the Detroit NOVEMBER 16, 1935 No. 47 timated. We may ask, however, whether there is not ism in the automobile industry. The first striker wave at the inception are cautiously moving to a realize It arose on the crest of the own way along, step by step, and able obstacles were placed in the way of of their joining, would become also a realization, partly conscious and partly un industrial union struggle may give of the NRA; tied up with massion that the only unionism worthy part of the official family. The The Elections and projected labor parties born out of the wedlock to them the possibilities of cleansconscious, among the advanced workers that Socialist renewed courage to workers already wicket lines all four Briggs plants of the name must be based upon a of L, by its size, its prestige, parties, Communist parties turning Social Democratic inside the of by revealing in the Detroit area and held up pro clear cut fighting policy predicated tradition and treasury, is naturally rise in the stock market. The rise was led by a of the two, do not provide the working class with ing the unions of the rotten and have an increasing sympathy for a on the fact that a class struggle the main attractive force in the cowardly bureaucracy that today duction of the Ford model for over exists in modern society.
The focal point of the class struggle in the holds the leadership but it is althese independent unions at Dodge a month. Basing themselves upon The Coughlin Union General Motors, Bethlehem Steel, Steel. and Hudson are looking instead to Central Railroad and Chrysler in this period is in the movement for organization in most impossible to rouse the still the key men of the industry, the The evolution of the Industrial an amalgamation Independent of The turnover will the heavy Industries, the battle for genuine Indus unorganised workers with tool and dye makers, they led a Automobile Workers Union takes on the of Le 1s striking proof more than three million shares, the biggest since the July, 1934, and in breadth of stocks dealt in ete. tbe trial unionism in the of the building of the promise of a better unlomism in the strikes which electrified the whole cent events in Akron and the com in the course of a year and a half series of daring and spectacular an added importance from the re that Collins, Dillon and Green have session outdid anything since February, 1934.
left wing in the unions, support of such struggles Buture In other words the finance capitalists and against red baiting reactionary trade union bureaulabor movement and provided the pany union steel convention in Can run through all of their accumulat.
Workers Split Into Crafts big industrialists take the clection to mean a swing crats as the one now being waged in Minneapolis. In Detroit, the shameful scene of basis for the further organization ton, Ohio. This union originated ed credit and will now have to take of the automobile workers. The during the great days of union the path of some real, old fashioned to the right, pressure on the Roosevelt administrathe first constitutional convention American Federation of Labor, buildings of Wolman and the Auto organizing in the automobile deld tion to give business a longer and deeper breathing.
of the United Automobile Workers quick to selze the opportunity, sent mobile Labor Board. The Dodge or lose all standing in the Detroit spell, the probability that labor militaney will not is still fresh in the memory of the interfere seriously with output and profits in the Support the Southern Miners Automobile workers. It is enough in organizers and granted federal workers elected their repre area.
next period.
for them to know that the of charters with a liberal hand. After tives to the collective bargaining The emergence of a powerful, ag.
The facts cannot be said to cart serious doubts upon this estimate. The Republican Party on VE SUPPORT beartily the proposal advanced. has chopped up the automobile the first major betrayal of the au board of the Dodge plant, as per gresive, fighting union in the autoplatform of opposition to the New Deal and to social Mine Workers, to call out the 400, 000 members of the crafts with halt a dozen different Green on March 25 of last year, the bor Board. After a month of this amalgamated union would number legislation, etc. demand for lower taxes and for letunion in a one day demonstration strike and to ask unions, one overlapping on the an independent factor and suffered that they could register their com effect upon the automobile workers.
ting business alone, made substantial though not the entire of to join in, if the murder of other one, claiming jurisdiction, as heavily as the federal unions plaints and had the power to air First, it will clear the field of all phenomenal headway compared to the last election striking miners in Alabama and Tennessee does not Because of the timid and cowardly Soon their grievances before the manage the different small independent unin the East. The State Assembly is again Re stop and those who have perpetrated recent killings policies of Dion and Green, the themselves. The publican Philadelphia elected a Republican mayor. are not promptly prosecuted. Such a demonstration situation has only become more realized that it could not survive ment, but beyond getting a light ions and will eliminate consider in the industry if it was limited to bulb replaced or water bubbler able amount of the confusion. See Assuming that business continues to improve some wulod do more than an ocean of words to put the confusing, more involved. Every tool and dye makers; it therefore repaired, their power did not ex. ond, and this is the more important what, there is no reason to think that last Tuesday fear of God into bourbon coal operators. It would, where there is an element of un broadened its jurisdiction to in tend. So having passed through reason, the election results prestige Roosevelt defeat in 1936; moreover, give labor a feeling of its own strength certainty. hesitation. Every clude all workers engaged in the all of the devious mazes and wind treacherous bureaucracy of the pressure upon the but as already suggested, the pressure to let business which would have a tremendous effect upon organizmove of the automobile Internationalone will mensurably increase.
ing work and upon coming strike struggles in steel, al in Detroit bears temporary vention in Cleveland. Since then it round, they found themselves in will become enormous.
With the metal Industry at its second con ings of the New Deal merry goThe chances that Roosevelt will get the liberal. as and trade union vote next year have been if any.
thing increased, since there are no convincing indica In the from: only more in of unions, Detroit are the union membershiphardened, more Tienced, more possibility will emerge of forming tions that any third party Labor, Farmer Labor, ment of the soft strike was exposing bis memunionism, of the powerful, fighting union through sharply declined and the unions are glib promises of employers and an amalgamation of the independent Socialist, Communist will gain a substantial nation bership in the South to precisely the vicious attack At Atlantic City there was ex al following. Liberals and the of will under which they now encounter. If Lewis, when 400, 000 pressed a certain concern over the land comparatively strong locals stagnatin. In Toledo and Cleve government officials. Today they union and the of La Internathe circumstances stick to Roosevelt rather than take miners were out solidly had expressed the real desire recent excursion into the field of have been built up and have re tional on the basis of a convention, the chance of seeing a reactionary Republican elected of the men and demanded settlements in the Southern unionism the part of the Sage cruited a considerable number of democratically called, democratically selecting its own officers and comIn places such as Reading and Bridgeport where fieldsnation wide recognition of the right of miners of Port Royal, Father Coughlin. production workers.
the Socialist Party has had years to build a machine to organize before any return to work, there woula Today, Dillon, just returning from manding jurisdiction over all em and is in any event essentially a left wing New Deal be no murdering of miners down there now.
Atlantle city, has even greater His office has party, and where there is a large working Let all trade unionists regard the fight of the fast informed him that three indeers of America has a novel history, popu automobile and auto parts plants.
The Associated Automobile Worklation, the party rolled up a good vote. In New York Southern miners as their own! Pass resolutions proCity the Socialist vote was less than last year, the testing against the reign of terror by the coal and pendent unions: the Mechanics Ed it was first organized as a federal SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. RedCommunist somewhat greater, but the combined vote steel companies! Call for a nation wide one day ucational Societs, the Associated local of the of in the Hud tern Mason, candidate for mayor for both parties was 117, 479 this year against strike demonstration in support of untonization of Automobile Workers of America son plant. There the workers, un on the Communist Party controlled 136, 622 last year a drop of 19. 043. There is no evi the Southern coal fields. Antomobile Workers were initiated into the mysteries of third in yesterday municipal elec lin Union) have been conducting class collaboration About a year tion that re elected Angelo Rossi negotiations for amalgamation ngo the local seceeded from the strikebreaking incumbent.
By JACK WILSON These three bodies have agreed on of and formed the Associated Jason, innocuous head of the AKRON, Ohio. Nov. 11. twoa program and are shortly to con Automobile Workers of America Northern California Newspaper hour strike of all workers in the duet a referendum vote among with a strong local in the Hudson Guild and ex musle critic for truck tire department at Goodyear (Continued from Page 1)
fi teen progressive unions who have Earl Martin of the Structural Iron their respective memberships for plant and a base in several of the Hearst Examiner, polled 14. 267 protesting a wage cut gave further represent the workers. to enforce drawn together to fight for militant Workers: Representative Sam Bell. ratification. The program of the other Detroit plants. Under the votes out of a total 185. 566 cast the contracts with the employers, trade union policies and the rein man (F. Pat Rogers of the new union is understood to be sub suidance now of their president, Others on the United Labor ticket of the United Rubber Workers of and to fight for reinstatement to statement of 674 in the of Firemen and Oflers: Shorty De stantially the old program of the Arthur Greer, they were care received approximately the same Americk this week the of The courageous The revocation of the Laundry Pew Mick Dunne and Farrell which is based upon the fully conched in the spirit of humil number of votes, with the exception special meeting for the truck and clear cut wsition maintained by the laundry workers was the workers charter was an empty ges. Dobbs of the General Driver Joe, erognition of a class struggle inity: grievances were to be adjustel of George Anderson. candidate for tire builders was held at the Gooda bomb. ture, the charter having been prev. Williams of the recently organized modern society and the necessity by arbitration, etc. Greer finally municipal judge. Anderson, active year local hall which resulted in shell to the Lewis camp, and con iously ended. He has been un Candy Workers also spoke. This is in defending victims of the red additional members for the union tributed greatly to the mighty able to make dent in the fron the youngest union in town. having drive that followed the general a day after the strike.
strike last year, was the only cangrowth organized opposition ranks of the progressive unionists. been born three weeks ago through This was the third department the efforts of 574.
didate opposing the incumbent, and in Goodyear which sat down at has sprung up in the past few days. resentative, Gillespie, came to town.
Citizens Alliance Delighted Gillespie, the biggest faker that until after midnight, and was wild The meeting did not disband counted 37, 673 votes as compared work while a delegation went to We are now embarking on This pamphlet will retail at 10 to his opponent 102. 904 ballots. the management to demand a reNeedless to say, Lewis has found ever skadded off Boston oysterly enthusiastic throughout.
When new program of pamphlet publicacents and party branches should The United Tabor Campaign toration of wage rates in the past his strongest support from the dock, conferred with John Geary of Miles Denne gave the record of tion to be issued and distributed send in their orders right away.
Committee, claiming to represent a few weeks.
labor bating employers organiza: St. Paul, an international official of local 574, each achievement was by the NEW MILITANT business Better yet, any orders paid in ad.
united front of more than 70 tion, the notorious finneapolis the Teamsters Union, and then reeted with a storm of applause Two well attended meetings for office. The first pamphlet to be rance will speed the actual ap working class and liberal organiza all Akron rubber workers were adCitizens Alliance. The significance shook his hend (olefully. He hurpearance when BM Brown, 574 presi published under this arrangement this pamphlet. The of this fact has served to make really left town, completely bewild. dent, asked for a rlsins vote of tions with a total membership of dressed by officials of the United deals with the burning question wholesale price is cents per more than 50, 000, nominated a tick Rubber workers union is each local local workers even more suspicious ered and very pesimistie over the confidence, every worker for a block of war, written by John West, copy for copies or more, with company at.
Lewis protestations of It is already in the printers special arrangements for special chances of Lewis to succeed in his around jumped to his feet. large list et and drew up at the prepared to resist candidates Uto tempts to follow Goodyear policy working for the good of the entire mulon smashing efforts. The truth collection was taken for the Northhands and should be out within a sized orders; but credit will be pians, Eples, liberals, and just as agreed.
labor movement.
of the matter is that the opposition given only to a limited extent, Organizer. It was a thrilling couple of weeks.
plain Democrats and memIn a statement issued two days is becoming panle stricken and demonstration that Green has taken Meanwhile the Big Five tire Into its forty elght pages is It is important to remember, bers. The platform enumerated 22 manufacturers made a temporary ago, the Citizens Alliance notes doesn know what to do. So far, on the toughest job of his career crammed a thorough Marxian an however, that the distribution of demands of a reformist nature, truce in the price war which means with hope and encouragement every one of Lewis shells has when he set out to lick the greatest alysis of imperialist wars. It is this pamphlet is considered a ranging from the elimination of they ll reap more profits since that the American Federation of proved to be a dud. When he reads labor movement Minneapolis has entirely up to date dealing with very important part of the party one man streetcars to the payment they ve reduced wages in some de.
Labor, through a personal repre. the following it will probably take ever been able to build campaign against war. It must of the bonus by Congress partments in the plants.
sentative of Wmiam Green, its the heart right out of him. All Ethiopia and the present conflict therefore be given the widest posThe United Labor party plans to The Goodyear workers strikes president, has announced the de during the week stream of unIt is apparent that the fight is ing imperialist interests that sible circulation, Branches would maintain itself as a permanent or brought temporary withdrawal of termination, even this late solicited lists long, wide and very not in the bag for Green not by a threaten to expand this war into do well by assigning to them.
kanixtion. The basic program, an the wage ents but in each instance date, to purge the local labor dirty have come in from the 574 long ways. The progressive unions a general world conflagration. The selves a definite quota of pam nounced as permanent objectives of the company slyly reduced piece movement of communism and shop stewards on the job. The lists haven won vet. either, but with role of the League of Nations, the phlets to distribute and set to the party, contains three major work rates individually in an effort communistie leadership. The Al were headed something like this: continued solidarity, this militant role of social patriotism and the work without delay.
to prevent wide spread protest.
liance proceeds to bemoan the bloc of unions cannot be whipped agents of social patriotism in the Other pamphlets are on the For 100 percent unionization However, resentment continues fact that it was the leaders of We don believe our leaders The fight against Green and his present war situation is thorough sehedule and will follow in short of San Francisco to increase among the workers and are bad. We think they are good.
certain local of unions alles in Minneapolis today is right ly dealt with.
order. From comrade Trotsky we For defense of democratic the union obtains new members.
who brought into the picture the We want them and we don want In this pamplalet by comrade receive a promise of manuscript rights, and against vigilante terror, any other leaders. Each list significance than the great strike West we have a veritable arsenal forces of the General Drivers These developments indicate that for a pamphlet on the Seventh For lower taxes.
the possibility of a strike in the Union Local No. and the would be signed by every man on struggles of the Minneapolis drivers of unassailable Marxian argu Comintern Congress. pamphlet Continuing its policy of the past rubber industry during this peak the job.
Workers Party of the United in 1934. victory in Minneapolis ments. In sum and substance it on the of Lby Ame Swa campaign, the United Labor marty sepson gains weight since only States to forcibly close the orna On Friday night the greatest will be mighty blow to Green plants the banner of revolution beck is also in preparation.
makes no mention of the ultimate through a well planned strike can mental iron plants and the Strut peace time meeting the Minnea and all he stands for, and will ary Marxism right in the teeth of Others will be ansounced subse aim of the working class: the at the United Rubber Workers resist wear Knitting Company, and polis labor movement has seen was bring forward in the struggle every the imperialist war mongers. quently.
tainment of socialism, the rubber hurons ruthless policies ends up by pledging to cooperate held by the bloc of progressive un progressive in the entire labor to the fullest extent in cleaning ions in the headquarters of Local movement. 574 intends to carry on the Youth Bureau.
up the intolerable conditions ex 071. The large third floor auditor its uncompromising unrelenting ATTENTION! PARTY MEMBERS AND SYMPATHIZERS isting here.
taneously with the expulsion of the An Nothing need be added to expose flower to the second floor and Lewis out of town; it will resist internationalist revolutionary wing AUCTION SALE the truly monstrous nature of the spilled out in the streets, where a every attempt to expel good, honest of the Socialist Youth of France by ime that Green Lewis Tobin are battery of loud speakers carried to fighting union men from the labor the bureaucracy of the 1o.
of new household artleles and clothing will be conducted at the playing in Minneapolis today. The them pledges of solidarity with 574 organizations which they have Party Headquarters, 55 East 11th Street On October 12, our comrade Held acting on orders of Stalin and labor fakers have been smothered in the fight against the reaction helped to build up and together its brother progressive unions was expelled from the Stockholm Taval, the P, through its repre Saturday November 23rd, at P.
liest enemy. the citizens Alliance, Dumne, Bill Brown, Alderman will seek to rally every force in the Youth Bureau meeting in Oslo for sentative on the Youth Bureau All the proceeds of this sale to be used for the purchase of the main boily responsible for the Neott. Rubin Latz, Ace Brew. labor movement in an iron front of refusal to obey the ultimative de with organizations (such as the additional addressing equipment, which the National Olice must bloodly attacks against the living er business agent of the Musicians: solidarity against those who are mand of the majority of the SecreMot Dag of Norway) which defend have, if it is to function efficiently.
standards of the working class. Katekt, of the Electrical Work working to undermine and destroy tarint (S. P: Mot Dag, Swedish Stalin and the union scree: the Articles will not be sold above wholesale cost, thus all purchases Lewis has so far centered his or Local 100: Robert Bergstrom of labor organization and to water Youth) that he dissociate himself characterizes this as a polley are assurel genuine bargains.
drive against Local 574 and those the Ornamental Iron Workers 1313: down labor fighting spirit! from the criticism of the of of betrayal.
PARTY MEMBERS! Attend the auction. Bring your friends Following the split the de and sympathizers.
clines responsibility for the pol. NOTE: All articles are brand new and have been donated to the INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL Will the Socialist and Communist scy of the stockholm Youth Bureau party.
and calls on all organizations to protest vehemently against the at.
titude of the secretariat of Youth Bureau and to refuse all Why organic unity. Can this unity lead to a revolutionary collaboration with the majority of Friday, November 22nd, at P. party?
the secretariat. The wishes to make the observation to the How does it affect the struggle against war and Fascism?
youth organizations that this What is the attitude of the revolutionary Marxists?
treacherons policy of the in Workers Party Headquarters Speaker: the Youth Bureau is the result of 55 East 11th Street, New York City its hostility toward the creation of MAURICE SPECTOR the Fourth International, and calls Former Member Executive Committee of Comintern.
upon all organizations affiliated to Church of All Nations the Youth Bureau to rally to the DANCING ENTERTAINMENT Sunday, November 17th, at P. Open Letter to all working class Auspices: Branch SECOND AVENUE (Near Houston St.
organizations in the world for the ADMISSION 25 CENTS Individual lectures 25 cents.
IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place and 15th Street Fourth International and to set to At door with ticket, 20 cents.
work for the creation of the youth International Workers School, 56 East 11th Street, Auspices: Workers Party of the New York District sections of the Fourth InternationTickets obtainable at 55 East 11th Street, New York City al.
New Pamphlets points Resolution the week. Museos one that may On Youth Bureau Marxism and Modern Philosophy Parties Unite?
Thanksgiving Eve Shindig Professor Sidney Hook Wednesday, November 26th, 1935