BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandFascismImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NOVEMBER 16, 1935 NOVEMBER 9, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE Class War of the 70s Question Box ent unio wants by Overflow Crowd Cheers Speakers could therefore secure more in less apply pressure on the corrupt and helped us to get settlementtry. and the top leaders in the go out on strike at the Powell and more in living standards. In she has everything to gain by deday Our Revolutionary Heritages at last by the military power of the state of Pennsylvania. Whole trainMARCH OF EVENTS loads of troops plied between Phil adelphia and Pittsburgh, offering to shoot down or lop off the ears By Leighton Rigby of any who attempted to impede By JACK WEBER their progress. In the end, the BATTLE OF THE CURRENCIES at a tremendous rate despite the workers won nothing for them.
Ed. Note: This is the first of a some very effective blows them. tice.
Nothing illustrates so well the attempt to prevent this by means series of articles on the revoluBy WEAVER selves.
It is true that incidents of private selves. But they helped the cause fact that capitalist production and of an equalization export duty. The tlonary heritage of the American The Molly Maguires grievances sifted into the plans of of organized labor, while showing Z. NEWARKconsumption rest not on national rise in prices of Chinese goods has workers by comrade Rigby.
The first to strike back were the the Molly Maguires. But it is also clearly the power of working class Question: Is there any differbut on world foundations than does now reached the point where in tla ence between supporting sane the world wide battle of currencies. tion threatens. The result of Am. labor movement after the cira tons of Pennsylvania coal miners. everything else, a manifestation of endur The early days of the American Molly Maguires, Secret Organiza true that their struggle was, above solidarity it it be followed to the What occurred in The world is divided into well deserlecian policy has been to lower the War, like the heroic period of the To appreciate the origin of the the revolutionary spority of the tions only to the extent required 1877 was by British imperialism and sane Faced with starva brought about by the rank and file.
tions Torced upon these Imper the other of the great capitalist level already existing, something bourgeoisie and revolutionary spirie in Ireland, had accomplished much struck back masses even beyond the starvation by militant battles against the know that society by that nametion, the miners of Pennsylvania Enthusiastically and almost auto matically responding to the spirit ialist governments who want then only as a threat, and carried powers. The signposts over these that does not concern in the least among the workers. One reason by way of preventing foreclosures Fierce Struggles of 1877 of their comrades, the workers out over the head of the capitalareas denoting such control are the American capitalism in its mad lies in the fact that the ruling cap und evictions. The members of the pound, the dollar and the trane research for profits.
ist state apparatus, by independIn the summer of 1877 a walkout spread the strike from city to city.
italist class, and their agents in original Molly Maguires often dis of Baltimore and Ohio railrond co ordinating and interpretive leadunited front class actions spectively. The Japanese would Now the Chinese government has the ranks of organized tabor had guised themselves as women when workers heralded two weeks ofership, which failed to come from (strikes, demonstrations, active like to establish the yen in a sim finally taken the step under the not yet consolidated thelr positions performing their missions. The fierce battles between thousands of the officials of the Brotherbood of boycotts, picketing, etc. The ilar manner as a token of world advice and encouragement of Eng of power and perfected their subtle purposes of the American group of workers in several industries and Locomotive Engineers.
Daily Worker (see Harry Gandominion currencies, cach symtom of the silver standard. This step is in line aroused workers.
It is this battle of the lish Imperialism, of going off the and open defense against the 1874 matched those of its Irish pat their sympathizers, on the one side, nes column) of Oct. 16, 1935, gantle struggle underneath for out with the policies of capitalist natern in many ways, but the femin, and police and both federal and The failure of the leaders to lead makes this distinction.
Let us consider for the momentine disguise was never worn. state troops, on the other.
Even became tradition in the high com right colonial control, that is being tions all over Answer: Just as they distinguish witnessed at the moment in China. lishing managed world of estab. what took place in America sixty Mining in the anthracite districts the farmers entered the fight, turn mand, not being broken by Gomp between the nations of peace lovControl of Chinese currency and currencies to protect the Interests is to review stirring clashes, includ planters revolution, in pace with families. The East was paralyzed about the formation of the AF. lascist capitalisms; between fake (manipulated) years ago. To tell what happened was greatly increased during the ishing food to the strikers and their ers who with Strasser, brought ing, democratie and of war seeking, a long ways in aiding one or the taken, needless to say, to restore ericane labor history, when the cop alls with the industrial break was shaken by clashes between ship of the Federation became form the stalinists now attempt to cover other of the imperialists to control stable currency that would be for italists fell to wondering if they down, the lot of the miners, already workers and vigilantes.
Idable, bankers and industrialists their crimes, this time on the war a larger share of Chinese foreign the benefit of the Chinese masses. had really won permanent power unbearable, became even worse. dozen workers were mowed invited Gompers to trade. One of the infamous twenty. They do not enter into considera when they erased the menace of There was no mine lunch. The question. There are, if you please, the down by troops in Baltimore, and latter gladly walked with kings, had sanctions, those which the one demands made on China by tion at all. Besides being concerned the planters. It is for us who carry Molly Maguires fought flercely.
Japan was that the Japanese be over their share of trade, the Briton to keep alive the memory of many others were killed in Buffalo but he lost the common touch.
imperialists wish to apply. and Whole counties were covered by and Reading. Nineteen were mur And the kings have carried the good sanctions, le, those which given control over the chaotic Chin ish are also looking out for their those fighting, rank and Ale pion the Molly Maguires as they struck dered and hundreds wounded by flattery to the point where today the Stalinists would Force them allowed to set up a gold backing ened by the instability of Chinese but weful lessons.
ese currency, and that Japan be vast investments that are threat eers who left us not only traditions terror into the black hearts of their police in the day long battle in Green and Co. not only betray their to apply.
oppressors for Chinese currency in the Bank money and the strong possibilities Mine owners, bosses Chicago. Pittsburgh was the scene murmuring followers every con If British Imperialism of Japan at Tokyo.
In 1873 capitalism was on the and police were beaten, and many of the most pronounced revolution ference table, but they deliberately sanctions only as threat Leith Roas, of inflation. China is now the batupawing in the The fact that were killed Hell broke loose in ary spirit, There, the workers, shout out their intention to whip against Italy, whereas the worthles agent of British Imperialism, is now tleground of the nations and the the inevitable excess profits could the coal regions of Pennsylvania. armed mainly with brickbats and the rank and file into silence. The of the Third International would ensared in the effort to te the battle is for the moment confined to be safely converted into capital It was class warfare! And it was clubs, fought advancing columns of only common touch they retain Force His Majesty to take more Chinese to the money. But the fight for control goods did not, however, prevent the not halted until James McParlan, soldiers as their comrades fell dend is the one that affects the workers drastic action, then it is quite clear pound sterling He would do this of Chinese money is only part of piling up of surpluses of consump the Judas of 1874 who turned out beside them. The station was pocketbooks. Their Aght against that the Stalinists, even though the conflict to seize and subjugate tive goods and the cyclical crisis, to be a detective, had won the con. burned at Pittsburgh, 18 were and ignorance of Marxism are they motivate their course ternational loan to Chiang Kal China as a colony. At any moment which was the panic of 1873. fidence of the Molly Maguires and roundhouses and hundreds of box. founded upon the proposition that claiming a desire to defend EthiSbek. Japan bas already signified the diplomatic and economic con The workers, as usual, took it on subsequently maneuvered the lead. cars.
there is none so blind as he who opia, are demanding an IMMEDIher Intransigeant opposition to this flict threatens to turn to other the chin, but not without swinging ers into capitalist courts of Jus The srailroad strike was broken will not see.
ATE Imperialist war at the same scheme. The United States has means, the use of bullets instead of played no small part in bringing coin. The intervention of America time that they credit British Im.
about the present situation.
perialism with wanting peace. Un and England in the monetary fortunately for the Stalinist consphere is only notice given to Japan AMERICAN SILVER POLICY that her seizure of Chinese territory tention, however. British imperialism is already FORCED to strike The policy of increasing the price will sooner or later have to an effective blow at the Italian of silver pursued by the Roosevelt the test of force on the interna bandits in order to prevent the lat.
administration had, among other tional arena. The big powers, Eng (Continued from Page 1)
ter from taking the rich British they ousted 574 from the of Candy Workers something more than a mere dues colonial empire and exploiting it the gains made by Japan in Chinese tice to Japn that not all their at me to dissociate yourselves from The reputation of a union de collection agency. 674 has produced for the benefit of Italian, instead trade due to depreciation of the tention is devoted to the Ethiopian local 574. We said, We can never ends upon its action during the Candy Workers Union, was in of living of its members from 350 der to prevent Mussolint from reA mere youth, Paul Williams of results. It brought the standards of English, finance capital in orsituation, Not until 574 came into se more congea became attention to events in the Far East the picture did our union amount strike Workers wille always he troduced. His union was the new an hour for 12 18 hour dayducing Great Britain to the place world, since Japanese prices dia as well.
not rise much and other currencies That the Japanese will neverthe every possible way, attended the is why it is not going to be easy to three weeks ago the workers had low as 120 per hour up to be per confines itself, for the present, to the hourAn of percent. goods in Japan. American gold Chinese government to prevent with the bosses for the first time policy depreciating the dollar in China becoming a sterling area in the history of the industry here.
ranks of labor, want to frighten Candy Company. They had no addition there is going to be another laying military operations. The the workers by calling the leaders ondership, no knowledge, no re ve cent increase in wages in, 1936 deeper the Italian army penetrates Far Eastgreatly because there si. ese army win Intervene, first by selves, and to our workers, it we of 574 reds.
Well Abraham Lin sources. They didn know what to Moreover, the union has recently Ethiopia, the more imcult does ver rather than gold was the basis threats, then by further action to now turned against it.
do. So they came to 574. It was negotiated contracts with the coal the situation become for Mussolint; It is the coln said that the radicals of today of currency and money.
the only place we know where to and transfer industries of Minnea. it is even possible that the Ethio Roosevelt hoped to secure a greater to depends also on the internation timesWe never got such help This doesn mean that all radicals. They gave us leadership and polis whereby the workers in those plans may score military victories.
Hence strangle China. How far they will only union that helped us at all are the conservatives of tomorrow.
strengthen her armaments in the ating the dollar in terms of silver. binations among the imperialista are going to go along the line with But it does show that all ideas an agreement with the Powell Can third overtime for all hours they Since the silver would pour out of After Mediterranean and some thing control power moves to sain more 574 one hundred percent: 574 has when they are first introduced look ax Company. Now the entire in. work over eight per the commerce hosted to secure the control at the expense of the others, shown the incompetency, the use radical. But tomorrow they will be dustry has been slened up and the best these talked for dec. which the British Admiralty has WellI ndes about the eight hour ican dollar it was hoped that the mediate menace, only to fall apart leaders who stayed in their offices, leaders oppose any new ideas? The now we stand on 574.
accepted as the ordinary thing is completely unionized.
profit offered in terms of the Amer the latter combine against the im. lessness of the old line reactionary it any wonder that the old line not speaker, and ve told you written about it in their journals neglected to do, develop naval strategy for these waters, The 574 has brought it into reality.
silver would be exchanged for Amdelay which the British are utilizerican goods. During the strikes in which it ing, therefore, is as much a part This policy has been arises. The basic law of capitalism Smoking cigars, and doing nothing last of convention shows only partially successful in restor at all times, but particularly in the for their workers but collecting the trend all over the country. It Farmer Labor Legislator engaged, 674 came into conflict with of militars and naval strategy as ing American trade. Meantime sllmany obstructive forces within the the correct allocation of battle.
period of decay, is the law of its dues trous afraid the workers wth didn work like a steam roller. Abe State House of Represents. Daniel Tobin who almost caused Stanley Baldwin are quite as effee ver has been smuggled out of China instability.
These old line was the first convention which Sam Bellmat, Representative in labor movement. One of them was ships, so that the sanctions of leaders are wake a why they are fighting 574 which is voted for industrial organization In my opinion 574 has been the to pay the union any strike benefits, and Co. would, if they could, force showing the workers the meaning Prs can be organized effectively. was brought the workers to the union until he expelled it. The pears is not quite as illogical in ita the only method by which the work mainspring and the motive that and continued his warfare with the on him. Downing Street, tapor real, honest, sincere unionism.
The failure of the of has level where they now are. The 3rd nominal reason was that 574 didn methods of defending the Interests (Continued from Page 1)
Latz also announced that Rabbi failed to organize the workers. The Ward local last night en My its per capita tax. But that of British Imperialism as are the head for any progressive idea. But let us be on our guard tial chairman of the committee ulong. The small success of the Cordon, who had served as impar employers have organized right corsed the union. Its death will was not the real reason. 074 Stalinists. But why did they choose Minne watch out. Lewis plans deliberate which had drawn up the settlement of is revealed in the small movement in Minneapolis. Only main in the of But before be, however, they call on the work be the death blow to the liberal wanted to, and still desires to re Stupid as the latter policy may strike the first blow For two very frame somebody. That is the next ers had called him that evening organized. Thekers of has not militante action will winsels me the lo conte mayo des per capita tak to ers to force it on the imperialiste island looked upon by the offer Meyer Lewis they say he still stood, and that he would have so many unorganized workers out triumph in Minnesota and the lib. pressing obligations to the orphans the capitalist state apparatus.
workers of the rest of the country, comes from lowa a passport back nothing to do with the unlon split side its ranks. But only the work eral workers movement will fall by and widows of the martyrs of its Stupidity is here multiplied by instruggling for their rights. What to where the tall corn grows. Let ters, ers can organize themselves. And down fighting with 574.
the wayside. am willing to go great strike struggles. It had to sanity. Will the British workers ever you may think of the Farmer send him back!
pay the doctor and other expenses be called to strike against the handLabor Party. you must recognize when they set out to do this, they Power Union are branded as rects of the many victims in those strug ling of goods destined for Italy What of it? Speech of Miles Dunne We don expect to please the op gles. It had to pay the necessary when such goods are not being the workers here have struck or South Africans Next there was introduced Broth position by what we are doing.
upon the path of independent politexpenses of keeping together its or shipped becanse of orders from the er Kotarsky of the Northern States Bergstrom declared his union 100 ills speech was as follows: Miles Dunne was then introduced. Fantation after it had been forced British government? Will the stal ical action through the FarmerPower Union Local 160, of percent behind 674.
to rely almost entirely upon its inists call on the British workers Labor Party. Bill Green, the old He said that the members of his Earl Martin, business agent of that the men were leaving 574. The the refusal of Tobin to pay it strike ing sold, such sale being already Lewis announced over the radio own resources in its struggles by to boycott goods which are not be Republican wheelhorse, and other craft unionists, closely allied with (Continued from Page 1) by the actions of Lewis. While he the fron workers Local 19 oldest opposite is true. In the last two lenefits. The members knew that forbidden? How is it possible, exold capitalist parties, ne united front conference in the is not much of a speaker, he would 674. and declared that before 574 members than in any similar 60 day paid.
cept on the pages the sent this political expression of the Cathedral Hall. Neitner the Com read a letter drawn up by his unworkers. And so they come here munist Lengue or the Lenin Club ton. We take deep concern in The matter was discussed Worker, to support sanctions by came into the picture local building period. It has made better con many trades were hibernating and suck tracts than ever before directly meetings. And the members all government applying them? Sane.
times in the membership calling political strikes against the hoping to smash the Farmer Labor received invitations, but several in this matter both from the standParty. At the same time they individual comrades were invited to point of the union and from that ing their paws.
tend to strike a blow at the indus be present.
with the employers, this time, and agreed that 574 must meet first of tons are of military, as well as Among organizations of our obligations toward 674 R:solution of Rank and File 574 Ands itself in a better position than pay tribute to Tobin and erto British workers to enforce military not through any government board. all its most vital obligations rather of nu economic character. For the trial unlonists. Tobin and Green present were the Young understand that if they can make Christian Association and several 674 that our own union was able BIU Brown read spontaneous resthan ever before.
ple the organization, so that he sanctions over the head of the a spectacular and smashing blow churches. The speakers from the to form. On many occasions the olutions, drawn up by the members In the winter of 1933 a group could take more trips to Ireland capitalist state apparatus, power at 574, they can smash the indus platform included a Bishop and ser officers and men of 574 have helped of 574 and presented to the leaders of people in the coal industry felt and what not. But Tobin thought must have first passed into the blow It is pure business logic speakers were full of pralse for the reports in the that, in spite of the union and for its leaders ter conditions, could be obtained, first: so he revoked the charter of mesible for the proletariat to have with them.
Minneapolis simply to get alter the capitalist government of south of they have helped other Fellow cabuthens. sange our whites organization in February of 1833 ference of course not what was time be putting pressure on the radicats, and communists: Africa. which one of the Stalinists of unions. The Industrial union Tobin warned 574 not to try and they were organized, and made that charter? Why, it was a framed imperialists to apply sanctions?
they wish to blaze a trial here that referred to as our government night will bring increasing gains to organize abecause three Yellow call their demands upon the employers. piece of paper, signed by Tobin, Only God, he he in heaven, or in will terrorize the workers all over to instruct its representatives at the workers.
the country.
was a national concern, and too These were refused and the men which said 574 had a right to exist the Kremlin can solve the insane Geneva to vote for sanctions riddles and contradictions which powerful to organize; also from were forced on strike. It was a 574 turned that picture, face to The Purge of 1924 against Italy.
Musicians The lengthy resoluthe Catheron Transfer, whose own three day strike: the elements were ward the wall und went right on the scribes of the Daily Worker In 1924, Paul Smith, personaltion which was placed before the er is one of the leaders of the on the side of the union. It was existing. This made Tobin Jealous. generate in justification of their berepresentative of Green, purged the conference was pacifist to the core. Ace Brewer, representative of undens hereof reds. Between that when one of our comrades attempt the Musicians Union (of which Citizens Alliance; from the Pitts Mitter cold, and the demand for He wondered how he could get 574 trayals.
In three to continue to pay him a per capita The essence of the whole matter.
time and 1934, when 574 came into ed to speak in order to expose the Lewis claims to be a member) asson Company, and the Colonial days the union won a victory and tax.
of course, is that there is no differ the picture, not a single strike was reformist nature of the resolution sured the meeting that the Music Warehouse, where 574 recently won obtained a settlement. The union Now it is an open secret why ence between sanctions of won in Minneapolis. The Citizens and to move a counter resolution fans were 100 percent for 574. a strike.
organizers did not rest upon their preyer Lewis Is here. Dan Tobin, Stanley Baldwin and those which Alliance succeeded in making Minn calling for an organized boycott of Bergstrom, the president of local laurels. They went on and organ. the most reactionary person in the the Stalinists would enforce.
eapolis an open shop town. Woe Fascist Italy, he was refused a 1313, the ornamental tron workers Farmer Labor Alderman ined the general transport workers. of L, without exception, bas Stalin has subordinated the policies to the people who back red drives. hearing. Through sympathetic union which has just come out of There followed the May, June and thrown in his lot with Green. He of the Communist parties to the They are only the bureaucrats of trade union delegate, we succeeded a victorious struggle against the The radical Farmer Labor alder July strikes. The struggle was aj has said to the latter, ll give you Stalin Laval pact, e. to the Inter the labor movement, and the cap in placing our resolution before the most notorious open shop bosses, man, Scott, declared that the bitter one. The employers said unqualified support. That is why ests of French Imperialism.
Italist enemies of the workers. conference, but the chairman, when spoke next. The ironworkers, he Farmer Labor group in the city they would never deal with 574. Meyer Lewis is here attacking 574. latter supports sanctions so the All of the newspapers here have putting it to the vote coupled it said, are 100 percent bebind 1574. council did not have the courage to They Alled the radio and the local What will the of La reaction. Stalinists internationally are doing taken up the cry of communism. with the Stalinist resolution, not 574 gave us the kind of help hard come out openly for 574. They try press with paid advertisements in aries try to do? We can fudge the same.
These are the methods and tools of withstanding the protest of the to get anywhere else 574 never to shush everything It is time which they called for the removal what they will try to do by what the capitallats. But this is not mover.
turned down the iron workers. We they take a stand and get off the of the Communist leadership of they have done. They will attempt that here they have honest people simply a flash in the pan It is the content of our resolution was didn know anywhere one could go fence. He declared that he was 574 before they would deal with to discredit the leadership of the to deal with people they do not going to be a long drawn out, a as follows: and get a better reception. There always ready to be at the service the unlon, and in which they union, to hook it up with gangsters know how to approach, how to talk bitter fight. Lewis can move a That this conference pledges was little or no organization among of 574, and that 574 was the one claimed that 574 represented the and with vice rings. They will go single step forward he has fired with, how to deal with. They bave Itselt to organize an Internation the drivers before 674 came on the bright spot in the industrial situa edge of the revolution that was into the Central Labor Union and dealt with gangsters too long his best shots Publicity and news al boycott of Fascist Italy and scene. This was too much for the on in Minneapolis. He declared creeping into the United States. try to get the to refuse to But do not think this is going paper articles do not take over un will do everything in its power hose class. That also goes for the that the whole nation was watch The workers never paid any atten recognize any drivers union except to be an easy battle. They lons. Maybe we ll see fellows to prevent the handling of Ital of bureaucracy. They ing 574. There wed to be a tion to the radio and press state. continue to fight the unton, And double up, and bend their heads lan goods or the loading of Ital don want organization the moment paper, the Minneapolis Labor Re ments of the employers, but fougat before the onslaughts of the bu lan boats. To this end, it will In Chicago and Cleveland, Tobin they will fight bitterly to the finish.
a unlon really begins to function view, which was the official organ right on to victory.
and his henchmen sent in mobsters They are determined to crush 574 reaucracy as if their heads were carry on propaganda among in the interests of the workers of the Minneapolis labor movement. Today 574 is one of the largest and gangsters to mop up on their because they are showing the counupon hinges. On the other hand, working class organizations and They only look upon the unions as But since The Organizer has been single local unions in the United Hval racketeer unions. These are try how militant industrial unlong a young, new militant leadership especially among the workers en a collection Agency for getting dues put out by 574, that has become States. union is no good unless the only methods they know how to can effectively protect the rights of will be thrown up in the process gaged in transport.
from the workers That is why the official organ.
It produces results unless it is nise. They don know, however, the workers. Dunne Lashes Fakerdom of the struggle.
Boycott Italy not Dail The