BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

LINE Comments ON THE FIRING On Life, Liberty Shachtman Gets Rousing Reception Happiness In Minneapolis, Plentywood Meetings French Begs Laval Fascist reaucrats According Shachtman.
Our Country? Stalinist Jingoes Ask non subject was War and the THE MANAGER CORNER PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1935 Guards visited one of the strike headquarters and manhandled strikers. Instead of arresting the thugs, PARTY AT edit the police arrested three workers.
Pollock. What was the use of In spite of terror, the strike is WORK voting? he meeting was stacked. solid. Formerly an independent and Pursuit of Besides Sam Pollock, a militant union, Bakery Local 50 secured a trade unionist, representing a local cbarter from the Bakery Interna. Continued from Page 1)
of over 600 members, took the tional which provides an industrial derisively pointed out by the FausMISSISSIPPI floor in support of the resolution structure. All workers connected cists themselves who received the The Mississippi section of the MINNEAPOLIS policy, its shipment of foodstuffs, emphasizing in brief and straight with Cushmans, including bakers, decreek enote with wholdere ved the party, after a period of severe perBy BILL REICH During comrade Shachtman etc. to Italy and a general apology forward terms, Here the govern drivers and store salesmen, belong tal fear but with jeers. Laval is secution, ds adding new members, The Liberty League committee stop here, the Minneapolis branch for socialism in one counry. Shacht ment is preparing hours a day of corporation lawyers offers: It held two of the most successful at man takes issue with his remarks for a new war, with most of the is also organizing other mass pro Oct. 23 calm Herriot and the vance subscription to the New duction bakery factories Trustit Radicals.
MILITANT Arst demand upon and when any Amelcan citizen, fairs the party has ever presented from the revolutionary viewpoint, money coming from relief funds in How about the Stalinista? De every applieant for membership however humble, is without means here. On Friday night, Nov. 1, showing step by step the betrayal one form or another. This is the cation is well advanced in the into defend his constitutional rights comrade Shachtman spoke on the of Stalinism.
government which clubs us and dustry, three firms. Cushman, cree laws against the Fascista? The campaign against reds is jails us, and do you want us work. Ward Continental being giant They have been taken writes carried on with excessive rigor in In a court of Justice, one or more war question to an overflow crowd this and other southern states by ers to support the sanctions of trusts extending throughout the Humanite but they are already Salt Lake City of these lawyers will, without com at the Pythian Hall. On Saturday country.
such a government?
the E. of trade union bureau.
violated. They are insufficient and pensation from any source, defend a very successful party was held in The only resolutions passed on Workers are asked to boycott ineffective. It is necessary to dis crats at the top and the lesser buthe right of the individual, and in honor of the touring comrades at SALT LAKE CITY. When com the question of war were on a boy. Cushman stores.
In spite of this the this way carry out, in the most et the Minneapolls branch headquar rade shachtman spoke in Salt Lake cott of Italy and Germany and a arm and dissolve the leagues. Humanite. Oct. 25. militants are indispensable in carry.
Japan. The whole ques Hold First Forum on maintain and defend the Constitu movies and refreshments. Over meeting was broken up by Stalin tion of sanctions was deliberately ing on effective organization work There our anti Fascist program tion. In sixteen states prop 100 was raised to carry on the 1sts under the leadershtp of their avoided.
And oh yes, there another fault in strikes and the rank and dle of Side, Chicago organizer, Paul Crouch. His schedthat has to be rectified, skys Hy the unions constantly turn to them erty qualifications and poll taxes work of the Workers Party, manite.
While this farcical conference for help.
restrict the political rights of the uled meeting on November was was dragging out its fruitless end. Purify the Police Force. unemployed. In fourteen states Plentywood, Montana broken up by a CHICAGO, Nov. 13. The North The decrees threaten to be inef NEWARK, ancient pauper laws have been inblizzard which blocked the high another meeting was being held a short distance away at the Toledo west side branch of the Workers fective. these decrees are useless The rapid growth of the Newark voked denying the right to vote to persons on relief. The New ducers News reports a large, enlarge crowd from appearing at the Workers School Hall, the regular Party held its Arst open meeting unless what can be coming branch of the and the SparPLENTYWOOD, Mont The Pro ways to Salt Lake, prevented a Open Forum of the local of the season last night at its head unless they are accompanied by a tacus Youth League has permeated hall (despite the fine sale of tick York Economie Council has gone onthusiastic and highly interested 10 os) and trapped the speaker at splendid and eagerly attended talk In conjunction with the proposed The police chiefs, it seems Are Bar tremendous enthusiasm and energy.
Comrade Burke Cochran gave a quarters at 1237 California Avenue serious purification the police. the entire membership with such record 68 favoring witholding dience turned out to hear Max from all persons receiving publle Shachtman, editor of the New In Preston, Idaho, a town not partice on the 6th Convention of the anti war campaign. this meeting cist, but the great majority of the that recruiting quotas are smashed toward suffrage. Professor Donald Temple here.
unemployment relief the right of ternational, in the Farmer Laborists, as the mayor, far from ofter workers, the largest share of whom impending world war and the post Meeho of before full audience of was devoted to discussion on the police are of republican tenden right and left bright augury for That is why the chiefe, it the vitalization of the dormant Laird of Cornell contributes to the Branch current Review of Reviews an ar With. Charles Taylor, editor of and not leven offer to repair by were active trade union progres Work and attitude of the different soems, are withholding some extra Newark labor movement.
the Producers News, official organ windshield wiper. And at Salt sives There was no gag rule at working class organizations. Com ammunition from the cope. Humeetings and educational meetings ticle sub titled Should the Ballot of the Farm Holiday Association of Lake, the comrades wiped away the this meeting, for the floor was givenrade Albert Glotzer traced the manite won stand for seeing the lare attended by 100 percent of the membership. Eighteen of the combe Restricted to Citizens Able to Montana, in the chair, Shachtman slow sweat of waiting for Sbacht over to an hour and a half of free threads which tied the imperialist cops go short of bullets Take Care of Themselves? One out explained the causes and the forces man and accepted the kind offer of of the anto union and other Awar and then discussed the meth paig conducted by Humanite work of the Newark Unemployed rades are active in the splendid It was only after the cam and open discussion with members powers and forced them into a new of Four Cannot!
making for imperialist war and the International conflicts arising out them the following night, Sunday, tielpating.
a liberal club that he speak before of Le groups and the parods of combatting war.
Les gues. Others are active in the that Gulchard (high police offPROSPERITY.
of the present colonial struggle in In a discussion of the latest turn cial) finally consented to give trade unions (this is just starting. More than fifty students and We are coming back more Ethiopia.
in educational and other activities, of the Stalinist International hel nine new cartridges to his guardworkers listened raptly to Shachtexplained to the audience how besoundly than ever because we planians of the peace in order to Among the new members that have Stalinist in the audience, who ned it that way. says President was so bold as to defend the social proaching war and the crass beman vivid portrayal of the ap 100 Hear Cannon in cause of the false conceptions of face Fascists armed to the teeth! Joined the party in the last couple Roosevelt at Charleston, patriotism of the Communist Party trayal of the Second and Third In Allentown Meeting the Stalinists with regard to build The pollee must be better armed of weeks are three Negrocs, a memto Government figures, was neatly demolished by ing socialism in a single country and above all purified. For this ber of the longshoreman union, industrial production today has speaker.
the ternationals their support of sanc the working class movement had purification, demanded by the po couple of automobile workers, attained 90 per cent of the 1929 tions and of good capitalista ALLENTOWN, Nov. suffered defeat after defeat in all licemen themselves Is an essential couple of painters and other indusForums are to get tights against bad capitalista level while only 82 per cent AS The Producers News for Nov. thelr turning of the workers sans crowd of about 100 workers turned of the capitalist countries and in condition for the security of the trial workers.
many people are employed. Pay under way soon and all signs Indsput to hear comrade James Can the Soviet Union itself; that now French people.
of the NEW MILITANT, the Stalinists have adopted a comrolls are 74 per cent of the 1929 Peatures a debate in its columns upon each other instead of upon non, edito Workers Party position pletely social patriotic attitude to lengths to which the degeneration new members are all intelligent, These are only some of the vile cate a very successful season. The level while prices have risen steeply between a Stalinist, Harry Smith the capitalist governmenta.
the. The banking situation general of Council Blufts, Iowa, which The large collection that was one the war danger at the wards war, pledging themselves at of Stalinism has led Columns energetic and active, and for the takes long time. remarked Rudolphs paper and an answer by comrade Interest of the crowd, even the stal Workers Han last night. The meet thelr last Congress to support the could be given over here te quotas most part are workers. In basic in ing, one of many being conducted bourgeoisle of the democratie coun tione, nothing but quotations from dustries.
In his letter Smith Inists present contributing gener Hecht, president of the American The Spartacus youth have also As part of the anti war cam tries against the Fascist countries. the columns of Humanite which Bankers Association after an hour defends the Soviet Union foreign ously.
paign, was held under the auspices The Northwest side branch of are enough to make any honest had a rapid growth and are very conference with Roosevelt. St.
of the Allentown branch.
the intends holding such Communist want to splt upon every active with classes, social, sports meetings every two weeks.
Louis school children lost 92. 500 11 At this thing he ever been taught at basketball and other activities.
Andrew Budihas. First Vice Arst meeting some fifty workers feet of the Great Leader, Stalla team has been organized and so a penny savings through the failure President of the Pennsylvania Un of local banks. There is no employed League, acted as chair were present and the future meet the Great, or Stalin the Little has a Junior Spartacus group conlonger fear, and confidence in the alias Browder, Cachin or Pollitt.
sisting of youngsters between the man and introduced the speaker to Ings promise to be even larger.
ages of 12 and 15 and numbering future is due to the belief that the local workers. Comrade Can15 members already. Between 25 times are getting better and better, says Alfred Sloan, Jr. head of By SAM POLLOCK and ference goes on record against and 30 Spartacans are actively enWorkers.
ART PREIS General Motors. The Alexander gaged in youth work and the Junany war engaged in by American In the course of his speech he Hamilton Institute, America chlet imperialism; and be it further TOLEDO, 0, Nov. We lors too, have successful meetings.
Both party and youth members Buecers school is on the rocks. Resolved: That this confer demonstrated the inevitability of government can be against ence does not recognize any idea war under capitalism and ImperialIts 1930 pet profit was 316, 000; its sanctions. What would we do if We have made a beginning in City have each made a good contri gather together about three times ist rivalry and exposed the treach our campaign for 1, 000 new sub bution toward the campaign for a week after meetings or other ac1933 net income 018.
an invading army attacked our that justifles support of one imerous character of the pacifist scribers. But it is only. smau the regular eight page weekly. tivities for discussions and plans.
perhilst country during war, behomes? This was not the state PARABLE FOR PREACHERS. ment of the Liberty League, nor cause that country has an alleg peace marches dished up by the beginning and there is a little less This is for the particular Informa rabbis, the preachers, the social than a month and a half left to do tion of the comrades who may think The Newark branch of the Work survey conducted by the Chris an appeal by Stinker Hearst ment. aminest pas country in which reformists and the so called Com the job. Speed is now essential that we do not want any further ers Party is running a theater tian Century showed that of 500 against the Red and Yellow per munist as substitutes for the genfascism or reaction are in power.
By December we will have an contributions for this purpose. We party at the Civic Repertory theater Methodist ministers polled, 34 perils, nor even a quotation from Any such war would still be an cent voted Socialist. Alarmed, the the constitution of the National more proclaimed the slogan of What can our branches and bundle fore the eight page weekly can be evening, and Nov. 30 imperialistie war, a war of desCivia Federation. It was the The Chicago Conference of Methodist Lenin and Liebknecht: The pollation and conquest and would enemy agents do toward a special distri. assured.
play is the Theater Union produe full blown wisdom donated to the Laymen, wbich includes many of not be and could not be in the is in our own country as the guid bution as a means of further stim Those who have the funds to tion of Mother, based on the Gorkl the nation leading business men, Northwest District Conference of novel of that name.
interests of the overwhelming ing line for anti war action on the ulating the campaign? Special sup spare please take note.
the American League Against served notice on the preachers plies of this issue should be ordered part of the working class.
Since our last report we have remajority of the peoples; and be Comrades wishing tickets on War and Fascism, November 3, TERVE social and economic questions The speech was very well re right away and careful plans made ceived the following contributions: write to Lew Merrit, 546 Belmont it further by leading Detroit member of alone and preach the gospel or we the Communist Party.
who contribute the money will Resolped: That this conceived by the audience. In the for distribution, question and discussion period, sev aubscriptions should follow up for Friend, 20. 00 Ave. Newark, Tickets sell for 30e, net actual re Boro Park Branch, 60 46, 800, 76c and 00.
ference is against extending any leave the church. Last week Fearful lest his party comrades Boston Branch. 10. 00 eral Stalinists (members of the sults.
the Conference malled to all Meth might not make the position of the support to any sanctions that the The main point now is to get New York City. 10. 00 Ro called Communist Party. took MINNEAPOLIS government may apply to odist ministers Parable for on Imperialist sanctions suffiEast Side Branch, the floor in a pitiable attempt to busy and build up a march larger. 50 On Thursday, Nov. 7, the Minde Preachers. Excerpts: church clently clear, Francis Murphy.
Italy in the present controversy defend the betrayal policy of the circulation for the NEW MILI Center Branch, called a certain man to be its min local secretary and organizer of the unde to a new imperialist war and Communist International. Comrade TANT. As we have said before. Anonymous, co. 25. 00 apolis branch held an open meeting ister. Instead of preaching Christ American League stated. The Cannon made short shrift of the 1, 000 new subscribers by the time Kensington Br. Philadelphia a world wide slaughter of the sary of the Russian Bolshevik rev.
he preached Old Age Insurance, Un American League is not concerned (received for greetings. 50 mauses of the world, and be it Stalinist funkeys and publicly of the second party convention, olution. Aside from the regular employment Relief, the Abolition of with League of Nations sanctions.
challenged them to an open debate, Christmas week, will mark the first party comrades, numerous sympathe Proft Motive and Reduction of The is not a member of the with equal time for both sides, be step toward accomplishing this aim. Total. 70. 95 thizers attended and honored with Resolved: That this conArmaments. and the hearts of Langue. Therefore, we are not con fore the workers of Allentown. The Moreover, it will net the funds nec Previously reported. 768. 75 us the memory and the great lesthe people were heavy for they cerned about the actions of the ference support only workingStalinists swallowed hard, but toessary to start the regular eightlonged for the old fashioned gospel League of Nations class sunnetions against Italy, in ReinforceGrand Total. 839. 70 Sons of October.
the form of strikes, refusal to date they have not yet replied to page weekly. they sent a delegation and ments were brought from the reas the challenge.
Below we give the quotas of new The entertainment committee of asked him to preach something they to support Murphy, when Sam handle Italian goods, etc. etc.
OPEN FORUM the Minneapolis branch has schedA good number of NEW MILI. subscriptions assigned to the var Lucas County Unemployed did not read about six days out of Sponseller, New America organizer, WHITHER FRANCEY uled three parties for the remainder League. TANTS and party pamphlets were fous branches together with the seven. and the minister was emphatically stated, The Ameri new suby turned in so far.
sold at the door upon the concluangry and said believe in Freecan League Fascism or Workers Revolution of the year, all to take place at the City against all war.
Quota. Turned in The conference had its auspicious ston of the meeting.
Akron, Ohio.
The French Filtlerites Are Ready! branch headjuarters, 631 Third dom of the Pulpit. The minister These were the arguments used start Saturday, Nov. at a lunch Are the Workers Ready?
Avenue South. The parties will be Albert Len, Minn. 10 held on Saturday evenings Nov.
shekels a day to paint some build truperialist sanctions, submitted by city, Jim Crow Commodore Perry Nazi Strikebreakers Speaker: Allentown, Pa. 30 23, Dec. and Dec. 23. All friends JOHN WRIGHT ings white. Instead Austin, Minn.
painting Sam Pollock, a embe 10 who Hotel, held in honor of Dr. Harry Used in Bakery Strike Berkeley, dal.
and sympathizers are to consider 10 the buildings white the painter represented the Lucas County Un. Ward, titular national head of Friday, Nov. 21, P.
this notice their Invitation painted them red. The minister employed League, was pacifist. the American League. This was Great Central Palace to attend these affairs. rebuked the painter. he replied. The resolution, which was undoubt ollowed in the evening by a mon NEW YORK. Use of Nazi agent Charleston, Va.
96 Clinton St. believe in the Freedom of the edly the most important submitted ster gigantic People rally to break the general strike of Cush. Chicago, Auspices: Branch 2, Cannon Speaks at Philadelphia Painter, red is a better color than and the only one even discussed or against war at the huge Civic Au man Purity bakeries was charged Cleveland, Ohto. 25 PHILADELPHIA, James white. suddenly there shined isputed, was permitted only sixatorium (seating capacity 600. today by Herman Gund, Secretary Columbus, Ohio.
upon the minister a light from minutes of debate (two speakers Cannon addressed a mass meeting CONCERT After titanie preparations, 300 of of Bakery Workers Union, Local Davenport, Iowa.
25 Sunday night. Nov. 10 under the heaven and he said, do see my from each side limited to three the masses were lured into the 50, an industrial unton afiliated to Detroit, Mich.
and auspices of the Philadelphia branch this man for mainting my buildings control of the and its stooges. um to hear Dr. Ward and such of sin this day. Why should rebuke minutes aplece) by the mechanical eclioing desolation of the auditori the Bakery International and the Dickson City, Pa.
Fargo, Dakota. 10 DANCE in the campaign of the Workers red which commanded him to the resolution, which exposed the other fighters against war and fas. The Cushman officials deliber High Point, Gulfport, Miss.
Party on the war question. given by Comrade Cannon drove home the preach Christ and Him crucified of the American League, is here of Toledo and an official of the in the 16th Street and Park Ave. Kansas City, Mo.
10 BRANCH Leninist teaching on the workers and preach the Social Gospel? quoted in its entirety 25 Auto Lite Co.
attitude toward capitalist war and plant, and in other plants which Minneapolis, Minn. Resolved: That this con Resolutions were Anally submit employed workers of German de Nount Carmel, Pa.
75 at 320 East 14th St.
tore to shreds be perfidious atti5 ATHLETES.
ted to the evening session, which seent. Germans were given special Newark, 20 HEAR Misha Nash, violinist tude of the Second and Third InDr. Irving Rattner, head of the ternationals. He showed that the started late and from which a great privileges in order to enable thern New Castle, Pa.
WORKERS 10 share of the delegates were absent to take part in Nazi exercises and New Haven, Conn.
American Legion post at New York Fresh from his triumphs abroad. policy of supporting government 10 Prior to the report of the resolu activities. As a result, declared New York City. 400 City College. urges a program SEE Spartacus Dance Group sanctions and the fraud of good Protect Yourselves Against the Awake America to extirpate tions committee, the majority Gund, the majority of the strikeand bad capitalist governments is (Branch Hazards of Life. Join the 17)
communism from Americnu schools.
In a series of modern, streambloc took the precautions to limit breakers in these plants are Ger simply the preparation to deliver (Branch 40 3)
line Kyrations, He suggests clubs named from fa WORKMENS SICK DEATH the debate to two delegates for mans under the leadership of these the masses helpless to another im(Branch 75 10)
mous Generals which should lay either side of an issue with three Nazi foremen.
BENEFIT FUND OF THE perialist slaughter as in 1914.
HEAR Engelson, planist 30 (Branch minutes aplece. In its report, the Some of these Nazis bave openly special stress on athletics for ath20 (Branch 1881 1935 The question and discussion peroutstanding artist of the Met1)
resolutions committee overlooked stated to strikers that they are letes are always good Americans. Branch 15 lod brought out numerous angles of Athlete Joe Ruckly, swimmer, Organized, managed by and for the Unemployed League resolution sabbing on the strike because the ropolitan area.
15 (Branch the proletarian attitude toward polo star and director of the New workers with only one purpose: 10 SEE New Theatre Group (Branch war. The lecture was received with York Civil Service Commission to render protection to members was called to this omission, the American Federation of Labor bus (District declared a boycott of Nazi goods.
enthusiasm and helped to strength100 5)
in a new Ultra Leftist Reperchairman hastily reported non con banked 104. 006 between 1931 and en the influence of the Workers Under the influence of the Nazi Northampton, Pa.
and their families, and to sup 1031 currence by the committee, but reforemen, German workers were in Paterson, His salary in this period 10 Party in Philadelphia port all endeavors and struggles fused to give the reason for this ducel to drop out of the union and Philadelphia, Pa. 30 Amounted to 11. 351. Atblete Dancing until A. Smokey Saunders, for the improvement of tollers, Lonisville position.
About 50. 000 members organJockey, in a drunken stupor threw lived in 350 branches.
are now acting as scabs.
Pittsburgh, Pa. 25 WORKERS EDUCATIONAL Refreshments of Course!
Trade Unionists Balk Reserves This is a direct challenge to the Plenty wood, Mont.
FORUM a Kentucky blond from his car and 3, 400, 000.
When the recorded vote on the American Federation of Labor, It St. Louis, Mo. 10 SATURDAY, NOV. 23rd Sponsored by the Philadelphia ran over her body repeatedly.
resolution was taken, of the 36 is not merely a question of winning Salt Lake City. 10 Athlete Jack Blackburn, trainer of Death benefit graded accordMAAAMAANAAA Local, Workers Party delegates present. 26 delegates, all this particular strike. It is a ques San Francisco, Cal. 20 Joe Louis, is being held in Chicago Ing to age at entry. Sick benest 431 Pine Street of Stalinist or New America contion of smashing for good the use Springfield, TI. for the murder of Enoch Hauser. payments from 360 to 900 to Sunday, Nov. 17 JAMES RORTY, nections, voted as a bloc against it. by the bosses of Fascist organize Toledo, Ohio.
men and women, according to AFFAIR Three delegates, including bonations against strikes.
well known author and Journal Utica, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16 PAUL LUTTINGER, 1st: The Intellectuals and Their Over 200 Cushman workers are Washington, Ade representatives of large trade 10 Monthly assessments from 45c Good Music, Food, Drinks union groupe, endorsed the resolu out for the third week. An army Williston, Dakota 10 Place in the Revolutionary MoveDANIEL LUTTINGER, to 20.
Entertainment tion. The remainder of the dele o company guards have been Youngstown, Ohio. 10 ment. Washington Square North For further information apply at 320 Est 14th Street, gates. representing unions and harassing the strikers. While strik Sunday, Dec. A. MUSTE, NaAdmission 150 to Main Office: 2 and 8 Except Sundays other genuine mass groups, ab ers are at meetings, their homes 1, 000 46 tional Secretary of the And Holidays.
714 Soneca Ave. Brooklyn, stained from voting. Several of are visited and their wives and Auspices: Branch The of Convention In the abstainers later stated to Sam children terrorized by threats. couple of friends in New York Atlantic City.
mikaellene further 20 25 10 10 10 10 Total.