BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Mpls. Labor SlamsUnion Busting Campaign Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 47 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1935 PRICE CENTS Africa French Pleads with Overflow Comrades Laval to Jail the Fascists Meeting Fight War Stalinists Outraged by Fascist Insistence on Right Backs574 Latest Facts on Mols. Paper Trounces BillGreen The voice speaking are done on CONFIRMED!
advancing Dunne Lashes Fakerdom Before Mpls. Mass Meeting MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 10, Following are the important develop ments of the week: Three representatives of International unions have arrived and joined forces with Lewis The Laundry Workers Local charter has been revoked; the of Laundry Workers have Issued an appeal to labor to hack 574 Lewis has appeared before a number of business men clube, and ification of Police Force various open shop groups seeking support for his campaign.
Arrested for Active SupBiggest Peacetime Gath William Green issued statement in Washington denying that Laundry Workers Solid By ROBERTS the Minneapolis red purge was part of a national drive to rld the that particular date because Laval port of Boycott ering Roars Com federation of reds. The drive possesses only local significance. Let no one try to intimidate us. had to give Herrlot something with Despite Revocation he said.
against Italy At the present time it is frisurrec. which to come before the Radical Socialist party congress. This was plete Solidarity The Minnesota Leader (state organ of the Farmer Labor party)
tion which is legal.
of Charter Insurrection is the most sacred (Continued on Page 2)
came out with a front page article denouncing Lewis tactics and BULLETIN duty!
MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. The ofLinking Lewis with an attempt on the part of the two old capitalist MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 10. AlFive members of the Lenin fensive of the old line, reactionary parties to break up the third party movement in Minnesota since Club of South Africa, adherents French Fascists. In the mouths of most two weeks have passed craft unlon of bureaucrats The Minneapolis Labor Review (organ of the Central Labor William Green representative of the Fourth International, have revolutionary workers what mean against the progressive, militant Union) completely ignored Lewis presence in towi, saying not one Meyer Lewis, began to the accombeen arrested and are now facing ing these words could have! But leadership of the general drivers word about him or his campaign.
paniment of newspaper headlines trial. They spoke on the question how do the French Stalinists react Times Reporter Says News union, Loen 674 was met this even Cunningham, president of the State federation of labor, his Holy War against the progresof the Native Bills. The charges to these lines?
sives in the Minneapolis trade union have not yet been enanclated. Humanite quotes them (Oct.
men Get No News at All the machinations of Meyer Lewis, himself would disapprove any attempt to oust progressive trade up on movement. To date, Lewis can re Since the meeting was orderly, it 24) and adds: personal representative of Willamists fighting for industrial unionism.
cord a discouraging lack of progress appears they may be tried for As incredible as it seems, this Harold Denny, New York Times Green were exposed The mans sedition Denial by six members of the Teamster Joint Council (which in his efforts to purge the labor declaration has not been made a correspondent in Harar, Ethiopia, meeting, held in Local 574 hall, movement. Accompanied only by CAPETOWN, South Africa. The Lewis elaims has pledged to reorganize the Drivers Union in Minnes has indirectly confirmed the state was attended by almost four thou polls) that Lewis has ever spoken to them or that they have ever case for the courts.
the applause of the Citizens AllItalo Abyssinian conflict continues Incredible as it seems!
ment in the NEW MILITANT two sand workers accommodated on seen him.
ance and the boss press, the repreto be the most important issue face Here is another Fascist quota weeks ago that all news from Eth two floors and outside of the hall ing the South African proletariat. tion: iopia is censored, tampered with, by means of a loudspeaker and great overflow mass meeting of the members of the progressive rentative of Mr. Green announced late yesterday thnt his plans for Because of our situation we are The best way of succeeding is inspired and even directly written unions in Minneapolis, held Friday night at Local 574 hall, pledged addressed by numerous leaders campaign against directly affected by any conflict on through violence. We will mobil by Mussolini agents.
solidarity against the splitting tacties of Meyer Lewis, Green and in the labor labor movement.
communist leadership in Minneathe African continent. All our proize the tractors and use them as After speaking about a wholesale Tobin.
Bill Brown Chairman polis trade unions would be taken paganda at present is therefor cen. tanks.
exodus of disappointed war cor The chairman of the meeting.
up with leaders of the State Feder.
tered around this question.
Does Humanite remark, per respondents and camera men from Bill Brown, president of the union ation of Labor. He said he expected Undoubtedly the South African chance, that the only thing wrong Ethiopia. one of the greatest opened the meeting by declaring the of to send other repreworkers and especially the native with these words is that they come and most expensive flops in journ that Green Lewis and Company had sentatives to Minneapolis to take colored workers are prepared from a Fascist instead of from the alistic and newsreel history. Den formed a united front with the part in the drive.
in a militant fashion to demonstrate leaders of the French proletariat? ny states the reasons for their de Citizens Alliance in order to break Reasons for Drive Clear their solidarity with the Ethiopian No, friends, that would be outright parture in the New York Times, up everything 574 had gained people. Recently the Stevedores counter revolution. Laval did not Sunday, Nov. 10: The main reasons behind this its members. Lewis says that Minn and Dock Workers Union of Cape see in it (the Fascist declaration) The reason is the almost comtown passed a resolution to refuse a plot against the state. No prose plete absence of reliable news United States, capolis is the worst spot in the MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. As workers are divided into small latest vile attempt to split up and to handle any goods destined for cution took place.
It for Citizens chairman of the mass meeting weak eruit unions. The workers cripple the local trade union move within the country and the inabil Alliances. But it is now the best Bill Brown introduced Dunne sensing this fact, have entered into clear to the members of MinneapoItalian East Africa. The Commu. Demand Arrest of Fascist!
nist League Immediately issued a ity to get even near the scene of place for the workers. Before 574 by saying: have saved the the of hoping that it would its trade unions. At 574 mass The Stalinists want Laval to ar Aghting.
went on strike in 1934, Minneapolis best speakers for the last. Next provide them with the Industrial special edition of the Workers Voice rest de La Rocque. They want to first, the congenital distrust orers. 374 changed the picture. Now, believe it or not, has succeeded in that the cratt structure of the him in support of the dock workers. going The causes of this situation are was the worst place for the call on a man who Yorm of organization. They found meeting, these reasons were driven home by aker atter speaker.
to bring these naughty Fascists First, the Minneapolis labor move in two trurg wat beheworking class areas. Courts of the French bourgeoisie. the whites might eventually dom: they are in trouble only one place, from 90 to 5, 000. Some Wrecker be liteen million workers stand ready years, since Local 574 come out in support of the dockers And why not? Pick up another inate the country like the rest of 574. To whom do the Citizens even Ripley wouldn believe to be organized but they want in the scene. This is the only large Ray Dunne.
action dustrial unions so they can strike city in the country with such a The workers of Luderitx took of Oct. 23. Once again on the menacters of many of those from the trouble? Why to the corrupt and We must not. began Dunne, back effectively at their exploiters. clean and magnificent record of similar action and refused to londace of a Fascist coup etat. What Near East who have come here in reactionary leadership of the forget the more serious and funDrive for Industrial Unionism labor victories. The dramatic strughas Vaillant Couturier to say?
any Italian vessel. The police im.
times past seeking fortunes. United of Now some union leaders have cles waged in this section have mediately offered them the alterna Brown then introduced Ruben damental aspects of this struggle. Once again our party. In the with all this is the fear of spiests, business agent of the Dry Meyer Lewis didn come into town felt this pressure coming from the captured the imagination of the tive of going back to work or ar face of this plot against the safety and we all are suspect.
to take a thrust at the reds because workers John Lewis, Dubinsky. masses of American workers, and rest. The majority of the workers declares itself ready to throw all that foreigners might be killed.
of the state, concealed by Laval. Second. the great anxiety Cleaners Union. Lewis had an went back but a number preferred its forces alongside of those. ALL nounced the day before that this ing. Meyer Lewis is the personal the workers are determined to drive tons follow out the same militant he had a bright idea one fine morn etc. These men understand that they are demanding that their un to go to prison. The Communist THOSE (emphasis in original place to the front we are now al munist leadership. The next day, agent of Bill Green who representa forward to real industrial union class struggle policies that tavo This League sent the following telegram who are determined to re lowed to penetrate, the activities or Lewis announced that the federaithe craft unionist element in the ism. Therefore they have brought proved so successful here.
to the Luderitx workers. Communist Lengue congri pulse this plot and maintain order. correspondents and camera men are charter of the Dry Cleaners Union executive council of the of the issue into the open because they drive against militant leadership in Recently there has been brought are interested in maintaining their unions is planned by the Greens to lates you on magnificent little further on: Mass action rigorously circumscribed. The lat had been revoked.
about a deep split in the of pxsitions in the unions. This split save their jobs.
Condemn police aetion.
must obtain the liquidation of the ter are not even permitted to take Speech of Ruben Latz leadership. But a short time has tolled off, like death bell, the Secondly, Minnesota is the only We are preparing for an organFascist Leagues and the arrest of the most innocent pictures and We have the honor to be ago not even six months ago no fate of Green, Hutcheson, and other state that has broken politically Ized protest against the terrorist their leaders.
Harar is 200 miles from the nearest purged. Luty began. We told one would have been so rash as to arch reactionary craft union fakers with the two old boss parties and action of the police.
fighting, if any. Vigilance. Coolness, Discipline.
Lewis that his methods were not predict that eleven thousand votes They understand that their life in has built up an independent politSabotage Workers Action So. Denny concludes, treat correct. He came to our executive could be gathered for industrial the organized Inbor movement is ionl party. The mass base for the Union of all those who wish to deed very courteously by all classes committee and threatened to revoke unionism. No one can understand limited to months unless they can Minnesota Farmer Labor Party lies In face of the militant mood of fend the Republie!
except for an infrequent scowl or cur charter unless we severel all the present drive against local 574 tear the unions apart, terrorize the in the trade union movement, and the workers, the stand taken by the Such are the Stalinist slogans epithet or even a rare stone thrown relations with 574 so called working class parties is let the incredulous pick up any at our guto we sit waiting for the him, we have no authority to do maneuverings going on inside the those who are making the drive ions. It has been pointed out that fluence which these parties have on ist organ outside of Moscow and and which we probably will not be sent the workers in our union, and has thrown capitalist industry into At the last convention they de wheel horse working in see rate the South African workers move any day he can read the same kind permitted to see if it does.
ment. The South African Labor of foul drivel.
we carry out their decisions. We pane and the workers into the cided that they would have to Daniel Tobin and other Democratic Here we have it from a reliable will gladly permit you to appear breadlines.
Party has not uttered one word on American capitalism strike and strike fast. They de politicians on the Executive Council the matter. The Communist Party, On Oct. 23 Laval issued a series tion that news from the Ethiopian cide, and we shall abide by their it was the tarthest advanced. Now es into the battle. They decided, on Minnesota on behalf of the old correspondent by obvious implica before the members. They will de has been the hardest hit because cided to throw their whole resourc of the A, of to make a drive like the stalinists everywhere, is of decree laws, already dealt with side is either the brain child of decisions.
preparing to lead the workers on in a previous article in these col some impatient, ambitious reporter not appear before the workers. He caught in a trap, that they cannot tacular start to begin with a bang. elections. They know that the best the road of social patriotism. Reumns, ostensibly aimed at the Fas or cooked up in the headquarters of threatened us in many ways, and keep their place in the sun that they had to write in letters of fire way to do this is to split the labore cently the Stalinist controlled League cist lengues. These decrees were the Italian General Start.
Against War and Fascism, held a aimed at and will be used against it seems in Ethiopia too, no news virtue of the authority vested in unless they crush the spirit of labor. to any worker who dared raise his from its tanken said, bring to you a mandate by they can make any more Folts across the sky that it meant death movement, to weaken it by driving most militant on the workers. They were issued on is good news. Continued on Page 3) And this can be done only if the (Continued on Page 3)
fighters, Laundry Workers Stick to 574 On Thursday. Lewis revoked the charter of the Dry Cleaners Local No. 18005, after he and Bradley, presklent of the national counMANIFESTO OF THE ITALIAN BOLSHEVIK LEVINISTS ell of petroleum workers had earlier given a clean bill of health to the Many of you have fallen in Af killing you, say that Italy is too corporations are a lie. There is the sun, but that place is not in Throw the de Bones, Cianos, and with Bandiera Rossa you will No. 19802, which has just negotiatGasoline Station Operators Local rica; many more will suffer the small for our people, that she must not and capnot be equality or col Africa; it is in Italy that we must the Grazianis, the whole bloody conquer, you, working class Italy, ed a contract with local employers.
same fate. You were told this was have a place in the sun. But we laboration between exploiters and win it.
band into the sca: fraternize with will conquer.
no war but merely an expedition, are not poor because our sun is exploited. The Fascist state is an Instead of going to your death in the Abyssinian soldiers; return Rubin Latz, business agent of an excursion, that would lead to poor, or because our land is poor. exploiters state. The Socialists the arid mountains of Africa we from Africa and don give up your In Italy you will take the factories, and No. 183 of the Cleaners and In Italy you will seize the land, the dry cleaners locals No. 18005 land, glory, and prosperity. What Take the largest empire in the and Communists, those whom Mus say: Look for your land at home, arms.
world, England, of which you hear solini has killed, whom Il Duce in Italy. Don take the land from Where your fathers and brothers Dyers, stated that we are not comForty years ago they told your so much these days. What is the has persecuted, imprisoned and to the poor Ethiopians and may they more glorious chers to fight the consiguera nice and through the rechercus is our friendship with 574 Nor peated them during the Tripolitan What is the fate of our brothers, Enough of Division Among the the land from the nobles, counts Just war, the war of the working tenders, you will succeed.
man Carle, chairman of the execuwar in 1901and during the World the English workers? They are as Workers. Let Us Unite, Unite and dukes and landowners of Italy: Ecole against there tyrants, ainst tive board of the Laundry Workers, War of 1915 1918, which cost Italy exploited and poverty stricken as the land that you and your fathers their exploiters, the war of libera: be able to govern alone?
Do you believe that you will not issued a vigorous statement de600, 000 men. After forty years of we. Just the other day the Welsh Yourselves with All Peoples nouncing Lewis, saying: suffering, misery, privation, and miners went on a hunger strike in Who Suffer and Toil.
worked so that these nobles could tion of the Italian people from cap Form your committees of workitalist tyranny and for the new so Lewis has demanded that we lead a merry life in the cities.
martyrdom, the Italian ruling class the bottom of their mine, risking You have been given arms to kill ers and peasants, your soldiers repudiate Local 574. This we ciety, the workers state, the social Before trying to Mberate the Abes have nothing to offer you, our their lives for a little wage increase. Negroes who are as poor and mis yssinian slaves we must abolish our ist soclety.
committees. government of work flatly refused to do because 574 sons and brothers, but to send you the cause of our misery is this erable as we. Don give up your own slave system. Don you know Soldiers and youth of Piedmont. tees will know better how to gov. friends and allies. We consider ers, peasants and soldiers commit has been one of our most valuable to the equator to die of fever, sun system of robbery and exploitation arms! Judgment day has sounded that the Ethiopian slaves, those of Lombards. of Apulia, of the ern than a state composed of Passtroke, and thirst; to send you founded on profits, the capitalist for the real enemies of the Italian that still exist, are far better of Isles, follow the example of the cit degenerates living on the workthat they have contributed mightagainst a people who have done you system. Even 11 Duce, that un people. These enemies are not than you? The Ethiopian slave is Abyssinian people, these people ing people and guarding the capt polis, and that they are deserving ily to organized labor in Minnet no harm; a people who are them scrupulous old demagogue, capable three thousand miles away in the kept and ted by his master. And whom they call savage. Yes, they talist system.
selves struggling to wrest a living of any deceit, is forced to proclaim middle of Africa, they are not the we? We belong to our masters, have shown you they know how to of full support in their effort to from their barren lands.
Down with Fascism, the exploit win reinstatement in the Don answer as the Fasclists capitalist system. But what then at home, people in the enemies are who can just as well decide our light savagely for their liberty, nontor their independence We believe that the attack by have taught you, Me ne frego (I Why do we have Fascism? The wealthy men, the big landowners any use to them in making profits Learn from these savages. tight Down with Mussolini, traitor to Meyer Lewis upon 574 is ab don give a damn. and exploiters who have sent you bers, upon exploitation of the those who live by our sweat, the they throw us away like old clothes against your oppressors, fight for the lackey of the bankers; the op Your masters capitalist system is based upon rob the bankers, the manufacturers, an they throw us out in the street for your liberty: turn your guns soclalism and to the Italian people: solutely unjustified and clearly to die in Africa don give a damn Minneapolis workers. We there your land and your bread: liberate presor of the workers and poor fore refuse to become a party to for your ves, they are only wor is to defend this system of robbery band of swindlers and crooks; All Ethiopian deserts with corpses in Italy by liberating yourselves from peasants!
ried about their profits. Is it really and exploitation that Mussolint the profiteers of the royal and milt order to get rid of you. That is capitalism.
For wet nannther for the lends his support to your exploiters, tary circles. In Italy, not in Abys the place in the sun you are of Enough of singing Glovanezza, camarilla!
Down with the monarchy and its any such disruptive program. Our union was organized under the profit of these gentlemen back home to the manufacturers, the landown sinia, there is work to be done, a fered. of and it is our desire to this song of slavery and death. Down with the Imperialist War remain a part of that body, but who are flaunting the fortunes they ers, the bankers, those who are now rotten system to be cleaned up!
have amassed at your expense, at sending you to dle in Africa. You No, we cannot bring civilization Learn Bandiera Rossa, the song in Africa; Long Live the Civil War Mussolini has told his bandit and liberty to others as long as we of your fathers, the song that we will not permit ourselves to in Italy! Long Live the Republic be stripped of all union principles our expense?
have been deceived with talk of rivals that he isn collecting de tolerate this barbarous slave sys makes your exploiters, your real of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers to do so The band of demagogues, swind collaboration and equality between serts. And we? Are we to collect tem, the capitalist system and its enemies, the generals, the manufac Councils of Italy!
lers and murderers, who alone those who work and those who live Ethiopian bullets for the Italian watchdog Fascism, among our turers and the big landowners According to Latz, the Laundry stand to gain by this war that is by the work of others. The Faeciat capitalists? We want a place in selves. The Italian Bolshevik Workers Union will continue to tremble with fright.
Leninists. Continued on Page 4)
To the Soldiers and Youth of Italy!