BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniReform PartySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1935 Mpls. on Role Of Farmer Labor Party Comintern Prepares Dissolution of To Change it into Innocuous Organization Patriotic Organic Unity remove outh, In the Footsteps of Hearst Farmer Labor party. Today it bas made a right about face and meekly seeks admission into the Farmer Labor party! Further than that, it would seek to give us a national Farmer Labor party. Instead of one Latimer, it would give the workers in the United States hundred such betrayers. Actually (Continued from Page 1) both in theory and practice, shows today the Stalinists stand on many By JOSEPH CARTER Used as Bait to Lure Yipsels into Socialists: except as another proof of 200 more police, Latimer callous that it can answer your needs and points at the RIGHT of the Farmer The Young Communist InternaStalinist bankruptcy. your demands. If you are not yet Labor and the Socialist parties.
tional has decided to dissolve it ty Assents.
How will it be met by the mem4. On July 24, Mayor Latimer convinced of the necessity for this The Socialist party, both here self! Such is the meaning of the bers of the who were never convents a secret conference of action, we say: Stay in the Farmer and on an international plane, car report of the Sixth Congress of the being revolutionary movement. consulted prior to the adoption of trade union reactionaries in his Labor party and seriously and con ries out on a large scale all the recently held in Moscow. Socialist Call, Sept. 21, 1985. scientiously work within its ranks fundamental errors of the Farmer The manifesto scores pacifism, reception room, and calls for We oppose all imperialist war. the polley and are now presented given by GIl Green, national secreWe agree with the St. Louis Pro with an accomplished fact and what? For higher wages, for full to make it function for the workers. Labor party.
It advocates class tary of the Young Communist the social patriotism of the Com clamation of the Socialist Party asked to discuss. In so far as support of the workers in their It is our studied opinion that such collaboration, betrays colonial re League of the United States and munist International and, what is in 1917 that the only war that they have trained at all it has been struggles! NO, he calls for inwork 18 hopeless, is doomed to volts. supports imperialist war, member the Executive Commit of special significance, the social patriotism wherever it exists in the justifies the workers taking up the barracks training of soldiers re dustrial peace!
failure. All history mocks at the suppresses revolutionary struggles tee of the Comintern.
idea of a reformist party winning of the workers, and conducts no 35 percent relief Increase The Daily Worker (Nov. 2, 1935)
Socialist movement. Though not a arms is to free the working class celving orders from above. Most of clear statement of revolutionary, it from the chains of capitalism. the young workers who enter the was taken from the unemployed any permanent gains for the work struggle against the reactionaries in. orms us. Our task is to educate the en to participate in the revoluby the Farmer. Labor administra ers. But if you still feel the need in the trade union movement. Even Asked what new developments marks a great stride forward in tire membership of the League to tionary labor movement reply to tion. Riot squads were twice of attempting such a fight, make more recently than the Farmer in the life of the Young Commu that direction.
understand the Socialist position on these orders by, after a few months (Sept. 13, Sept. 27) used against the attempt. The Workers Party of Labor betrayal at the Flour City nist League would result from Manifesto of Yipsels unemployed demonstrations.
the win you in every plant, the Socialist led city govern the Sixth Congress, Comrade To quote the salient points: war and to train them to better stay, leaving the Others carry on our antiwar activity. As remain faithful soldiers. Still Latimer proposed 1, 200 traf possible way ment of Milwaukee has used the Green stated. Pacifists who hold out the pros part of such education and training others raise questions or dissent fle police, to be taken from the The DECLARATION OF PRIN. police to attack strikers and to ar In the first place, the Con pect of peace through arbitration must be mereiless criticism of from order and are expelled, relief rolls. Everyone knows that CIPLES of the Workers Party of strike leaders.
gress established a new policy or disarmament confuse and weak pacifism and social patriotism usually for Trotskyism.
these 1, 200 police would be used the United States has this to say It is a hopeless task which proposes the reconstrue en the fight of the working class wherever it exists in the Socialist Llowever, the abrupt turn of the As strike breakers.
about the Farmer Labor Party and the unscrupulous bureaucracies tion of the present into a against war. Only the struggle of movement.
Young Communist International Such, in brief, is the record of all such reformist partier. controlling the Socialist and Com. non. party me organization the workers of each country against This is new language for the will undoubtedly awaken many of the Farmer Labor administration in In the period of capitalist de munist parties in all countries. We which while clearly supporting a their Owl war making capitalist young Socialists. The how the young Stalinists out of their its first three months of rule a cline, so called reformist parties call upon the present supporters of socialist goal will not take a po class can delay the impending con ever, has never defined what it uncritical position. They will be criminal record of betrayals to its cannot pretend to the progressive these parties to re study the recent sition on how socialism is to be dict. Only the conquest of power means by conquest of power. compelled to re evaluate the procampaign pledges.
Political and economic conces Socialist regimes in the light of role they have played decades ago. History of the world stalinist and concretely accomplished, thus major task in the eduention of the gram they formerly accepted and be SOME SERIOUS QUESTIONS opening the way for organie un struction of capitalism can bring young Socialists is precisely in the more receptive to revolutionary sions can now be wrested from the writings of Marx and Lenin, ity with the Young People So permanent peace to the world.
significance and form of the rev. Marxism, the program of the WorkArrogant acts such as these the capitalist class only by means and to come over to the only revocialist League in all countries. At this most critical time, olutionary road to socialism. On ers Party and the Spartacus Youth FORCE every worker in Minneapo of the most resolute and militant Intionary international group in Capitulation to Right Wing when a brief period for the mobil the question of war, it is essential League, lis and in the state to ask some class struggle. Besides, any party this country, the Workers Party of Reconstruction? Organizational ization of the labor movement that simultaneous with the clarifi The growing desire among the serious questions about the whole which purports to represent two the United States.
ly, it means a fusion of the against all capitalist war yet re cations of the general problems youth for revolutionary unity which idea of Farmer Labor party, and or more classes on an equal footwhether or not its actions will almains, we witness the spectacle which it poses, the immediate prac is being distorted by the Young We say again, als we said in our and its innumerable youth clubs ing, or to direct its appeals to ways be directly opposed to its all classes is essentially a middle pre election statement. with the and the countless of the Communist International tical issues be understood and copied Communist International must be Minneapolis workers, in joint and liberal and semi radical youth or holding its seventh congress and with. These include the support of utilized for the genuine revolutionavowed aims class party doomed to irresolu common action with the workers in sanizations which favor a new adopting a position identical with colonial and semi colonial peoples ary movement. The turn to the What, for instance, is the Farm tion and surrender to the big er Labor policy towards the trade capitalists in every decisive test.
that of the social patriots of 1914. in their war against Imperialism right of the as well as the rest of the state and nation, social order but are vague on unions? The truth is that the only. Another dangerous aspect of party. The Workers Party of the plished. In a word, the converTo support democratie govern. as in the case of Ethiopia today. turn to the left of the must build their own revolutionary how it can be concretely accomments against fascist govern the question of sanctions, neutral present the Spartacus Youth League policy is to get votes from middle class reform movements, United States submits (in pamphlet sion of the American Youth Con ments, to refuse to take part in ity, and what constitutes a plat with exceptionally favorable conditrade unionists!
in the present period, is the fact form Whom does the party supPROGRAM AND PRINC gress luto a membership organizathat they onally fall prey to those IPLES, and WHICH PARTY FOR tlollan American Youth League, the revolutionary struggle against form for the united front against tions for presenting its program of those imperialists who happen to war. In practice this will lead to revolutionary Marxism as the basis port in the trade union movement? demagogie appeals, chauvinistie THE AMERICAN WORKERS) its tion to the right centrist wing of Politically, it signifies capitula be allied with the Soviet Union, closer collaboration of the for the regroupment and unity of Does it support the progressives slogans and reactionary ideas of to speak of progressive wars and the the militant youth in the struggle who have me made real gains for the class harmony which are the fought by the capitalist governwomen, and to the working class social democracy, an explicit disworkers in the past two years? hallmark of the fascist movement.
The new course of the Young against imperialist war, Fascism NO! In every instance, the The revolutionary party will ments in this day of Imperialism Communist League will not be wel and capitalism and for working We are confident that it avowal of the conception of a rey.
fits the needs of the working class olutionary youth movement estab, is to desert even the pretense of comed by the militant young Social class emancipation.
party bases itself upon the most slow by theory and historical exreactionary right wingers the Cun ample, and above all by its own It can be made a living thing and lished by the early congresses of ninghams, the Boscoes, the Law. activities that the actual consereach fulfillment only through mild the Comiutern and and an Meanwhile, giving a helping tant struggle.
admission of failure and bank sons, and all the other starkeys. quences of the policies of reform ruptcy.
STUDY THE PROGRAM! Stalinist Adventure in Gutter Journalism and where we can, we welcome This fact has an unmistakable sig movements, here as in all other However, this new policy as this newcomer into the publishJON THE WORKERS PARTY nificance for every thinking worker. countries, are directly opposed to OF THE UNITED STATES!
all organisational lines. results ing field.
What would real workers their avowed aims, that they net BUILD THE REVOLUTIONARY ürom sic political conceptions. In The Daily Worker has one single party have done had it. Instead of to preserve capitalism, and hence this case the politics underlying criticism of the People Press.
PARTY and the FOURTH INTERthe Farmer Labor party. been el are inimical to the interests of NATIONAL!
the new course were adopted by It does not come out for a Labor ected to office. real worers par. the workers.
Minneapolis branch, Pintern. In all essentials the decithe Seventh Congress of the Comty would have ousted all reaction631 Third Avenue South, What should be said of the ediarles from appointive offices. BUILD THE REVOLUTIONARY sions of the congress are identical PARTY The stench of the Chicago stock. would have been no Fascist dictators of so foul amper? They are real workers party would have with the position of the right cen yards notorious. Now an even torship and no Ethiopian war. people without conscience, without shaken up the relief administration, There are several other parties RU SATISFIED trists of the Second International, more malodorous institution is is. Even more. If Mussolini alone is shame, and without scruples, who put in progressives, retained the 35 and individuals currying political with the NEW MILITANT, then Theodor Dant of the Russian Mensuing its products from there. We responsible for the Ethiopian war, have no respect for themselves and per cent in relief, and fought for favor among the workers in Minnefurther increasee! real workers apolis. For the most part, they make your renewal on time.
continue your subscription and shevik marts, Otto Bauer of the refer to the People Press, the what need is there for organized even less for the people for whom Austrian Social Democratic Party, tabloid journal that made its debut mass action against him? The they publish their paper.
What party would refuse to give police play, and have played a sorry role.
Jean Zyromski and Amedeo Danois last week.
protection to union hating employ. The absolutely unprincipled Com ted, if you have complaints on If you are not entirely satis quickest and easiest way to stop brazen contempt for the working of the French Socialist Party This new jazzy tab, as it so the war and overthrow Fascism men and women of this country ers, to all such social pariahs Inmunist Party (Stalinists) deserves the manner in which the paper (Compare their thesex on Social gaily dubs itself, is the latest prop would be to assassinate Mussolini. does such a sheet exhibit! Instead stead, it would have used the police contempt. Our party literature has ism and the War Danger. Social agenda sheet emanating from the such are the fruits of political op of undertaking the task of enlightreaches you or if you have some to shut down the plants and keep already dealt fully and adequately ist Call. Oct. 12. 1935 with the de Stalinist camp. Its finandial backportunism and adventurism.
ening the masses, who are today suggestions to make regarding them shut down until such employ with the fundamental errors and its contents, please get in touch cisions of the Seventh Congress. It ing is reported to bave come from That is by no means the lowest dependent upon the capitalist press ers would concede the demands of the history of this group. It is the trade unions. real workers enough to remind serious workers best to meet your desires as with us so that we can do our is worth noting that the October sources and sympathizers. In any level to which the Mussolint story for their sources of information, issue of the Communist. official case, its editorial board headed by descends. headline alongside these cynical gentlemen feed them party would never tolerate such that the Stalinists have led the much as possible.
organ of the American ne Frank Palmer of the Federated picture of Duce little daughter the same garbage as Hearst and butchers as Forestal, Ohman and workers in China, England, Gerprints these theses. Goergan on the police department. many, and Spain to defents, not to The number appearing on Press, long a Stalinist stooge, and asks if she also is Tainted. MAC Fadden. They evidently look Social Patriotle Organic Unity And if the business men ohjected. victories. Today they are pursuing when your subscription expires.
your wrapper will inform you including Carl Haessler, Harvey Even the vilest tabloid would think upon the people as unreasoning Given this basie agreement be Connor. Arthur Kallet James twice before dragging a baby into brutes who cannot be told the real workers party would still a fatal policy in France. In Minnetween the social patriots, is it not Waterman Wise is thoroughly Stal. ito so filthy a mess.
If the number is 46 your subBut these truth about the soclety they live fearlessly proceed in the above manapolis during the last election cam logical that the same congress inized.
seription will expire with this pen prostitutes are ready for any ner, and if necessary, be forced ont paign, this group attacked everyone in straightforwardly and simply, The People Press is designed thing should decide in favor of organic but must be drugged first and then of office rather than betray the indiscriminately, including the issue.
unity. And now. In order to to be a national weekly for the Bathing Beauties, Seandals, Filth given injections of propaganda on workers into the hands of their hasten this process, the pro masse. Its a vowed editorial policy the sly.
mortal enemies, the employers, poses organie units with the Young is to out Hearst Hearst. Having at page shows a mother with her The second photograph on the Truly a Stinking Corpse held in this small community with Socialist International and pre ailed to win any masses anywhere third set of identical twins. May WHAT IS TO BE DONE!
Hundreds at comrade Max Shachtman speaking intres itself by. of What about a party that gives Yes, you working men and women threat of a world war. The audi long ao deserted in practice, the course of the late unlamented third twins be called fascism and 80 said time and again the Stalinist what we want, that is what we exence, Intensely interested through cial fascism period, the Stalinists and their in honor of Stalin, party is nothing but stinking pected the Farmer Labor party out the lecture and the question revolutionary road to socialism.
spreads What will this new organization agents are now trying to reduce the who also, we have recently been corpse, which poison (Continued from Page 1)
would give us when we elected it period, met in the hall of the Inde offer as the solution of imperialist masses by Imitating the worst fen Informed, loves his mother.
to ottice sainst the combined ef editor of the New International at the end contributed generously Not the revolutionary struggle for throughout the labor movement.
pendent Union of All Workers, and war. of Pascism, of capitalism? tures of bourgeois Journalism.
The third set of photographs The People Press, the offspring of forts of the boss parties. We ad. was scheduled to speak, were frus to the workers Party fund. It is socialism, but medley of pacifist conples Hearst with his paramour. its new policy, is another evidence mit we rave been hideously betrayed trated by the organized campaign also gratifying to report that the and social patriotic claptrap!
New Low for Gutter Journalism Marion Davies. On page 2, no less of Stalinist degeneration. The. but what shall we do?
of intimidation which the Chamber County Committee of the Farmer The reasoning behind such a pola personage than editor Palmer tilential source of corruption must On the basis of the betrayals of Commerce and its satellites have Labor party pastponed its regular tions of the young Socialist Inter has failed to gain masse support. Hearst coming back time when large sec icy is clear. The Daily Worker nimaelf discusses the question: Is be removed from the ranks of the suffered by you at the hands of the organized against the Workers meeting downstairs to attend the national are making the road of rev: Henrst, however, has built up tre Misust Surely, a vital question specting worker and intellectual to the working class. Let every self rewithdraw rom that party and join enough, neither the Socialist Party local is composed of the most to the left. away from reformism dering to the most backward pre oriented people of the. dsraise his voice in protest against United this infamous sheet.
States the only party today that particular dificulty in securius pub the We do not share the contempt whose trecent generously openly accept baste social we to reach the lie halls for their meetings. The donated for the occasion, the meet eratie conceptions and offer organle masses and win them away from And so it goes throughout the of the editors of the People Press Wall Street Workers Party, on the contrary pages of this sheet. tribute to and their stalinist supporters for due particularly to its revolution promises to become one of the the quintessential of Marxism: the on his own level, beat him at his peepal. Senator Norris, on his re United States. We believe that they ing was held. Southern Minnesota unity on a program which omits Hearst, we must compete with him that sterling champion of the the working men and women of the ary activity among the pnemployee strongest positions, road to socialismown game, Terrorin Cuba While the people tirement: photos of Jimmy Walker want to know the truth about the consume columns of scandal, we and his consort, bathing beauties, world they inhabit, can hear it, un reactionary blacklist. Plans were In France they have prepared the like Hearst, will feed them propa movie stars, and even a 16 year old derstand it, and assimilate it with.
laid at a branch meeting attended AUSTIN, Minn. Under the chair (Continued from Page 1)
by Shachtman for a campaign, tomanship of one of the leaders of road for organle unity by directing anda. different kind, no doubt. girl who wishes to sell herself to a out benefit of the worst vices of to the famous strike against the Ilor the expulsion of the revolutionary but in the same manner.
work for which they are unnitted. extend beyond Davenport if neces.
middle aged man. Sandwiched in bourgeois journalism. We further The result is a rag which takes between are miscellaneous items on believe that they are healthy mindAnita Bremner, chairman of the sary, to force the local authorities packing plant, several dozen Socialists of the Setne district who Committee on Cute of the Non and other reactionary forces to workers gathered in Firemen Hall Conght against social patriotism. Two leaders of the were its place among the worst in gutter the depresion, on the lack of reed enough to detect the odor of Journalism. The first issue of the lef, and inevitably an article by Partisan Lahor Defense, will speak back down from their position and the position of the Workers Party mission!
on the Cuban terror at meeting or the same facilities now freely on the danger of a new world war sent to France with that as their People Press is littered with all Anna Louise Strong from Moscow decay which Issues from this packof the November 13, at The party branch here is the filth of the decadent bourgeois on how The Reds Conquer the age of filth an will throw it into composed Young Socialists More Left the leadqnarters of Local 18, ILG at the disposal of other organizalmainly of packing house workers Socialist Guarl, they failed to make the Brondway columnists to the abont the Eskimo soviets.
In Belgium, among the young press from the scandal shops of Arctic. Not a word, however, yet the gutter where it belongs. 281 West 14th Street.
tions, and leading union militants, with At the request of the Nationa!
The Daily Worker Applauds every prospect of increasing its al any impression. The leader of the slanderous slope of Hearst Sun LOS ANGELES LECTURE What does the Daily Worker, the Committee for Amnesty, the Non ALBERT LEA, Minn. splendia rendy substantial strength in the Revolutionary Socialist Action day supplements. Only people with Partisan Labor De ense rallying meeting of almost 100 workers was immediate future group, which is very influential in strong stomachs or already de official organ of the Communist The Soviet Union and the League American lalor organizations to the organization of young Social praved, appetites will be able to party of the have to say about of Nations ists, has recently through its sec digest it without revulsion this rag? We quote verbatim and the support of the Cuban working Speaker: retary.
class organizations, which can now Walter Paranoiae Analysis MAX SHACHTMAN Dauge, openly in its entirety its editorial greeting INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL exist only megnlly. Not a single pledged solidarity with the ex The topmost of four photographs the appearance of its esteemed conFriday, Nov. 15, at P.
political or trade union headquar.
Announces Two Lectures On nelled French youth in their strug on the front cover illustrates the temporary ters is permitted to open in Cuba.
gle against social patriotism.
Walker Auditorium POSSIBILITIES lead story captioned: II, Duce 730 Grand Avenue The newly organised Labor and In the United States the Young Diseased, Insane. Turning to page Much comment has been Socialist Defense Committee, of People Socialist League, particu for details, we learn that Musso caused by the appearance of the Admission at door 15e which Norman Thomas is chairman, larly on the question of war, is far Ini contracted syphilis in his youth first issue of a weekly tabloid, In response to information forwardto the left, that is, closer to revo and twenty years later developed the People Press.
ed to them by the Non Partisan lutionary Marxism, than the Young paresis and delusions of grandeur, There is great need for the NEW MILITANT Labor Defense has sent letters of Communist League. At the Amer. These paranoiae dreams drove him kind of paper the group publishprotest to President with which is merged Mendieta of ican Youth Congress held early this to imitate Caesar: to become dic.
ing it seems to be striving to Cuba, Secretary of State Cordell year in Detroit, the totator of Italy; and to attempt the produce. With Frank Palmer, THE MILITANT Hull and American Ambassador gether with the Spartacus Youth conquest of Ethiopia. According to Arthur Kallett, James Waterman Published weekly by the New M11Jefferson Caffery, and has asked MARXISM AND MODERN SCIENCE League fought against the Stalinist this theory of history, Duce is Wise, Corliss Lamont, Harvey ant Publishing Co. 55 East 11th the Non Partisan Labor Defense to Friday, November 15th, at P.
youth (Y. and in favor presumably bringing syphilisation Connor and other able staff st. NY. Phone: Argon 9058 convey to the Cuban Amnesty Comof a to the Ethioplans.
members, they should be able to Entered as second clam mall matter mittee our warmest fraternal MARXISM AND MODERN PHILOSOPHY at the Post Office at New York, States government in any war that Such a story can only make one produce just what they want.
greetings and sincere hope that Friday, November 22nd, at P.
It may undertake. The Staliniats impression upon the mind of an We view this publication as a under the act of March 1879.
Rucces will soon come to our unitwere against this resolution be unenlightened person. namely, that friendly paper. The announce JAMES CANNON: Editor ed efforts.
Church of All Nations cause of its meaning in case of a the Ethiopian adventure is not the ment, however, that the People Subscription rates: in the United The Cuban Amnesty Committee military alliance between the Unit inevitable outcome of imperialist Press is to be non party and non States 00 per year: he per nix has asked the Non Partisan Labor SECOND AVENUE (Near Houston Bt.
ed States and the Soviet Union. policy, but the wild dream of a labor leaves a question unan months: Canada and forelin 50 Defense to initiate a broad united Far more striking is the man madman. It Mussolini had never swered. Failure to state post per sent: 00 Individual lectures 25 cents, months. Bundle front movement of American Jabor festo issued by the national office had syphilis (16 Indeed he has it. tlon sharply for Labor Party is rates: Two cents per copy organizations to aid the Cuban international Workers School, 155 Baat 11th Street, of the for International the course of Italian history would a weakness, which we submit workers.
Socialist Youth Week, October to have been totally different. There should be corrected.
Vol. NOVEMBER 9, 1835 No. 46 a primera persoa Tour Meetings demo people.
Marxism and Modern Thought Professor Sidney Hook