AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Japanese Military Seizes WHAT ARE SANCTIONS. North China Province Collective Effort for Peace or Imperialist Battle for Empire. the airial emac SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE ers which, regardless of intentions, can lead only to wa rfor the malotenance of the British Imperial possessions.
Britain is today in the center of the war developments but it is not 11 alone; nor is the position taken by (Continued from Page 1) Lelth Ross, a British Treasury offthe British Stalinists an exception.
Nanking and as such might have clal now attached to Nanking as a We are informed by the Daily drawn the fire of a desperate man financial adviser.
Worker, for instance, that the By ARNE SWABECK expense of the last of the indepen. is the preservation of their own far native population. The capitalist of Czechoslovakia on October who wanted somebow to express That Nanking took this stpe apdent African states. But in worla tung colonial empire. That Ethio powers in the League of Nations his opposition to Nankings betry: parently without previously con Soviet Union, have voted to enforce spheres of influence such a course ticed easily enough was shown by while all of them are armor to the tion of effective economic and more Fifty two nations, including the already divided into colonies and pia Independence could be ser proclaim their peaceful intentions cabled the League of Nations de manding the immediate applicashooting might equally as well have the chilish belong naman poet ne sportomtions covenant against Fascist for redivision of markets, involving Councir last summer. By a unant. the first opportunity to spring to a voice from another democra Liberais, pacitats and labor for the West instance those powers mous vote of all of its members, in the end efter a present possessions the seated its policy to defend trigues onlweye na uportone for de 600. 000 (U. 8, currency) loan which tlons throughout the world, sup And so, in this case, rascist Itals tion was adopted to dismember to the end. There may yet been against Fascism. But it is not the the Kuomintang camp. None of us was would have mourned Stalin friend the air. The War Office and Foris taken by the Second position came into direct conflict with the Ethiopia on the basis of the robberintermission before the general convoice or the revolutionary workers.
port sanctions. similar Wang, but the would be assassin and the British Empire.
was bum shot and Wang is recien Office in Tokyo were openly Third Internationals, la unison, treaty of 1906 between Italy, Brit. flagration; but in any event the Can anyone conceive of Czechoslo.
furious over this development and both of these Internationals have Britain and Italy ain and France. But Mussolini war that has already started in vakia, or Britain, or the United covering the Japanese banks in Shanghal become aggressive supporters of Sowing Up the North These two imperialist powers, truculently rejected this offer inas. Ethiopia is only a prelude to the states, or any other capitalist demoJapan has measwhile blotted out will probably try to sabotage the sanctions ever since this ingentos Britain and Italy, are the major ad much as he wanted possession of much greater catastrophe now in alone.
cratie country, really going to war preparation under the rallying cry to defend the democratic rights of effort at nationalization by refusing device was invented by the capital versaries in the present war situs Ethiopia for Fascist Italy the last vestiges of even nominal of sanctions.
to surrender their silver stocks ist statesmen at Geneva.
Chinese authority in North China, Meanwhile the Japanese press has tion and in no case can the clash Indirectly this spells danger to the people against Fascism? Need has taken over the policing of started fulminating at both Britain be considered a conflict of democra the British Empire through the Good Intentioned Treachery there be any doubt that the war The fateful ays of 1914 bad for cy versus dictatorship, as it is pre prospects of uprisings by the milOnly on this background can the they will wage will be for imper.
Tientsin and Pelping compelled and Nanking. The currency reform their rallying cry the defense of sented today.
And we might add, They are typical of lions of peoples it now holds in sub question of sanctions be properly ialist Issues?
the resignation of the mayors of is called a return of the pro Eu the fatherland. Is history now re power pressing forward in the section. But much more directly. understood. And yet in this situs is it not more likely that when the those two cities and the liquidation ropean or pro American clique (T. peating itael of the Peiping Military Council. the Soong and Co. and dire threats similarly fateful consequences to seeking to maintain its present pos life Ilne Fascist Italy is building the Daily Worker, informs us that: ious efforts will be made by the Are not 188ties of struggle for expansion and a power this threatens to cut the imperialition the Stalinist party, through war actually breaks out that serorgan of Chiang Kai shek author of military action have been re the future of the whole of humanity sessions.
ity in the North, joined up in this rallying cry On the one side is Fas fortifications in Eritrea, on the The next step must be punishment capitalist rulers of these countries One key to understanding what sumed.
into Fascist cist Italy, caught in its inabllity to coast of the Red Sea, and it is alm of the guilty sanctions. It ex to transform them 1985 the cry of sanctions?
is going on is the fact that the Seeking New Markets the tide of its own Internal ing for nava horts: All opponents of war and states?
Japanese have decided to get rid What will sanctions mean when economic and political contradic in the Mediterranean. This is the Fascism should support this policy For the Stalinist parties the supWhat these developments mean actually enforced? Are they to be tions, desperatels seeking an outlet most immediate issue around which and demand that the League of Na port of sanctions is not an accl piha obtingHe has shew nestranger is simply this: Chiang Kal shek, purey financial and economic or through the restoration of Ceasar the war clouds are thickening to tions bar all trade with Italy and dent; nor can it be regarded as just the The defeats he Intlleted upon smart him whether the cravintoare they to be military? Is it true empire. On the other side is the day and the main motivating force close the Suez Canal.
the Red Armies, his conquests of them or not, has decided to give as the League of Nations represent the the sun never sets.
to that the sanctions to be invoked by existing British Empire on which behind the swift action of Britain In the thieves jargon of diploms whole system of policies which, the western provinces, his acquist much to the Japanese as he has to collective efforts of these nations to for sanctions at Geneva.
cy, sanctions, in their ultimate Im once such a course is embarked tion of the rich oplum revenues at but at the same time to seek other punish an aggressor and to stop date her position. Tapping vast reBritain had centuries to consollplication, men war.
The Many Sided Danger of War Sald so. Stanley Baldwin repeate This system of polleles proceeds Mussolint upon, could lead to no other results.
their source in Szechwan and imperialist aid to bolster his past war, or do they mean the extension sources all over the world, deriving Obviously the League of Nations it, although much less boldly, and consistently from reliance on pacts war from the sweat government he dominates in posle started doing this as early as last more colossal scale. This is the first blood of millions of subjected peo. in the least, serve to remove, or trimming. Nevertheless the lead Union and the capitalist powers, ina tour of European capitals and confronts the working class.
Moreover. Chiang, while selling had Alfred Sze make a definite apperialist position and could not tol perialist war. Organized as an in mand sanctions. And Harry Pollit, revolution, to support of the League out to the Japanese at every june peal for help in Washington. The For an answer it is necessary to erate any rivals. Her diplomats strument to ensure the spoils of the the leader of the British stalinist of Nations and to support of the ture, has always played a wily latter appeal went unheeded be examine at least the most outstand scored easy victories with the Brit victors in the last wer and to party, In a recent address before a capitalist gvernments in carrying game, keeping himself out in the cause Roosevelt considered his sil ing factors involved.
ish navy standing by. Now she is maintain their hegemony, its num London district conference of the out sanctions. In turn sanctions hinterland and dealing with the ver purchasing program of more The Causes of War hard pressed throughout the world: erous (sarmament conferences party, formulated hts demands upon becomes the deceptive device for tion of the masses for Japanese only through underlings, immediate importance. But in Lon It has been said and correctly the diplomatie victories have be served as a screen behind which all the British government as follows: the mobilization fike Wang Chine wel or Huang Fu don steps were taken which result so that war is the continuation of come questionable: elements of de the capitalist powers, without ex: But we also demand the closing imperialist war.
The Japanese have tired of this ed in the sending of Frederick politics by military means.
Shall It Be 1914 Again?
kame. They want the Nanking Lelth Ross to China and ever since falist wars arise from the constant even in the reactionary attitude of armaments. New issues of conflicting out of the Covenant of the What we have before us in this government to sign over its recog then talk of a British loan has been struggle between the powers for the bureaucratic leaders of her of between these victors were, of League of Nations, because we benition of Manchukuo and of Japan in the air.
increased ratione in world economy thelal labor movement in support of course, Inevitable. Japan some lleve that all these measures can question is imperialist sanctions. dominant position in China, politing class action to prevent war.
Ically and economically, and they he watched: press reports, mostly the consequences of the economic motivations, but in solidarity with of Manchuria, to extend its domin. and we must utilize the present the two are not complementary, as Another important current must An Imperialist powers today teel sanctlons, not merely out of pacifist time ago embarked on its conquest prevent Mussolini going to war, for imperialist ends, and not work want it done directly and formally Japanese Inspired, to be sure, saycrisis. The vast expansion of their lions of colonial peoples by the im constant threat to the borders of world, and force economie and millremnants of bourgeois democracy the continued oppression of the milation over China, and is now a contradictions in the capitalist the new baked defenders of the by the Central government.
Nanking is looking once more to productive forces presses them on perialist masters. 7, 287, 937 square the Soviet Union. Fracist Germany tary sanctions. If necessary.
Britain Maneuver Moscow for an entente. These reward inexorably and frresistibly in miles containing a population of Ls rearming feverishly in prepara We may grant that Pollitt has would have us believe. These two It is into this situation, Japanese ports are probably not true at the the struggle for new markets and 446, 191, 000 is the extent of these tion for the time when its cruel other intentions than Stanley Bald.
are opposite poles. It is therefore imperialism aggressive, Nanking moment but it is not impossible new colonial felds where they can passions, dominion and colonial. regime can no longer bridge the gap win, but the way to hell is paved tekmes sempre le ule hint there submitting but truculently and with that they may become true if Nank tap the sources of raw materials that touch every continent. What of its internal contradictions: it with good intentions.
An ill. grace, that British Imperialing Behind British imperialism new and greater profits. On every tries trailing for invest surplus capltal and extract is popularly called the imperial Irte will endeavor to find an outlet by gether with the leaders of the Brit consequences to the future of the ism has edged its hand. The sud while whole of humanity. Joined up in den announcement came on Nov. instead of Japan. If the police continent they are openly advancing line, begins at Gibraltar and ex. means of new conquests. The imper ish Labor Party may criticize the that China had devaluated her cur Baldwin and Laval can poin sove me vendet es sich unter workers through the Suez Canal, the Red proclaimede neütrelles tenhoice engast er en meer buiten de cliente enly be out defense of the fatherlands but tends through the Mediterranean, lalists of the United States have National government each in his this question of sanctions as was the country silver stocks and in why not those of Chiang Kai shek? have suffered under Fascist onto more All along this line maneuvers in the Pacife with an sanctions effefet perred a new Chinese paper For the time being, however, Nank slaughts, the imperialist gamblers the British navy must remain su eye to future establishment of is the League of Nations, and with betrayal is in proparation, and this dollar to sterling.
long heralded by the disastrous one hand, hold on to Britain with tion of the conflict for increased preme if the Imperial possessions base in China, in order to raise tbe in this case called upon to close the In 1914, national unity within the These steps. Ing will surrender to Japan with feel free to engage in a continua it the British government, that are time on a far more colossal scale.
Imperialist powers and the plunging How or silver from the country (due the other. The result, as always economie rations by military means are to be retained unchallenged.
in part to China inordinately will be paid for by the Chinese It is, of course, not the particular Not Ethiopia the British Empire question of possession of India at Suez Canal and to enforce SADC of millions into the bloody battle the next historical stage.
tions, economic and military.
htavy adverse trade balance, the masses, for whom devaluation, with. aggressor attitude of one or the The British rulers are not conOn the battlefields of Ethiopia Consequently the government is to fleld was preceded by the treason of social democracy. Today the firice she pays for imperialist pat its consequest rise in prices and other of these powers that produces cerned with the independence of war has become a reality. The guns be supported on this decisive issue demand for sanctions can lead only ronage, and in part to America financial chaos silver buying which only accelerat. there was anarchy) means the ut Tness to strike out for new terrt proceeded with fire and sword to of the highly mechanized Fascist tions the British worker is being to restoration of national unity be ed the flow of silver outward) were most hardships Increased a hun tories hind the capitalist governments to Fascist Italy has embarked crush the Independence of other na armles are spitting fire in the cam led into united support of the Tory plunge the masses into another and taken at the advice of Sir Frederick dredfold.
on its course of expansion at the tive peoples. No, their sole concern paign to ravage and subjugate the government the real enemy of the far more terrible conflangration workers. To this enemy is to be repetition of the betrayal of 1914 entrusted the guarantee of peace. this time, however, participated in Democracy Versus Dictatorship? by the social democrats and the While at this time particularly stalinists jointly.
the League of Nations should be will it remains as true as ever (By the Editorial Board. Continued from last week)
short weeks, they attempt to place alled upon to do its duty every equally to the resolution :tance in a war emergency, Includ exposed for what it is and the mask that only working class action can The NEW MILITANT of October side by side with these Leninist time the imperialist powers fall It is precisely because of this beste ing refusal to be conscripted for of hypocrisy torn off from the face prevent war. Liebknecht warned of the imperialists, old illusions in that the enemy is at home: and, in respect nothing has changed published critique of the war conceptions adopted by the permanently impossible rexo. to give intentions (meaning phrases) and finally prevent the waste and slaugh the League are being strengthened beseer bodied the wholtant socialists of the we shall demonstrate up rich opportunities for revolu. advocacy of reactionary practice ter of another condiet save the and a new. confidence of the work since. Therefore the duty of the Sram presented the others 1Soclalist the revolutionary road that the defend the Soviet Union will in it is subject to a thorough analysis. sistance by American youth and a built up new. national union 18 irreconellable struggle to overthrow week we analyzed the war resolu. Involves the repudiation of the of the Soviet Union and the worla what the Militants did not give ized labor, technicians and protes of Labor Party and Stalinist load away with imperialist war.
the resolution.
the resolution. They white stonal workers generally. of the Further discus Militant leaders! What has for was: The program pro of the French Socialist Party, the slon of the Militant Sociallat pro Zyromskt is particularly significant The October 12 answer to Bauer. Drops General Strike Myth, Adopts washed It Instead.
Recall the main points of the this bombast in common with the vides the issues upon which we group who are leading the way for gram on war is required by the for the following Ideas: Leninist Struggle Against War resolution.
Like the Bauer Zyr doctrines you have signed your shall fight Against the Roosevelt the whole world proletariat in the publication in the Socialist Call of October 12 of the chauvinist Develope Opposition to National Most important of all is the omskl thesis it parades a forth name to in your answer to Bauer armament campaign against war struggle against war. Karl Lieb Defense new conception of how to fight right expose of imperialist designs Zyromski? Refusal to be conscript and imperialist tricks that lead to knecht gave us the Immortal sloBauer Zyromski thesis and a short against war. Our analysis of the and calls for working class vigil. ed would mean, it actually carried war!
gan: The main enemy is in our answer to it signed by the Call As we polnted out in our original Militant program parti ance and activity, only to arrive at out, the slaughter and Isolation in. If the line taken toward the own country The Socialist work editorial board and by the Socialist criticism of the first Militant pro ularly criticized their acceptance of a reactionary program: concentration camps of the small resolution is going to be the coners must apply that slogan even Call reception of the reso sram, it was insufficient to merely the myth of the general strike as Supports Capitalist Peace number who, ready to fight against sistent line of the Militant lead more close to home. The Socialist lution.
say against national defense; realistic method of struggle; we Instruments war on the day it breaks out, shoulders, then they must in all consisten Party is infested with brazen chauThe proverbial man from Mars this had to be implemented by ex pointed out that this slogan is allen e a new report on the vinists like Waldman and Oneal. IL commits the same crime as be sent into the army to foment cy prepare thesis it the NE. It is confused and muddled by paci would be able to reconcile the Ocdifferentiation from the to Lenin teachings on war; that tober 12 answer to Bauer Zyromski Bauer Zyronski stripe of left is not complementary to, but a the Stalinists, the outright chauvin the revolt which the answer to Bauer Zyromski with the October 28 editorial chauvinists, by specife denunciation substitute for the Leninist programa ists, and the left chauvinists like Bauer Zyromski rightly calls for. resolution deserves the headline tists like Hoan, Thomas and Allen, and news story on the of the doctrine of defense of demo of turning the imperialist par Tinto Bauer Zs romski, by calling upon the The united strike against war is it got, then Bauer Zyromski deserve whose dependence on capitalist In cracy against fascist countries, by civil war. While not explicitly re working class to put the struggle the vicious myth of the general a headline: Left Wing Calls for strumentalities and mythical meth (which the ods for the struggle against war, that the two Issues had been writ resolution, only on the assumption refusal to support the American pudiating the theory of the general against war into the hands of the strike which blinds workers to the World Revolution ten by entirely different groups The correct explanation is, how with the Soviet Union. All this is Bauer Zyromski actually throws it upon the working class to depend not with mythical and impossible for just as much as the revolutionary struggle against war.
Socialist workers: The main en.
now corrected. In the answer to ing inextricably linked up with the struggle against warte the structele on capitalist instruments for peace political strikes against war but calls for a labor boycott, in both cases the progressive slogan be emy is in your own party. The ever, much more simple: two ut terly irreconcilable tendencles stiu Bauer Zyromskl.
inist position on this fundamental this by calling for the reform och Ing on economie strikes and antiexist side by side within the camp Repudiates All Capitalist question. It says: the League of Nations, which is war propaganda until the ravages reactionary program) If the against every Ideological aid to the of the Militant Socialists; the Instruments weight of tradition and the rela: It provides the clearest state tarian revolution, the working class Italism, and also by calling for neu sary preconditions for raising this izations it receives from the Social Asm, retreat from the struggle in Fino utilize the war crials for prole theoretically impossible under cap of war shall have created the neces. resolution deserves the character war makers: social patriotism, paci the level of preparation Int Call, then the Bauer Zyromskt the name of unity with social patriist Party favor the tendency which ists in repudiation of the League of the war go into a position of oppo peat here the critical analysis of for civil war.
thesis should recelve a new report, ots.
found expression in the issue of Nations as necessarily a capitalist Sition, must organize the natural this reactionary conception, which Read Lenin on war.
beginning: Launching a worldHow did the Socialist Call greet wide campaign against war.
October 28; if there are revolution instrument. On this point it sharp resentment that must Note how sternly, ruthlessly, with develop we published last week. We quote this vicious combination of anti Sounding anew the Socialist call what intellectual and moral inter ary Socialists who naively believed ly criticizes the Bauer Zyromski against the ravages of the war, another paragraph from the war struggle by way of governthat the advances in theory record thesis: instead of rejecting the must prepare an offensive against resolution, which shows how iden mental instruments and pacidst re What Socialist Workers should Do real opponents of war from the ed in the October 12 answer to capitalist instruments whose Imper the government through strikes and tical with the chauvinist demand sistance. Bauer Zyromski were permanently falist character the thesis recogniz demonstrations, must foment revolt for governmental sanctions is the But to those Socialist workers manifold varieties of sham opposl Militants Cover Up who wish to be consistently revolution.
secured, they have been thoroughly es (League of Nations, democratic in the army. And It concludes: demand for American gov disillusioned by the towning recep governments. the document urges The capitalist cry to Imperialisternmental action: It greeted it with a three bank. tionary, we say: The answer to See with what Intransigeance he headline covering hall its front Bauer Zyromski is a good beginning. fought of all attempts to gloss over tion accorded on October 26 to the their support. and) completely war must be answered by the work war resolution fails to recognize the only alterna ing class war of emancipation. Only ized trade unions and the unorgan cott of Italian Goods. It greeted an abstraction. Zyromski bimsett question.
Specifically, we ask the organ page: Socialista Urge Labor Boy. It must not be permitted to remain differences on this fundamental Significance of Answer to Bauertive to these Imperialist snares the working class can, by its own Ised workers to unite in a nation it with a news story which charac for years maintained, In bare words, And, above all, remember: It was Zyromski reliance upon Independent action of power, overthrow fascism and de wide effort to force through con terized the document in these the idea of renuriciation of the de only the correct policy in the strus: But if the answer to Bauer Zyrthe working class.
omski represents no permanently For Real Internationalism call assured advance. It undoubtedly. It sharply and clearly breaks upon the working class to answering seseton, legislation which will campaign against war and prepar was permitted to bring the idea out Bolsheviks to make the October assure American neutrality so far ations for war, sounding anew the for special occasions but never ap Revolution marks a new stage in the develop with the Stalinist and social chau. the threat of war and of fascism as official acts can do so. The pres Socialist call for mass resistance plled it to the day by day problems, ment of our discussion with Left vinist theory of defending the 80 with the selzure of power for So ent neutrality law should be revised and opposition to all war with not it is now possible for Zyromaki, ANNOUNCEMENT wing Socialists on the vital ques viet Union by pandering to the clalism.
and stiftened: more significantly, it a word in the news story about the baving gone over to the social patel The Newark branch of the Worktions of war. Hitherto, our discus foreign diplomacy of the Stalinist Many of the questions raised in should be extended to cover proposals for refo ots, to drag along with him manyers Party is running a theater alon has been in terms of opposing bureaucracy. Just 48 to the pacifistte and utterly unreal class governments can be the only tant war programe remetine umans and bendrorepuble or private, to League of Nations, seeking neutral of the followers in the left wing party at the Civic Repertory theater ity legislation, refusal of conscrip Remember the fate of Zyromski on both Nov. 28, Thanksgiving day istie war program of the militants, reliable allies of working class swered. Here, however, we wish to Militant leaders! What is the tion and united strike. And to followers. Take, rather, the oppo eveningand Nov. 30 matinee. The the system of ideas on war devel revolution in Germany, so too only concentrate on one main point: difference between this appeal to finish off, the Socialist Call car site road of Zyromski co leader of play Is the Theater Union produe.
oped by Lenin. We enter now a a working class government can be Contrast the principles enunciated capitalist Instruments and that of red an editorial, saying: Congrat the French left wing, Marceau Pition of Mother, based on the Gorki new stage because the answer to a reliable ally Bauer Zyromskl accepts number Only a working class revolution in to Bauer Zyromet, with the police the European and Stalinist chanulations to the national executive vert. He did not permit the idea of novel of that name.
committee of the Socialist Party revolutionary struggle against war Comrades wishing tickets can of the fundamental Leninist ideas one or more capitalist countries iples of the resolution The repeats its usual for a fine Job at its quarterly ment to remain an abstraction; he ap. write to Lew Merrit, 645 Belmont on war never previously accepted can give real defense to the Soviet What the Mitants said of the farrago ot pacifist anti war bunk: ing last week end. Among the plled it; and today he stands in the Ave. Newark. Tickets well for 30c.
by the militants. It, within two Union. But if the working class is Bauer. Zyromakl thesis applies. for a program of war regle things it congratulated the forefront of the Revolutionary Lett 16, 6, 76e and 00. Militant Socialists and the Bauer Dan Zyromski Thesis