BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyExtremistFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

WE DID IT ONCE. WE LL DO IT AGAIN. NOW FOR 1000 SUBS PR Russian Revolution anniversary edition last week years we felt that there was some real elbow room. It gave months, but it a much better one to own the suit outright. The working class deserves the best and not the rottenest; it the history of the NEW MILITANT: us an idea of the scope of events, the features, the educational, That precisely what we want to do. We want to sport deserves the attitude not of masters to slaves but of comrades for the first time since its inception our paper has appeared propaganda and polemical articles which might find their way the eight pager every week and not merely every few months. It should get it.
The reasons are too numerous to mention and you can On December we ll do the trick again with another en by four extra pages. It almost tempted us to brush the dust After all our agitation and especially in view of the bril probably add more than we can think of.
larged issue!
from the old plans so hopefully prepared when the eight pager liant opportunities for the party there isn any need for dis Having perfect agreement, let quit discussing and hoplog.
We are certain that those of you who have followed the was first projected.
cussing how useful four additional pages would be in situa Let get down to business and put the thing over.
And although we cannot offer you another eight page paper tions like Minneapolis, in the new progrersite drift in the What needed is push, drive and energy. Everybody must struggle to keep its bead above water, who have noted how this week it was decided almost as soon as the November F. of in the unemployed movement and among Soctalist do his part, do it quickly and enthusiastically woefully limited four pages are, must have been delighted in edition came of the press to do the job again on December and Stalinist workers.
By the convention, Christmas week, we want 1, 000 the last issue and wished that it could continue regularly.
December marks one year of the Workers Party. We will It no exaggeration to say that our paper can become the subs!
Judging by the enthusiasm with which the anniversary celebrate it by another EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT. best ever in the history of the labor movement. with the We want donations, pledges and good American coin in number was greeted in New York someone ventured the idea almost exclusively with the American scene. If our plans pan agitation for the uninitiated worker and education for the The December issue, unlike the previous one, will deal talent and ability at our disposal the eight pager can combine any form it can be gotten!
that if enthusiasm alone were enough the elght pager would out we promise you a humdinger of a paper.
And it can!
be an accomplished fact, Unfortunately enthusiasm is not more advanced in such a way that will set a new high for Let get the will to the eight pager, the determination to sufficient, but it can be the beginning of a drive that will yielaget cross section of what the enlarged paper will look like.
You will then be able to take the two eight page issues and labor journalism.
see the task through and the work it takes to make it a fact.
real results With the eight page paper we can show the world that the If we have all of these the goal is in sight and the EIGHTFor our part, from the editorial offee, for the first time in But the big job is still ahead.
working class doesn need the gutter Journalism of the PAGE NEW MILITANT is here to stay.
It a swell idea to rent a new suit for a day every few People Press recently born out of the cesspool of Stalinism.
To work!
NEW MILITANT VOL. I, NO. 46 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1935 PRICE CENTS Official Organ of the Workers Party of the Hundreds TurnOutfor French Minneapolis Progressives Rally Shachtman Meetings Payment For Defense of Drivers Local 574 MPLS. SHOWS TRUE Issue Challenge to Nation Militantsto HitGreen Drive Votes For McLevy Japan Rules North China Chicago, Detroit and MeetingonMpls.
Northwest High Sanday Nov. 10 Radicals Elect Cachin Muste and Points on Tour will expose the Red baiting drive launched by William Green In Gratitude DETROIT: Close to a hundred against Local 574 of Minneapo For Services ROLE OF L PARTY workers gathered on comparatively lis, the most militant section of short notice at the Wayne County the American labor movement.
Socialist Hall to hear Max Shacht The unholy alliance of Green By ROBERTS with the Minneapolis bosses will On October 21, the day after the Statement of the Minneapolis man present the position of the The Farmer Labor Party cam branch, Workers Party of the palgned on pledges not to use the Workers Party on the Italo Ethio be revealed in this meeting on French senatorial elections, HuMINNEAPOLIS, Minn, Nov. Blazing front page headlines in on the Farmer Labor Party.
plan conflict. The analysis of the Sunday evening, Nov. 10, P. manite, organ of the appeared police in industrial disputes, and to the local press for three consecutive days have bannered the fact that fight for more liberal unemployment position adopted by the Social Dem at Irving Plaza, Irving Place with a banner headline: Victory William Green is mobMizing the whole machinery of the of and 15th Street, of the People Front. Under the OUR PRE ELECTION STATE relief. What has been the record ocrats and the Stalinists with rebureaucracy to open war on keds here. Green announces that MinnMENT masthead was the proud legend: gard to the British and League of of the Farmer Labor administration eapotis is to be made the center of a drive on comununism.
Nations polley on sanctions, as con. acting through its elected mayor Meyer Lewis, Green agent, has been working under cover in this In the last municipal election and aldermen since it took over Director Marcel Cachin, Senator city for five weeks now, quietly trasted to the revolutionary Antifrom the Seine. Modestly, the new campaign, the Minneapolis branch gathering together the forces of war position of the Workers Party, dignitary in a front page article of the workers Party of the United political power in Minneapolls? Reactionary officials, includrection in an attempt to smash the admitted that for the first time a States issued a campaign leaflet in was followed with keen interest by ing Swanson, were not ousted but militant local union movement.
the workers present. The local Communist has penetrated into the which we urged all workers to supThe Minneapolis Journal quotes branch of the Workers Party prom French Senate.
were retained in office.
port the Farmer Labor candidates, The relief administrator, the point plan of the labor leadises to experience a considerable The significance of this world in order to break the stranglehold ers, as follows: growth in the immediate future, esshaking event is described by Paul of the Citizens Alliance on the local Kjorlaug, was not ousted but was retained in office, Contacting all employers pecially in view of the fact that it Faker Gets in with Maillant Couturier as a parry to city government.
who have been victims of com is well connected in the trade unthe threats the Fascist leagues Such a gross mismanage While the Workers Party urgAid of Republican and ions, above all with the leading against hread, liberty and peace. es the defeat of Bainbridge by than a lifet Filet and made the police Chiang Crawls to Int mumist aggression in Inhor disforces in the automobile Industry.
Solid Citizens The country remains firmlyat the election of Farmer Labor canIt is enough to recall Mayor Lat2. Conference with the heads Here as in every other locality vistached to the traditions willed to didates, it declares that the FarCapitals for New imer phony investigation to de of all unions in the city, includited by Shachtman during the tour, By Connectieut Correspondent it by the glorious French revolumer Labor officials will not and tions. Humanite, Oct. 21. cannot give the working class any termine if the Flour City strike ing those under suspicion of Masters the local comrades are vociferous communist direction, to learn was Just. It is enough to quote NEW HAVEN, Conn. Nov. Social Patriot Comes Into is Own real lasting benefits these will in their request for experienced or The Socialist masor Jasper McLevy their desires, the Minneapolis Journal: Mayor kanizers to take advantage of the of Bridgeport was returned to office its revolutionary traditionis. It has France has proved itself true to have to be won by the workers Helps Reopen Plant Latimer DiBy LO SEN general campaign among excellent opportunities the party today with a clear majority of elected Marcel Cichin, social patrlthemselves through their fighting rects Police Detail Guarding North China has been added to organizations: the UNIONS, UN all unions of the city to educate has for growth, 000 votes over all his opponents.
EMPLOYED ORGANIZATIONS workers at Iron Works The maythe membership to the menace of the domain of Japanese imperialism on continental Asia. British imNearest to McLaVy 24, 000 votes ot of 1914 and of 1935, to the Senor with 50 policemen gave help to communist leadership to the anda REVOLUTIONARY WORKperialism has intervened, via the CHICAGO: More than 200 work was Republican Wilson with 10, 000. ate! The day is saved. Our beall employees. who desired to ERS PARTY.
CASO of labor.
ere packed the large hall of the The Democrats suffered terrifie Mareel Cachin is the hero of the enter the plant. Incidental currency route, in an effort, long An effort to have union Workers of Minneapolis: Elect Capitol Building at the mass meet losses belated, to stem the tide of Japanly, Latimer or the Farmer Labor members who have been encour the Farmer Laborites to office but ing organized by the local organizelection. The Socialists won in hour. His election, cries the cenese domination and to retrieve, o Party has never to this day exation of the Workers WATCH THEIR EVERY MOVE.
sked to follow communist leader.
tral Committee of the French Stalplainel this strike breaking aet.
at least protect its remaining inter ship to repodiate the radicals the position of the WD to hear every ward.
inist party, shaken with emotion, on the Such is the central signifiThe big issues of the campaign is a symbol of the unswerving at The incidents at Stratwear and Lewis, Green personal reprewill serve the workers movement coming world war and the present were honest, economical govern tachment to the Communist Inter.
the murderous police charges at cance of latest press despatches sentative, elaborates on his master only if the workers organizations conflict in Africa. Shachtman, now ment and Communism. The latter national, to the vietory of the Front Flour City are alone enough from China force them to do so.
despicable plan. The American on a national coast to coast tour for issue became hot when the Commu. Populaire of peace, bread and liberSo we said in our leaflet. Today damn a party forever in the eyes The attempted assassination of Federation of Labor, in beginning the workers Party, was the princi nist Party after getting 500 names ty.
of honest working men and woWang Ching wei (Stalin firm its national campaign to fight comwe see less reason than ever to men. But Latimer does not stop friend and ally in 1927) was an in munism, will make Minneapolis its dled the social patrotic poattion of dates on the ballot, decided to with to examine this victory of the warning.
It is worthwhile stopping briefly withdraw our declaration and our here. Ho whitewashes the police eldent coinciding with more impor. headquarters. We propose to the two official labor parties. draw in order to support Jasper Front Populaire. The elections in THREE MONTHS OF FARMERAnd when the Citizens Alliance tant events. Wang was the priucl establish a worthwhile organizaP. and on the working class (with mental reservations) Jasper dominated grand Jury bellows for pal proponent of pro Japanism in tlon whose function will be to con attitude towards Imperialist war. the sales tax Socialist. The with (Continued on Page 2) LABOR RULE IN MINNEAPOLIS (Continued on Page 4)
Continued on Page tact women organizations, church Despite repeated challenges by the drawal was not allowed, but the es, veteran organizations, fraternal chairman, Norman Satir, for repre shouted all the louder in supgroups and civic bodies in order to sentatives of the or to talle port of the Socialists. Earl Browcombine the efforts of all these in the floor in defense of their official der came to town and addressed an one stupendous drive, which will position, nobody in the audience audience of 1, 000, who were at concentrate on the one objective of ventured speak in their behalf. tracted by Republican and Demoeliminating those extremists out In his concluding remarks, Shacht cratie cries that McLevy was get held by the Workers Party in New In one of the biggest meetings side the labor movement who are mas revealed the reactionary see ting support straight from Moscow eucouraging the promulgation of tarian position of the United Work Browder frowned on Comrade Mc 700 people jammed the Victoria York since its first days, more than these undesirable radical principles.
ORIGINAL CHECK YOR ers Party which was defended by Levy but pleaded the need for work. It is of the utmost importance It. principal spokesman, Mattick, ing class unity at any cost. This Cannon develop the program of Hall of Irving Plaza to hear James So. 757687 that the citizens of Minneapolis, who, characteristie 5000S MSGM ist sectarians, denounced the Workwald, including Bridgeport.
all ultra Left was the case all over the world, he the Fourth International on the regardless of class or creed, regardless of financial status and reers Party and Leninism for their turbulent events in France.
THE AMALGAMATED BANK OF NEW YORK 20 1S UNION SQUARK gardless of belief shall co operate defense of the right of self determ was a radio statement during a tlonal solidarity. The high point of the campaign true demonstration of interna 100 percet to see that the troubled NEW YORK ination of Ethiopia.
VIN wates industrial situation Socialist program on the eve of the Not since the first days after be clarlied, and that the upperDAVENPORT: All efforts to ob Park Board: am personally a been an American meeting which election by a commissioner of the Hitler seizure of power has there NOVEMBER FOURTH 35 most thought of the of 19 the Minnesota Federation of Labor tain a hall in this city for a mass national and state Republican. In by its wumbers, its spirit and its and the entire citizenry be commeeting at which Max Shachtman, voting for Jasper you are roting for deeds rivalled this one of a week (Continued on Page 4)
PLEASE PAY AGAINST MNOHECK FROM OUR BALANCE TO. bined under one common banner to honest home government.
completely purge the city of comThe enthusiastic reception acac VEAN ROUSNON ORDER munism and set the industrial corded the work of the French Bolwheels of activity in motion along xhevik Leninists, who alone carry ALI the right trall, that being a comthe banner of revolutionary internaONE WRONORED PIFTY DOLLARS 00 100 ONLY plete and underlying peace for busBEPLWTK UNPAID iness men.
stantial solidarity 150 was collected with great TO THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK THE AMALGAMATED HAXX CON NEW YORK This morning Minneapolis TribRANCC)
une announces that work of con.
enthusiasm to Eight of the leading trade union vik Leninists. Trotskyites. and speed and great tacting business, civic and other PARIS, RAUCE.
leaders of Cuba were seized last others, is leading a spirited strug help the work of our French com week by government agents in Jav gle against the Mendieta govern rades.
organizations to secure their active facsimile of the check aid in the war on Communism is ann, taken before the so called ment terrorism. Press reports dispatched appears above.
well under way. The anti Red Emergency Tribuna sentenced last week that the Cuban Supreme After a brief survey of the backactivity will be in full swing next to six months each in the dreaded Court declared unconstitutional a ground of the situation in France, week. The Federation will then El Principe fortress prison, and are press gag law were described by comrade Muste, acting as chairman, have established headquarters in Fuestmile of check sent to our French comrades from collection at meeting downtown Minneapolis and officials daily being tortured, according to the Amnesty Committee as attempts introduced, Cannon the speaker of Information received today by the to give an atmosphere of legality the evening of several International labor unNon Partean Labor Defense He opened his remarks with an Front, Cannon dwelled especially intervention of the nuisance groups pointing to their reactionary role ions, whom Mr. Green is to send to Lasalle. General Secretary of the be held by Mendieta. The terror analysis of the instability of world with the Communist Party, whose whose chief reason for existence is in attacking the Bolshevik Lenin Minneapolis, will be on the job.
Havana Federation of Labor. Vilar, has actuany increased during le capitalism which seeks a solution treacherous policies have made it their nutrid criticisms of the 4th 1sts of France precisely at the time Citizens Alliance Gleeful secretary of the National Federa cent weeks.
To Green splitting proposals, tion of Labor, and six others were on the pretext that some polle France, he continued, held the key labor movement. The quotations Le Wetsbord, Fleld and Oehler they were under attack from the the bosses, the Citizens Alliance, the Havu. a Federation and the conditions are beirg worsened. Europe and ultimately for all the France left the audience gaping in the traito. Trotsky the capitu inists and the police the role of men lunch clubs, etc. are of conse otaer organization, which are no: Heart rending stories seep out of world.
amazement, so unbelievable bas the lator, they whined that every strikebreakers. To their erles about responding enthusiastically. So do afiliated with each other, were El Principe, whose superintendent, The Laval government, Cannon degeneracy of the party of Lenin hing was lost in France. they the suppression of democracy in various officials of the State Fedconferring together on proposals for a Captain Coloma, is an addict of explainech, very closely resembled become bitterly protested at Cannon all the he showed the audience eration of Labor. 8o does Farmerjoint action when secret service mariguana smoking. When under the type of governments which pre From there the speaker went are to make distinctions between the internal bulletins of the party Labor Mayor Thomas. Tear.
men burst in and arrested them. the effects of this loco weed. ceded Hitler in Germany. Balane over to the crisis in the social de them, etc. etc. but they didn get alled, with the opinions of the min. Gas. Latimer.
The Cuban National Committee Coloma has prisoners healen with ing themselves on the armed Fas mocracy, the condicions that a rise out of the audience which ority, which walked out of the or The citizens Alliance led officials Por Amnesty for Social and Politi supple staffs which whip the blood cist hands of the Croix de Feu, on brought about the entrance of the greeted their remarks with derision ganization despite the democracy of the strutwear Knitting Comcal Prisoners, a joint committee out of their bare backs. Political the one hand, and on the so called Bolsaevik Leninists, their intransi and remained 100 percent for the proffered them by the party. The pany, where strike of 200 hosrepresenting thirty one political and prisoners are employed long hours People Front on the other, it is sent fight for revolutionary ideas the Fourth International and hearty applause from the audience Sery workers has been in progress labor organizations of the Cuban at rock breaking and road building. holding the working class at bay and program. He concluded with comrade Trotsky to the last mo showed its complete solidarity with for twp months, have issued a MAERS, including the Havana and Distinguished writers, teachers and as the day for the final test arrive an exposition ther program and meat of the meeting.
the actions of the statement damning the reds National Federations, Joven Cuba. doctors are being killed off by such Continuing with an analysis of an appeal for support.
In his summary Cannon gave the The meeting ended with a lusty Falling through perandon and the Communist Party. the Holsbe (Continued on Page 4) the composition of the People Then came the discussion and the cruabing reply to these splitters, singing of the Internationale. Contlaued on Page 2)
700 at New York Meeting Back French Bolsheviks Report Reveals Terror Rule of Wall Street Regime in Cuba elanlar solidarityn verted into sub es have e.