BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEngelsFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismKaganóvichKamenevKirovLeninMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking ClassWorld WarZhdánovZinoviev

The Significance of the Russian Revolution For the American Working Class Long Live the Russian Revolution reading the conception that the veloped industry. And even darkest days of the world war. won.
in the face of the greatest obstacles a small scale they have demonstrat end with the Russian revolution. Ittles. The revolutionist of course the long run make clear rather than refutably confirmed in practice and to demoralize the proletawere Green rains Guns on Fighting Mpls. Labor to PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1935 The Figure of Trotsky And it is through the medium of the life, the activities, the sayings of Lenin and Trotsky that the con ceptions of revolutionary Internationalism must in large measure be made real and living to American workers. pamphlet of the most By MUSTE Explanation of Basic Elements of Revolution can workers will see and feel the popular character on the use of (Continued from Page 1)
The idea of winning American Russian revolution as their own Trotsky is one of our immediate tory as one and the same enterWII Spur Desire to Emulate It heritage, because workers to Communism by showing was not Rus needs for the broadest mass work. ment of the social crisis!
prise. The ideas of the Third them or talking to them about the stan but of the working class, not popular book on the same subject The Russian workers inherit International, forged by Lenin progress of socialist construction where, in the too, to the abyss divisions and wrangling. desire war which is over, but a battle is needed for those who have time aptitude for more a limitations. Of course, the Stalin thrust. Capitalism will stop short tory shows us that all forms of selves inextricably involved, which ist propaganda in this connection of nothing in order to retain its unity between workers and other for them also means either defeat flere o Trotsky, the chief organ that was ruined and disorgan came to fruition in the October was always based on a fallacious hold. The American workers are classes on another than working with all the misery and degrada ner of the revolt In Petrograd dur ized, first by the ravages of the revolution and made it possible.
theory, namely, that socialism could not immune, do not live in a uni class basis, be built within the borders of the verse apart, as they thought in the the working class itself, on any glorious triumph and emancipation world; organizer of the Red Army, disastrous war of the capitalist And by the same token the concould be put of a few years by slon has dispelled that illuston. are undependable, a death trap in delays in buliding socialism in control of the workers; bearer of war and the intervention. The Russia gave the impulse to the whatever means. Today the final. There are only two ways to stop deed for the workers. Precisely at the Soviet Union do not have to be the banner be revolutionary Interna: success of the Soviet workers, world movement which called the land of the Soviets has been collapse of civilization, or the way down. They produce not unity, but does not explain anything but almolution, in the face of bitter and deprived of all aid from the the Third International into achieved according to the Seventh the Russian workers chose, the road confusion and division. Genuine ply confuses the workers, emascu. colossal persecution the concep capitalist world, in reconstruct existence as a world organizaComintern Congress. Any ideas or of revolution which puts an end to unity is achieved on th basis of a lates the revolutionary movement, tion that this symbolle figure must ing the shattered basis of pre tion. Revolutionary internabe kept in the background is not war Russian industry and then tionalism was the guiding idea hopes based on such a theory, on capitalism itself.
an illusion, were bound to lead to the idea that Anally the workers the leadership of the revolutionary trench itself. These set backs and sound. He belongs the Russian in expanding it on a scale and which gave meaning to the confusion or disillusionment.
Achievements in the have to take things into their own party. There can be and there is delays then appear as well nigh in the cent home to the State at a pace unprecedented in struggle and determined its hands, that they can trust no one no other way the way of Leninevitable incidents in a war in which though not to the Soviet burean history, has proven for all course throughout. The abanthe fortunes of battle wing back belongs to China also to Germany, time the immense superiority of donment of this line by the naApart from this, it is true that but themselves the great idea of and Trotsky.
Only the First Battle and forth until the final victory is to France to Latin America. He the Soviet system over the captionalistic usurpers has worked there have been important technical masses in motion, no longer inert, and other achievements in the no longer meekly obeying orders, The impression conveyed by much The Importance of Leaders belongs to the working class and to italist system of private owner exclusively to weaken and unand we have every right to say that but standing up in their own right of the stalinist propaganda is that even the beginnings of a planned for the wee phenomenet hingehe the war of the working class for Finally, the massesso ideas as era Party, in the United States ship. That which the Marxists dermine the Soviet Union, to socialist economy under a workers line appeal to American workers. On emancipation basically came to an embodied in outstanding personall. Even Stalinist defamation will in always maintained has been ir destroy the Third International state can do more for the workers, established socialism. Henceforth adheres to no great man theory obscure that fact under the most unfavorable rian vanguard throughout the The American workers own strikes that it can virtually the sole duty of the work of history. Washington and Jeffer.
than capitalism. But even whened in their of the picture of massing class of the world is to defend son did not make the American deeply stirred by the Russian cente conditions by the Soviet prole world. But for the revolutionbased on this more sober and cor action, direct action, on the grand the Soviet Union, protect it from revolution of 1776 and Lenin and of 1917, as those of us who were old tariat. The productive forces ary Marxists who remain true be done. Paint rect approach, the demonstration of the economic progress made in the scale in the Russian revolution and external attack, and then pretty Trotsky did not make the very enough at that time can well re of mankind, fettered by capital to themselves the betrayal of was not calculated to impress they will understand.
much as matter of course social different proletarian revolution in member. The American workers ist property relations and dis the usurpers is only a summons Revolution No Tea Party ism will gain untversal sway. The Russia in 1917. Bat the revolution are much nearer not only in point organized by ever deepening to conduct a new struggle for American workers. They could not show them, too, that the revolu bad, un Marxian theory; it as ist also knows that the masses are of time but with respect to the de crises, will be again vastgeste the old cause. The downfall of war economy in Russia. They could have to arm themselves in order to revolution resulting in the estab have suggested, under the lash of they live, and in polnt of their own panded under the socialist the Third International sounds Hiving, technical development and capitalist henchmen. It is not a in all history, is indeed of incalcul revolutionary effect in an historical now to facing such a crists as the doubts on this score are re Fourth.
see too plainly that the standard of escape slaughter at the hands of lishment of the first workers state objective conditions they will act to political development much nearer world system. All possible the call for the creation of the labor productivity were still exceed question of electing one set of polable signiacance.
But it was not erlisis, dla there ex late the leadership Russta masses encountered eighteen moved by the achievements of of saw under their own eyes in the break has to be made. The govern oppressors which came to an end whose theories and aims will em including the war crisis, swiftly field of industry regardless of olution and the Third Internain the KevDost war under the most fav ment has to be overthrown. The in 10 metrekare alredt revolution its organization and its leadership. Workers rapidly develop a greater eventual fate of the present tional, brilliantly exemplified on Russian soll. The Arst body themselves for the masses in develops, so will world. They lacked the political chinery, police, courts, army must ary character was fought there and Now even the average worker in interest in the Russian revolution. Soviet state.
development to analyze and under be destroyedThe workers must the first great victory recorded. But the US, sense that he is part of come to know it as their revolu stand what they saw.
The true adherents of the working class has ever known, very close of the Hoover reisen When That is the ression of the Russian reats. No matter. The shining es to fear and hate Hitler and Musso not be stopped until the work themselves to its weaknesses to be true to these teachings There was a briet interval at the clutionary government, in its place. workers have suffered beavy se mountainous walls. He has begun in the world revolution which will Russian revolution do not blind retain all their validity today.
workers were impressed by the pie come to see this too. There is that still on. Here on American soul oferi carecen de the other red belters its rule and humanity can advance result of its isolation and capi the task of the proletarian vanture of no unemployment, etc. un in their own tradition which wil also the battle must be fought. Pre powercons Americnly tworkersa de companiew State of chillation In talist encirclement and insepar guard and the assurance of its der the Five Year Plan In contrast help them to see it.
with the misery, demoralization and The story of the Russian revolu erican Imperialism the primary card Lenin and Trotskiy as their that has so far been achieved will able from it. The nationalist victory. To that task we dedivague alarm which pervaded the tion, especially in connection with duty of the American working class own. appear cheap and barbarie. degeneration, which has pro cate ourselves again on the 18th in those days, and said: Pret the contrasting policy pursued and which has also its fighting tradiceeded uninterruptedly since anniversary of the Russian ty soon we ll have to do as they results obtained in Germany and tions, a fresh, vigorous class which did in Russia. But even then the Austria, e. is the very best medium has never yet suffered a major de Lenin death and which ex revolution.
concept of Russia as the promised for teaching the workers what feat, but which has also tests to presses the pressure of alien In order to go forward we land was far more generally accept working class unity is and how it face such as the past never present classes at home and abroad, is must return to Lenin. We must ed among the intellectuals and even can be obtained. Impatience with ed. Put the matter thus and Amer some of the agricultural population Soviet Union and the most lutionary internationalism. We than among the workers; and the formidable obstacle to the ex must revive the concept of the talk about doing as they had done (Continued from Page 1)
in Russla often expressed a flight has been and is being endangered tension of the revolution to Russian revolution as the beof the United Textile Workers. This by industrial strice, undoubtedly other lands. Stalinism, the ginning of the international from reality rather than any determination to face it. Stalinist pub.
strike is of national significance. assured Green of all possible sup. bearer of this nationalist de revolution and dependent on it.
The struck Strutwear plant was en port.
licity seems now intent not so much on showing that things in Russia dangering the national existence of committee for Industrial peace. generation, is the mortal enemy That is the way, and the only are superior to what obtains in the the unton. Running at top speed, set up by Mayor Latimer, composed of the Soviet Union and the in way, to defend the Soviet Un(Continued from Page 7) is an historical absurdity. It win in three shifts, the open shop Strut of President Cunningham of the ternational revolution. He who ion, to fight the impending war much the same in the Soviet Union less clear is the difference between be swept away together with its wear plant was looding the East State Federation of Labor, two does not see this and say it of the imperialists and to prethe historic roles played by Robes organizers as in the with sweatshop priced goods. Previ. Other conservative trade union of frankly is no revolutionist. Our pare the way for the world Tell the Story of the Revolution plerre and Stalin: the former as Fallacy of Individual Attempts had met with no success, the weak head of a local borses industrial in attitude has nothing in com October. All these tasks and Yet the Russian revolution was sured the victory of the revolution over its Internal and foreign ene of the Soviet leaders? The bureau belng impotent to at the hostery a vice president of the local man of the Soviet Union who ex determine the fate of the work Powered for the assassination forces of the Central Labor Unton stitute, and three open shop bosses mon with those dubious Friends problems which dominate and American workers. The idea that of its eristende: but in Russia this crate who have defled themselves federation. The rise to power of u. acturing Association, and It is a Rooshlan affatr, foreign, work was esccomplished under the may be sincerely under the delays on Local 574 save the hostery federa managers of the non union Northern and uncritical support of every are bound together today in a something that does not concern ns. leadership of Lenin. Stalin came to that they are making history, bution its long sought opportunity. not. Sentered Powen. Compra mundonibles act and every crime of the busingle slogan. THE FOỦRTH of course false and dangerous.
is furthermore possible. believe. Ing embodiment of a bureaucratic Stalin after its own image. The 574 resulted in the shut down of apparatus. The apparatus created the hosiery union appeal to Local Such people, who INTERNATIONAL!
to get large numbers of American Thermidor.
Labor Cold to Skates Appeal are at best sentimental philishis hands, terror replacement of Kirov by Zhdanov the plant in August and it has re But Green will have to look fartines serving reactionary ends Toledo and Minneapolis of the significance of the Russian strument for crushing the party, State of affairs. Unlike the situa erous attacks by the police on the movemento (Continued from Page 1)
ists and hired flunkeys of the News Bee editors would have their worker is mainly concerned about tatorship which lacks only. in of Kossiors is unlimited. They vary ribs at the hands of police and met in the machinists headquarters side the revolution and, at the it is necessary to refer them to their things very near to home. It is imperial crown. Terror, which has from one another centimeter or sentence of teen days in the and voted to send resolutions to critical moment, will turn up own back le on the General Milk Ished in the also, not before, and has become mission after a new regime has been estab tulnlled its reansformed into in case they are as alike as their strikers. The local press announces manding reinstatement of local 574 us, the Russian revolution is in Toledo is ended, the flood that so in height and a few centimeters workhouse for his picketing activi. Tobin, Green, the State Federation on the sidelines or on the other dozen of other militant battles.
Drivers, FERA, Chevrolet and a that his psychology and outlook weapon of self preservation for us girth. That is all! In every: tles in behalf of the strutwear and the Central Labor Union, de side of the barricades. As for The Arat wave of labor struggle be genuinely Internationalist, thing else In the first place, the story of the urpers, thus transforms itself into own eulogies of Stalin. The te the formation of vigilante gangs toas essential to the welfare of all our own. We owe the Soviet started two years ago with the revolutionary erists itselt, the mis pression. In the language of dialec placement of Stalin himself by one war on strike leaders and the em.
local unions.
ery and disorganization resulting of the Kaganovitches would introployers are hysterically demanding Local 574 sits on a joint councul Union our criticism which is in Battle of Chestnut HM. Labor from the war under the Currist butes this means that it is doomed to duce almost as little sovelty as did that the police reopen the plant, with the unions of the filling sta separable from the real and un bere is utilizing the present lull in reaucracy, the overthrow of the inevitable collapse.
the replacement of Kirov by Zhdan But the hardy pickets of 574 intend tion attendants and the automobile conditional support which gen throughout the country, to strike activity, similar to that czar, the miserable failure of the The Basis of the Terror ov. But would a Kaganovitch have to keep the plant shut until it agna bourgeois and non revolutionary The senseless bestialities, which sufficient authority. There is no up wth the American Federation of The organizer of the Central Luine revolutionists have always trench itself in its new won post parties to stop the break up of all grew out of bureaucratic methods cause for worry, all the Kosslors Hostery Workers.
bor Union comes to 574 hall to given it. Our fight against Stal tions and to lay the groundwork economie life, to meet the needs of of collectivization, as well as the first, the fifteenth and the one the masses, the gradual upsurge of vile reprisals and violence against thousand and first would immediOther Services of 574 appeal for help on the picket lines. inism is a fight for the real for more and greater battles to the masses and their rise to power, the best elements of the proletarian ately provide the necessary author In addition to these strikes, Local Green representative announces its extension throughout the itself an ineffective agency for genThe women clubs to whom defense of the Soviet Union and come. The organization of the all this merely as a dramatic vanguard inevitable arouse exasperity for him by means of the bureau 574 has alded numerous others, in he will appeal, certainly will not world.
uine working class political action, spectacle is tremendously Impres ation, hatred and yearning for recratic conveyor, just as they creat cluding the Arrowhead steel strike, include the most powerful of all, sive Workers who have been in venge.
The October revolution and away of Toledo workers from old.
is an indication of the breaking strikes can live it from the inside. moods of individual terrorismity for themselves, for thelr on strike of last January, the Fargo tion which, immediately after the the Third International of line capitalist party loyalties and a popular version of Trotsky His amongst the youth. The petty controlled rule.
tory of the Russian Revolution Ukranian Bonaparte, Kosstor, That is why individual terror ap trades strike. In the last two weeks workers picket lints, held mae Lenin are forever united in his desire for class action, would be a powerful means for mass famous for his brazenness, said not pears so pathetic and pung in our hitherto unorganized workers in meeting and denounced Mayor Iatpropaganda long ago that Trotsky calls in the eyes. No, we have not unlearned the candy industry and chicken imer as a murderer.
Show the Connection with War press for the assassination of Soviet the B of Marxism. Not only pickers came to the headquarters of The veterans organizations INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL The development should be shown leaders, while Zinoviev and Kam the fate of the Soviet bureaucracy 574 for aid in organizing unions, will not include the Farmer Labor in connection with the war. War is enev, as proved if you please by but the fate of the Soviet regime as and won immediate success. Veterans Association, which joined Announces Two Lectures On the only way out that capitalism the Yenukidze case. participated a whole depends upon factors of al. The example of what the militant the women federation in demandknows. Permitted to remain in directly in the preparation of world historic magnitude. Only leadership of Local 574 has been ing the expulsion from the party of power it will lead the masses every. Kirov assassination. Since verybody successes on the part of the inter able to do for the workers of Minn Mayor Latimer.
who has access to the writings of national proletariat can restore eapolis has driven the local bureau Nor will Green get much help NEW MILITANT or no Trotske shox called for the tariat. The basic condition for rev attempts of local talent to destroy (Minneapolis) County central comTrotsky can easily verify whether self confidence to the Soviet prole crats into a frenzy of hatred. All from the Farmer Labor Hennepin with wh ch lo merged assassination of Soviet leaders (1t olutionary successes is the unifica Local 574 having failed, the nation mittee delegates, who cursed their THE MILITANT one were to allow, in general, that tion of the world proletarian van al unlon busters, Groen, Woll and elected representatives for using Published weekly by the New MIN verity canards of this sort. this Fourth International. The struggle The capitalist press and radio. Nor will Green get much help there are adult people who have to guard around the banner of the Co. have now been called in. the police against the strikers.
tant Publishing Co. 55 East 11th Itselt casts sufficient light upon the for this banner must be waged in which commented approvingly on from the many Purmer Laborite MARXISM AND MODERN SCIENCE Entered as second class mall matter concerns Zinoviev and Kamenev. unyieldingly. The St. Phone: Algon. 9068 other half of Kostor Ile which the as well: prudently but former New York police commis aldermen and state representatives Friday, November 15th, at P.
at the Post Office at New York, historical absloner Richard Enright recent who called for Latimer expulsion MARXISM AND MODERN PHILOSOPHY under the act of March 1879. now in process of manufacture any cy in a classless society cannot against the reds and other lawless office.
We do not know whether there are surdity of an autocratic bureaucra declaration here calling for violence from the party and his recall from Friday, November 22nd, at P.
JAMES CANNON: litor fraudulent documents with the ata and will not endlessly endure. The elements, will undoubtedly support Green, Woll and Tobin are un Subscription rates: In the United of Latvian consuls or Wrangel proletariat that has achieved three Bill Green assault on the unions, doubtedly assured of one thingChurch of All Nations States 00 per year; 65e per Blx officers. The Kosslors of the Bon revolutions will once again lift up as will the employers open shop or they have picked out the toughest SECOND AVENUE (Near Houston St.
apartist regime are still able to its head. But won the bureau Sanization, the Citizens Allance. place in the country for their unionmonths; Canada and foreign 50 hound, strangle and shoot quite a cratic absurdity resist? The pro Farmer Labor Mayor Latimer, who busting.
Individual lectures 25 cents, per sent: 00 six months. Rundle number of impeccable revolution letariat will find a large enough recently went to Washington to ap International Workers School, 55 East 11th Street, mutes: Two cents per copy ists, but this will not change the broom. And we shall assist them. peal to Green to help him against SUPPORT THE NEW MILITANT Vol. NOVEMBER 2, 1938 No. 45 essence of the matter their terror September 6, 1935 the unons, declaring that Progress SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN. MUSTE IRVING PLAZA JAMES CANNON Irving Place and 15th St.
ARNE SWABECK IOL THURSDAY, NOV. 7th, MAURICE SPECTOR Increasing Oppression Path of Bureaucracy had come to a close. He is the ly. Illusion. Stalin did not create the ful at first answered the strike call, also support Green.
workers to understand something was and remains primarily the in changed absolutely nothing in the mained closed since, despite nom and wide for support from the labor and at worst wretched careerbe remembered that the average and for establishing a personal die mass consumption, the assortment of Local 574, received three broken conference of nfteen local unions Marxism and Modern Thought Professor Sidney Hook CELEBRATE EIGHTEEN YEARS OF RUSSIAN REVOLUTION THE 10 P.