Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE MARCH OF EVENTS Increasing Oppression the Path of Bureaucracy Question Box cy India, amon By JACK WEBER WHO WILL DISARM THE Leon Trotsky Analyses the Revof an economic policy which by By TROTSKY need of swindlers ready for any.
elations of the Bolshevik Tarov Ry WEAVER decree unloads the entire crisis on We have a remarkable document thing Nothing paralyzes the revolution the backs of the workers, the small in the letter of comrade Tarov, one Thus, Tarov attempt to return Question: Why is it not correct ary activity of the advanced work peasants. The same de Wendel mechanie who of necessity tnds similar crimes to their credit. From tion before Stalin did, because they met with complete failure.
functionaries and the exploited of the Soviet Bolshevik Lenfolats, for the Communist Party of Great The Tarovs had several other posed the problem of collectiviza to the ranks of the official party Tarov Britain to support sanctions tage and treachery from within heavy industry (Comite des Forges. Unton. Early in 1928, Taroy was proceed on the dratting of the Five consequences of the perndtous alll than to flee from the Soviet Union. Italy wil hasten the overthrow of against Italy since defeat of Stalinism are both engaged the wosld be Hitler of France, en he spent three years in experience, for which he paid Fuselam?
in creating and fostering the most trusted the relns of the bourgeois sat four years in prison, in barsh was finally outlined, all the Tarovs and draft of the first Five Year Plan future Sir Walter Citrine. so dearly, is an invaluable lesson harmful illusions in the ranks of government to Laval. Will any solitary continement, and then. once argued that the annual increase in both for the Soviet and the world Answer: To advocate that gane.
Taror Mistake the French proletariat. The sucworker take seriously the word of again, he spent several months in industry should be set not at proletariat. The Open Letter 19. tions, applied by His Majesty gov.
cess of their treachery can lead Laval that he will act to disarm exile. What crimes did Taror com percent, as was done by the Polit from the blue: Hitler came to pow. under the banner of the Fourth In given the support of the British But then came a new thunderclap sued by the organizations standing ernment in imperialist interests, be only to the victory of fascism. On the bands created and supported by mit against the. Revolution?
a par with the social patriotic sup the same master whose orders are ical Bureau, but two or three times er in Germany. The policy of ternational finds a new and a clear workers means to advocate support by the latter of an Imperialist polportales mancher the ruige and de law to Laval and are in actuality he was of the opinion that the Octo confirmed. But since the Tarove by cleared the road for him. When The Open Letter states, By means oy, and correspondinely, the romana fense of the Soviet Union, by the support of the Franco Soviet mill But perhaps it is not Laval who sibilitles for Industrialization, im posed the backwardness of the rul saddle, his stirrup was held by and bloody repressions the ruling for the overthrow of English capi: tary alliance, is the sowing of the will really disarm the fascists, but measurably more rapid than was ing upper crust, they were there none other than Stalin. All the clique seeks to nip in the bud every talism. If this policy is proposed Illusion by the Popular Front a better friend of the workers, Her the case with capitalist countries. fore guilty of undermining the rev floods of eloquence poured forth by movement of Marxist thought. No for the purpose, pretended at least that the capitalist government can riot for example. better stin Together with other Tarovs he olution (l. e. the prestige of the bu the Seventh Congress will not wash where in the world is genuine Len of hastening the overthrow of Italbe made to disarm the fascist bands one who advocates the People raised the alarm against the policy reaucracy. The Tarovs paid a away from the ennobled Leaders Inism so bestially hounded as in ian imperialism, then the advocates hired by finance capital. As a quia Front like Daladler. The Stalin of staking everything upon the ku great deal of attention to the work the blots of this historic crime. All the These lines, superi of such a policy are maintaining pro quo for their support of a dem ists, for the sake of Soviet diploma lak which would lead to a crisis for ing class youth. In their opinion the more rabid became the hatred cially considered, appear exagger that between the have been demanding that the gov the French Socialists into a crassmended Teh vetores der the youth had to be Elven an op of the Stalinist ellque for all those ated. Isn Leninism being ruthless. Italian fuscism and British demo efforts be focussed the latter the lesser.
ernment agree to disarm the fas form of class collaboration for the upon the peasant poor and the sys thinking to study, make mistakes, in time. The captive Leninista bad As a matter of fact there is no ex The Italian chauvinist can, with cists. Laval now yields to this preservation of bourgeois democra tematic switching of rural economy and learn to stand on its own feet to pay with their ribs for the dead aggeration in the Open Letter. In equal Justice, reply: Italian, and Bo called pressure from the left cy. The united front became the on to the rails of collectivization. They protested against the fact that ly policy which combined ignorance Fascist countries the Leninists are not British imperialism, is the les(as the capitalist press puts it) social patriotic People Front with such were his chief crimes for the revolutionary leadership had been with perfidy: it is precisely this subjected to persecution along with her evil since the latter exploits and announces that the mobile the inclusion of the directly bour period of 1923 1926. He was more replaced by a regime of bulldozing several hundreds of millions of reenforced and given the immediate Herrlot and Daladier. We are wit the ruling upper crust. In any case, en barrack room strangutation of French Stalinists Give the Fascists Lesson on selle millonso inhe material conditask of disarming the Croix de Feu nessing the ripening of the fruit of such were the crimes of the ten the youth must lead to demoralizathe True Patriotic Spirit tions of British colonials, and other private armies. No doubt this people Front. The Stalinists dency for which Tarov bore the re tion and to the growth of outright is worse than that of the Italian the cretins who trust in the imper and Socialists make all possible sponsibility. In 1926, all the Tarova hooligan and reactionary moods in masses under fascism. Victory in ialist government which is cease concessions to the petty bourgeois demanded that the Soviet trade units midst. These warnings were Vaillant Coutarler, No. French Stalinist publicist and blowherd, Ethiopia, followed by complete Itallessly preparing for war, to preserve Radicals, including a complete re ions bring to an end, the political branded as an attempt to set the has discovered exactly what wrong with the French Fascists. The ian control over the Mediterranean, peace, will hall this decision of liance on parliamentarism. The friendship with the General Council young generation against the old, Fascists, it seems, have been smart enough to oppose the policy of Suez, ete, will smash the British Laval as a victory. In reality the Radical Socialists, in turn, Elve of British Trade Unions that was as muting against the Old Guard sanctions, to denounce it as a war policy, and thereby distinguish empire, giving the British colonials workers should be aroused to the support to the direct representa betraying the miners strike, togethe very game Old Guard which fraud that will be perpetrated by tives of big business, to Laval. ther with General Strike: it has been calumniated, smashed and sanctions, and therefore Imperialist war, to the very hilt.
themselves before the masses from the Left parties which support a chance to assert their independence, and the revolution will be Laval to assist the fascists and Herriot prevented a split in the was precisely for this service that committed to jails, or demoralized The idea, writes the valiant Valllant, that the League of Nahastened in Great Britain. For revstrike a blow at the revolutionary Radical Socialist congress that has Citrine, the head of the General by Stalin with the aid of his Prae tions can really prevent the war in Abyssinia exasperates French Olutionary reasons, therefore, it is Fascists. These unfortunates haven the national sense to understand necessary to support the policy of under his take promise, Laval wili tion of supporting the government and Tomsky, was knighted by His such are Tarow crimes. To this that it Mussolini is left free today to commit aggression against Mussolini.
The reasoning can be carried to against the armed workers, against ducted an apparent fight for the celebrations. Together with other Leninists, including Tarov, never would be to give full liberty to Hitler to set fire to Europe tomorrow.
the incipient workers militia or People Front against such sup Leninists. Tarov protested in 1926 attempted to impose their ideas by It is really sad to see Frenchmen blinded Buch a point by sult of imperlalist war, capitalism its logical conclusion: If, as a reganized to defend the proletariat port but was persuaded to yield against the Stalinist theory of a force. They did not call for an party spirit, that they are ready to sacrifice the vital Interests of the will be overthrown in those counfrom fascist attack. The Laval to the patriotic Herriot. Daladier democratic workers and peasants uprising against the bureaucracy. French people to the prestige of the black shirts of Mussolini. Hutries which are defeated, then it is government that of Giolitto Bonom! Thus the entire course of the Stat Polish Communist party to support they sought and hoped to convince necessary that the workers support The French Stalinists are sad unto tears to think that these in Italy and Bruening Schleicher inists 18 clearly revealed as playing Pilsudski coup. But even this the party. They fought primarity unfortunate Fascists just don understand the national and Imperialist war, and in each counvon Papen in Germany. It is the into the hands of the imperiallats does not exhaust the list of Throv for their right to bring thelr crit vital Interests of the French people. Is there no bottom to the try conduet it as vigorously as poe sible so that the opposing capitaltransition form between democracy The further end of the chain of crimes. As an Internationalist, he icism and their proposals before the mire of betrayal in which these people now wallow?
ism will be all the more speedily and fascism. In this transition the class, collaboration in which the was vitally interested in the fate of party. But the bureaucracy which Another choice item from France to add to disgusting saga of destroyed.
faaciet bands are created by in working class links are forged by the Chinese revolution. He considhad raised itself to autocratic rule Stalinist social patriotism. The French Ministry of the Interior reanee capital and alded and strength the Socialist and Ctalinist betrayered those Kremlin decisions crim upon the defeats of the world pro cently issued a ban on the display of foreign flags on public buildings strong in all countries, acceptance Since the arguments are equally ened by the support of the police ers, rests firmly in the grip of the inal which compelled the young and letariat, counterposed to the Len except for some special occasion. Humanite jumps into the breach. of them by the workers Internationand the army. With the direct con de Wendels.
berole Communist Party of China inist Opposition not the force of It seems that this has reference to the socialist and Communist ally means the end of the struggle nivance of leaders in the democratic government, of course.
The workers must learn that this to enter into the Koumintang and argument, but the armed detach myoralties and the red flag. This is hardly right for the overthrow of their respecis the inevitable result of a course tion to submit to its discipline; In addiments of the Tarov bap First of all because none of these mayoralties have placed the tive capitalisms. Who then will rewhich, umint It pened to several thou red thg on their roofs other than morally. Further, because the main to overthrow the capitalista THE POLICY OF LAVAL of class collaboration, that they self, a purely bourgeois party, was sands who were arrested during the Communists and the Socialists were the first, on July 14, to associate remain completely at the mercy of accepted into the Communist Inter Thermidorian annihilation of the the red flag to the Tricolor.
of the defeated countries?
Laval was placed in power by the the big bankers. Only by pursuing national, as sympathetic organ. Opposition in 1928. Thereafter he Finally, because it will be henceforth understood that the mayor. What is false in the entire argufinancial oligarchy in complete a clear cut revolutionary policy of ization. The time came when Stal spent more than three years in ex lalties will be able to put up outside thelr buildings, alongside the ment is the contention, version of This capstone of French imperial attain thelr own ends. Not the di telegram from Moscow, calling from his present brief story the example, as the anniversary of the peace of metal assistance or ism ousted Flandin when he refused rect representatives of the bourgeol upon Chinese Communists to put reader is able to acquaint himselt May First, the legal holiday of the Humanite, Oct. 2)
over another necessarily means a to obey the dictates of the bankers sle, but the armed forces of the down the agrarian movement of the with the conditions that prevall in victorious proletarian revolution in. the Rothschild interests, the de workers can disarm the fascista. peasants, so as not to scare away these jalls: abuse, corporal punishthe nations controlled by the latter Wendels, etc. In the matter of de The answer to Laval fraud must Chiang Kal Shek and histoffkeerathent, the 14 das torture at han combination that provides the es other opponents of the regime. Hit. military defeat and the exhausflation. Laval was placed in power be the more rapid arming of the Tarov, together with other disciples ger strike, and in answer to it. sence of Stalinism.
because he was the willing tool of Workers and the building of the of betrayal of the revolution, this because the Bolshevik Leniniatumph of National Socialism, turned ist brothers in arms in the party. ploiters, but, unless parties, free Lenin, considered such a policy forced feeding and new abuse. All Yet Tarov, alarmed by the tri. greatest malice upon his opposition ton of a country economy through the big bankers in the carrying out workers militia.
war weakens the grip of the exto be a to the authorities in Moscow with the left wing, which reminded the following proposal. he pledges him of his own yesterday. The from the poison of chauvinism, and capable of leading the workers to to give up Oppositionist activity, in stalinist bureaucracyvents the victory, exist, these objective condireturn for which, he, Tarov. is to same bestial cruelty upon the Boltons can only result in increased be given the right to return to the shevik Leninists, the genuine revo ranks of the party, as a disciplined lutlonists, who embody the trade misery for the tollers. This is borne soldier, and there carry on the tions of the party and of the Octo out by the whole history of postwar Europe. Czarist Russia had struggle against the Fasciat danger. ber revolution.
the Bolshevik party of Lenin, and It is not difficult to explain the pay. Reprinted from the British New therefore a successful proletarian chological causes for Tarov step. The political conclusions to be revolution, but it was one of the It is often not realized how im Alente (capital, 1926, million; revolted against the system of slav: There is no potion more torturous drawn from the case of comrade victorious allles. In the van Leader, organ of the Independent Labor Party)
The British Government claims ticles. Our next table shows African British Africa has also increased sina and wage slavery and forced reaction is capturing one proleta forming and regenerating the struggle, lacking the proper revoluof many of the most precious ar Big Increase of British Investments difference between slavery in Abys hand and foot while the imperialist be sheer insanity to think of re victorious countries, the class to be opposing Italy because of production compared with world greatly in value as an area for labor in the neighboring British Plan trench after another. But today. bureaucratic ma clonary leadership, led to fascism, of the rights of small nations. No articles: love of the League Covenant and production of four most valuable British Investments. Here are ex colonies where Africans are sup Taror political proposal was doub chine which serves primarily the worker can believe this. The Britamples of how the opportunities for posed to be free Ish Government showed no love for ty unrealistic. In the first place, purpose of keeping the proletariat. Germany, Hungary, Italy.
Production. British shareholders have increased. The land is taken from the Atri to support Stalin struggle against in a vise cannot possibly be made military defeat for Italy may the Covenant when Japan defied it. Gold (million oz. 19. World African The following capital, according to cans, who are only allowed to pos Faschem uneritically is. In the last to serve the interests of the prole mean the end of the Mussolini Te and there is no government in the 11. the London Stock Exchange Ten sess it in reserved territories. The analysis, to help Fascism this has tarlat. Revolutionary terror, which slme but this is not necessarily world which has more outraged the Diamonds (mil. kar. 7. Years Record. 1935, has been in result is that they are forced to go been irrefutably proved by the en during the heroic period of the rev synonymous with workers wie rights of small nations. The real Chrom ore (1, 000 tons) 570. Nitrates (1, 000 tons. 10. 5. Vested since 1928: and labor for British capitalists. tire history of the last 12 years: olation served as a weapon in the tory. Those who draw an equation motive of the National Government 335. Investments Since 1925 is to defend the interests of BritIncrease of Gold from Africa In millions forces the Africans to labor for sal was not acceptable, and could against the oppressors, and as a sence of a revolutionary party in ish capitalism and imperialism. There has been a tremendous fa Gold Coast Govt. Securities. particular periods in the year on not have been accepted by the bu direct safeguard of the rule of the government schemes of work.
More than once we have pointed crease in gold production, as the South African Govt. Securities 42. governor of Uganda stated in 1922unselfishly and courageously full supplanted by the cold blooded and and methods to enslave the tollers: reaucracy. Even a single Leninist proletariat, has been completely capitalism cannot find new forms out in these columns the strategical following table shows: importance of Abyssinia for Britlah Gold Export 1929 1933 Rhodesia Govt. Securities. that at present but a small pro ing the tasks assigned him, in full venomous terror of the bureaucracy that the latter cannot sink to lower. Imperialism. The importance of Tanganyika. 10, 536 oz. 32, 516 ozs. Nyasaland Govt. Securities. Ezio portion of the unskilled labor em view, without recanting publicly which fights like a mad beast for its Levels than fascinat base already Abyssinia from the point of view of Africa. 570 ozs. 918. Tanganyika Govt. Securities. ploved by governmental depart and without spitting upon the best posts and sinecores, for its uneon brought them, so that the revolu the immediate interests of British Rhodesla Railway. 13. The position of the Africans has a silent refutation of the legend en the proletarian vanguard. This Is There is nothing to justify such a is traditions of Bolshevism would be trolled and autocratic rule against tion will come about automatically.
capitalism is not so well known.
71 oze.
British Empire in Africa Sierra Leone 6, 650 z8. 15, 804 ozs. African Trade Corporation. Since the World War the British The total exports of Kenya and Diamond Mines of Atrica masses the lowest thoritative writer. of the bourgeois counter revolu White colonization and white In tion. This assinine legend wobbles Engels on Stalin in Europe but is not yet even the On February 20, 1889, Engels lowest in the world.
has become co ordinated and con annual average value of 17 mil. Rand Selection. 23. dustry mean that the black man on its mythical underpinnings, and wrote Kautskyy a truly remarkable nected whole. The inclusion of the lion between 1910 14 to 32 mil These are twelve examples out or lose the freedom to move in his has to be propped up daily. Con letter published only recently party today in Italy, the most per Because there is no revolutionary German colonies made an all red ion in 1981.
hundreds of shares dealt with on the white man either by undis were successful, would inevitably of the Great French Revolution nicious ides that could be advanced own country, is made to work for currently. Tarov example, the the class relations during the epoch ca. The British Empire now stretchroute from North to South of Afri Threat to British Owners of Cotton the London Stock Exchange. They used forced labor or by the corvee arouse emulation. This could not Among other things. It states the 18 the concept that the Italian rev.
Fields total 92. millions! One other er or by taxation, which he can only be allowed. It is impermissible to following: as regards terror, solution can be hastened by eradicat es from Cairo to the Cape.
This British Empire in Africa 18 British capitalists because it conThe Importance of Abyssinia to ample: in four years 25 millions pay by hiring himself out year all allow bold men to return to the long as it had any meaning. It wasing the revolutionary activity of the British capital were invested in plerced only by the independent tains the headwaters of the Blue North Rhodesian mines.
state of Abyssnia, which is like an Nile, which irrigates the British Afrians Become Wago Slaves for field for the profit of the white, expression of their views no, they cla35 erence certain section or it. natlons applying sanctions. It is island in British territory. British owned cotton flelds of the Sudan, British Capitalists sweating in the mines where he is must renounce thelr ideas, thetr which was alone able to guarantee precisely because the conditions of Imperialsts are obviously not going has often been pointed out. But the to allow another capitalist power to significance of this is not always workers bek Since the World War teng of earns for the same work. Above aplt upon views which have been remained in power thanks to the revolutionary ideology from the peld a tithe of what a white man right to think altogether. They must victory to the revolution, not only fascism have virtually stamped out take possesso of that island! realized. Seventy six percent of the the wage slaves of British capital peasant people torn from the land events.
How Capitalism Has Grown the unity of the British Empire in the total crop is grown in the Geonly: But it 18 not merely matter of is due to cotton, and percent of showing the increase in Kenya in which his spiritual life is rooted must perish. White, The AbysSignpost of Stalinist Corruptionment, the possibility to concentrate from outside that country which Africa. It is also a matter of its slra, which is fertilized by the Blue Nothing so characterizes the Stal forces at the decisive points, e. at can, in the immediate future at 1912 sinian Dispute, page 65. value for British capitalists. It is Nile. 12, 000 1920 inist regime, its internal corruption the frontlers. But once the fron least, again point out the way to But Why Should British Workers and fraud, as its utter inability to tiers had been safeguarded thanks them. Just as Marxism does not. 90. 000 doubtful whether any part of the Before 1926, when the dam of the 1928. 129, 000 Be Killed?
revolutionist to military victories, and after the evolve out of the class struggle it British Emptre has yielded to Brit Blue Nile was constructed, the The facts given in this article ready to serve 1927. 185. 000 ish capitalism such an increase of Gezira depended on a scanty and Has Slavery in British Empire show the importance of British cap refuses to lie. No! Stalin needs mune which had sought to carry class, so must it be brought to the profits a British Afrien since the seasonal rainfall, and was little Been Abolished?
Italian workers. Today the main World War.
Italist interests in Africa and indt apostates, bellowing renegades, peo liberty to other peoples on bayonets, better than a desert. Now every Why this expansion in Africa. cate why our British capitalist gov. ple who are shamelessly ready to terror outlived itself as a weupor stream of such knowledge les outside of Italy.
We give some striking figures in year more of it is being put under one of the reasons is that the ernment is prepared to go to the call black white, who beat their of the revolution. Robespierre, it proof of this. Take, first, the incultivation. British Capitalists are wages are extremely low If one extent even of war to defend those hollow breasts, pathetically, while is true, was at the height of his Supporting the imperialists who crease in the total trade of Africa not going to permit another capt dare speak of them as wages. The interests against the threat of Ital their minds are actually occupied Power. but says Engels, henceforth are applying sanctions, therefore, is (of which, of course, British cap talist power to control a water supprice of labor in Kenya is ten shi ian capitalist and imperialist inter with ple cards, automobiles and terror became a means of self pre one of the surest methods of makitalists control the major part. Dly which, it cut off, would re lings a week. Thla is why British ests.
summer resorts. The party and the servation for him, and thus it was ing it next to Impossible for the The following table indicates the transform the Gealra into a desert capitalists invest money there. They But why should the lives of the state apparatus is overrun with reduced to an absurdity Ingel Italian workers to arrive at Marr.
enormous expansion of Africa as a and, in effect, expropriate the Brit can make greater profits. The low British workers be sacrificed for such swindlers, double dealers, and emphasis. These lines are remark ism, and in the final analysis of source of profit making:ish shareholders wages in the British Empire in Ar. profits of British capitalists? corrupt cynics. They are unreliable able for their simplicity and pro setting the world revolution back Total Trade of Africa Two British companies are main rica help to cause unemployment in but indispensable: bureaucratic ab fundity. There is no need here to for decades. The surest way of ald1918. 320 millions ly interested in the Sudad the gu Britain and to under cut British SPECIAL OFFER solutism which has come into an expatiate upon the distinction being the Italian revolution is the 1924. 450 millions dan Construction and Equipment working class standards.
One year subeertption to the irreconellable contradiction with tween present and the past leninist way: The enemy is at 1928. 180 millions Company, Itd. fcapital, 1934, The question is sometimes asked: NEW MILITANT and NEW IN economic and cultural requirements epoch: It is quite well known. No home; turn the imperialist war into Preelous Articles from Africa million) and the Sudap Plant Syn Why have not the Abyssinian people TERNATIONAL for 00. of the workers state is in acute (Continued on Page 8) civil war.
Why the National Government of Great Britain Is Prepared to Embark on a War with Italy Article 1931 ter year. It means sweating in the party who surrender only the publici in its essence a war measure. The workers outside of Italy, e. in the assimilate sincere but who destruction of the trenzied Com self but is brought to the working