BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxMarxismOpportunismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE The Danger of War and the Defense of the Soviet Union New Version of Social PaFourth Int Only Guardian triotism as Deadly as Old of Workers Fatherland WHO FINANCES ITALY WAR. class.
But it is that ally that ernmental policies of the imperial patriotism, and pacifism. The colStalin and Bauer with their social ist powers in the League. The laboration with the remnants of patriotism are attempting to de Bauer thesis piously expresses the bourgeois democracy proclaimed moralize, systematically driving hope that the lessons of the last by the Seventh Comintern Congress them into the camp of the rival im war will inspire the working class must inevitably sabotage any develperialisme struggling for the re of the world with the determined oping struggle for power, lest It distribution of the world market. will to use a new war. to over undermine the military capacity of By MAURICE SPECTOR Theodore Dan of the Russian leadership, were impotent to stem The whole polley of the People Bauer position will do anything but redouma te nister advantage onto and press. The General staff will the Leninist Opposition it was nec Social Democratic Party bitterly re the tide of fascism? Do Bauer and Front in France is directed to evil that. The fruits of the Stalin Laval educated in the spirit of the sacred to the revolution; it can only lead anti Marxist policies of the Stalin The slated the Soviet seizure of power. Company urge the British Labor pehco, class collaboration in prepe pact are already tragically appar. unlon, it is not easy to make a to another Versailles or the com ined Comintern contributed decisive Otto Bauer of the Austrian social. Party to night for a government to ration for the coming was. The ent. The former communist and right about face at anybody com. plete collapse of civilization. ly to the accession of Hitler. The Democratic Party drugged the establish socialism and not admin support of the sanctions policy of revolutionary Ideology in the ranks mand. Declaration of war will be masses with polson of constitution ister capitalism sequel of it all was the defensive the Socialist the League of Nations involves the of the Comintern is being supplant followed by the suppression of all Our Is the Polley of Lenin measure of the Stalin Laval comal Marxism and condingly took Stalinist leadership of the People proletariat in support of the goved by the ideology of liberalism, critical working class organization To the social patriotism of Bauer. munique which directs a mortal Dollfuss word for it that the lat. Front to quit collaborating with Dan we oppose the only policy that blow at the remnants of revolutionter was not plotting a counter rev. Herriot Laval and organive the can save the Soviet Union as a ary policy of the Comintern. Every olutionary coup etat. Jean Zyr. workers militia against the armed socialist state, the position of rev. defeat of the Western working class omski of the French Socialist Party menace of La Roque?
olutionary defeatism in every capt has in turn resulted in the strenglavishly scatters revolutionary Not at all. To appeal to the intalist country whether allied with thening of the bureaucratic reac phrases while supporting the expul dependent action of the masses was the Soviet Union or not. Lenin ad tlon, to the point where its most sion of the Bolshevik Leninista. never the weakness of Bauer Dan.
Having thus brilliantly acquitted Zyromskl. As their signal achieve sla and the overthrow of the Kerdictatorship of Stalin. new world themselves in the class struggles of ments indicate, they are realists.
ensky Government regardless of the war in which the workers would their several countries, these worth. To overthrow Piscism, promising protestations and objurgations of fail to achieve their independence les in a thesis on Socialism and their recruiting services in ad(Reprinted from the British New under the guidance of Count Volpl. nterested in the subsidiaries of patriotic socialists that defeat, rev. of both the Soviet and the Cominthe War Danger Jointly rally to vance, they invoke the powerful ald Leader, Organ of the LLP. the great Italian capitalist who bas the great French chemical trust of olution and a separate peace would tern bureaucracy, in which they the defense of the Soviet Union.
Speculation has been very active profited heavily from bisconnec Kuhlmann and in another French betray The International, they declare, perialist powers oelated in the European capitals recently about tions with the Fascist government. chemical firm La Societe des Pros cracy and play into the hands of ally of the Imperialist governments meaning the Second International League. The Comite des Forges the possible source of funds to keep As climax, this delegation was phates Tunisiens et des Engrais et Prussian Militarlem. Lenin and would spell doom to the Soviet must itself from traditional Schneider Creusot. and Winston the Italian war machine going. Wu received in Stresa by the Duce him Products Chimiques.
Trotsky were vociferously de Union as a workers state.
It is common know Churchill, these will make the world night war in Abyssinia? It is Another straw in the wind ledge that the traditional opin safe for the Soviet Union! But it extremely improbable that the The French financial paper. In. nounced as German agents. Their The Two Roads fons meant rattling the sword of you think we are going too far, let Laval government, pledged to econo Money from War llant picture of the place Montecat former slogan of make the world safe for democracy the democracy If the Stalin Bauer policy leads Late in July, the Echo de Paris, ini holds in Italy, especially in war represented by the imperialist Al to the calamitous repetition of Aug. revolution against war in the us quote: In fighting against war, my and the security of the franc, newspaper with Fascist sympa time: security of peace time and doellely international socialism must sup will permit any loans. But there thies, which has shown a marked capitulating to the military budgets port the governments of those couns another power in the Freesch Retrlendliness to Italy, published an pering. Besides receiving the or Defense of the Soviet Union. But door to the peril of Imperialisatie The explosives branch is pros supplemented with the plen of the ust 1914, it criminally opens the on the declaration of war. In 1914, tries which, saturated by the repubile from which Italy can ohtain article signed says Bauer, the International could sults of the last war, want to pre tunds.
the editor on the dinary orders, it is a secret to no this kind of Defense must lead tervention, not only from the direc not decide in favor of elther of the serve pence as the British Royal composed of capitalist and imperyond the north west frontier were both Air Force 18 preserving peace be why certain French newspapers Italian finances and Industry. But ing additional orders which are not op socialism on the part of the In the event of a protracted strug.
by be created were being new andering itele painted a very roay picture of extertor politics of Italy Is provok senetlere ten the interpelle ne theoretien er her best let the trouthe jalist powers, and the Socialist India. International socialism, perties accepted policy of Na. they ada. must support the insti. friendliness commot be entirely at Italy must sooner or later make a cumstances, Montecatini will find so thoroughly that despite the ter whom the imperialiowatementales friendliness towards Italy. This tence in it: It is probable that certain that, under the present circal patriotism had done its work the most reactionary elements tional Union with the respective tution of the League of Nations. tributed to outright subsidizing of bid, nnder one form or another, for their importance increasing experible slaughter of the war and the brings to the top the demostra The under one clally since Montecatini tende, more danger of a war between two coall. Soviet Union, Socialists cannot and French journalists by the Italian foreign credit.
many, the other including the so war. They must appeal to the tles of Italian money going around spokesman in the French press, for tions, one headed by Hitler Ger must not hinder the conduct of the government (it is common gossip form or another W89 obviously the and more, to satisfy all Italian tp subsequent chaos, in the victorious allies may turn openly fascist, con and vanquished countries allke, the cluding their own peace with their that there have been large quanti Duce bid, through his principal dustrial needs.
proletariat was unable to overthrow fellow fascists at the expense of the viet Union, creates an entirely dit workers to do their duty While the French business men the guilty ruling classes. The Soviet Union. Even now, Aval ferent situation.
The mendiments as well as in the war industry. beete Paella patoloh tem o rodna the bort abovercultous financing de area prodating from there was pre working class, Bauer Dan write collaboration with the Soviet Union thesis presents for the changed sit to admit that the League is an in the snormerench Industry have one will allow such deal to be made from the fertile field of Montecatini. By the World War; they are now have been extended more than once.
Whether the Laval government the Germans are not abgent elther spitalism when it was weakened for a rapproachment with Hitler mation only prove that the more strument of imperialism, that the the press.
Bauerism changes, the more It re good Democracies are based on subremains to be seen. But deal or Germany Part threatened with the danger of hav. But if the proletarian revolution Loans to Industry no deal, there is little doubt that ence that in its pre war manifestoes colonial peoples, that the regional Code, the most sende directly to the money from war and preparation age leased patents to and acqutred case, it is thanks principally to the Jected to the terrible and the end If the French banks, so the story French Industry stands to make ormous German chemical trust, long second World War. If that is the sam, the Soviet Union will be sub The Farbenindustrie, the en ing to go through the hell of a does not destroy Western imperialat least, the Second International parts are modern military alliances, Italian government, there is noth for war in Italy. National Union. In words at military alliance with the latter are in no way forbidden to her dad come out in support of main thesis that imperialism si poveste prevent there from amartine ready for connected now we find that, according to doctrine and leadership of Bauer barsting demands of moderom prilike Information, a banking group, at and Company in the last war.
least, the pre war pledges of the is stil hallowed. Albert Gallcler, for instance. the head of which is the Dresdener Soviet Union with the peril of an International threatened the imperassist Italian industry. It is al Galicier is one of the directors Bank, obtained, a short time ago, Logic of Stalinism Predicted Internal bourgeois Bonapartist atlalist war mongers with a revolu. in the alliance of the working ter, no less way, but, for that mat of the great italian trust Monte block of Montecatini shares amount Essentially the Bauer thesis urgroundabount The whole course of events which tack on its social basis. In these tionary crisis.
class with the capitalist state alcatint, whose chemical works profit ing to about 500 million lira, par culminated in the Stalin Laval pact circumstances it is in the vital in Defending the Soviet Union With lied with the is the now will work.
This is how this reported scheme from the sale of explosives. He is value. Knowledge of this fact and now finds expression in the terests of the defense and preservaSocial Patriotism! famillar and treasonable position of also director of Hautx Fourneaux, should throw light on the German Bauer thesis accurately verifies the tion of the as a Workers French industries will Invest Forges et Aclerles de Denain et attitude, which is undisguisedly consistent contention of the Rus State (1) to build up the new revon their own candid admission, the Stalin Laval communique. Both their funds in Italian industry. The Anxin, aliiated with the Comite bopeful for an the motives impelling Bauer Dan declarations of policy serve as the Italian government, which has a des Forges, and having as vice pres Thus while German arms have been the most serious of all questions dependent of the diplomacy of the Abyssinian war, stan Opposition that for the olutionary Fourth International inZyromski to flaunt their social pa basis for organic unity of the very thorough control over Italian ident Leopold Pralan, vice pres sold to the Abyssinians, German in. in connection with the war danger Soviet bureaucracy, and directing triotte polley are the noblest, the Second and Third Internationals. Industry, will convert those francs ident of the Comite des Forges dustry has been investing most impeccable. The Interests of Unless the masses can be organized into lira and utilize them for the Tbis firm of Denain and Anzin make Italian munitions beter in the was the inner regime. The ebb in its energies to the transformation international socialism demand to resist the social patriotle sophis purchase of the raw materials, special steels for war vessels and the tide of the post war revolution of the impending world Imperialist that German fascism shall be de try of Stalin Bauer, they will be which Italy so sadly lacks, from other steel products for military And Britain ary movement nurtured the soll of war into a civil war for internafeated. The interests of interns involved in ghastly repetition of foreign countries. It is very sim. purposes.
It is well known that Britain the nationally disposed barea neracy. tional socialism. 2) despite the export trade with Italy is tional socialism demand that the August 1914. The most tragle 11 pe, and works just as well as a There is another director of Mon. than that of other countries. Even in the familiar theory of socialism make every effort to renew the Bollarger Stalinism rationalized its position perilous difficulties involved, to How is all that to be effected? By the Soviet Union requires the be There have been some indications also director of the Comptoir Nath investments in Italy, prominent cation dispensed with the necessity Ixation of the Soviet section of the a revolutionary struggle against trayal of the working class inde which support this story.
capitalism, and not against the war pendence in countries allled with At the time of the stress Confer. the great credit establishments in armaments Arm of Vickers, called ternational, since socialist construc the unconditional defense of the danger merely as some isolated the The Stalin Bauer polence, a delegation of French bank Paris. Plcard is also a director Vickers Terni.
phenomenon? By organizing the ley invites the defeat of both theers and industrialista, led by Ernest of Forges et Chantiers de la Medtion was independent of the state but in the interests of that forces of the working class in the Soviet Union and the international Mercler (one of the subsidizers of iterannee, which makes armaments. In the profits of war in Italy may Accomodation with the neutralized cism of everything in the war and Participation of British Industry aid of the Western proletariat. very defense to the unsparing critidirection of the dictatorship of the working class.
Colonel de la Rocque Fascist Croix Explostves Pay provide one explanation why the tourgeoiste maneuvering diplomatie polley of the Stalin reproletariat? By registering the The one reliable ally of the Soviet de Feu. were escorted on a tour bankruptcy of the Second and Thira Union is the international working through Italian Industrial plants Italy into France. Montecatini been so friendly towards Italy.
The lines run the other way, also big business press in London has through the League of Nations sime that is incompatible with revrealistically followed. To destroy olutionary Marxism.
and Comrade Candide and Comrade Browder. Tragi Comedy Being the Story of an Honest Worker Who Fell into a Coma in the Twilight of the Third Period ovation from the assemblea de content for read the Communiste prese Union Unity League, The Friends of so radicalis changed the this methon that it is not the destroyer, but the core desetion of the night. Anyo auch which Lenin called the epochting outer By JOHN MARSHALL twice as fast as they had been cre.
workers need. We need united 15. Aren we falling into a social activities, the Communists must al. Candide: Unite in the same ated. The Seventh Congress of the front of the workers against the fascist tras Comintern gave official blessing to Chapter II when we limit our ways grant the right to all other party with social fascista? On what capitalists, and all their agents. But struggle against fascism to the de groups and reserve the right for basis? revolutionary program of Chapter support bourgeois democracy, both in peace and war.
NE day last week, restored to that means that unity must be built fense of democracy? That not themselves, of mutual criticism. struggle, the program of Marx and of Candide made Paimet with these headers but revolutionary struggle, it seems to 22. Why did the French Communist Lenin?
worker, who was a fraternal Oblivious to all these mighty his way to the ninth floor where against them.
Browder: The time is not ripe Don you remember and even agree to abandon all fac delegate to the 8th Convention of events, our hero slumbered on Browder holds court. We have reunited front from the top but a evil policy.
the Communist Party in April, 1934. until, on May Day of this year, he celved a transcript of their converunited front from below. 56. saying that the social fascists try tional work in the trade unions for that. We will unite today on a program of struggle against war For want or a better name, we shall coma by the stirring strains of the from which we extract the follow a copy of your speech the other. by means of counterposing order to attain unity and maintain the sectarian tendencies in the was unexpectedly aroused from his satton from our private agents Tower my recollections he bought to confuse and disarm the workers Browder: It was necessary in and fascism.
We must overcome call the comrade Candide. The Internationale from workers ing: day, and, sure enough, those were democracy against dictatorship, by it.
high point of that convention, all parade.
party. That why it necessary, His revolutionary spirit your very words.
trying to hide the fact that the cap.
Candide: Comrade Browder, for must recall, was programmatic reawakened, Candide body quick four years have been a loyal has changed since then, comrade, capitalist is only a form of Candide: But you went on to fox example, to build a Labor Party speech by Earl Browder, which ly followed, and he was soon on the member of the party, the interna and we must adapt our tactics ae slogan Is used to hide the fact that crittetsm, on any breaking of agree you win the workers to a revolu Browder: The world situation italist actatorship: that this Say: The Communists can never here.
lasted six hours: 1ta conclusion was, road to recovery.
agree to be silent, to refrain from Candide: But, comrade, how can according to the Daily Worker, rapturously greeted by a prolonged While convalescing. Candide be tional Labor Defense, the Trade Candide: But has the situation emy but the mother of fascism: capitalist democracy is not the enments for struggle, or any betrayal tlonary program in this epoch, with great eagerness, to review the the Soviet Union, the League try, or has the essential character creator of fascism? It uses the avreements would not be contre wars and revolutions, by uniting At the very moment Browder An during his long sleep.
progress made by the movement Against War and Fascism, the of all these social fascist. leaders truth that fascism destroys demobutions to unity, but rather to dis with reformists on a reformist program? Isn It the worst form of Ished his report, Candide suddenly hardly believe his eyes. Slogans in of Rank and File Committee for Browder: Dimitrov, the new that democracy will also destroy rades are fighting side by side with of the party in that manner? You cracy, to propagate the falsehood unity. 72)
lapsed into utter unconsciousness, the Dally Worker: For a Labor Unemployment Insurance, the Antl. leader of the Comintern, declared Browder: Our Socialist com right opportunism to hide the face the doctors diagnosed his case as Fascist Italy Support the League Workers School, Film and Photo unite all democratic forces in the and helples. 16. After several weeks at the hospital, Party Invoke Sanctions Against Nazl Federation, Friends of the at the recent Congress: We must working class over to fascism bound ug and the Radical Socialists, yourself, said at the last convention against the fascists. There have that we must again emphasize.
sleeping stekness, and there he lay Blockade the Suez Canal United League, the Freiheit Mandolin or non fascist countries in order to debeen no betrayals, no desertions of that. under no circumstances in conia for over a year, kept Front Popular Front Hurrah for chestra, the Pierre Desester soch tend the remnants of bourgeois de under the leadership of our beloved Browder: The Communist Party the Alght. can we allow. the abanalive by artificial feeding.
Candide: But at Brest and Toudonment of the independent role of chBurlesca the over the police of mind? Or was all this a monstrous national Rellet, and the League of social fascists, those cunning agents party, but we have flexible policies anstehe kumea Mendowounded ground, to allow it to be forgotten, During that time tremendous himself: had illness affected his dustrial Union, the workers InterCandido: How can we unite with Stalin is a realistic party of Bolo lon, the Ballors, who protested the Communist Party. To push the the Comintern. The Soviet Union deception perpetrated upon the rev Struggle for Negro Rights. For of fascism in the ranks of the we do not let outworn policies What did the Socialist leaders, 1s fatal to the success of a particuentered the League of Nations: olutionary workers. Had the ene the past year and a half through working class, to night fascism?
Soviet pact. warning French com. or the Trotskyltes, captured the touch with party affairs. ve democracy a social fascist slogao out delay, without discussion, if shot down by French gendarmes, tendency to bring forward workers Stalin Laval concluded the Franco ples of the the social fascists no fault of my own, ve been out Isn the slogan of the defense of hamper our adaptation to new con What aid we do about that? Could lar campaign, as well as endangerditions. Discard the policies with we stand silent when workers are ing our future development. The munits not to actively oppose Stalinist prens? He plled the com so many things to ask you about and a reliance on the democratie necessary. but our party goes for while Herriot sits at the same time tickets in large industrial cities is French imperialist military preparades who visited him with ques bardis know where to begin. But state in the struggle against fas: ations. The social fascist leaders tion after question without satis tell me, comrade, is it true that the cism, the fatal policy of the lesser ward from one triumph to another, in the Laval cabinet and the Popu generally wrong; It is a tendency faction. They kept assuring blm Central Committee addressed a let evil that handed Germany over to despite temporary Netbacks. Have lar Front?
to succumb to Farmer Laborism.
o the Second International became that all this was the new official ter to the leaders of the Socialist Hitler? How well remember your you read the latest statistics from brothers in arms.
The die carded the united front from be line. He could not believe them: Party here, asking for a united condemnation of these craven so Browder: You don understand 89 70) How can we withdraw our the Soviet Union?
Have you even the cunning of the fasclats, com party candidates in favor of a joint low and formed united fronts from they were merely trying to humor front?
cialists and the reformist trade heard the Popular Front to rade. Those riots were the work labor or people tickets, as we are above, forswearing in advance any and soothe an invalid.
Browder: Yes, we sent the first union bureaucracy who hold back France has Vance of police provocateurs, of fascist doing criticism of their allies. The Social Democratic policy of the lesser the Eighth Convention still echoed we ve been sending them at regular struggle whleh alone can defeat and vindication enough for our changents, possibly of White Guard, Browder: Don you read the Browder magnificent speech at letter on June 25 last year, and the workers from revolutionary asclem there? Isn that already Menshevik, counter. revolutionary Daily Worker, which explains all through the medium of the Popular of the world situation and its clear evil was taken up by the in his ears; its compelling analysis intervals ever since.
destroy fascism, and under the slo) in tactte. Trotskyltes. Blum and Cachin, the these things?
Candide: But only two months gan of defense of democracy, and Candide: m glad you brought leaders of the united front, agreed Candide: Every day, comrade, Front. The dual Red trade urlons directives for the forthcoming per before your letter at the Cleveland choosing the lesser evil, lead the up the united front in France. One on that. No, we have the most and sometimes three and four times to replace the reformist trade un lod were still fresh in his memory. Convention heard you say: Unity workers to submit and support the of the conditions for the united harmonious relations within the a day. Now think understand ion, which had been declared parts Candide could not rest until he behind these gentlemen, Norman intermediate steps to the introduc front agreement there reads that Popular Front, and, as for the unit the reasons for all these things, of the capitalist state apparatus and bad seen his beloved leader to find Thomas and the leaders, means ton of fascism. That is why we both parties shali abstain from crit ed workers front, that has been and then again m not sure. There even semi fascist and company on out from his lips the truth of the surrender to the capitalist attacks. call these leaders social fascists, icism of each other. But at Cleve going so well that we are even now are so many Innovations in the ion in character, were dismantled matter.
That is not the kind of unity the and their theories social fascist. and you said: In all united front negotiating to form a single party. Continued on Page 6)