BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NÉW MILITANT SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1935 PAGE Comments Opportunities Big for New Rubber Union JABS the LABOR DEFENSE FRONT LEFT latte of the Socialist Party.
On Life, Liberty Protest Against the Frame Up and The Cleveland committee is the and Pursuit of latest sub committee to be set up in the Sacramento movement. Its Happiness Deportation of Jack Warnick forces are now organizing for the By BILL mase meeting, selling pamphlets Confidence in OwnStrength;No Reliance inBoards PRAVDA ON MOTHER It has been revealed that the evi room strike and other union work, and circulating collection lists.
By BILL REICH dence being used against Jack During the criminal syndicalism Other sub committees are func or Labor Fakers Is the Road to Victory All the old, worn out claptrap of Warpick by Federal immigration trial in Sacramento, Warnick and tioning in San Francisco, Oakland, bourgeois democracy ands ready PEACE ON EARTH authorities seeking to deport him Mint protested against the Los Angeles, Boston, and are being By JACK WILSON claimed to be there to help the market in Moscow today. In an Stimulated by the Italo Ethiopian to Canada consists of materjal ob defense policies in several respects organized in several other cities.
AKRON, Ohio, Oct. 28. The pre jammed the meeting and asked for Day speech by the president of the workers. That why 150 workers article that outdoes a 1927 Mother conflict, world arms exports to tained from the Sacramento court When the tried to wipe out its lude to a new epoch in the bistory the return of the six hour day.
Florists Association Pravda deAugust 1, 1935 mounted to more, which acquitted him in the crim record of disruption by denouncing! Court Reverses Ruling of the lab.
Theing written by the union naturally failed. John House, old mother. Any hack who transmovement in the rub.
inal syndicalism trial in April Mini as a stool pigeon, Warnick is But the move of the company scribes a visit of Stalin to his dear than 120, 000, 000 or 20 percent ber industry This material consists of a com. sued a statement blasting the slan. In Ohio Railroading United Rubber Workers of America above 1984. An increase of 29 per munist party membership book derers and expressing solidarity since its inception as an interna Goodyear local president, told the lates into Russian the song Mother cent is expected as compared to asued in the name of Bertrand with Mini.
Mike Lindway, National Screw tional union following two years of workers at a mass meeting that. Mis for the million things she general world trade gain of per Warner, and an membership He resigned from the and Co. striker framed on a dynamite constant defeats for the workers the company union will never bitegu ve mes due for a sure Are cent. The price level of arms book in the name of Jack Warnick. WAS subsequently expelled, with charge in Cleveland, Ohio, has ad under the reactionary leadership of the band that feeds it. Join our success dropped only percent compared letter from Austin Lewis, at the proper ceremonles of denuncia vanced a step in his fight for free the of Le bureaucracy.
bona fide unton and we ll really with a general world price drop of torney for Warnick, to a member tion. He was charged with being dom. The Ohio Court of Appeals 60 percent. The National Coun of the Non Partisan Labor Defense a counter revolutionary Trotsky reversed the conviction on the distinguish themselves the streetne Not only did the rubber workers Alght together against the rubber barons. POPE COUSIN ONCE cil for the Prevention of War urges asks him to get us all the help ite but in fact has not been con grounds that certain evidence used the unions here from the strangleFight for Six hour Day REMOVED that the present embargo on you can in the Warnick case. The nected with the political movement by the mea in the case. Prisoner henchman at their convention but the cry. Warned by the NEW with justifable pride that a First prosecutor should not have bold of William Green and his arms and ammunitions be extended National Sacramento Appeal Com since leaving the The other union leaders took up The Daily Worker announces to cover loans, credits and raw ma mittee, which is bandling the apbeen allowed terials for war purposes. 10, 000 peal of Norman Mini, Prisoner 60549 of the Columbus Pen, and now they are leading a fight against MILITANT, the progressive and Cousin (once removed) of the Pope Missouri mules were shipped to 57006 in San Quentin, and which Herndon Sick; Faces the General Defense Committee the establishment of an eight hour other unionists were prepared for has come out in favor of the stalEthiopla via Cuba. motor nights for the release of all criminwhich handled his case, thus win a day and wage cuts. Non union the rubber barons. They used the inist Peaceful People Peace Promanufacturers have sold 2, 200 al syndicalism tims in California, Chain Gang real victory. The Associated In members are rapidly returning to slogans advocated in these columns: gram and joined the League Against Fight for the Six Hour Day! No War and Fascism. The saya dustries may compel a new trial of the fold.
trucks to Italy in the past five bas voted to aid Warnick fight to Lindway, according to Tor Ceder Sunday night mass meeting Wage Cuts! No Discrimination in that this once removed cousin is months. In reply to Secretary stay in this country, a real religious Catholic. Real Angelo Herndon surrendered to vall, secretary of Local of the with the young officials of the in. Lay offs!
Hull request that no war mater The bounding of Warnick, ac the Georgia authorities October 28 lals be sent to Italy, Walter Teagle, cording to Herbert Solow, Secretary in accordance with the orders of ternational union as speakers was Only through the United Rub religious to differentiate her from attended by nearly 2, 000 workers, ber Workers of America can the the ordinary Stalinist stooge type. president of the Standard Oil Co of announced Indignantly. Committee, is a continuation of torney immediately applied for a Mendieta Gag Law the largest gathering since the fall workers fight against the attempt The cousin is all for Pope Plous My firm has been doing business the drive to sinash California un writ of habeas corpus on the of 1933 wben the unions were just of the companies to lower the miser but the informs us that formed.
able standard of living! This mes she has learned that more than with Italy for 40 years and is notionism. Warnick is sullty of n0 grounds that the ancient slave the Outlawed in Cuba The futile effort of the Good sage has been patiently explained prayers are needed to preserve ready to quit now.
crime. He was acquitted even by surrection law under which Hern year company union to fight against to workers at meeting after meet peace. Organic Unity of Christ the frame up court in Sacramento don was sentenced to 18 to 20 years The Cuban Supreme Court having the hour day under the pressure ing. The futility of the company Vicar and the infallible Leader CIVILIZATION Six years ago he tried to take out on a chain gang has never under declared unconstitutional a news of the 12, 000 workers in the two union moves has helped greatly in is now on the order of the day. suggest as the first article of the paper gag law adopted by the Mon plants here has neatly exposed the establishing this truth. refuse to believe that Britain prove that he had been born in Herndon motion will be heard dieta regime, conditions for the lies built by Goodyear in the 20 Boldly the leadership of the in new creed: believe in the Holy will make war on Italy for the sake Montreal because that city had no Nov. 12. In the meantime, the work of the Cuban National Com years existence of this tool, and ternational is trying to meet the Roman Catholic Church, the for of a barbarlan country, says Mus birth registration solini. Carrying sticks for guns he was not naturalized.
Consequently, court has ordered that he shall not mittee for Amnesty for Political swung more workers into the bona challenge of the rubber barons. giveness of sins, the life everlastbe removed from Fulton County Prisoners may be eased somewhat. fide union.
Holding mass meetings; the picketing, the indivisibility of peace, and and obeying the glbbering com. It is not enough for the Associ. Atlanta) before the issue is set The work of this Committee, itself mands of a leader, a squad of baated Farmers and Chamber of Com tled. He is now lodged in Fulton a united front of thirty one workUnion Active lines: patiently teaching the facts the infallibility of Stalin. boons was seen going through mimic merce that they have put Warnick Towers, the county jail. While heers organizations, is being supportto the workers; these are correct knows it. Browder, knows it, The United Rubber Workers steps to rebuild the unions.
Browder, knows it Browder our military maneuvers after watching wife, Caroline Decker, in Tehachapi is thus saved for the moment from ed in this country by the Non Par leaders took quick advantage of the But there is much more that en line been changed again.
Ethiopian soldiers drill near Addia Prison. Now they want to prevent the chain gang, his health is endan tisan Labor Defense exposure of the company union. be done and must be done if the Ababa. Meeting in Amsterdam, Warnick from alleviating her suffer gered by the damp atmosphere in committee went to the Goodyear challenge is to be met successfully. CHAMPS a committee of 339. pwychalet ing by an occasional visit. They Frolton Tower and werde broner Vigilante Justice in president and demanded a return to And the first thing is the necessity 30 that war is a manifestation of in. want to deport him from the coun. from gastritis and chronic bronchthe six hour day. Mass meeting of realizing that the federal gov Detroit Michigan, Oct. 21. sanity and that Hitler and Musso try in which he has spent his whole its, the latter being almost as bad were held. pleket line was es ernment, despite talk of Madame leaflet fasued by the Young ComSanta Rosa, Cal. tablished around the entrance of Perkins, won do anything.
Iint who glorify war suffer from fe since the age of two. They as tuberculosis.
munist League here, calling for want every militant worker to un Should Herndon win a writ, he the Goodyear plants, urging the No Nlusions in Boards the support of Morris Sugar, labor hallucinations and delusions. derstand that to take part in a would be retried. Should be faul SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 21. Dis workers to rejoin the union. 11 Duce impressed me as being strike struggle or union organise to get a writ, an appeal will betrict Attorney Wm. CowAD of The Union Buyers club held mille helped in the rubber betrayal this carries the picture of three champe Remember, this same woman candidate for the Common Council, probably the calmest ruler in the ing drive is to become subject to at the factories len, former Governor of Kansas, cation.
world today. remarked Henry All the most bitter and endless pers hade all the way to the 8u. Sonoma County late today refused tant demonstrosorkers to join the spring. Likewise, at best she will Joe Louis, Tommy Bridges and to accept statements from three pleading to a preme Court, demanding such a Morris Sugar. Daily Worker, only appoint a fact Anding board. Oct. 22 The Daily Worker should after a half hour interview with writ. This would involve a long Victims of the Santa Rosa vigilan union so that a real night against But the rubber workers know have added that the three champs Mussolini.
Importance of Case struggle, somewhat similar to tes, so long as they insisted upon the starvation policies of the rub facts. Smaller pay checks with support. His case is of concern to the Supreme Court to act on bis hillsberg and Charles Mayer met at temper of the rubber workers has regarding the role of the federal beitner, alt agreed that the Warnlek is deserving of wide Mooney repeated efforts to force having one of their own represen ber barons could be made.
These facts indicate what the more work speak for themselves. were blindfolded, then coples of the EDUCATION the whole working class and to case.
No fllusions must be tolerated Mirror, the News and the One schoolboy in Massachusette, every friend of chvil rights, Pro the District Attorney office in become as the rubber barons are government. It has in the past, it two in Pennsylvania, have been ex tests should go at once, from orpelled from their classes for refus sanizations and individuals, to eventual outcome cannot be fore Mr. Cowan refused to conduct his war upon the backs of the already does today, and it will tomorrow Daily Worker smelled equally as do all in its power to ald the rubber strong as the other two.
ing to salute the flag. The Obio Frances Perkins, Secretary of Le told, the courts could grant or re Inquiries in the presence of Ernest underpaid workers Significant too is the open letter barons. For it is their government, the enactment of a state law re the abandonment of deportation might have to go to the chain gang Civil Liberties Union from San written by the independent union not the workers.
The workers must realise that THE CHANGING LINE Francisco. The entire group there lenders who have been fighting the quiring school children to take an proceedings in the case of Jack whle the issue is fought out. Jasper McLevy is a bosses skate oath of alleglance to the state and Warnick. The will be glad The Joint Committee to aid the upon departed with Bestg. promis of since they were ousted the simple act of their joining the national constitutions twice weekly to transmit to Warnick attorney Defense of Herndon, organised by ing to submit sworn statements for trying to form prematurely the union will not mean that the com our line been changed again. French psychologists are con any funds contributed to his de the Non Partien Labor Defense and from all three international union, These leaders ducting extensive experiments with renge.
five other organizations, is extend It is perfectly obvious, declared praised the United Rubber Workers turning the six hour day. Quite to line been changed again. The children to find their reaction to The 18 continuing its ing its petition campaign. The Mr. Berig. that Mr. Cowan by of America and asked for readmiseating animals that have been their drive for funds for the Mini appeal. bas brought out special edi: delays is maneuvering to escape Sion into the ranks of the bona side will fight more strongly than ever nounces the withdrawal of all against the workers. In Williard, Oblo, Eugene Raymond Henderson, Bakers tion of the new Herndon pamphlet. Issuing complaints against the more union, What is necessary is to educate pledge of support to Jasper MacWhat has caused this seemingly the workers into seeing that organ Levy and the entire slate. Truschel, 11, despondent because held attorney who handed the fa Already 000 coples have been sold. than twenty known vigilantes. Prethere wasn a bite of food in the mous Wobbly trials, is now prepar. few more are avallable at cents vious interviews with vietims of the sudden lift from the apathy of last ization can mean something only 10 knows it, Browder, etc.
house, ofered his pet rabbit asing his brlet. Contributions should each or 50 per hundred, at the villantes have been turned into spring after the betrayal by Chaba It has the correct program, not only supper to his mother and brothers be made payable to Harry office of the 22 Fast 17th fishing expeditions concerning their the rubber workers in view of workers can achieve it. How they LBAGUE OF NATIONS What does the future hold of what they want, but how the and sisters. He then hanged him Ladler, Chairman National Sacra Street, economic and political opinions be self to leave one less mouth to feed mento Appeal Committee, Room 707, cause they did not have the protee the facts of today? These are ques. can re establish a siz hour day. will support all moves of the 41 Union Square, tion of counsel. The district at tions in every progressive mind Capitalists have never given any. League of Nations or any individual LAND OF THE FREE Jack Warnick is a graduate of the Sac to Defense Meet torney is doing no more than at which need an answer.
thing voluntarily. Only insofar as nation for genuine peace tempting to put our clients in a Struggle of Rubber Barone David Asberaft, crippled news brought to the west coast from White In Cleveland the rubber workers have strength Doolan, Communist candidate in bad light.
We have already mentioned the to force their demande, by strike, Fast Edmonton as reported in the rather than se him starve. had two and has lived in the United seller, killed his five year old son birth place, Montreal, at the age of Explaining the two month delay Valiant fight against Green and if necessary, can they succeed in Canadian Worker.
John Thurber, leading Social in taking any action, Cowan in a company. This gave self autonomy wresting back the wages and hours Point of the 21 conditions for to do it, he said. The boy was States ever since. He was a lead ist, will preside at a mass meeting letter to Benig complained that and an opportunity for the rubber stolen from them by the companies, admission to the Third Internationall had in the world, but had ing by. to do it. didn want him dragged Cannery and Agricultural Workers mittee of the National Sacramento ever solicited a personal interview union.
lished in the workers minds and long to the Third International is through the world the way ve Industrial Union, and belonged, Appeal Committee on Nov. at with this office. In today Then the inexorable laws of capl. they are convinced they must fight obligated to unmask not only open bere and held him there arbitle the sin, to the faction which dared in Morgan Hall, 1550 40th st. ney also asserted that, IT it were try to save their profits, defeat their their policy, the hard work of the honesty and bypocrisy of socialgas alled the room. Then fell. criticize the policies of Sam Darey The speakers will be Cedervall t for outside interference, these competition and fight for monopoly union leaders will come to naught. pacifism, and systematically bring After that just remember being of the Communist party. was of the Joseph Knight of people would be content to do noth control of the industry which creatThe basis for the defeats by the to the attention of the workers the sick. Representative Sol Bloom active in the Redwood City mush the workers Party and Sommer. ing.
ed the basis for the present up. of bureaucrats lay in their fact that, without the revolutionary of New York orates on freedom: swing of labor.
class collaboration philosophy. They overthrow of capitalem, no kind of The American Citizen 18 still the Moreover, the October meeting To defeat competition Goodyear, preached that the rubber barons International court of arbitration, master of his fate, captain of his of the National Committee Ind Firestone, Goodrich and the others and the workers were brothers. no kind of an agreement regarding soul and sovereign over his gov.
ernment, thanks to the glorious down regulations to guarantee the had to sell tires and other articles The latest company moves tears the limitation of armaments, no minority the same rights to present for lower prices. But they wanted this falsehood apart. The lesson of kind of a democratie renovation of workmanship of the men who labored under the eye of George their case in the period preceding to make profit so they naturally this should not be forgotten. the League of Nations will be able The progressive platform of the to prevent fresh imperialistic wars.
the second convention of the party wanted to cut wages. That why Washington in framing the Constiwhich is to convene on Dea 27 they introduced the eight hour day United Rubber Workers, which re But the line been changed tution of the United States.
The opposition group of Oehler ing forces of the Fourth Interna This opportunity is still open to under which a worker tolls 40 hours ognizes this idea class struggle again. Today, any member Posepatuck Indians, who have and Stamm, hopelessly defeated and tional throughout the world, and the Oehler Stamm group at they month more but recelves only as embodied in the constitution, carrying out Point is counters In other words, he gets gives a good basis for winning back revolutionary Trotskylte and is been occupying a 500 acre reserva solated in the Workers Party and Trotsky and the French Bolshevik wish to return to the party and extra!
tion near Mastie, since 1700 despairing of their ability to inttu Leninists in particular. Their po bers. Their refusal to accept it is The workers began to fight conduct themselves as the rubber workers.
mem longer bours and a wage cut.
Events favor excluded from the while the the union too.
bave been served with an eviction ence the party members or even tosition is identical with that of the only a confession of Inck of containst this move. At Goodyear the Continue the Battle notice. white ncighbor claims avold further disintegration of their reactionary sectarian cliques, rep. dence in their ability to influence spokesmen and press of the with Stalin at the head, are busy the land.
It By starting fight against the painting up that old prostitute hag.
discussion, have left the Workers country by the Weisbord and Field the party members with their are company union was meeting.
companies, the union leaders have the League of Nations as a bloom guments RELIEF arty. Following the October Plen groups, which vegetate on the aroused the workers who are re Ing. peace loving virgin.
aim of the National Committee, fringes of the movement for the Joining the ranks. They are writThe New York, New Haven and which witnessed the rejection of the Fourth International and devote PARTY AT ing a good first chapter in the fuPhiladelphia Mass Meeting Hartford Railway has asked for a Oehler Stamm position and the con themselves exclusively to a vene WORKERS ture history of the labor movement 5, 000, 000 loan from the Ita demnation of their disruptive meth mous though ineffective struggle in rubber.
WORK on Protect Yourselves Against the current Habilities are 88, 000, 000, ods by a vote of 18 to 2, they have against it. continuation and intensification its assets 20, 000, 000. John Has proceeded to address their appeal Hazards of Life. Join the of the efforts, bringing more sharply WAR AND THE In an intensive internal discuskin, 52, of Chicago faced eviction to the public.
WORKMENS SICK DEATH into play the progressive program WORKERS Unable to endure the red tape of publication of the faction bassion organized by the June meeting NEWARK, adopted at the rubber workers of the National Committee and conapplying for relief, he slashed both been issued as a rival to the party tinuing until the October meeting BENEFIT FUND OF THE Building of the Association for convention, will bring further sue Issues of monumental importance 1884 1935 Adequate Relief, Newark section of cess and stave off the drive of the have artsen out of the present left six children fatherless. Miss were put up to attack the party and the issues were debated before the Organized, managed by and for the gove on at a rapid pace.
Fascist onslaughts on Ethiopia party membership and the position Lucy Gillet of the New York Asso its position at a public meeting in of Oehler and stamm was rejected workers with only one purpose: The local League now boasts of the battle between the capital and the general preparations for ciation for Improving the condition New York on October 20. On Octo by an overwhelming majority. The of the Poor defends the 25 cent a ber 27 the faction held a public resolutions of the Dehler Stamm to render protection to members The party program has been very more openly than ever before in the new imperialist wars. Come and and their families, and to sup favorably received by Individual rubber Industry. Mnal victory can hear Het bureau as being adequate for tacks on the party. By these sets group and articles in support of hort all endeavors and struggles Unemployed League members. come to the workers only when the JAMES CANNON an emergency dlet. In Kentucky Oehler and Stamm have put them out discrimination in the Internal their position were published with for the improvement of tollers present decaying system is burled Editor New Militant relief averages a month, or selves outside the ranks of the bulletin distributed to all party sed in 350 branebes.
Reserves a local organization of the Sacra under the control of the workers committee is working to set up in Its grave and a socialet economy cents a day per person. Lewis Workers Party and taken their members. MCKINNEY At membership discusW. Douglas, former director of the place. In the camp of its enemies. 3, 400, 000.
mento Appeal Committee. The Solves in its place.
Editor Mas Action Budget, states: Relief expenditures Together with Zack, who left the Sion meetings the reporters for the Death benefit graded accord.
cialist party here is inclined to In this epoch of imperialism with must be cancelled if our govern Stalinist party before he was cured, minority were given equal time to to this work. nothing but war and further degra SUNDAY, NOV. 10, P.
ment is to be saved. Roger Oehler and stamm advanced expound their position. Pour such ing to age at entry. Sick benefits dation of the workers standards payments from 380 to 900 to discussion Babson, statstician, predicts a per platform of sterile sectarianlam meetings were held in New York The Newark branch men and women, according to Garrick Hall will hold possible under capitalism, no fllulod ot prosperity accompanied by completely allen to the concepts during the summer and, in addition, classes open forums every Sunday night, sions can be tolerated that security a lowered standard of living. His and methods of Bolshevism and then the discussion was continued at the first having been held on Oct. 27. and peace will reign in the future.
Monthly ansaments from 450 PAUL LUTTINGER, formula for prosperity: It employ riving fundamentally from the meetings of the branches. The his to 20.
Thls can come only under a workDANIEL LUTTINGER, An Entertainment Committee exers government. These thoughts ers were encouraged to extend their third period radicalism of plant to conduct sales campaigns Stalinists. With arguments and tory of the workers movement does For further information apply pects about 100 persons to take a must prevall among the rubljer Washington Square North to Main Once: and to make prodit, three fourths slanders borrowed from the arsenal not know another example of such trip across the river to a threatre workers if they are to fight correct 2 dd 8 Except Sundays of the mepployed would be ab of the Stalinists they conduct a thorough going, fair and democratic 714 Sencon Ave. Brooklyn, bepent at the New York Cilvie Rely against the rubber barons. In and Holidays.
sorbed immediately.
Prenzled campaign against the liv. discussion pertory Theater them lies the only hope of victory!
for Statement of Nat Comm.
of the Workers Party companies.