BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceHitlerImperialismLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NEW MILITANT VOL. 1, NO. 45 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1935 PRICE CENTS Official Organ of the Workers Party of the Green Trains Guns on Militant Minneapolis Labor; Appeals to to Open Shoppery Against Local 574 Peace Parade 574 Fighting Policy Thorn In the side of Labor Skates en redes sont and Figures Extend the October Revolution!
4TH INTERNATIONAL Both Sides Are Right!
FOR DEFENSE OF THE Sovie UNION Lenin By JAMES CANNON November 7th is our day.
For internationalists the world over, it is the day of the great vindication of their ideas and the harbinger of their final vetory on an international in which all the authentic representatives of the great proleAssistance Rendered to Six Strikes in Other celebrate its 18th anniversary Not as a completed, self suffi Unions ProtestUse of Name Industries Resulted in Victory cient national affair, but as a beginning of the international in Jamboree Led by MINNEAPOLIS, Minn, Oct. 31. representative of the Green Wollrevolution this is the inner Faiher Divine Tobin gang yesterday brought into the open plans for a pogrom against the famous General Drivers Union Local 574.
meaning of the workers victory in Russia as its organizers and 50, 000 turned out for the People The Daily Worker reports that In a statement to the pross, Meyer Lewis, representative of William leaders explained it and as we Parade for Peace Green, of La president, declared that he was in Minneapolis to the metrounderstand it. We hail the politan papers put the figure at superintend a parge of labor organizations. Making no pretense that Russian revolution as the pre 15, 000, including 2000 followers of the purgo was to be limited to the central lnbor body the Green Woll.
lude to the world October. Father Divine eggshell blue limTobin gang were defeated at the recent Atlantic City convention in their The Russian revolution rep Two letters we have received ousine.
attempt to secure authorization for expulsion of radicals from the unions, resents the triumph of an idea make it clear that the Dally but did secure a provision giving central bodies authority to expel radical delegates Lewis bluntly indicated which bad penetrated the mass Worker estimate was arrived at that the big guns of the American es and become a material force. by counting the organizations who Federation of Labor would be Marx transformed socialism did not march in the parade. From aimed also at organizations outside from utopia to science the following: the American Youth Congress the the of ranks.
Russian revolution developed Editor, New Militant As proving the necessity to bring about an industrial employer and the science into action. Since West 15th Street November 7, 1917 the theoretiNew York City employee relationship which is cal concept of the proletarian Dear Shr: Toledo and Mpls. Press 1964 strikes of local 674, the re truly American, Lewis named the The national Council of the revolution has been a demonAmerican Youth Congress did not Argue on which City Has cently settled strike of ornamental strated reality over one sixth meet in time to consider the Iron workers and the Strutwear Most Labor Trouble of the globe and an imminent People March for Peace. There hosiery workers strike which is still going on.
challenge to the whole capital fore my public statement to the effect that we have endorsed this By ART PREIS ist world. That is why the demonstration is wauthorised.
574 Lends Minneapolis Labor Toledo and Minneapolis news Preceded by successful coal Soviet Union has been and reVery truly yours, papers have been heaving editorial drivers strike in January, 1984 und mains the great magnet of atWilliam Hinckley, houquets at each other recently, a general strike of other drivers traction for the revolutionary Executive Secretary.
each one offering the palm to the four months later, the famous July, workers in all countries.
Our information was derived other city for the distinction of 1934 strike of Local 574, which re.
It was the inspiring force in Dully Worker for October 22: In from an artlele on page of the having the most militant labor ceived nationwide attention, estabmovement in the country.
lished the union control of the the regroupment of the van a ringing statement endorsing the The following editorial published transport industry of Minneapolis.
guard which had been dispersed People March for Peace. Walin the Toledo News Bee (Scrippe Tule made it the largest union in and demoralized by the treach(Continued on Page 5)
Howard sheet) on October 16 is a the city. Its militant leadership ery of the Social Democracy in bumorous commentary on how the and success, its popularization of the war, and also the rallying INSPIRED!
bourgeoise is whistling in the the slogan, Make Minneapolis a dark, and likewise an eloquent Union Town, Its ald to other point for the masses in their tribute to the effective work of the unions, inspired hitherto dormant struggle against capitalism on Workers Party in helping to make labor into a series of successful world wide arena. The will Duce Colors Hearst Toledo and Minneapolis the hot strikes which have put Minneapolis to defend the Soviet Union spots of the class struggle in Am into the forefront of the labor erica. The editorial, entitled The movement. This threat to the swiv.
which animated every classPot to the Kettle, is here given in el chair bureaucrats led, six months conscious worker in the capitalits entirety.
ago, to the lifting of Local 574 ist countries was expressed newspapers with a total daily Readers of the Hearst press. The Pot to the Kettle charter by Dan Toblo, head of the as Lenin taught by the recirculation of 5, 500, 000, and other The Minneapolis Journal evi.
Teamsters International. Despite vival of the revolutionary fight newspapers carrying the Hearst dently has had a young man out this move, which split the Minnea against the exploiters at home. owned International News Photo By ROBERTS French workers and the Daladiers. cuts, bloody repression against the over the country engaged in polis Inbor movement wide open, the Cots, the representatives of the workers. With all this the Stalin drawing the fire half the Central Labor Union dele Approaching war. now closer French bourgeoisie. Daladier, the 1st of France are not concerned.
Ihat is the line upon which we Service, are being daily fed photo than ever with the impending con murderer of workers of February For Herriot is an adherent of colreconstituted the American graphs of the Ethiopian war, none The Journal, in a city with the rates refusdng to unseat 674 deleworst record for strike violence rates, a majority for unseating bemovement. It remains our line of which are taken by American clusion of an Anglo French alliance urged the Front Populaire policy lective security and the Covenant of any city in American, came out ing mcured only after a threat to today.
photographers, but are supplied to. Ie hastening the maturing of the upon the Radical Socialist Party at of the League of Nations and when on Oct. 11 with piece entitled met the charter of the central bodis The Russian revolution dem Hearst by Mussolini official ple internal political crisis in France. its Congress last week as an alli he speaks in this spirit Human: New Factories Shun Toledo, City Local 574 and the unions grouped around it have continued to grow onstrated the heroic qualities of the absence Lancen entors have to Laval stands today atop a testerius ance of the third estate and the te nods happily: We cannot but Tom by Violence of Strike the proletariat and showed that the pictures are bona fide.
rely on the Italian firm word that structure which will dissolve and proletariat. The Radical Socialist approve of these words and it We can imagine that they had in strength. Last month Local 574 disappear in the decisive days to would be good if Laval could be in start meeting at The Journal, won from the employers closed shop revolutionary Marxism alone is This is the most obvious ex. come.
spired by them. Sept. 30. The following that city latest kining contracts covering the transport incapable of shaping leaders ample of the way in which Fascist France faces civil war. The reBritain Acts for the protecting the workers against Her en: Boys, we ve got to do some by Green representative were resin on the streets, and the editor told dustry.
The other two strikes mentioned equal to the highest test of the propaganda about the war is being sult will be either a new star in the historic turning point of hu it is only part of the story. Mus revolutionary workers and fed to the American masses. But European Fascist constellation or a rlot but they gratuitously offer to thing to show that Minneapole Small Nations protect Herriot against the Fascista. isn so bad, after all. Let got a cued by Local 674 manity. In the persons of solini has made special arrange ants government. The choice of Iron Workers Strike Protection for the French Bruening piece about Toledo. That vught Lenin and Trotsky the revolu ments to accomodate the Hearst, those two alternatives is being made Since 1870 the British governThe ornamental iron workers We can assure you, wrote the to make Minneapolis look pretty ment has annexed the following to the Radical Socialist Party Bood tion found its authentic repre United Press and Associated Press now, when Strike, led by an of union preparation of the independent territories: against a plant owned by Walter sentatives organizers of the correspondents directly behind the French working class for the offenBaluchistan, Burma, Cyprus, in Lyon, that the adherents of our We will give The Journal plece Tetslaff, notorious leader of the victory who stood on a historic Italian lines. This is in order to sive against war and Fascism Borneo party are determined not to permit credit, nevertheless, for its recogWei hal Wel, North Citizens union busting Alliance, level with the founders of the carry more plausibility than the offensive against the bourgeois state Hongkong, Koweit, Sinai, North those who fight for bread, peace for the better in Toledo during injury to a hair on the head of nltion that things have changed was endangered by stabs escorted doctrine, Marx and Engels. In al dispatches. But all corre. the only hope of preventing the organization of the Red spondents reports must travel the Fascism from grinding the workers Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tongaand liberty and in the very first the past summer, and particularly into the plant by Farmer Labor Islands, Exypt, Sudan, Uganda, and place of Chairman Herriot. Quot since the philosophy of the Toledo Mayor Latimer. The Farmer Labor administration refused to enforce Army and its magnificent and regular military wireless route, organizations out of exlstence and British East Africa, British Som ed by Populaire, Oct. 19. Plan has been applied.
an anti scab ordinance forbidding victorious campaigns against with censorshipeout Asmara and hurling France and all Europe into ali, Zanzibar, Transvaal, Orange Herrlot is a member of the Laval Throughout the country, how housing of employees in an indusever, there has been a lot of finger the people enemies in the civil then again at Rome. Nothing gets war.
Free State, Rhodesia, British government which last week passed trial plant. On appeal from the war and the war of intervention de toute notory to the cose What is monstrous in the present Central Africa, Nigeria.
a series of deerees stated to be di pointing at Toledo. Cities in crisis in France, is the fact that the the unbounded resourcefulness, An example of the usefulness to way may well be paved to fascism sit on the strike In addition, the following ter rected against all anti Republican trouble of thetr own bare striven striking unfon, Local 674 sent repforces but which were patently de to boil up Toledo labor stories committee and sent its powerful creative energy and courage of the Fascists of so called eyewitness and to war by a Government of the ritories were mandated to Brit signed to deal with the organiza running back to the old Auto picket lines to close down the plant.
the historically rising class was stories is the dispatch sent Front Populaire Under the direct sain at the end of the World War: South West Africa, Mesopo decrees of Bruening, von Papen and from their own labor controver the plant, the Parmer Labor admindisplayed. The working class, accomodated by high to leers of the Front Populatrets striving to tamia, Palestine, Trans Jordania, von Schleicher to ense the way for slee istration police climaxed a threeeven in a backward country in the Italian Army. According to prove to the French bourgeoiste Tanganyika, Togo, Cameroons, the Hitler, the de la Rocque of to Toledo has had troubles to be night attack on the pleket lines which it constitutes but a small this lackey, on a 20 hour visit to that it does not intend to fight the Samoa and other Pacifle islands.
sure, but at no time have these with an armored car shooting barAnd Sir Samuel Hoare says percentage of the total popula the northern front. he found the bourgeois state, that it is capable The most important of these de been a circumstance to what they rage on September 11. Two work Britain is now acting in the to crees increased the Garde Mobile, have been painted by our lovingers were kllled. But the strike revolution and also of defend tomed to the Fascist occupation, for the holy war against German terests of small nation!
which force educated in the rival elties.
held strong until the boss was comspirit of civil war against the working it.
pelled to settle with the union on This is the message of the Fascist salute and Young cracy. for the defense of the Party, which stands at the head of erg, from 16, 000 to 20, 000 and the Short Memories Of course, that crack about things terms favorable to the strikers the Russian Revolution to the Ethioplans already were calling out French impertalist state. the Front Populaire, closed its new men were ordered to posts in turning for the better in Toledo dur Aid Howlery Workers Struggle whole class. What miracles of Buon Glorno.
Class Struggle Set Aside congress with resolutions calling 150 towns in the Selne and adjoining the past summer meaning that The other strike mentioned by energy may confidently be ex Unfortunately, the lack of ad Class lines and the class struggle for passionato devotion to national ing regions the proletarian heart the industrialista, etc. of Toledo Green representative as an excuse pected from the working class articles of coverage from the the Front Populaire and the have been entirely obliterated by defense and the restoration of of France. Other decrees put re have succeeded in putting the qul for a purge of radical commun At its meet the authority of the state.
in the advanced countries when Ethiopian side have so far made ings the red dag of the workers is strictions on publle demonstrations, etus on the labor movement here istic groups is being conducted diAt the head of this party stands on the carrying of arms by demon is merely wistful wish thinking. rectly under the leadership of the the masses are fused with a impossible to counteract the set alongside the tricolor of the Herriot, minister in the Laval gov strators and in addition give the The Auto Lite strike was merely a national office of the American FedMarxist leadership at the mo Fascist propaganda by more ae French bourgeoisie. On its plat ernment. responsible for the miser Sovernment the right to dissolve beginning, and not an end, as the eration of Hoslery Workers, unit (Continued on Page 8) curate news forms sit representatives of the able regime of decree laws, wage (Continued on Pago Continued on Page Continued on Page 5)
Sunday, Nov. P.
Chairman: IRVING PLAZA HALL Irving Place 151h St.
Stories on Ethiopia France FacesCivilWarasC. Prepares Government for Imperialist Defense not peas. Cannon Muste FR ANCE The Key to the Int I Situation