BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninLeninismMarxMarxismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1935 Expel 13 Bolsheviks From of France The Machine Is Communist Cheer Group If lese in goods 3500at Herndon Farewell The Theoretical Origin of Social Patriotism THE SOURCE Industry Idle to keep Parasites in Power Cost Workers Three Hundred Billion in 1930 34. The High Cost of Capitalism. Continued from Page 1)
Leninists are springing up wherever Culled from Leon Trotsky immortal classic, The Criticism of By HILDEGARDE SMITH Abundance is fiction. But, as our people have their freedom reof the which exposed the undisciplined by the Bureau of there are militant workers who Fundamentals: the Draft Proprio, the following section showed circumstance that Roosevelt and of points out, the releasing of production and the reThere is proof enough in just one Mr. Harold Loeb, director of the stricted by material necessities.
the Party are also considered by consider their own the As far back as 1928 how the revisionist theory of Socialism in the his New Dealers are insincere about Brookings Institution survey was sulting abundance would enormous social discipline within bourgeois against imperialist war, for revolu: Country led immutably to social patriotism. This prediction, consid their advocacy of a more abun agured within the framework of ly expand their freedom.
tionary defeatism and for a real ered at the time of its presentation to the Sixth World Congress of the dant life. That circumstance is the existing economie system. That Fourth in the list of the crimes united front of combat against the Comintern to be an academic deduction, especially in view of the their utter ignoring of their own is, their survey was not strictly a Machine Civilization of the Bolshevik Leninists are their Fascist bands. The lett centrist polema propouncements of the Congress in favor of revolutionary. de. National Survey of Potential pro survey of physical factors but that lished that this surveysta govern articles on the events of Brest and elements in the Socialist party are Toulon which were greeted by the moving steadily nearer to revolufind its confirmation in life itself and in the official minutes and the Grinning Messiah give a fre contradictory frames the commer: ment survey remember of this: Stalinists and Socialists as acts of tionary positions. The point at resolutions. Indeed, so true has this prediction become that the official side chat on the finding of thiscial and physical which made their our mare production factories, our provocation and by the Bolshe. which they will effect a fusion organ of the French Communist Party speaks Auseum of the need his own commission? No! And findings meaningless as far as acmachine civilization, can only be vik Leninists as symptoms of the with the Bolshevik Leninists 18 to defend French culture and patrimony, as the inheritance of the you won t! For just what were the tual physical capacity is concerned. used efficiently. If it is put to Already these left working class alone, against German invasion. casual glance at the findings of this government commis We maintain, they declared, that elements were themselveshe calling Daily Worker will reveal similar and probably more obnoxious sion? Revolutionary stuff!
work producing things for the In brlet, the facts established by masses, food, clothing, houses, furnthe two surveys is this: the Brook. Iture and other household supplies at a time when the fires of revolu their new bloc the embryo of the social patriotio propaganda Ed.
Our Production Capacity ings Institution survey makes it. all the things the masses want tion are being lighted, that at a great new French revolutionary By LEON TROTSKY time when the workers rise in their party.
and the creative power of the comThis board of sixty experts evident that abundance, in spite of and need and are now so largely might. arms in hand, against the The principle question raised in ing socialist society. They proceed worked for nearly a year measurour enormous resources, cannot be state forces of repression, to give the quoted page, namely. THE ed entirely from the theory of so ing the product capacity of our given to the people of the country deprived of. How many times have CONCEPTION OF BUILDING UP cialism in one country and made United States. They did a good job. under the capitalist system. The you heard some statesman or 1500 in Paris the miserable explanation that all some capitalist journalist proclaim this is the provocation not suspicious OF SOCIALISM IN ONE COUN sacrifices to this idea, believing And an honest job. Too good and profit motive won stand for it. that our American system has elements instead of a Marxist exTRY AS SOCIAL PATRIOTIC that temporarily this was inter honest too many unpleasant truths The National Survey of Potential built the greatest civilization on CONCEPTION was undoubtedly national solidarity.
planation of the class struggle con about how the masses in this coun Product Capacity in essence estab earth Hundreds of times of stitutes outright treason! simple formulated correctly. The patriot The comparison with the socialtry are being cheated for Roose lishes the fact that only under a course! And this greatest civiliz(Continued from Page 1) ism of the German social democrats bourgeois press and from the Popu. Populaire for (1) the absence of began as a patriotism of their own patriots will of course be answeredvelt and his New Dealers to tell the socialist system can the resources ation today is what? machine comparison of extracts from the laire and Humanite suffices to a progressive program. 2) the party, the most powerful, party of by the argument that patriotism in workers about it. True, a resume be efficiently used to give the people civilization. That is irrefutable.
this government survey on the relation to the Soviet states is ao it has been published, called the abundance to which they are And now confirm our charges.
failure of automatic self defense, the Second International leading to the necessity for speed basis of highly developed German revolutionary duty whereas patriot. The Chart of Plenty. It is in entitled. For instance, in the four shows that this machine civilization For in this sur dred billion in goods and services put to work producing for the can only be used efficiently if it is Agliated for Fourth International are indicted for the crime of agi falling into adventurism or prema people, the German social democrats there be any dispute on this ques. vey is ample and reasonably au could have been produced which migSB. dividing the wealth Finally the Bolshevik Leninists public political campaign, without tional abilities of the German Is treachery. This is surely so. Can crs should read it.
tating for and publishing an appeal ture slogans. 3) the abandonment were bent on the construction of it? But this incontrovertible idea abundant a life might be given to point Mr. Loeb himself makes the among the people. So what does of tion among grown up revolution thentic Information as to just how were not produced. And on this for the formation of the Forrth In of anti government work that make the machine? Comin the their own socheat society.
ternational. On this subject an army. 4) the weakness die hard bureau munist! Nothing loss. The machine bocomes, as we progress more and the mass of the American people following statements: of the we leave aside earlier leaflet of the Bolshevik Len fight against the two year military crats, careerists, parliamentarymore, scholastic cover for dellber. It is a careful study of not only The difference between actual is a communist!
inist group made the position per training extension. etc. There sharpers and political crooks in ate falsehood how much is produced, but how production and possible production This might be a joke on the rich feetly explicit. Partisans of the comrades criticize the leader general, the social patriotism of Revolutionary patriotism can be much with the present equipment represents the cost to the people of exploiters and their lackeys. But Fourth International? We have ship for lacking precise orienta rank and Ale social democrats was only of a class character. It begins the natural resources and the in the United States of maintaining as yet the oke is on the workers never concealed that for single tion in what they do niekingesny a result of precisely in the building at patriotism to the party organiza austrial plant could be produced present financial institutions. For as the rich few who control moment. When we entered the so: sign of political, organizational or up of German socialism. One can to national patriotism when the pro ests of the people should be pro personnel of the United States, are the workers Coolei persuaded to known that we cousidered neither revolutionary outlet to the more thousands of rank and de social letariat has captured power. Where duced and the result was briefly not only capable of providing a believe that this potential plenty to the Second mor the Third Internament created by the Front Popo democratslet alone the millions of ever the workers have power patri. the the resources of this coun: high standard of life for the entire a delusion. Just as the powers tionals to be instruments of the Jaire.
rank and ale workers wanted to otism is a revolutionary duty. But try and its man power were really population, but are also capable of that rule us are today suppressing struggle of the proletariat and that defend Hohenzoller and the bour that patriotism must be an insepar. put to work for the welfare of its simultaneously replacing obsolete the Marxists the communists 80 an international regrouping of Lars Join With Bol Len. geoisie. No. They wanted to deable part of revolutionary interna citizens, every family in the United equlpment and expanding the plant are they today suppressing the comworking class fighters on a revolu. In addition to these signs of the fend German industry, the German tonalism, the invincible conviction States could have an annual income at a rate somewhat higher than the munist machine lest it give this po services of 4, 400 per satisfactory rate practiced during tential wealth to the masses. Their tionary basis was on the order of times, there are dozens of members railways an highways, German that the main elas aim, even year valued in 1929 dollars.
the day, Appealing to all revolutionary who have joined sections of the to the organizational or the German realized by national means or with that on a short work week! Also, curious spectacle this. the Amer. They cannot possible use them po the league and culture and resist the expulsion of the left and Paris, all under Bolshevik Leninist and sufficient national prerequt the heart o revolutionary interna income could be greatly increased ixed agents are found using govern they, with gas bombs, National to expose the reactionary policies influence mental power to maintain the Guard, bullets and oratory, are Similarly in the prov sites.
tionalism. If, however, the final within a decade.
This is seemingly refuted by the blessed state of poverty. And to fighting the workers to keep them of the bureaucracy. Bolshevik Inces, at Centre and Lille, Young similar process took place also aim has been realized within na Leninist group declares: Communists have come over to the in France. Guesde, Vaillant and tional boundaries by the efforts of survey made by the Brookings In the favorite cry of the opponents or from getting what they cannot use Expelled or not, we shall con Bolshevik Leninists directly. At thousands of the best rank and file backbone of internationalist has Produce, which has been hailed by the end of Hiberty Mr. Loeb says: how to preserve their privileges la national proletariat then the stitution, America Capacity to a socialist society that it would be themselves, but want to keep any.
tinue our policy of revolutionary Nice at a regional conference of the party members with them, and hun been broken.
regrouping. Expelled or not, while Stalinist party, two comrades, Bol dreds of thousands of rank and The theory of the advocates of the present social order Liberty would be enjoyed by most and power.
War thunders, we shall fight pavert and Campa. dared openly to file workers in general believed that possibility to realize socialism in as proot that, the Economy of people. Today over 90 percent of Why They Buried the Report triotism and chauvinism in the criticize in strong terms the chan precisely France with her revolu: nection of the patriotism of the vicNo wonder the New Dealers and workers runks.
Roosevelt himself have burled the Expelled or not, we shall fight neath the waving flag of electoral letariat, her high culture, her flex tsm of the proletariat of the bourreport of this, their own, commis to face the Fascists with some victories and unity the bureau ible and talented people was the geols countries. The proletariat of sion! For they are the authorized thing better than pitiful Invoca cratic shell is beginning to crack. promised land of socialism. old the advanced capitalist countries is agents using governmental power tlons! We shall fight to build the speed with which revolutionary Guesde and the Communard Vail(Contloged from Pago 1) members on the street after the to maintain the blessed state of the people militia which alone elements free themselves from it lant, and with them the thousands still on the road to power. How from the audience.
meeting Among those selling lit poverty! They alded and abetted can smash the Fascist leagues. and take the struggle on their own and hundreds of thousands of work toward it depends fully and entire League for Industrial Democracy, three young girls, members of the duct capacity of the country in Despite the participation of the erature and giving out leaflets were the exploiters who control the pro Expelled or not, we shall fight to orient the popular masses near future the fate of the French the rentiers. They sincerely be considers the building up of social was a notable absence of Socialists crumpled up leaflets and de dred billion in code andere along the lines of the class strug proletariat.
gle, for the revolution, for a worklieved that they defended the basis it society a national or an inter in the audience. Those who were nounced the members as de which the people needed, would not ers and peasants government and national task not Stalinists were almost entirely generate renegades.
be produced because it could not be If it is at all possible to realize Workers Party or elements, while the Herndon meeting produced at a profit to them! They socialism in one country then one or non proletarians from ending up in a government of class collaboration with the can believe in that theory not only showed that thus far only a limited are the ones, these advocates of a Among the other speakers were circle is actively behind the perse more abandant life who are will Radical traitors.
AFTER the conquest of power but Mary Fox, secretary of the Joint cuted Negro worker, it can be the ing that millions should live on the The thirteen expelled leaders are (Continued from Page 1) role of the protector of American also prior to it. If socialism can Committee. Sizemore of the beginning of a real movement. Ir verge of starvation the infamous comrades Hic, Frank, Rous, Rousopment of the warfare over the hot shipping. He replied that he would be realized within the national General Defense Committee; Anna the Joint Committee follows a real Roosevelt subsistence wage so that set, Gerard, Melchler, Martin, Mol cargo issue. The struggle at pres take no action until after a thor boundaries of buckward Russia Damon, Secretary of the LL. ly inclusive policy, designed to win these rich and privileged persons inier, Van. Naville, Rigal, De Vrey ent revolves around these two im ough investigation had been made, then there is the more reason to be Murray Baron; Heywood Broun the loyalty of all organizations of and they themselves might continere and Danno.
fortant points: lieve that it can be realized in ad who called Wmiam Pickens of the the working class and sympathizing ue to satisfy their swollen 80 few days after the expulsions, Refusal move ships that LOS ANGELES, Oct. 20. Vlo vanced Germany.
comrade Rous, who was a member are bound for areas where strikes lence again flared in the bitter class leaders of the Communist Party of list, a scab; and Rabbi Sidney tant line which alone can mauve power and privilege Thetr words of the Permanent Administrative are in progress.
war raging in Los Angeles, when Germany will surely bring forward Goldstein of the American League Herndon, it may yet getan wile can we bring your meren aban Committee of the Socialist party, Refusal to sail ships which on October 9, Phillip Welse, a this theory. The Draft Program Asinst War and Fascism.
was asked to leave the session of are using fuel oil supplied by the member of the ILG. was shot empowers them to do so. The day Browder was sitting on the plat for the class. we are willing that millions should that committee. Comrade Marceau boycotted Standard Oil Co. down by Sam Lubarsky, part owner alter tomorrow the French party form but did not speak. His silence Many pamphlets on the Herndon be deprived of what is rightfully Pivert solidariwd with Rous. At San Pedro on Tuesday morn of a cloak shop.
will have its turn. That will be was made up for, however, by case published by the Joint Com theirs the abundance of this coundiscussion followed which showed ing of last week the crew of the Astrike has been in progress at the beginning of the downfall of that the ferment is bavlug its effects Matson freighter General Labaroks shop some months, the Comintern along the lines of mittee were sold at the meeting. try in order that we may hog the new edition, specially prepared for at of the land.
even in the topnost rungs of the Sherman struck in protest against on the morning of the day of the social patriotism. The Communist Resist Attempt to Pioneer Publishers, 100 Fifth Ave, their sweat and their blood to build the may be bought through Workers! Your ancestors gave of Socialist party. In reply to the at loading with fuel oil furnished by shooting the union had pulled out Party of any. capitalist country tack of the bureaucrats, Rous de Standard oil. On the the crew two workers in the shop, and dur. which will have become imbued It sells at cents per copy up the abundance of this country!
cide the question of the party at take her out of San Pedro as she to a restaurant patronized by union country possesses all the necessary and may be had cheaper in bundles. You have done likewise. That abundance is your rightful heritage!
titude toward war, to answer the was bound for Gulf Coast ports workers and attempted to recruit and sufficient prerequisites for the (Continued from Page 1)
following question: Is it or is it where the longshoremen are out on scabs. Ile was chased out of the independent construction of a com brought about by the special snoop DUPONT PROFITS SOAR AGAIN And now, every day of your lives.
not a violation of discipline to be strike. At Seattle on the same day, restaurant by indignant workers. plete socialist society will in sub. ing committee of the American Le UNDER OPPRESSIVE DEAL you and your children are being cheated yes, shamefully cheated!
an implacable enemy of national de the union refused to furnish a crew Outside on the street be got into stance in no respect differ from the ston. Warnick, has been bailed out WILMINGTON, Del. FP. II of what is yours. Give the lie to fense to work for the defeat of the or the Point Caleta until the an argument with Lutzky. the revolutionary social democrats who of Angel Island Prison, and is rep the duPont family is opposed to the those who would tell you that bourgeois government owners promised not to send to and a crowd of workers also began not with Noske but who resented legally by Austin Lewis, New Deal on the grounds that it socialism is just dividing poverty. Central Committee Splits British Columbia ports where the gathered. Lubarsky suddenly pulled definitely stumbled on August 4, well known local attorney of the is hurting business, they re kidding You can get the facts about that The reply was a motion to ex longshore strike is still on. Later a gun and the crowd fell back. 1914 on this very same question. American Civil Libertles Union themselves.
from this Government survey (of clude comrade Rous from the meet in the week the crew of the Judith While the workers were still re If they that the very exis The National Sacramento Appeal For earnings of the du Pont course you could tell your exploiting of the Among those who tied her up in Seattle rather than treating to get out of range of histence of the is a guarantee Committee been authorized by de Nemours Co. to be used for ers that Karl Marx said practically voted for it were Zyromski and take her British Columbia. On kun he fired and Weiss fell. Luck against social patriotism because in Waruick to undertake activity in dividends amounted to 35, 584, 717 the same thing long ago) and throw Descourtieux, members of the left Saturday the crew of the Admiral ily the Bataille Socialiste which is Stalin Sem walked off at Alameda through the body after passing is a revolutionary duty. In this one Non Partisan Labor Defense, now the company reports show. To anyone who tries to tell you that ist and therefore thoroughly social At the present time these five through the right lung, thus les sided utilization of a correct idea is constituent of the which earnings are more than 1, 000, 000 our abundance is bunk.
Their patriotic in its tendency. But whips are tied up with the senten sening the danger of complications, expressed national narrow minded raised 3, 200 bail to take Warnick higher than for the same time last own dope now relutes them 4, 400 minority motion which secured the expressing determination to win on However, pneumonia developed and neas. Those who may so have in out of Sacramento County Jall last year.
a year might be poverty to a votes of seven members, all of whom this vital point.
Weiss is not yet entirely out of mind only the closing January after he had been their for Almost half the swag 16, 314, 708 Roosevelt, or an Astor or an with the exception of Marceau Pi Red Herring Again to danger. Lubarsky was held on their eyes to the entire proletariat six months.
vert are anything but BolshevikA struggle of major proportions 5, 000 ball Norman Refused Parole of the world. To load the proletaquarter of the year. During that it would truly mean life, liberty Leninist sympathizers, showed that will undoubtedly develop if the riat to the idea of defentism in re Another example of continuing time, it is pointed outthe Europ and the pursuit of happiness. And ing place even at the summit of the have hot cargo from the Gulf coast nery workers will be affected by a sible only thy bourgeoise state propersecution is the failure of an at ean political situation became con that is what you are honestly fema titled to today.
Socialist bureaucracy.
unloaded. The maritime unions strike against five large cannerlestation in the program on the main eight convicted Sacramento work Allies of the French Bolshevik have expressed their determinat which has been called for Tuesday question and by a merciless revisors, to secure parole because she not to handle this cargo. For once wrning. The strike call was istance to social patriotle contraband will shortly become a mother. She Mass Meeting they have the support of the top sned by the Fish Cannery Workers which is now still masked but has been released on ball tempor NEW MILITANT officials, as Ryan has also given Union which seeks to establish a theoreti arily to go to a hospital. Governor orders Temands are for 40 cents per cal nest for itself in the program Merriam is under pressure from with which is merged As was to be expected, the water. hour for the first eight hours, 45 of Lenin International.
EIGHTEEN YEARS OF THE THE MILITANT the reactionary bloe to compel her tront employers have again brought cents an hour for the next elght (From Criticism of Fundamento return to prison as soon as her Published weekly by the New Mill forth the old shopworn red her hours, and 50 cents thereafter, for tals: The Draft Program of the child is born.
tant Publishing Co. 55 East 11th ring to drag across the trail in the women workers. Then demand Submitted July 1928. Pp. 7275. Recently also, as a result of the st. Phone: ALgon, 9058. order to divert the workers from or the men is cents per hour insidious campaign of the Chamber LAKE CHARLES, IA. FP. of Commerce, Associated Farmers, Speakers: at the Past Office at New York, Hugh Gallagher of the shipowners cunnery workers are women. The Machine gun bullets protecting scab Industrial Association and Ameri under the act of March 3, 1870. Assn. has appealed to Green to closed shop is demanded.
JAMES CANNON ARNE SWABECK MUSTE cast the red devils out of the un The plant of the Van Camp com closed by striking International Santa Anna was held for criminal MAURICE SPECTOR JAMES CANNON: Editor Subscription rates: In the United Sons, that the present struggle is a many will not be affected as it has Longshoremen Asun. members, syndicalism, charged with being a States 00 per year: 650 per aix deep plot on the part of Moscow to already granted the demanded killed three men, injured at least member of the Communist party.
Thursday, November 7th. p.
monthe: Canada and foreign 50 rin Anderleun nipping, cuc, etc. wages, but refused the llosed shop. eight opened one port and forced If convicted, he would get 14 years per year 00 six months Bundle Bit Green, no doubt having in mind The strike hasan excellent Gov. Allen of Louisiana to in San Quentin along with Norman IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place and 15th Street rate: Two cents per copy. the strength of the progressives in chance of succeeding as the sardine call a day truce while port author. Mini, Caroline Decker and the other Ausrices: Worke Party, District, 55 11th Street. he maritime imions ont here, showgnocking season is due to begin ities and union officials sought an Sacramento workers. The case Vol. OCTOBER 26. 1935 No. 44 no great Inclination to assune the about November agreement.
pending Sunday, Nov. P.
IRVING PLAZA HALL Irving Place 15th St.
Pro West Coast Fight Rages a Deport Warnick RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Cannon R N E Muste The Key to the Int I Situation