BolshevismCapitalismCivil WarCominternDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

NI HILITANT PAGE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1935 MARCH OF EVENTS SOCIALIST PARTY AND THE COMING WAR Resolution of Reveals Centrist Position on Basic at the working classes who following Problems of the War Danger (By the Editorial Board)
By JACK WEBER The resolution on the war situait, to pursue a policy which, if the THE DIVISION OF ETHIOPIA shameful as any of those adopted ecutive Committee of the Socialist tion adopted by the National Exgovernment accedes to it, is but the immediate forerunner of imperialThe imperialist robbers have evi by the social democratic parties in dently reached agreement on the 1914. This social patriotle betrayal 12 13, and the Answer of the soParty at Its Chicago meeting, Oct ist war; and the workers having supported the government in the burden that each is to bear in plication of functions by the cialist Call to the Bauer Zyromska ability of this osalfled right wing to the category of pseudo revolutionary pared for youth future. America first steps, would be led blindly Ethiopia. The inordinate ambitions ruling class, puts to the test every thesis, in the October 12 issue, con adapt itself to the revolutionary documents like that of Bauer Zyr being outside the League, the into war. side by side with its radical For all its radical phraseology, The has learned not a lit phraseology about war resistance therefore, the Socialist res part to the never satisfied hunger confused movement of opposition statements made so far by Ameri masses after Hitler victory. Sim.
of the British Mon. The Lake Tana has developed against the mislead. carnosalderstaand then we are going to havlus sough, ebicanh. cam bijumus le respect the Jesuitry Bauer calls for legislation which will asolution does not depart fundament nized by Mussolini as sacrosanct to into the steel trap set by Imperial among American Socialists on the phraseology of the Detrolt Declar. with such phrases as No device American Socialist Hike Itsinists, the second International and can pursue their vast project in the is strung out ideologically speaking tendencles within the world Social their grip on the leftward moving can be a trustworthy instrument of perialist governmental action as a Why Thomas is a Social Patriot Sudan and Egypt for the building from the craskest kind of Christian ist movement Socialists, made desperate at peace We call for ceaseless peace move!
of a cotton empire which sbau pacifism to the clearest cut revolutempt, three months ago, at the working class struggle against all The Outright Chauvinists To those sincere Socialist workThis is the same reasoning toaters who have hitherto unthinkingly render Great Britain free from all tionary Marxism. The Socialist The leaders of the Second In New York meeting, to ar capitalist governments including leads the Stalinists and European accepted the anti war pacifism of dependence on the United States as League under the leadership of Sir ternational continue thelr historic rive at a peace pact with the old the government of the Socialists to betray the working Norman Thomas and Devere Allen, The Real Ment of the Document a source of this precious raw mu Stafford Crippe is not entirely paci position of unqualified social patri le. did not satisfy the Old Guard cuss to the capitalist war machine the intellectual fathers of the terial. The success of this enter tut might seem at first sight. In otism, expressed most blatantly by which demanded nothing less than Socialist Party has been the only enforce economie sanctions. The the implications of the resolution, BUT it ALSO boasts that the by calling upon the governments to resolution and who recoll from of the waters that give fertility to current, a centrist current of left ton of the duty unflinchingly to Hence, after three short months, political party during the last two calls upon workers to fight we wish to point out that there is the land, the waters that dow from socialism moving towards Marxism. Support our Government to be the majority, at the Chicago stood for the League of Nations sure peace. The fundamental crime involved. As Lenin pointed out, no was one of the major interests that the very struggle against the Labor its duty against Italy. The Amer meeting was compelled to break on nor does it now repudiate this stand is the same in both cases: it is to one has yet invented a sincerometer.
a number of questions with the 08the Party bureaucrats will push it for lean Old Guard automatically lor the League of Nations. True, tell the workers to seek any form Thomas and Allen fail to understand the Marxist theory of the Italian thrust into Ethiopia. While ther to the left. At Brighton there adopt this position: the same Oct. sild old GuardThis break may it speaks of support of the League of governmental action against war, the gestures at Geneva continue out were signs of the possibility that 12 issue of the New Leader which even lead to a split similar to that only through reservations de to entrust the fight against war, state their consequent reformism of the French Neo Socialists. The signed to free the Leap from the which is ingejarable from the present some sort of facade for a pelled from the party. This would the bypoeritical slogan Sanctions is shown by its present rabid oppo istic countries and to direct its imperialists themselves. The sur working class. There are, of of sheer inertia and in order to the Socialist League might be ex supports imperialist sanctions under complete rigidity of the Old Guard domination of the large imperial struckle arainst imperialism, to the leads them on all critical questions to seeking state uid on behalf of the Nations sanc bled, the real imperialist solution fusion with the Independent Labortises a speech by Dr. William Bohn, intern, at a time when the comin procedure into channels of demoeporters of League involving arrangements among Party. The latter is the only party Old Guard theoretician, in support ternt has come out for social patri Facy and peace. e. for a relostretlity supporters of American can be wrung through struggle from Italy, France and England has been that has taken a clear cut revolu of Military Sanctions. otism when the French Socialists achieved spoils having been tionary position against sanctions But to sow the sllusion that it is the decisive action to the Imperial legislation: minimum wage legisla The Left Chauvinists divided, the growls of the English and against British imperialism, deare moving toward organle unity, theoretically possible to make a list governments. The pseudo lefts in the Sec the Belgian and Swiss Socialista tion unemployment benefits, free lion will subside. English diploma spte its ideological shortcomings on Theh fallacy of calling for goveducation, etc. But it is theoret impossible to will now devote itself, as it has Marxist principles. This very stand ond International, led by Bauer of are in a similar united front, and peace Instrument out of the League been preparing to do since the start means the further drawing away or Austria and Zyromski of France. the representatives of the Second of Nations is to sow the worst il ernmental action against war arises ically and praction under the reof the present crisis, to casting all the LAP. from the Comintern with te the most inflammatory lan International are conferring with not be anything else than the sum essary conclusions from the doc gime of imperialism anything more lusions. The League is, and can from the failure to draw the nec embody in guage, the most realistic exposure Cachin and Thores concerning the blame on France for the failure to its social patriotic program. Under or imperiallam to. call for sup basis of cooperation of the two In of the capitalist countries which tripe, to which the Socialists ren tban partial concessions. It is talse stop the welzure of Ethiopia by the the circumstances, by the very deporte De Imperialist governments internationals!
constitute it. What reservations der lip service, that war is inevitto call, as the Hillquit amendment Italian army. This propaganda will. ense of its present course, the the war against Germany. These The Radical Phraseology u. for instance, into channels doctrine it immediately followa legislative process. It is equally can direct the procedure of the able under capitalism. From this does, for socialized production by tion of a more and more outright remnants of Stalinism and to begi national has come down to their Neo Socialista, Leon Blum, ledning pose the question is to demonstrate capitalist process; as natural to American imperialism from going At the time of the split with the of democracy and peace. Even to that war is an integral part of the false to call for legislation to keep diplomacy of alliances in Europe. to move more rapidly to the left. level, are the strongest proponents on the lett for Already the writers are coining the The Bolshevik Lanlolsts in this of organie unity on a program of positively inflammatory language. De freed from the domination of the peace policies by other means capitalism support, used its absurdity. How can the League it as peace and a continuation of to war; for war is as neccessary to phrase that will carry the gullible party, small as are the forces, bo: social patriotism and whitewash of Working class revolution, armed the large imperialist countries. By Once this fundamental truth wage labor. Not only will not and as is the exploitation of masses over to the new state of af gin to exert considerable ideological the stalinist bureaucracy. Those insurrection came trippingly from giving more votes to Austria, Po grasped it becomes impossible to can not the capitalist state grant fairs. There will be not a League influence and to lend their ald in whom Blum and Vandervelde can his lips. The split over, and his land, Czecho Slovakia, Jugo Slavia talk clap trap about legislation such of Nations but Leagues of Nations. Clarifying the international position not bring along with their tradi own hegemony temporarily consoll Roumania, Albania, Switzerland, which will assure American neu, whenever the working class, by its fundamental concessions England will enter into such leagues or the LP. Should the Socialist tional chauvinistic support of duted, he reverted to his usual eic. But these small countries trality. For the peace policy of independent organisation and activ Europe, but not in Eastern Europe the its first influence would Bauer and Zyromski seek to drag y governs the American Socialist other imperialist combination! We secure the widest area of markets: threaten to bring about by its own to guarantee the peace in Western League be expelled and join with thulr own capitalist governments, social patriotism. similar strate are merely satellites of one or the American capitalist society to ity, grows powerful enough unless the nations there are left to centrata in the LP. But the im. reasons for social patriotism rea again with the old Guard. Hence, it is to suggest the possibility of capitalism cannot live; the only peace that capitalist state will Sidebotham writes in the London of the working class by a unifica treachery of the Seventh Congress great deal of radical phraseology when the League powers are about imperialist power voluntarily with and with naked force attempt to Times. How hypocritical this is tion of militants, would lend pres Division Growing Between Chaucan be seen in the methods adopted tige to the revolutionary vanguard It also permits Itselt this phrase to launch the war, it is directly draws from a given market is for drown in blood the working class by English capitalism to leave alone in their fight to secure the adoption vinists and Revolutionists ology for another reason: American throngh its League that the imper war, as when Britain voluntarily which dares to seek such ends.
Russia and the East of Europe. The of a revolutionary Marxist program, The unification of chauvinists, Imperialism is a colossis so power. lulist powers will arrange the war withdraws, by means of sanctions, To those like Thomas and Allen British navy is being expanded at that of the Fourth International. pseudo lefts and Stalinists into one ful that it can afford for a consta and provide themselves with the from the Italian market. in or who are, as it were, congenitally breakneck speed, the armaments unitled party of this nature could camp has sounded the death knell erable period hold aloof from necessary idealistic cover; already der to crush Italian competition in unable to understand the necessity and munitions plants belch smoke not affiliate with elther the second of all groups which seek to stand the opposing war camps forming in supported by the Second and Third other markets! If American im of the struggle and its scope, the powers perialism, therefore, ac opportunist short cut to legislation England aids Germany materiale tue of the very origin of its leing, revolutionists. The alternatives are governmental pressure which in undoubtedly will go through some cede to Ironclad neutrality legis which will assure American neutraland diplomatically in its prepara since it would come into existence so clear cut! Until the actual out Europe helped the Socialist par mummery of giving parity repre lation, tions for the attack on the Soviet through opposition to the course of break of war in 1914, the lines were ties make their decisions on the sentation to their satellites: per lan market it would only be be But it is a false dream: workers Union. Everywhere on the contin both these organizations of reform not clearly drawn. Today, how war question. The resoluhaps give the International Labor cause its peace policy called for lulled to sleep by it will be awakent England is planning carefully ism. Hence the question of the ever, before the war, the traitors tion, there ore, does not take the office a labor voice in the League war policy against Italy and her ened to a terrible reality of imperfor the new and inevitable world Fourth International, whether are already on record. Hence, allies! In calling for such neatrallallat war against which they have war.
Crippe and other centrists like it termediate groupings will inevit tion of the Second International Nor is this all the poisonous broth ity legislation, therefore, the so called to prepare the struggle.
or no, would become vital true. ably be cut to pieces if they do not leadership. Instead, it belongs to that the Socialist has pre cialist is telling that section There is only one road to the strugFORCES IN BRITISH LABOR Thus there is the bare possibility choose sides, Already such groups gle against war: to turn the im Labor Party in England adopted English workers in the present another of the opposing camps. The The Brighton Congress of the ot far reaching consequences for the are moving decisively into one or in the Stalinist camp also already perialist war into the civil war for degenerated to the point where he the liberation of the working class.
resolution on the war crisis as struggle for and against sanctions. long Independent Norwegian Labor goes about the country supporting the social revolution is a hard road, Party, having come out for econothese betraying policies!
a difficult road; but it is the only BROWNSVILLE OPEN FORUM mic sanctions, moves rapidly toMilitant Socialists, while mov road. And the first step on that Shachtman on ward the second International The Lessons of the of ing toward a trade union program road is clarity: to know how to The of Germany, a left wing Convention which abstractly sets forth a Lea begin!
Speaker: ARNE SWABECK National Tourned to the brandterites, takes plant split off from the Social Democracy. Continued from Page 1) gressives, it was possible, as the inist position, have thelr economie (Note: The second section of Priday, Nov. 1, P.
1776 Pitkin Aro, Brooklyn (Continued from Page 1)
strides into the social patriotic ascendancy. The chief point that NEW MILITANT predicted, for base in their jobs in the needle this article, dealing with the socamp by declaring its admiration must be made is that Lewis Hillman Lewis to attack Green repeatedly trades and other unlons under the cialist Call answer to the BauerInteresting is the fact that some of for the realism of the Seventh et. al do not represent genuine pro during the convention and then turn so called progressive Hillman, Zyromski resolution, will appear next week. HARLEM MASS MEETING those who a few years ago were our Congress. The boasted anti war gressivism and labor militancy around and nomlate him for prest: Dubinsky, Gorman, Lewis himself Defend the Ethiopian Poople!
most violent opponents, and even struggle of the Socialist League In They alm to build a more up to date dent Speakers: allowed themselves to be used to the British Labor Party has already model (up to date for the for office to which he was unanimously therefore, utterly fall to attack these leaders and their policies and ERNEST RICE MeKINNEY attack our meetings physically, are petered out; its spokesman, Sir It is the same type of unfonism as re elected.
contribute to confusing and misThe present set up, therefore, DICK ETTLINGER Chairman: Ed Beecher plus our work, have had their et ing to the Brighton Congress of the Congress for years and the famous presents its encouraging and also leading the workers Opportunity for Militants fect. The exposure of the social. Labor Party: Our common objec German Confederation of Labor be its ominous aspect. The fact that SATURDAY, OCT. 26, P.
MUSTE COURSE 180 135th St.
The line of policy for revolutionDue to an error in the printshop Admission Free ternational, which has taken over through Democracy. are far too represented) of class collaboration leadership of the of which ists and for all genuinely militant the notice intended for last week BOSTON DEBATE International in the last war, was of this country to allow any ques with its syndicated alant, its anti more lee way for dissenting concep of an alliance with Lewis Hillman WHICH ROAD FOR recetved with enthusiasm and agree tion to arise or a split in our ranks state blas (opposition to social leg tions of all kinds, is one of the en to wage a mock battle against the current Trends in America did Cleve. Any question being in this case islation, etc. designed to bargain couraging features. The fact that corpse of Gompers or the non entity Originally planned for Wednesday BOCIALISM land now has two branches, with the question of social patriotism with small employers, could meet hard boiled politicians such as Lew Green or the much deflated Matthew NATHAN GOULD, number of young recruits from the versus revolutionary working class in some fashion the needs of an is sense an intensifying insurgency Woll whose Ideas, like his oratory evenings, the new schedule is as follows: National Secretary LCL and prospects for more. Opposition. Thus the Socialist aller period. What Lewis HillIn the rank and nle which makes it are of nineteenth century vintage.
Sunday, Oct. 27, P. Irving Work for the Sacramento defense League, in the name of unity, sub man stand for is a more efficient necessary for such labor fakers to No, the conservative forces in the Plaza: The Atlantic City Content ERNEST ERBER. is going along smoothly.
mits to social patriotism tion of the of type of unionism, structurally ad step out of their old roles entirely of today are the Lewis National Chairman, apted to dealing with big corpora and to pose as fighters and rad. Hillman forces, the more dangerous The Camp of Revolution Sunday, Nov. 10, P. Irving WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13th, P. TOLEDO: Meeting in their own tions and governmental agencies icis also means much. The fact because they masquerade as proWorkers Hall hall, the organized a meeting Plam: Prospects of the of But at the same time that some such as labor boards which can that the insurgent newcomers in gressive and up to date. The strateL. In the Coming Year.
32 Boylston Street for Shachtman on the same subject, intermediate groups go into the bargain collectively and thus hold automobiles, rubber, etc. who be sy of revolutionists is to take full Wednesday, Nov. 13, 8:40 Ausplees: Boston Branch, with Sam Pollock, noted leader of traitors camp, others move sharply the workers in line in the present fore the convention openly attacked advantage of any opportunity which 320 14th Street: Trade Unionism the Auto Lite strike, in the chair, in the opposite direction. The period. Both proponents of the new Green in their own conventions these elements create for them by in Three Basie Industries (Steel, WORKERS Stalinist spokesman, Hara, of England, yesterday closest of unionism such as Howard of the have now also seen him attacked, their attack on other trade union Automoblles and Rabber. sought to defend the position independent grouping to the Stal. Typographical Union and opponents his prestige and Woll seriously bureaucrats or by organizing camProtect Yourselves Against the southtopia and Sanctions, but his intern, recolls from the Seventh such as Matthew Woll put the undermined right on the floor of an paigns or strikes on which they may the lege ell be helde Wednesday views were effectively riddled by Congress, comes out sharply against finger on the real issue in the con of convention, will further embark under pressure on the one evenings at 320 East 14th Street Hazards of Life. Join the the speaker, much to the delight of imperialist sanctions, and in its in vention debates. Howard, for ex encourage the militant elements. hand from the newer elements in at 8:40 The speakers will be WORKMENS SICK DEATH the workers present, who found no transigeant struggle against both ample, stated that it members who Stalinists Trail Lewis BENEFIT FUND OF THE difficulty in penetrating the social chauvinist Internationals, is rapid bad come into the new federal un chauvinistic sophistries of this un ly moving toward a Leninist post: tons and the workers in the baste concern that no voices were raised and the Roosevelt administration But it is a matter for the deepest other hand, to show the employers announced at a future date.
official representative of the staltion against war. The powerful Industries generally were not per tor genuine, as against fake indus that the workers will really folOrganized, managed by and for Monday and Wednesday courses Inists.
group of French Socialists around Pivert, only a year ago Identmitted to organize under the feder trial unionism and militancy. and low them. On the other hand, the will be held regularly at 320 workers with only one purpose: ation auspices they would do so that as yet no organized force ap philosophy of these men must be 14th Street (near Second Ave. to render protection to members Austin Wednesday, Oct. 80. with the Zyromski group, have come under other leadership or under no peared in an of convention combatted relentlessly. They canand their familles, and to sup Minneapolis Thursday to Satur out against national defense; and leaderships at all, and would pre to raise that banner. The Stalin not be depended upon to lead any take place at the school headport all endeavors and struggles day, Oct. 31 to Nov, the whole Socialist Youth of the sent the government with a farlsts with their complete turn to the organizing campalen or strike to a quarters, 66 East 11th Street.
for the improvement of tollers, Fargo Sunday, Nov.
Selne district, following its expelled more serious problem than if they right every field devote their en conclusion which is in the interests About 500, 000 members organWilliston Tuesday, Nov: leaders, is conducting a heroic had been taken into the federation. ergles not to building up a real of the workers. In one way or Plentywood Wednesday, Nov. struggle against the Stalinist and Matthew Woll put it in his some left wing but actually to playing up another they win betray them as REGISTRATIONS Ized in 350 branches.
The coming week will be the Reserves Salt Lake City Saturday, Nov. Socialist betrayers. 3, 400, 000.
growing war danger unides not he feared the adoption of unrestrict the genutne article, pinning hope rubber strike and Dillon the Gebe anal date for registration in the Death benefit graded accord EXPULSION OF LUDWIG LORE only the social patrlots: It also to ed industrial charters would de upon them for organizing steel and eral Motors strike. The militant regular classes of the SchoolRes Ing to age at entry. Sick benefit Ludwig Lore has been expelled the central issue which draws the stroy the basis of voluntarism in similar industries, carrying on forces in all of the unions, in every Istrations will be taken any after payments from 360 to 900 to from membership men and women, according to Party for publicly advocating views and wins new contingents the Workers revolutionary forces closer together the labor moveprol of labor or as Gormed to introduce Labor Party of generally, must organise on quarters or at the classes themand work to cheap intrigues to get figures such section of the country, to the noon or evening at the School headtheir ward diverting classes in conflict with the positiour of the ranks.
ganizations to the jurisdiction of resolutions and trying to make the a basis of class struggle, industrial selves.
Monthly assessments from 45c party on a number of fundamental It is against this background government agencies.
workers believe that this is a trl unionism and genuine trade union to 20.
End of Gomperism MINNEAPOLIS LECTURE questione, notably on the question that one can beat understand the umph for progressiviem. Browder democracy against the Lewis HillFor further information apply of meaning of the American Social It was, in other words, Gomper and Company are not naive enough man lide. The Atlantic City con TĦE WAR DANGER Attempts of the party leadership ists sttements on the war altuation. ism which finally dted at this to believe this stuft. They are convention brought out to Main Office: alarming Will the Become Involved to arrive at an agreement with 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, of convention at Atlantic City, Ical enough, after years of tutelage fact that only the merest beginLore in such a way as to regulate The Old Guard and the His physical presence was absent in the Stalin school of goose stepnings have been made with this job Speaker: MAX SHACHTMAN his publie expressions in consonance with the party Declaration of a peculiar phenomenon. It is some the first time in the Federation believe it. Thus under thelr pres leaders of the trade union moveThe American Old Guard is not from an of La convention for ping to try to make the workers and that the would be political Editor The New International PAUL LUTTINGER, Principles were unavalling. spe what analogous to the Neo Social history at the 1925 Atlantic City ent polley of conciliation toward the ment are in reality sabotaging it. FRIDAY, NOV. 1, 8:00 DANIEL LUTTINGER, MD, cial meeting with him confirmed the lats, led by Marquet, who split from gathering. His ghost made its exit Of L, as under their third But the convention also made clear Pythian HI basic disagreements and the impos the French Socialists two years ago. from the convention this year. period policy of dual unionism, that in the coming year the genuine 431 South 4th Street Washington Square North sibility of reconciling them. Under Time and time, Leon Blum attempt Because there is thus no differ. they confuse the workers, dissipate militants, if they are both aggresADMISSION 150 2 and 8 Recept Sundays the circumstances nothing remained ed to arrive at permanent harmony ence in underlying philosophy but the progressive forces and betray sive and astute, have an unpreceQuestions and Holidays.
hut to formally terminate his mem with Marquet, only to have to only tactical abstinctions between the labor struggle. And Louis Budented opportunity for work in the Discussion bership break, finally, because of the in the old guard and the so called pro denz, has after a few brief weeks unions.
Ausp: Minneapolis Branch, Build Left Wing. Real Lesson of Confab School Notes