BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismHitlerItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorld War

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1935 THE MANAGER CORNER Striker Tells of WPA Victory in Allentown pls. CP ers Picket Drivers Local 5741 unit for habitation of ing her, and would just as soon as an examples wered, as they King of Kings as well as the bene twenty cents per hour, and recog1. 00 00 00 People Peace Parades Today Preparedness Parade3 Next CONCERNING RUMORS OF TROTSKY ILLNESS (From Lo Verite) forerunner of the coming way. The branches responded well It was announced over the page weekly will appear on the an to the Special Press Fund Tax radio on Oct. 10 that comrade niversary of the Bolshevik Revolu which brought in a couple of hunTrotsky, at present in Norway, tion. It should be a spur to step dred dollars extra during the recent Independent Class Tactic Smashed Through Gov was desperately in.
up the present campaign by a ser weeks. Our financial statements tous concentration on the job of show an increasingly better atten: Officials Threats and Trickery to Union Victory made for reasons we cannot yet We openly brand this statement Stalinists Rage While Union Organizes Chicken understanden in de categories and Candy Workers Through Victorious Strikes The funds coming in for new sub payments. Our economic base is By LESTER HECKMAN eting whatsoever, although ten sky life is no way in danger.
scriptions, plus the enlarged circa much better than when the camNumerous comrades have made lation, will then serve to make the paign for the eight page weekly Pa. as far as the unemployed work a proclamation of the mayor issued The WPA program in Allentown, pickets were technically allowed by inquiries on this matter sign MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 21. The the bosses to provoke the July Aug.
Stalinists have lost no time in bring. ust 574 strike of last year. There We have set a goal of 1, 000 new drive should eaally top the camers are concerned, was and still syne. This tot al promotion the proletarian vanguard holds ing to town the American edition is something about the idea of an subscribers by the time of the 2ndpaign off.
the companion of Lenin.
of the French People Front In organization of chicken pickers National Convention of the Workers Among the direct contributions wages, and an attempt by the cap autocratie step that even the most the form of a Women League that outrages the local bosses. Party, to be held December 26, and made, the Flatbush branch of New Italist state to smash the trade backward workers could not stand Against the High Cost of Living. Today Minneapolis the chicken a corresponding increase in bundle York is the first branch to exceed union movement and lower the for it. Therefore picketing was local state administrators bad cer This remarkable organization was pickers have a strong union. Roy new readers and the funds they New York has moved abead to third But the Pennsylvania Unemployed number of picketers falled, includ. gram, he said they did not, and the one has mobilized all its forces por Union, has intimated that Local bring will surely put the campaign place in the campaign with a total League, together with other working Mrs. Romels years woung only one to change any part of the to make the thing a success from 574 can retain them as a special qver the top. Bach party branch contribution of 60. 06, and it is now ing class organizations, were pre militant known as the Mother of program was President Roosevelt. the pinoo net of the Theater Union section of the union.
has been asked to accept a definite Lollowing closely Op the heels of pared when the local WPA officials the PUL The brave cop who picked The committee then asked him to ist to the fashionable glove of the.
quota of new subscribers already the Boston branch with a total of attempted to put the program into up Mother Kimmel told her that give us an answer for the change League Against War and Paselsm. Candy Makers Win submitted for its approval, and the 76. 95 and Harlem with a total of effect.
her place was at home instead of in program in New York City. This all the professional Stalinists ral Wednesday morning. Oct. 16, the The first project to start was at on the street making trouble. She of course he evaded by saying that lied around.
to tull quota list is to be published 73. 10.
After a sufficient workers at the Powell Candy ComWest Side branch, New York City. Jordan Park, where approximately replied that he place was on the he did not know anything about number of Farmer Labor women pany staged a spontaneous walkout We are starting this phase of the with a total of 62. 05; then follows 430 men were called to work to picket line or any place where New York state. Stil dissatisfied, and wives of trade unionists were and also came to Local 674 for ascampaign but a big way. All wheels the Kensington (Philadelphia, beautify park instead of doing there was a fight in the Interest and the committee pointed out that attracted mass meeting was sistance with 674 help, an agree scale circulation of numerous con celes branch with 37. 60: the Minn clearance and the tearing down of department de retetewas watch the program, and cited New York (after all, it was only fitting that the strikers were back to work with tacts is the beginning: special ad. eapolis branch with 38. 50; to which Mr. Mack this group have the blessings of the wage increases of from fifteen to vertisements will follow, with spe Chicago branches with 33. 05, etc. crites never think in these terms. The arrested picketers were always do, that he did not know ete course these social minded hypo bandeur ber as not.
very conveniently cial efforts to obtain subscriptions dictions of Stalin. It was decided nition. The next morning the good at all party meetings. All party ceived the following contribution: The project started on Monday charged with disorderly conduct, During this conference with Mr. to call a meat strike. True, some news had travelled to the other branches are asked to get into ac CONTRIBUTIONS long tion and follow up the contribu. Anonymous, 10. 00 or the leaders of the various organ: the political leaders of Allentown, office. His method of approach and to striking the Jewish butchers Curley workers came to 574 and tions they have already made by a Harlem branch, 19. 90 izations to agitate and organize an said he would be lenient and sus trickery was to extend his hand who, they said, were very poor and asked for help. The request was of steady flow of new subscriptions. West Side branch, 70 effective strike by noon. meeting pend sentences. But to this the and say, Comrades, am Mr. Don shouldn be harassed. Finally the course granted. Roy Weir, organThe combination offer of 00 for Flatbush branch, 60 was first proposed for the following workers answered that they would avan, formerly of the Machinists thing bolled down to a strikeiver of the Central Labor Union, year subscription to the NEW Brownsville branch, 00 Thursday evening, for the purpose appeal the decision of the Justice Union.
against Gentile meat.
was invited over, and made a fine MILITANT and NEW INTERNA Astoria branch But the of the Police Court and demand a The committee asked Mr. Dona Local 574 Becomes the Enemy speech, explaining to the new re 60 workers were so dissatisfied that jury trial, with the express purpose van if he was sent into the strike But then came the puzzler Who cruits to the union movement that TIONAL has proved very popular East Side branch, and should be made use of. Also, Center branch, 40 they could not stand to work under of making a test case not only of situation by the Federal authorities were to be the serbe? Should they their easy victories were the result the club card system is to be util. Friend, 15. 00 these miserable conditions even the Police Commissioner ban of His answer was No, and that he be the meat packers? or the house of the militant struggles staged by ized Smith, Ilutchinson, Kang.
the Local 574 in the past. On Friday The prices offered for Individual Minna Brettel, 00 smooth tongued politicians trequent or year old proclaimed limit of ten never having been in Allentown, ricket lines? The ers immersed the Hollywood candy workers 00 ly try to make backward workers pickets. And the court, thrown decided to visit here, and that we themselves in the gasses of the 7th struck.
sub getters are still in effect. The Boston branch.
mass meeting for all best sub getter, so far, has been New Haven branch. 00 Believe is the case. The reason the Leon Goodman of Philadelphia. Haines, Cambridge, Mass. 00 unemployed organizations wanted whose additional 00 sent in for Los Angeles branch.
50 their members to work for a few matery and dismissed the case. was so important as to cause the the answer. The big scab will today evening. There is no question days was so that we could contact warned not to attempt to form a here. After some discussion on the you, comrades, this is the actual about 750 workers, will be completenew subscriptions recorded in this Lassen, Phoenix, Ariz.
issue brings him to a total of 19. 00 Groh, St. Paul.
those who did not belong any of picket line again, but they replied strike he said the strike smelled of truth. The drivers of Local 574 unionized in the near future.
the unemployed groups, in order to that they did not recognize the a political nature and said the de were designated the role of scabs.
turned in for new subscriptions dur Tropp, ing the campaign. He is only 60 Youngstown branch. 00 have a perfect strike Mayor proclamation and so dia mands were utopian, to which the Because, you see, they transported short of winning the first prize, Picket Line Formed not intend to live up to it. committee answered that this was the meat to the butcher shops, The next steps were to meet the a misinterpretation on his part which sold the meat at high prices, PARTY AT The History of the Russian Revo Total. 56. 75 At noon the unemployed leaders lution. As soon as that additional subscriptions and greetings. 06 visited the project to speak to the project workers before the latter charged with this. Mr. Donovan which made the Communist party sub arrives, the books will be for Previously reported. 708. 00 strikers and immediately formed a went to work and to persuade them assured the committee that he had very indignant, which caused them WORK warded to him. On the whole, the picket line and marched across the had its effect on the scabs, anantes later, during the course of our it was finally decided to picket the This educational process not been sent there, but a few min to form the Yes, NEW MILITANT is making head Grand Total. 768. 80 project and pull off those who were quite a few of them were unable to conversation, he pulled out of his market and the drivers of 574. a bit weak through eart braving work due to physical strain, pocket our own typewritten de very foolish proposition was broom, MINNEAPOLIS their relief cut off completely as through PEACEFUL persuasion. mands and exposed the role he was ing slightly serious. On Thursday The Minneapolis branch is makThe strikers appealed to the labor playing, istrator of Area No. The next unions of Allentown and received noon, the day prior to the four day ing extensive preparations for the step the administration took was to the support of 19 locals of the the press received word that there was scheduled. Bill Brown and Wasserman. On Friday evening, Shortly after Mr. Donavan visit strike, a strike committee meeting tour of contrades Shachtman and start another project in another ser over the head of Mr. Bader, re was going to be an increase of 10 Miles Dunne of Local 574 attended. Nov. 1, a mass meeting has been (Continued from Page 1) Hitler.
As for all the reverends, ty from the first project started, actionary of faker.
About this time. Mr. Donavan, from 140 to 120 hours per month. hadn they been informed of the So. 4th st. Minneapolis, at which And it proudly prints a picture of who appear in increasing numbers and mobile too much to hikersuppre labor advisor for six states in the The strike was settled and an or strike plans? Why was Local comrade Shachtman will apouk on Francis Gorman, the man who sold at every new stalinist demonstra id not work. The strikers organ. Dast. came into the territory ganization set up of all project 674 and meat made the butt of the subject. The Danger of War!
out the textile strike, as one of the tion: The Church has been opposed ved flying squadrons and closed whether on a visit, as he stated, or workers from the three participat the strike? Why not the electrl Over one hundred tickets have al.
to war in peacetime for two thou down the projects as fast as they by orders, as we believed was the ing organizations to be known as cians, or the pretzel makers or the ready been sold for this important Onward Christian Soldiers sand years and has never succeed. started them.
After the strike had been in pro The strike committee had the op. Workers, under the leadership of Why was the movement called a case and which later proved to be the Joint Labor Council of Project creators of fancy silk stockings? meeting.
Lenin stopped war with a revoluced in stopping one. It remained IT On Saturday evening, Nov. 2, a stop it with a parade up Fifth two thousand years that the Church istrator sent out additional cardsone fine day, while calling on Mr. of the unions that endorsed and such boycotts were effective, what party of all friends of the Workers tion; the Daily Worker is going to or the Stalinists to discover after Cress for six days the WPA admo portunity of meeting Mr. Donavan The Joint Labor Council consisting strike instead of a boyrott?
Avenue. And where is the parades a force for peace to be halled from the state unemployment office Mack to get his answer to our de supported the strike. Thus ended was the use of having such silly Party will be held at the branch to replace the men on strike. This mands. Of course, Mr. Mack an the duties of the strike committee. things as trade unions, political headquarters, 631 Third Avenue so going to march to? What is the by all friends of peace.
October 21: The People Parade strike breaking act did not work swer was that he could do nothing The organization of project workers parties, or a class struggle philoso In honor of the visiting comrades.
objective of the People? How is this demonstration to stop war? or Peace is being worked up into a however, for as fast as the men about it since it was a Federal pro have had membership cards printed, phy?
Other local meetings are being arNot a word. It seems that all good regular parade of the people be. were replaced they were pulled or gram and would have to be dealt started on a dues paying basis, and The assembly saw the point, and ranged for comrade Shachtman.
Christians, pacifists, legionaires, trayers. The Daily Worker head. the job. There were approximate witb by Federal officials. After are organizing for future strike aethe Stalinists inwardly raged but fines the fact that 35. of Lily 2, 600 men called for work who putting questions before Mr. Mack tivities which, of course, are very remained mum. One Farmer Labor Odd Fellows, etc. are going to livadorse stient proclamation Against were drawn from relief rols tend and asking him whether or not much needed in these trying times. ite expressed the feelings of all: Dunne spoke at an open meeting in On Friday night, Oct.
they will hear speakers, and then War issued by the People Peace threatened with being immediately go home satisfied that the cause of Parade Parade Committee. The 315 cut from the relief rolls if they did before, she said, would have American Federation of Labor Cotipeace is secure until the day war leaders whom the Dally Worker not work. With this threat 90 perhad nothing to do with this move vention: Craft or Industrial Unbreaks out.
What a travesty of celebrates include such eminent la cent of the workers were loyal to ment. Dozens of other women fol. tons. Comrade Dunne spent sevMarxism!
bor fakers as Dillon, Gorman. Hoch their fellow workers and their lowed her out of the hall.
eral days at the Atlantic City con revolutte continues with a quo governor of Pennsylvania. etc. defled the administrator to try such!
The man, Murray, Kennedy (Lieutenant cause. They openly challenged and Real Organization Needed vention of the of It is hardly necessary to point Parade Committee: tation from the appeal of the Peacelete. These are the sterling friends a tactic. The strikers went so far as to instruct their strike commit (Continued from Page 1)
out that, by its very nature, such the rubber workers union!
EASTERN OHIO of peace to whom the Dally Worker tee to inform the reller authorities cent issue of the NEW MILITANT. Despite the astounding propor: are a complete negation of formed at a conference in Youngs The Leegue of Nations did not delegates the struggle for peace.
organizations as the An inter branch committee was tions of the protest which has swept the class strukcie. After all, Mrs. town by delegates from the Akron, Manchuria and North China. The As if to paint up their treachery, their challenge and point out as a warning to the workers.
Prepare Drive they quote from the proclamation that it would be healthier to change League of Nations did not prevented by the fakers: This war The results of this were that not a Workers of America, who arrived rubber barons have flung another strenuously as does Mama Work les to cooperate in unemployed, their attitude toward the strikers. officials of the United Rubber prairie fire fanned by a gule, the Fat of Lowry Hill objects sust Youngstown and Cleveland branch Mussolint from unleashing the mad dogs of war. The neutrality reso has begun. We organized labor of single person was cut off of relief home today from their battle for challenge to the workers. They man being over charged for pork trade union and organizational lution passed by Congress is not a America, are opposed to war. As during the strike, although the au Industrial unionism at the of have announced that by January chore. But the consumer will never work with comrade Jack Wilson guarantee of our security. We ar back as 1914. our former Pres: thorities continued to send out more la convention, immediately lata the eight bour day will be here to alter this state of affairs. Only a of Akron selected as permanent sec solemnly declare to you that no Laber has nothing to gain and the administrator excuse for this ers into the unions so effective. com ident Samuel Gompers sald that cards for more workers, to no avail. plans to organize the angry work stay!
An indication of the restlessness can bring the plant packing plants arrived, through unavoidable clr.
proclamations will secure peace and everything to lose by war.
be cumstances, after the conference The Real Gompers was that he had to live up to in. lective action could be taken against of the rubber workers under this to their knees. The accent did its main work, likewise joined prevent world war.
structions from his superiors in the ruthless companies.
continual exploitation is the regole needed 18 Women League of in the move to co ordinate the Party placed on higher wages. What All this is true enough. But we As far back as is the catch. Harrisburg, The upper house of the Gooding of over 100 men in the Goodyear struggle which will place its mem work in the Ohio district. procan as solemnly declare that For, like every other big shot peace The Pennsylvania Unemployed year Industrial assembly as the local union. The bona fide unionPeople Parades for Peace will ime friend of peace, Gompers sup League that initiated a state wide company calls its tool is expected ists are agitating through the fac bers at the disposal of striking tram including mass meetings with never prevent another world war. ported the war when it came with front for cash rellet, 50 percent in to meet Tuesday morning with the tories, taking full advantage of the workers, to function in the strike exchange speakers, special classes On the last page of the same is all his might and main. He ran crense, etc. about this time, had a ower house to act on the resolu break in the company union and kitchen in the hospital, etc. to and forums was adopted.
sue of the Daily Worker we find an up and down the country lining up conference with Governor Barletion of the lower house which de the company officials consternation support all struggles of the workers editorial: the rank and Ale in the of and the State Emergency Reller mands continuation of the six bour We previously pointed out how for higher wages. Sacramento Defense meeting is To support League of Nations for the war and for the army. And and included in its program the day.
the lash of competition and the bat.
Needless to say, the Stalinists by being held in Akron Sunday, Oct.
sanctions against Italy and to fall with him went how many of the demand to keep WPA strikers on Spurred by the shouts of the tle of Wall Street interests for con their latest actions have brought 27 with comrade Wilson as speaker.
to take concrete measures to carry present signers of the proclamation the relief rolls as long as the strike workers, the lower house of Good trol of the rubber Industry was the the vegetarians to their feet with out sanctions in this country by or peace?
lasted. To this demand Governor year pet project, voted to hold a reason the rubber barons were cut convulsions will doubtless take Shachtman lecture on The Com Sixty persons heard comrade Max stopping all trade with Italy is to October 29 The Daily Worker Barle answered evasively by saying serendum in the factories on the ting wages and lengthening hours, pince in the near future, and ing World War, at mass meetindulge in little more than a noble prints in full an appeal from Waldo that no WPA worker would be six hour day but Litchfield coldly War Situation Involved Eesture. MeNutt, chairman of the American taken off rellet before receiving his told the public in an interview that promise to keep the comrades in ing held in New Castle last ThursWhat kind of light mindedness is Youth Congress, who concludes: first full two weeks pay. As the the company would not countenAnother factor has arisen which formed of every step of the battle. day night.
this? On page two the Daily Work. We call upon our parents, our strikers had not received two weeks ance any such move.
the rubber barons are not overlooker justly remarks that the League friends, onr lenders in government may, they naturally expected to be Probably the company union willing as an excuse to lower the poor CHICKEN AND CANDY WORK. good portion of trade unionists can never prevent war: on page and all sincere opponents of war to kept on relief, and they served no be brought into line by threats from standard of living of the workers. ERS ORGANIZE AND STRIKE attended the Youngstown mass cight It editorializes for support of rally now to march for peace, eterice on the authorities through the the officials. Nevertheless the dam. The precarious world situation with MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 21. Several meeting held for comrade Shachtthe very League which can never what has happened to the class press to this effect. This publicity age has been done for the well of its dangers to world commerce is weeks go, the girl chicken plckers man Friday night when he talked prevent war! Draw you own contruggle? Where is the struggle krently strengthened, and solidified paternalism carefully fostered by causing a rise in the price of crude in three of the largest houses on the war question.
clusions, for the overthrow of the bourgeoi. the ranks of the strikers.
Goodyear has been torn from the rubber; ninety percent of the rub staged a spontaneous walk out and The Church Militant He? What has happened to Lenin A meeting was held this Friday eyes of muddled workers because ber comes from the East Indies and came up to Local 574 ball for Arrests of Pickets October 30: Another advance no esis that the only way to stop the hard boiled, slave driving vice India and there is possibility that assistance. The strikers were given night in Youngstown by the Worktice of the People Parade for war is to intensify the class strug The area administrator, with the president, Clifford Slusser, contemp the Suez Canal might be closed any assistance in organizing, and a set ers Party branch and the Sparta the resolution day to shipping. This means higher of demands was drawn up and pre cus Youth League with comrade der or the Marsh McLaughlin Post geoisier All have disappeared in a commissioner, and bis Allentown avoring the continuation of a six treight rates for rubber across the sented to the bosses The strike Ferguson, of Akron as speaker. He of the United American War Vetcommon class melange of Stalinist cossacks, then prohibited any plek hour day. This is what caused American continent and increased was won shortly.
The new union discussed the life and teachings of erans, said: will be glad to par workers, ministers, parents, governthe revolt, and the lower house im difficulties in shipping.
continues to meet in 574 hall, is Karl Marx.
ticipate in the march.
mental leaders, trade union fakers, war. If the capitalist state is not mediately over rode him by a unan These events in the rubber indus growing rapidly, and has already The Rev. William Lloyd Imes, war veterans, and so on.
overthrown the war cannot be imous vote!
try again show how the basic con applied to the American Federation TUCSON, ARIZ Negro pastor, said: The St. James The People Parade for Peace is stopped. It is the duty of the pro. The impotence of the company tradictions of the capitalist system of Labor for a federal charter.
Comrades in Tucson and vicinity Presbyterian Church approves the a great fllusion. Its members are letarian party to maintain a class union to aid the workers in any cause the bosses to try to beat down It will be recalled by readers of are selling party literature and march.
not friends of peace but political line under every circumstance, war real issue stood out nakedly and wages and explolt labor more than the NEW MILITANT that it was carrying on other activities. They The Porto Rican National Ordemagogues who capitalize now on or peace. And if its ranks are small, smashed through all the propagan ever before a fall in the rate of the question of organizing the believe a branch may be organized the nella Club, the the peace sentiment and soon on if it cannot parade with thousands da for it during the past twenty profit drives them into a frenzy to chicken pickers that was used by in the near future.
Chile Club and other local organiz the war sentiment. The parade up of peace lovers up Fifth Avenue, years.
preserve themselves.
ations endorsed the March.
Fifth Avenue is but an echo of the if it cannot rally the ministers, and Revolt Spreads Rapidly They also indicate that the work SALT LAKE CITY On the last page an editorial parades before the last war, and government officials, and trade un Even if the company should suders are becoming more resentful GALA AFFAIR Splendid progress is being made chortles: On Friday the voice of a forecast of the next war, when lon bureaucrats, it can hold to denly decide to accede temporarily under the lash of these cruel mas: SATURDAY NIGHT, NOV by the branch bere which includes Dr. Samuel Trexler at the Third many of the stalwarts of peace who together on a principled line, the to the company union demands, it ters and that this antagonisms 320 East 14th Street, a railroad man, teachers, smelter Lutheran World Convention was mirch under peace banners today only line that will ultimately lead will mean little for the rubber gradually culminting into an exAuspices: Branch 1, men, office workers, etc. in its memraised in defense of peace. All will march under the banners of to the overthrow of the whole cap workers union has already explosive force whose power it is dimbership. Members are taking an HOT BAND. DANCE GROUP active part in mass organization It must be borne friends of peace will hail Dr. Trex war, and lead behind them the very italist system and sweep away all plained to hundreds of workers the cult to predict.
Other Entertainment ler courageous statement.
workers whom the Stalinists are the ministers, fakers, demagogues, exact meaning of the movean at in mind however, that Akron has work and making an excellent The only peace lovers missing turning over to them today. politicians and. Stalinists who tempt to fool the workers into been the scene of more than one DON FAIL TO ATTEND! showing in sale of party literature, etc.
staying out of their only real hope, large spontaneous strike.
from this list are the Pope and! There is only one way to stop are its main support today, Resentment High as Akron Company Union Revolts at NewLay OffScheme