BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismFascismFranceItalyLeninLeninismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyVictor SergeWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT VOL. I, NO. 44 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1935 PRICE CENTS Official Organ of the Workers Party of the Oust 13 French Bolsheviks Shachtman Build the Left Wing, Is Real From for Stand on War Flying Start Lesson of AFL Convention Splits on Issue New Revolutionary Bloc Is the Slogan Of Expulsions Cleveland Herndon AkronBosses Union Revolts Try to Deport Jack Warnick For Nov. Issue Lewis and Co.
Place your orders now for the special eight page Russian revoluTANT.
Faced with the crisis of war and the acute tightening of internal of comrade Shachtman on his The contents of this issue will By ROBERTS contradictions, the threat of Fascism and civil war, the Socialist and Cout to coast tour indicate the NEW YORK. crowd of 3, 500 be a treat for every revolutionary By MUSTE Thirteen leaders the Bolshe Stalinist bureaucracies in France are trying to cover with the fetish growing influence of the Workers filled Manhattan Opera House late worker. Among the articles will fint fight between the heads of vik Leninist group of France Party and lively interest in its be a section from Victor Serge the two biggest unions in the have been expelled from the of unity their policies of betrayal, of social patriotism, of class col revolutionary position on the war Wednesday afternoon on the call of The Year One of the Russian of Hutcheson of the Carpentera Free Socialist Party. Preparlaboration. In so doing they are finding it necessary to cope with a question. Branches where meetRevolution, appearing for the and John Lewis of the Miners, growing movement of opposition from the left which they hope to Herndon defense, to pledge their ing a sacred union of their own ings are scheduled are urged to first time in the English lansolidarity with Angelo Herndon, featured the closing day of the as a prelude to the stered union emulate the fine work done in silence by the simple expedient of bureaucratically expelling them from In more guage; comrade Trotsky contribAtlanta Negro ordered by the Atlantic City convention.
government of the morrow, the eities which have already held their organizations.
utes a penetrating analysis of the ways than one this atrair was symSocialist and Stalinist bureaueratheirs. Brief reports follow: Supreme Court to begin in a few days his sentence of 18 to 20 years Soviet bureaucracy on the basis bolic. The boys were actually excies are seeking to disembarrass In the Socialist Party the left wing is rapidly crystallizing. At a of Tarov experiences and his cited about something and that has on the chain gang.
themselves of a revolutionary loft meeting of the various leit tendencies of the in Paris a few weeks PITTSBURGH: Shachtman spoke brilliant treatise on The Art of not been true of the top leadership The meeting applauded enthusiwing which does not and will not ago, the Bolshevik Leninists, the Pivert group, the Action Socialiste before Local 21 of the Peonsylvanastically when it was announced Insurrection. an essay by Lenin; of the of for years. These permit their gross betrayal of the and the took the preliminary step toward the formal constitu la Unemployed League. Over 200 that Herndon had gained a few tor, Swabeck, Roberts, etc.
articles by Cannon, Muste, Spec. comtortable bureaucrats were not French proletariat to go unchal tion of a left blon to be known as the Revolutionary Left present. Subject: WPA and Pros the kind to take lite seriously, and lenged.
Wildly acclaimed by the 1, 500 pects for the Future of the Ameri. and that a southern attorney had The special edition of the NEW they did not need to excite them In response to this reactionary party militants present, comrade can workers. He pointed out the just been retained to apply for a MILITANT should ferre not only selves about anything except thele offensive an organized bloc under Fred zeller, the fighting leader of need of revolutionary partye to habeas corpus writ on the ground olution but should act as a spur That day is over. The rift in the to commemorate the Russian Rer golf scores and the stock market.
the name Revolutionary Left 18 taking form in the Socialist Party terized the policies of the Front ployment, misery, exploitation, war the constitutionality of the slave in the subscription drive and in leadership is the most serious that of France. At a meeting of 1, 500 the campaign to make the elght has occurred in the entire fifty five Populaire as follows: They count and Fascism. Most workers presinsurrection law under which Hern militants in Paris Marceau Pivert, chietly on British diplomacy, on ent had been Democratic supportpager a permanent phenomena. years history of the Federation. The one of the outstanding leaders of historic one round bout of Hutchethe Socialist left, proclaimed the the League of Nations on the wis ers up to a short time ago, but the don was convicted, Seheduled March Called of son and Lewis took place over Hutformation of the left bloc.
The expulsion of the Bolshevik Lay OFE Resentment Ripster still on the Pope and the King ties for speedy growth of the party Committee decided that Herndon dom of the French government, betech was very warmly received Questions By unanimous decision, the Joint cheson opposition to letting a Fedof Italy, on everything but the eral Union delegate speak for an industrial union in his industry.
Leninists long expected and fore Company, Organization working class of France, and then the city. Discussion showed should remain out of Georgia until Lewis said it was small potatoes International proletariat whom they growing disillusionment of workers the last possible legal moment with stated by the National Disputes Wide Open of Leave without precise directives with Roosevelt regime and read out forfeiting ball. The Committee Committee of the to be based Hutcheson not to let the little This scandal must come to an end the most militant locals in the or in New York as long as possible, fellows have their say. Hutche upon the fact that the program of By JACK WILSON. He who is for the national de son rose to the full height of his the Bolshevik Leninist Group can AKRON, Ohio, Oct. 21. Pressed tense of the capitalist state, de Santon, with many members of and conseguently a scheduled marca NSAC Comes to Defense six teet two and said he had been not for a single Instant be admitted by a powerful demand from 6, 000 clared comrade Zeller, is the brought up on small potatoes and since it would lead the party into workers in plant 2, the Goodyear against war and not against the.
off. The Committee unanimously As Courts Bait Cal. that what made him so little an impossible situation. Impos company union revolted against bourgeois state.
NEWCASTLE: On short notice, decided that when Herndon departs Prisoners Just like a boy out of a Mark Twain sible, because it would lead the company orders to approve a shift Come what may, he concluded, a bandful of comrades organized a In a few days, his friends should Ftory, He also, it is said, called party to the conquest of power by from the six to an elght hour day in the struggle we have to re splendid meeting of more than 50 see him off at the station.
Special to the New Militant Lewis a naughty name. With that The time of departure will be anthe proletariat. Lewis sent one to the Jaw. Soon and created consternation among main alone against all, we will workers, where Shachtman spoke Expelled for Bolshevism SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 22. the two men were rolling about on the rubber barons as the feeling courageously remain alone against on Ethiopia and the war danger, nounced as soon as it is known. In Specifically, flve articles in LA against the brutal company policy all. attacking patriotic position of the meantime all efforts are to be while Attorney General Webb, the floor. When they had been sepYerite were given as grounds for spread from plant to plant and Pivert for Revolutionary Party the Second and Third Internation directed toward getting more sig. who spent thousands of dollars of arated, Lewis brushed back his the expulsions.
nineteenth brought tenseness throughout this als. More than an hour of ques natures on the Herndon petitions, state funds to finance the prosecu raven locks and like The first article with which we rubber center.
Declaring the Revolutionary Left tions from a highly interested audi as the result of the habeas corpus tion of Norman Mini and thaother century Shakesperian actor strode are reproached, states a leaflet isto be constituted, comrade Marceauence of workers, many of whom move is very uncertain at best. Sacramento workers for criminal to his seat. Hutcheson, the craft The lower body of the dual house Pivert announced amid thunderous thered around the speaker after Julius llochman, vice president of syndicalism, refuses to proveute unionist, had to take time out to sued by the Bolshevik Leninist Cen company union, which was formed cheers that a profound gult sep the meeting to express thelr agree the LL.
who unsuccessfully the anti labor vigilantes of Santa dress his wounds. That also was tral Committee after the expulsions, 20 years ago after the 1913 strike arates him from all those who rement with the revolutionary anti advocated a resolution on the Hern Hosa on the rounds that his otice symbolic. Meanwhile William Green. Is the Letter of Trotsky to the took this sensational action two fuse to come to the support of the war position of the Both the don case in French Workers. Trotsky advises hours after the company placed the expelled Youth comrades, from and the here are virtually convention, presided over the Operationary production is arising ont at the struggle of personalities and in the recent of Lbas nu funds a new crop ofreue Face as red as a tomato, looking on essary to preparo a New Interna hour schedule, thus laying of hun have let the magnificent Youth En Strong branch here are excellent. speaker. Among the speakers was und of the State Chamber of Com vain to get order. And that also tional in view of the failure of the dreds of them!
two old ones from the revolutionary tente of the Seine be knited. Over 150 workers stormed the Comrades are to be complimented Ernest Rice McKinney of the Na merce.
was symbolie.
The Revolutionary standpoint, principally on the burn company union meeting and thun comrade Pivert, will fight to con so fine a meeting.
Left. sald on the work they did to organize tional Committee of the workers This fund, the revelation of Progressives in a Minority Ing question of war (1914. Stalin. dered their protest which caueed quer the Seine Federation; the soParty, who brought the greetings whose existence by the National It must not be inferred that the Laval declaration. Instead of re the thirty two representatives to cialist Party, the working class and of the National Unemployed League Sacramento Appeal Committee seyplying politically to this question, bolt from the purse strings of the the power or the toilers! It is in comrades have left town for other Labor Defense spoke on behalf oration, is being used to send reac leadership of John Lewis constitutYOUNGSTOWN: Although many Herbert Solow of the Non Partisan eral weeks ago was a national senso called progressives under the instead of opening a discussion on company. The meeting had been the struggle, in the very streets in parts, those left in the city concenthat organization and as a member tionary agitators around the state ed a majority in this convention.
the war question, the left is ex called to hear that cruel exploiter, combat against the Fascists, that trated on a meeting of the party the Joint Committee.
Paul Litchfield, company president, the true delimitation will take which was attended by halt a bun Neither MeKinney nor Solow re Prosecutor MeAllister and John they were regularly defeated by the to finance labor spying activities on the roll call on key questions The second fact has to do with attempt to explain his order which place, that the great revolutionarydred workers. Interest here too inceived at the outset the ovation son, who managed the Sacramento Old Guard by a vote of about 18, 000 Socialist Youth at Lille. We ex. Into the streets facing a hard win which had been awaited with tense very high, Significant was the pres speakers, and for a simple reason. ber meetings in various countles, the San Francisco decision for replained that these expulsions of the ter without food or shelter. Litch eagerness by his numerous adherence of a whole group from the re As could readily be seen by the and urging more criminal syndicalistricted. e. fake, industrial unions representatives of more than a field, a fat and slick capitalist. reents in the Paris region, was greet cently organized teamsters union trantte delight of the crowd when ism prosecutions Simultaneously, in basle industries, thus favoring third of the Socialist Youth were used to appear, although he said led by the meeting with acclama. which has already fought a number a French member was smug the American Legion has opened a the craft unions. The convention is for national all revolutionists hostile to the Bitter protests were voiced at Comrade Molinier of the Bolshe the is on the rise here and committee, the meeting was almost dicalism defendants who were actions were defeated and the torious battles. The sympathy for hind the back of the arrangements the ten Sacramento criminal syn security program and against the sacred union. Topon meeting of the Goodrich and vik Leninist group raised before local comrades are clamoring for solely stalinist in character. The quitted The third crime laid against the Firestone local meetings Sunday the meeting the question of the organizers in order to speed up the rank and file Stalinists, however, Bolshevik Leninists is their agita against similar policies in these two Fourt International. The new in work of establishing the as are not yet sufficiently adjusted to Jack Warnick having first been the Executive Council was instruct Seek Warnick Deportation of Li stand for non partisan tion for the slogan of revolutionary companies various plants. Speaker ternational will be forged out of a force in this district.
political action reaffirmed, though defeatism. They call agitation for after speaker the workers the daily struggle of all revolutionthe new party line to know that fired from a WPA job without ex. ed raft they must boo militant sentiments, planation, was recently arrested constitution to empower Con revolutionary defeatism and against against the wage slashing, hourary elements who will know how to amendment to the the sacred unton violations of dis lengthening drive of the companies learn from the experience of the on the same subject at a meeting the and speakers cisco Examiner candidly states that The of Le forces generally can CLEVELAND: Shachtman spoke and consequently the speeches of for deportation. Hearst San Fran. gress to enact social legislation.
cipline. The slogans regarded which had been predicted in a re Second and Third Internationals attended by more than 50 workers, finally wrung spontaneous applause both blows against Warnick were be counted on to support Roosevelt Continued on Page Continued on Page The Bolshevik Leninists desired to (Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
remain as long as possible in the in 1936, unless entirely unforeseen ranks of the Socialist Party, he shifts in the economic or political said, in order to fight side by side situation occur. After the smashwith militants who are developing ing blow at Matthew Woll for his toward correct revolutionary postconnection with the red baiting Nations. The Revolutionary Left, he tional Civic Federation, the Execusaid, would have to work and fight tive Council hus to withdraw its in common on precise issues, for promised amendment to the of By EARL LANE constitution barring all reds it is in action and in the struggle ranks of the extras holding ILA The leaflet issued under the aus hundreds a revolution sprang in, istie attitude toward war; they call from any of union. HowLOS ANGELES. Cal. Oct. 20. permit cards. The bosses insisted tselt that workers develop and perHe called for pices of the American League less than three years, and in five on capitalist governments to stop ever, a provision harring them from Cargo biletere, structele petite come upon the registration of 1, 000 adade the formation of a solid bloc to be Against War and Fascism to ad. the whole of Europe tottered on the war (sanctions. on combinations being delegates to any state Fed what cased by the listing of the able to train an army of strike come the embryo of the great truly vertize the People Parade for brink of proletarian revolution Peace, the latest stalinist sideshow, Lenin, as a revolutionary realist war (the League of Nations. on body was adopted, as was a strong embargo on the British Columbia breakers to do the difficult steve revolutionary party of tomorrow!
cargo in the holds of Point doring work, thus having a reserve Ferment Starts in Stalinist Ranks Remember Woodrow Wilson. to put a stop to war; he knew that once proved their inability to stop general only one way social democrats who have already resolution against Communism in Clear and termination of the army of workmen for use in future! But it is not only in the ranks of Remember 1917! It would be more no mere masses, no matter how war (the British Labor Party, the It may be safely predicted that waterfront employers efforts to struggles with the longshoremen, blacklist 1, 600 San Francisco long Victory in Honolulu the Socialist Party that this ferment in the interests of peace to have great, no mere demonstrations, no French etc. on Christian within a year or two the so called shoremen. flared into open warfare. The matter was placed in the and widening fissures are beginning. Remember 1916! For the pledges, no matter how long and tlonary trade unionists, they call man et al camp will achieve a maagain last week.
On October longshoremen began Relations Board. After the union cratle front of the Stalinist party in Preparedness and mobilization knew that only the proletarian revary protetariat they call upon al olution og got a bigger vote than hands of the Joint Longshore Labor to appear in the solidified bureau Wilson who in 1917 was marching impressive could stop war. He upon everyone but the revolution fority. Their industrial union resunloading the Swayne Hoyt had stated that they would resist as well. The workers in the stal parades, was in 1916 marching in olution could stop the war and he those who turned against and per resolutions for unemployment infreighter, Point Clear, which had any effort to put additional men toinist ranks are resisting the rush. People Parades for Peace. said so, even if he could find only secuted Lenin in 1914 for his stand surance at the of convenbeen tied up in San Francisco har, work, until all men with IL. pero social patriotism, class collabor When the Second International bor since June 22, following a re mits had been registered, the board ation and parliamentarism which in 1914 made its last minute declar. Atew hundred to agree with him against war and for the struggle tion just preeting the one where it at first.
or revolution.
lease voted by the Waterfront and handed down a decision that only has swept the party bureaucracy ation of support was finally adopted the bourgeois Everybody Opposes War Now The Daily Worker of October 19 Transport Workers Association of these men be registered clear and which determine now all its governments that were embarking The Real Program of Lewis informs us that a great People It must again be emphasized that Vancouver. As the striking barge jent victory for the union. Another policies.
on war, Lenin immediately pro Now the self advertized leaders March for Peace is scheduled for It now becomes o crucial impormen had returned to work pending longshoremen victory was report. Recently three of the most mill claimed the death of the Second of the wreckage of Lenin Inter the 20th under, among others, the tance for the workers, and especial.
arbitration of their demands, the ed from far of Honolulu last week, tant members of the 11th district International and started to build national, the Stalinists, may stin auspices of the American Lenguely the active and advanced ones, to only vital question le unsettled 900 men at that port winning wage in Paris, Clair, Fyot and Jullen, the Third although the forces at believe that only proletarian revo Against War and Fascism. This understand precisely what forces was that of rescistering additionall increases o ten cents hou were expelled from the inist his isposa were infin can put a stop to war but People March for Peace has the suffered set backs at Atlantic City longshoremen. The union demand The semen are playing the role ranks in their letter to the lead few hundred in Russia, and a few if they believe it they are careful backing of of leaders the and what is real character and ed that any additional workers to of the vanguard in the latest develership they criticize the Front the most in the other cap to conceal their belie. They take Daily Worker is happy to announce role of the clements now caining be registered must come from the Continued on Page 4)
Continued on Page italist nations. From those few everything but a serious and real. Con inued on Page Contoured on Page 3)
Up and Down West Coast People Peace Parades Todav, Preparedness Parades 1omorrow Muste THE of CONVENTION IRVING PLAZA HALL Irving Place 15th St.
National Secretary Workers Party will speak on Sunday, October 27th.