AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

8 PAGES ON NOV. Japanese Plot ChinaGrab leske. It PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURIDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1935 expressed in this paragraph. 1)
Prohibition for the unifled party of tomorrow to pursue any policy of collaboration with the bourgeois Since that text was issued, he goes parties, and even more specially of (Continued from Page 1)
By ROBERTS it can mean only one thing: Gives Up Political on, two important political facts collaboration taking the form of convention. The Woll Frey Whar Lewis Tirade Reflection The recent fusion of the two big have intervened. First there was participation in a capitalist govern ton forces rallied by 18, 025 to Lewis known that the sentiment French trade union federations, the of the rank and Ale in his own Activity at Reform the Congress of the Communist In ment. 2) Refusal of military 10, 826, the majority report of the reformist) and the ternational and the vote on the credits, of credits for colonial con Resolutions Committee which reafof Rank and File union and among the workers gen(Stalinist. which took place in ists Bidding Dimitrov report whose conclusions quests and the whole of the budget. firms the San Francisco decision of erally is such that anyone who Militancy line with the Comintern efforts to sensibly modified, believe the po: Socialist can ask me: What 10 year.
This decision permits now seeks power and influence disembarrass itself of its Third Per the unification of the two parties. sition of the Communist parties to objection have you to this? the Executive Council to issue inAnong the workers must east lod baggage, has given a new imhimself in the role of a progres From this text be quotes the fol ward coalition governments. Sec pulsion to For me, none, or almost none. ternational charters to workers in one important point. Lewis is nothnegotiations under lowing passage: andly, there was the formation of These two imperative ideas are such industries as rubber and auto ing if not a shrewd politician. He sive and fighter, even a radical!
way for the organic unity of the the unified party of the prole the parties and fractions of repost party founded in 1906. But the unions of the Federation retain jurself in the role of a martyr making lution already referred to indicates the Popular Front into which all found in the charter of the social mobiles but specifies that the craft seeks power. He does not cast himThe vote on the craft union resoFrench Socialist and Stalinist parEles, 28 de first step toward the tariat, seeking to combat and delican bourgeois parties may enter founders of the party were careful isdiction over the skilled craftsmen a splendid but futtle fight for lost that the old guard is far from merging of the two Internationalis stroy the capitalist system, gener for common anti Fascist action to foresee the possibility of except in these industries. The effect is causes. When, therefore, Lewis now licked. It would be dangerous for The inal plunge of the Stalintern ator of misery and wan cannot from this new action necessarily tional circumstances, creating for instead of setting up a genuine in delivers a bitter and devastating temalte progressives to cherish any the social patriotism following the with the bourgeoiste. None of the Emphasis mine RFR. And this options de la situation sa story in tans and semi skilled into a restricted Federation, Matthew Woll himselt. ahead. It would be downright sule path toward organic units of all talist government. Its parliament, rect Justice, can scarcely be recon. duced into the charter this simple the skilled workers from them and widens the breach between the old the role Lewis himself will play political obstacles, such as, for ex wry representative has the duty to clled with the quoted paragraph phrase Even in the ease of ercepe from each other in a dozen or more guard and other elements, when he for them to regard him as basically The fusion of the two trade union destined to prepare Imperialist mon declaration. He puts the core tonal circumstances, the elected craft groups.
shouts from the housetop what a friend rather than as a much Analysis of the role of Lewis and hitherto has been whispered only more subtle and powerful enemy organisations took place on the wars, etc.
blon is ware: quote the balance involve the party without its con company in developing government. hehind closed doors by any prom then the mere has beens, Woll and basis of the complete abdication by Now, says Lebas, It is permis of his article: sent. Which means that the policy sponsored. unionism on which, inclinent Federation leader, namely, Green But the indications which the Stalinists of all revolutionary sible to ask whether the Communist Exceptional Tactics Throw of the party, even in such a case, dentally, reactionaries such as Woll that the of is a total fail this convention has given of how political activity in the union ranks. Party doesn believe it necessary Over Marxism 18 fixed only by the party itself. and Frey made acute observations ure under its present leadership, astuto and hard boiled labor poliA disavowal of factional activity to modify somewhat its first text. Two things of importance are Doesn the Communist Party in the convention, must wait for our when he who was an unswerving ticians gauge the spirit of insurwas demanded in advance by the la bor faker Jouheux and was readily believe that this phrase or a similar next issue. Suffice it here to make supporter of Tory Republicanism gency among the workers, plus the one should have its place in the under Coolidge and Hoover, Airts fact of a rift in the of made by the Stalinist bureaucrats charter of tomorrow?
with the idea of a labor party, when leadership such as have never bewho announced that the Stalinist Doesn the Communist Party Italo British he who in the past has bounded fore occurred in all 55 years workers political activity would be progressives, not to speak of radi of its history, opens wide the door agree that it cannot maintain the strictly outside the unions! Specu For the eighteenth anniversary of a revolutionary party than to text of the unity charter presented cals in his own union anore bitterly for a mighty advance in building lation concerning the possibility of of the Bolshevik revolution the attain this Immediate gond.
War Looms The to us at a time when it is making than any other international preal. the left wing in the various unions strugeles between opposing polit NEW MILITANT will appear in funds coming in for the new sub the greatest effort to extend to the dent, now protests against one of and in the of IA as a whole.
ical tendencies within the unified a special eight page edition. It scriptions and for the enlarged whole country the policy of rapMatthew Woll proposals to pro. Take the offensive! Press the trade union confederation is an(Continued from Page 1)
will be a fore rumner to the regu bundle sales will put the cam proachment of the world class ing a new offensive in the Far East. simply part of a general movement hold. That is what the Atlantle tect the Federation from reds as fight. Be bold, be bold, be thrice swered by Marcel Gitton, secretary lar eight page weekly to appear paign for the eigtu page weekly parties and the bourgools republiean It is only a matter of time before throughout the country against all City convention ways to the miliof the French Stalinist Party, with soon over the top. The extended dire parties for the fight against Fas all of Europe will be sucked up progressive and liberal thought. tants.
to remark Several feature articles tracing lation will form a solid basis en cism and to conserve democradle by the struggle.
One Happy Family Now!
the important lessons of this suring its future existence.
We ask the party branches to The unhappy pat will not have great revolutionary act of elgh Doesn the Communist Party Where Are the Pacts go to work without delay. We been without its lessons. The trade teen years ago and dealing with The irony of the whole situation consider, asks Lebas finally, that union movement, it seems, has the world shaking events of toask our sympathizers and the cured itself of the anarcho syndicalday, especially the all overshadthe common struggle against the best reflected by the fate of the readers of the NEW MILITANT to pitch in and help. When all decree laws. poses the question various Pacts. There is the Pact ism which was one moment in its owing issue of new imperialist wars and the duties and tasks of of a coalition government to which of the Four, to which both Eng shoulders are put to the wheel (Continged from Page 1)
history. Comrade Joubaux (the arlly in the maintenance of its en it would be impossible to reply in null and void. There is the Anglo very heart of the British sphero tire battle fleet in Pacific waters.
equivalent to Comrade William the revolutionary movement, are we can reach this immediate goal.
the negative?
Green! said: In the divin preparation for this The party branches and the French Entente. And there is the of influence and a virtual ultima. It was in 1915 that Japan, taking should furnish an insptration for bundle agents should onder an The Way Is Cleared ersity of temperaments, in the div French Italian Pact. Either one or tum to the Chinese authorities over advantage of the World War situa ersity even of ideas, unity can be new strides toward the building extra supply of this special elght In any case, the Communist in the other is due tor the scrapheap a local tax matter may prove the tion, forced her famous Twenty realized and maintained. This is up of a stronger revolutionary page anniversary edition as a first ternational recently in session at shortly. Then there is the Franco starting point for Japan long one Demands on China. American our absolute conviction. Emphapress, step toward increased bundle Moscow itself posed this question Soviet Pact. In the light of the dreamed of and long heralded ex. pressure after the war forced a sis by Gitton, Humanite, October This is the particular duty now sales. It will be off the press the and by Dimitrov report answered other experiences what value can tension of her continental drive into Japanese retreat from the positions week before Nov. and reach all The one moment of trade before us. Our Ideas become a it in South China, for decades the ball gained. But since 1981 Japanese in a favorable sense. The strong any realist attach to it?
power when translated into acunion history is past and the Stalcities in time for the anniversary er then the reasons for us to be The fate of Europe is at stake. wick of British imperialism. imperialism bas extracted from tion in the living movement of inist bureaucrats have arrived at a The special distribution of this leve, Concludes Lebas, that the The Soviet Union is in danger. At the same time Incidents are China far more than her Twentythe proletariat. Our message issue should be used as a means common absolute conviction with Communist Party will not maintain. It is only a matter of time be once again taking place along the one Demander of 1915 ever asked too absolutely its text at the forth fore the waves of war will reach Soviet Manchukuo frontier. Troops for.
Joubaux as a basis for trade union must therefore reach wider flelds. for now contacts to gain new unity.
Only the Fourth Internationalists readers and obtain regular sub coming commission, Thus the Stalinists arrive whose work our shores have clashed and casualties have ism will sooner or later have to at their real spiritual home.
are maintaining a consistent rey seriptions will thereby be facilitated. Popu The most recent experiences con been recorded. According to a so have an accounting and a settleThe same features characterize olutionary position in the free of Above all, we want all forces laire, Oct. Emphasis inserted. firm more than ever the realism and viet protest delivered in Tokyo, ment with Japan.
the course toward the organic unit the developing wars of imperial to concentrate during this period. And we may be sure that Lebas the correctness of the Marxist pol. Japanese and Manchukuo forces If the further development of between the two parties. The Stal ist aggression and the horrors of mentioned on the job of building has put the matter in a nutshell. icy for the working class. The crossed the Soviet frontier no less events in Alrica and the Mediter up a far wider circulation for the The Stalinist call for unity of the whole course of events dictates to than three times since October ranean bring a forcible settlement inist party misses no opportunity Fascism. The NEW MILITANT is our main instrument in making now to push forward the idea of NEW MILITANT. It is the way two Internationals is a call for the the workers: provoking sharp skirmishes with of all outstanding international unity, and on their part, the sothis position clear wider mass to bring the campaign for the re submergence and rejection of in An immutable distrust of the im Red Army border guards. Neither disputes once more onto the order cialist bureaucrats are seeking es and extend the revolutionary sular elght page wookly to a real transigeant proletarian Indepen, perialist governments. their peace side. according to press reports of the day, the Wall St. head ollice guarantees that the fundamental Influence amongst them. climax. Lat the sube come rolling dence, or the concept of class strus pects, their League of Nations, expects serious consequences in of Imperialism Inc. will keep principles of revolutionary Marxism We propose that this announce be will be left by the wayside on the ment be the signal for a largeall go to work in this great job in short, of revolutionary Marxism. determined struggle against im crudescence of these Incidents at the strong arm squad, Marines and path to unification. This question seale subscription drive. Start in the manner that only revolu The logic of their course will not perialist war by the only means this particular time indicate that all, will go to work in the Pacific.
is frankly and unashamedly posed out right now with the real of tionary fighters can do. even permit them to maintain these possible by the revolutionary de Japan stands poised to strike as And any reader of the Dally Work by Lebas in recent article in true fighters for an invincible principles in words. No prediction feat of the imperialist governments. soon as events in Europe draw the er in these wecks may be sure that Populaire, central organ of the idea. We have set for ourselves PHILADELPHIA FORUMS could be safer than the prophecy consistent Aght against the into a holy war for the when that time comes, the AmeriFrench Socialist party.
an inmediate goal of 1, 000 new The Workers Educational Forum that the French Stalinists will sub agents of the imperialists in the defense of the Versailles system and can lackeys of the Stalinist bureau Stalinists to Swallow Everything subscribers by the time of the holds meetings every Sunday at mit without murmur to the princ ranks of labor the social patriots o democracy.
cracy will be calling upon the boys Lebas, remarking that the trade second Workers Party convention, 3:16 at Grand Fraternity Hall, iples of Vandervelde, Blum, Lebas of all stripes. Imperialism Trains Its Guns to unlimber their guns and to give it to that reactionary Fascist feudal union fusion will facilitate, If not to be held December 26, and a 1626 Arch Street. The schedule of Co. For such submission is now the sanctified line of the Interna JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY. It is because of this situation in Mikado and his generals for the de precipitate political unity, recalls corresponding increase in bundle coming weeks is as follows: to the Stalinists the text issued by sales. No more effective greeting Oct. 27: Karl Lore on The tional which once, long ago, knew GET SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE the Far East that the neutrality tense of peace, of democracy and of the latter last June as a basis for could be given to the convention of Convention.
the leadership of Lenin EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT of the United States consists prim the Soviet Union. moment break out into open war manifestation of capitalism in ac war, but to actively campaign for the stupidity of the argument of fare, which is only an extension tion. When war comes the whole it! Up to the last minute before some stalinists, who still have a of peacetime polities.
mob of peace lovers become just as the last war the future centrist so grain of class consciousness left, Now what sense is there in this ardent war lovers. and the clalists took a revolutionary post becomes evident. We will support (Continued from Pago 1) the Labor and Socialist Internation in a box we find the following slo itics, al in this crucial matter and who gang: Withdraw the Italian Troops appeal to all peace loving people workers whom the Daily Worker tion on war. But the Stalinists, al the government now, they say, but The New Leader article continues seek to interfere with the applica from Ethiopia! For Collective Eco None. As a matter of fact, almost and the New Leader have taught to ready before the war, are forcing when it turns in another direction, to every man in the country, with the look to these peace lovers are easily the question. If any value can be toward war with the Soviet Union, under the head Sanctions Do Not tion of this polley by urging oppo nomic Sanctions! No Arms placed on the pre war comparison we will oppose it.
Mean War. This is precisely the sition to the stand of the League of Italy! No Embargo On Arms to exception of a few adventurers, is led into the maelstrom thesis of the Stalinists who, like Nations and advocating revolution Ethiopia! Close the Suez Canal! a peace lover. Ask an army gen October. From an article by of the Kautskys with the pre war This the Stalinists consider to be up their first concrete step toward may be confronted with the neces the Bolsheviks appealed to foreign head they are all peace lovers by Worker Washineton bureau: Sec conclude that the latter are prepar Icy of supporting the British im the support of imperialist war besity of taking up arms against the soldiers to withdraw and throw thelr own admission. But they are retary of State Hull announce Ing for a recruiting campaign uperialist government and at the hind a denial of its existence. fascist dictatorships are, whether down thelr arms but they did not supporters of the capitalist regime, ment today that the United States rivaled in the history of socialism, same time calling for insurrection The Socialists are as hard pressed they know it or not, doing the work appeal as an enemy power, but as hence they are forced to support has warned. Rome not to bomb or even surpassing the efforts of cap. In the Italian army. It is just as to prove that sanctions do not mean of Mussolini and Hitler.
a workers government, as a deadly the wars which are its living man injure American lives or property italist recruiting agents! What else trencherous. For by advising the war as the Staliniste. To quote: This is in complete agreement enemy not of the soldiers, but or festation, The Daily Worker by in case of military operations at is to be concluded from the vain workers to support their bureaucraSir Norman Angell, winner of the Nobel Peace prize, replied. that the French workers would be They appealed to the forelgn sold is simply confusing the 1980e, which another indication that mass anti: tary of State, the very leader of iste bring those workers under the ther objection that sanctions mean traitors if they made the revoluters not to desert a cause, but to war te verho reale lovers o und wartentment is inding the mark of the forces of reactionary im. leadership of that bureaucracy and war with the words: Sanctions do tion in the midst of a Franco Ger workers to look up to and rely on not mean war they insure peace. man war.
war lover) but between capitalists Here we have the same misdirec perialist property?
This propaganda was effective.
October 11 An editorial on sancthat bureaucracy and government.
Further on: The Joint Anti war Today the Stalinists appeal to and proletarians between support tion of the workers attention away And when in the future these Committee of the Socialist InternaThe basis of this line in both the Italian workers to withdrawers of the capitalist regime and its from their own struggle against tions: Now the of can ada tional and the International Federcases is the same. It lies in this but at the same time they support incessant open and concealed war war to the maneuvers of the capital its might and weight for such ac extra smart Stalinists decide to ation of Trade Unions. declared case in the failure of the social the bourgeois governments of enemy regime and its warfare. when the is an especially brazen example: resolution before it, urging the find that the workers no longer are that only the energetle policy of their policy of compromise with the ernments to apply sanctions. Their Datly Worker appeals to peace lov. brazen or stupid, it is hard to say. Roosevelt government to act with under their influence. the work collective security demanded by the bourgeoisile having crippled the propaganda talls upon the ears of ers to stop war it is appealing to so anxious are the stalinist lack the League of Nations on collective ers will be under the influence of the bureaucracy and the governtwo internationals in their resolu: workers and handed them over to the Italian soldiers with exactly capitalists, to army generals, goveys to register a victory for their economic sanctions.
tion of September can still prethe fascists, the social democrats: the same effect of propaganda from profess to love peace too. to over seize upon the slightest incident and of to follow the same treach officers in the army.
ernment figures, fasciste (for they treacherous war polley that they The Stalinists encourage the ment, under the influence of the serve peace.
compromise, pass even further And it is just as easy for the Italian throw the capitalist regime! For magnify It all out of proportion. erous path support the Roosevelt The American Peder tion of Libor over into the camp of the bourgeoidlificers to dispose of it as enemy that the only way peace Lovers Secretary of State Hull, it seems sovernment, they advise. It is just the workers to support the Rowe sie and appeal to the democratie propaganda. That is why the cor or anybody else will ever stop war, almost superfluous to remark, it possible that this advice will ulti velt government, but they advise the sanctions polley of the treate the lascist bourgeois governments. tn position with the incorrect slogan Stalloists appeal to the capitalist matic procedure in warning Rome have some influence on the mem tions. The Dengue of Nations to But nowhere is there one single ar governments they are appealing to forefront of Great Britaindo te ish Labor Party is ready to support lives and property in Ethiopia. support the peace moves of the it is an association of international gunent to show why sanctions de are already themselves tottering on League, becames perfectly useless our government. In its efforts to Last week we remarked on the government there must be some robber Imperialists. If one imper.
not mean the edge of fascism seems to make Unless you follow a true and com. ready, Indeed they call upon Rooseer, whereby they will soon be forcicy. Indeed it there were any op force, how reactionary is a league Socialist shouls of the dead Secondi cratie dunderheads. That they apot phrase mongering can have any welt and congress, to support caping themselves into an imperialist position to support of the Roosevelt of fifty two capitalist governments?
army. This week we have another government in the ranks, the rotten The League is the International with pride to the extent of their class, the bourgeoiste, to perform they are pretty smart supporting ist government may stop open war forced the secretary of State of an as an example to force support of It has not changed one whit since Now it is possible that a capital example. the Daily Worker has bureaucracy could use the Stalinista Burglars Union, no more, no less does not make treachery any the alone can perorm, is an index of and camong for the overthrow eat for a short period. but only be imperialist government to protect the government.
less treachery their bankruptcy.
the Fascist Italian government.
cause that government does not con its Imperialist property!
It is in just this situation that Kitchen of Geneve.
The article concludes: For Where does all this lend? It Those who oppose the policy of more cautious about their approach complete and bankrupt ineffectual Roosevelt, like Wilson, might keep tual campaign of forcing the United The Stalinists have to be a little but actually, they are redoeed to sider the time ripe for war.
instance: It is conceivable that leads the Dally Worker to an even to social patriotism, to the support ity.
Mars Meeting us out of the war for a year or two States into a war with Italy (or NEW MILITANT of the bourgeois government in its on the last page a streamer edi. but only in order better to pre Germany, or Japan, or any other with which is merged Imperialist war moves. They con torial concludes with the words: pare for the war when it comes power that threatens the Soviet Un EIGHTEEN YEARS OF THE peace loving people and oppoTHE MILITANT The treachery of the social demo ion. The Stalinists have stated an even greater for of phrases, mis: nents of war should demand that crats and the Stalinists lies not in that they are ready to support wars Published weekly by the New M11 statements and equivocations. But Roosevelt follow up his latest pro the fact that Roosevelt can stop of democratic states against fascist tant Publishing Co. 55 East 11th the direction of the movement is the clamation by calling a special ses war for a year or so, but in the states (Stalin Laval pact, defend St. Phone: Lgon. 00158. same. It is safe to say that unless slon of congress to amend. etc. fact that they reach the workers the remnants of bourgeois democraEntered as second class mall matter some earlier catastrophe overtakes etc.
not to rely upon themselves who. cy, etc. It is possible merely to Speakers: at the Post Office at New York, them the Stalinists will line up 100 under the act of March 1870. percent with the social democrats caused by the evil intention of can alone really put a stop to war, the centrist Socialists of the brand Recall once more that war is not as enemies of the capitalist system support war. During the last war JAMES CANNON ARNE SWABECK JAMES P, CANNON: Editor MUSTE MAURICE SPECTOR Subcription rates: In the United the democratie countries at least single capitalists; it is the inevit. but upon Roosevelt, Congress, and of Kautsky and MacDonald mara be months. Canada zad foreigners. bo are allied with the governments economy. The imperialist capitalist peace as long as peace lasts. The war. They did not campaign nc ner sent: 00 siz months. Bundle which the Stalinists consider most expansion drive is reflected in a love capitalism infinitely more than criticized it, but they did not camIRVING PLAZA, Irving Place and 15th Street rates: Two cents per ty. political drive for marketa; this they love peace, hence they can paign against the war.
Auspices: Workers Party, District, 55 11th Street.
Take the issue of the Dally Work political drive is always more or never be relied upon to put a stop The Stalinista indicate their in Vol. OCTOBER 19, 1935 No. 43er of October 8: On the front pageless belligerant, and may at any to the wars that are the natural tention not merely to support the Partners in Social Patriotic Betraval International can do is to point peal to the enemy of the working effect. The Stalinists may think italist mensures to stop war, RUSSIAN REVOLUTION Thursday, Novemcer 7th. p.