BolshevismCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismIV InternationalImperialismInvasionLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NEW MILITANT PAGE SATURDAY OCTOBER 19, 1935 Tarov Relates Horror of Prison and Exile Under Stalin Regime (Continued from Page 1) Given Long Terms Without Trial is being written in the ometal press, wipes tele lempelsounde commentate ourselves in protest against the MARCH OF EVENTS bestial treatment of the prison ad Revolutionists Are Beaten and Shot standing officials as if they, too. cell bars on the anniversaries of ministration. We were often beaten, are not loth to struggle against be the October Revolution, and the the guards fired their nebrouse Toted to the cause of the world functionary became confused when some one dare point finger at reaucratiam. But in reality, let turnkeys rip It down with rakoa. Even the Infants Persecuted proletarint. RENEWED MENACE TO CHINA aid the penetration into outer Mon was shot in the chest. We demand ideological companion and opening to now, fought against the Ble, or, at any rate, unemployment to dwell on ax the abominations Japin will not miss its opportun golia. But the attack on Outer ed a commission, but, as a rule, we rade have no wish to fool the party, can not consider as coun all the rules of the Opposition; means to be unemployed under the under the regime of the usurpers.
ity to make further inroads into Mongolia can only mean the prelude, were refused.
China while the other imperialists to war against the Soviet Union.
The Hunger Strike ter revolutionary the revolution sexuede the grepene be it leadership present reglene mit means outrient will depict only a single scene are preoccupied with the Ethiopian Then, 485 imprisoned Commun My interlocutor would sit mum, without proceeding from considera ployed. He wanders from one office lovak prison, in a small cell, some situation. There is every indication ATTACK ON SOUTH CHINA. ists went on a hunger strike that with his head on his chest. Inci tions of my own personal welfare, to the next, and is refused every 26 enbic meters in volume, are that Japanese Imperialism is pre The plundering of China is not lasted 18 days. Commission ar dentally, this chap was a fine fellow! have in mind the necessity of a where, despite the fact that suitable lodge 35 women, eight with suckparing more extended operations to be confined to North China alone. rived, transferred the ative with some brains. But apparently joint struggle on the part of all the work is available. Everywhers ling lufants. The cell is ventilated for plundering China. series of the situation at Swatow threatens prisoners to other penitentiaries, he had had little occasion to listen revolutionary forces of the prole every conceivable personage finds by a peephole. shall never for extraordinary meetings of the Jap. to become the pretense for the be and exiled the wounded Yessayan to Oppositionists themselves, but he tariat against the advancing counemployment, there are jobs for get those tiny emaciated bodies anese army and navy commanders ginning of Japanese invasion into to Siberia. Thus, it improved had heard a great deal about them ter revolution. cease the struggle thieves and swindlers. But there is saw them through the peep hole of and the diplomatic corps are in pro South China. Already all shipping our position. And then, another from the official sources. had not because am in agreement with no job for a man who comes out our cell. The children stood in gress. One meeting is to take place to this port is forced to pass be Commission came next year and an identical conversation with one the opportunistic views of the bus against the bureaucracy.
in Dairen October 13 to 15. 80 tween two lines Japanese cruis extended our sentences. For this of the representatives of the local reaucratie upper crust of the party, line, clusplug their mothers bosom ond in which the various consular ers and destroyers, holding the har Destroying the Revolution in order to obtain their infinitesimal reason all of us who were impris section of the remarked, but because hope our party will Officials in China are to receive in bor in a tight grip. The Japanese oned in the Verkhne Uralsk peniAt party and workers meetings ration of fresh air at the peep hole.
structions from the army is sched object to the tax imposed by the tentiary went on a hunger strike, opinion of such an act of lawless and drive the brazen usurpers from the assembled are in complete Let the world proletariat look upon uled for October 16 in Shanghai. Canton militarists on rice imported in protest against this unheard of ness as this: have passed six its ranks.
apathy. They have to be almost this brand of shame on the faces of final gathering of all army com into Kwantung Province which lawlessness. We began the strike manders to work out details of the raises only a two months supply of on December 11, 1933. On Decemmonths in exile already without But whom are you telling this to driven to meetings. Not only non. the Sall keepers of the plebiscitary even party workers regime. Is it conceivable that thery next steps in the seizure China, this for thirty five ber 20 the hunger strikers were 18 also planned in Shanghai for people. The Japanese have been dragged from their cells in order serving three year prison term. course, well understood my letters very reluctant to go to meetings were to communists in this city The assistant chief of the in and telegrams. That is why it re can be made only by the party and uninterested in the jails of their Oct. 20 and 21. The pronounce smuggling tremendous quantities of to search the latter. Then they answer ments of the Japanese Military cheap Siamese rice into the prov Attache in China, Maj. Gen. Iso ince. The seizure of a small quanberna fonding us by force. Un some kind of a paper and read me remained in exile, without any new trade union parrots. They can be city where thousands were suffering beard of scenes took place, des a new sentence, three years in ex. sentence having been passed on me, where praise the leadership, begin there a prosecuting attorney? One gaye, provide several keys to what tity of this smuggled rice bas pre perate fights broke out between ile. But for some unknown reason for some how or other, the govern ning with Stalin, and then down the is ashamed even is intended. final settlement of cipitated the issue, Japan claiming mention this the jailers and the hunger strikthe North China problem is first on a violation of the treaty permitting ers. The latter were of course sentence myself. This, of course, a false document, to sentence one olution is presented, and the assem there! Even a member of the Cen: he refused to allow me to read the ment finds it alfficult, without even Ine according to rank. Then a restitle. There were! They were all the agenda. The Kuomintang gov. only the national import tax, not ignominidusly beaten up. In our was a common trick on the part of of its citizens to some sort of pun bled are terrorized by labelling as tral Committee was in this city at ernment is told plainly what is ex. Involved here. By this pretext exhausted condition we were subpected of It by its imperialet ally. Japanese imperialism seeks to gain jected to foreed feeding by means ably wished to scare me with a new bureaucracy bolls down to isolating dares to object even to a single pleture was printed on the front We do not want to provoke a control of the vast trade of the of rubber tubes. The treatment crisis in North China but we hope East River District of Kwantung. was indescribable: thick rubber on the Opposition. Here became ell they publicly turn into so many such a situation in the country oyan was a personage in transit.
sentence so as to make me snitch and torturing the Oppositionists un point in the resolution. Naturally, page of the local paper. But Mik that the Chinese will themselves at the same time this is a blow at hose was shoved down our completely convinced that these rags, le into miserable, political tends to discredit the authority of his arrival could serve only as the make all the necessary changes to the Canton militarists whose millassure the establishment of author. tary machine is based on the sothroats, the strikers were dragged miserable functionaries had long bystanders. The bureaucrat just into the feeding roll like dead ity with a reponsible person at the called agricultural tax The Chin cattle. There was not a single had to deal with a kang of hard munist. He has no need for it. He despotically terrorized the entire One can refrain from mentioning ceased being communists, that does not want you to be a real com the Soviet power and of the Revo signal for arresting an additional lution. The party leadership has hundred women with suckling babes head who would have Japan con ese are entrenching along a Arty case of surrender.
fidence. However, should a crisis mile front in Kwantung expecting arise which would endanger the momentarily an ultimatum, to be strike committee decided to discon of sincere On the 15th day of the strike our able of understanding the integrity gerous. The bureaucrat does not plete lack of the conscious party communists doing? Nothing! They lives of foreigners, Japan will be immediately followed by invaston. tinue it because many of the fam Nevertheless decided to go to wants miserable flunkies, grafters, of our party. Barracks discipline haven the right to think. For exThey ready to make sacrifices to take the The reactionary bandit generals of ished Communists tried to commit Moscow, and personally speak with and bystanders of the worst type. reigns to the party, a mechanical ample, if a suckling babe is in the necessary steps for establishing a Canton will hardly organize any suicide. One of the function the upper crust of the party appar: That what he needs. He loes not rulollment of orders. Hence, it 18 hands of an arrested working or strong North China regime. What real resistance to Japanese en laries from the venitentiary and precisely what it represents, what ates, only the name in order to use of grafters, charlatans, and shady that the baby is guilty, it must sit Ural District apthis means is the setting up of an croachments, no more than atus, in order to find out at last want a Communist party, he toler easily understandable why all sorts a peasant woman, then it means the peared in the extended puppet state to include the central Kuomintang leaders. threatened the starving Communists sort of people were they who shriek it for his usurping alms. Sad to characters of every description in its mother lap in a small cell five provinces north of the Yellow Chiang Kal Shek and Wang Ching with transfer to the Solovsky is about revolution and socialism and say, the bureaucracy has attained thieves of the gentleman type with 35 women, and stand in line River: Hopel, Chahar, Suiyuan, wel. On the contrary, these cor lands. Our comrades, of course, communism and compel me to con: its goal in many cases. Many Op feel very much at ease and are very for freslı air.
shansi and Shantung, all now unrupt betrayers of the Chinese enter drove him from their cells.
der Japanese control.
The brazen bureaucracy of the to sell out to the imperialists. The the hunger strike was accepted by sent a telegram to the with isolation and they capitulated. But sider it their native duty to look into competition to become the first decision of the committee to call off counter revolutionary. In May stand the harsh and interminable bolde in the party, the Soviet and Stalinist regime will label my WHICH THEATRE OF WAR. other imperialist powers are great all the strikers unanimously. The a request for permission to co to in my case, the bureaucracy made upon Soviet wealth as their own them label them as they will words conuter revolutionary. Let There have been previous indica ly disturbed at the present situa representative was compelled Moscow to have some personal in a mistake.
tions that Tapain wishes to add to tion, seeing in it not only the po to make a verbal promise (for some terviews concerning my case. This property. And who is there to My duty is to tell the truth, and its prosent booty Outer Mongolia. tentialities of another Shanghal in reason he refused to put it in writime sent a telegram, with an anCommunist Despite All! supervise them? Who is there to only the truth, for truth is the This territory is not nearly most dependable weapon in the In Jall, in exile, end emigration punish them for the plundered naportant economically as Manchuria. Japanese militarism. American war their sentences would be freed. there was no answer. My attempts. remained what was, a Commun. tional resources The rank and hands of the proletariat against Japan would de ships have been sent to Swatow to Since my sentence terminated on to gain permission to go to Moscow ist, a devoted defender of the Soviet latter have been frightened by pris working class organizations told termine the main theatre of war in take care of American Interests. January 22, 1934, was transferred for personal interviews were not power and of the socialist construc: ons and the Solovsky Islands, where only the truth and nothing but its enemies. Indeed, if all the the coming struggle against the to the cell of those about to be crowned with success. Then de tion. The land of the Soviets is languish for many long years the Manchuria is too close to Shachtman Phil. Meeting Ireed.
cided to go without any permission. my fatherland, in the socialist sense boldest communist and non party world proletariat over its enemies the truth, then the victory of the Japan to suit the Japanese strategists. Soviet aircraft are a menace not to be neglected. The seizure On January 22, was consequent. En route it became all too clear to the term. Under a different rule. workers, under lock and key, behind would have been assured long PHILADELPHIA, Pa. Oct. 15. ly set free Under a close guard. me that no one would listen to me under the rule of the enemies of wars. Is it really possible that the ago. be im of Outer Mongolia would permit Warming up for his national tour, was shipped to Central Asia, un mediately arrested for having Hled me. am always ready to the last world proletariat will maintain sil. TAROV.
greater safety to the attack from comrade Max Shachtman opened the der the jurisdiction of the Central rom exile. had no recourse lett, moment of my life to light for the ence while in the land of the so lAugust 4, 1935 land of the Soviets. Is it conceivfrom the railroad line running from cational forum here last Sunday kent, there being two of us myself, except to escape abroad.
Haller to Manchull, on Chita, the evening with a lecture on The and comrade Zhahntnev. In Torn From His Family able that under a genuine proletarmost important railroad Junction in Truth About Trotskylam. kent we were lodged in jail; the lan rule the struggle against burMy renunciation of the Opposi eaucrats, thieves, and plunderers Eastern Siberia. Chita is the point the speaker dealt very effectively next day, after stubborn protests. tionist struggle was sincere. Even who unscrupulously appropriate main line of the with Olgin slanderous pamphlet, we were exiled without being sen at the present time still hold to Soviet wealth and who are the Transsiberian Railroad (to Vladi Trotskyism, Counter Revolution in tenced Xhantney to the city of this point of view. From 1983, after cause ruining hundreds of thou Would out of communication with the leting leader of world Bolshe to the Central Committee about ms munist and revolutionary forces of mere protest against these scoun National Committee of the Workers fected by the plenum. The refer Wouch. The seizure of Chita and rottenness of the fight against then, in March. sent telegram took the position that all the com: sands in hunger and cold is it con.
The vious the Maritime Provinces over this vism and the ideas of revolutionary readiness to give up Oppositionist the entire world had to be united drels would be considered a coun. Parts, held at New York October ence to our French comrades as Tailroad and would make the main Marxism. mass of evidence was activity. Two monthse ela peed with rainst the lasciate reaction moster revolutionary crime? For my 9, adopted resolutions on the main ceptulators was branded us imBalkal. Already special Japanese own writings, to expose the Trotsky letter to the Central Committee card to the internal differences bedivisions in full war strength, with baiting campaign. The audience Another two months went by, and large numbers of tanks and armored was attentive and asked many ques again there was no answer. Both Ween proletarian organizations, no patrty democracy: fought for for the second convention of the ing in common with the attitude of care are concentrated about Hallar. tions. Comrade Shachtman summed in the telegram and in the letter matter the poetinile these liebt be statutes of our party. fought and party which is to convene December the workers Party.
The latter is an integreret inte al baise up and spokalet Shecheed Mortuan me made no mention whatever as to my Tended among the comrades! But well continued to file against the discussion which has been taking were similarly Isolated on the sea The military rallroad from Jehol revolationary International of the views did not consider my vows under no condition would earree to party apparatus bound by mutna! June meeting of the is to be and methods of building the party Province to Dolonor was built to working class.
and position to be counter revolu solidarize with the bureaucracy, as cath. For, according to the statutes continued at membership meetings and our attitude toward opponent tionary. as is usually stated by emphasized in my letter of April, of our party, the elected party, and in the party internal bulletin organizations. The resolution on the capitulators, but emphasized 1934 to the Central Committee. International Workers School that would cease ideologle and always held and still hold the be re elected annually from top to the plenum held open sesstons tlon to the repeated violations of trade union and Soviet organs must until the convention.
the internal situation drew attenorganizational struggle against the standpoint of a stubborn and merel. bottom. But what do we see today with the New York party members party discipline committed by the leadership. In short, from my com less struggle against the brazen The post of party secretary has be and numerous delegations from Oehler Stamm group and the re55 EAST 11th STREET, Second Year FNI 1935. Beginning October 21, 1936. and the could conclude that rights of our party. My sincere come sort of specialty. It for other citles in attendance. Party Deated censures and warnings of ORGANIZATION PRINCIPLES Martin Abern, the leadership under the pressure letter and telegram to the example, Kahyani had served opinion on the main questions the political committee and the of the Opposition had not betrayed and the were assumed, how seurs las secretary in the which has crystallized in the course protests of party branches against Monday, 7:00 8:30 PM. Eight sessions.
This course will analyze party structure and methods of work.
membership of the three months discussion, was their disruptive course. The resocorrected its mistakes on certain first step of an ignominious capitu. Would no longer tolerate him not reflected also in a strong consolida lation specifically provided that the the revolution as yet, and had even ever, by the bureaucracy to be the Georgia until the Open only to members of the Workers Parts and Spartacus Youth tant now was to purge the party considered that had become worn lan but in the party as a um. All the important political gured full party democratie rights FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF MARXISM Ben Borkeson.
Monday, 8:40 10:10 Eight sessions.
cratism, and to wage a struggle long years, torn away from my craft of General Secretaryshop. dical Committee were adopted by a Hitherto. Their resolutions and arAn elementary course which will trace the basic economic and against advancing Fascism by com Camily, my wife and child, that ticles are to be pablished in the inThe first point on the agenda was ternal bulletin for the information political features of capitalist society, the development of the bined forces of the Communists and could bear up to longer and was counsel of the supreme authorities modern class struggle, the need for the revolntionary overthrow of revolutionary forces in the capitalism, the dictatorship of the working class and the role of the and the whole world. pleading for mercy. Tbe Ate, again as General Secretary of inist position on the war situation to be given adequate time to pre revolutionary party.
The bureaucrate leadership evi miserable bureaucrat overlooked Kazakstan Anda Mirzoyan he and the preparation of the party to sent their point of view in the PROGRAMMATIC FOUNDATIONS OF THE WORKERS PARTY to such a communication. Neat but demanded the restoration of my yeni from Baku to Uralskot the ity in the next period is to be or discussion meetings. As a further Wright, swer came from Moscow. But the partye rights. The miserable bur secretary of the District Committee. ganized around a campaign on the safeguard of the rights of the min Wednesday, 7:00 8:30 Seven sessions local department of the senteaucrat evidently attached no im is precisely for this reason that question of war, public agitation ority, elections to the party conven An advanced course which will alyze the contradictions of the its own agents who plled me with portance to my words when said, solutely under no obligation to the study and discussion in the party of proportional representation. At the party leadership feels itself ab being supplemented by Intensive ton are to take place on the basis Imperialist epoch, the rise and degeneration of the Second and the following questions: Third Internationals, the struggle against Fascism and war, the a bystander, am a revolutionist party masses who presumably elect ranks. In addition to the public the same time the plenum resoluThe Interview working class struggle for power and the need for the Fourth and am unable to serve passively ed him. They recognize only statement issued by the plenum the tion gave the Oehler Stamm group International Tell me, please, do you consid couest er your viows counter revolution was an active communist stof the party apparatus. Hence to CURRENT TRENDS IN AMERICA, TRADE UNION AND POLITary, or don you? In your opin lam and will remain one, there isn Nows the shameless servility and prepare material for the branchtions of discipline and acts of dises in the campaign.
ruption and disloyalty to the party ICAL Muste.
ion, is the Opposition and its acWednesday, 8:40. Elght lectures Extended discussion took place on will not be tolerated.
anything or anybody in this world the shameful mutual covering up of tivities coumter revolutionary or that can sever me from my genuthe bureaucratic upper crust. of the subject of international relaLectures on the of L, unlonimation in the basic industries, Following the plenum the party no? Do you think that. Trotsky, inely communist convictions concourse, under these conditions the tions and the struggle for the the capitalist political parties, the third party movements, the so for example, is the leader of the sidered and still consider the views party mass puts no trust in the Fourth International which stood is swinging into action through its clalist and Communist parties, counter revolutionary vanguard of of Trotsky and his followers to be leadership. THEORETICAL SYSTEM OF KARL MARX Rubin Grote.
the bourgeoisle, or don you? In genuine communist views. These party working class masses, the The resolution of the Political Com in other fields, while also carrying Thursday, 7:00 8:30 PM. Seven sessions.
answer went into a detailed ex.
latter see the party only in the mittee, adopted by a vote of 18 to 2, forward intensive discussion in preposition of my views as to the An advanced course which will consider the origins and social the views of Marx and Lenin.
roots of Marxism, the materialist conception of history, Marxlan trust in the Communist Party as a tlonal conference to proclaim the tion.
Opposition, headed by Trotsky, and in turn asked such ques. Bureaucrat and a Communist whole. Hence flows the administra: establishment of the Fourth Intereconomics, the class struggle and the political party, theory of the CHICAGO MEETING tions as, And, what do you say, Never in my life have run tive pressure upon the party and national and expressed full solidarstate and working class Internationalism. ETHIOPIA dear comrade, are these views of across so malicious and cynical a the working class. That is why all ity with the International CommuSTATE AND REVOLUTION Weber, mine counter revolutionary? Do Cunctionary as the assistant chtel Jails, Solovsky Islands and exile nist League and the of Beginning of a New World War Friday, 8:40 10:10 PM. Eight sessions you consider counter revolution of the local section, Margo areas are crammed today with Holland in their common struggle Speaker: The course will real with the origin and development of the ary our Oppositionest work from in by name, who, after reading my party and non party workers. And toward this goal. The tactics of MAX SHACHTMAN state from the earliest times to present day capitallem. detailed 1923 up to 1930 against the Right telegram to the and the there is no need to talk about the the Bolshevik Leninists in entering discussion of the capitalist state machinery, the attitude of the opportunist tendency in the party! addressed me as follows Now, peasants.
the French Socialist Party were SUNDAY, OCT 27, 2:30 working class towards the capitalist state and the role of the Indeed, In 1930 Centrism also be what can you tell us about your do not intend to go into the specifically endorsed. The proposal Capitol Bldg. Room 412 workers state.
gan to fight against the Rights. Is organization? Who was the leader controversies between the Oppoet of comrades Oehler and Stamm to 159 No. State Street one to consider this struggle coun of the Opposition movement in the tion and the leadership, but think condemn the tactics of the Bol.
ADMISSION 166 Fees: 00 per course, 50c payable at time of registration. ter revolutionary too? As regards Caucasus? Where did you function it necessary to say a few words on shevik Leninists in this respect. alFor Information, write to: International Workers School, 51 East Trotskiy, in my opinion, he is the actively? We must make it hot for the question of the struggle against ready rejected by the overwhelming UNEMPLOYED FREE 11th Street, New York City.
most unswerving revolutionist de these Trotskyists. The miserable bureaucratism about which so much majority of the party in the preAus: Chicago branch of TushPlenum Meets; Plans Campaign Against War of Lan views are a direct continuation of shape of the apparatus, and put no declared in favor of an interna parition for the December conven