BolshevismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1935 Question Buffalo WPA INT YOUTH BUREAU COLLAPSES Box Workers Out On Restrike Expel Youth the LEFT German Centrists tive of the Youth Bureau endeav. for the Fourth International. Outcome of SAP Fight JABS for the resolution presented by the son of Mot Dag and the reorganBy WEAVER Against Forces of the LOVESTONE SPEECH AT THE Dutch delegates in favor of the ization of the Secretariat, since the 7th WORLD CONGRESS.
New International as well as for situation bad become absolutely Representative NEW YORK4th International Under the streamer Lovestone the opposite resolution of the impossible through the refusal of Question: The Lovestonites (se Pauper Wage Levels Drive However, in the discussion be did the Swedish organization to take the Workers Age of Oct. 12)
Speech at Madison Square Garden Following is an account by the Men to More Militant not fail to join in the tirades of responsibility for the Secretariat in a clear answer. The Fourth Inclaim that the accusation that the Workers Age prints speech representative of the Internationternational is not a scheme for the against the Fourth Inter Stockholm. The delegate of the which they claim Lovestone would the can be guilty of an Augal Courmunist League of the illStruggle ust 4th in its war position is us as the 80 assiduously national. This attitude brought German replied by a furious have delivered at the memberfated attempt to set up a new spreads, but the touchstone which forth protests from the organiza and subjective attack against the ship meeting if Browder had given unjustiflable because of the disyouth international, through the distinguishes the revelutionary bim permission. Again the workBy CYRUS RIGBY tinctions between the limitedly tions affiliated to the mo surpassing even the fantastic medium of the International Marxists from the Centrists in allers Age scored a scoop. Spurred to false war position of the and BUFFAS er officials to wait tion was presented to reorganize lies of the pamphlet, TrotN. The expressed youth Bureau and in common and enlarge the secretariat by a skyism or Realistic Revolutionary other questions as well. To praction by the enterprise of the the unlimitedly false war posi policy of with various centrist organization of the Labor and Socialist watchfully and starve out the tions.
representative of the the Policy. Finally he posed the folIts disruption and final Buffalo WPA strikers last week Fourth International means also organization emerging from the lowing conditions to the represenInternational and because of an equally imaginary speech which extinction, in actual fact, can be unity of the two Dutch organizatative of the To disassociate to take a position for the arming Lovestone would bave delivered at the very existence of the came to brief through the wand laid directly at the door of the tions. and the Bolshevik Leninist itself from the attacks of the LOL of the proletariat, for the inserthe 7th World Congress if Stalin rection and for the dictatorship had but crooked his little finger in youth fraction of the French Social press against the Youth Bureau and lution, as a class state construct ployed. Women and children not come the struggle against the ing secialism.
of the proletariat. Fenner Brock his direction.
only attended the meetings but also fourth International even if the retariat of the Youth Bureau decid work What is ist Youth. Following this the secto sea the International Youth its connections with the way, etc. are opponents of the came out on the picket lines to most opportunist and even treached to convene a session of the Bu Secretariat of the The Mot In the report of the Madison Sq.
there to this?
insurrection as well as of dictaGarden speech Answer: Lovestone is in the post march beside their busbands and brous alliances are necessary for the following torship. It is clear that against tion of the marriage broker who fathers. strike meeting held on this purpose. It can reau to deal with these questions, Dagist present (to repeat again: confidently statements by Lovestone appeared. such opinions we know only un with the participation of all the this organization is in agreement was attempting to interest a young October was attended by well over At the outset must underscore be aiderted that the death of the organizations affiliated to the Bu with the reformist polley of the remitting strugglo.
with greatest emphasis that the man in marrying a certain young 1, 000 workers.
Youth Bureau is merely a setback Sargeon Johnson acted as reau.
Norwegian Labor Party as well as On the conclusion of this speech leadership of the Communist Party girl. The youth, beauty, and finan its experience was rich in lesdal resources of the young lady chairman and among the many song for the forces of the Fourth Betrayal Intervenes with Stalin French policy) de the representatives of the Swedish is to be commended for granting us were so promising that the young speakers were William Sidman International are everywhere Impossible to continue the work of the representative of the German Clared jointly that the continuation night. want to assure you In the meantime, however, it was clared its accord with the speech of and the German de: the right to address you here to man became suspicious and insisted chairman of the strike committee gatherin in size and importance. the ola Secretariat for another rea that there was a catch to the propo and Thomas Dixon of Chicago. E sition. After at first denying that pledge was made by those present son. The coming to power of the sides it had to be the representative tative of the IC. to be impossible. granted us by speaking, long.
there was the least the matter with to carry on the fight until they Norwegian Labor Party had com of this notorious organization to the latter left the session. Mot it is with profoundest regret that By HELD the girl, the broker, under the pres should win a living wage for them.
sure of further questioning, finally selves and families.
The International Bureau of Rev. character of the Mot dag group the workers movement! Similarly German continued in full seventh Congress has, either by way dlutionary Youth was founded in The Norwegian Labor Party in the chairman of the Swedish agreement Police Brutality of omission or commission failed to admitted that the girl did have a Significance and Prospects During the week police tactics February 1901 at the International power carried on a completely bour limited his few remarks to approvcheck this serious right danger in slight falling, the slightest of all ings; she was a wee bit, only the became more and more brutal, al Youth Conference at Laren, Hol geois policy similar to that of the ing the speech of delegate of If one takes into consideration the Comintern. Believe us, dear least bit. pregnant. So with the though the almost too passive ac land, then at Lille (in reality, Brus: Swedish and Danish social demo the Then the representative the recent expulsion of our French comrades, it is not as carping erit Communist Party Opposition. tions of the pickets gave them ex sels. There were represented at crats. Instead of fighting the mon of the once more took the comrades from the French Social ics, not as chronic kickers that we The CI war position is false, but cuse for only bullying Instead of the conference: the youth, strous treachery of the floor to say among other things: ist Youth, our expulsion from the now sound the alarm, etc. etc. The Bolshevik Position Youth Bureau assumes special sig ete. After reading this and more only limitedly false.
nificance. Our comrades were ex of the same kind it was not too especially enjoyed the re An examination of Lovestone which Buffalo police are notorious. United States, the two Dutch youth radical coloration, and instead of pelled because of their struggle difficult to write the account of ideas as to what constitutes a lim Mounted police would ride along organizations of the and the organizing the opposition, the Mot marks of the representative of Mot Dag because he demonstrated against national defense. And to Lovestone appeal to the Seventh day the in collusion with the World Congress.
We quote from the above mentioned snatch of the strike slogans pinned the German afiliated to the Justification of the betrayal. Be in a convincing fashion that every Mot Dag organization, which apissue of Workers Age where he Then the officer would slap the hap the Young Workers of Norway (N. with the Stalin Laval declaration can hide behind the struggle of proves the treachery of Stalin in LOVESTONES APPEAL.
Point 1: The errors are less picket square across the face and the Norwegian Mot Dag and with the preparation of the France, expels us from the Youth want to humbly thank the limited only to the field of a mixed several times before urging his group. Immediately after its open union saree by the French Stalin. completely solidarize myself with Bureau.
Communist International with our the attacks of the LC. against Practically speaking, with the dear comrade Stalin, best disciple war; the errors pervade all horse toward him until the worker ing, the conference was dissolved by ists. It was therefore no longer types of wars today. This is retreated. Women who remained the Dutch police and the foreign possible to collaborate with this tho present pelley of the majority expulsion of the. the Youth of Lenin, at the head (Loud laugh of the Secretariat. By the same Bureau has been buried. What reter from all parts of the hall, tantamount to saying that the on the picket line were subjected to participants arrested. Four German group. Horrified by this degenerawill betray the workers only in the same intimidating treatment, emigre participants were expelled tion, the representative of the Ger token am responsible for the mains is the Swedish which shouts: You ll have to learn to in fact is not interested in the in sing better than that. by policy of the Secretariat of the those countries which may be the But in spite of threats and official to Germany, the others deported to man swung to the left by for the temporary ally of the Soviet Union, violence the strikers stood frm to Belgium. Two of the comrades. signing, together with the. youth am ready to ad. ternational work and whose only privilege of begging forgiveness for Bobzlen and Liebermann, delivered representative, a letter to the Swed mit an error in the fact which of activity in the Youth Bureau con my errors. now pledge support whereas the Second International their determination not to starve.
sisted in hindering international to our great leader Stalin who has betrays the workers in all countries. local organization, the Citizens to Germany, were in the meantime ish calling upon the latter The contention is false, however. Unemployed Rellet League, bad condemned to long prison terms. to disavow its Mot Daglst repre the Youth Bureau in the article work; the small Mot Dag group: always been correct. Loud laugh Centrist Alchemy or Marxism?
perhaps a small group in Rumania; ter and shouts: You re a bit late ers in certain countries and main body sent a wire to President Roos solidarity with these comrades and The Swedes did not reply to this appearing in No Unser Wort and the illegal German The with that, fellow. How can we and the July issue of the NEW whole thing is less than nothing. trust you. have always fought tain a revolutionary position in evelt protesting against the use of the struggle for thelr liberation letter and consequently the work of others at the same time.
stool pigeons against them as well will be carried on as before with the Secretariat was suspended. INTERNATIONAL. The Youth While the work to reorganize the against Trotskyism. expelled the Point 2: With the begin as against the conditions which all our energy despite the liquida. Once again they called for a ses Bureau was not founded with the proletarian youth movement on the American Trotskyists. sent gang The tion of the youth bureau. After slon under the chairmanship of the but with Mot Das, which basis of the Open Letter for the to raid their homes.
nings. of dangers towards na made the strike inevitable.
Fourth International, which up to interjects: How about your robtional defense practices are strictly Administration reply was a warn the expulsion, the remaining dele. Swedish Youth and once again, as organization has the disadvantage now bears the signatures of the bery of our National Office? delelimited, may be resorted to foring that all workers who did not entes convened in Brussels. The before, it was postponed. In the of meaning nothing with regard time as a means helping the show up on their respective jobs on discussion, in the main, took place meantime the Swedes did not show the while the repDutch the the gates: Thow him out. of Canada, the Bolshevik Len Chairman Darcy: Is there any resents almost the entire Norwe False and harmful as the re: Oct. 11 would be deprived of all between the representatives of the any inclination to terminate their course to such tactles of helping relief. The ultimatum was issued and the ICL, the latter friendship with Mot Dag and sian working ces. As for the inist group of the and the delegate here who wants Lovestone and in which new groups to continue All shout No!
the are, their motive by Daniel Streeter of ERB who struggling primarily for a clear and proved this fact on every occasion political side the articles were 100 percent correct. If the Youth from all parts of the world are Lovestone kneels in silent prayer.
totally different from that of the further attached a number of con precise expression in favor of a new collaboration of the Mot Dag peo motive animating international Soditions impossible for the workers international of the youth in the ple in the Swedish press, etc. But Bureau continues to work in its continually joining the International Bureau of Revolutionary Youth WOMEN DEB DENOUNCES cial Democracy. In order to to accept. Some jobs had been ramework of the Fourth Interne the representative of the German present manner it will only be another edition of the Amsterdam Organizations, born in a transition LOVESTONE.
al period, has passed from the Burean, whose work has only now Lovestone distorts the truth miser: police protection, but on these jobs on this question, two passages along placing in the background the strug Martha Stone, leader of the work again been so strikingly characterized scene. Long live the youth section Ing women of America, takes the ably. When the Socialist Party of there were always about as many this line were added to the resolu gle against Mot Dag and tion proposed by the German turning on the In an inter by Schmidt, up till now its of the Fourth International, the floor and denounces the right opGermany voted to support the war cops as ERB or WPA workers world party of the revolutionaryportunist Lovestone who had opcredits in 1914, they also claimed Streeter insulting public threat But we, on our side, committed a view which helped to prepare the secretary. The most obvious exproletariat!
that it was necessary to do so to frightened a few strikers into ro erlous error. The arrests and the session of the Secretariat with the ample proving the correctness of posed the decisions of the great prevent the proletarian organiza turning to their jobs on the date of joint expulsion from Holland had Swedish Youth he declared that the our attacks is given by this ses CHANGES IN SHACHTMAN leader Stalin. Congress cheers for tions from being destroyed. Le. the the deadline. Most of them, how. produced conciliatory spirit and differences between the LC. and Sion itself. The German 45 minutes.
Japanese delegates TOUR ITINERARY shout Bangal. British delegate: Stalinists in the Interests of the persuade others to join the walk atlons of the for the new song character than those between against Mot Dag and calmly se Toledo Sunday, Oct. 20. Hear, hear. Lovestone jumps on proletarian state stands on precise out. few hundred actually re International with the necessary the and Mot deg.
cepted the Mot Dag repetition of Detroit Monday, Oct. 21. a chair and sings: One, two three, On August 18 the session of the the arguments. It has ly the same level as the betrayal o sumed work. That evening reller organizational guarantees. We acChicago. Tuesday to Sunday, Oct. four, who are we for T L N, the proletariat by the social demo oficials and police announced to cepted the creation of the Interna Secretariat was finally held.
The completely solidarized itself with 22 27.
Stalin! Rah! Rah! Rah. Ed.
tional Bureau of Revolutionary representative of the German cracy in the interests of the pro the press that the strike had been Youth Organizations with stock the Mot Inggroup as the first Dac: it defends the Swedes the Swedes although they main Davenport Monday, Oct. 28. Note: The Lovestone group actually again opposed placing the question letarian organizations. None of the broken.
stion tain close friendship with Mot Albert Lea Tuesday, Oct. 29. did this at the 1920 convention of No Settlement At All holm as headquarters. The Secre of socialist parties have ever openly Austin Wednesday, Oct. 30. the Communist Party held in New of a represen point on the agenda and insisted against the attempts of disloyal advocated that the workers support forced the strike had been settled. tative of the But none of the conditions which tarkat was com the that they deal with the differences factional work on the part of the day, Oct. 31 to Nov, Minneapolis Thursday to Satur York. Lovestone begs for a chance imperialism. It between the and the Youth But the Itself use to work in the with Stalin at ed by the need of defending de It was still necessary for workers Swedish and the Fargo Sunday, Nov.
the bead.
mocracy against Prunsten nulitar to accept the starvation wages of is true the Swedes were not them Bureau. He stated that the version its conhections in the Dutch Williston Tuesday, Nov. and the Workers Party of Plentywood Wednesday, Nov. STALIN TAKES THE FLOOR.
etc. etc. Today the Stalinista are turn to work was without meaning although thelr acceptance was con to be inexact in this form. He had the United States to develop Salt Lake City Saturday, Nov. As Stalin arose to speak the Con. motivated by the need of defend and shortlived as soon as they real. Armed by the representatives of the wanted to say that the differences poisoned propaganda and смту San Francisco Monday to Wed gress went into its usual two hour Desday, Nov. 11 18.
orky of applause and singing. Stal.
mocracy against Cascism, etc. Hell, utterly impossible living conditions. group. The Young Workers of on the other with Mot Dag existed champions of the fourth Interna Los Angeles Friday to Monday. in: Many comrades have made for the proletariat, 15 paved with within a few hours the walkout Norway had left the conference be on two entirely different planes. But tional Layalty to the Right and Nov. 15 18.
fore the resolutions were adopted the entire proceedings of this ses struggle against the Left, that is mistakes. Radek Interjects: Quite Kansas City Sunday, Dec. right. Mistakes will be made in In the Stalinist and social democrat treds more than on previous days. and later displayed hostility to the sion of the Secretariat gave con the real character of the St. Louis Monday, Dec.
firmation to our version.
the future by other comrades, big found in re reading the mani. Springfield Tuesday, Dec. 10.
le bureaucracles: Each proceeds. On Monday 500 workers from the creation of the Youth Bureau mistakes. Loud applause. We from the point of view of its own Lackawanna slag pit, which was Sabotage from the Start Touching Solidarity esto against the war danger, pro Columbus Thursday, Dec. 12, the first job where women as well special Interests must always correct mistakes. Sell Alter the arrival of the The representative of the ponied by the German Akron Friday, Dec. 18. criticism is necessary to our party.
Polnt Even in this deviation, as men picketed the week before representative in Scandinavia he speaking on the first point of the among other things that the cen Pittsburgh Saturday, Dec. 14. We tried, dear comrades, to correct approach, the Comintern dropped their tools and marched in discovered that the Swedes had no agenda, believed necessary a reor trism of Fenner Broek way, il Charleston Sunday, Dec. 15. the mistakes of Lovestone. You viewpoint is international, while body to the nel rest relle job in intention at all of taking any re santation of the youth movement boom, etc. is not criticized. Washington Tuesday, Dec. 17.
know how crystal pare were my in the attitude of the is thor Buffalo proper. Here they began ponsibility for the Secretariat and in the framework of the Fourth In this, the representative of the Allentown Wednesday, Dec. 18. tentions. Stachel: How true, oughly nationalist, dyed in the wool mass picketing and were able to that they opposed with all their ternational and demanded that the replied: But Fenner BrockORDESS how profound. Comrades, can we social chauviniat. This is truly a persuade most of the workers on might the residence of the Youth Bureau sign the Open Letter way is with us. Finally we have WORKERS trust Lovestone? No, dear comremarkable statement, which it that project to join them before representative in Stockholm. The rades, we cannot trust Lovestone.
has meaning at all, can only mean cub The entectiveness ot mass the conciliatory spirit of the Brus Protect Yourselves Against the Does that mean, comrades that he Los Angeles reports arrangecannot work in our party? NO, Hazards of Life. Join the PARTY AT proletariat on an international, le. picketing and flying squadrons, sels con erence and supported the ments for a lecture on the war comrades, that does not mean that on a wholesale scale, whereas the however, had been proved during Swedes in their negative attitude.
WORKMEN SICK DEATH he cannot work in our party. social democracy is doing it plece the days before, so now the strike They suggested the absurd proposi Danger, a banquet and social, and BENEFIT FUND OF THE WORK propose that he be given work in had reached the point where the tion of scattering the Secretariat a lecture on the Seventh Comintern meal 1884 1935 the Communist Party of the United Paint The 18 gullty of workers were ready to employ mod. over three distant cities, separated Congress on November 15 16 17 reStates. propose that he be put a briet ern methods of strike warfare.
The from each other by several days of attempting a distortion, Organized, managed by and for spectively in connection with the In charge of Hathaway People period (9. of sound principle. second WPA strike in New York travelling and concentrating the The Utica, branch of the Shachtman tour. Fresno and San workers with only one purpose: Front election campaign on the the LS. is definitely committed to State continues. practical work in the hands of the Workers Party had a formal open. Diego are also clamoring for meetto render protection to members Eastern Coast of New York City.
a completely false principle in the representative of the German ing of its new headquarters on Ings. An effective Sacramento and their families, and to sup Now Lovestone poshol von, posbol entire question of war. What, in stronger. The existence of the So This we categorically refused. Fl. October 13 An open forum, to be (N. united front committee, port all endeavors and struggles von. Russian for scat. Lovepolitics, is the distinction between viet Union as a workers state has nally a compromise was found. The this year as it was last a weekly including the Socialist Party. for the improvement of tollers. stone backs out from the hall bowa betrayal over a brief or over a not prevented the stalinist betray. work of the Secretariat was con discussion meeting, marked the oc: Workers Party and long perlod of time? Only a Jesuit als. The existence of the Hitler centrated in another Scandinavian casion. Comrades Cyrus Rigby and Spartacus, has been organized UnAbout 60, 000 members organing low repeatedly and crying: ized in 350 branches. Reserves Thank you, comrade Stalin, thank. of be 3, 400, 000 you dear comrades. Down with 1s attempting to claim, as indicated on the contrary, the bureaucracy. Norway, an organization friendly chefrman and other members is being distributed and plans for Trotskyism. Thank you, comrade the word beginnings in his by usurping the prestige of the to the Swedish Youth, was instruct sell Marxist literature at all meet the mass meeting are under way.
Death benefit graded accordStalin.
Point 2, is that the s distor. October revolution, and cloaking Ited to represent the latter. The work ings. One unusual feature of the ing to age at entry. Sick benefit payments from 360 to 900 to FEW MORE SUGGESTIONS.
procent vari poolton, a conclusion tively easy time or deceiving the hampered by internal conflict. In Piers not only attend but actively. ken steps to organize an The Kansas City branch has also men and women, according to Following the great acclaim with classes.
which naturally flows from his con workers. It is only by his identithe autumn of 1934, for example, participate.
which the reading public received tention that the errors of the cation of the workers state with at a session of the Bureau at Copen The branch plans soon to fpau. committee and is assigning comMonthly assessments from 450 Lovestone Speech at Madison Sq.
to date were limited to some fucor the Stalinist bureaucracy that hagen, the representative of the gurate study classes in the rudi rades to contact the unemployed to 20.
Garden If He Had Been There we rect tactics Lovestone can conclude as he does. With the assistance of the Mot mentary principles of Marxism, 45 organizations in Kangas City in For further information apply suggest some new titles to the ediInsofar, however, as the betrayal The actors and the staging are Dag group and the Swedish well as in subje Ameri order to establish cooperation with to Main Office: tor of the Workers Age. Lovestone of the workers by the can be different but otherwise there is tried again to remove the. can labor history. No definite date the National Unemployed League 714 Seneca Ave, Brooklyn, Radio Speech at Valley Forge; compared to the August 4th of difference between the betrayals of from the Secretariat.
has yet been set, however, for open demonstrations and other activities.
Lovestone Speech at Ceasar Funthe Second International, this oc the Second and of the Third Inter these internal conflictsing of the classes.
eral: Lovestone Inaugural AdComrades of Cleveland, Akron, curred over two years ago with the nationals, and Lovestone merely did not reach their peak until after dress as President. Any ingenious capitulation before Hitler in Ger makes the feeble attempt at finding the piti ul conference of the Inter The Boston branch has opened Youngstown, New Castle and pos PAUL LUTTINGER, comrade can add to this list, to his many. The war position is a distinction in favor of the latter national Community of Labor of new beadquarters in an attractive sibly other branches in the state of DANIEL LUTTINGER, heart content.
thus not the first but one of user in order to justify his attempt to the in February, 1985 in room in the heart of the city. The Ohio are holding a conference in les of betrayals. Washington Square North crawl back into it.
Paris, where the 1or the first arst public meeting was beld on order to establish cooperation in SUPPORT THE KIGHT PAGE Nor does Lovestone reference to time openly expressed its hostility Friday, October 11, with a lecture carrying on educational work and 2 and Except Sundays the Soviet Union as quoted in your RALLY SUPPORT FOR THE NEW MILITANT CAMPAIGN and Holidays.
to the Fourth International. It is by Muste on Social Patriot AS8 meetings in that territory FUND. GET SUBSCRIPTIONS.
question make his position any EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT! true that Brandt as the representa Ism vs. Revolutionary Defeatism. during the coming season.