BolshevismCommunismCommunist PartyDeath SentenceDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyLeninismMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NEW MILITANT WAR CENTER SHIFTS TO EUROPE Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 43 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1935 PRICE CENTS Green. Woll Forces Suffer Heavy Setback At AFL Convention Britain. Italy Threaten War For Control of The Mediterran anean IMPERIALIST den Plan Fight For Herndon SANCTIONS Japs Plotting China Grab THIRD UNTERNATIONAL SECOND ANTER MITICON reach Partners in Social Fatriotic Betrayal Rift Among Fakers Gives Industrial Unionism an France Caught Between Mass Meet Opportunity; Red Resolution May Two Fires; Germany On War Crisis Fail to Pass In response to the grave Waits Opening danger of a new imperialist By MUSTE war flowing from the League of The flare up in Ethiopia is rapidThe fortunes of battle ebb and flow at Atlantic City in the most Nations policy of sanctions and ly taking on the proportions of a exciting convention of the American Federation of Labor since the war.
the need for solidarity with the world conflagration. Inside or less While the convention is still inEthiopian people against Italy than a month the smokescreen be.
progress as we go to press and a robber war, the New York Dis hind the colonial incident has definitive evaluation must wait untriet of the Workers Party has cleared up and the real contenders til its close, certain assertions can called a mass rally for Sunday in the struggle have become fully safely be made as a result of the evening, October 20, at Irving revealed. It is now evident that events of the last couple of days.
Plaza Hall, Irving Place and we are confronted not merely with The rift in the leadership between 15th Street a case of national rape but with the Green Woll and Lewis HillmanMaurice Spector, forma comentaGreat Britain and Italy and for inter imperialist struggle.
Dubinsky, etc. forces is out in the open. There will be a more open Georgia Negro Is Given tee of the Communist Intema each other throats in a fight for and intense struggle between varitional and one of the planeers control of the Mediterranean. Death Sentence on ous tendencies in the Federation of the present movement for the Fascist Italy at last embarked during the coming year than at Fourth International, will be Chain Gang upon the conquest of the much hert any time since the early 1920 There the main speaker.
alded new Roman Empire. For by genuine progressive and militant more than one reason, Il Duce de elements are given a magnificent Court to rehear the case of Angelo The refusal of the Supreme cision is irrevocable. The Mediteropportunity, if they know how to Herndon has given added imporranein is the indispensable gate way to empire. British Imperialtake advantage of it.
tance to the work of the Joint Com The old guard received a stunmittee to Aid the Herndon Defense, Ism, in control of the Mediterranean ning blow when John Lewis it was stated yesterday by Mary for generations, must maintain conerose in the dramatle fashion he Fox, secretary of the newly formed trol of the route to her plundered knows so well how to use and asked defense body which includes reprepossessions India, Australia and (atter the regular time for presentatives of the Non Partisan LAFar East as a matter of self preser.
senting resolutions had expired) for bor Defense, the League for Indus vation.
unanimous consent to introduce trial Democracy, the General De.
Threat of War Ove Faced with a national economy two resolutions Amid electric fense Committee, the International Market Snatch During declining to ever new lows and the tension two die hard old guard Labor Defense and several other African Trouble firet symptoms of internal rebellion, leaders, Wharton of the Machin defense bodies.
the Fascist dictatorship has grasped ists and Covelski of the Hotel at the Ethiopian adventure with the and Restaurant Workers, objected In addition to holding a conferBy LO SEN frenzy of a drowning man grabbing unless the resolutions were Arstence in New York on October 19, the Committee is planning a variety Echoes from Ethiopia, bringing for a straw. That the blackshirts Cases of activities to push the signing of nearer to Europe the thunder of were not unaware of the impending The Slam at Woll 1: new imperialist world war, wash with the British colorewe is petitions and to increase the presThus the drama was helghtened, sure on Governor Eugene Talmadge have already resounded ominously evidenced by the fact that from the which undoubtedly was just what of Georgia for the release of Hernagainst the troubled sounding board first day of the invasion the entire don. The Committee has already of Asia: Japanese imperialism, in Italian press has been conducting a the full stride of its own expansion land, largely as a protective meal MUSTE SPEAKS ON Issued a pamphlet, Wisdom, Jus tice and Moderation Motto of the OF CONVENTION State played its readiness to squeeze the ure to stiffen the backbone of their isolationists, embracing the Trot expand. Muste will speak on story of the Herndon case. Coples port in their battle for sanctions in skylist positionem brechas these the forman they may take these contende rope preoccupation with the crisis worst eventuality No matter what political of preparation for the Lessons of the Atlantic City may be obtained from Pioneer Pub the New Leader, New York organ issue in this light.
conflicts never cease for a moment. precipitated by Mussolini Atrionn England Aets Rapidly Convention of the of lishers, 100 Fifth Ave. at cents of the Old Guard Socialists. The en Sunday evening, October 27 The cagy statesmen at Downing each New Leader, an old hand at reformHere is a clear and unashamed Now they take the form of a adventure.
at Irving Plazs Hall, Irving The Herndon case deserves the is, gives a much clearer theoret, exposition of the social democratic peaceful struggle for markets, The utilization of imperialist Street have likewise worked overPlace and 15th Street, support of all militant working ical and practical explanation of the position on war, manifested at now a diplomatic struggle, now a contradictions is by no means, up time to check the desperate offenclass elements. Tried under an old sanctions policy than the novice present in support of government warlike struggle. Politics is mere fortunately, the exclusive monopoly sve of the Fascist upstarts. WithLewis wanted. His first and most was convicted for the crime of or. Leader that the real basis, purpose. In detail it is important to note: struggle which, change as it may, Events of the past week along the have cloaked their campaign for important resolution, which after sanizing white and black unem and effect of the sanctions policy is The social democratic betrayers cannot do away with the struggle China coast and at the Soviet Man Imperial self preservation with the his reading of it was referred to ployed together in Atlanta and made all too clear. We quote from who have moved not one inch from War is one of the political formschukuo frontler already offer such moral authority of the League of the Resolutions Committee, would fighting for better relief. Flis con the issue of October 12: the traitors role of 1914. now at of this struggle. Wer is not some clent assurance that the crisis can Nations. They have even involved the major torbid any officer of the F. of Lvletion was a blow at organized with the exception of small er. the approach of a new 1914, distin exceptional phenomena, it is simply not develop much further in Europe France for whom, from holding membership or office labor and all elements who dare tremist groups who take the Trot quish themselves in this fundamen. the logical outcome the exten without leading to new explosions beneficiary of the Versailles system, Italy is just as important an ally in the National Civic Yederation, challenge the existing social order skylst position that the Socialist tal question only from the small sion. of the struggle. In the im. in Asla.
as England In a policy of sanethe peace between capital and labor of the Jim Crow South parties and labor must reject any extremist Trotskyists.
perialist epoch war is almost unJapan. Moves In tions against Mussolint carried organization founded by Mark military writer Once remarked ceasing: sometimes in the form of Hanna, which in recent years, with behind technicalities in order to ernments and the League of Nathat war is merely the continua mere diplomatie threats, sometimes red preparations to counter Italy as to leave the diplomats of the Matthew Woll as acting president evade the real issue.
and the notorious Ralph Easley as which some people praised so high: Italy, organized labor throughout Add to that the dictum that Poll sometimes as colonial expeditions practically ber entire Asiatic fleet barrassing position. They have secretars. bas specialized in red ly for its attitude in the Scottsboro the world through its political and cs is merely the extension of eco sometimes as open large scale war. from its Ching station to the counter solini Invasion and baiting and other forms of extreme case, lines up in the Herndon care economic organizations has taken nomies on another plane, and you The treachery of both the Stalin terranean and Red Sea ports. The the troop movements of the Fascist Toryism, The Lewis resolution was, with the Bourbon rulers or Georgia a determined stand in favor of sanc. have the basis for a Marxian analists and the social democrats begins response of Japanese imperialism General staff with the complete of course, aimed primarily at Woll The latest Supreme Court decision tions and armed resistance, if need ysis of the war question.
when they regard war as some ex. was so prompt as to be almost au militarization of Egypt and their himself, leading spokesman and is really a sentence of death against be, to the war policies of Mussolini In the period of imperialism, the traordinary event, some political tomatie. strong Japanese flotill other colonial possessions in Atrion strategist of the old line craft un Herndon, since few if any people and Hitler, placing itselt squarely present period, the economies of the phenomena apart from and excep dropped anchor in the harbor of and with the greatest naval concenionists in the convention. To smear have ever lived through 20 years behind the League.
various capitalist nations are in tional to the ordinary run of pol. Swatow, a Kwangtung port in the, tration in the Mediterranean since Woll as one primarily identified on a Georgia chain gang. Only small groups of utopian constant conflict in their efforts to (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4; the last world war. The battle with an organization outside the lines between the two imperialist labor movement and against which powers have been drawn. Both a deep resentment existed at least sides are prepared to plunge wildly in many of the unions, and thereinto the new holocaust, by to deprive the craft unionists of their right to claim that they are The French imperialists, whose whole system of security hinges tothe only simon pure pillars of trade unionism, was Lewis alm, day on the task of bringing about That his shot took effect in a an Italo British rapproachement, vital spot was indicated when only By TAROV conquests and of the socialist contheless was arrested and commit freed only after a 14 day hunger midst of an internal crisis. Rome have been left tloundering in the a few hours later Woll announced Hundreds and thousands of Bolshevik Leninists are languishing instruction, and at the same time ted to jail. Any one who is a Trot strike, e. was sent into exile.
bas rejected any and all suggesthat be bad resigned from the Na Stalinist prisons. Only yesterday was one of them, and together with underscored the need for joint ac skyist must sit in jail or exile.
tional Civie Federation! Never, at tion on the part of all communists should one renounce the Opposition, prisoned in the Verkhne Uralsk penThe Oppositionists who were imotions of retreat. The British have retused Laval mediation in the leader of Woll prominence in the Inist jall keepers. Todny find myself in a semi capitalist country, a tion.
least in the past 30 years has a them underwent every conceivable brutality at the hands of the Stalagainst the advancing Fascistenie then one obtains a minus, e. the itentiary, about 150 in numbergeoisie is thrown into a terrific turnaval condict. The French bourright to live in the min. there had been 485 of us in this moll by the diplomatic dilemma. of lost face so swl. tly free man. Sad to say, it seems to me that there is no free spot for a The Reward for Capitulation us all the key centers of the prison, but many were transferred The cabinet of Laval is due for and thoroughly.
revolutionist on our planet. But for better or worse, today have the.
Not only was this blow at the opportunity to speak out publicly in protest against the Stalinist usurp the Central Committee, awaited For instance, one might be trane strike in protest against the additween the pro British and the proAfter sending this telegram to would constitute an improvement to other jalls until only 150. re a fall in the midst of the strife be craft unlonists position but Lewis mained a hunger stroke ulso served to discredit the ers. My duty as revolutionist obliges me to turn to the world prole an answer which would free me ferred from Norihern Siberia tothonal new prison terms Pascist factlons. red biting proposals of Woll and tariat with an appeal for help to free from the Stalinist jails the devoted from Darderaph 58, and restore my Southern Siberia.
The rest of the European nations Company and the indications now and true revolutionists, the martyrs, the Bolshevik Leninists. The party rights. Legally, to be sure the hunger strike, In the summer of are drawn into the same vortex of are that the two thirds vote neces. world proletariat must learn that the land of Soviets was such is perishing paragraph by any judge. But in ruthlessly tortured while given the male, one Andreyev, arrived from maintains a neutrality that has Rank file Oppositionists are 1932, a Commission headed by a te conflicting currents. Nazi Germany sary to piss the amendment to the imperceptibly, for Soviet power is unthinkable without a party of active reality, was condemned to fall and advice to renounce their views. Moscow to Verkhne Uralsk in order its eye peeled for the prospects of of constitution barring all and self reliant Communists. That Communists will not be obtained, and that at Communist party. the struggle taferen, men begebat is why the struggle for a genuine a journey to Moscow, to appear in Jail. three in exile Throughout trate before pronouncing the sea imprisoned Communists. To au ene direction for its formidable Eas.
best the old guard will be able to put over some comparatively mild against the usurpers and the plebis personally before the Central Com this time saw no living soul extence offers the defendant that he those who had served their time in tern nelghbor. Japan is threaten regime cept the examinin magistrate of renounce the views of the Oppost solitary confinement, she added new for the mittee there, and take up my case the and the warden. The tion. And when in answer gav resolution against the reds. Continued on Page 4)
terms. In a singl day 103 mer Industrial Unionism Edged Out salvation of the Soviet system from with the proper people. Back in examining magistrate, as a rule, a categorie refusal, it was my good were given a new sentence for the fatal degeneration, March, 1984, sent a telegram to would go through a formal examin. Fortune to hear in the sentence all term of two years. This was the NEXT WEEK On the other hand, as the NEW To acquaint the working class the Central Committee stating that ation, and the turnkey would lock the conceivable and horrendous epi sole accomplishment of this comThe series on the Socialist MILITANT predicted last week, the with the condition of the Bolshevik I, as an Oppositionist and a follow and unlock the door of my cell tets. for anti Soviet, anti mission for improving the condiParty and the program of the advocates of a clear cut resolution Leninists in the under the er of Trotsky, was ready to cease whenever it became urgently neces. Communist, counter revolutionary, tlons of the Bolshevik Leninista ted next week with an article Socialist Militants will be con for Indust:ial unionism in the mass Stalinist regime, intend to sketch ideological and organizational strugsary. was sentenced to solitary and other unspeakable activities. Imprisoned in the Verkhne Uralsk production industries proved too briefly my own personal experience, Ble against the party leadership. confinement without any material. served my last sentence on renitentiary. We had received no the Buller Zyromski thesis on the Militants anewer to optimistic in their expectation that in its unvarnished form. On June and ready to faithfully tulfill all evidence whatever. My room had January 22, 1964 a three year prior visits from any commission.
they could get majority in this 30, 1934 escaped from exile, from the orders of the party in the strug been searched three times and ab prison jerm in the chief jails o: the We had demanded this commission war and the National Execu(Continued on Page 4) the city or Andijan, having in view Ele for the defense of the October solutely nothing was. ound. Never IG. bat, nevertheless, was tive Committee resolution on the (Con inued on Page 2) war danger.
Tarov Relates Torture of Real Bolsheviks in Stalin Prisons Prior to