AnarchismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Mooney Trial Brings Out New Proofs of Innocence SHADOW OF TREACHERY Every Edition of Daily Worker Sinks Deeper into Social Patriotic Swamp Wage Cuts Heaped on Phila.
Back Ethiopia PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1935 man who, when told Here the man you saw, still refused to be stampeded and was never called as a witness.
Cross Examination of Billings Under cross examination, as the staff! What is the next step? Stalweek sessions closed, he was being (Continged from Page 1)
inists will foree their way into the SAN FRANCISCO. With their life in activities, Socialist and grilled on his account of his doings of truth, the precedent was set on positions vacated by the Fascista second week, the Mooney hearing otherwise, anything that would on July 22, 1916, with special ref August 4, 1914.
sessions have really got under way. raise the standards of labor.
October 7: An editorial on sane Iference to his concealment of his Litvinor Role tions, another pne. Can it be that The most exciting moment of the The Blast was going to do any good sabotage activities. He insisted that October 8: An article on page the monolithic party is not awal week was the first meeting of Tom for labor, m not going to take a this concealment was voluntary and entitled The Soviet Union Alone whole eight mouths did Litvinoff socists! By their persistently false lowing sanctions as readily as it Mooney and Warren Billings since kick at it, either, if the Supreme individual, based on his belief that fought against Imperialist War at much as mention Ethiopla by name, and fruitless policies the stalinists swallowed the Stalin Laval comtheir trials in 1917. All minor dit. Court is going to keep this boy in be could easily prove an alibi any. Geneva. How? On April 17, the to say nothing of fighting imperial arive disillusioned workers to Fas munique?
ferences of policy forgotten, the two jail cause of The Blast, which way, and did not want to be in Council of the League adopted a ist war und defending colonial cism. but this is a startlingly Ethiopia has put the question of famous frame up victions threw their passed through the mails volved in any trouble on account of resolution codemping Germany peoples and the Stalinist delvers, clear example, almost unparallelled sanctions surely on the order of arms around each other and greeted it not going to be by anything Ed sabotage. When Cleary accused then as now, openly rearming at a obliged to find some action to bear in the history of Stalinism. The the day at the league of Nations each other in tears. Since he was Nolan says. didn testify prev bim of concealing evidence, be breakneck speed. The Soviet out the title of their article can find Fascists are able to put on a Ethiopia, whose people are being permitted to come from Folsom and iously about this stuff in my base cause he destroyed the paper con delegate (Litvinov) at that time nothing more than a quotation from peace front and win over workers slaughtered by the Fascist invaders, be present at the hearing. Billings went because was never asked taining his notations of numbers of foresaw that the league was set the Times (How does it hap directly from the unction front seems to have a diferent concep linquished, he is doing his ut or anything: was paint remover, Billings re which could be later applied to sigent struggle for peace and the bes considers a victory for Stalin people who persist in condemning most to help Mooney in the court just thrown in the can and left tortesh. didn destroy nearly as Mussolini. On April 15 the New delense of Ethiopia did not find its ism. Workers who oppose this paul sanctions.
procedure that may in the end mean there.
much as described. un Prophetic Editorial freedom for them both.
The next day Billings, looking torney did in my case!
action at Geneva as follows: the effect that he amended a resolu derstand why Harry Gannes is for The certain people above are At the beginning of the week, bardly older than the boy of 23 Tharing the week testimony was. He raised the point that the tion so that it might include Ethi imperialist war.
the followers of Lenin who rekoMooney was put on the stand again. who was sent to Folsom 19 years rend trom 17 police officers sta proposed measures against the une opia. and still did not once men October 6: The Daily Worker lutely oppose all imperialist war.
directly by him, however, was the Ro, began his festimony. He too tioned near Steuart and Market lateral denunciation of treaties tion Ethiopia by name, although her goes into a veritable frenzy of There is something prophetic about The only remaining evidence offered production of a long lost letter from to frame Mooney, and of the detee Market St. during the parade ex countries. He wanted the Comprotexts had been sent to the league of Nations patriotism. Head this editorial: merely change the Peretold of Swanson efforts to get him streets that no car had passed down were applied only to European League four months before.
lines of page one read: Sanctions names a bit and you get an editor President Mahon of the Amalga tive threat when he refused, You cept the official car and an ambu mittee left free to propose measures On September France decided Are Demanded Against Italy: lal from Daily Worker a few mated Association of street and you was in it too, and ll get lance. Many of the long lost docu for other than European countries to take measures against Mussolini Bars Imperialist Deal says months from now. Germany has Electrie Railway and Motor Coach Employees of America, authorizing ou. After he was arrested Swan ments and transcripts which never That is why it was no surprise. and Latvinov, agent of Stalin, Pravda. British Communist Lead invaded France (or vice versa. him officially to organize the United Son offered to see that he was freed have been seen by the defense have that on September at the Council who has now become the agent ofer Presses for Sanctions. And al France has put the question el Railroads employees, and enclosing and given 10, 000 or 15, 000 to go now come to light and been handed of the League Maxim Litvinov rose Laval, rose to protest in the League. front page report of a Fascist rally war squarely on the order of the Tols way no surprise to the Stal in Paris states: to Mexico, it only he would testify over to them; but some are still to defend Ethiopia.
funds for bis expenses.
day before the American people.
This dis gainst Mooney. He re told the missing, including Rena Mooney What can be sold for this filthy sists who had followed Litvinov Shouting, We don want to be France whose people are being Mooney did not have the support including the story of one elderly book.
puses of the state contention that sorry tale of police identifications, first statement and Billing note bypocrisy? Ethiopia applied to the eight month battle against League in December, 1934. Forvasion of Ethiopia, a battle consist Fascists marched in League of Nations Soldiers, the slaughtered by the Fascist invaders and co operation of the union in bis more than eight months the dele ing of a one line amendment to a streets in military formation of through the seems to have a different conception interests the certain people activities in the carmen strike.
gate of the Soviet Union to the resolution last April, with such There is something for the Stalin. who persist in condemning war, Weinberg on Stand League fought against imperialist breath taking interest that they ists to wax Indissant over. Ima Weinberg was the next witness, war and defended Ethiopia by. had completely neglected to mengine, the Fascists are opposed to Does it make sense to my that The editorial continues making a slight change in a resolution it in the Daily Worker.
baving come all the way from Cleve Dress and Blouse Workers land to testify. He told again the tion calculated to enable him to becoming soldiers of the League of Ethiopia can fight so vallaptly on Sanctions and British Labor Nations! Not the Their slo its own soll and at the same time story of how Martin Swanson tried protest against the Ethiopian outOctober 4: Like a criminal resan is Every Stalinjat a soldier od surrender to the imperialists at twice, in vain, to get him to help Wage cuts and lengthening of shops weakened and voted for a five French ally, Laval, thought it nec turning to the scene of his left me every verker, for recruiting bersanettone claim that sanctions bomof frame Mooney in conection with the hours have been put over on the per cent flat reduction. Of course, essary.
dynamit San Brune electric tower. atosed. House Industry of Philadelphia by this and the reduction became oftleof sanctions. Not content with the geants never go to war.
ings, and how when he workers of the cotton dress and the other bosses took advantage of ster imperialismo 1t joat doen somewhat clumsy treachery of Page 7: The Daily Worker over make sense.
Swanson threatened to get him for the bosses without any real strug ial in a majority of the shops. Be that After Weinberg arrestele on the part of the union leader. sides unofficial wage cuts are taking South Africans a certain Bishop to explain away worker, who writes to ask: Does reached the stage of bankruptcy in Swanson sneered, said d get ship.
the fact that Stalin International not the support of sanctions by the which it takes its line from the Emplace in all the shope, amounting you, and got you. Weinberg also threw considerable light on the new mauster a meeting of chair Before the Fall season began, a to twenty and thirty percent.
has become the puppet of imperial Communists result in their helping peror of Abyssinia. If the impercame into the union Cliques In Union ism. An article on page treats of British Imperialism at the expense or supports sanctions why shouldn methods of Identification used by and soon In the midst of all this a faction The Line up of British Labor on of Italian imperialism? Answer: we? says the Daily Worker. The the police, telling as have all the men and chairladies of cotton dress al struggle has been raging between (Continued from Pape 1) Mussolini War Moves. Yes, of course. But that isn the last line of the editorial reads: other witnesses how the defendants inces. Fenner Brockway, the leader of way the Daily Worker answers: And Ethiopla, directly involved in were pointed out individually, byl shops was called for the purpose of two cliques in the union whose That this meeting of Langa the Independent (Left Socialist. This does not mean that Com the struggle, by her actions sup name, to persons brought in to iden in hours as demanded by the bosses one of them, the former Reisberg workers unanimously pledges it Labor Party says that the only munists support British imperial ports the policy of the Communist tify them, and how the only time isolation, faction, is supported by Dubinskyself to support Abyssinia, the only sanctions that matter are working ism. Communists have no illu Party. 11)
there was a real line up, Goft made this demand aroused the work and the other poses as a progresremaining independent African class sanctions that the working stons about the reacefulness of So the bim put on a cap (all the other ers who were present and all spokesive group. In the elections that state, against the proposed as class cannot demand that the Na British imperfalisin. They continue in the recity of the proletariat, Industrial country prisoners being bareheaded. and in favor of a struggle against it. were held in spring, the so called sault by Italian imperialism, and tional government should apply to press for the imposition of sane of the world, in the last stages of then whispered to the would be iden. The manager, however, thought that progressive action, supported by the further pledges itself to do every sanctions, as to do so would be to tions to save Ethiopia, but at the capitalist decay, is happy to antifier. The man with the cap! a fight at this time would be dis Stalinist rank and ble group, won thing in its power to prevent the align the working class with the same time they expose the imper Dounce that its line is endorsed by He stated that while he was in the astrous since the industry wasn the majority on the joint board.
despatch of goods from Union National government.
ialist aims of the British ruling the feudal Emperor of Ethiopia, in ports to Italian troops in East The LLP leadership has been class, etc, etc. Everything but a the most backward semi nomadic bis from his native place in Poland courage any fighting spirit on the the silk dress local, cutters and Africa.
stating that the Communist Party direct answer to the question. But state of the world, barely on the came to him with an offer from part of the workers, by stating that pressers as well as the cotton dress Both these resolutions were ad line means living up with the Na how the Staliniste are going to ex threshold of civilization in any If he would testify Against Mooney, they may move out of town. One five delegates.
This misrepre ose the government they are sup. form. What an endorsement! That Fickert of 20, 000 and his freedom if you go too strong on the bosses and blouse local; each are allowed opted with great enthusiasm by the tional Government meeting sentation of facts (what misrepreporting they do not reveal, If they proves the line is right!
hastily this be big move the un a of followed, in which the. do expose British they Shaking Hands With Green Coming events cast their shadow say, but the effect remained, and ing them all sorts of concessions. Ing over four thousand, have only the program of the Communist of the British He said the they simply grease the ways for the be ore. On October 8, after seven attempts are being made to locate Impartial Chairman five mandates. The Relsberg fac League.
National government is seeking to labor movement into the army. days of preparing the workers for this mam, David Farber, and take his testimony if he is stin alive fore the impartial chairman. tive, used this disproportlon for its about to leave the location, they this op he pretending to be a de The matter was finally taken betion controlling the Cotton Execuwar, preparing them by examples When the five comrades were preserve its vital imperialist inter which they are doing. Forcing the Imperialists from foreign lands, the Daily Work Weinberg was followed by a When some of the shop representa own benefit and stirred up quite a were charged with entering the lo On the last page is a streamer er comes home. front page are Nolan, who came from his present tives questioned him about the pos number of workers to the point cation without a permit, and werfender of peace on the other. Un editorial of which the headline is ticle on the of convention home in Los Angeles. For a day ability of a wage cut as well as where there was talk of a split.
Nolan gave rather routine testimony increases in the hours, he vehementThis struggle continued all Spring issued against them.
warned that a summons would be less the fight for the independence suficient. League Must Be Forced begins with a sigollicant bulletin Washington, Oct. As WLtelling the oft repeated story of his ly declared against granting any and finally culminated in the board arrest, the search of his home with wage cuts. But his decision was a requesting the resignation of Rels tion now being Notwithstanding the close atten: most convincing exposure of the War Typical. Everywhere the liam Green, President of the to them by the responsibility of the National gov stalinists speak of forcing the of finished his convention fications to which he too was sub typical Impartial chairman deberg.
eristica champartiala bogimaeciston be reisbers, manager of the Phila police and the Criminal provesti sa national situation, sa position can protect its colonies, the French gov sanctions against Italy in the the. to Salomanick, trade union orga ed that the hearing get down to term was used for wake cuts which union membership dwindled down the Abyssinian question has been at the coming election. The line o. Nations is to be forced to protectizer of the New York Committee facts without so much mystery. the workers did not find out until to a couple of hundred and it was called for the following Sunday.
the Labor Party unfortunately the interests of its dominant mem Against War and Fascism, who Testimony of Nolan prices on new garments were made. almost put out of existence, until was seated on the platform with The reactionary persecutions of helps the National government in ber imperialists. pathetle at Meanwhile the blouse shops start Restrike of May 1933, when the the Fusion Government will not For the first time, he revealed tempt to cover up their treachery.
this Green, stepped forward and conthat the various substancesclay, ed to work and the bosses refused workers responded in great masses prevent the growth of the revolu Covering Up the Tricks They propagate the absurd lle that gratulated Green in the name of iron junk, etc. found in his base to settle prices on the old basis. to the call, much to the surprise of tionary movemen This quotation, and this quotation the workers are fighting against the the League.
South Africa ment were his, that they consisted They also wanted some concessions. Reisberg and President Dabinsky as The forces of the state cannot pre alone, which is given in full, is said imperialists on the question of sanc Think it over, Stalinist workers.
cf welding compound used for him All this time no membership meet well.
by the Stalinist, Bishop, to deal tions! In a few more months they Are you ready to be voluntary can in experiments in a hardening proc ings were called to acquaint the Class Collaboration movement for the Fourth Interna very effectively with Brockway will demand that the workers force non fodder of American imperialism exs or soft steel, and that he ac workers with the situation and all While the workers were glad to tlonal. perfectly correct) misrepresenta their way into the imperialist in the impending world war? That cepted full responsjbility for them. sorts of rumors arose. Weeks pass be rid of this individual, Reisberg.
tion of facts. Where? How? What army! And this is no fantasy. In is the real question put squarely With Revolutionary Greetings, Mooney key to his basement ed, nothing was done. Unsettled nevertheless the members are now has Pollitt to say on the question France they demand the removal of before you by the treacherous wol (where be kept his motorcycle) was garments piled up and finally the confronted with a leadership worse For the Fourth International, of sanctions? Only that the 18 Fascist elements from the army icy of Stalinism not even in his possession while workers forced the officialdom to and more open in its policy of colCHARLES VAN GELDENEN. prepared to expose the National Nolan was in Baltimore at a con call shop meetings. At these meet laboration.
government while supporting it in vention during most of July, as it ings, we were told that the joint Collective bargaining, no strug.
the application of sanctions, that is, International Workers School had been seized by the police when board recommended a five per cent gle, the bosses might close up if we To Lecture On handing the workers over to the he was arrested in connection with reduction. con give in, is their song and service of British imperialism to be 55 EAST 11th STREET, the street car strike. Questioned by few stoppages were made but dance at meetings. Two shops have slaughtered in Second Year Fall 1935. Beginning October 21, 1935.
Cleary about the Anarchist paper, they were declared illegal since the a check off system of collecting dues The Blast, of which so much has two year agreement has a clause in and there is talk of having it in down to a very effective exposure ORGANIZATION PRINCIPLES Martin Abern.
been made by the prosecution, be it against stoppages and strikes. every shop of the degenerate aims of Stalinism.
Monday, 7:00 8:30 Eight sessions.
cried, ve been engaged all my! Finally the workers in some of the No effective militant opposition The present convention of the Sell the workers to the imperialist This course will analyze party structure and methods of work.
movement exists as yet in the un American Federation of Labor wil government, send the workers into Open only to members of the Workers Party and Spartacus Youth jon. The Stalihist controlled rank be analyzed in the first two lectures a new world war, that all right, League.
Mass Meetiug and flle group helped this new lead of a series to be conducted by but be sure to cover up the tracks ership to get into power. They Muste at the International Workers by criticizing the National govern FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF MARXISM Ben Borkeson.
even swung membership into School. The series Current Trendement.
Monday, 8:10 10:10 Eight mons.
voting for three business agents in America, Trade Union and Polit October 5: Harry Gannes takes An elementary course which will trace the basic economic and when two are more than sufficient ical will open Wednesday evening up the question of sanctions: political features of capitalist society. the development of the There is great discontent with the October 23 and continue the suc With war raging, the line up for modern class struggle, the need or the revolutionary overthrow of DEFEND THE ETHIOPIAN PEOPLE present leadership and its policies, ceeding Wednesdays for weeks. and against sanctions has become capitalism, the dictatorship of the working class and the role of the especially among the new elements Muste will be the speaker crystal clear.
revolutionary party.
WORKERS: In the union, and particularly in the at the first three lectures which All the Fascist nations.
Imperialist Italy is conducting a robber war against the Ethio cotton local, where a more militant will include an examination of the lined up solidly against sanctions. PROGRAMMATIC FOUNDATIONS OF THE WORKERS PARTY pian people.
attitude is being developed.
past year of the of L, the In Britain and France the Fascist Wright.
Wednesday, 7:00 8:30 The Pall reason will be over soon deliberations and decisions of the Mosley and de la Roques are bitSeven sessions, The Ethiopians are fighting, arms in hand, for the right of national self determination: for freedom from imperialist control.
An advanced course which will analyze the contradictions of the Confused campaign must be started as soon Atlantic City convention, the pros terly against sanctions imperialist epoch, the rise and degeneration of the Second and Rosevelt, like his predecessor Wilson, speaks about neutrality as possible to organize the unor pects or the coming year and a de elements in the labor movement while he goes full sed ahead with the greatest military program ganize and to rally the union for tailed examination of unionization play into the hands of these forces. Third Internationals, the struggle against Fascism and war, the the nited States government has ever had!
a militant struggle in the Spring in the steel, automobile and rubber On behalf of real working class struggle for power and the need for the Fourth collective International.
The League of Nations, imperialist instrument of France and to regain our losses and obtain bet industries effective sanctions are: The Soviet England, has decided to invoke sanctions, penalties against Italy. ter conditions for the worker in the The lecturers for the remainder of Union. the growing united forces CURRENT TRENDS IN AMERICA, TRADE UNION AND POL17Imper! alist sanctions cannot defend the Ethiopian people or industry as this is the only guaran the series will be announced later of the worla labor movement.
ICAL Muste.
prevent a new world war.
tee for a strong union.
The additional lectures are: Playing the FascistsGame Wednesday, 8:40 THE NEEDLE TRADES UN Harry Gannes makes of his own Eight lectures Sanctions is only the preparations for the new International Lectures on the of unionization in the basic industrien, contagnation.
SUBSCRIBE TO NEW MILITANT IONS AND THEIR ROLE IN THE betrayal an argument for fortber Roth the Socialist and Stalinist Internationals defend the policy AMERICAN TRADE the capitalist political parties, the third party movements, the soUNION betrayal. Because the Socialist in cialist and Communist parties.
of imperialixt sanctions. Both have pledged themselves to support NEW MILITANT MOVEMENT. Wednesday, Nov. 13. ternationals have betrayed the THE CAPITALIST POLIT workers into supporting the same the capitalist governments in this policy. This means support to THEORETICAL SYSTEM OF KARL MARX Rubin Grote.
ICAL PARTIES the new imperialist war.
with which is merged Wed. Nov. 20. tion willey of their imperialist gov. Thursday, 7:00 8:30 Seven sessions The social patriotis comree of social democracy in 1914 1918 is THE THIRD PARTY MOVE ernments Gander is able to say that THE MILITANT An advanced course which will consider the origins and social now the policy of the Socialist and Stalinist parties!
MENTS. Wednesday, Nov. 27. the labor movement is for sancPublished weekly by the New Mill roots of Marxism, the materialist conception of bistory. Marxian Organise against imperialist war! Defend the Ethiopian people!
tant Publishing Co. 56 Fast 11th THE Wednesday, Dec. THE SOCIALIST PARTY IN OR. Perhaps Mr. Gannes has not economics, the class struggle and the political party, theory of the Rally against social patriotism! Help forge the instruments for read the New York Herald Tribune state and working class internationalism.
st. Phone: ALgon. 9058. THE COMMUNIST PARTY. Which only the other day comment the revolutionary struggle against imperialist war and capitalism, Entere as sec clasa mall matter Wednesday, Dec. 11.
ed upon the sdtuation in France. STATE AND REVOLUTION Weber.
the Workers Party and the Fourth International!
At the Post Office at New York, The fee for the entire series is For the first time in history, said Friday, 8:40 10:10 Eight sensions, Speaker: under the act of March 3, 1879. one dollar, fifty cents payable at that reactionary paper, the parties The course will real with the origin and development of the JAMES CANNON: Fitor time of registration, and fifteen of the Left are for war, and the state from the earliest times to present day capitalism. detailed MAURICE SPECTOR Subscription rates in the United cents per lecture.
perties of the Right, the Fascists, discusrion of the capitalist state machinery, the attitude of the States 00 per year; 66 per six Register at School office, 16 East opposed to war. The latter are working class towards the capitalist state and the role of the Sunday, October 20. p.
months: Canada and foreign 50 11th Street, third floor, capitalizing on the peace sentimente workers state.
per year: 00 six months. Bundle o the people. The Stalinjats are IRVING PLAZA, Irving Place and 15th Street rates: Two cents per copy.
SUPPORT THE EIGHT PAGE not only selling the workers out to Fees: 00 per coune, 50e payable at time of registration.
NEW MILITANT CAMPAIGN imperialism, but they are playing Auspices: Workers Party, New York District, East 11th Street.
For information, write to: International Workers School, 51 Enst Vol. OCTOBER 12, 1936 No. 42 FUND. GET SUBSCRIPTIONS. directly into the bands of the Fe 11th Street, New York City. name of the convention, Samuel AFL Conclave Poltt effective answer bolts Unite Against Imperialist War are