AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismParis CommuneRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE How History Is Written Question Box MARCH OF VENTS By ALFA belching functionaries in waiting Dished Up to Order by Stalin A considerable portion of the write in a wondrous manner: the By JACK WEBER avants on Frederick reader breaks out in a rash of burns and truce with one own bourgeoi Pravda for August is devoted to and blister BRITAIN PREPARES.
sie. Staliniam helps the capitalists the fortleth anniversary of the Engels Anniversary in the so called democratic coun death of Engels. Poor Engels!
Zaslavsky: Bootlicker in Chief By WEAVER greatest colonial empire naturally ly to the slaughter. Meantime the mockery, The imperialist nation with the tries to send their workers willing: Assuredly he is undeserving of this But the palm of primacy IndubitEngels was not only a gram in which Kautsky, despite little boon. from this warning ably goes to Zaslavsky. In the has the most to lose in the attempt British ruling class propose, purely man gt genius but also the soul of the instructions of Marx and En of Engels: two decades later they literary sense he is immeasurably Question: Certain Stalinists are by lesser powers to redivide the terials and real locate the raw ma doubt, to take all precautions as well as in practical affairs he lean thesis of the single reactionary sheviks. But what happened regards to fame belching nathon tion of the social democracy terials and the markets that mean against the workers at home. Their could not bear sloppiness, innacur. mass.
life and death noteodern capital trst proposal is to concentrate gov racy, and inexactitude. He checked in the course of these two decades? he can give anybody cards and social fascist is merely contin Leared Nonsense Italy has served notice that the most entire cu exnika tihesta reactionary of the terms of Mars posthumous stimuleren hom baver been knutska ism, against historic, subjectivism It was not be accident that the democracy ets to see it!
There could have been no instrugkle against philosophical ideal article with the following words: In characterization of the social chauvinist.
the questi coon. corn the posing of representatives, rather than to per work, and carried on a correspond strehe reason that para baatile and the economic siperstition of remarkable and well worth study What is there to this?
this question once more in Europe, mit any less reliable indirect repreence on the subject secondary some eight years prior to the draftthe Narodniki; the entire work of ing friendship between Marx and. Answer: The Stalinists, who ar.
as well as in the entire world. Thesentative, even one like MacDonald orthographie errors. Then why doesing of the Erfurt program; the the Emancipation of Labor Group Engels found its counterpart in the gue thus, are either new to the preparations that were being made for the inevitable world war have who has proved his falthfulness to the central organ of the Moscow only letter that Mark did write to unprecedented in courage and remarkable kinship, the great movement or short in memory.
been tremendously accelerated by in control. Hence the rulers are great thinker and writer with this nothing concerning the question was directly nurtured the oldest Stalin. An Immortal Russlan eat these shortcomings being present in the national bourgeoisie, to remain bureaucracy come down upon the Kautsky (In 1881) says absolutely staunchness the work upon which friendship between Lenin and otherwise, they are depending upon this event. Not only has there been now choosing their own time for tlood of articles which side by the interesteering. At heregards to generation of the Russlan Marxista, irist has made a remerk bearing their listeners duction and stocking of munitions a dizzying speeding up of the proposad. elections 80 as to side with the tendentious and, so gels, in his letter to Kautsky beIncluding Lenin himsell all this upon such a case. Said he: After First, as to the evolution of the and the raw materials that enter on the issue of war and patriotism every step with the lle that is un criticism the phrase on the Det bombastic Pravda. But Lenin. in haunches and waits to be petted oretical formulation was first prodefeat the Labor Party to say, standard lies one meets at actually did subject to merciless is a trille to the ignorant and this, the son of a gun squats on his theory of social fascism. Its the Into thelr making, but the diplo In this vital struggle the Labor premeditate, born out of ignor reactionary mass. But he did not deed, was enthralled by Plekhanov, Marx and Engels were bound to pounded by Stalin: Fascism is a matie preparations in the maneu. Party has capitulated in advance boyance, heedlessness and irresponsiones de la marcar e to kaut kyl he was, to use his own expression, other tynd forty years or titanic Ashtine organization of the bour anti revolutionary stand on ty?
The leading article, reads: The knew that this phrase was inserted in ore with Plekhanov, vor dia mental inbor. The most informed seotste, an organization that resta land, Goering for Germany, Beck and war. This stand may please reverberations of the shots on the Liebknechty into Kautsky original services even during the periods of sm, like Ryazanov, have been un servere socialderaterna internet Chapel ao locking the best bargains to the bitterest indignation in the tons had hardly subsided. when essence by Engels. Een gele critica Why, even Engels himself after the eral to conclusively establish the cascism. These organizations de the holocaust each is helping to the eart of every revolutionary worker Marx and Angels were already sentences by Eltereded to stact letter to Zasulich in 1883 had the line of demarcation between there not contradie other, but comprepare. Baldwin announces that who cannot but see in it the course pointing to the majestle figure of sky with support against Lieb opportunity over a period of some creative work. As regards Lenin plete each other. They are not anEngland have been mere play. compared to warly by the second International. and so forth and so on. What old Lassalicante Ordinary more activity of the Emanelpation of pot a line of demarcation, but a line nition was made the basis of the mere what is to come, for Britain is about in 1914.
sort of bourgeois revolutions are tals have the privilege to rearm In earnest. This imper lalist rearmament is cloaked under made mention of here? During the ing this. But the learned Institute extreme praise to the work of Plek Labor of lenin, Stalin occupled the polley of the See, for er the hypocrisy of defending peace. THE ENEMY AT HOME.
barricades in the year, 1830, Marx of Marx, Engels and Tent totehanov. Generally speaking, the old post or an ordinary activist aide ample, What is Happening in der and Engels were still klds and inThe wanettone of the League of Further on we read: The in Bat Nations is in reality the sanctioning The Labor Party, just as the tile figure or the proletariat. Constructions of Engels to the leaders able to understand neither Engels centrenin Testament and his letter ers Library Publishers, Desentials functionary who has been regards friendship. enough to reert, published June, 1933, by Work of this rearmament for keeping the Second International, points to the sequently the statement must relate of the German social democracynor Lenin nor Plekhanov sets upon written on his death bed in which ly, therefore, the Stalinists claimed byploited colonial peoples under the the attention of the proletariat from the Condition of the Working Class text of the program was accepted of Labor Group the seal of his radely relations with Stalin. But and, based on this formulation, the enemy abroad and helps to divert only to the revolutions of 1848. But were not executed when the final the activity of the Emancipation he broke of all personal and rom the social democracy to be faselst brutal heel of British Imperialism.
The robber League of Nations now make united becomes the instrutient per excel ists. In Imperialist war the capital young Engels, appeared as early as 1s noteworthy: the instructions is impelled to say that only harm is the same scribbler who in 1919 tronts with the socialdemoeracy right and justice, for justifying for the very purpose of presidid not at all await the reverbera. But Engels was not the one and lence for creating the illusions of Ist class is driven by necessity to 1845. Finally. Marx and Engels of the head of the department were can come from such bureaucratic hounded Lenin in the bourgeois against Hitler. How could united extend the sphere of its exploitation not executed by an underling Insects in literature.
social patriotism, tor binding the tion of 1848 to proclaim to the chauvenlist press as the pild agerit fronts be made with fascists against fascists. working class hand and foot and the system of capitallet exploltation world the doctrine of scientific 80 indivisible leader. He issued In Flxme Belching Bureaucrats of the German Kalser. In a whole One could call another dozen of series of articles Lenin never made As life Itselt began to hammer delivering them helpless into the at home. Success of the bourgeoiste cialism. The Communist Manifes structions to nobody. He was les for each author con: reference to Zaslavsky otherwise this theory to bits. However, it ing class. The propaganda for us the working class at home. The peared not after the last shots had different parties. Nobody was duty sure chest of ignorance. But the the NEP and after the first pogrom reasonable argument. whico e to the a Only after became necessary to offer more fastening ever stronger chains on Pravda be apprised of this ap theoretical and political advice to tributed his tifying Imperialist war is made to effort of the English workers to WAS center around the League of Na tree themselves from capitalist exrst bullets bummed of the revolu. 80 remarkable stylistically. Is all already We shall only add a few Individual able to enter the employ an excess thread: The social demo.
sounded but prior to the time the bound to execute. This sentence reader must be fed up to his neck of the Left Opposition was this woven through the main tions and its unctions.
the heel of the same enemy unde functionary fulfilling the duties of sence. The formula of the single cratic pathos The leading article rate, he remains true to himself paves the way for fascism. You Interneta od dane Boldwelo use the or to maintain natobat indepener of revokutions, or the ideological the Erfurt program, and Engels to Kapitay and the fonts. Duehring while the latter was alive and be Straches, who confuse Stalinlam his flaming. to him by Stalin? What better struck at the enemy of the workers mark say. Give me a journalist What a deal of lying in eight linesley in their wondrous philosophie capable of proposing. say, for the formulation. arguments of Justication presented dence is at the same time blow to boot? Not for nothing did Blocomplete satisfaction on this score. and hatred to the exploiters, and he is dead. Such gentlemen are this rather than Stalin original method could be adopt than this at home, a strengthening of the and rn make a good tunctionary for a learned institution!
profundity. It is impossible to 18th Anniversary of October to reNow that the 1s united for footing the proletariat? Bald workers and a weakening of the Defaming Plekhanov win tells the British workers that capitalist exploiters. Thus the best out of him; but there is no making write more cholcely. philosophic name a dozen volumes of Lenin as fronting with the social democracy profundity which turns into an ice the Collected Works of Stalin. in at all costs, it is necessary that the England is preparing for war not way to help free the colonial peo dozen functionaries.
a good journalist even out of a In the third article devoted to berg at the same time that the accordance with the same method term social fasciat be forgotten only because of Italy present def. ples under the domination of im.
Engels attitude to the Russian flames of hatred flare. It is clear by which a city like Tzaritsin is as soon as possible. When remindance, but because of the challenge perialism, is to strike at the ImperStalinist Sharpshooters revolution we are informed that in that at the mere sight of Das renamed Stalingrad: a single decree ed of it, the Stalinists dodge the which all dictatorships have thrown ialist masters in one own country.
Quoting, from the obituary in the a letter to the Emancipation of Kapital the editors of the Pravda and the matter is in the bag. 18sue by stating the term is the down to the free peoples of Europe. The Ethiopian people must be de: Neue Zelt (1806. the sentence to the Labor Group, Engels warned against get fever and chills. Further on, But let the lackeys sweat as they same as. Lenin social chauvinThis is the polsonous propaganda offended not only against Italian im effect that with the death of Engels a mechanistic and doctrinarian un mention to made of the immmortal WIII, they will not attain their goal: tom, merely brought up to date: the Comintern taken up, as was perialism, but against English im Marx finally dled too, the leading der standing of Marxism. And the and destructive. lines on the we will stand in defense of Marx the inference being, of course, that only to be expected by those whom perialism as well, which intends article unexpectedly appends the sage Pravda remarks in this con: Gotha Program and of the flame and Engels and Lenin against all the stalinists never meant any It will benedt. This is the attitude soon to send in its own troops to following: the leaders of the social nection: Alas! The outstanding belching pamphlet on the Paris the Institutes and all the Zaslav. more or less than did Lenlo by the that motivates the People Front, setze the Lake Tana region. In democracy who had all down into members of the Group cleaned. Commune. In short, the flame skys.
the vicious distortion of the united short, the Aght against imperialism the swamp of reformism and op Factually, there never was, and, theoretically, there never could be ment pot of the revolutionary pro each section of the proletariat must sether with the remains of Engels letariat, but of class collaboration fight against its own bourgeoisie.
an evolution or equality between the revolutionary teachings of PARTY AT the terms social chauvinism and Marxism. This is indeed sharp social fascism insofar as these shooting: aim a finger at the sky WORK and hit the bull eye! Revisionism express actual, and not Imaginary, social phenomena. Lenin charac appeared only in 1897, the name terization of the social democracy itself came still later, the weekly as social chauvinist is, scientific Neue Zelt was the order of the day. It was the organ of reBy HENRY THURMAN ally correct: The leaders of the visionism but of the struggle against CLEVELAND According to Moissaye Olgin, precisely the same program which social democratic parties claimed CITY WIDE CONFERENCE TO CONCERT FOR FERREROrevisionism. The above quoted sen in his recent victous pamphlet Trotsky is at present attempting to The message of the new revolu to stand for socialism and yet acted AID ANGELO HERNDON SALLETTO DEFENSE tence did not at all imply that rev. against Trotskylam, Leon Trotsky put into operation. Whatever tionary party is spreading in Cleve. as chauviniats, Stalin designation olutionary Marxism was being was nothing but a petit bourgeois may be our opinion of the merits of land, as the following events will of the social democracy as socialA city wide conference to map out Comrades: Concert and Festival la to be burled together with Engels. To compromiser up until 1917, when he his policies, the man has remained indicate of Angelo Herndon, young Negre held Saturday evening, October ascribe to the Neue Zeit of 1896 managed to fool the Bolsheviks for true to himself. His line has been Joe Pierce, who was looked upon Markism. Then thocla democratic by many ers as a leading ele leaders, who can be chauvinistic Communist sentenced to 18 to 20 at Irving Plaza, 15th Street and being an atter ignoramus in the sins after Lenin died. But Olgin Most significant of all, Olgin ment, came over to years on the Georgia chain gang on Irving Place, to raise funds for the history of Marxism. In reality, the evaluation of the Russian revolusives the definition of a Soviet. Now Youth League after two years in their sinecures, cannot at the same Spartacus because this does not do away with charge of inciting to insurrec defense et Ferrero and Sallitto thought expressed in the Neue Zett tionist career was quite different that he is crawling and licking the the and tlonhas called time be fascists because this would 18, at P. in the Imperial Auditorium, 160 West 120th Street, New resident allens in the United States. Marx living personality which had tion of Trotsky writing These two defendants are legally death there also died that part of face to Our Revolution, a collecconcocting ites at their command waterlu between mouth.
care non imply that they stand for the abolt he might do well to remember the The NEW MILITANT 18 whose existence their political car.
York City, it was announced today. Ferrero has been here for 35 years, continued to exist in Engels. In The reader will see that Trot words of Trotsky on the nature of passed around openly at eer depends. The after thought that The conference is called by the while sallitto has lived to the these words there is beautifully ex sky views as applied in Bolshevikt. soviet meetings.
social democracy is social fascist. The Soviet was the organized don Defense, constituted by the are being threatened with deporta creative collaboration of Marx and gin. They were formed in the authority of masses themselves because It objectively paves the The Socialist Unemployed Alle way for fascism, 18 meaningless.
Non Partisan Labor Defense, the tion to Fascist Italy on trumped up Engels. But the functionary tul course of the First Russian Revolu over their separate members. This ance invited the stalinists into a objectively, the road to fasclem was General Defense Committee (I. charges of harboring Anarchist Alling the duties of a publicist tion of 1905, in which Trotsky was was a true, unadulterated democra united front against rellef slashes, prepared for by the whole course of International Labor Defense, views.
League for Industrial Democracy, For the Concert and Festival Belated hostitesto especision tema veloped and strengthened in the without a professional bureaucracy, the Unemployed League also partic. Sy the course of the Stalinists them League of Struggle for Negro there will be a good dance orches when he provides a stupid and pet following years of reaction, when with the right of the voters to reipate. However, the struggled selves, as well as the social demo Rights, and National Committee tra and a program of entertainment tipogging Interpretation of a clever many a progressive group went to call their representative at will and against allowing Foley, the organ cracy. It would obviously be ridicufor Defense of Political Prisoners, which will include a girls string and correct thought. And this, at seek compromises with the absolut to substitute another.
Izer, to speak! Imagine one organ lous and merely pile confusion upon At this point Olgin commented. ization in a united front dictating confusion if we were, for this reato the conference bave been sent to concert songs by Loforese. There of the Communist International 18 larly firm through the world war In short, it was the same type of the choice of speakers to another son, to call capitalism capital tashundreds of local organizations will be refreshments, sandwiches, being directed into channels of re and the circumstances that led to democracy Trotsky and Lenin are and trying to bar its main leader cism and the Stalinlsts, communthis week.
beer and soda. Admission is 35c. formlam!
the establishment of a republican trying to make permanent in pres at that. The face of the UnemIst fascists.
Besides reports from the various Readers of the NEW MILITANT The Institute of Confusion order in Russia. Perhaps many a ent day Rusala.
ployment Council secretary twitched Between the formulations of organizations, there will be a numare urged to attend.
The Mars, Engels and Lenin In Interpretation would have been grievous misunderstanding and mis convulsively when Foley insisted Lenin and the stupidities of Stalin ber of prominent speakers, Includ stitute publishes in the self same avoided had that if he were barred, Thurman, Ales, not a continuation but an Ing Congressman Vito Marcantonio ALL OUT!
Issue a letter from Engels to Kaut known that those conceptions of thinking America 51 Unions Support 574 the first renegade of the Cleve abyss.
of New York, it was announced.
to the sky which subjects to critickom the Frotsky were not created on the Fight for Reinstatement At the demonstration, the young BRONX HOUSEWARMING PARTY WORKERS Branch 1, reactionary mass of the ruling result of a life long work in the ser320 East 14th Street classes. The aim of this publicacrease promised to them by the warmly, and the NEW MILITANT under Lenin refused membership to Protect Yourselves Against the sold like hotcakes.
Farmer Labor organization, tion is quite clear: the Institute for vice of the Revolution.
anyone who subscribed to the idea Hazards of Life. John the This Saturday Night, October 12.
the falsification of Marxism and Just such misinterpretations. The tactics of Mayor Latimer in that the League of Nations was an The Workers Party headquarters Instrument which helped to mainWORKMENS SICK DEATH WAR IN ETHIOPIALeninism neeks by means of this claims that Trotsky hedged during using this police for the wholesale BENEFIT FUND OF THE quotation to provide a prop for the the war Colgin did worse than gassing, shooting and clubbing of will open soon, and the comrades tain peace?
IMPERIALIST SANCTIONS OR policy of coalition with the demo that. that Trotsky did not believe workers were called to the atten. are planning forums, lectures, Answer: Point of the 21 condi.
1884 1935 REVOLUTIONARY ACTION cratic bourgeoisie. It is unneces in the socialist revolution in Russia tion of the Purmer Labor party with classes, organizational meetings, etc Organized, thanaged by and for Spesiker: sary to dwell here on the political. Olgin himself is spreading now! a request that they expel Latimer One Sprtacants organizing a International, adopted at the second workers with only one purpose: MAURICE SPECTOR fraud: toil and moll as the Messrs. In the blographical notes of this from their ranks. Latimer Emascussion group among his school congress of the In 1920, stated: to render protection to members FRIDAY, OCT. 18, 8:15 functionaries may, they will not same work, Olgin, who claimed he ployer Employee Board was thor mates, others are planning union Every party that wishes to belong succeed in transforming Engels was personally acquainted with oughly analyzed and shown to be work.
to the Third International is obliand their families, and to sup 1776 Pitkin Ave, Brooklyn into the theoretician of concilia Trotsky, makes numerous state an artificial agency created for the Recently a lecture, The Need for Sated to unmask not only open so port all endeavors and struggles Aus: Brownsville Branch, tionism with the bourgeoisle. But ments that blast the lying claims purpose of usurping the rights of a New International, was delivered clal patriotism, but also the dis for the improvement of tollers, at any rate, these gentlemen have made in his slanderous pamphlet: the unions and thereby stripping before thirty five youtig people, honesty and hypoerisy of social About 150, 000 members organLECTURE forgotten to explain to us how the Trotsky is not imposing. He is the movement of its growing pro largely Stalinist members and fol pacifism, and systematically bring ized in 350 branches. Reserves lowers, at the Lakewood Youth to the attention of the workers the Muste will speak on Do negation of the single reactionary almost modest. an uncompromis gressiveness. 3, 400, 000 Sanctions Mean War at the mass of the ruling classes is re ing Marxist. Trotsky could not Delegates pointed to the growing League. Other mass organizations fact that, without the revolutionary Death benefit graded accordSunnymald Hall, 277 Kingston concilable with the immortal aphor conceive of half way measures of need for the industrial form of un are planning to bave lectur overthrow of capitalism, no kind of Ing to age at entry. Sick benefit Wednesday, Oct. 16 at P. Ad Avenge, near Eastern Parkway, 1sm of Stalin on the subject of: alplomatic silence over vital topics, Ion organization and told of the ers in the future.
international court of arbitration, Fascism and social democracy. But of cunning moves and concealed successes of several unions in work Do kind of an agreement regarding JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY.
the limitation of Armaments, no men and women, acording to mission 106. Amples of the flat here is the remarkable part: pob designs in political struggles. ing out a program of closer co operclasses bueh Branch democratic renovation of lishing the letter in its own solemn to secure permanent power, the ation between trades. The confer.
name, the Institute in a brief in working class would have to win ence adopted a proposal that this PAUL LUTTINGER, the League of Nations will be able Monthly assessments from 460 WANTED!
troduction commits, in the course over the millions of peasants. This be made the policy of all local unto prevent fresh Imperialistie wars.
The first bound volume (1928 of elght lines, two, it not three gross would be possible by recognizing ions, and it was decided to hold the Point 21 stated: Those party For further information apply 1931) of mistakes.
all tbe agrarjan changes completed next conference on Wednesday, Oct Washington Square North members who, on principle, reject Main Office. THE MILITANT Says the learned Institute, In by the peasants in time of the rev 80, at 1810 Marquette. An Invita 2 and 8 Except Sundays the conditions and those laid down 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, State your price to the Business this letter Engels subjects to criti olution and by radleal agrarlan tion was issued to all locals to parand Holidays.
by the Communlet International are to be excluded from the party.
Manager of the NEW MILITANT. elem the draft of the Erfurt pro legislation. collectivism becomesticipate in future conferences, Skeleton from Olgin Social Patriotic Closet Labor Defense Front