CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceLeninSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1935 Comments Militant Socialists on Trade Union Question THE MILITANTS PROGRAM The Old Reformist Line Is Dusted Off; Basic Problems Not Answered nerica. Arthur Rubber Price War Begins must support independent unlontam. In line with what we have said, welat can be done, is to organise AUTO On Life, Liberty NOTES and Pursuit of The revolutionary party fighta the trade union bureaucracy not Happiness only in order to infuse the unions TOLEDO, Ohio. The big three of the automobile Industry Ford, with the spirit and policy of class (From the Militent Program presented at the Call Institute. Chrysler and General Motors emstruggle. Irreconcilable struggle By BILL REICH against the reactionary officialdom The Socialist Party recognizes that the trade unions, no matter ploy diverse methods in smashing BUSINESS SELF CONTROL. Continued from Page 1) correct premise, the false (reform is also necessary in order to secure how conservative, are organs of the class struggle and schools of unionism and keeping their wage unorganised At an annual cost of over 7, 000. ette conception de ses relation. wow differ 1st) conclusion that their party democracy in the unions, an end Socialism. Without trade unions, even the most elementary labor slaves divided and Ford les concentration in the manufacture of automobiles. He 000, a staff of 2, 760 former NRA anions. For a revolutionist, his unions and work for cordial rela organization of the unorganized and ary party can achieve only partial and temporary success. The Social has centered the greater portion of self control Seventy of the start party. in the usual sense. his partyistine stutt. The clue here is in the course, knows that the aght for ist Party will therefore support the trade unions and work for corchal Ford Motor Car production at the River Rouge plant at Detroit, thus Forgetting his prediction of ng class, Is its consciousness; the whom? Any party which advances struggle policy. Bureaucracy, for on behalf of the workers (strikes, boycotts, shortening of the working eliminating the necesulty of con stant shipping of parts to the var Chaos with the ending of the party, as Trotsky once put it, 18 a real class struggle program in the example, arises because of the nec day, etc. It will work for the unification of the unions into industri Sous assembly plants. Ford relles NRA, Donald Richberg states: The what the working class should be unlons will not get cordial rela essity of repressing the combative NRA developed collective thinking while the trade unions are what the tions from the present officialdom. Instincts of the masses (John unions and against union splitting, disruption, or dual unionism; it therefore upon an elaborate and that made it possible for business working class is today. Hence, the Yet, this is what the Militant Commons, the theoretical exponent will fight against Hureaucracy and madettering, and for clean and velous spy system to terrorize his democratic unionism; men to carry on their standards. party must intervene, as far as it program really means. True, they of the of s class peace favor workers and keep them in constant the organization of the morganized fear of being blacklisted all over (Workers in textiles average san and the power to, in every do not expect cordial relations with policy, has developed the tendency and the unskilled; it oppous decrimination against Negroes, women 8000 yearly: lo boots and shoes, problem of the trade union. For everyone. Their programmatie of bureaucracy along these lines and youth; and will champion then on all occasion. It opports dis has a particular fondness for the Detroit. The Chrysler Dodge Co. 744. Workers in both industries only by so doing can it eventually statements cut them off from white into a systematie theory. So, too, crimination against unlon members of applicants because of thel bompany upton. General Motors, report a decrease since the NRA transform the working class into a chauvinists, from the bitter ender racketeering can only arise in the became defunct. Sixteen Har revolutionary force.
craft unionista, etc. They want atmosphere of deals with the political beliefs. The Socialist Party recognize and supports the Amer In addition to both these methode has perfected a system of marvellan, Kentucky, coal companies have to which of these fundamentally cordial relations merely with the bosses which is typical of conserva lean Federation of Labor as the mainstream of the American labor Ailed suit attacking the constitu different conceptions of the party Hillmans, John Lewises, etc.
tive unlontan. And the failure to movement, and will wrge all independent trade wione sand individual lous integration in the manufacture tionality of the Guttey Coal Control does the Multant program adof its cars accompanied by a geoAct. In Baltimore, the The Militants do not say with organize the unorganized and unworkers to filiate with it. It is the duty of every Socialist, and of graphical decentralization of its Elsewhere in the rogram skilled is perhaps the most perva the MeLevys that they have no bus alve expression of the clase collaborStates Publle Service Co. at the we find references to the party a iness in the trade unions. No, they atloniam by which a privileged secevery worker to belong to trado union, and work there a good various planta. In the event of a instigation of the Edison Flectric the vanguard.
trado unlonist and a good Socka Mat. Through such work the trade Strike, a few plants can be tempo Comeletes estacikline vee party etc. But where the program tons. Not the revolutioniste bune: ton of skilled workers la uped in unions and their members will eventually support the revolutionary served one andere he plate ulteriore ty Act. James Landis, new union section, its similarity to the the reactionary officialdom and for the unskilled and deliberately un struggle for Socialiem. page 8)
diverted to other near by plants.
simultaneously permitted to exploit chairman of the Federal Securities reformist conception of the party the hegemony of the revolutionists, organized workers in the same in in some cases may make it even callat Labor fakers. The distino.
and Exchange Commission, spent becomes obvious. From the doctrine the faithful exposition to the work The Chevrolet strike has revealed the third day in his new position that trade unions witbout TEVO ing class, through the party predustry. This goes on in so called Imperative that the workers frat betion is credential of irresponsibil slaring weakness in the armour with eleven representatives of the lutionary party can achieve only at the whole truth. No, the Mill the mered cow of the Sodalist Call unton. Last but not least, Industrial unlong. For example, organized in Independent Industrial ty to every Socialist to do as he of General Motors, The Chevrolet publle utilities drafting new rules partial and temporary success, altant program in the unions is an dubinsky. In the last agreement cases of unions under militant lead except that it rules out a demand Chevrolet transmissions. The comthe win in the unions to do as he will plant at Toledo manufactures all for regulating the power industry. really revolutionary program would implicit support of a degenerate with the borden, traded off certain erablp, which have their charters that the Socialist Party accept repany has found itself powerless to det, muinte esta tarde steel Corporate chat duty of the revolutionist certain progress tener en contra los in ses points by abandoning the shipping taken away, as was the case with sponubilats for the conduct of its break the automobile inton or di who behind the mask of argumedly ideas and leadership in the trade power.
ght by way of federal local and Minneapolis. What does all this If, in contrast to this, the MIH1 plant. By striking at this Achilles Decry social reconstruction of unions, The Militant program, The Fight Against the In spite of Dubinsky. All this mean? It means that the revolu tants were to take seriously their heel, it becomes possible to shat our national life would, without in on the contrary, draws from the of Oldaldom.
means is that the fight for every tionary party must firmly declare phrase that their party must repre down General Motors assembly vitation from the players, change Thus progressive demand a fight itselt against the claimed right of sent the historie interests of the plants all over the country the rules of an ancient and honoragainst the Dubinskys, Hillmans, the of to a monopoly in the working class, one of the first con the whole carefully planned and able game. Needless to say, there is not a field of labor organisation. The crete applications of it would be adjusted mechanism of General hint of this in the Militant pro revolutionary party must openly to demand systematic fraction work Motors is thrown out of gear.
soon as the recent Chevrolet gram.
state that in these instances It will in the trade unions. But even solldly support independent unions, though their fractions would be strike was over, the order went out Cup in hand, eleven blind persons (Continued from Page 1) the department and forced the The Fight Against Government while working for the unification already bound to pusillanimous from General Motors. Break up wete foroed to take to the streetspany plans which mean added mis bonses to retreat!
last week in the City of Brotherly ery of the whole labor movement within policy of supporting the Dubinsky Toledo! Instead of one plant man starvation to the rubber Test of Leadership Militant program fails the of and Hulmans, the Militants fail ufacturing all Chevrolet transmisLost Their relief had been shut workers?
This is the first major test of the even to mention one of the most oft. More people have eaten The house to house canvas for new leadership of the Al significant tendencies of the present What does the Militant proto put this demand into their slo sons, there will be three: Toledo to get the permission of Dubinsky Machinery has already been dialyped the constitution than under Any ganizational drive.
bettes food for longer time under members is not enough for the orthough the unfolding events in the regime: its attempt to tie the trade gram do? It gives no hint of the gang. Are they, perhape, waiting Munsey, Ind. and Saginaw, Mich.
rubber Industry are alled with union movement up with the cap. untons come into being. it gives no to put it in the program?
to both places and the Munsey plant other form of government, proProgram of Struggle dangerous situations and can pos itallet government, by way of claims Frank KDOI, millionaire Around a platform that meets the sibly bring further defeat for the boards, laws, etc. designed in the such unions, if necessary against points; but suficient to reveal thesions. Every worker employed at hint of the necessity supporting We have touched on only a few is already working on transmis.
publisher of the Chicago Daily Workers desires and needs can they workers, the key to success lles in long run to emasculate the union, the really dual unions brought in bankruptey of the Militant pro Monsey is carefully checked and reNews and prospective Republican be mallled. This must include. 1) this very danger.
to restrict the right to strike, and at least one year prior date of candidate for President. After No wage reductions. 2) Continua For if the leaders can confront thus to undermine the workers by the of as in the case gram on trade unionism Psycho checked. He must live in Munsey being evicted Irom his home. Edtion of the sly hour day and abol this situation calmly. Armed with power of resistance. This polley 15 Into Minneapolls by Tobin. In Fuptcy arises from the fear of employment; he must have a reof so called Local 500 brought logically. practically, this bank ward McLaughlin, 61 year old Chilshment of the eight hour day where the correct policy and platform, strongly nourished by the degener typically Lovestonelte fashion, the breaking with the labor takers commendation from a reliable Munof te treba daerly window and hanged himself.
open up early winter The American worker rust think crimination against union members. placed into action, can only result Brebesker, who when. Multants for the of and leaves it at from the failure For the workers to attempt to carefully how be can best uphold Mass meetings with the interna in bringing the rubber workers back support Lewis and Hillman, in that: thus providing no theoretical meaning of the revolutionary con fact, are even closer to the govern in which any honest trade unionlataclous vanguard of the proletariat must be done, and the only thing the American inptitutions an: the tional officers as speakers should be into the union by the thousands.
Justification for the many Instances ception that the party is the con prevent these moves, would, of course be worse than futile. What American Industrial system which held explaining what is happening As always, the Workers Party ment than are Green and Woll.
have made him the fress, the hap and pointing out that the only bul will do Its utmost to achieve this The Fight Against the of Thus it provides the basis solely for ask socialist workers to read. Len Munsey and Saginaw! The often plest, the most highly esteemedewark against the capitalist offen aim bulld the unions and strengand the most highly paid represensive are the unions, then the working class Against Monopoly.
capitultalon to the dictates of the In What Is To Be Done, the sive of General Motors must be antative of constructive labor in the insufficient stress has been placed the ravages of capitalism.
more meditorialiter Arthur Bris on the fact that the rubber worker will show which leaders are giving organization of workers into unlong the price which the militants are party: read Trotsky Communis owered by counter offensive by untons have won complete indepen the rubber workers the correct affiliated with the of Wher ready to pay for cordial relations and syndicalem which though it lot has boasted that by October deals with France, Illumines the a campaign will be started to orWITH THE STRIKEBREAKERS cracy and that now the workers officer of both the international present realities. Often enough, Im. The Flight for Party Respon fons everywhere. Read the works gantze 141 automobile planta in Entployers like him because he own desire one with a progressive welcome this opportunity to display been, and will be repelled from the sibility.
is conservative and practical he policy that meets the changing con their abilities and their fundamen. of by outright betrayal of The distinction which the Jasper utterly allen to their spirit is the blle workers must force him to keep get men back to work, says News ditions in the rubber Industry.
Week of Edward McGrady. Mc tal interest in the workers, as we do. strikes, by bureaucracy, racketeer MacLevys make between politics cowardly program of the M111 good that promise. The campaign Grady becoming the greatest workers will rally around such a generals and the army Itaelt are the of has been, and will as innocent as it appears. The real Ample proof that the rubber It is in the field of battle that ing and other evils. Often enough, and trade unione work is not really tants on the trade union question should start with Munsey and Sag(Note: This is the second of ta series of articles; next week Toledo federal local 18884 of the that a nettlement may be made by Pirestone where threatened wage the rubber workers and today be sections of unorganized workers, In prevent the spotlight of proletarian will deal with the Militant pro United Automobile Workers is wait the time have to leave by airplane cut brought complete solidarity in cause of the crisis, sistence on craft union jurisdictions policy from being cast on the 90 gram on the United Front. ing expectantly for word from the tomorrow for the Lonis Baer fight International office at Detrolt of in New York, he remarked during the new charter which it will rethe bituminous strike parley. From cles are of a secondary character.
celve. It is believed that separate The miners of Illinois should not New York he bastened to Portscharters will be granted the various mouth, Ye. to address the Holy shops comprising the Toledo local Name Seclety. Then to the coast this time by supplying coal while and that a district committee will thousands of their fellow workers to head off a threatened longshorebe formed on the model of the dismen strike that might mar the in the of remain at work.
tricts in the The present pleasantness of President RooseThe Progressives should Join the clique dominating the local execuvelt visit The Los Angeles BY GERMINAL ALLENTOWN, Sept. 28 struggle and solidarity displayed by tive committee belong mostly to the sive rank and Ale have against the strike, militantly bring forward the Rallway Corporation spent 350, 000 After two weeks of militant strike the project workers in Allentown smaller and weaker shops and so (Ed. Note: The following article, United Mine Workers in this state, demand for six hours a day and for last November to break strike of written before the settlement of and throughout Lehigh, Northamp fear that such a move would de struggle, the WPA project work Its employees. 1150, 960 went to the Keck leadership stated that the The policies of Keck in keepingers of Allentown last night voted ton, Berks and Somerset countles. stroy them. If they attempt to fight Nick Harris of the World Wide light on a significant angle of the the coal strike, throws clear policy of the organization was the Progressives at work while a against striking with John to return to work on the basis of Lester Heckman of the Penn. it, however, they will probably meet glorious Inbor struggle is in the the victory conceded Detective Agency: 7, 383 to Chiet Hynes of the Los Angeles Red SPRINGFIELD, NII, Sept. 28 Keck policy did not succeed to making exposes the class collabora WPA administration on Thurs Kocher of the Joint Labor Council fon members of Chevrolet, Bingham Squad The national strike of the bitumin keep all the miners under bis furleton policies of his machine. In day. The Pennsylvania Works and Simon Levine of the citizens and other shops who have no rep ous coal miners might officially be diction at work, however. In Salter than the past Lewis policies.
Progress Administration in Her Welfare Longue joined the other resentation on the present executive SOCIETY NOTES.
called off any day now, Lewis Ine county, Pekin, East Peoria and risburgh announced a raise of 10 speakers in urging the workers to board and who have been dominatDoris Duke Cromwell, world continues his shady maneuvers to Belleville. Progressive minema voted lard continued. Our fallure to foto percent in wages for all laborers consolidate their victory by strensed by this unprincipled elique of of provatling union thening thelr united front organ union politicians.
the paymekilled work and.
honeymoon is collecting animals forators rld themselves of a surplus evident in the Progressive ranks tlonary role and place Lewis in the seales Ization, the Joint Labor Council. The committee of seven elected her Palm Beach 200. She resents of 65, 000, 000 tons of coal that and a bitter factional Aght over the progressive light he is alming for.
reduction in hours from 140 to Stalinist Disrupters Routed at the constitutional convention of reports of huge spending. It less threatened to glut the market. question of the strike threatened There is only one road for the real night.
120 per month last Thursday motion was put that all pro the United Automobile Workers of than 30, 000, she says. Presere Large coal corporations expressed the very existence of the organiza unton men in the of to Ject workers be organized directly America to appeal the decisions of ports state that Doris wears a gold no alarm over the strike. Demands tion.
Terms of Settlement into the Jolnt Labor Council. At the executive council to the 55th anklet and paints her toenails a by the United Mine Workers that constant reports that the strike follow and that is to strike and Before taking the vote, the strik this point the Communist party convention of the of in pale lotus pink, she and her bus the FHRA stand ready to rush re would be short lived along with strike hard.
ers, meeting at the Silk Workers stalwarts came forward with their appointing all officers of the newly band watch ach other dive and let to the strikers is the only thing the fact that the United Mine Battuello for Joint Struggle Hall, listened to reports by Anthony contribution to the strike. As formed automobile International, make chustle comments which end that disturbed their conference of Workers are deadlocked over a Batuello, fighting president of Ramuglia, chairman of the strike usual, the Stalinlats tried to carry are preparing to leave for Atlantle in laughter. No matter how much mutual admiration as Lewis him mere cent wage increase alded local 1, of Gillesple, II. committee and Sam Gordon, speak into the workers ranks their tylcal Clty and are counting on the sur she spends she can use up the 10 selt called it.
terest on her fortune. Twin Without question, the present the muse of the rank and tile In members, statbed that as far as be The negotiations committee had tactics. After the united front org. steel, and many of the city central baby girls were born Mr. and strike, involving approximately check. Indications were that the was concerned he would fight to met Friday afternoon with As anization, the Joint Labor Council. In their fight at this convention for Mrs. McWithy, in a tent near 400, 000 mine workers in 28 coal Progressive leaders would not hold the last ditch to see to it that the statant WPA administrator Polke had for two weeks led the strike trade unlon democracy and indusSpringfield, III. The family could producing states, is the most effecthe rank and file at work should Progressives joined the strike.
not afford a doctor. woman from tive walkout since the 1922 strug. the strike assume a militant char.
Battuello suggested a strike wide Soi who save the strikers the fol and demonstrated its effectiveness, trial unionism the counter posed a motion to a nelghboring tent acted as mid sle when the United Mine Workers acter, carrying forward. fight for referendum vote to decide the ques 1) The new schedule of wages form a seperate project workers wite. From the fashion page of America succeeded to tle up the hour day and a basic wage. tion of a strike in all Progressive and hours is to go into effect as of union.
of the Chicago Tribune: Furs val. 650, 000 coal miners or 76 percent Loft Wing Leaders in Action mines.
October 1; an to break ted at 567, 000 will be shown at of the industry.
For the first time since the inner should the of strike be 2) There is to be no discrimina thelr united front and gave the (Continued from Page 1)
the Edgewater Beach Hotel. Pash. Only two sections of the country struggle between the and prolonged for another week, indication against strikers or strike lead. Stalinists the answer they deserved. will not take placent Atlantic City.
fonable women are preparing to tailed to respond to the strike call the In Illinois, rank and tions are that the Progressives ers; 3) First men to be requisitioned the Joint Labor Council. The strike will gain some apparent victories toe in luxurious furs. They make the 14, 000 working Progressive met at Pekin, and voted to and contractual relations are not will be the first to be returned on leaders had to exect themselves The se consideration is that by flattering Coll for mllady on crisp Miners of Milinois. In Kentucky the unite their forces in the strike for satisfactory to the rank and Ale, the projects; strenuously to prevent workers in means of the amendment to the days and the enchanting lines upon open hatred of the coal corporations higher wages.
As this is written the situation in 4) The administration will recor. the hall from the strikers were so the fondation will be throwing the disrupt constitution or in some other form which the new garments are mod for an independent union of any Jack Battuello, Joe Burrell, Illinois is uncertain. Acrlmohlous nize the collective bargaining Agen ers out bodily.
for the eled tre remarkably slenderling kind bad the first stages of the Ansboury and Gerry Allard, left discussion continues in the ranks of Sy of the project workers (the Incensed at this stalinist provoca campaign against the emergence of strike stopped the strike movement wing leaders, were carrying the the of as the left wing and Joint Labor Council. tion.
claw struggle unlonlam above all ORGANIZATIONS membership right wing of the organisation 5) The administration will order After the vote, strikers filed by for seeking to prepare the unlong in this field. Wextern Kentucky. Aght to the union leaders, again come to grips over a question recognition of grievance committees the deak to sign up with however, was solidly ont, Get estimates on your Joint for over the bends role of subservlency to capprinting job trom Progressive Officials Shady Role calling upon the Progressive miners that will definitely decide the tu clected by the workers on each pro Labor Council. The com. Italism and the capitalist goveraposed of representatives of all the ment when war breaks, Progree Ofbelals of the conservative Pro to join the nation wide walkout. ture of the Progressives. One thing Ject.
The CHELSEA PRESSCressive Miners of America worked In the strike the economie wel clear, the very existence of the The speakers stressed the fact unions, the unemployed leagues, the stres and revolutionists in view of UNION PRINTERS closely with the Coal Producers care of the mine workers is the firt of now hangs on thread. that Pennaylvania is the first stato Citizens Welfare League and the this development, will have to learn West 19th Street, Assn. of ninots to keep the miners and foremost consideration, Allard to change the federal WPA WABO Keystone Workers Association, is to fight not only with more vigor Heleen 8004 2005 at work. Taking advantage of the said, speaking for the left wing EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANTI schedule, a fact which serves to meeting this Sunday to consider but also with more subtlety than deep rooted prejudices the Progree John Lewis and his rotten polil RALLY SUPPORT FOR THE emphasise the force of the militant plans for further action hitherto.
Coal Strike Exposes Kecke Leadership in the Allentown PAWorkers Win State wide Victory The workers recognized AFL Convention this move