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Official Organ of the Workers Party of the PRICE CENTS VOL. 1, NO. 42 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1935 NEW MILITANT GENEVA GAMBLES WITH WAR Green Legion Join at AFL Rubber Co VOTE ON SANCTIONS LINES UP Conclave Against Militants Price War BRITISH COLONIAL THIEVEPY Court WillFellcom Workers TREACHERY CASIS Fate Of Ethiopia SHADOW BEFORE To Be Decided in European Arena 15 Unions For Recharter of Drivers 574 South Africa 4th Int lists Back Ethiopia Rank and File Presses Bureaucracy Shachtman on Unions Face Battle Toward Showdown on Critical For Life National Tour By JACK WILSON Problems of Labor Movement AKRON, Obio. Oct. titanie Comrade Max Shachtman, editor struggle by Wall Street interests of The New International, begins a for monopoly control of the rubber By DAN EASTMAN There have been to large battles The opening days of the Atlantic City convention of the American coast to coast tour on October 15, industry began openly this week Turn the imperialist war into evil war! That was the slogan of in Ethiopia to date.
The Africans Federation of Labor reveal a tightening of the lines and a sharpening of and cover almost every branch city United Rubber Workers of America That is the slogan of Stalin.
newly formed Lenin. Turn the Italo Ethiopian war into a general imperialist war! are following a polley of watching the struggle between the bureaucrats and the various more or lets pro in the country.
and waiting, retiring before the He will speak on with the severest challenge to pre Fressive elements in the true mions.
various current topics, the Seventh teet the workers that the unions Consider the Daily Worker for the seven crucial days of the out Italians, to draw them on from Adowa into the more dangerous On the one hand, the forecast of the NEW MILITANT that a growth Congress of the the War ever faced break of the Ethiopian war: mountain country, and to postpone of progressive and militant sentiment would be shown is being borne out. Danger, the Road to the Fourth For the price of this war between On October 1, Repard writes an article on Social Democratic any decisive battles intil the outInternational, etc. etc. With him the capitalists will be thrown on Refuddlement on the Sanctions Question, from which we quote: come of the international maneu powerful unions such as the W. of and the garment unions and Pioneer Press, who will Tbe proponents of resolutions for industrial unionism claim support of will go Comrade Wasserman of the the wnions can muster sufficient confronted with a genuinely pressing Immediate issue. Yesterday it was known. It is in the latter sphere, through wage cuts un Reformist theory never flounders about so helplessly as when it is vers centering around the war are aid in less the assert, with a little too much optimism probably, that a clear cut resota drawing up plans for literature strength to stop this move.
the International, that the real tion on industrial unionism lactis only a few votes to carry. Gorman, work in the various branches along The battle which will take the the Franco Soviet pact. Today it is the question of sanctions against battles are now being fought.
the actual leader of the United the route. This tour will help pull main form of ruthless tire price Mussolini.
The League vote last week for Textile Workers, and other importogether and advance the party slashes to drive other competitors Reformist theory, in truth, floun sanctions against Mussolini was a tant figurer are sponsoring LADOT work for the new season now open into bankruptcy already began with Reluc ders about helplessly when it is great victory for England.
Party resolutions with considerable ing.
a huge reduction by Goodyear in confronted with bourgeois demands. tant as some of the titty odd natThe following is the schedule of various sections of the country.
show of determination.
The attitude of the stalinist press tions may have been, nevertheless But it is in the aggressive mood the tour: Rockefeller and General Motors is sufficient proof of the helpless they were all driven into line, inof the conservatives that the clear.
Schedule of Tour interests have virtual control of ness and treachery Inherent in recluding the other great League ent indication of the sharpening of Philadelphia Tuesday, October 15. Firestone (the Firestone family is formism, which has become the power, France, which is torn be the struggle within the Federation Pittsburgh Wednesday, October 16. no longer boss of its factories)
theoretical basis of Stalinist policy, tween a devine to please England 28 under the impact of the crisis is New Castle Thursday, October 17. through a huge loan they gave re Repard quotes Sir Stafford an ally against Hitler and a desire given Cripps of the British Labor Party: not to outrage Mussolini who, more Youngstown Friday, October 18. cently to the company and they in Last year the craft unionists were to me extent caught un Cleveland Saturday, Oct. 19: The tend to gain complete control of the How are the imperialistic people than an ally, is a market, especially who seized Transvaal in 1900 by for war supplies.
awares by the crush of the new Conference in Minneapolis New World War. 3529 East Industry, it was learned authoriFederal unions in the basic indus. tatively.
force to reply to Mussolini when be Police Reply with Arrests tries to selze Ethiopia by force in It is significant that the only tries demanding international charSends Resolution to Toledo Sunday, October 20.
Goodrich has been in the hands ters with industry wide jurisdiction Detroit Monday, October 21.
of Morgan subsidiaries for and Repressions communist would ask three nations who did not support Green, Tobin, CLU As a result provision for granting Ohicago Tuesday to Sunday, Oct. quite some time while Goodyear, of Workeers Cripps why he goes so far back in the league sanctions were Austria, cbarters for the production workers 22 27.
closely connected with Sears and MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. confer Davenport Monday, October 28 history, why he leaves immediate Hungary and Albania, all more or in automobiles, ete, though not onence of eo delegates representing 15 Albert Lea Tuesday, October 29.
Roebuck, belongs to Dillon and issues out and delves back to Trans less under Italian Intence, the Cape Town, a complete industrial basis, was local untons on Monday night voted Austin Wednesday, October 30.
Reed, New York financiers.
vaal, why he doesn ask how the latter no more than a vassal state made. During the year the new to send a resolution to Daniel To Minneapolis. Thursday to Saturday. Motors entry into Firestone reach No sooner did reports of General To Editor of NEW MILITANT: August 2, 1935 British government that is daily. of Mussolini.
even now, murdering natives in The New York Times has to my unions constituted under this provibin, William Green, the State Fedkion have proved somewhat coneration of Labor and the Minneapo Fargo Sunday, November Oct. 31 Nov.
South Africa, Indians in British of sanctions: With Proposal No.
tates and bave voiced vigorous 018 the reinstatement of Local 574 in Plenty city assov.
temptuous of the of poten lis Central Labor Union demanding Williston Tuesday, November the plan behind that move, slashed. am sending you a special report India, Chinese in China, is to reply the League of Nations began prices to attempt to drive Forestone South Africa is changing rapidly. in Ethiopia. But what is the an against the Italian Government satisfaction with their limited the Drivers International and the Salt Lake Nov. from business.
wave of reaction is sweeping over swer of Repard: This. one in his charters.
Wage Cuts Threatened The craft unionints are of genuinely alarmed and have taken San Francisco Monday to Wednes. Using the Imperialists tory, applies to Italy alone, pre Firestone tried a wage cut in an the country. The Fusion Governthe offensive against the industrialThe participating unions were day, Noy. 11 13.
important department but threat of ment, agents of British Imperial The only revolutionary. posi iclely the same arms embargo the Wie ism and the Chamber of Mines, 18 tion to ist. Under the lead of John the Machinists, City and Sanitary Los Angeles. Friday to Monday, Ja spontaneous strike stopped this determined to crush the left wing list is to use imperial. proclaimed against both Italy Frey and the entire Metal Trades Drivers, Public Building Service Nov. 15 18.
quickly. The company was laying against imperialist and Ethiopia.
Department, they not only refuse Employees, Ornamental Metal Kansas City Tuesday, December the foundation for tire price reduc movement.
Italy for all she is worth. and The full meaning of the whoto to amalgamate or give up any of Workers, Stationary Engineers. St. Louis Wednesday, December tions in that move. few weeks ago, comradee Roux use imperialist Italy for all she is anetiona game is revealed in the their members, but demand that Ruilding Laborers No.
Carmen Springfield Thursday, December So the grim shadow of long hours and Ngedlane of the Communist worth against imperialist England, phrase number one in history.
many members in the new unions ters, Upholsterers, Painters, Bakers, of work, poorer wages, and lay off Party were arrested and sentenced if we ever get the chance England Sanctions are merely war preparabe turned over to the craft groupe. Miscellaneous Restaurant Deploy ISAACS SPEAKS FOR LD. hangs over the workers as it did in to four months imprisonment in. finds it necessary. to play tlone disguised under a faney name, The Anti Red Resolution vex, Lathers, Laundry Workers, Harold Isaacs, newspaper the late 20 when the companies connection with a leaflet they issued the dangerous game of sanctions Why should an embargo be called Gas Station Attendants and the correspondent in China for the fought their first big battle.
on the occasion of the royal Jubilee which the working class can utilise number one in history? Didn In addition to this offensive on General Drivers.
last five years, editor of China an issue of the structure of unionThese revelations explain the of King George The charge was to its own ends now against Italy the same British government de The conference criticized sharply Forum, and leader of many questions many workers have been lese majeste. Last week, two but very soon perhaps against Eng clare an embargo against the US ism, an even more vigorous offen the policy of the conservative bu struggles for the defense of Chi asking themselves as they sawe wage more members of the Communist land herselt.
in 1812? Didn the Northern kovnive bas been launched or the basic Traueracy in discriminating against issue of the philosophy of the individuals in the movement be nese political prisoners, will be reductions, the return of the hour Party, comrades Gomas and Mina Can it be that al. Repard is not ernment declare an embargo (ar of The most serions and far cause of their political views.
the speaker at the open member day, and lay off creep silently into Gool were arrested on the same sure? What about this If we ever tions) against the Sonth during the reaching proposal for driving com Calling attention to the splendia branch of the Non Partisan Labor simply laying the ground work for on September 3, and there is no Bapa. AL. Repard tries to console try to sanction the British Isle muniste out of the unions that has support which the unemployed have Defense, Wednesday, October 16, their fight!
donbt that a salutory sentence will the British workers, Look here with submarines during the World ever been made is now being ad. given to striking unions, a resolu P. at the headquarters of vanced. If those who are back of tion sent to the Central Labor Un Local 48, LL. U, 231 Fast challenge? What must be done to How can the unions meet this be imposed.
he says in effect. we are banding War?
Now, the iron heel of the capi you over to your imperialist govSanctions will not necessarily this move triumph there will be a ion demanded that it take the lead 4th Street.
bring the thousands of exploited talist state is descending on the ernment now, but maybe later we lead directly to warno more than lead fight upon all insurgent elements in helping the relief workers to orwhich will be far more viclous than xanize and tight for the relief inIsaacs will speak on Political back into the unions so that they Fourth Internationalists. On Sun shall in return be able to hand the any preparations necessarily Prisoners in China. All interest can successfully defeat these com dny, August 19, three members of Italian workers over to their indirectly to war. There are sancthat of the war or post war period. Continued on Page ed workers are invited to attend. Continued on Page 2) the Communist League of perialist government. One good tions and sanctions. While the It is proposed to amend the con comrades Gool, Pick, and betrayal (eserves another. Per Czechoslovakian Stalinists openly stitution of the of to pro van Gelderen addressed a meet has the British workers, dragall for military sanctions, the vide that No organization officing of over two hundred workersooned into the British army in a League, under French influence ered or controlled by Communists or any person espousing communproposed Native Bills. They were can console themselves that the on Mesolini, confining itself 10 less ism or advocating the violent (By the Editorial Board)
ary paper.
Instead, it is silent. accompanied by comrades Gool same comrade Repard will later provocative measures.
overthrow of our institutions, and no organization or person that has group program on trade unionism (which is here printed in full. Thien minor functionaries in the trade literature to the audience. At the the Italian army.
Let every serious worker in the Militant Socialt ranks read his Many of the Militant leaders are and Solomon, who distributed dragoon the Italian workers into Meanwhile in all the countries sereded from or has been suspend let these workers ask themselves the question: Is there anything in this unions; within them they keep back of the hall sat six plain October 9: worker writes to the politicians are hastening to unify so called program which the worst of the Socialist bureaucrats quiet, they do not fight the bureau clothes detectives, two police ser Daily Worker Question Box to the country for war around the or by any national or internation Dubinsky, Zaritsky, Zausner, Schlossberg, Abe Miller, Feinstone, Joe crats; outside, their press is as sil sennts and two native policemen. 1k: Does this (sapetions) not yeaceful sinctions question. In al organization connected with the Turim and the whole caboclie of labor fakers and outright racketeers. ent as they Inside: wherein, The forces of reaction federation shall, while under such would not sign? There is perhaps one point which some of them might then, do they differ from the labor evidently prepared for were quite mean that they (the communists. Britain the parliament has been arly emerg Stuliui) support British Imperial called early in compliance with relationship or under such penal not agree to, on discrimination for political beliefs. Otherwise, everyone takers? The intentions of some of ency, ism in its struggle against Musee the request of the Labor opposition ty, be allowed representation or of these labor fakers would sign with both hands this Militant pro them may be of the very best. But The three speakers dealt lini? Yes it does, comrade, but. in view of British participation recognition in this federation, or gram!
at what point will their intentions length with the Native Bils. They not for the Daily Worker, now busy in manetions against Italy.
in any central body, State Feder Yet this fact is only surprising become discernible to beside pointed out that it was a deliberate building up the British Imperialit Inasmuch as sanctions have alation of Labor, national or inter in the sense that we might have ex make such compromises on one those to whom they speak when the attempt to deprive the Cape Native army. The Question Box an ready been endorsed by the Labor motional union connected with pected the Militants to disting condition only that their political door is locked and the shades of his long cherished franchise, and swers, The pressure of English Party and have the backing of the the of L, under the penalty uish themselves from the bureau press, the Socialist call, should tell draw down, urged the strongest resistance workers has driven the English Conservatives and the publle as of the suspension of the body vio crats in a theoretical document. We the whole trut. teach every work. ticle with merely listing the basicers stressed that the fight shond may apply sanctions. The nura popular referendum (a peace refWe content ourselves in this ar against the bills. All three speak government to the point where they represented by 11, 000, 000 voters in lating this section.
have seen, with growing disgust.
er any Thus the basis laid not only how the Socialist Call me ary differences between Dubinsky questions oraltted from the Minat only be against the present port of sunctions against Italy does erendumthere is no possibility tant program: any given union but barring him sinning even the semblance of and the Old Guard) Dubinsky re1. The Role of the Party in the and press for the extension of the lalism. No? Why not? The Brit As the last war was fonght to also from activity in any other.
mains the bureaucrat who smashed struggle against the of bu tranchise to all sections of the ish government, anxious to preserve make the world safe for democracy, people. Comrade van Gelderen also its polls, is ready not only to in this will be fought to make it safe Willum Green openly proclaimed reaucrats. One can count on the the left wing ten years ago and to Trade Unions.
that the of was prepared fingers of one hand the exceptions chanical means all incipient opposite washemtroduced at the Delacken Absins, and urged work but to engage in a war with Mor really no more than war prepara When a resolution on trade undenit with the pending Italian at voke sanctions against Mussolini, for sanctions. Sanctions, which are fcam kiesion in this campaigna erat must be collided with. Ana tion; that Johannes Le wie is a tacka troit convention, Jasper Melevy, in lux class action to prevent the dies solini (or is the British navy in tions. Diplomatic, economic, then against all forms of un American all the exceptions were cases on once in order to control it and will burst of righteous indignation de patch of goods from South African the Mediterranean on a pleasure military sanctions turn which Hillman, John Lewis, Dudo so again, and who on the day he interfere in the trade unions? Stiek cruise. Tbe working class up first shot is fired and the first pledging that it would not engage binsky or Gorman also frownedl Two resolutions were submitted ports the British government in soldier killed the war of sanctions in any anti unton activity. Such For it is precisely to these bureau introduces the industrial union reso to your own business in the post to the meeting: sanctions (economie) against Mw becomes a war in fact. Another im an alliance, giving a reactionary crats, the leaders of the anti Green Jution rules all but two of us un ical sphere! This is an exart te That this mass meeting of solini. What is the next step? The perialist holocaust brought on, ne trade unionism the quast military bloc, that the Socialist Call looks son districts under personal Acta flection of the theory of reformim, backing of the Legion in the strug. for of leadership today! torships: that Hillman, Lewis, Gor which considers its party as one of Langa workers unanimously re British working class supports the was the last, by imperialist powers gle against any progressive and jects the proposed Native Bills, British goyernment in sanctions protesting their interest in peace man et al cannot possibly be the the political parties competing for One point must be clarified im which aim to deprive the Cape (military, war. Against Mussolini right up to the last moment.
militant unionism, bas obviously mediately: we are scarcely unaware leaders of a progressive of Leontrol of government: it differs natives of their franchise, almost What is this? This is the betrayal There is only one way to defend the the only privilege left to them, of the working class into the hands Ethiopia, and that way leads not of the necessity of compromises in for it is precisely these false lead from the Republican or Democratic It is too early to predict the spe cooperated and further pledges itset hy cific decisions that will be taken by seldom, indeed that a revolutionist the government in tying the unions only in being friendly to the unions, every means in its power to imperialist capitalists. This, says leta ever nearer war, bnt through of their enemy to the death, the through Imperialist sanctions that this convention. The decisive show can bring forward his whole proto the government apparatus.
suporting the unlons demande, etc. struggle for the extension of the the Daily Worker smugly, sets anctions of the International work down between the contending forces grato openly within the trade un That is what the Socialist Call revolutionary party, on the franchise to the Northern Prov valuable precedent. In point Ing class. demonstrations, boycotts (Continued on Page 2) ions. But the Militants can would say, it were a revolution. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) and embargoes.