BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE NEW MILITANT STURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1935 NEW MILITANT with which 18 merged THE MILITANT Published weekly by the New Militant Publishin, Co. 55 East 11th Street, New York City Phone, Algonquin 9058 Kutered as second class mali matter at the Post umeo at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879.
forward their contributions in response to the appeal from La Verite, For convenience in transmission remittances should be made out in the name of Muste and sent to 55 11th St. New York. Please hesignate clearly the purpose for which the contri bution is sent.
For prompt and enthusiastic support of our French comrades!
For the building of the Fourth International!
STRUGGLERAGES ON WEST COAST Cal. State Fed Union Militant Murdered Showdown Is Is Dominated In Vigilante Terror Close on Cal.
What the Miners Did Not Get by Fakerdom Waterfront JAMES CANNON.
Editor Support French Bolshevik. Leninists ww. The operators, especially the bigger ones con vigilante terror were adopted.
Labor Defense Front SUBSCRIPTION RATES: By EARL LANE maritime unions of the Pacific in the United States 00 per year; 650 six months.
Canada and Foreign 50 per year; 00 slx months. the bituminous coal strike called by John AST week the NEW MILITANT prophesied that LOS ANGELES, Cal. The con Coast. He conceived a bitter hatBundle lates: Two cents per copy.
tinually mounting wave of Californ red for his former friend Ross, who Lewis would soon be over, that it was a shadow. The cause of progressive unionism victim on September 4, when Ar.
LOS ANGELES, Cal. Sept. 23. la vigilante terror claimed another was an outstanding progressive. LOS ANGELES, Sept. 30.
Vol. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1985 No. 41 boxing act to give the operators a chance to get rid suffered a number of severe defeats thur Ross, member of the of the LLA. hall in San Pedro, he the waterfronts of the Pacific coast On Sunday, September 1, in front The question of war or peace on of some of their surplus coal, Lewis to bluster and at the thirty sixth annual conven and the International Longshore assaulted Ross, striking him twice will in all probability be decided show that he was not to be trieve the country ation of Labor held at San Diego years an outstanding militant Agbt Fellow union members picked Ross The battle over the question of with and Roosetion of the California State Peder. men Association and for fifteen and knocking him to the pavement.
Statement of the on War within the next few days.
velt McGrady to put on their act a once more from bitter industrial strife our pro last week. Continued from Page 1)
whether or not the maritime unions phecy and analysis were quickly and completely viner in the labor movement of South up in an unconscious condition Despite a bitter light on the part ern California dled as the result After a cursory examination by the will handle hot cargo is being national state, but in ever sharper attack against the dicated for the paper was hardly off the press before of militants to oust them, two arch of a beating received at the hands police he was turned out to wander fought out in San Francisco, with bourgeoisle and the national state.
The struggle against war is not and cannot be Despite the magnificent demonstration of solida foes of progressive untonism, Edwin of Edgar Rueb, a fellow union mem the streets all night and half the the bearing the brunt of the Because of the conceived as an independent struggle, having a rity by 400, 000 miners who came out 100 percent in berg were re elected to the offices of with him during the maritime tion. Later he was picked up by strength of the militants in this special status above class conflicts. It is an integral the union fields and nearly as solidly, it would appear, president and secretary treasurer strike last summer.
part of the revolutionary struggle for workers power.
in the partly unionized fields of Tennessee, Virginia respectively.
the police on a DRUNK CHARGE key port the bosses have chosen it The death of Ross is but one in and thrown in the drunk tank. His as the battleground, feeling that if The struggle against Imperialist war means the day and Kentucky, despite the prompt settlement on the Vandeleur was re elected without cident in the attack that the boss fellow workers, having become they are successful there, the fight by day building of working class strength, means basis of a union contract. In most of the fields and opposition, the progressives decid class has launched upon the pro alarmed at his absence, instituted in the other ports will be comparanot suspension of the class conflict until the war crisis passes but the intensification of class condiet and for the miners. On Lewis part it represents a fresh Scharrenberg. The vote for the otment of California. Upon the con locating him in the jail. They of The dispute over the handling of the preparation to turn the imperialist war into a betrayal of the workers.
fice of secretary treasurer was: clusion of last summer memorable fered to ball him out but the police hot cargo was placed in the hands civil war for the overthrow of the bourgeois state and THE MINERS FAILED TO GET THE SIX Scharrenberg 54, 178, Rodgers marine strike the bosses determined would not accept ball and refused of the labor relations board that the victory of the workers.
FACT, TO GET ANY REDUCTION IN HOURS. In the Ninth (San Francisco) every militant worker who showed a night spent lying on the stone when this committee came to a to drive out of the maritime unions to allow them to see Ross. After was set up under the 1934 award.
More clearly than any other phase of revolutionary activity does the struggle against war attest the inmost before the negotiations began Lewis gave up this District, where four vice presidents capacity for leadership, in order to floor of the drunk tank he was re deadlock last week, the matter was ternational character of the revolutionary movement.
He kept the miners from striking for the were elected, three incumbents were strengthen the hands of their agents leased to his wife and friends who put into the hands of Federal arbi: It is an international struggle and must be conducted in terms of an international strategy, through an inthe one really important gain which they might have defeated for the seat vacated by Peterson, Freldi, and Co.
tegrated international organization. Thus the strug won. Without that, further reductions in the work Dodge.
In the died on September 4, never having show of considering the matter ing force are bound to come, an increase in unemploy. red bunt of major propor. bosses and their labor lieutenants Rueb, placed under arrest, ad to render an impartial decision.
bitter warfare which ensued the regained consciousness.
from all angles in order to be able gle against war poses, in the most intense form, the central task of the present period: the building of ment, and with it wage slashing and incalculable mis tions that will have as its goal the of course had the co operation of mitted having struck Ross, claim that office boy of the bosses govern the Fourth International, the dynamie generator to drive forward the revolutionary advance of the workHad the miners led a real fight for the 30 hour labor movement of the state, Is The police were always busy else know what he was doing. He was were breaking their agreement it ing class. Threatening as is the oncoming of the new week, which the of L, has put forth as the major forecast by the adoption of a reso where while vigilante bands and held on suspicion of manslaugther, they refused to handle hot carro.
war, relatively weak numerically as the forces plank in its platform against unemployment, other lution asking local unions to expel Freiai intamous beef squad At the subsequent inquest the cor The LLA, the union, immediately now ranged against it, there is no reason to despair.
workers would have followed. At once reality and Communists and members of allied roamed the streets of San Pedro oners jury ordered that he be held asked for a rehearing on the ques.
Out of the last world war came the first great step vigor would have been given to the whole 30 hour organizations from their member terrorizing and slugging militant of the world revolution. Yet, in 1914, the interna week movement. But this the employers, once again ship. That this move is almed not workers, raiding meetings, and kidlated death of a militant worker. this request.
This case is more than the 1so tion. Sloss lost no time in denying tionalists were an organized force in only one nation, piling up profits during a temporary and spotty up only at members of radical parties napping and beating workers at. It is part of the campaign of the On Sunday the bargemen and turn in business, did not want.
and the betrayal of social democracy came to great mass of the workers as a shock that was unministration did not want it, being bent upon giving by the phrase, members of allied victim of the wave of terrorism vanced workers in the ranks of the ban on goods produced by the Santa expected and not prepared for. Today, organized the employers a breathing spell. Once again the organizations. Thus the way is that he had helped to launch, being unions and thus to strike terror Cruz Packing Co. and cargo trans groups of revolutionary Internationaliats exist in of bureaucrats yielded to theme interests, made clear to brand all militants as killed by the police. His death has into the hearts of the rank and alle ported by the River Lines, Inc.
surrendered before the battle had begun, betrayed allies of Communism.
Dearly every nation, and are actively forging the the interests of the workers. The miners strike thus parties of the Fourth International; today the Second never been satisfactorily explained. It is hoped that by the use of these pending the outcome of negotiations The reactionary nature of the but in all probability was the re methods that the workers will be with the employers and the labor and Third Internationals have annonced their hetray.
signalizes the end of the movement to reduce hours convention is further evidenced by sult of some private feud.
al beforehand, and we will thus not be trapped by for the time being at least. In many Industries em: the rejection of the idea of political Sometime during the course of domination of their unions by the There the situation rests today, terrorized into submitting to the relations board.
surprise; and today we have the rich experience and ployers are already increasing them. Soon this will action by labor and the adoption of this bitter campaign against the labor lieutenants of the bosses with the employers announcing lessons of the past generation to draw from.
happen in other fields as well.
The struggle against Imperialist war is the strug2. THE MINERS DID NOT WIN ANY REAL bargaining as the sole means of ob friends and became a tool of the consider well what these attacks Plant, their determination to a resolution endorsing collective militants Rueb deserted his former Every class conscious worker must through their spokesman Thomas INCREASE IN WAGES. It is true that there is a taining economic security.
gle for socialism; the struggle for socialism is the mean to him and hire scab hongshorement to replace struggle for the Fourth International, for the world providing a 50 basle rate in the Appalachian area forts of President Roosevelt on beate goal the smashing of thel his union.
revolution. similar nominal increase of about 01 percent was half of the workers of the nation.
This morning it was announced given in other rates. But this will not even cover the demanding the freedom of Tom that 1, 440 longshoremen were on the blacklist and that 29 ships were increase in the cost of living since the last contract Mooney, repeal of the Criminal was made. The miners have thus barely held their Syndicalism law, and condemning tled up directly or indirectly be cause of the hot cargo dispute.
Ample proof that while they congo on unmolested, making profits out of the sweat of the miners while the mines are running and throwing sider impartial arbitration an efInvestigation of the scab herding of the classes, the key to the fate of Europe and them on the scrap heap whenever It suits them to activities of Capt. William. Red. THE SACRAMENTO APPEAL HEISLER ÎN BISMARK fective opiate with which to dull perhaps of the world. Should Fascism add this shut the mines down.
In response to a call from the Francis Heisler, attorney of the the fighting spirit of the workers country to its list of conquests it will hurl the prole THE CHANCE TO FORCE THE OPERA Xto Hynes, hend of the infamous red International Labor Defense, the chicago is now in Bis they do not intend to rely on it as tarian cause back for decades and mortally injure TORS IN THE NON UNIONIZED FIELDS OF TEN. department was demanded in a res don Defense has been set up by the of the Fargo Strikers to the State launch a campaign of visitante ter the existence of the Soviet Union. On the other hand, NESSEE, VIGGINIA AND KENTUCKY TO SIGN Aolution recently adopted by the LL. League for Industrial Demo Supreme Court.
the signal of the French working class revolution UNION CONTRACT AND THUS TO EFFECT Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen.
would arouse the oppressed of Germany, Austria, NATION WIDE 100 PERCENT ORGANIZATION OF ers if they consider it necessary, is The resolution, submitted to the General Defense Committee, Nation cracy, Non Partisan Tabor Defense, contained in an article in a recent Spain and Italy and forever destroy the fabric of THE BITUMINOUS MINERS, LEWIS SURREND mayor, chief of police, board of po Versailles and Hitler vision of Mittel Europa. At ERED WITHOUT PUTTING UP EVEN THE SEM. lee commissioners, and the city Political Prisoners, and League of al Committee for the Defense of Form Labor issue of the San Francisco Ship the stme time it would ensure the existence of the BLANCE OF FIGHT.
ping Register, organ of the water Soviet Union by extending its base the fact that the union today is so strong and the 7, 893. 60 by the Los Angeles Rail Fox of the has been elected front employers.
The Bolshevik Leninists constitute the spearhead operators themselves are so averse to a real battle way for Hynes strike breaking ser secretary.
Call for Vigilantes of the revolutionary forces in France today (of ac that the union scale may be paid in these fields even vlees during the street car strike tive rewistance Under a caption Are All the Fascism and the revolutionary as if no contract is signed. Had Lewis delivered an last fall.
The committee announces several Vigilantes Dead? an editorial comsault on capitalism. They have raised in the French sultimatum: Recognize the right of the miners to bar. Continued from Page 1)
The resolution reads as follows: immediate activities to aid the drive labor movement the demands for workers militia, the general strike, workers and peasants govern or we will strike until hel freezes over, it is well this organization (Pacific Electrie to release Herndon from the 20 year dorsement of a Labor, or third There are hundreds of thousands gain collectively, sign a union contract in every field, It is the expressed opinion of Cor 2, 000, 000 signatures to petitions the Congress candidates as not com asking for abortive increases in ment, socialization and workers control. They have nigh inconceivable that the operators would have held Lodge No. 912, Brotherhood of chain gang sentence imposed by an party.
challenged and are challenging the social patriotism out. As it is, the threat to the union and to the Railroad Trainmen) that public Atlanta Jim Crow court. The new of red blooded Americans here in of the People Front and its agents, the reformist miners standard of living involved in the existence servants, either elected or appointbureaucracies of the Communist and Socialist parties.
These bureaucracies are making the sharpest attack of even a relatively small unorganized sector remains, ed. are bound to serve the entire committee, in addition to publish: ne tavorable glances of the union clared. What sayewe take on day and the unorganized miners can point to another public and the action of a public son forms bearing the names of store in the campaign and are all attend to the matter in a proper upon the Bolshevik Leninists who advocate a complete instance of failure on the part of Lewis to back them official in lowering the dignity of its constituent bodies, will during heated up about their inclusion in manner?
break with the bourgeoisie, a slogan of revolutionary up effectively in their struggle against the brutality his office by resorting to the activ. the coming week publish a new 16 big time politics. The Communist defeatism as against truce with the hourgeoisie in the and terrorism of the Bourbons of the mining industry. ity of herding seabs is repugnant page pamphlet on this important party is going through some amus imperialist war, the need for the struggle for power No, this is not a victory for the miners but for the to every sense of decency of his labor case. Already 20, 000 coples ing contortions trying to squirm vigorous, campaign to secure the Preparations were made for a as the only means to defeat Fascism as against the labor fakers, the operators and the Roosevelt admin employer, the general public.
betraying policy of unity with the bourgeoisie to istration.
The resolution further demanded have been ordered by various or into the picture.
uphold bourgeois democracy and capitalism. The Once again we say to the miners: Awake! Build a an investigation of the activities of ganizations. It will sell at cents Although the Congress has putramento conspiracy Workers Party is pledged to give its fullest support single united miners union and a left wing to make the red squad and demanded that per cory Send orders to the Non forth a platform containing a pre beld in Los Angeles September 25 to the French Bolshevik Leninists in this that union clean, militant, progressive. Once again the report be made publie.
Partisan Labor Defense, 22 East amble full of vaguely radical As a result of this conference the Consequently the Workers Party is responding we say to the progressives throughout the trade union Every union in the Los Angeles The new committee is calling a evinced by the reactionary elements Sacramento Appeal Committee was 17th St.
phrases, no particular fear is being Los Angeles section of the National immediately to the appeal of our French comrades movement: Expose the fake progressivism and In area should pass similar resolutions for financial support for la Verite, organ of the dustrial unionism of Lewis and Company! Build and continue the fight until this New York City Action Conference in the city. It is pretty generally formed with the following organizBolshevik Leninists and their most important single weapon in struggle in they are now en country in order that the native militancy and grow city.
Angelo Herndon will partic. Congress are making no efforts to the Socialist Party, the Workers gaged. Additional funds to maintain La Verite and ing solidarity of the American workers may not be pate and the new pamphlet will be dispel this understanding, that the Party, Spartacus Youth League and to enable it to greatly increase its circulation are prostituted as it was in the recent miners strike, Five members of Furniture Work on sale.
bark of this movement is out of all the Young Peoples Socialist League.
particularly necessary according to an appeal just but may be organized and directed to victory!
Through the sale of this pamphlet proportion to its bite. Commenting steering committee consisting of received from our French comrades because the besten that they had to be taken and circulation of petitions, in an editorialized news story on the following members was elected. formation of the new revolutionary party in France to the hospital when strikebreakers members will be able to continue the formation of the Congress, the Chairman, Gardner Wells, Socialist has now become an immediate task. LA VERITE attacked a pleket line at the plant dom in an organized way. Rush sheet, stated: While the preamble Workers Party: Treasurer, Claude We call upon all our branches and members to of the Morris Furniture Co. last make the utmost sacrifices in order that a preliminary Organ of the Bolshevik Leninist Group in French Thursday evening.
your orders for pamphlets and petl of the platform on which the can Erwin, installment of our contribution may be sent to France formerly Communist League of France) The strike at the Morris plant tions to the LD.
didates are campaigning leads off An effort to draw every labor and immediately. Collection lists are being sent to the Single coples, 5c each Subscriptions has been in progress since April with a Socialiste doctrine, it is liberal organization in the Los Anbranches and should be widely circulated among the PHILLY WORKERS FREE plus 20 postage.
29th, and has been characterized by 00 per year likely that most of the candidates geles area into this tight for the workers and all our sympathisers. We do not hesiFive members of the Philadel signed the platform as a matter of rights of labor will be made. Each tate also to call upon those who are not members of Order from the grim ers to stay out until better condi phia Retail Fruit Clerks Union of political expediency rather than a organization participating in the the party but who realize that in the present tense PIONEER BOOKSHOP tions have been won.
Philadelphia, held on charges rigked pledge of conversion to the doctrine Los Angeles local of the 100 Fifth Avenue, international situation nothing is more important Determined to initiate a reign of against them by the bosses assocl of Socialism.
has pledged itself to circulate col.
than the defeat of social patriotism in France, to terror in order to break the spirit ation during the recent strike, have Clyde Kiker, freelance politician, lection Lists and to widely circulate been freed.
of the strikers, a sudden attack was perennial office seeker and state the pamphlet Union Smashing in Since the last report in these col secretary of the Ohio Federation of Sacramento. mass meeting to Two Int ls For preserve peace. the com fringements by sanctions, ete! The launched on the pieket line by a umns, a defense committee was or Teachers, is campaign manager for bring this case to the attention of munists urge the working dass degenerates of Stalinism boast that sang of scabs armed with clubs ganized by the union, with Lou Ro the Congress slate. Kiker ran in the public at large will be held in are forcing the British govern monkey wrenches, and screw driv: berts, union secretary, in charge the last congessional primaries for the near future.
parties and organizations to ment into imperialist war!
ers, as the day and night shifts Attorney Frank Nowve of the congressman ments to act collectively through Before the last war the Second were changing places the Democratie Similar committees already exist the League against Italy, even to International at least kept up ap to the men taken to the hospital LD of New York aided in organ Party ticket.
in San Francisco and Oakland. Continued from Page 1)
pearances and spoke against war over two dozen others were injured. New York Roberts, aided by the the point of applying sanctions, good fellows of socialism cheer the closing the Suez Canal, ete. Ete! until the very last moment. But in Police rushed to the scene of the secured financial and for these times the two Internationals battle in several cars and took the the defense from brother unions.
sentiments of pacifism in their In that little etc. is contained the Sunday Night Lecture Series ranks and then vote to send their word war. no more than an don wait for war to betray the most seriously injured men to the workers off to the slaughter in the ete to the degenerates of Stalin workers, they urge the capitalists hospital, of course none of the HARLAN MINERS on. They can wait for the debacle, strikebreaking thugs who perpetrat defense of British robber imperialism. the capitalist govem drive being made for ism. Incredible hypocrisy, worse wents are not anxious to use they can wait to send their worked the vicious attack were arrested, the pardon of the six than capitalist, socialist hypocrisy. sanctions. The British govern revel in the blood of millions of MINNEAPOLIS LD.
The moldy Second International ment has repeatedly offered to members railroaded to prison for life in Harlan, Ky. on charges of (HISTORICAL LESSONS FOR AMERICA)
rises out of its grave to grasp an carve up Ethiopia with Mussolini women and children of another other million mass of workers and. but the adven the Eng.
Having become a power in the murder growing out of the historie Oct. 13. The Road To The Fourth International race. and workers of All races. labor movement through its great Battle of Evarts between miners of the Eng carry them down into blood and lish workers has If the number following your mass trial of mayor Scab Latimer, and deputies. committee has (FORCES AND PROSPECTS FOR NEW WORLD PARTY ampire international. lish government to the point the Provisional N:P. Committee been appointed by the to UNDER THE BANNER OF MARX AND LENIN)
And the Third International? Its where they may apply sanctions. name on the wrapper le of Minneapolis has now been given aid this defense; Adelaide Walker, efforts are just as energetic in the. a charter. Among those on the who was a leading figure in the Spenker: service of the British bourgeoisie The Stalinists are not even will.
41 National Executive of the PL. caravan of writers which went into James Cannon but more ludicrous, if there can being to vouchsafe Lansbury a Jolly for the charter are Henry Schultz, Bloody Harlan four years ago and your subscription has EXanything ludicrous in this monster good fellow before they order the Editor of New Militant secretary of the State Employees who was indicted for criminal synbetrayal.
workers out to the butchery. The PIRED. Wo urge you to rend Assn. Elmer Huset of the Farmer dicalism, is chairman.
Irving Plaza, Irving Place and 15th Stroet We take the line from the Dally pressure of the English workers has in your renewal by return Labor Veterans Asen; Farrell Funds to ald the Harlan miners Admission 15 cents per lecture Worker question box for October 2: driven the British government to thus msuring the receipt of Dobbs, secretary of Local 574; Mrs. should be sent to Herbert Mahler, 94 The aim of the communists in the point where it may. defend Carlson of the Woman Aux. General Defense Committee, Auspices: Workers Party, New York District.
your copy without interruption.
the present situation in Africa is its colonial loot against Italy iniliary.
Fifth Avenue, Party in Ohio League Moves FORCE dheir capitaliste overna on Oct. The Stuggle Against Fascism mire