BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismMarxSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1935 Comments WAR AND THE MILITANT SOCIALISTS Program of the Militants LEFT On Life, Liberty JABS use the term, against national de and Pursuit of Purposely Vague Program Sows Many Dangerous fense, without explicitly and by Illusions Among Workers Ranks name differentiating oneself from Happiness CHAMPION OF TWO WORLDS.
the Baners and Zyromskis on the one hand and the Stalinists on the Joe Louis jabbing left and pow(Continued from Page 1) countries either actually participate ther. The omission of this explic(Extracts from the new program presented at the Socialist Call Institute at Bound Brook, erful right not only left Max Baer By BILL REICH cialist masses into the imperialist in oppressing colonies (British La itness is not accidental; last year, The World War was not an accidental occurrence, but was a kneeling on the canvas last TuesMEN OF GOD.
camp this lays a special responsibor Party, German Socialism, the Militants (represented by logical, an inevitable outcome of imperialist rivalries. The imperial day, but incidentally knocked out bility upon a group claiming to be French Socialists of the coalition Krueger) united with the Bauers God. Yes Sir, Father Divine, ist world aligned itself into two campe, with Great Britain and GerPresident Roosevelt appeals to revolutionary Socialists to break, cabinets, etc. or make freedom of and Zyromskis in a so called inter God to thousands of his dupes many heading them. The war was not fought for democracy. for the clergy for advice in solving the in the fullest and most concrete the colonies contingent on socialism national left wing: they still lean nation social and economic prob terms, with the perfidious war pro in the home country. The colonial on these chauvinists internationalthe rights of small nations, or for civilization. It was fought and leading United Fronter, lems and for its opinion regarding grams of the Socialist parties. There question is closely bound up with ly; they fear to break openly, funfor territory, for markets, for sources of raw materials, and for fields has been knocked clean out of his his Social Security legislation. is another and equally important the theory of the state. whoever damentally, with these treacherous for investments in short, to determine which group of imperialists position as chler Stalinist hope for gaining a foothold in Harlem and was to dominate and exploit the world and its toilers.
Among the replies were: Rev. reason why left wing Socialists are does not declare his support of col. pseudo revolutionists. But those Philippe Payson, Westchester, under obligation to treat fully and onial wars has scarcely approached who will not break with chauvin The defeat of Germany and the adoption of the Versailles Treaty replaced by Joe Louis himself. The don approve of the thing. adequately the war question that the Marxian theory of the nature of ists in peacetime, will scarcely do did not end imperialist rivalry. On the contrary, a new and more: Daily Worker is ready to make a. Rabbi Stephen Goldstein, New is, that since the World War var. the state.
intense rivalry was born, wrich could not be hidden by the setting people front broad enough to York, The President recognizes lous Socialist groups, while remainso in war. They might have inup of the League of Nations. The loot which fell to the victorious include Mrs. Hearst Milk Fund in REVOLUTIONARY DEFEATISM cluded in their program a categorthat the churches and synagogues ing essentially nations was insufficient to restore their super profits. The slow but support of the fight racket if only the same camp No hint of the policy of revical statement that, in the event of are deeply concerned over social with the patriots, have developed a Olutionary defeatism. One of the a military alliance between America they can bask for a moment in the steady fall in the rate proflt compels the imperialist groups to seek reflected glory of Louis powerful conditions. The ministers of Amer multitudinous variety of confusing greatest theoretical contributions new and less exploited markets, thus constantly coming into conflict, and the Soviet Union, they would mitts.
ica are in close touch with the formulations which obscure their the October Revolution was the expose the treacherous aims of the not only with their esemies, but also with their allies. So long as Just listen to this from the Daily the capitalist system remains, it will give birth to more and more people who suffer most. Rev. real position. left wing program policy of preparing for it by work and seek to replace the capiWorker, Sept. 26: Falmquist, Philadelphia, worthy of the name would have to ing for the defeat of Czarist Russia, talist state by a workers regime devastating ware. Since the close of the World War, there has been To them (Harlem fight celethe President really wants advice, distinguish itself from there and through disintegration of the army, which alone could make a loyal alan uninterrupted series of small wars. The rearming of Germany, the clergy would tell him by and break with them.
the Italian aggression against Ethiopia, Japan seizure Manchuria brants) Joe Louis volley of powerWe shall deal sabotage, ete. Defeat in war underliance with the Soviet Union. Why ful right hand drives and left jabe large to work for the restoration of with these below.
and Northern China, and her activities against the Soviet Union, the mines the prestige of the capitalist did the Militant leaders the Eighteenth Amendment, to balomit to Baer jaw and body were as so The abstractness of the MI class and facilitates its overthrow: this? Why did they stick to the endeavor of the fascist rulers of Germany to provoke an attack upon ance the budget and to forget the tant program is particularly repel by that token, revolutionary de generality which also covers Zyrthe Sov! Union, indicate that a new World War is more imminent many blows against an oppressing nationality, against Jim Crow sup and dangerous than ever.
alphabet. Rev. Dr. John Tim tent. Let us recall the first pro teatism becomes a necessary workomski and Bauer? Note that the othy Stone, Chicago, What am gram of clentine socialism, the ing class polley pression and persecution of the Only the overthrow of Capitalism can put an end to the constant war. If a war Militants do not even include a Negro people in their struggle for threat of war forever. Page 2)
going to do for the President is to Communist Manifesto of Mary and breaks out, says the Militant specific denunciation of the doctrine unconditional equality, for national pray for him because he needs it. Engels. It was written with an program, the Socialists will con of defense of democracy against. Rabbi Dr. Louis Mann, Chicago, immediate eye to the coming revotinue to fight it. These are radical fascist countries under which the The Socialist Party ts opposed to all imperialist wars, and willi liberation. The Jewish boxer, Baer, himself a member of an opdo all in its power to prevent them. It can find no reason why the shall express the hope that the lutions of 1848; It concretely set words; but any bourgeois pacifist pseudo lefts of European social de pressed minority, had become, by workers of a capitalist nation should support their government in a administration should speak in no tied accounts with all other claim can and does use them. One of the mocracy hide their chauvinism. In uncertain terms of Its loyalty to ants to socialist virtue of the hopes placed in his strategy. The chiet distinguishing marks between this connection, note that the MIN.
war under any circumstances. It is opposed to social chauvinism, the constitution and its reverence Militant program is written when pacifists and revolutionists is the tants description of the present communo chauvinism, or the theory of national defense. It will Aght tistic ability by white chauviniat elements, the symbol of Negro opagainst militarism, armaments, military appropriations and military for the Supreme Court. Dr. the question of war is the most declaration for revolutionary de war danger, where it becomes conCutten, President of Colgate Unt important question of the epoch; tentiam, crete, lists only the activities of alliances and treaties If a war breaks out it will continue to light pression.
Apparently behind the Aght on versity, Nothing could threaten the when the most important immedi WAR AND REVOLUTION it. It will work for a general strike to paralyze the conduct of the Germany, Japan, Italy, precisely race as seriously as social legislate task is utmost clarity in prepar.
that historic Tuesday evening at No hint that the workers rev the bad capitalist powers singled war. It will urge solidarity with the workers in the enemy country, the Yankee Stadium Turked a diaHon. It is begging the unit to be atlon for the war. Those are pun. olution is the answer to imperialist out by Socialist and Stalinist chauand will take advantage on the mass opposition to war to work for bolical plot. The Bomea put up more unit and inviting the At to dits, indeed, who can settle the war. We do not refer bere to the vinists, and does not mention the Socialism and a workers and farmers government. Page Jewish Oppressed Minority Baer Join the ranks of the unft. Old question so summarily!
general doctrine that only socialism equally war like activities of France STATEMENT OF THE OWNER tion for the Negroes Louig. It to battle against Self Determinaage insurance removes one of the points of pressure which has kept will put an end to war: that doe and Great Britain, to say nothing the conduct of the war.
But it is precisely in order nottrine is perfectly acceptable to the of the most rapacious of all the imThis slogan is allen to Lenin SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULA. was heads win and tails you love many persons up to the strife and to settle the question, that it is most pernicious pacifists who infest perialist powers, the United States. teachings on war. It is quite in TION, ETC, REQUIRED BY THE with the Bosses. If Baer wonstruggle. Rev. Julian McPheet dealt with so summarily. Brevity the working class. We refer here SILENCE ON OTHER SOCIALIST Che spirit of Devere Allen pacifren: down went sell determination. It MARCH 3, 1933 ers, San Francisco, would like is employed here only to obscure to the doctrine that, as Lenin de BETRAYERS Baer bit the dust, as he did, bang to have the President call a day of the fact that the Militants in clared, the slogan of revolution by prayer of all religious groupe to clude anti revolutionary elements turning the imperialist war into No exposure of other Socialist Declaration of Principles, it is not of the New Militant, published went the oppressed Jewish minor seek the hand of God in guiding pacifists of all shades, not to men civil war, becomes the chief slogan opponents of a revolutionary policy complementary to, but a substitute weekly at New York, NY. for Oct. ity. Palestine, Biro Blan, to say men. would suggest that the tion a few social patriots. Let us of the revolutionary party once war on war. Especially with the rise or for the Leninist program of defeat 1, 1835. State of New York, County nothing of the Freiheit and the of New York.
President remain true to the con list some of the fallacies of the begins that the war, creating the fascism, and the consequent crisis ism and cu MYTH VERSUS REALITY mePegler may Militant program.
PAOIFISM feat of the given nation, puts the have arisen numerous centrist shad. It is part of the very definition of and for the state and county afore write racter accounts of esporty DOLLAR DIPLOMACY. No mention of pacifism. No revolution on the order of the day: ings. Henri de Man followers put a war situation that proletarian re saidpersonally appeared Arne events but for the people angle recognized by the United States perialism contributed by the paci the revolution must obviously take the bourgeoisie will support, they sunda, betrayal by leaders, passivity sworn according to law, deposes and Collara diplomacy is no longer hint of the yeoman work for im. that, above all in the midst of war, forward economie plans which, if sistance has been broken by prope: swabeck, who having been duly simme the Daily Worker.
etc. Part of the preparation for says that he is the business manas PEOPLE FRONTS.
President Roosevelt. The Battsedly to be repeated again. We re hint of all this from the Milli land from fascist countries. Swiss, war is the destruction of potentialer of the New Militant and that the Since the French Stalinists have ta regime in Cuba could not last a fer not only to the fact, so clearly tants. All we get from them is Czecho Slovak and other socialists resistance by the workers. That following is to the best of his know. formed the People Front Andere Liberal Senators Wheeler pacifists go over to the war makers they will take advantage of the the stalinists too since the Seventh that the German and Austrian labor of the ownership, management and than two former French Premiers and Nye journey to Havana to make and put their past prestige at the mass opposition to war to work for Congress of small countries organizations have been smashed, if a dally paper, the circulation. Herriot and Daladier, there har arrangements for collecting the in service of war. We refer also to Socialism, etc. Since presumably which Socialists should defendas and that with the aid of Stalinismete, of the aforesaid publication for been keen competition among the terest on a 10, 000, 000 Cuban loan the fact that social pacifism. as they also take of the Chase National Bank. exemplified by Adler and Kautsky, opposition to the various forms of Europe which is not part of one or workers of England and France mogu red bride Act. March would be frst to organize a similar American gunboats patrol the Yang. renders impotent sections of the capitalist og socialism, there is There is the religious pacifism of their democratie governments. Notal Laws and Regulations, printed in, not content with small game, Fines cacetime, another imperialist war machine have been made ready to support 1993, embodied in section 587. Pos. People Front in the or tze River as far as the Standard masses who would be untouched by to work for 011 concessions in central China. the outright patriotism of the Van here no hint of the uniqueness of Lansbury in England which is so imperialist nation would dream of on the reverse of this form, to wit: sent up a trial balloon for a united That the names and address people front with Hoover. ConAmerican capital controls more derveldes and Scheldemanns. Not the opportunity created by war chauvinists that they insist be retion of disintegrating proletarianes of the publisher, editor, manas sidering the scarcity of ex Prest than two thirds of Mexican indusa word of this in the Multant which, when combined with defeat: main chairman of the Labor party. opposition had been funailed license ins editor fand business managers dents in the US as compared with dictates the policies of the Venezu. are you shielding, Militant lead the order of the day.
ist Party here. None of these, allies paralyze the conduct of the war lishing Co. 55 11th St. bold step by Olgin. Its failure elan government. Marers?
NATIONAL DEFENSE Editor, James Cannon, 55 11th should not be held against him. It ines stand ready to intervene in the PROGRESSIVE WARS No clarification of the ques of the imperialists, are criticized by is sheer poppycock.
affairs of any Central American naAt the beginning and in the first st. Managing Editor, James was a good try but, as they say in No mention of progressive tion of national defense. The the Militant program.
war, the capitalist Cannon, 55 11th St. baseball, the breaks were against tion at a moment notice. wars. Revolutionists are not only program declares its opposition to THE GENERAL STRIKE MYTH period of PREVAILING WAGES.
not paclfists because pacifism is in it, and this, taken in conjunction We have dealt with six major state is strong enough to smash Business Manager, Arne Swabeck, him. Next came Browder in his potent before imperialist war: with the previous sentence, which aspects of the war program tas ir tion as exists. Later in the war, That the owner is. If owned Telegram where he issued a caufamous interview to the WorldBitter strikes of relief workers there is also the positive fact that finds no reason bame and elsewhere were necessary a means of proletarian policy as an any conditions, undoubtedly takes which is false in its essential as agerton the double there arises dress must be stated and also imme. action by these attempts of the by New Yorker pennsylvania, Alar revolutionary war is just as much capitalist government in war under the constitute a program on war specially if the deserunt meets with by a corporation, to estahlish prevailing wage rates aprising. We support unreservediyine Militants out of the class of pects. The failure to mention pac the class struggle, by economic addresses of stockholders owning or on their toes and en este sa sprojectes en position to remeis wars we shorking classe states the maskea chauvinists like otto tism and progressive wars, the strikes, fights for economic Tights, holding one percent one more of total before a real People Front was was not long its wage of 10 a month is higher colonial peoples against their imselves against national defense and avoidance of criticism of the vari class morales built up again. But corporation, the names and ad. That Long Island would bring scaleIo Puerto Rico the secur. Port the wars of colonial and sem since these latter also declare them. tionary defeatism and divil war, the stesBorthese means the working amount of stock. If not owned by in the bag.
than prevailing rates. Heeding the perialist oppressors. Especially is simultaneously support French im. cus false Socialist war programs to a general strike to paralyze the must be given. It owned by a firm, foretold. Was it not here that the protexts of plantation owners, Hopit important for left wing Socialists perialism against Germany: since all this necessarily flows from the conduct of the war. For in a war, company. or other unincorporated Daily Worker proudly announced kins and Ickes, famous liberals, is to enunciate this doctrine, in the the stalinists do likewise and set utter falsity of the slogan working the fate of the capitalist interests concern, its name and address, as that a Red balting Daughter of the sue in order monthly security wage from Socialist parties in the imperialist fense, it has become impossible to for a general strike to paralyze as in a revolution; and any threat member, must be given. New Mill the Catholic church had agreed territories in favor of prevailing of a general strike would be an tant Publishing Co. 55 11th St. that the program was also rates.
Shachtman on the route. This tour will help pali work in the various branches along swered with systematic civil war James Cannon, 55 11th hers and had joined the Yes JURISPRUDENCE.
against the strikers. Hence the St. Arne Swabeck, 55 Long Island took the lead and PARTY AT general strike to paralyze war is a 11th St.
before me lies the fruit of their Fifty six patriotic lawyers, hand.
myth vicious myth, for it sow somely paid by the Liberty League, National Tour work for the new season now open That the known bondholders, toil. It is a leaflet announcing a the worst kind of Illusions since WORK have prer a 100, 000 The following is the gives no hint of the fact that such mortgagees, and other security hold meeting: In support of the Peo which has been wint to 000 cor.
ers owning or holding percent or ple Candidate for Alderman in the the tour: porations and which will enable Comrade Max Shacht man, editor a general strike can only have more of total amount of bonds, 58th Assembly District Mrs. Ger Schedule of Tour any third rate local lawyer to ob of The New International, begins a Philadelphia Tuesday, October 15 meaning if it is in reality, prepara mortgages, or other securities are: aldine Chaney. The lady is the The Washington, branch is tory to an armed insurrection struct the operation of New Deal coast to coast tour in october 15 Pittsburgh Wednesday, October 16. offering splendid cooperation to The revolution which comes in the (If there are none, so state. None. candidate of the Independent CitiLiberty League lawyer and counsel and cover almost every branch City. Arnold Johnson, the Secretary of midst of war will undoubtedly, as That the two paragraphs next zen Party and, according to the for Wierton Steel, announces a new in the country. He will speak on Cleveland Saturday.
Youngstown Friday, 18.
legal practice: When lawyer various current toples, the Seventh Toledo Sunday, October 20.
which has recently moved its head its earlier phases by mass strikes, ers, stockholders, and security hold highly original and profoundly revtells quarters from Columbus, Ohio, to such strikes are however, merely ers, if any, contain not only the list olutionary principle of equal rights a client that a law is uncon Congress of the the War Detroit Monday, October 21.
stitutional, it is then a nullity and Danger, the Road to the Fourth Chicago Tuesday to Sunday, Oct. tact persons who may be able to bilizing the workers for the reve as they appear upon the books or represents a truly broad people Washington. committee to con one of the tactics employed in mo of stockholders and security holders for all citizens. The speakers list he need no longer obey that law. International, etc. etc. With him Dalmus Steele. Thirteen Missouri farmers were will go Comrade Wasserman of the Davenport Monday, October 28.
help in setting up a Research Bu lution and civil war. They are not the company but also in cases front freed from all remnants of where the stockholder or security sectarianism: sentenced to one to three years in Pioneer Prese, who will aid in Austin Tuesday, October 29.
reau of the and another a substitute for revolution.
committee to help with the prepara THE ROLE OF ZAM holder appears upon the books of District Deputy Of Elks prison for opposing a federal farm drawing up plans for literature Albert Lea Wednesday, October 30. tions for the coming conven.
toreclosure sale and preventing the Let no one be under the illusion the company as trustee or in any Col! ol. Thomas Baker, Chair eviction of a destitute family.
Minneapolis Thursday to Saturday, tlon, has been set up. The Organ that the Militant program at this other duciary relation, the name Club: Paul Crosby. Communist In pronouncing sentence, Judge AlWORKERS Oct, 31 Nov.
izing Committee of the branch re point merely suffers from unclarity, whom such trustee is acting is candidate for County Judge in bert Reeves stated, Your action is Fargo Sunday, November dangerously near to treason and Protect Yourselves Against the Williston Tuesday, November Committee is making plans for a strike they really mean revolution given; also that the said two para Queens. Mrs. Geraldine Chaney, IDcertainly rebellion and insurrec Hazards of Life, Join the Plenty wood Wednesday, Nov. study class, a forum and a party The fact that Zam, the ex Love Sraphs contain statements embrac dependent Candidate for Alderman: Dr. Wm. Lefkowitz, Secretary of tion. With the sanction of WORKMEN SICK DEATH alt Lake City Saturday, Nov. mass meeting.
stoneite, had a hand in writing the lef as to the circumstances and committee for Equal Opportunities; bishops and priests, Al Smith at San Francisco Monday to WednesBENEFIT FUND OP THB the Eucharistie Congress establishes day, Nov. 11 18 The Utica, branch plans to possibility: Zam knows better but conditions under which stockholders Austin Mills, Pres. Mills Citizens and security holders who do not League Chairman, Rev. Richard 1884 1935 Los Angeles Friday to Monday, open its own headquarters on Oct. he has adapted himself to the nonthe divine right of property: The McCarthy (it couldn go on appear upon the books of the com. Without benefit of clergy. right to hold property is a God Organized, managed by and for Kansas City Tuesday, December ate an open forum.
Nov. 15 18. and shortly thereafter will intti revolutionary views of the Minitant centrists who are largely securities in a capacity other than given right and the Constitution of That the set up. The leaflet the United States declares it is a workers with only one purpose: St. Louis Wednesday, December still no further advanced than the that of a bona fide owner and this adds: Read it and judge for your Progress is being made in Los pacifist Devere Allen on the war afhant has no reason to believe that God given right.
to render protection to members Springfield Thursday, December Sorumbus saturday, December Angeles in setting up a sub commit. question. In thus adapting himself any other person, association of the Communist Party that sup To tbat we say, Amen! and judge and thelr familles, and to map port all endeavors and struggles Akron Sunday, December for the improvement of toller.
Pittsburgh Monday, December Brownsville Lecture Charleston Tuesday, December 10. and are cooperating and right road, and produced a program or other securities than an so stated peal Committee. The Socialist Party Militants who honestly seek the corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds, ports It. The Seventh Congress of the About 50. 000 members organWashington Thursday, Dec. 12.
Ised in 350 branches Reserved the Indications are that other which 15 a mockery of the name by him.
ORGANIZATIONS Communist International Allentown Friday, December 13. groups will also join the local com revolutionary. 3, 400, 000 Speaker: Get estimates on your mittee That the average number of Let the honest Socialists, howJames Cannon Denth benefit graded accord printing job from CONVENTION REPORT ever, ponder on the lessons of the coples of each issue of this publicaFriday, Oct. 11th, 1935 40 P. ing to age at entry. Sick benet NEXT NEW MILITANT Boston is still looking for a loca October Revolution and read Lenin tion sold or distributed, through The CHELSEA PRESS 1776 Pitkin Avenuener Stone Payments from 380 to 900 to For a complete report of the tion for its new headquarters and oh war. They will find our criti the mails or otherwise, to paid subUNION PRINTERS men and women, according to of convention, shortly to be expects to be located soon. An edu cism of the Militant program, scribers during the twelve months clases. West 19th Street, PAUL LUTTINGER, sin in Atlantic City, get a cational program has begun conslat sharp as it may seem, justified to preceding the date shown above is Monthly assessments from 45 copy of the next Issue the NEW Ing of a study class on Tuesday the hilt. This information is required from DANIEL LUTTINOER.
CHelsea 6901 6965 to 20 MILITANT. We expect to have a evenings and a public forum every daily publications only. Washington Square North ARNE SWABECK, Mr further information apply the sessions, Friday with a national speaker reporter present at NOTE: Next week we shall disCELIA KASS. and Except Sunday: Business Manager, to Main Office: who will give the NEW MILITANT once a month.
cuss the trade union section of (Seal.
and Holidays 714 Soneca Ave. Brooklyn, readers a first hand account of the the new program of the Socialist Sworn to and subscribed before (My commission expires convention.
me this 80th day of September, 1935 March 30, 1936)
ing of 22 27.