BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 41 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1935 PRICE CERES NEW MILITANT WAR FLAMES SWEEP ETHIOPIA Imperialist Robbers Bomb Helpless Natives As Second And Third Internationals Betray Proletariat Into New Slaughter Bureaucrats Remember 1914! Down With Imperialist War! Iron Workers Form Toledo Both Int ls Revolutionary Policy Alone Bombs Rain Victorious in Minneapolis CanDefeat Imperialist War Labor Party For League Radicals Barred FromAll WarMoves On African Influence in County 74 Day Battle in Which Mud Hovels Two Were killed STATEMENT OF THE THIRD PLENUM OF THE exception, is the political instrument of the class Congress Even as the first blood has been NATIONAL COMMITTEE, WORKERS PARTY enemy, the first and implacable enemy of that naThe Ethioplan butchery begins Comes to End shed on the mountanous plateaus OF THE NEW YORK, OCT. tion proletariat. The revolutionary party can make with the corpses of hundreds of naTOLEDO, Ohio, Sept. 30. Hiding of Ethiopia, the two Internationals no distinction between good and bad capitalist tive men, women and children torn The armies of Italian Fasciam, after months MINNEAPOLIS, Minn The 74behind the innocuous nom de plume of betrayal, the Second and the of deliberate preparation, have now launched their states. It is the enemy of every capitalist state, to to pieces by bombs rained down on day strike selge of the Minneapolis of the Lucas County Congress for Third, hasten to conclude the last attack upon the Ethiopian peoples. Driven by the the death.
the helpless and poverty stricken metal workers centering around Political Action, the Toledo Centerms of thelr pact with the bour. Intolerable strains of internal social and economic At the outbreak of the last imperialist war, hovels of Adigiat and Adowa. The the Flour City Ornamental Iron tral Labor Union and the Toledo reolsle. they seek to surpass contradictions, Mussolini and the Italian bourgeotste the Second International revealed its internal degen great civilizing mission of the mod Works has come to a victorious locals of the Railroad Brotherhoods even the capitalists in their anxiety seek a solution in open imperialist aggression against eration by betraying the working class to the class ern Caesar begins with his Italian conclusion, During this memorable have blossomed forth into indepen to push the workers whom they pre the last of the independent nations of Africa.
enemy, by espousing the cause of national defense and son in law dropping from battle the bosses and the Farmerdent political action, with a contend to represent, into a new and patriotism, by a truce with the bourgeoisle in the planes on the uncivilized natives to Labor city administration tried glomerate slate of politicians, sup bloodler slaughter. Both the social that the conflicts of world Imperialism have reached The outbreak of war in Africa demonstrates interests of national unity. by going over to social give them a first lesson in the every single trick known to labor posedly friendly to iabor, conserva. Ist and Communist parties of Brit: the stage of armed struggle for a re making of boun patriotism and social chauvinism. Already, before amenities of capitalist culture. And haters, everything from conciliative union officials, and a couple of aln demand demand that their darles, and a re division of territorles and colonial the outbreak of the new war, the leaders of the So the torn and broken bodies of the tion to the outright murder of unSocialists to provide a radical face, government apply sanctions against possessions. Though the Italian campaign in Ethiopia cialist and Labour International have announced a first victims in this senseless war, ion men. The union has stood firm the Congress, which is completely Italy. they can hardly walt for may not lead immediately and directly to a world repitition of the betrayal, are already preparing to killed in cold blood without chance through a barrage of paid adverdominated by the craft union of the blood bath.
cialdom, is attempting to gain con The British Labor Party, the hope prove no more than temporary. The war in Ethiopia struggle of the imperialist powers, this delay can turn over their following to the war makers. In Eng of reply, are the first lessons in tisements in the yellow press, inland, the British Labour Party, by calling for govern civilization, Junctions from the lackey courts, the next election as a labor tiek al now that the German Social ialist world war.
trol of the local elty government in and glory of the Second Internation: mast be understood as the prelude to the new imper ment applied sanctions and the closing of the Suez With machine guns, artillery, strikebreaker thugs and ganmen, Canal, once again takes the position national unity tanks, and airplanes the courag police in armored cars, impartial et.
Democracy has been led into the pit. that is, solidarity with the class enemy before the eous Italian generals advance boards, red scares, etc.
Boasting a program of various has just voted for war, twenty to Expose the Bandit eague war danger, and of fully developed social patriotism, municipal reforms, the Congress is one! George Lansbury, the aged In France, the leaders of the have taken the against a practically unarmed horde several weeks ago two workers of natives swarming to the defense were killed and many wounded attempting to rally the support of pacifist leader of the Labor Party In the preparation for the Italian seizure of same position to defend the Interests of the bour of those rights for which thousands when the Farmer Labor mayor or organized labor, liberals and re rose at the congress and said: Ethiopia, the League of Nations has once more dem of. formers, cannot believe. ne nay it is impossible onstrated beyond any possible doubt its true role. The plement the League Covenant by government sanc of Mohammedans, of Boers, of the pickets, after many unsuccessThe local union leadership is tak to believe that there should be any. League is not in any sense, whatever the defender of tions. In August, the Executive Committee of the Africans, have given up their lives ful attempts to open the factory ing no chance that genuine radical one in this assembly who could up peace. It is the legal and hypocritical cover for the Socialist and Labour International adopted a pro in the last century the right of with scabs had been defeated by hold the opinion that there could maneuvering of the dominant imperialist powers, gram of full blooded social patriotism.
national peoples to live outside the their vigilance, But this provocainfluences will have any voice in the be a pretext even that of counter Since Ethiopia first invoked League Assistance on The struggle against imperialist war means the crushing yoke of British, French, tion, like all others, only reinforced control remains solely in the hands attacking to throw bombs and dead. December, 1984, the negotiations have served to struggle against the Second International.
Italian, and American imperialism. the strikers determination to win of the local A, of and Railly was on the women and children permit uninterrupted preparation for the war by and enlisted the sympathy of the The first reports indicate that whole working class of Minneapolis, road Brotherhood officialdom. Or to deter defensive preparation by Ethiopia.
Combat Social Patriotism cannot see any difference be. The League has been utilized above all to serve the the Ethiopians are retreating beThen Mayor Latimer tried another ganizations like the Lucas County tween massacre organized by the ends of British Imperialism. Behind its cover, the During the past year, the Communist Interna fore the Italian advance, concen attack, setting up what became his ent organizations like the League of Nations and massacre agents of Great Britain, France and Italy have haktional has passed from a policy which weakened and trating around the town of Adowa, Employer Employee board, a pale and the Toledo Newspaper Guild organized by the nations individu gled over the price in terms of treaties, guarantees, were specifically excluded from protection, and territories, which ench was willing to to an active espousal of the policies of class truce and stands against an all embracing attempt to mask reactionaries and representation in the Congress, The Song and a Vote pay to preserve its own interests. The threat of social patriotisn. By the Franco Soviet Pact, the imperialist civilization in the his labor fakers as impartial arbitratlocal Workers Alliance is included Says the New York Post: Thund. League sanctions has been made not to save Ethiopia Stalin Laval communique, the conduct of the Soviet tory of the last century, in 1898 Terms of Agreement in the Congress as a safe organ shouts of For he a jolly good. but to safeguard British colonial possessions and spontaneous which the League report itself offered to sacrifice Union in the League during the development of the to make another attempt to beat of Cutting through all red tape the Ethiopian crisis, and above all by the Seventh Con the Italian Fascist vampires.
strikers negotiated with the ren Ization, Fellow greeted the seventy six year lines of communication, and to try to close the opengress of the the Communist International stands The outcome of the war does not forces, the Citizens Alliance in the Union bureaucrats, such as Otto old leader. Immediately after ing for Germany in Central Europe. The League of unmasked as the heir of social democracy betrayal depend upon the fortune of indi. person Mac Aloon. The agreement Brach, secretary of the Toledo wards the assembly voted twenty Nations is the agency, not of peace, but of Imperialist on the issue of war, announcing itself as ready to do vidual battles but upon the staying concluded provides for the return are backing the move, as they to one to support League Sanctions aggression.
the hangman job of turning over the proletariat of power of the Ethiopians. If they of all strikers to their former pool believe it will not compromise them against Italy to support the present England, France and the to their national bour can keep the field, constantly bar tions: for wages close to the unions with the old time political machines agent of British imperialism, the unremitting exposure of the role of the League of The struggle against imperialist war demands the with which they have been cooper League of Nations, in any measures Nations.
geoisie in the coming war, in return for paper prom rass the Italian army, retreat with original demand varying from 45 to ating for years. Since the elections it may take. not pledging to sup ises of protection for the borders of the Soviet Union. out engaging in hopeless battles, 67 cents per hour; for the forty permit only non partisan candi port, but urging the League to take In England, the Communist party applauds the posi split the Italian army and fight it hour week; time and a half for over No less than the European powers is im. tion of the Labour Party; in France, the Communist in pieces, they can exhaust not only time, etc. The agreement may be dates, they feel safe in endorsing action. Thus lightly these jolly perialism bound by the iron chain of cause and effect party supports enthusiastically the worst betrayals the army, but more important the reopened anytime during the next (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
to the events in Africa and to the new world conflict of Blum and Herriot, and throughout the world the Italian nation and the Fascist re thirty days men discharged before which they herald, The sentimental dream of Communist International prepares the sacrifice of gime, which embarked on this war, the strike for union activity are to Isolation, Roosevelt promises that the will the working class on the altar of imperialism. in the first place, as a last resort to bakers union, Crescencio Freire, remain free and untangled, have no more force The struggle against imperialist war means every. Lolster a tottering economy and an be reinstated. The settlement covers than the unctuous phrases of Wilson in 1916. The where the relentless struggle against Stalinism. explosive political situation, Continued on Page U. will, on the contrary, play the dominant and Throughout the world the only organized its pacifist covering the Roosevelt government is pouring more funds into its war machine than any struggle against imperialist war are the parties and (By the Editorial Board)
other nation in the world, Both navy and army are revolutionary program on which to unite: this for years has been constructed on a purely offensive strategic basis. The Workers Party of the carries on this struggle and still continues to be the basie need of the left wing currents in the bourgeoisie, waiting and preparing, expects to in the closest solidarity with its comrades in all Socialist Party. This fundamental task has been constantly avoided by intervene in the later stages of the world struggle countries.
the Militant Socialist leaders, who are a heterogeneous combination when the other powers are mutually exhausted, to Against the betrayers, the Workers Party rejects terrible picture of the terror soever in the strike was punished which must break up once faced with the fundamental questions of achieve the world domination of US finance capital.
every form of social patriotism and social chauvin waged against the Cuban masses by jail terms of years. Any accuworking class theory and strateky. The first Militant program, hur The struggle against Imperialist war is above all ism: it rejects every conception of national unity and by the American controlled dieta sation, proved or unproved, made riedly gotten up within a few days of the June, 1934 convention, was the the struggle against imperialism, national defense; it rejects all ideas of truce with torship, and an appeal to Ameri by any police agent anxious to gain work of a few individuals; it was quietly semapped at the convention the bourgeois state, democratic or fascist; it exposes can trade unions for solidarity rewards and credits, was enough, for the sake of an unprincipled alliance with Hoan and Thomas, and Against Stalinist Betrayal the role of the League of Nations as the pawn of the against their common oppressors, before the Emergency Tribunals, to was never heard of again.
imperialist member states; it rejects the sentimental is contained in a letter just re condemn the accused. In Santiago Now that their 1934 alliance has The cannot avoid implication in the illusions of pacifists and petty bourgeois liberals; ceived by the Non Partisan Labor de Cuba young Jaime Greinstein come to grlet (which was a fore against the right wing; and that world conflict. The very life of the workers state is above all it directs its attacks against the enemy at Defense from the Committee Pro (tried under the name of Angulo gons conclusion, predicted by us a struggle can only be conducted on threatened by the approach of war. central task home, against imperialisa.
Amnesty for Social and Political Terry) was condemned, with no year ago, and aid damage only to the foundation of a genuinely rev. of the struggle against imperialist war is the defense The Workers Party places no reliance on the Prisoners, on which is represent concrete proofs against him, and the potential left wing which was olutionary program, of the But, in the last analysis, this defense peaceful intentions of bourgeois democratic nations, ed every important political and ordered shot. This was done in never bullt because of the alliance. We shall, in a series of articles can be based only upon the revolutionary advance of the Militants are again under on the new nor upon spineless united front of liberals, ministrade union organization of Cuba, order to terrorize and silence the Millitant program, the international proletariat. Stalinist diplomacy, ters, bourgeois women clubs and anti war profesineluding the Havana and Na protests of a people not satisfied to pressure to produce a program. publish its essential sections in full, on the contrary, to an ever increasing degree, seeves tional Federations of Labor, the be the eternal sacrificial lamb. The sionals.
Characteristically, the new pro giving an analysis of its merits and solely to disorient the international proletariat, break Communist party, the Bolshevik simplest, most rudimentary civil two individuals, was presented at confronting the working class. We undermine the real defense of the B:using gram, again the work of one or shortcomings on the key questions up the struggle against imperialist war, and thus Defend Ethiopian People Leninist party, and the National rights free speech, free assembly Revolutionary party of former and so on were destroyed with the recent Socialist Call Institute do so in a spirit of collaboration itself not upon the international working class, but The Workers Party calls for the defense of the president Grau San Martin.
without any decisive action being with those revolutionary Socialists upon military pacts with bourgeois states, upon dip Ethiopian peoples against Italian aggression, for the In response to this letter, the itorial trial and sentence method taken on it; it was referred back who are seeking the revolutionary lomatic deals, appeals to pacifist and liberal anti war defense of the for unremitting struggle NP. LD. has appointed a special Savage Persecutions to an editorial committee together way out of capitalst chaos. sentiment, and the maneuvers of the League, Soviet against the coming imperialist war. But for this de Committee on Cuba, of which These methods are functioning with all comments and criticisms. Our first article deals with the foreign policy promotes the most disastrous illusions fense and this struggle, the Workers Party calls at Anita Brenner, well known writer still. The Reaction follows an asExqually characteristic, the draft problem, fundamental at all times, in the minds of the workers, and acts in effect to fur the same time for the sole means by which they can on Latin America, is chairman. cending curve of refinement in the program has been distributed only but especially today when the im ther the interests of French and British imperialism. be, in fact, conducted: for the independent and au campaign to aid to the struggle savagery of its persecution. Reto a select few; it has been pub perialist hordes are already at the The struggle against imperialist war requires the tonomous action of the working class. It is the inter fer amnesty has been launched. cently our comrade Georgima Gut.
lisbed nowhere; the rank and file frontiers and on the seas; the prob constant exposure of the foreign poliey of Stalinism. national working class, especially the Italian working The letter gives a graphic pie terrez, member of a workers party.
in the Socialist Party are in no lem which above all faces the youth One of the most dangerous illusions fostered class, together with the oppressed colonial peoples, ture of the Cuban terror: died in prison after weeks of agony.
way involved in a broad discussion who will be its chief victims: War. by the diplomacy of the Soviet Union, in company who are the true allies of the Ethiopian peoples not After the strike last March, the She died a victim of the sentence of what the finished program should with demoralized liberals, reformists, and pacifists of peace loving Britain, nor the League of Nations, entire police system of the Govern imposed on her by an Emergency contain, One is startled by the extreme all shades, is the notion that the world is now divided nor Stalin Laval, nor Roosevelt, nor their own Chris ment plunged into systematic perse Tribunal, with no concrete proofs Yet only a very few months re brevity and abstractness of the pro between peace loving democratic nations and war tian Emperor and semi feudal chieftaing. It is the cusion of all revolutionary parties against her Our brave militant main before the election of dele grammatic outline of the M111. loving fascist nations. This notion is part of the independent sanctions of the working class, its own and trades unions. Not a single Francisco Mateo Escalona was virgates to the next blennial conve ants intentions war. single support of the pea e loving nations boycotts, defen funds, Lions rs headquarters left ually murdered, dying from the tion of the Socialist Party! The paragraph to say how war should in the coming war. Marxism rejects and dispels this that can aid the battles of the Ethiopian peoples, not open. Every labor party and trade beatings and tortures inpicted by Militants vacillate, while the be fought! Not a single direct ret illusion or any form of it. The idea that there are the sanctions of finance capital and its puppet states. union was outlawed. Arrests and the police. Comrade Naftall PernOld Guard, having re established erence to the shameful past and peace loving as opposed to war loving capitalist na And likewise for the defense of the and the sentences by emergency tribunals as, of the Directory of the Universits prestige by the capitulation to even more shameful present positions, like the idea that one or another nation is struggle against the approaching world war, it is marked the conclusive blow of this ity, was savagely tortured after his it of the majority, prepare tion of the Second International as guilty in an imperialist war, is at best formalistie only the independent action of the working class to bloody Thermidor. Thousands of arrest. Comrades Ramirez Cossio to complete their victory at the con a whole! This terrible weight of ethical sentimentality, not political realism. The gether with its allies under its leadership which gives workers, students and intellectuals and Pablo Cano are in in their cells, vention. There is very little time past and present which, visibly because of war are to be found in the internal struc hope to the working and exploited masses struggle were given sketchy trials, and mon victims too of mistreatment and left for the genuine left wing forces fore our eyes, is dragging the so ture of world capitalism, operating within all nations. not in collaboration with the bourgeoisie through the strous sentences. The mere suspl torture. devoted teader of the te gather strength for the struggle. Continued on Page 2) The national state of every capitalist nation, without (Continued on Page 4)
clon of having taken any part what Continued on Page Militant Socialist Program Aids Cuban Workers In Struggle against TerrorRule