Progressives Win Mixing Quotations Chaining the Workers to Imperialist War Machine Elections at Akron PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1935 NEW MILITANT slanderous backbiting to physical onsiаughts. It has with which is merged grown and increased its activity. Its name is known THE MILITANT and respected in the of By HANK RICE Published weekly by the New Militant Publisbio; Co.
55 East 11th Street, New York City lis, Allentown, Fargoand quotations was worse than mixing Phone. Algonquin 9058 other cities where it has participated in important struggles.
drinks. In the one case you have Entered as second class mall matter at the Post unce True, the LD. has not achieved its objective only yourself to befuddle, in the other you befuddle and confuse an (Continued from Page 1) Fletariat were subordinated to the at New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. of uniting many political currents in a single defense organization based on class conceptions broader than progressive forces made a virtual couple of mixed drinks that workers to be ready to put the boyAKRON, Ohio, Sept. 24. After entire rank an file. Here are a French is even warning its League.
In order to preserve peace we JAMES CANNON. Editor any partisan viewpoint. But the fault is not the clean sweep of offices in the United rescued from that fountain of wis. cott into effect the moment that must not rely on the intervention SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Its moral right to the adjective non partisan is the convention closed, attention was them without further comment.
Rubber Workers of America and dom, the Daily Worker. submit Geneva acts. But in our opinion of Parls or London; we must coorthe League will not invoke against dinate action of the working class In the United States 00 per year; 650 six months. unassailable. That the Soclalist Party, which a year turned this week to the problem of The first one is from the copy of Italy the boycott that it failed to of every nation with action of the Canada and Foreign 50 per year: 00 six months. 860 this month agreed upon a plan for entering and obtaining financial support from the Nov. 10, 1934. John Little, District invoke against Japan and Germany, No other course is posBundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
sibility of the Soctalist The has of the newly formed international in an Open Letter to the More, neither France, nor Britain, wait for the League, nor for the Vol SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1935 No. 40 shown by its policy in aiding members of the Workers union, Party, anarchists, Socialists and more than once The three executive officers went front with the renegades. About trange Mussolini; not with their boycott of Italian imperialism misled Stalinist workers called upon it when the IL The Coal Strike should be decided upon by proleta was betraying them, that it has a genuinely non. William Green his promise to aid says: to Washington, to discuss with three quarters of the way down he present international policy.
But let us suppose that Genevarian organizations and applied incompelled to admit this truth in deeds when they for actual changing of the federal the shall abandon what we Italy.
partisan viewpoint. Even Stalinist functionaries are the rubber workers and make plans The cannot insist that really does decide on a boycott of ternationally, But do not associate AFTER repeated postponements by John Lewis, turn to the for aid in a jam!
unions into afiliates with the inter consider our correct policy of fight serve the decisions of the League letariat with the interested maneubituminous coal strike was finally called at midnight last Sunday. The one hundred percent walk out is a firm support of the And today this means, America The Workers Party. consequentls continues its national United Rubber Workers of ing against bourgeois democracy to which it does not belong? wm vers of this or that imperialism.
magnificent exhibition of solidarity on the part of above all else, supporting the National Sacramento The officers, who represent the a policy which the erron ther of them members of the of the international proletariat susthe 400, 000 miners Involved. It suggests the power Appeal Committee of which the NP. is one con choice of the progressives, are cously considers to be the cause of League observe them? In no case pect in the eyes of the Italian that the American trade union movement would posdriving force. The work of that com. Sherman Dalrymple, president, the rise to power of Fascism. Net will the League boycott hinder the workers, and consequently useless segy if these masses were under class conscious lead.
ership and could therefore express their native milltancy and achieve real results for themselves. throughout California, a blow to the Hearst inspired key anti bureaucracy fighter at the thoroughly false and dangerous the not work, for in order to close it rade, Norman Mini, but a step forward for labor Thomas Burns, vice president, shall abandon what we consider its the closing of the Suez canal would throw of Italian Fascism.
The militancy of the miners is not, however, what reaction, There is little to be said for the convention; and Frank Grillo, sec. ory that it is possible to fight effectively the war front would Lewis depends upon. He fears it. He is engaged in The has plenty of obstacles to overcome. retary treasurer, of Los Angeles, against Fascism by supporting have to be extended until it led Comintern. The Seventh Congress shadow boxing with the opera in order During the Sacramento trial the Stalinists called Six delegates were chosen on the bourgeois democracy through the into a new European conflagration closed without one 1, one whisthe Roosevelt administration with his influence. Norman Mini a stool pigeon. For a time, just after executive council. Only one of theory of the lesser evil and the And France, Britain, and the per, on the war in Ethiopia. The his power to keep the miners in check. Thus he be he rejected probation and went to San Quentin, they them could be termed a Green way for the rise to power of Fas: the guardians of the status Italian delegate, Ercoli. in making lieves that favors will be granted to him which he felt forced to tone down to the insulting remark that henchman. He is George Rob cism as in Germany and Austria. quo in Europe, have no desire to his closing speech on the discussion can pass on to the miners. Only on this basis of he was an honest, misled class prisoner. Now. erts, an organizer and assistant of This policy is what we call social lose the collaboration of Italy. of the war question, called on the government favor and support can unions be built or again, they have begun an undercover attack on Mini: Coleman Claherty, whose plans, fol. Fascist! Our characterization of Arbitration Ineffective preceding speakers to be concrete.
maintained today, according to the Lewis philosophy.
while their press religiously avoids all mention of his lowing his repudiation by the rub it flows from our basic principles.
From the preceding it follows In order to give them an example The result of repeated postponements of the strike name, one of their people has just sabotaged the work ber workers, are uncertain. The We will not and cannot change our that: arbitration is ineffective in as of concreteness, the Italian valet a in order that the Guffey Act, the little NRA for of the in a San Francisco workers organiz other members of the council were position on this question, much as the aggressor is already Stalin ignored the war danger, and the soft coal industry, might be passed is that on the ation by a speech about Mini dubious conduct at very prominent in the fight against Now get a of this from Known: it is useless to count on a forgot to discuss any methods of eve of the strike thirty three and a quarter million the trial.
Green. Magil article in the Daily boycott to stop the war. On the combating Mussolini on an interna.
tons of coal were above ground, representing an alDespite the fact that the D, is glad to have When Green left Akron he worker of August 16, 1935: contrary, the war, now limited to tional scale, in the concrete case most two months supply, nine million tons more the aid of the when it finds itself in a Jam claimed the convention had voted Where utrlamentarism and rem. Ethiopia, would become European of an African war.
than on the same date in 1934 and thirteen and a in one of its cases, this is the way Stalinism treats down financial support when they nants of democratic freedom exist, and world wide by action of the so. The Seventh Congress of the half million tons more than in 1933. Before Lewis the sole defense of a class prisoner now in San Quen turned down a resolution asking there, in spite of the capitalist in called powers interested in the Comintern simply confirmed for the finally called the strike, he had come to an agreement him to appoint Claherty as presi terference, where it is possible for maintenance of peace.
with the operators on all essential points and only a Our members and sympathizers have a great task dent. This is purely a threat to open fighting organizations of the Hitler, taking advantage of the organization is an instrument of difference of a couple of pennies on the basic rate to perform in the Sacramento case There is no include a financial clause in a res proletariat to exist, there we defend diversion created by Mussolint in guidance and struggle for the inand some questions as to differentials between north greater obligation than the rescue of a comrade from olution on elections is illegal, pro parliamentarism and democracy Ethiopia, might suddenly launch an ternational working class and conand south remain. The operators and union leaders a capitalist prison. New directives have just been gressives argued, and they expect against Paucism and continue to attack toward the Enst or into Cen Armed, on the other hand, its com are in constant conference these points and all sent to all branches and the party calls upon every to take this question before the na struggle for the proletarian dicta tral Europe.
plete subservience to Soviet bureau.
the indications are that they will come to an agree.
member to put them into effect energetically and im tional convention of the of torship.
The powerlessness of Geneva is cracy and diplomacy. The slogans ment in a few days. Thus the magnificent solidarity mediately.
in October, if Green doesn give plain. Geneva is no more able to of the Comintern are determined by of the miners is being prostituted for a fake battle them any satisfaction.
stop war than capitalism is able to Soviet foreign policy and for the which gives the operators a chance to get rid of some Latimer Greets Jobless stop war. What is then to be done? present the does not wish of their surplus coal, the demand for which is stepped up by the stoppage, and John Lewis a chance to The appeal of the concludes: to allenate Mussolint in the interThe Role of the Dillon at Akron From the Minneapolis Tribune. In case of such a failure the In national race. That is the truth of show that he is not to be trilled with. Let this serve as another warning that the Lewis Willman. THE little bureaucrats at the head of the ProgresDubinsky group in the of are not progres sive Miners of America (the independent union Toledo Chevrolet strike was ended pared by the Farmer Labor admin. terminates by telling the working. In the meanwhile the Italian So AKRON, Ohio. Although the lowing report of the reception pre class to avold war. The appeal Another Decorative Conference sives and cannot be counted on to support progres in Minols) have a policy of keeping their members nearly four months ago, Francis istration of Minneapolis for a dele class that it is within its power to cialist and Communist parties, livsive causes and groups. The left wing must be built at work during the strike, though not all of them Dillon, reactionary president of the gation of unemployed.
stop the war. To the failure ofing in exile, have called a Congress against them, not as the Stalinists seek to do, by the are following it out. These little bureaucrats play auto workers international, stil Before the marchers made their the League is added the failure of of Italians In Foreign Lands. It is favor of these bureaucrats.
upon the resentment still felt by many of their mem smarts strongly under the criticism appearance at the City Hall, ex the which fails and has falled, the latest style. Since Stalir: has As for the miners, though even under existing conditions, their united strength is compelling the oper worked under Lewis orders while they fought a his treacherous role in compromison. The 4th and 5th Street en own appeal bers over the fact that in 1932 members of the given him by the Workers Party for tensive police precautions were tak by the admission at the end of its said that we love our country every stalinist party, aping the ators to give some concessions, the little NRA will bitter strike. There is no defense for Lewis course ing the strike.
trance doors were locked and po. But, you say, the calls on master, has forgotten that outside not save them. Soon an intensified will gris in Illinois ywhere else. The Illinois miners Dillon told rubber workers at the licemen stationed at the 3rd and its parties to organize protest dem of Russia, the first task of the the industry. Let them prepare for that day by often been in the lead in the fight against the Lewis convention here that the auto 4th Avenue entrances to question onstrations against Mussolini. That workers is to conquer their country.
building their union and developing an honest, fight bureaucracy and the Lewis sell out policies in the workers heeded the words of persons seeking to enter the city is clearly practical and worth. This Congress of Italians In Foring leadership miners union. But today and for months past there Muate and listened to direct action Hall. Sheriff Wall called in 70 dep while; but only on the condition eign Lands, put off from month to has been no essential difference between the official talk. They wouldn follow me and utles, who supplemented the police that such demonstrations are not month, is to meet the end of SepHe said machine guns were ready used to mask the class peace contember, when Mussolint will in all carry out feebly and on a small scale the autocratism. He implored the rubber workers it anything breaks.
cluded by the Socialist parties and probability already have started his The and Sacramento the cheap political trickery, the persecution of reds, not to listen to such talk in Akron. About 76 policemen were thrown their auxiliary organizations with African war. The Congress, if it the class collaborationism which Lewis carried out on They said the strike would have about the building, most of them the bourgeoisle of their respective ever does meet, will be nothing more SOME 18 months ago, the Non Partisan Labor De a large scale and in an impressive manner.
been won if didn come on the carrying ribt clubs that resembled countries is the case with the than a congress of the Socialist and fense, having initiated a protest against the de Under these circumstances, it is heartening Just scene. They charged was selling short baseball bats. Cordons of British Laborites who are even now Communist parties. For the sake portation from Holland to Hitler Germany of four now. to learn that the left wing movement in the P: the boys out. They said was re police and deputy sherims armed acting in concert with the leaders of decoration there will probably young revolutionaries, was told by National Secretary. is on the up grade, that there is a split between actionary. Dillon cried. with machine guns and riot weap of their imperialist government. be a representative of the ang Patterson of the ILD that the Stalinist defense arm Pearcy and Keck in the ranks of the little bureau He didn attempt refutation of ons stood by.
Demonstrations against Mussolini a representative from France for would not collaborate in a movement including councrats, and that a petition movement for a special the charges. All he could say was, and for Ethiopia must be organ the Comintern. But the whole atter revolutionaries and such social Fascists As constitutional convention of the A, will probably challenge any man to prove those ized, of that there can be no doubt. fair will move in the language and Mary Fox of the League for Industrial Democracy succeed charges.
WORKERS but such demonstrations can only in the spirit of the People Front; who had endorsed the protest.
The miners have nothing to gain from a separation Dillon spoke on behalf of Green be effective and profitable if the one more demonstration, without which has no other basis any more than a private leadership and urged the delegates Protect Yourselves Against the Much water has since flowed under the bridge.
working class demonstrates as an any concrete goal and without reOne of the four exiled youths has been killed by the quarrel between big thieves and little thieves. to be satisfied with anything Green Hazards of Life, Joln the independent and autonomous class; sults.
Nazis. The has now changed its mind about united unton and a united left wing to make that did. It ll be for your own good.
WORKMEN SICK DEATI not as an auxiliary in the service The duty of the international social fascism. according to Sam Darcy Western unton clean, militant, powerful, is the need of the He was referring to the possible BENEFIT FUND OF THE of this or that imperialism, satis proletariat is not to limit itself to Worker, Huey Long, not Mary Fox, was a social hour.
appointment of Claherty. His talk fied (Britain) or unsatisfied (Italy) protest meetings. The ranks of the Fascist. As for the D, it has not fulfilled fell on deaf ears.
1884 1935 with its colonial loot. Only under international proletariat must be Patterson diagnosis, made in rejecting the invitaOrganized, managed by and for such conditions can Internatiopal reformed in action, in the boycott tion to help the victims of Dutch Justice, that it protests be of assistance to the of Italian Imperialism and its ac Brownsville Lecture workers with only one purpose: had died aborning.
Help Our Chinese Comrades The Seventh Congers of the Italian people in their struggle complices. To this end the coordito render protection to members The cases of Antonio Bellussi, Harold Robins and Contmunist International against Fascism and aid in their nated efforts of the French, the Andre Gras, all handled efficiently by the LD. NE of our Chinese comrades, just released after Speaker: and their families, and to sup deliverance. Any other conditions, British, and the American proleta.
are history by now. The work of the in the four years in a Kuomintang prison, describes James Cannon port all endeavors and struggles which enable Mussolini to represent rats could do much. But it must Fargo riots, the Sacramento criminal myndicalism in a letter how he was hung up by the thumbs and Friday, Oct. 11th, 1935 at P.
for the improvement of tollers the workers of foreign nations as be the coordinated efforts of the trial, the Hallett case, the Philadelphia Fruit Clerks suspended from a beam until he lost consciousness. 1776 Pitkin Avenue near Stone About 50. 000 members organthe allies of their imperialist gov. proletariat not of their governcases, and in auxiliary capacity the cases of During his whole four years in prison he was kept Auspices: Brownsville Branch, Ized In 350 branches.
Reserve ernments, can only facilitate Rome ments! War has become once more Ward Rodgers, Ferrero and Sallito, the struggles chained at the ankles so that when released he was 3, 400, 000.
work instead of hindering it. This the touchstone of true proletarian against Hitler and Mussolini in New York on May 17 unable to walk. This treatment, he writes, is the Death benent graded accordis what would happen if the ex internationalism. It is in the strug and Columbus Day last year all made their mark, CHICAGO MASS MEETING common fate of all the political prisoners who were ample of the British Laborites, act gle against war that the true in.
The latest news from Minneapolis indicates that The Truth About the Minnea Ing to nee at entry. Sick benefit in there with him.
ing in accord with their imperialist ternationalists will come forward the Mill City branch of the is in a fair way payments from 360 to 900 to This is the fate now faced by our comrades who polls Strikes government, were followed, and it and that the idea of the Fourth Speaker: men and women, according to toward duplicating the splendid record of the parent were recently arrested in Pelping and Shanghai, Niel classes the directions of the were International will take on concrete organization in New York. The mass trial held by FRANCIS HEISLER Sih, Sze Chao sing, Wang Yao hua, Hu Hwang chang followed and the actions of the proIform.
the which convicted Thomas Latimer, FarAttorney Monthly Assessments from 460 and Liu Chia lang. The Communist League of China, mer Labor Mayor, of shedding the blood of workers, to 20.
an organization committed, like our own, to the fight THURSDAY, OCT. 3, at P.
was the authentic voice of the Minneapolis proleta for the Fourth International, has appealed to us to Lincoln Center Auditorium 700 Oakwood Boulevard riat and allied progressive elements. Not even the mobilize aid and protests on behalf of these comrades.
to Main Office: capitalist press could escape the significance of the We cannot let this appeal go unanswered. Organize Auspices: Chicago Committee for Non Partisan Labor Defense.
714 Boneca Ave. Brooklyn, revolt against Latimer bloody persecution of strik. demonstrations before your local Chinese consulates!
The Winter 1934 term of the In Monday, 8:30 Organizaing workers and sympathizers. Column reports of Adopt resolutions of protest, send them directly to ternational Workers School in New tion Principles, Structure and Meththe mass trial, at which Attorney Francis the Executive Yuan, Nanking, China, demanding the York will open the week of October ods of Party Work Martin Abern. UNSER WORT Helsler of the Chicago served prosecuting release of our comrades and send coples to party 21. The curriculum includes five Instructor.
regular classroom courses, several Wednesday, 8:30 Program.
attorney, testify to the principled and efficient fight headquarters in New York. Call for the release of Halbmonatesschrift der Internationalen Kommunisten of the Minneapolis Chen Tu hsiu, of Niel Sih, Sze Chao sing and the lecture series in political, philosomatic Foundations of the Workers Yo, the LD. did not die aborning. It did not other imprisoned Bolshevik Leninists, and for the reDeutschlands (Bolschewiki Leninisten)
phical and cultural subjects as Party Wright, instructor.
die even of the attacks of the ranging from lease of all political prisoners!
Bestellungen an: well as symposia and debates Thursday, 8:30 TheoretiJ. Meichler, 14 248 Rue des Pyrenees Paris 20e Sidney Hook, James Burnham, cal System of Karl Marx Rubin James Rorty, Charles Malamuth Grote, Instructor Sueramento Appeal Committee and Preis des Abonnements fur Jahr 20; Jahr 600 and other prominent speakers will the circulation far and wide of Friday, 8:30 State and deliver lectures for the school. Revolution. Jack Weber, instructor. Union Smashing in Sacramento, The schedule for the regular In addition to the five courses, a San Francisco sub committee late collection lists, sell the official by Herbert Solow of the LD.
the Committee pamphlet written courses are: lecture series Trends in the Amof the National Sacramento Appeal pamphlet of the approach has created deep discontent in the Sunday Night Lecture Series Monday, 8:40 10:10 Funda erican Trade Union Movement, unCommittee, set up at a conference unions for moral and financial ala Stalinist ranks in California and mental Elements of Marxism Ben der the supervision of Muste on Sept. 22, has begun functioning for the defense, and lay the basis forced the to speak up on the On The Road To The Borkeson, instructor.
will begin Wednesday, October 23.
in the fight for liberation of the for mass meeting to be held on Sacramento case.
Sacramento workers now in San the eve of the appeal hearing.
The has announced its usual Fourth international Quentin and Tehachapi prisons on Pressure on the Stalinists united front conference on the 14 year sentences for organizing a union. An East Bay Committee As a result of the activities of the Sacramento case. This, too, under Sept. 29. Working Class Policy in the Impending World War To Greet and a Los Angeles Committee will National Sacramento Appeal Com the pressure of the activ. REVOLUTIONARY DEFEATIŚM VS. SOCIAL PATRIOTISM)
be set up at conferences to be hela mittee, the Communist party and THE THIRD PLENARY MEETING The Stalinists are, in the near future. have at last been forced into cu net to go to Park in popularie Oct. The Struggle Against Fascism (HISTORICAL LESSONS FOR AMERICA)
of the National Committee of the Workers Party The Workers Party, the Socialist action on the Sacramento case.
ing a case, the history of which is Party, and Last January, when the a record of their own shame. Con THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, at 7:30 Oct. 13 THE ROAD TO THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL constitute the San Francisco sab was called into the Sacramento sequently, point 20 of the platform (Forres and Prospects for a New World Party Under the Speakers to include: comittee of the national Joint de trial by Norman Mini, now Prisoner of the San Francisco United Labor Banner fense body, which includes nine or 57606 in San Quentin, the Ticket, their latest adventure into Marx and Lenin)
VINCENT DUNNE, of Minneapolis, Minn, ganizations. Efforts will be made suddenly terminated its apathy reformist politics, comes out for the Speaker: JERRY ALLARD, from Illinois coal fields MAURICE SPEXCTOR, Chairman Workers Party of Canada to widen the front in San Francis caused by the deviations of some freedom of Tom Mooney and the Co. Tom Kerry, Pacific coast cor of the prisoners. and became quite Modesto prisoners but does not James Cannon ARNOLD JOHNSON, National Secretary, respondent of the National Sacra active, especially in attacking the mention the historic Sacramento Editor of New Militant JAMES CANNON, Elitor of the New Militant MUSTE, National Secretary of Workers Party.
mento Appeal Committee as well as and Mint. Ever since the case or the eight workers now in of the Non Partisan Labor Defense, convictions in April, the Staliniats prison as a result of it!
Irving Plaza, Irving Place and 15th Street MAX SHACHTMAN, Toastmaster.
Admission 15 cents per lecture is secretary of the new San Frans have played the case down, as they IRVING PLAZA HALL, Irving Place and 15th Street cisco committee.
did before January, RALLY SUPPORT FOR THE Auspices. Workere Party, New York District.
Tickets 500 at 55 11th St, or Pionier Publishers, 100 Fifth Ave.
The local committees will circu. The formation of the National BIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT!
por further information apply District School to Open Oct. 21 Push Fight For Sacramento Appeal BANQUET ity