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Japan AdvanceinChina MARCH OF EVENTS My wife said, Oh, Daddy, m then a few more cops came around Street started to run up in my yard, she fell against the policeman and By JACK WEBER steel from the United States to turned around to help her and that to beat me again.
hit. Just then Mrs. Thompson toward the north side and started and bet had 100 people there. then she was clubbed more by the ARMY RULE IN THE Japan. The latter has increased tear gas bomb exploded right in One of the cars then came close to others. The old man with her proPHILIPPINES.
her average takings of these vital her face alongside of my wife and Testimony of Hendrickson the house, then took the people tested and was knocked down the By WEAVER In the modern world the crude means that in the last thirty months materials by 800 percent. This she went down.
Ar. Hendrickson was sworn in, Inside so they could get away from same way. One of the policemen nact this. Then comes the police with knocked the young man hat of LLD. NEW YORKmethods of direct and brutal colonial Jaman has Imported more of this timony of one witness of the police and draftsman, and had been at the shot guns, running. don know his head and when he bent over to Just one quotation from the teshe testified that he was a machinest Question: The Stalinist press oppression by the advanced imp war material than in the previous outrage at the Flour City Ornamen Blour City plant out of curiousity. how many. about fifteen or twenty pick it up he was severely beaten (see the New Masses for Aug. 20)
erfalist nations are resorted to only eight years combined. Despite the tul Tron Works in Minneapolis on Excerpts from alles sites en of them, and then shots. started by four or five policemen. the in order to support the Stalin Laval methods fail. It is far easter and rate of import has, it anything, in from a mass of testimony on the as e final means when more subtle rise in price that has resulted, the September 11. Just a chance phrase everybody broke out and started pray to God. that no souls should and the people were dragged out he would not hesitate a single see All of sudden it seemed like back in my house and started to cars that passed by were stopped paet, quotes Lenin to the effect that no more costly for the foreign ex:creased.
ploiters to strike a mutually helpful and searched for weapons. We ond to come to the same kind of an bargain with the native bourgeoisie ANGLO JAPANESE ALLIANCE under the leadership of a Farmer other side of the street ran across right now, don want to be con up rocks and threw them at the perialist robbers as he had reached conduct of the police department throwing bombs. the cops on the be harmed in my house. want to be sure m telling you saw instances where police picked agreement with the German im and its representatives. In Cuba the puppets Mendieta and Battista both the Soviet section and and so stand Jury delivered a white wash broke up and ran. ran toward cused henne police were shooting folks walking by in the street and with the French against the Ger take their orders from the American imperialism, there are rumors of a murder of two young workets and around the corner just then and Il. and an ambulance or some auto and told us it we didn quit throw this quotation of the mayor and his police in the 26th street and a policeman came and heard screams and swearing then called to us and our neighbors mans, etc. What is the source of capitalists through the United States revival of the Anglo Japanese all the wounding of many more men. run squarely into him and he hit mobile was taking two people righting rocks they would come in and Answer: The quotation was takMinister. In the Philippines the ance. Speculation concerning the women and children, a mass trial me on the head and we both fell from between my house and the get us. There were no rocks throwDen from Lenin A Letter to Amorders from the military adviser Leith Ross in the Far East centers an audience of 700 on September him say Get that guy. turned orch they were shot. Then after They all came from the police them on this by Trotsky in his article in figure head Quezon will take his mission of the English economist conducted by the LD. before down and got away and heard house next to me. Right on the by the neighbors that we could see. lerican Workers. See the comment McArthur, whose appointment to on this interpretation. With the that post has just been announced. naval race in full swing as the re 16 brought out the real facts.
the corner and heard a shot that it was so quiet thought every selves. have never seen the the NEW INTERNATIONAL for In the very way in which the news sult of the scrapping of the Wash the court, where Wm. Brown or running by a house over on 26th window. went up to the window lived here 43 years.
Twelve witnesses testified before didn pay any attention until was thing was over and went to the like of this in alimeapolis und ve August, entitled An Open Letter is made public, there is revealed the ington naval truce, the English find Local 574 sat as judge. Frances Avente and a fellow says, There and then stepped to the side and to the French Workers. Follow Spectator Wounded ing its customary practice of de open secret that the election of themselves more exposed than ever Heisler of the LD. prosecuted. is blood running down your leg, then there was a pain in my arm.
Mrs. Ray Thompson, who was ceiving the workers, the New Massand dried affair. The elections have The Italian threat to the Mediter. conducted the defense, on Quezon was a pre determined, cut to attack in and from the Far East and Gilbert Carlson, also of the And then they took me to the It was a shot from the window. wounded during the riot, was next es does not quote the entire section only just been completed and yet it ranean line of communications that the failure of the defendants, who hospital.
Parade of Pickets sworn in. She testified that she had of Lenin pamphlet dealing with is stated that Quezon, precisely is like a sacred cow to British im were invited to appear. The stor. you were shot? Will you please state where After some further examination nothing to do with the strike, that his agreement with the French Quezon, had called for the appointperialism, only serves the more to be told by the twelve witnesses of in which Mrs. Ebert produced the she was just passing by a block imperialists. Otherwise it would be ment Well, it is a kind of difficult bullet and several other slugs dug away from the plant after twelve, clear that stalin Laval could get no of General McArthur last emphasize England weakness at the fatal night of September 11 areplace to tell, right in back, you out of the furniture, the defense more than an hour after the first encouragement from it.
summer. This is obviously revealed the far end of these communica. almost ineredible in the brutality know.
only now, after the elections, since tions in Singapore. An alllance and horror they reveal. PolloEupene Benjamin being sworn baj Blechle, who also lives near the declined to cross examine. Ela police outbreak: Lenin first explains the exact na was with five others, my sister ture of his agreement. When it might have embarassed Quezon in with Japan would serve to check kussing. shooting, stoning, beating, testified that he lived only three plant was sworn in and told the was one of them, and she met her the German Imperialist robbers in his campaigning. The United States the threat of the latter to build a defenseless men and women. The quarters of a block from the Flour usual harrowing tale, his wife also son and stopped to tell him he had February, 1918, threw their armies Army, with commendable courtesy canal through Slam that would took the stand and related. and in a spirit of cooperation, has short circuit Singapore and shor trial was conducted before an demobilized better go home. He said, Iother, against destake Will you tell the court and There was no disturbance. here come the armored cars, you Russia, which its hopes upon graciously consented to transfer the ten the route to India by two ora jury of twelve citizens, carefully the jury and the larger jury here the pickets were parading and sing had better run, So we left the the international solidarity of the audience of about seven hundred former Chief of Staff to this new three days. Japan would be given selected from among those who had what happened on that Wednesdaying this Solidarity Forever. street and went in between houses proletariat before the international Service, to help supervise the organussurances against America and not been near the scene of the police nicht?
All of a sudden there was a shot, about 33 feet from the street and revolution had completely ripened, ization of the national defense forces would police the Far East for the riot brought in a verdict of guilty. thing ever saw. The police started this time there was a young man, car went by. turned around did not hesitate for a moment to for the new commonwealth govern interests of both imperialists. Japan Everything. saw the worst and more shots, tear gas. About happened to notice an armored ment of the Philippine Islands, Un could then feel free to launch her and come to a certain agreement with der McArthur rule the work of attack finally against the Soviet Address of Helsler to crowd the people oft the streets a man in the thirties imagine, he my sister was lying on the ground. the French monarchists. The French militarizing the Islands and the Union. The resumption of this par for the prosecution by Attorney shooting started and the crowd of and a policeman pushed him thrst thing bit me in the face.
The trial opened with an address with the armored cars and then the tried to cross the railroad tracks she had been shot and then some captain Sadoul, who sympathized in adjacent possessions will go forward Eastern alliance would be in line Heisler who said have defended course scattered. They started to and because he didn fall kicked any other witnesses were called deeds a faithful servant of French words with the Bolsheviks while in be made in tem convinsandar bare to Germany. that is, of encourag jury where workers or farmers were came driving by and got past us, possibly could, and then hit him ly unprovoked attack by the police, omier de Lubersac to me. am a be complet seron the web appiate base with England policy with respect many cases many times before a run up the street. An armored car him, kicked him just as hard as he All had the same story of absolute imperialism, brought the French for use in the coming war with ing Hitler to expand eastwards at charged with the commission of a then it backed up and shot another again and then hit him over the of Japan.
the expense of the Soviet Union. certain crime, but this is the first bomb, and struck Mrs. Anderson head with a club.
regular police riot that went monarchist. My only purpose is the Gentleman Agreement on for more than an hour with un defeat of Germany, le Lubersac Not that the threat of this war REVOLUTIONARY ACTION time have ever appeared in the (who was with Benjamin) in the Then a lady, a lady also in the restrained brutality. declared to me. That goes without role of the prosecution.
leg and broke her leg.
thirties, she was coming along, was While the jury was out a vote saying (cela va sans dire. re has again reached the acute stage. AGAINST IMPERIALIST WAR However believe, the prosecution You saw Mrs. Thompson was going home and she was hit over was taken among the assembled plled. But this by no means preOn the contrary, it suits the aims All these machinations of the im is on the side of the people this hurt did you not. the head and dropped right there; workers and a resolution condemn vented me from coming to an 98 of both countries at this time to perialist robbers are directly and time, and therefore shall conduct Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. and then two men picked her up ing the police responsible for the ment with de Ludersac cultivate cach other friendship. violently opposed to the vital inter the prosecution in a manner that is Anderson were both hurt at the and carried her away. few min. massacre and demanding the re certain services that French officers, Thus Ambassador Saito has justests of the world proletariat. This not very often done by City or state same time.
utes after that. there was an moval of every officer who partici experts in explosives, were ready arrived at a gentleman agreement is the manner in which the bour Attorneys. Did you see whether Mrs. old lady, presume to be about pated was adopted. The jury found to render by blowing up rallroad with Washington to limit the volume geolsle propose to maintain the sys We shall present you testimony Thompson or Mrs. Anderson were seventy years old.
of textiles to exported by Japan tem of exploitation, against the by witnesses that shall not be pre attacking the armored car?
believe she the defendnts guilty, the sole Jury, tracks in order to prevent the adto the Philippine market. This was physical and economie wellbeing of pared by the prosecution, because was with her husband and a young incidentally, that could find any vance of German troops against us. They attacked nothing, they man. As they came up in front of thing but a white wash for the may. This was an example of an agree done in order to avoid the imposing the working class. The organizer met these witnesses for the tirst we trying to get out of the road. our house they were approached by or and his police, although the evi ment of which every class. com of an additional 50 to 75 per cent and leader of the British Labor time four hours ago. Most of the Did you see the police use a number of policemen. one of dence against them was overwhelm scious worker will approve, an duty on Japanese goods entering Party, Herbert Morrison, defend witnesses were not known to the the armored cars the Philippines. The Japanese bave ing his betrayal of the working prosecution up to this afternoon. women?
go after the the policemen hit her over the heading. but then, this was a work agreement in the interests of sowith a club with the result that ling class jury.
cialism. We shook hands with the even agreed to accept a smaller class by the support of British im The Yes quota than the 52 per cent they had perialism, says: We are not inter given the witnesses were that they instructions which were French monarchist although we Were they successful?
knew that each of us would readily captured in 1934. This avoidance ested in the struggles of rival im shall come here and tell their story. They were successful, they of a trade war in textiles may be perialists and we are not going to tell the truth irrespective of where got both women.
hang his partner. But for a time extended to the general exports of be drawn into them. Such an 09 the guilt may fall. Did you see the police shoot the rapidly expanding Japanese trich policy places the workers in back the rapacious advancing GerGustave Beck was sworn in by at the workers when they were capitalism to the United States and chains and hands them over to im Clerk of the Court Roseland. Mr. running away?
By LO SEN uomintang, political instrument of mans we made use of the equally its possessions. But lest it be in perialist slaughter. On the con Helyler opened the direct examina Shot them in the back, yes ferred that the threat of war in the trary, we are vitally interested to tion: Four years ago this week the the Chinese bourgeoisie, has consist rapacious counter interests of the other imperialists, thereby serving sir.
ently capitulated and begeed only Pacific area is abating, one has only oppose by revolutionary means all Your name is Gustave Beck?
Another Eye witness armed forces of Japanese imperial. Ithat the invaders leave it a scrap the interests of the Russian and the into Manchuria As now Socialist revolution, to glance at the enormous imports the machinations of all imperial Yes.
Mrs. Ebert, a householder who with interests of scrap steel and other forms of Ista. What is your occupation, Mr. has lived in Minneapolis for twenty of Nations could propose was atlon has been acompanied by svake In this way we served Beck?
against of the working class of Russia and Machinist.
years, who is located just across plan for imperialist collaboration measures of repression groups and individuals in the other countries, we strengthened call your attention to Wed sworn in.
from the Flour City plant, was in the control and exploitation of China northeastern provinces (the country who have tried to organize the proletariat and weakened the nesday last about 11 o clock in the Did you have anything to do Lytton Report. Like Italy. Jan resistance to the imperialist invas bourgeoisie of the whole world, we evening. were you present on or with the strike?
anese imperialism thumbed its nose ion. The boycott in 1981 82, se used the justified practice of manabout 26th or 27th Street in the No.
companied by considerable ferment euvevring necessary in EVERY neighborhood of the Flour City Metal Works? Were you on the picket line, at the League proposals and pro among the petty bourgeoisie and war, of shifting and waiting for the Mrs. Ebert?
sion of its empire on continental by the Nanking Government at the proletarian rerolution in a number By HENRY THURMAN Yes.
from discussion Amidst loud ap No, don know what that Asia plause the Congress unanimously the Jurs in your own words what means. Will you tell the court and means; didn know what it Japan advance into China was all fantastie propaganda to the con demand of Japanese Imperialism of advanced countries had ripened.
What was the nature of Lenin in its way as great agreed.
threat to BritManuilsky To blow happened after you arrived and trary notwithstanding, the failure agreement therefore?
But then, why not? Manuilsky, reporting on until you left the place?
You say before the police ish imperialism as Italy projected of revolutionary forces to grasp and up bridges. Did Leninas Stalin Broun started to shoot the people were attack on Ethiopia. But in the develop this spontaneous burst of now does, tell the French workers The Results of Socialist ConstrucA. Well, came down to the standing in the street in front of Far East two other factors international revolutionarya sentiment that they should not fight against by pointing out that since the Sith Heywood Broun gives the stalin some people parading up and down Yes, n tell you how saw Japan a free hand. The first was the bankruptcy and failure of Stalin because the French were his al tional, the complete victory of so made a comradely gesture to the was concerned on the part of the Pentecost church he was on the Union. The second was Britain the urbany. Industrial centers made tul worker will tind any equality as far as any violence in my. to ese the strongly and cialism in the Soviet Union as well Workers Party. It all happened people parading there, didn see corner like it was in my church. inability to meet with American world capitalism since the October exonerating the stalinists from all the cops started to shoot those gas they were inside your church?
as the second great victory over like this. Broun wrote column anything that was wrong. Then The people were as quiet as imperialism on common ground possible for the Kuomintang to between his agreement and Stalgive free entry to Japan and to turn in Revolution has been achteved. suspteton or intentions to undermine bombs right into the mob and got the resinde was so quiet hopeful that Japan would break her bottled up in the mountains of Cent of the article above quoted by me against Japan. Dollar diplomacy, its forces on the peasant Red Armies Immediately following the section (Dally Worker, August 20. quoted as saying what the best zle the movement for revolution in so got out of there. walked Then heard a shot, thought it tented itself for the time being with sence of these proletarian forces New Masses. And despite all the minds of mankind formerly dream this country because of the Workersme in the ata bitch, and says kind of shots and then there came for an eventual clash in the Pacitle. the peasants and eventually to driveſialism, despite all the calumnley ed of, socialism.
ribs and Party.
and says, Go on, a second time, several of the sanie with its military and naval program to continue its relentless war against Anglo French and American imperrun, you son of aHere the Daily Worker resorts to curious Journalistic trick, uns ar. In American a small but highly artile couldn because have a sore les right there on the corner where That is why Japan was able to their forces to the remote provinces they have showered upon us, despite fuse and mislead its readers. It they are the real custodians of true theme anaal kot across the street rush and my heart almost stopped continental conquests. Since Brit Task of New Revolutionary Party the right Socialist Rexchat for this. where had my The Lett Opposition, and follows on the reject the leadership of Stalin. How gue of Nations patlently took it on cannot stretch the position of the the newspapers, WOULD NOT TO BE PUBLISHED DURING 1935 1935 the chin, staggered a little and carembattled Red Armies of the Szech HESITATE SINGLE SECOND heels of this with: could a Russian Ambassador promried on. Today, because Italy wan Kansl Shensl borders to the to come to the SAME KIND of an Then Manuilsky described how ise to silence them? And our own the party had repelled the attacks Mr. Muste; who was once head The Selected Works of Leon Trotsky plans for expansion in Africa far decisive sectors of Central China. agreement with the German Imper: more directly affects the so called In the key urban, industrial centers talist robbers. should an attack of the Opposition who expressed the of the federation labor college, Interests of the rich peasants, op frankly advocates the overthrow of The Third International After Lenin.
lifelines of the British Empire and the proletarian movement has been upon Russia by Anglo French troops because they are more directly link left to its fate without a resurgent demand it. All quotations are posed the high tempo of industrial the government by armed force but The Stalln School of Falsification.
ed to a tense and complicated pat movement of the working class the from the International Publishers, ization, and the development of without benefit of orders from Rus3. The Revolution of 1906.
tern of antagonisms in Europe it struggle of the peasants against the 1984 edition. Emphasis in original. Soviet collective farms.
ala. The Revolution of 1917.
sell, Britain is massing its might landlords and the nationalist senti It is interesting to note that the Now obviously the spokesman Broun then proceeds to give a Seven Years of World Polities must be here referring to the bloc reformist whitewash of the Problems of the Chinese Revolution II.
to fight it out if necessary and ents of sections of the petty bourge. miserable editors of the New Mass therefore the league is permitted olsle remain without outlet. Here as are crawling here in a double of the Right, not the Left who absolving it from the accusation of prospectus with full details will be mailed on request.
to make or threaten to make use of lies the task of the new revolution sense: First because of the difficul.
fought for the struggle against the revolutionism.
its sanction powers.
ary party that has to be built in tles in apologizing for Stalin before Kulak, urged a higher tempo of in But what are the revolutionary Help make these great Marxian classes available by purchasing Japanese Offensivel China: to find its way once again the workers, and secondly because, dustralization, and advocated col. things which Earl Browder, Amer a PIONEER CERTIFICATE. 10. 00. In addition to being a conMeanwhle Japan has proceeded to the workers, to help them raise having on the previous week been lectivism for the peasantry. But ican citizen, said in Russia. IL tributor to this essential work, you will also be entitled to 30 methodically with the realization their heads and to put themselves confused as to what was to be the the Daily Worker cleverly presents those are subversive utterances discount on all PIONEER publications and 15 on books of any of its own manifest destiny. Man in the van of a revolutionary all new line they used the wrong juxtaposition of texts that will please pick out my wall and firing other publisher.
chukuo was established. Pu Yi was ance capable of smashing the Kuo apology and had to make a correc be sure to lead the uninformed as squad.
put on a new Manchu throne. mintang reaction and of offering tion. In order to avold embarrasstray.
Fager to show that they are real If you are unable to pay the full 10. 00 at once, you will receive further attack drove the Japanese resistance to the continued offensive ment the artiele was burled as an The assembly of learned parrots ly good reformists, not bad revolu the full benefits of a certificate holder upon remittance of 00 line of penetration into North China of Japanese Iperialism. editorial comment in the Correspermitted the crowning disgrace, tionists, the Stalinists have acceptand the balance within 90 days, itself. whole network of political to this there is no short cut. The pondence section, the apology being the strangling of all discussioned Broun whitewash with glee. DON DELAY MAIL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TODAY!
Manuilsky ended his distorted re The Daily Worker has given its apspread over Inner Mongolia with a t we now begin calling it Comin torlel last week Is wrong, since it port with a tribute to our Stalin proval, And in Cleveland the gratePIONEER PUBLISHERS view to its eventual Incorporation turn. expresses itself in China in is open to misinterpretation. the great, wise, beloved leader of ful Innocents have proudly pasted 100 Fifth Avenue, into the new Manchu state. Most the readiness of the Stalloist Party mankind, and the Daily Worker Broun column up in the middle Enclosed please find. for. certificate (8. recently the remnants of Chinese to throw in its lot once more with JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY.
concludes smugly. of the show window the Work understand this entitles me to 30 discount on all PIONEER control over the provinces north of any groups of politicians and milit Manuilsky words at this pointers Bookshop!
15 any other the Yellow River were disposed of arlsts willing to use anti Imperialist ORGANIZATIONS were greeted with a hurricane of rertificate to: new pressure brought to bear phrases in their scramble for power, Get estimates on your applause lasting ftiteen minutes.
PAUL LUTTINGER, on the Nanking Government for this promises new defeats and new printing job from Andre Marty of the French ComName DANIEL LUTTINGER.
compliance. Japanese demands for disasters. To the youthful and munist Party ascended the platform The CHELSEA PRESS Address political, military and economie construggling Communist League of to read a statement in the name of Washington Square North trol are a hundred times more China talls today the mighty task UNION PRINTERS special delegations enthusiastically 2 and 8 Except Sunday Send me THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL AFTER LENIN sweeping than the famous Twenty of rebuilding the cadres of the West 19th Street, approving Manullsky report and and Holidays as soon as it is off the press. 50) Orice to certificate holders One Demands of 1915.
Chinese proletariat for tomorrow CHelsea 6964 1965 proposing that the Congress refrain In the face of this invasion the revolutionary struggles.
Side Lights on the New Turn of the Stalinists yות