BourgeoisieCominternCommunismDemocracyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1935 THE OF AND THE TEACHERS UNION Manager Corner 50 05 00 amheten er lige placement en momento entre les mantane molte altre inom the The in the Philippines Comments By MUSTE On Life, Liberty press report, the of 00 ranks of the workers as have alla political democracy. similar The rejection by the recent Cleve cialdom was criticized strongly. ready noted (and these instances situation has existed, though per and Pursuit of land convention of the American When on the following morning the could caelly be multiplied) the haps not so continuous or on 80 Responses to the financial needs Join wholeheartedly. But there are Federation of Teachers of William vote of 44 to for rejecting the of bureaucrats, no matter large a scale, in many other A, of the NEW MILITANT have con also some direct inducements Happiness Green demand that Local 5, New proposed appointment of Claberty bow much it may irritate them, will of unions tinued in a very excellent fashion need only semind you of the prizes York, be reorganized in order to was announced, Green, perhaps have to think twice before they run There are bound to be varying during the last few weeks. Many for the best sub getters that have almake it possible for the Linville softened up by the blows received the risk of adding fuel to the flames points of view in any living or party branches have sent in special ready been announced. One comBy BILL REICH Lefkowity action in the Local to at the Automobile Workers and the of revolt by pulling of so raw a ganization. It is far better that contributions, not listed under the rade has almost reached the point PEACE ON EARTH.
get rid of the opposition, must be Teachers conventions, capitulated deal as would be involved in the they should function openly than campaign for the elght page weekly. of making prize number one, and In recent army maneuvers ofcere considered as a part of the larger completely and announced to the reorganization of the entire Teach that they should operate in an un Accounts for bundles received areas soon as he completes he record were given red and white flags to F. of Recently there have in the matter as final.
of a dual organization which cer Why is it that the reactionaries Dewals are taken care of more Again we also remind you of the wave over soldiers who were sup been numerous and weighty inposed to be dead. The press stances of the insurgent spirit. In All this has an important beartainly at the outset would represent in a union always fight against the promptly than before. Due to this simple and effective method of secur agreed that serious and startling Minneapolis Local 874 of the Teaming on the question of what is likely organized teachers a decldedly small minority of the existence of groupe, insist that fact we have been able to pay up ing four three month club subscripthis means splitting up the unlon, a number bills and make a be tion cards at the price of 50.
deficlencles have been revealed by sters has had its charter lifted by of at the approaching of It is necessary to get to work the maneuvers. The army is badly Tobin, the exar of the Teamsters convention and what should be the Conditions Favor Progressives etc. Does this mean that there Einning toward putting the printwith speed and dispatch. When equipped and poorly trained. Big International, and one of the dom course of the progressive elements. of and the progressives Not at all. What it means is that The Executive Council of the Are then no groups in the union? shop in a better shape.
We are building up a solid eco subs come rolling in we gain new ger appropriations are necessary inant figures in the of Lin Local and in the Teachers throughout the union face on the there is only one group, and that is nomic foundation for our press readers for our press, we help to for an efficient fighting force. machine, and has to battle in adThe 1986 Army and Navy appropri altion a combination of local trade Union throughout the country. It whole, therefore, at this moment the group which is dominated by This is an essential prerequisite for bulld it up and we help to build larger than any in peace union bureaucrats, Farmer Labor attempt to take away the charter doubt that they can, for the presently well known that in the unions weekly. Now we are making real subs come rolling in we will soon seems to me most unlikely that an favorable situation. There is no the union machine It is perfect the launching of the eight pause the revolutionary movement. When time history. T, C, enrollment in Chicago high schools will politicians and Chamber of Com of the entire Teachers Union or to at any rate, have the upper hand, thus bossed there are always or progress in this respect and, natur make the elght page weekly a realmerce be doubled. Uniforms and rifles not only been able to stand hap reorganise the Federation will be counting upon the general spirit of Sanizations, frequently known as ally, we can only urge the branches its During the past few weeks the have been purchased by business under this attack but has organized made such an action is without insurgency among the workers and clube, which constitute in effect and the sympathizers to continue comrades of the Los Angeles branch men, James McCabey, school board new groups of transportation em true that the of frequently that they stand their ground Armly chine. The cry of no groupe Our proposal is to begin now have rolled ap quite a record. They precedent in the of It is in the of anons, provided the caucuses of the trade union ma the good work member, in advocating the increase ployes, has been the leading factor steps in in support of the machine and carefully avoid giving the bumeans no groupe except our own very active concentration to obtain have made special contributions not said, We have less difficulty within a series of militant strikes and of an international union, in reorreaucrats any impression of fear or reprezenting the union bureaucracy. new subscribers It is the most listed here: they pay all their communistic and subversive Info the mainspring of a widespread pro sanizing a local, or an entire group weakness an attitude of which the Bureaucracy Organized effective and substantial way of bundle accounts in advance, they ences schools with gressive movement in Minnesota of locals. In this case, however, bureaucrats know only too well tending groupe. Paris modistes have and adjolning states the NEW MILITANT send in regular subscriptions and designed gas masks to match the Foreing Dillon on Auto Workers clals are opposing the reorganise advantage. The proposition, for er never relaxes ita villances.
the recognized International off from long experlence how to take tons in an organized fashion and circulation and, of course, it brings additional funds for the elght page latest gowns. London School Con in additional funds. Enlargement Weekly campaign.
of its size would not have any real few weeks ago the federal tion of the local. It is true also ample, which the Stalinists made sequently, even if an occasional reSince our last report on this ac children are provided gas masks and practice air attack drills. automobile locals met in convention that where two distinct organiza in Local to conciliate Linville and volt breaks out, the machine pres value unless also accompanied by a count we have received the followWhen Italy showed a momentary in Detroit for the purpose of es tlons emerge as a result of an intra Lefkowitz by dissolving all groups ently rides roughshod again, betion. This is the main aim. We circula ing amounts: Contributions the Flatbush branch, 75 pla, munitions shares dropped 10 under an F. of charter. At termines which has Jurisdiction, est tactical point of view, unsound. tain a continuous organization. The 00 percent. Turty thousand Brit the beginning of the convention and, of course, almost invariably To run after a retreating enemy. Teachers must not only not give set busy in systematic manner, New Haven branch.
ish troops marched north from Green in person laid down an ult recognizes the conservative group so to speak, urging him to stop in up the right of groups to function to get subscriptions from all con Los Angeles branch. 50 tacta. Periodic distribution of free West Side branch, 00 Peshawar on the Afghan border to matum to the effect that the dele At yet, however, the locals which order that you may give him con but must steadily and rapidly ex punish a Moslem tribe. Berile sates must accept Francis Delon, Walked out of the F. of concessions, in fact, tum over your tend the organization of the pro corhoods, factories or workers. San Francisco branc. 00 ain warned Italy to respect the who as head of the F. of vention have not dared to organ sword to him, is more than a little gressives.
Nor must the teachers permit ganisations will be a help when fol Boro Park branch, 50 hearing the news Hallle Selassie ently sabotaged an effective orgad to apply for an of charter This is, however, not to say that themselves to be intimidated by the lowed up thoroughly to obtain sube Brownville branch, exclaimed, God, Justice, and the ization campaign and betrayed the which would invalidate the charter the progressives in the of cry of euch elements as Linville But the important question is to East Side branch, Great Powers seem to be on our General Motors strike last May, as of the present of Even in do not have a stire fight now and and Lefkowitz, that these groups make sure that all contacts estab Harlem branch, 00 side.
the president of the organization at normal times the of Exec will not have a stifter one in the are dominated by political parties Ashed be asked to become regular least for the first year. They were utive Council tends to proceed future. The reactionaries, both in and do not have the genuine Inter. This is the kind of work in which Los Angeles branch.
Advance Subscriptions RELIEF.
Club Cards of their international would not all. per capita tax income is one of generally, will fight back. The at heart. To say that the polit all comrades and all sympathiwers crushing, fainting mob of 1, 000 over the skilled craftsmen in the Its Arst considerations. That the Teachers must utilize the presentically most developed members or an participate. It does not hold Chicago branch. 00 aged persons stormed the Kansas Industry, in other words, that their drastie action of outlawing the opportunity precisely in order to union must not function as trac Pulalling of a very important task Allentown branch. 00 out any special reward except the Greetings City courthouse on the opening day demand for a genuine industrial of at this convention will be consolidate their positions, strengtions in an organized way is to say to bulld up the revolutionary for applications for old age pen union could not be granted.
Previously Reported. 661. 56 sions. The maximum payment is Although in the main the dele there are far from normal times ingressive elements locally and na should know most about the prob. press. In this we feel sure, how 30 a month. Nebraska four tionally and equip themselves for lem and be most devoted to the ever, that all our supporters will Grand Total. 703. 11 million dollar relief and old age rates to this convention had not the Federation.
pension law was declared unconsti. In the federal dnions, they promptly Struggle for Leadership effective resistance against counter cause of the working class must tutional by the state supreme court. rejected by a decisive majority the attack and for future advances and not make their maximum contribuState WPA administrators e demand that they accept Dillon as struggle for leadership in procesa unionism.
ceive almost twice as much per the first president of their union and in consequence a division with Groups In Unions week as WPA Inborers receive per Notably, the Toledo delegates, who in the official family itself. It 18 In To try to forbid members of a By LO SEN for ten years. Those ten years are month.
this connection, insistence revolutionary party to function as to unemployed to play the piano. ly against Dillon.
terme base bere had been elected as conservatives fa not yet clear whether John Lewis upon the right of groups to func. tractions in the union and to pro Manuel Quezon for a president and imperialist antagonism in the Pacific allotted to teach children of the. in within mean with Green in Atlantic City. The the union is of the greatest signit remove political General Douglas McArthur of the the Japanese American fight for influence. Any Palermo, desired PWA funds United States Army as a special hegemony, Only the development Despite this clear and to nearly mere fact, however, that the con. cance. Having such groups to not one who has the slightest acquain military adviser. Thus auspiciously of the revolutionary movement of to rebuild a burned schoolhouse. It everybody unexpected expression of test is possible will tend to prevent by any means without precedent in tance with the union movement in opens the 10 year period of the the Filipino workers and peasants, received a 24. runden correo 501 rank and Ale revolt, Green telt extreme and precipitate action in the American Federation of Labor. this country knows that in propor Philipines. Commonwealth which along with the movement in China course and develrode a Indochinn, Japan, India and the er baptism, members of the Second Dose Dillon in the teeth of the re be looking for votes and anxious to example, there have for years been class parties is weak, the capitalist dependence of the islands.
Colored Baptist Church of New less, the action was a real blow Section of the delegates. Neverthe maintain the present organization two or more openly recognized parties (Tammany Hall in the appointment of McArthur to super her the Philippines will in reality Haven requested President Roose to his prestige and a clear indica more than Groen, entertains any at programs, putting up slates in the ing trades unions, etc. dominate defense forces of the new common or whether they will remain a pawo preservers for future converte. tlon that among the members tection for the progressives and local and national elections, etc. the union. Trade unions cannot 4470 students in Ilinots will receive profound distrust of the AF. of militants, not to speak of the rev The Printers find it as logical to posibly fonction in a non political wealth government (New York on the Imperialist chessboard of the monthly from the National Youth dence and a strong demand for bureaucracy, a spirit of indepen olutionists, in the Teachers union. have parties functioning in the world, least of all unions of teach this Filipino independence affair of Administration. Failure to spend trade union democracy.
In the second place, with such trade union democracy as that thereers. Polities in the Union evidences of insurgency in the should be parties, for example, lo relief money caused the govern Scan Imperiallam retains full control New Bolivian ment defct for July and August to Teacher Convention The Stalinists have, of course, by over the military and naval bases be one third less than estimated. the struggle in the American PedSomewhat later in the same week the irresponsible and disruptionist in the Islands and full control over fashion in which they have tune the future foreign policy of the IsDIETETICS.
eration of Teachers convention tioned or tried to function in the lands. The change in the form of world wide Eat More Food came to a head Doubtful of being mass movement, put weapon in American control and it is only a campaign was urged upon the able to put over their reorganiza new party of the Fourth Interthe hands of the trade union bur changes designed primarily to national has been formed in Bolivia, League of Nations by Lord de la tion of Local proposal on the eaucrats and have allenated many assure the support of the Filipino called the Revolutionary Workers Warr, British Secretary of Agricul delegates, Linville, Lefkowitz Borhonest but NEW YORK BANQUET list of pamphlets to be issued as But this does not mean that pol in the Pacific.
uninformed workers bourgeoiste for America war plans Party (P. It was born in the ture, as a means of solving the chard and other reactionaries ap world economic problems. Apealed to Green. Having the habit You can afford to miss the ban the basis for educating the mem lities must be kept out of the un Democracy in the Philipine midst of the greatest difficulties Enlightened American Imperial strife between that country and difficulties engendered by years of government public health survey of fasuing decrees and on every quet to greet the Third Plenary bership and the workers generally ton.
showed that children of the unem occasion whacking Communists Session of the National Committee has been issued and an outline for Political organizations, the same ism has long known how to give Paraguay.
The ployed averaged six pounds lighter over the head, Green sent a strong of the workers Party. It will be speakers is being prepared.
as progressive groups in the unions its regime in the Philipines the It cannot be said that the coming. Cornell University experi must get rid of Communist inflo. at Irving Plaza. Vincent Dunne ucational Director states that the the program for the union which secure to it the mupport of Warce to Trotskyism of our Bolivian ment proved that rats kept on a ence, and to reorganize Local and will tell of the recent magnificent District Committee of the Weat they advance, and secondly by the native capitalist and landowning comrades was accomplished precip Minneapolis starvation dlet lived longer than kick out the opposition was the one battles in Arnold Coast places as the highest task way in which they seek to advance classes in the Filipino population statedly, nor that organization well ted ones. The underted and way to make their union safe for Johnson, mecretary of the National before the branches the holding of that program. The Workers Party Chat these classes have been wen: Incks a real base. It has consider mals matured more slowly. were Americanism and true trade union Unemployed League, the largest public meetings or open branch stands for progressive, militant tutored in the machinery of demo able influence among the masses.
and most stable organization of the meetings on the War Danger, pro Teachers Union in which trade un cracy is demonstrated by the prestsmaller and had less hair. Col principles.
It is necessary to point out that that rats with an improved diet tural enough in a way, in the briefly review the recent struggles against capitalist war and for the that its membership shonld seek to Ching in the neighborhood of 700, 000 tan revolutionary refugees revolutionary solution of the on advance what they regard as the out of a population of nearly tina) which with the Bolivian Argen lived longer than hungry ones. of as a small international, de of that organlation.
The Department of Agriculture pending largely upon of Germinal Allard Gerry to coming capitalist war. Above all sound program for the anton open twelve millions! The semi autono Tatt formed the carried on in vitamins.
Parents on relief and vancing the interests of the teach fought side by side with him against sition as Internationalista from the trying to win them to this program, or wted in the islands under the tacts with the army. The Interna. the Lifead coal barons and reactionary labor patriotism of the Socialists and at no time seeking mechanical dom. provtalion of the Jones Act of 1918 tonal outlook of the forces that with small incomes are advised to ers, to allenate substitute Juice from crushed turnership. But we are living in a new officials will talk on the situation Stalinista.
ination or resorting to cheap poll and the control of which has been formed the new Bolivian party 1ps for the more expensive orange economie era and Bil Green is not in Illinois.
tios, alliances with reactionaries, concentrated for years in the hands brought them to the camp of Bol julce in the diet for babies.
Sam Gompers. The teachers by a Maurice Spector, chairman of TOLEDO etc. In order to advance their views of small political cliques headed by shevik Leninism and was crystal decisive majority rejected Green the Workers Party of Canada and The social patriotic betrayals of the members of the Workers Party, Quezon and the new vice president, lized at the congress of Cordoba, EQUALITY.
demand. Whereupon the reaction one of the best speakers that the the Comintern and the Second Inbound to act under the discipline Sergio Osmena, has been corrupt Argentina, in June, 1936 where they Canadian revolutionary movement ternational were socked right be of their party America should have a nobility ary minority walked out of the con the union, will, and oppreslve enough to measure declared their adherence to the Inbuilt upon Intelligence, morality. vention, clearly revealing them. has produced, will trace recent potween the teeth at the first open precisely because they are under up to the standards of our best ternational Communist League.
altruism, kindness, greatness and selves and all such bureaucrats as litical developments Social Cred forum of the Toledo branch at the that discipline, work harder for democracies here in the West.
The groups that make up the noble feelings, says Jean Plerre Green 28 splitters of the labor 1t. COCE, and the coming elec Toledo Workers School on the the union, fight more vigorously in Under its rule vast holdings in gained the right to be conRelnach who sells titles for the movement. There is this difference tlong in Canada.
evening of September 20. Comrades all its battles, display a deeper and land and other properties have been sidered the only revolutionary following prices. Duke, 1, 000, 000, between the case of the Auto Work. In addition to the above, a on Pollock Bedro Burke Combre more consistent loyalty to the un concentrated in the hands of a few working class organization by Baron, 200, 000. Only men who so far, at any rate, Green has not deal with the perspectives of the laid bare the true nature of the Revolutionists Play Their Part mestizo (mixed blood) aristicracy against the war. The nucleus that are energetic and courageous en been able to impose his will upon and the Fourth International. imperialist designs on Ethiopia, the It is not an accident that in each and the millions of tollers have been today makes up the Revolutionary ough to at once dispose of a million, the latter. Locul has not been Max Shachtman will preside. genuinely revolutionary Internaof the situations mentioned earlier reduced to conditions of helotry Workers Party of Bolivia made 700, 000, 500, 000 or 200, 000 wiu reorganized.
Gree at Akron lent musical program will be pro the Fourth International, and the and its members have played in nearby China. Under this regime front and had considerable succes Good food and a short but excel tionalist program of the and in the article the Workers Party equalled only by those which exist contact with the soldiers at the behich is destined be real nature During the past week the Rabber vided. The limited capacity of the scabrous capitulation of the Star: part in some instances as in Min the revolutionary movement and the in the organization of Military Is no proletariat in America. There Akron, the demand on the part of warning to the tardy. Get your scavengers.
Every seat in the hall was taken conspicuous one; in others 88 Philippines Constabulary has been peasant soldiers. One hundred of workers in Toledo a leading and a policy of implacable terror. The of its literature to the worker and are no lowest orders of society the federal locals in that industry tickets now!
without property and privilege in for an international union also hav. The time: 7:30 Thursday, by intelligent and enthusiastic among the teachers and rubber called into action almost exclusive the prisoners in Assuncion (Para Aquarisan rights, me opportunities and of had to yleld. In Akron 15th St, and Irving Place. Tickets: message with whole hearted favor by any means rocking to make revo as the recent sakdalista uprising in the rearguard, where work was in politiche privileged in America Green was present in person as he 50 cents (can be secured at Party Three observers attended, lutionary political parties out of the in Northern Luzon, and to keep in most difeult, its influence, estabthere are working men and work had been in Detroit. Once again headquarters, 65 East 11th St. who remained silent in the face of unions. But even now, only with a subjection the Moros and other Ished sporadically, is starting to be ing women, and that term applies he undertook to lay down an ultithe scathing condemnation of the core of revolutionists equipped with minority tribes in the South and in transformed into organized activity.
to every man and woman who matum. The Rubber Workers must CALIFORNIAComintern although the chairman, Marzlan methods of analysls and other parts of the Islands. The works and the paid for his labor, accept Coleman Claberty, the Fran The San Francisco branch of the comrade Art Preis, openly invited disciplined and hardened for strug new commonwealth under Quezon of a section of the Communist In Bolivia there never was much from window cleaner to the prest cis Dillon of the industry, as their will conduct write in cam them to defend the Line and can progressive groups be butit Osmena McArthur surnates the party. Despite objective conditions dent of the most powerful Indus president for the first year Agata palan in the forthcoming elections answer the charges. The success of in the unions which can successful continuity of these conditions. for revolutionary struggle and with trial organization. One bleck a howl of protest arose. pungent in San Francisco. An educational this first forum will make it a reply challenge the entrenched and Hlusions of Independence the feudal bourgeoisie very weak, of tenements in New York City two hour debate started in the cafet for use in the campaign is ular feature in Toledo.
hardened burecaucracies; and in the This arrangement is better suited Stalinism was, however, unable to houses 3, 871 persons Hearst course of which, according to a being drafted by the Pacific Coast Progress is being shown in perty end it is only under the leadership to the war plans of American Imperform any cadres before the war.
San Simeon estate is larger than the District organization. Another branch has of the revolutionary party that the lalism in the Pacific it en The orkers Party entire metropolitan area of New 1, 067 a week, workers 683 a year been set up in East Toledo, with an workers will be able really to solve ables the Filipino bourgeoisie to States sends its heartlest revoluYork City. The officers of nine. Wage earners today are receivThe Educational Committee of excellent membership of revolution the problems which the present age develop the more easily illusions of tionary greetings to the RevolutionImportant industries receive a larg. ing 52 percent of their 1920 income, the West Coast District is calling ary workers experienced in Unem creates and to free themselves from Independence under American pro ary Workers Party of Bolivia, born er weekly pay than the yeârly av property owners 61 percent and bus upon all the branches to carry on ployed League and trade union poverty and insecurity and the tras tection in contrast to the prospect in the fires of war. and pledges erage of wage earners in the same iness men 65 percent. Ameri an intensive campaign of meetings, battles.
tration of spirit to which the masses of bjugation by colony greedy loyal and fraternal collaboration in Industries. For example, in the Tocanism has unquestionably survived leaflet distribution, etc. during the under capitallam today are subject Japan, the solution of its tasks which in bacco industry, offers average the New Deal, says Pat Hurley. next few weeks on the war danger.
JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY The commonwealth is to lasteasence are our tasks also.
Party Formed The Party at Work the ed.