BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

NEW MILITANT VOL. 1, NO. 40 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1935 PRICE CENTS Official Organ of the Workers Party of the Zero Hour Sounds for New World War French Fascists in Rally Reaction Rules Militants Held Chaining the Workers to League Votes Say OurTimeWill Come IIIFederation In Chinese Jails Imperialist War Machine Application Of Labor Meet Appeal For Aid Of Sanctions If she 1s for France upper strata of the middle classes. Idst attack. This demand is stamped lof relief stations and against the time he was in and was quite un what the LSI. proposes: By ROBERTS being the Fascists of France. They By MARTIN cepts. Blum continues, we may Last week the Croix de Feu, the number some 5, 000, most of whom he refuses Italy The Executive Committee of the hope for peace: principal Fascist organization in are enrolled in armed bands which By GERRY ALLARD By LO SEN France, gave another of those sud conduct a regular course of train State Federation of Labor which leaders of the Communist League of In BELLEVILLE, 111, Sept. 20. The Comrade Niel sih, one of the met at Brussels on August 16 18.
Socialist and Labor International is forever branded the aggressor.
Game of Peace den demonstrations of its strength ing in the art of civil war. They completed its sessions here last China, and his young wife are sullution and appeal to the workers of peace and the workers as To us all this seems a game with Traitor Internationals in a series of surprise rallies around enjoy subsidies from listened to their leader, Colonel from the propaganda ngencles of Sloved Miners of America and olsa Word seeped out of the prison walls mously, with one abstention by Alration of 1914. And after that con Country Upwards of 30, 000 men credited with accepting substales Workers Alliance and the progres Kuomintang to present in bedanking the world acainst Mussolin Ate was. The musten af arbitration Paralyze Independent Action of Workers Francois Casinter de la Rocque who both Hitler and Mussolint for car three cent sales tax.
voted to support the state imposed to our comrades in Shanghal with ter, the representative of the Polish flagration the League has proved assured them: Our time will rying on pro Fascist propaganda in a desperate appeal for aid. of our Bund. The LSI could not in itself inenpable of arbitrating even As the League of Nations Council come.
The machine geared convention four other comrades, Sze Chaoto mobilize forces of this site with The ability of the Croix de Feu uses exceedingly radical language against scab WPA tages. Resolu chang and Liu Chia liang, there has the appeal. Not even as a means war. It will do no better with Italy should the negotiations be France. Its organ, Le Franciste. also voted to taboo any strikes seng, Wang Yao hus. Hlu Hwang any case resign itself to war, said so minor an affair as the Chaco decides to invoke sanctions against Fight for Workers Militia military precision and complete tions forwarded by local untons for been no news since they were shift of deliverance for the Italian peo Mussolini, whom the three powers, tween Great Britain, France and secrecy up to the very moment of sources of well trained civil war The convention failed to record it. April this year. Some idea of what perialist war can never prove a are even now courting for his sup Ethiopia mutually satisfactory to to the demonstration gives some idea of the latent forces of Fascist and the General Stal will draw labor issue: Instead it threw over gained from the story of another transform such war into civilmarole to prove Mussolini the agtionals are, mobilizing the workers cadres from which the Croix de Feu selt progressively on any burning they are going through can be unless that people to prepared to sides why go through all this riga ous Socialist and Stalinist interna means of deliverance for a people, port in the International race. Be the imperialist robbers, the traitor which are waiting their chance to take over power in France. Unlike when the time comes to settle the board any pretensions to liberalism comrade of ours who only recently war for the overthrow of the bour gressor? Is there anyone who does for support of the anti Italian im.
some of the other, smaller Fascist question of France future, arms and adopted. definite class colla guined his liberty after four years geoisie (Not war, but revolution not clearly understand that italian perialists.
organizations in the country, the in hand. It is to reply to the threat boration, right wing attitute.
represented by the various organ. The condemnation of the Illinois incarceration.
will deliver the people. from imperialism new terri Even more boldly than the official Croix de Feu does not draw for its nations that the French Bolshevik Workers Alliance was no surprise. This thumbs and suspended from a to say that one should not in any long to intervene? Is there any which speak in the name of the membership internationals He was periodically hung up by Fascism. More: it is not enough tory in Africa? And why wait so diplomats, these on declassed lumpen Lenints are agitating for the or Tast Spring while the Illinois job eam so that his feet came just case resign oneself to war. One hope of accomplishing now, in ex working elass, demand sanctions up principally of substantial petty bourgeois citizens drawn from the militia trained to defend itself er right to exist, holding large dem chained by the ankles for the whole making war impossible.
feetively against the inevitable Fas onstrations against shutting down This is that is when Mussolini first started Imperialist governments sending troops to Africa? Didn and England to declare war against Almost all its members are was a provocation by the Stalinist sales tax, Rueben Soderstrom and uberty. The ordeal shattered his Organize great demonstrations the league on January 14, that is veterans, and their sons, now in able to walk when finally given his S. Program the Negus of Abysinnia appeal to imperialist Italy.
and Socialist bureaucracles who Victor Olander, president and seeGreat Britain and France have their early twenties, are organized confine their fight against Aretary. respectively, of the Fedem nerves and his health. As he con of publie opinion to (a) Yorce the eight months ago in Les Volontaires Nationaux, the youth organization of the Croix de cism to demanding formally that tion, issued public statements con versed with me, writes one of our League to take the measures, as it But let us suppose for a minute not yet given up attempts to come Feu.
the government disarm the Fascist demning the Allance for leading comrades from Shanghai, violent is obliged under Article 11 of the that the France and Brito an agreement with Mussolini Unlike the other Fascist groupe, bands!
the fight and endorsing the sales treming fits kept seizing him, eg Covenant. necessary to safester. What will it lead to? It winence of Ethiopia, for not only are ain do really take the proposed Their interest is not the independthe Croix de Feu does not. There is no fixed or rigid formula tax.
Olander is a member of the the tortures to which he was sub Saez canal to Italian military trar. prove what everybody already they oppressing millions of colonial pecially when describing some of guard peace, the closing of the flaunt its armed bands but it is for the development of Fascism. Illinois Emergency Relief Commispeople throughout the world, inwidely known that the Croix de People who fail to see any spectasion while Soderstrom is a Repub Jected. Many of our comrades died fle. b) force Italy to accept arbi knows that Italy is the actressor: cluding Africa, but they have alis Feu has not only built up large cular movement similar to that of lican member of the legislature. In that belt hole, he told me. Theretration.
stocks of arms and ammunition but delude themselves if they think linois Workers Alliance mapped umes. In addition to everything congress of emigrant Italians to They are interested in de lopia.
The recent convention of the 11 were few cast a He did not The Socialist and Communist accept no arbitration that he is not ready ottered Italy control of Ethcapitulate.
alone speaks vol parties of Italy are organizing a sure of in advance.
has also organized an air squadron that there is therefore no serious out an energetic program to CATTS else, he contracted tuberculosis. His protest the Abysinnian war for the Jealous rivals of Italian Imperial sessions in Africa.
credited with having nearly 100ascist threat. Fascism may come forth the demands of the jobless body is broken but the spirit flames end of September, at which the m, are not anxious to offend their France and Britain, although fending their own imperialist pos planes. On one or two occasions France hesitates over the pros.
to power in France by nothing more Officers of the Alliance state that have been uncovered by police who etat engineered by the General Labor will have little or no bear.
arms caches of the Croix de pe complicated than a military coup the position of the Federation or as brightly as ever. will be represented.
compere at Rome. Recent negotia pect of withdrawing its troops from The same fate, have been drawn of the case a staff and the Croix de Feu. If the ing in the future relations between faced by Niel sih and our other same the LS. expresses the ter of concessions, both France and to an attack from Hitler. English death, is now It war breaks out all the tions have shown that in the mat the continent and leaving itself open soon as the identity of the owners workers are not mobilized for of the cache became known.
general strike and the struggle for alle in the various trade unions.
the unemployed and the rank and Cook Was appealed for demon Itals will be able to utilize the war ionia. There will be no change lan aggression in Ethiopia only if The Communist League hope that working masses of England are willing to make them diplomats are already speaking of to Mussolini at the expense of Aby sanctions as a threat against ItalSupported by Finance Capital their own power, if they are not Edward Morgan, state secre strations of international solidarity in overthrowing the real enemy of and political support of finance and attacks of the growing Fascist Federation oficials have fought the ror waged by the Kuomintang Addis Ababa, but in Rome.
De la Roeque enjoys the financial armed and organized to repeltotary of the stated that the and protest against the bestial ter. the Italian people, which is not atin Mussolini attitude, unless by it is a prelude to an attack on its such a change he stands to gain own colonies in Africa. In a word, heavy Industrial capital. The Wen bands, dels and their Comite des Forges repetition of the events od usteris built the Alliance despite them. In not let that appeal go unanswered. these decisions in Populaire for serve peace? Not at all, it will motivated on purely imperialist the Croix de Fen war chest. The last minute resistance. NOW is the of the Federation of Labor we shall merely feeling deeply for the sut mental plane, the war can no long. brigands, that all that is needed to may take, including war against are the principal contributors to and in Spain herole but futile cooperation with the rank and flewe cannot remain content with August 21 writes: On the govern only show that the road is open to grounds but any action which they Italy would be an imperialist ae. tion.
the French General Star, a num refusal of the Stalinist and Social tax, against the scab WPA wage We must make that sympathy man ordination of effort between France Sanctions ber of whose most prominent figures ist bureaucracies to put the French and for a clean, progressive and rest in demonstrations, in active and England on one hand, and be It is pretty clear that there will New Social Patriotie Betrayal ale actually in its ranks. The po workers on the alert is a gross be militant labor movement. The po protests. We must make our voices tween France and Russia on the be no change in the preparation: In the midst of this dispute sents is already formidable. During sible future catastrophes.
the last cabinet crists which desn amount toe de hall or beatis. sex and stretch the hand of firm the coordinated efforts of France, months now, with the complicity of joint conference of the Second In brought Laval into power, he was Charles Rossie of Du Quoin, a solidarity to our imprisoned com Britain and the can stop the League. And then what? Then ternational and its trade union admilitant miner, and Simon Trojer rades.
the Italian war. Without awaiting we will invoke sanctions, they tell junct, the International Federation councils and was reported to have threatened to bring his forces out recently elected chairman and vice are appealing to us and awaiting aforementioned powers should of cott, which the League is obliged, month, decided to put pressure on into the streets if any attempt was chairman of the state unemployed our reply. That reply must be fer a realistic, sincere and complete by its statutes, to institute The the League of Nations so that the made to install a so called left wing made now and at once!
arbitration to Italy, If Italy ac. Continued on Page 4) Covellant, the whole Covenant, be now applied, including the sane government.
The Croix de Feu is the most First of Series of tions provided for in the Covenant.
serious Faselst movement in France And if this polley is accepted by When the French bourgeoisie de the League of imperialist powers, Over 400 workers packed the Irv.
cides that the time has come to ing Plaza Hall last Sunday evening the social patriotic betrayal of 1914 finish with the organizations of the to hear the lecture on From Lenin By TROTSKY working class, it will depend upon to Stalin by James Cannon. The years of his struggle against the former ally of Stalin, hold numer. themselves by patriotie necessity, will be repeated this time the de la Rocque and his followers to audience, including dozens of Stal. the Bolshevik Leninist who had ters stand.
The recently published letter of Left Opposition. That is how mat ous Bolshevik Leninists, with Chen and even perhaps by concern for working class is informed of the do the job. He is equipped to do inists and Socialists latened with made his escape from the Du Siu at their head, the old rev. the defense of the the plan even before the war breaks out: Moral and Material Aid olutionist, founder of the Commu police and the prosecuting attorneys it not only by virtue of his connec creat interest to the glaring con depicts a horrible scene of persecu. The two Internationals, con tions with the General Staff but trast between the Third Internations and reprisals on the part of must be given, and it is needed im year prison term. The leaders of internationalists redoubled blows, scious of their duties towards Moral and material assistance nist party, who is serving an eleven of capital will henceforth deal the also through his close contact with tional under Lenin leadership and the bureaucracy, and no less mediately the leading strata of the The moral aid should the so called united front pain in order thus to remove the ob peace, are ready to fulan them great the Third International under stal horrible picture of the physical consist in the exposure on the wid stakingly avoid all reference to the stacles in the path of the united in their entirety, and confidently veterans organizations, the Union in straits in which hundreds and thou eat scale possible of the Bonapartist very name of Chen Du Siu, Nationale des Danciens Combatname, front of Stalin Laval Cachin Blum ansure the League of the wholeThe speaker presented a scathing sands of devoted, unselfish and sell bestialities to which the captive however, that should become known Jouhaux, and also in the path of hearted support of the workers, tants and the Union Federale des criticism of the Seventh Congress sacrificing revolutionists find them revolutionists are both women and men, they repre subjected to every revolutoinary worker. In the new imperialist war.
sent, in any measures it may take bership rans up to a million and working class history is symbolized exile and imprisonment have been rives must be given the widest pos Greece, Indo China, and a number sighted, who fails to see this per for the effective application of whatever sanctions may be necescist in tendency and in connections. Engels were the scientific founders years, without any new charges sympathy of the workers must be the Fourth International mul in in pare themselves beforehand for su sury against the aggressor.
Other Fascist Groups move whatsoever. considerable num aroused in those true heroes who creasing numbers the jails and con preme trials and sacrifices.
Nothing could be clearer than Among these are the Camelots of the modern resm ber of them have been in prison have remained faithful to the ban centration camps of the reactionment: Noske and The working class is divided into this open pledge of social patriot Roi, the youth group affiliated to bolized social democratic betrayal and exile since the beginning of ner of revolutionary international ary dictatorship. Even in Holland, different political camps; between ism!
the Action Francaise, the royalist and treachery. Lenin and Trotsky 1928, e. for a period of almost ism over a period of several years the classie land of democracy, those organizations which enter Comintern Welcomes Deelsion organization. These young blades, were the organizers and leaders of eight years. It is apparent even under conditions of complete isola revolutionists internationalists like neither into the second or the Third mostly of the student type and the Russian Revolution and the from the official Soviet press that tion, cut off from all information, Sneevliet and Schmidt have paid Internationals there are also seri The Communist International drawing their support largely from Communist International, and now additional hundreds, if not thou and subjected to unheard of priva: Jsevere tribute to the jails of cap ous disagreements. These cannot welcomes this decision, brazenly the wealth of their families and the for the Seventh Congress Stalin sands of old and young revolution tions. It is necessary to protest talism during the recent years. be eliminated artificially. But if states the letter of that organizaHowever, concerned here are not there is a sphere in which honest tion to the Second International and active experience in street social patriotism. The pre Congress exile, and incarceration during the main against the stalinist terror only the Bolshevik Leninists and revolutionary workers can and Chilly Worker, Sept. 28, 1935. fighting against the workers. They document of the Seventh Congress current year, for not sharing the which is directed not in the defense the fighters for the Fourth Interna should combine their efforts, it is What is needed according to the have figured prominently in all was the Stalin Laval communique international policy of Stalin, or of the revolution against the class tional. In the countries of the old in the organization of assistance to new comrades in arms of the Vanstreet actions during the past ten in which Stalin recognizes the need for merely disapproving his brutal enemies but in the defense of the and. New Worlds, the numerous re the fighters who are captives of the develdos, Blums and Bauers is an years and they are well armed with for maintaining and strengthening ity with regard to Zinoviev, Kam autocratic rule of the bureaucracy olutionary organizations and groups bourgeoisie and who have been be international carabines and revolvers. They num. the army of French imperialism. enev, and others. Letters from against the vanguard workers. that stand outside both old Intertrayed by the social patriots. It is war of such power that the League slightly smaller organization is that tional which has no fatherland exceptions, depict a situation that come in the form of collections of their place under the banner of the creation of a joint party and an undertake really effective action of Les Jeunesses Patriotes which but aims to lead the workers for is hopeless and that gives no sign funds for transmission to addresses New International count no. tew international association to give aid against the aggressor of Italian used to have close connections with the conquering of the entire world of improvement. For instance, an in our possession: the men in exile victims their own ranks. The to the revolutionists persecuted for fascism and German fascism under the army and which in years past was the conclusion of comrade old revolutionist writes from exile, and in prison, wherever they are same applies to colonies. Suffice to their fidelity to the principles of its pressure.
has been utilized as strikebreak Cannon. Pressure on There is no sense in sending money able, share the remitted sums frat name, for instance, the Hindoo internationalism.
the imperialist ing agency. It is now organized in the so called Front Nationale to Stalin was the first of a series of Nothing is to be obtained here, not The lecture on From Lenin to here, it cannot be used here. ernally between themselves, revolutionist Roy, now serving a All the parties and groups stand. League of Nations to declare war But agitation, protests and col. 14 year jall sentence, who was ing under the banner of the Fourth against Italy and Germany! Acgether with a new and powerful four entitled On the Road to the even vegetables. Another exile, lection of funds do not suflice. It shamefully betrayed by the Comin International would of course read. claiming the decision of the Social organization known as La Solidar. Fourth International. The sub cut off from his friends for years, is necessary to provide constant and tern in whose ranks he had fought. lly join such an organization. But ist International to support the ite Francaise. The latter maintains sects for the remainder of the ser deprived of the opportunity to cor correct organizational assistance to this is not enough. It is necessary League in any measures it may regularly trained armed bands, ies are: Sunday, September 29, respond with his family, even with those revolutionist internationalists Severe Trials Ahead to come to an agreement with all take for effective application of counts no less than 10, 000 in its Working Class Policy in the Im his children, writes on a postcard about whom the Second and Third The still closer drawing together the other independent revolutionary sanctions! Could social patriotism raviks and has a powerful weapon pending War. Sunday, October 6, which came through accidentally. Internationals remain unconcerned, of the Second and Third Interna parties, as well as the left wing be more open and brazen!
in the Paris daily, Ami du Peuple, The Struggle Against Fascism. We are on the road of the old who are ignored by the reformist tionals as well as the trade union minorities within the old Interna What is needed is the complete which 19 more or less its official Sunday, October 12, The Road to Lafargues, thus hinting at an at trade unions, and whom the hour bureaucracies on a common plat tionals and the trade unions. The independence of the working class mouthpiece.
the Fourth International.
tempt at collective suicide, most geoisle of the entire world rightly form of social patriotism the question is of a burning political from their imperialist masters.
Unlike the above named groups, Comrades who wish to attend probably through a hunger strike. consider to be their bitterest ene ground for which was laid by the character. Great battles are ahead. The boycott of shipments of goods all of whch would deny the appel these lectures will have to come News from prisons arrive much mies.
Moscow Congress bolds in store it is necessary to build not only the and munitions to Fascist Italy ation Fascist, the Francistes, who early. Doors open at 7:30. Lee more rarely than from exile. and Prisoners in China especially severe trials for the pro army, but also at the same time to and the supplying of material aid came into being about the time of ture will begin at 8:15. All lec, they depict new horrors, which The question, of course, is not letarian fighters, who stand under prepare the Red Cross and the to the Ethiopian people must be the affair of February 6, 1834, open tures are being held at Irving Plaza leave far behind everything that restricted to the In China, the banner of internationalism and sanitary corps.
the action of the working class ly and violently claim the honor of Hall, Irving Place and 15th Street. Stalin perpetrated during the first the prisons of Chiang Kai Shek, the revolutionary defeatism. Screening Sept. 7, 1935 itself.
of consulte along the top reported to hatePacked Hall Hears Cannon Lecture in sods.