and Claberts for being Bonus oren Sales Tax Big Rubber Workers Ride Mass Uprising Against constitution was adopted, after Issue at cougla to roll on two of this of the Over Green Plans Convention Traitor Labor Mayor the draft of the entitats com en el centers in the world at the Mooney in Court argument, the rubber workers such Dalrymple, president of the been able to rally most of the dens and furioden for seven hours: the To Gain Freedom freeted in order last one Rubber Workers Took Big Step Forward at Akron Conventioning something new with the sales bring Billings, who the convicted and made a lame statement, crying petal observeren. When represen PAGE NEW MILITANT SEPTEMLER 21, 1935 workers. The substitute resoluArose and called Claherty a tion was then quickly passed, but dlar.
the McLevy machine was powerful clauses barring communists, votes. All in all, the victory was and members of other dual a hollow one.
union organizations was changed Every Socialist worker must to exclude naming of political pardraw lessons from this experience.
tles, It must be obvious to the leftwardAlready rubber workers began to to do with the question of election We do better to exclude all By New Haven Correspondent moving workers in the that a (Continued from Page 1)
crowd for support. As Latimer left rejoin the unions. rom which they of officers.
had tled after the of bu We can have our own president delegate argued.
republicans than communists, a NEW HAVEN, Conn. Sept. 16. party which permits such a level the mouth by a tear gas bomb fired the ball with his bodyguard through reaucracy treacherous betrayal and officers and still take your Another clause preventing CRU Just before midnight tonight the of discussion, such suggestions of at her just as she was descending the rear door, he was accosted by this spring during the strike threat. money. In fact, we hope to the Tie only serious threat on the added as Green blustered. We the necal ball also meet with decent succeeded, after a bitter seven hour proses of prestige, such ignoring of Journal writes that the receiving in the mouth. Priends hurried him was the perplexing question of se the o by defeating the list democracy to the new interna against. sales tax! resolo something fundamentally wrong the appearance of a wartime behina Latimer Gets In Deeper and Deeper lection of officers. There is a posrescution. That part doesn be tional, tion introduced to the resolutions with it.
the lines hospital as the stream of As was to be expected, the CitiBoth clauses had been placed o situation, the only sign of awarecommittee on the Italo Ethiopian sibility of split between Akron long in the resolution and we ll wounded started coming in. The zens Alliance dominated grand jury and out o town progressives over change it later.
hospital corridors were literally completely exonerated the police whica mun should become presifrom Wednesday murderous onrunning with blood.
Another delegate scored the bequest of Claherty who saw in dent. of leadership as antiquated them powerful weapons against the the whole convention, was referred Fighting continued until o clock slaught, saying we believe the po to the State Executive Committee Defeat Green 44 to in the morning, with the armored lice department did the best they Smashing through every treach the of if it is to survive. Progressives Prepare Slate debate on the sales tax waged fast erous move, every rose and false Powerful and blunt argument by continually pouring tear gas into had. The report concluded with has small grouplets wherever they the observation that the unembrought to a brilliant climax their Goodrich local for the right to elect esates with it on every vital ques. ing outside the jurisdiction of the gathered. Finally the pickets and ployment being so great, so many terrific fight for democracy by over officers added much weight to the ton is preparing a slate of candi state body.
Tom Mooney appeal for a wet the crowd left, vowing to come back people with nothing to do but fol low disturbances for excitement, whelmingly voting 44 to against cause of the progressives as Dal dates for officers and also watching On the sales tax issue Mayor of babeas corpus in the California the next night.
the spirit of unrest existing in resolution which would sanction rymple is recognized as one of the for further moves by Green to at McLevy and the three state legis courts opened last week. The overMass Pressure Closes Down Plant Minneapolis will undoubtedly be Green appointment of president. lenders in the rubber unions.
tempt to regain control of the in lators from Bridgeport, Taft, Secor whelming proofs of his innocence, The reaction to the wanton police responsible for additional out The blunt repudiation of the We ve been prom. sed for twoternational and Eccles, held their machine firm the perjury of the state witnesses, savagery was so great that the next breaks. As though the unen of bureaucracy and its disas years our own international. The Resolutions asking Fof. to the end in favor of voting for the flimsiness of the state evi morning the mayor was forced to ployed demonstrated for excite trous policies in the rubber indus rubber workers will join us if we help to add financially the new in the sales tax in the next session of dence, and his own alibi have long clear out all scabs and gunmen ment, instead of for increased re save his ace, declarel. accept go down defented after fighting my tradema were expected to be in the state legislature as the only reago convinced the jurors and even from the plant. These people were try was that Green, to keep our pledges. would rather ef, for jobs, and pirit soltroduced and passed. This will escorted to St. Paul. The grand Idarity with employed workers. your judgment as final. No one can best for democracy than face the again place Green on the spot. He maining method of raising relief the judge of the original trial.
ignore the preponderance of your charges of the workers who would pledged support of the convention on the final ballot, faced with a hurry to free class war prisoners wash investigation, as Tetzlafl bid addition of 200 to the police force.
white. The grand jury also asked for an But capitalist courts are in no jury immediately prepared a wł vote.
Toe defeated resolution would pointed out.
Pay for officers was picked as: tory in tone than the original, they Mooney appeal was heard by the Alliance.
In the meantime, the with this report and meekly asked The Farmer Labor mayor fell in have ven him the pproval of the Thunder of Protest president. 3, 200 vice president, allied 49. votes against 76. All but u. Supreme Court last year and rank and file of the HurmerLabor for 200 more pollce. This was too convention to appoint Coleman When the roll call vote began on 2, 700; secretary treasurer, 3, 000. three of the 28 Bridgeport votes re he was sent back to try the courts party were boiling at the actions of much for the Farmer Labor coun Clalierty, his rubber organizer, as the resolution of appointment of Union dues are per month and mained loyal to the very end. of the state that originally framed their strike breaking mayor and cilmen even, one of whom, AlderMeLevy Arguments him. He was condemned to many But, as predicted in the NEW MIL sbattered only by increasing Noes The preamble of the constitution city council. special meeting was man Pearson, ITANT, the rubber workers were so which continued until they sounded has a clause recognizing the class McLevy in the debate shouted more months, perhaps years in pris hurriedly arranged for Thursday to the proposal to add more police.
incensed at Claberty and his poli like thunder of protest against struggle and declaring that the in that he and his legislators had vin on, to all the tortures of a new night at the large Eagles Hall, men for the explicit purpose of cles that his defeat was a foregone Green machinations and trickery. ternational will do all necessary to dicated themselves as Socialists by trial, to the exhorbitant expenses called by the Farmer Labor Wo clubbing laboring men. The anger conclusion Enrwed beyond control, Claberts further the economic and social ad. Aghting for an income tax, and of a new trial.
No matter if he is men Federation and the Vet of the city roue even higher.
To show how strong the anti charged Burns and others of dis vance of the rubber workers. It then for a dividends and interest innocent, the cruel game of capitalerans Association.
On Saturday afternoon, hundreds Mayor Booed Down bureaucracy feeling was, It is only torting and lying about their pet. recognizes the failure of capitalism tax, but they had been defeated and ist justice must be played to the of workers participated in the fun.
liecessary to relline ti at the resoA heated argument followed with and the necessity for its abolish relief was still needed. Where does end.
The hall was packed with rank eral processions of the two bystandall your theory and principles get lution defeated was a compromise delegates lambasting both Green ment.
The defense is now trying the and Alle Farmer Laborites as Mayor ers shot down Wednesday night.
by the bureaucracy to the delegates.
you, the McLevy supporters main case before a referee in the Call Latimer, the first speaker, was in Investigations Continue It specified that all other officers be The tained, when you have the practical fornia courts. So far they have troduced from the platform.
problem of feeding the desperate suffered two setbacks, in failing to mayor turned pale as he was booed pbony riot investigation this afterLatimer intends to continue hia me appoint Claherty.
unemployed? Besides, they argued, obtain a judge instead of a referee, by the enraged crowd. Finally he Green Threatens Delegate we are the refusal of court to to noon at 4:30, calling some.
When Green spoke for the reso tax, which our opponents claim with Mooney into the court.
that County tatives of the Non Labor lution he threatened Thomas Burns, would merely soak the poor to sup of Chicopee Malls, Mass. a leadet By JACK WILSON be The outcome of the case cannot Jury bound him hand and foot. Defense called on the mayor see for democracy, because of an alleged association with a dual union the direction of organizing workers the correct road to the rubber work ly wages to care for their less for criminal tremendous step forward in scene of the riot, they were told the long and hard work of forces the employed workers are forced to hostile, and fresh from the triumph tigation would be made of all that or witnesses, including many people who live in the neighborhood of the movement in the rubber Industry. in basle industries was taken by syndicalism fouse and flung back into Green rubber worker delegates at their ers in their search for paths which tunate brethren.
would lead to a strong union moveLater, in answer to this, a Water ists who first sent Mooney to prison have fully proved himselt. Alder The Central Labor Union, the Whether the labor hating capital which it was understood he would that no more witnesses are needed.
Tevth every argument used against convention which formed an interment. Exforts of progressives who bary worker, Philip Brainard, vice for his activities as a labor organ man Ed Hudson, another Farmer Hennepin County L. Association national union through the farhim. In act, he proved that Green reaching consequences of their ac without stimulation but through the best fighting speech in defiance on or out will determine the out. started to say that what was done ſense plan to hold separate public had appointed Phillips, dual unarose from the working class itself chairman of the convention, madeiner are more afraid of him in pris labor member, was Jeered when he and the Non Partisan Labor Defontst: to a high post where Burns tions.
bitter experience with Claherty and of the Bridgeport machine. In his first met him. Burns proved that Green, not he, had associated with by an overwhelming majority the convention.
The rubber workers repudiated Green, come to a climax at the Own factory he had organized the come. For nineteen years the case by police at the riot was done by hearings during the next few days, has been kept alive by Mooney place can be brought to light for the dual unionist.
antiquated craft unlon, class colla The result of the convention at on wages. Waterbury Socialists sanized support and pressure of men, and they didn pay the levy own heroic battle and by the orth Who in the skirmish lost their so that the true story of what took all to see and understand.
The progressive bloc began its boration policies of the of tests once more to the fact that were trying to do the same for the labor all over the country. And mayor. Don to whitewash the fight for democracy by presenting bureaucracy as represented by Wm. Only through careful education and whole city. Outside of Bralnard only that pressure can free him. the audience. You re trying play politica! yelled Workers Party Plans Meeting On Friday night, Sept. 20, a meet Green, when he arrived at the con Green and the executive council.
work along class struggle lines can speech there was no mention what en dat om delegates asking for the omelaldem over the rubber march forward to increasing vieling for higher rellet standards by Spartacan Slugged in Pickets: he placed Faire responsibility ers Party of the s, where They broke the stranglehold of the working class prepare itself to soever of the possibilities of fightState Representative Bellman (F ing at the Pythian Hall is called democratic procedure and election workers unfons which had virtual tories. of all officers. From then, Green ly ruined the trade union movement Build a progressive bloc with rather than by political maneuverOf Heasrt News Reel for the situation upon Latimer, and Dunne, prominent and Claherty were on the defensive. in the rubber industry and reduced correct policies based on the expering and compromising by the Sodemanded the dismissal of the po trade unionist and member of the The bureaucracy went so far as once powerful unions into mere lences of Minneapolis, Toledo, Decalist parliamentariana Some time ago a group of organ licemen participating in the riot. National Committee of the Workers to threaten reporters time and skeletons.
troit and the other soenes of class we set forth below a few of the Ixations including Spartacus Youth Alderman Scott earned the cheers Party, will speak on Three Months aguin, newspapers said, for printing The rubber workers did what the struggle!
choice thoughts of the chief coge Lengue branch of Boro Park, Yipsels of the crowded ball by taking a of Farmer Labor Rule in Minnea accounts the inner struggles and auto workers and other unionists Rally forces around the slogan in the Mclavy machine: of Bensonhurst, and the League clear cut position on the whole at polis: What They PROMISED and thereby, indirectly, exposing each had not succeeded in doing cleans of democracy in the trade union State Senator Taft: don sub ngainst War and Fascism branch fair, and exposing the excuses of What They GAVEI move of Claherty and Green, Men ing their ranks of the Clahertys movement. Protect the rights of scribe to a sales tax, but under cer of Bensonhurst as well as several latimer and the police. He called Among the questions to be distion of the auto workers conven and other misleaders who only lead militants who lead in every tight tain conditions to save fellow work. other organizations, organized for the expulsion of Latimer from cussed by comrade Dunne are: the tion by anyone brought panic to them from one defeat to another. against the betrayals of the official ers from starving, am willing to campaign in Brooklyn to remove the Farmer Labor party, and asked Mayor employer employee board the bureaucrats.
Adopt Militant Program dom of the top!
reach in my pocket and give a hall Hearst Metrotone news from the that the resign as mayor.
and the meaning of the phrase in Green Bars Industrial Unionism The rubber workers adopted The rubber workers have won a dollar. This last offer of gener theatres in which they are shown. It remained for BI Brown, pres: dustrial peace. can the Farmer Although delegates were prepared militant program for organizing victory, but that is only a start. osity was repeated twice, indicating The campaign revolves around ident of Local 574, to say what had Labor Party be reformed. what is to fight for industrial unionism, through drives the rubber industry Every local must have its pro that the senator was willing to con the anti labor attitude of Hearst to be said. Brown completely ex. the meaning of the present attacks Green effectively stopped that by one of America leading open sessive bloc carrying on a daily tribute at least a dollar and a hall and the previously mentioned organ posed the gutlessness of Mayor Lat upon progressive trade unioniste in rending a mandate from the execu shop Industries.
struggle for the ideas accepted on his own hook. izations have been concentrating in imer, told the crowd how a true Minneapolis and throughout the the convention so that those dele. State Senator Secor: We know removing Hearst film from Loew working class mayor would have nation. what is the attitude of a those who accepted ae internation fighting successfully for the election tive council which declared that The rubber workers, througgates who stood by the bureaucracy you can instruct us to be against Oriental theatre.
acted even though it led to his im real workers political party toward Open air protest meetings when peachment, and called for immedi the trade unions? etc.
pour choice must be the following or their own officers, smashed down defeated and exposed to the sales tax. You haven the their fellow workers.
guts. You know you be subject held were invariably broken up by ate removal of the police butchers.
In the to the corrupt practices aet.
meantime, workers in mass production of rub Green avowed intention of ap. The four honorable defenders of private Brown also completely exposed the resentment her products, same not to include a blow which will have even greatOrganization Plans pointing their officers and gave him majesty of the law seemed to im property, the police, and members mayor latest employer employce among all the workers continues to building and construction employer repercussions at the coming na call for special efforts to bring the what; the question of disciplining thrown into the hoosegow.
The resolutions on organization press the opposing delegates some of participating organizations were arbitration board, which is a 1935 seetbe and grow. And what a work res making and installing machin tional convention of the of workers back within the fold of the Mclevy and the Socialist legislat.
Last Sunday two Spartacans, ance. He was cheered for several For dauntless, Inspiring courage aged in maintenance work or in pared to fight with other progres unions is strong in Akron and discussion. ery employees and employees en for the rubber workers are preunion. Sentiment for rejoining the ors was carefully avoided in this comrades Bert Kane and Jack Lee minutes, as Latimer, sitting at the against all odds, for solidarity work outside the factories.
In other words, the seven craft wipe out the craft base for the hated bureaucrats went down in de If there is any advocate of the were hurt seriously sives for industial unions and thus throughout the country since the Secretary of the Party Freese: group of thugs. Fortunately, neither whipped dog. As other Farmer La fakers, Minneapolis workers need unions in the rubber Industry will present bureaucracy.
When Inter borites rose and tried to ease the pot bow to working class Aghters keep their independent existence officers were picked whose per take advantage of this fact.
feat. No time should be lost to sales tax in this ball, he had better viewed the folowing was the story pressure on the mayor, the meeting anywhere in the world.
and the rubber workers are left sonal honesty is beyond question.
set out now. But there nobody obtained from the attacked com almost broke up through indigna Hundreds of relief workers in facing the possibility of disastrous who have the confidence of the rub unite completely with progressives break up all our plans with this Special plans must be made to here like that. You want to rades: tion. Order finally was restored Local 574 Federal Workers Section jarisdictional disputes.
They had been picketing for over and the meeting was officially ad. have already demanded that the Green told the delegates, You cere and continually learning the solid bloc will confront the ber workers, who are earnest, sio throughout the country so that a damn fool resolution.
an hour when the manager of the journed. It fell to Harry Mayville, united front with Stalinists be tan neither accept reject, or change meaning and significance of the of executive council and its anti you pass this resolution you ll have ing near the corner. The discussion Communist Party bankruptcy by no longer stomach the quackery of State Chairman Plunkett: If theatre motioned to the cope stand local stalinist, to demonstrate the immediately broken off. They can you. move to fight the provision man who already is rallying the tional convention so more workers tax it you re honest. Expel the sogentry was very evident from the your party is not rotten. and total de conferredsion class struggle. The president is a quated ideas at the forthcoming na to expel all those tavering a sales that took place between these two telling the Farmer Laborites that these charlatans.
at the next convention of the Governor Olson, eager to place ranks of the deserted rubber work in basic industries and elsewhere cialist Party then!
of has begun.
incident took place at the con my party want to see a man Farhis heel on Latimer neck 28 Surprise Move of Bureaucratsomous international with immediate hold of the present leadership.
ers around the banner of the auton can be made free from the strangle Function of Socialist Legislators clusion of their negotiations mer Labor party in the state and maneuver to get back in the good The bureaucracy tried a surgraces of the Minneapolis workers, No Compromise with Misleaders Perlstein prise move the second day. res increases in membership.
In the ranks of the opposition, Heart anti labor propaganda me. Now we of the Workers Party has mobilized 150 national guards olution, introduced out of order, Learning Through Struggle An uncompromising struggle must a good showing. What is the fun which his Metrotone News is shown. Parmer Labor rank and flers are in readiness for any further outwell as being the rule chinery. Don attend theaters at know better than Mayville that the men in St. Paul and is keeping them was presented for appointment of This much they have done. In be waged against the misleaders in tion of a Socialist minority in any Cluberty. Only two out of seven of addition the rubber workers learned the future. The seven craft uplons government? he asked. It not certainly not rotten. but we also breaks.
resolutions committee Philadelphia Mass Meeting know that it ever the workers have Today a movement was making had much through fighting. They tore in the rubber industry must become our problem to run the capitalist signed it. It was supposed to be away the illusions from their own amalgamated in the new interna government. It our duty to make HANDS OFF ETHIOPIA!
had a chance to see the complete headway to read Latimer out of the 21st.
Nothing was said of the ma eyes of the greatness of Green tional. Demand that the next na our own position clear and to eduSpeaker: impotence of reformism, it has been warmer Labor party, and petitions jurity resolution which asks for and his cohorts.
tional of convention grantcate. worker whose ardor was in this state and city during the for his impeachment began to cir.
HUGO OEHLER clection of officers, through non Workers in all unions who have that right. The clause in the new somewhat dampened arose in this FRIDAY, SEPT 27, P.
past few years. To claim otherwise culate all over town.
is to cry for a Stalinist moon.
At this writing, word comes that concurrence with the majority. been fighting desperately against charter confining membership only discussion and said: was once An illegal clause was attached to efforts of the bureaucrats to curb to rubber workers engaged in pro in the Republican Party, and that 431 Pine Street The meeting ended with repre the Non Partisan Labor Defense Admission 10 cents the resolution. It requested finan. them can and should take heart duction of rubber products must be was the wrong place, so went to sentatives of the next day relief will open its public trial tonight at demonstration appealing to the the General Drivers Auditorium.
cial nid of the of The two from this notable victory against eliminated to all employees in the the Democrats, and that was the Aus: South Philadelphia Br.
The trial of the people vs. Mayor fold clause was thus introduced so reaction in the labor movement. rubber shops can join in one great wrong place. Then joined the Sothat the delegates would vote them. There are many reasons why the union.
cialist Party thought the soLatimer, Police Chief Forestal and Relves out of financial support from rubber workers have been able to the city administration will get un The Workers Party has continu. cialists would work for the workder way with the hearing of dozens the of if they didn vote win, 90 far, in their struggle for ally served in the past as the beacon era every day in the year. But after of witnesses to the Wednesday to accept Claberty. Everybody saw self control with its consequent fav. light for leadership in the struggle this how can we speak before the To Greet massacre witnesses that were re.
through the move.
orable possibilities.
to build a powerful labor movement workers any more? Is this the Green took the floor, urging the The lessons of the auto workers in the rubber industry. It first wrong place too?
THE THIRD PLENARY MEETING fused a hearing by Latimer star chamber proceedings.
passage of the resolution. His convention aroused the Akron dele warned the workers of the coming At last, after an adjournment, a of the National Committee of the Workers Party stooges followed but to no avail. gates to a boiling point of indigna spring betrayal. It first called for substitute resolution was brought The central theme of their falaetion which made them sensitive to building a progressive bloe to rally in. As Allen pointed out, it restated THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, at 7:30 SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION!
arguments was, If we don let every move the bureaucrats at all forces at this convention against the party stand against the sales Speakers to include: If the number following your Green appoint Claberty, we ll tempte convention, the hold of the bureaucracy. It tar, but was careful not to alm VINCENT DUNNE, of Minneapolis, Minn, name on the wrapper is to money to support the new in. The crime of the auto workers pledges itself in the future to do itself at the Socialist legislators.
JERRY ALLARD, from Ilinois coal fields, ternational.
international brought home sharply everything in its power to aid the But McLevy remained unappeased, Progressive Reply MAURICE SPECTOR, Chairman Workers Party of Canada.
38 the truth of the ideas constantly workers in their fundamental bat with something of a martyr like atA progressive neatly shattered pointed out to them by a small tles for uniting themselves into titude. Do you want to put your ARNOLD JOHNSON, National Secretary, Green argument that the interna group of progressives that the bu a powerful movement.
Socialist legislators in a straitjackJAMES CANNON, Elitor of the New Militant.
your subscription has EXA. MUSTE, National Secretary of workers Party tional needed money, should accept reaucracy would do anything to We will do everything possible to et, he demanded, so they can PIRED. We urge you to rend money and therefore pass the reso keep in power and they must orMAX SHACHTMAN, Toastmaster.
make the United Rubberworkers of use their influence. still think in your renewal by retenu mall, lution. He answered. We need ganive to fight against such reas America a stronghold of the work the important issue is relief.
IRVING PLAZA HALL, Irving Place and 15th Street thus insuring the receipt of your money, we ll take your money tion with its fatal effects on the ing class against any onslaughts or don want to climb into political Get tickets at 55 11th St. or Pioneer Publishers, 100 Fifth Ave.
and support, but that has nothing unions capitalism or any of its agenta. office on the backs of starving your copy without interruption the BANQUET