BolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismStalinSyndicalismUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 21, 1935 NU MILITANT PAGE: Anti UnionConspiracyRevealed in Chamber of Commerce Letter GORDAL RAVUROS en Can Segerstrom stookte Poynlike Boretta DPowers Gewaly QMRacheller Founds.
Deaty to the start 11 testyou will at to do your here to suppt PROGRESSIVE ISSUES CONFRONT THE orgable MARCH OF EVENTS NEW YORK. The operations of BY JACK WEBER ish Imperialism against Italian secret and heavily tinanood ap STOCKTON SAVINGS AND LOAN BANK DESTRUCTION THREATENS To suppose that the League of Naparatus set up by bankers and ROBBER LEAGUE tions could act in the interest of businessmen to control the Calle the exploited peoples, is to place and large scale preparations by the fornia State Legislature and courts, The League of Nations was or confidence in the English capital California Chamber of Commerce to este reg te stribution to wie fmd. The state is SOORTON. CAUPORALA wrowth for the past, wted effort a part to no.
ganized by the victorious Allies ists. Where is there any demand launch an anti union drive, are re 7, 1955 after the first World War to safe that the English ruling clase give vealed by a confidential letter of Muy po guard their plunder against attacks of the defeated powers. Its Egypt?
How is it that no vofoe is here by the National Sacramento US function as the organiser of peace raised by the official movement Appeal Committee, 41 Union Square Ghulaat was to maintain the status quo, to against the small war just started the letter, dated August 7, on the Derett, The Free Charles pero stoorton deving alom Second Te Prudent guarantee to the imperialists their in India, against the mere punitive official stationary of the powerful California hete haber colonial possessions and the right expedition into the territory of Der Boson Stockton, California, Savings and At the lot Lagilare e dionie late Chamber of care voble attempt by Mussolini to selze Eth states? It is by such fakes as the leading Industrialists, financiers and by poroue opposition, to defed may releal and sound lex. It bulun Alu Clavid Lane Leo sewed Legoldies that will prove betted to all difornia buat lopla la a threat to the very exist Astfel, Vice Pres.
Devta Regional Director mes. It is onlandag te efforts for sala ocenty bagole for support of manctions that the ranchers of the Golden State, atter bek of martes, stektom ence of the robbers League pre California State Cheber of the late of many teplote service is state ad Leel grote.
terlot leaders of British labor tle the cheely because it ends the truce, workers to the bourgeoisie, en taking credit for the defeat of threatens the status quo, and re them for national defense and for measures, goes on to boast that The stde Chamber lo stive through ite Cole is stics of many radical and unsound tax Onlifornia in vigorously coming all brain are that threate Puert opens all the antagonistle issues the support of English imperialism. the Chamber, by securing the enactto overthrow owent. It feel the proving of radicali Treot, President by Pike, seral Manager de sleped out.
temporarily settled by the first True there is a small minority of ment of legislation enlarging the Cerer County Cheer solyo Beach, Toralla World War. Rearmament and re left socialists like Crippe who powers of the Attorney General: To find that us soon Wanity he dealt properly with the addit Angle aligoments of the advanced capital warn the workers against putting prored perhaps the most important ters who are forte ad trouble, they were lato other citie where there be best to training in organisation to offeet the lat nations are the preparations for their heads in a noose by support factor in winning the recent trial holder Power Booth, Preto the assault by each against all for ing sanctions and who polot to of eight Sacramento unionists.
It seems that the enly stotine to cowhat the etion state Weblate trui devine denk geno Soothe tradt Campurs, Modesto a new division of the earth. One British imperialism. But these ele This boast refers to the convict de Leadership for training city leaders in the work. The proble coating Alley and le domaining the very foundations of our ble after the other, each great powerments organise no real mass move ion of Norman Mini, 23 year old And social rature.
that is foreed by its internal con ment against British imperialism ex West Pointer and Workers Party Dalay. Om ut. Men omle crists to seek desperately for and its role in the next World member As the roant section the State Chabersed the mom of four Maurde dies for better avtaletration of justo. Da of the more Holly Super Copy, Brookte Der Creek lawry. Ledt solution outward expansion, War. in San Prison Constitutional Antent Ho. dring to the Attorney or the power to Reolennell The Bolshevik Leninists of and seven other union organizers, qults the League in order to be free England, who understand the need sentenced to 14 year terms under fonly whd adequately afore les in the vario come of the State proved perhe the mot to act without hindrance. First it for rallying the masses against the the notorious criminal syndicalism aportat tutor la vinning the reseat trial of contate to Balph, Vied Prolunt Phul ocell, President Serto.
Sterling Pay. Sotto well Grada Do. Mote was Japan in order to plunder enemy China, then Germany to rearm for ly the steps necessary to convert tedly passed by the pressure of the The wttere are so important to bene in Californda fool must call home, who set forth clearact and to the recent statute, admitto your entice, flight you wil expansion to the East, and now imperialist war into civil war, are Chamber of Commerce, which en the Chaber: So Beatty, engar Ttaly for the swallowing of Ethio too meager a force as yet to exert abled the Attorney General to re1. vitaly important that the Central Valley distriot rabeeribe 1te pro Go Merchata uk Botol Stocion, Stokton Loll, California Pata of the fundet des to carry on this right and would gratis opre pla. Not even the bourgeois presa much influence. They have before move, as prosecutor District Attor tries to foster any illusion that them the tremendous task of build ney Babcock and substitute Nell Prance or Great Britain is in the ing the revolutionary party.
least concerned about the fate of McAlister, who had just failed of problem is costing us all money. es to push throughout California. charges made in the National Sacra In a letter just sent to the powers, with a tremendous cotonia ELECTIONS the Ethiopian people. Each of these EFFECT ON BRITISH GENERAL re election but who was in the pas and must be stamped out. They The lutter concludes with an appeal mento Appeal Committee pemphlet by Raymond Henderson, empire, is acutely aware that the effective means to combat the ait to subscribe its pro rata of the by Herbert Solow, that the Sacra. labor attorney, he reports that the part of the plunder it took carller, laborationist attitude on the wareneda corkers who organized untons work, and then refer to the sacra iate, organized, united effort on our employers to use the criminal syn. Sent. As soon as it is delivered de provedene ledere in to capture by the Labor Party in its class col characterize the low. paja agrical training community leaders in the tight, since the need for immed state wide conspiracy of anti unton not be delivered by the court until The betrayal of the working close the signers of the Chamber letter untion is statewide leadership for funds newsury to carry on this mento convictions were part of a transcript of the trial record will sions of Mussolini adventure that of the ruling class in the coming strikes and trouble, declare the the kind of work the Chamber wish The letter thus substantiates the unlons.
dicalism statute to destroy the trade Henderson will begin work on the France to general elections. By covering the Mini brief.
threaten Italy with sanctions to uational capitalists with the cloak force a compromise without war. of uutional defense and the supexistence. Only tendencies in tliat But the very threat is driving Italy posed desire for peace, the Labor direction are manifested so far; out of the League.
Party leads the workers to believe and much confusion still prevails ATTITUDE OF BRITISH LABOR bourgeoisle may be trusted with the that in the national emergency the among these tendencies. Where they By ARNE SWABECK The Ethioplan crisis is a class power. If it is all right to conduct and the mass production industries At the time of receiving their progress has been made. good appear they represent, generally speuking, a combination of elements Bill Green and the whole where exploitation is most ruthless charters, both the automobile work timber for a new and progressive of various degrees of political coninste of fundamental selficace war, necessary the masses of Leadership was challenged at And here the of Leoficials ers and the rubber workers union Leadership is being seasoned in sich schustest. But in most cases they class movement in all countries. hands of those who are more ex suffered another heavy blow, direct with the development and growth ranks. The reason for this is not. The coming of conven: the workers political parties.
ond World War, the working classing this readiness for civil peace in bureaucratic domination and its case in the past.
For in face of the threat of the sec perlenced in such matters. By showed simultaneously at its methods of of these unious than has been the difficult to find. It was due essention cannot escape facing these to must once more take a stand on case of war the Labor Party aide reactionary red baiting campalen.
tially to the sheer incompetence and sues in one way or another. Or Without at this moment going the question of defense of the na the bourgeois campaign of patriot Coming, as it ald, right upon the Old Basis Undermined downright treason of the Of course, they will not be reflected at Into the positions that these parties So long as the hidebound craft officals who had been in charge this gathering in the same direct hold in regard to the problems of ialist war. The answer of the Brit or not, the armament propaganda. this leadership by the teachers the backbone of the movement mat. aggressive policy of organization, eral field of the class struggle. The struggles within them, it is neces tional capitalist state in an Imperism. It furthers, whether it like it heels of the defent administered to uplons of the skilled trades formed of attairs up to now. Still, with an and decisive manner as in the sea, the trade unions and the issues and ish Labor Party and of the official for sanctions mean the need for convention, the rebuke by the auto ters were comparatively simple, there are undoubtedly good pros labor party issue will most likely sary to remember that the building labor movement is a shameful beforee to buck them up and force mobile workers conv appear. There is little chance that up of a progressive movement in a trayal of the proletariat. The demight just as well be as effective manifestations of certain progres privileges and questioned much less unions in these Industries. For the very many distinctly progressive rst class political Job. But it will the These workers enjoyed certain pects for the bullding up of stro mand of the official labor leaders as possible. Thus the Labor Party sives elsewhere, the issues involved the doings of their union officials, life of the movement as a whole spokesmen will slip Into the con also be a text of these parties, net for the support of the League of is helping to defeat itself in the are sure to loom large as a prelude The unions could be managed fairly this is necessary; but this has very vention hall. But it is to be er only of their ability to Nations in the applications tion, means not the support of the prefer to give support to the masters convention.
fsane coming elections. The masses will to the afty fifth annual of Leasily and the bureaucratie regime much to do with the kind of lead pected that perhaps several of the the movement, but above all of Ethiopian people against Italian directly rather than to their lackBolidited. It was not so difficult ership.
well pald officials already now in or their ability to influence it in the aggression, but the support of Eng eys in the labor movement.
The new born rubber workers for the latter to make all kinds of Progresses Grow in Struggle near to the higher councils, out of direction of political consciousness.
international union refused, by a shady deals with the bosses. Much It is no accident that more volons tear of the potential progressive There will be a struggle of politivote of to 9, to accept certain has now changed. Many of the are heard every day in the trade movement for one reason, or due cal tendencies in this movement. of charter provisions, pre privileges formerly enjoyed in the unions demanding an aggressive to pressure from below for another, It should not be difficult for the sented to the convention by Green, skilled trades have disappeared. polley of organization. In many in. will take up some of these lasted to revolutionary party to meet thus which would conter upon him the Mass production has advanced and stances on a local scale the demand order to appear as spokesmen and test. But there is more required right of appointment of officers for the unions of the skilled trades play has been carried out in practice. head of the actual crystallization than merely to counterpose its pro a probationary period to be left at a far less important role. For the and thereby the progressive tenden of a genuine progressive movement. gram to those of the other political his discretion. With that vote the future the very existence of an et cles gained. Wherever unions have when that occurs It is well for real tendencies and parties. It will be convention also rejected his choice fective trade union movement de set to work, organizing aggressive progressives to be on guard. necessary also to take over the re(Continued from Page 1)
ly without fear of the bitter strng. Political Tondende sponsibility for active, peralatent Out of these and out of the ferment the revolutionary youth leaders and Overwhelmed by this decisive leads upon its ability to build ople that it involves and ready to sentiment against the expulsions of of handpicked officers.
a solld backbone of unions organIt is yet too early to speak of aand devoted work right on the tra unified process which will sitt into the party. Far from heeding his belongings and left for the that must be the orientation, now shaking the ranks of the youth, the demand for their reintegration vote. Green had to beat a hasty reized in the mass production Indus meet the sacrifices that it imposes, progressive movement already in Ing Itne of the movement.
treat. He accepted it, packed up tries. Despite the official reluctance the revolutionary gold from the re this demand, the bureaucracy now more tranquil atmosphere of his be pence loving. and to call on actionary and reformist drowe will move forward to its next step, the home town conshocton, Ohio, where Trade Union Democracy the working class at the same time, beglo to clarify itselt.
expulsion of the Bolshevik Leninist still remains a deacon of the not to cease its own class struggle The initial reaction among the from the adult party.
It is very interesting to note that the change toward the new condi before the war danger, but to in leftward moving masses in both the From the coming at no critical Baptist church.
youth and adult parties to the at tious places as the first point on (Continged from Page 1) and so do the diplomats of every tensity a thousand fold the revolu moment, Increasing sections of Problem of New Unions tionary fight at home the agendx the question of trade the withdrawal of Japan and Ger. other nation, tempts of the bureaucracy to ampu the workers, both And is it to explain thisthene and outside These recent experiences cannot union democracy. This was inevit many, by the miserable showing 10 Imperialist Bargalas tate the left wing takes the form of the parties, will in the heat of be easily ignored by the of Lable: Only by means of its bureau the Manchurian and Chaco affairs, elementary working class principles a stiffening readstance to this ampu events swiftly draw the necessary officials. No doubt they are beglo cratic control were the reactionary the League has been kept actively then, seeking a solution of the of the League meetings, and that The present League session is that Litvinov uses the publle foram tation. It is expressed in the Youth conclusions. The voice of revolu ning to ask themselves some ner officials able to function effectively live only because of the prestige Ethiopian question. That is to say, the uses its press throughout now, for example, in a widespread tlonary Internationalism, calling to lous questions and preparing to as the agents of capitallam and and new blood pumped into it by it is seeking a deal that will recon the world The direct opposite is day for the Fourth International, straighten their own fences. But prevent the untons from engaging Stalin. Litvinov, in the League, elle these requirements on the part true. Litvinov speaks in the League WORKERS will redouble in strength. As the there are many difficulties to over in serious struggles for their right speaks with the voice of the Work of Great Britain with, arst, France as the stooge of Hoare and Eden.
war erlate hits France and all Eu come, particularly in regard to the ful demands. As a result the uners State, but his words are the need to get British guarantees Even in phrasing, nothing disting Protect Yetmelves Apent the rope in full force, it will bring new unions against German aggression on the wishes his remarks from those of Heards L, Jote the forth a resounding echo from the It was with the greatest reluctions were stunted in their growth words of the British Lion, very depths of a proletariat unwill ance that they had agreed in the mained largely ineffective.
Whoever doubts this, let him re Continent, and, second, the drive the agents of British Imperialism.
WORKMANS SICK DEATH Ing to let itself meekly be strangled Brast place to grant international View facts of pent up Italian capital for an Poliey of Betrayal The tree and unhampered develBENEFIT FUND OP TH US And what of the sections of the or shattered to pleces against the union charters to these unions opment of the trade union move preserve peace. Why does abe desperate necessity for consolidat Do they make up for Why does Great Britain try to outlet together with Mussolini 1884 1985 own bourgeolate. Blum, Cachin and idea of granting Industrial unton unton control as a first prerequlalte. Ethtopla? One glance at the map But whether or not the solu: Quite the contrary, Litvinov diplomatic necessities!
In Sept. 18th Organised, managed by and for Co. with all their conspiracles, will charters and accepted it in princ. It becomes a first class progresave gives the answers. 1) Italian rule ton is found, the fundamental is Daily Worker the Communist party workers with only one purpo: only uncover themselves before the pleonly to sabotage it in actual issue and it will play an important over Ethtopia would threaten the sues are not altered in the slight: calls on Great Britain to close the to render protection to members have become. The struggle of the But they are still faced with the gressive movement in the trade un pot Egypt at the mercy of Italy. merely postponed, and postponed for front page) For united action of and their familles, and to sup Bolshevik Leninists of France for a dilemma of pressure from pretentions. The attitude to this issue port all endeavors and struggle revolutionary solution to the prob economic conditions out of which will be of a determining character (2) Italian expansion Northeast a short time only. The solution the international working class?
for the improvement of tollen. lems of the day will be carried a grow the demands of the rank and in the test for leadership.
Africa threatens the Suez Canal, will be not a triumph for the peace How naive, comrade, to suspect that About 50, 000 members organ mighty step forward.
sed in 350 branches Ale workers. These demands begin In these recent experiences the the route to Britain colonies the loving League, but an Imperialist Stalin still has his eyes even partly International Reverres 400, 000 RALLY SUPPORT FOR THE the reactionary kind. Its sole purpose working class. No the united gressive tendencies Naturally this cles reflect the needs of the move Mediterranean, together with the will be to strengthen temporarily front of all nations to prevent war to crystallize into distinctly pro fact that the progressive tended life line of the Empire. 3) In. maneuver of the most brazen and turned toward Death benefit graded accord EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANTI is much more marked in the basic ment and ing to age at entry. Siek benedt este lisa merie este disainital he development of air fighting, have the lines of the world imperialist on Fathlopta. So thoroughly bae payments from 800 to 900 to opposite side, the retarding reac British route from Gibraltar to Port Working Class Sanctions. from the Third Period rejection of men and women, according to tionary influence of the of Suld.
Malta, for example, is al The elementary duty of Marxists the united front, that united fronts clase.
top officials is just as clearly re It is are to made with the political Inready helpless. 4) serious con is clear beyond argument.
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loving nations, tear the mask from under the act of March 3, 1879. Short History of the British Working Class 00 reinforced as a progressive issue. menţ, faced with an election in the It means to call on the interna the League, and drive from your JAMES CANNON: Editor Movement by Cole (3 volumes. It is likewise connected up intim near future, wishes to consolidate tional working class, the only force ranks the social patriots who make All books listed above are importations.
Subscription rates: In the United ately with the future life and England internally around slogans against war, to apply its own sane ready to give you up to the war States 00 per year: 65 per six growth of the trade union move of national unity before the war tions, to make its own boycotts, to makers.
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