BourgeoisieBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAX. SEPTEMBER 21, 1985 dere emily The Party at Work DETROIT NOTES Manager Corner indusToledo Militants Lead Winning The Stalinists Growing Peril To Buenas LEFT JABS Our contributions this week to Gardner, Brooklyn, 00 BOSTON plans they are going to carry ward the eight page weekly did not Flatbush branch, 00 through this winter, a strong or By BURKE OOCHRAN reach even last week low point. Boro Park branch, 250 MARCH NO VIOTORY.
mpla, winaday Buccessful lecture with comrade ganization will be built up in BoeFrom the Dally Worker of Sept.
dere emily.
DETROIT, Mich. Sept. 16. On However, many party branches East Side branch, 00 James Cannon was held Friday ton.
well kld, things is shure hot evening, Sept. 18, at Byron st.
the heels of the betrayal of the have made prompt response 17 we clip the following: Total.
hevvy here, what with all the Boston. The subject. The th MINNEAPOLIS automobile workers by the top oth to a call for finances to take care Advance Subscriptions The March of Victory strikin goin on between the work Congress of the Third Internationclaldom of the American Federation of other needs of the party predus. 00 The Minneapolla branch has in. of Labor in setting up the Interna This helps to secure its economic Schlossberg. Boston. To the tune of guganna. ers an the bosses. ter the past al, was a very attractive subject statuted a series of Tag Days. Every tional union in the Automobile in foundation and makes the coming. Lewis, New Castle. 00 Words by JAMES CASEY If you want more Jobs goln on at walter tetalat bordin scious workers to the meeting she ten couples cover the North Side Society of America has inaugurated more feasible. But even this sap center branch, 23. 00 Lt you want more pour ya no, he brot lotta gangstirs free discussion and question period, Sept. 1, over twelve dollars was a comeback in the Detroit area, to total suho necessary to launch the Then line up for Carl Brodaky with machine guns an boms an went on for three and a half hours raleed. Another Tag Day is sched. day, at its first maas meeting held eight page weekly stui far short Grand Total. 661. 56 And for Hathaway, summa the soube is livin in the The appeal which comrade Larry uled for Sunday, Sept. 15. Au at Carpathia Hall. Mathew Smith From the point of view of total CHORUS plant with the gangstirs. las nite made to help us Binance our revolo comrades are to meet at the Labor national secretary of the society than one third of this sum, and, contributions the Boston branch 18 kunite! Fellow voters!
about 5, 000 pickets an frens gath. tionary work brought the response Lyceum at 9:30 ered at the plant, marchin aroun of 38. 00. That shows that the paign and the enthusiasm which the a secure economic foundation be outstripped the Harlem branch. Vote the with Carl Brodsky an yellin at the finks. there wus workers in Boston are very sympaDelegates from a number of other Detroft locals have shown in the fore the expansion actually takes The Boston branch has made a tota! And with Hathaway!
a lotta yung kids with slingshots, thetle and respond to our work. working class organizations are coan they had more fun peggin away at the rats in the plant. finally The plans of the Educational committee of the Non Partisan Lab. erecutive committee of the new divities of this sort is here now. It total contribution of 88. 40. The For the sales tax, not a cent; operating in the building of a local tion of Green in handpicking the The season more favorable for ac comes the Harlem branch with a For an end to all high prices mayor latimer cops cum up with Committee include a few clamesa or Defense. Two committee meet automobile International has made shouid be taken advantage of. We west side branch, follows For relief we want more money there armored cars an gas guns an week and lectures, so our headquar ings have already been held, and a jolant action and cooperation be would urge in particular that our with a total 366. 40; Center For us all, a cut in rent.
Elv it to the crowd, an a big fteters are not large enough for the larger delegatd conference is plan tween the F. of and the supporters now concentrate on ac branch, 19. 40; Kensington broke out, Not since Simon Squibbs ran for ma the takirs like honest John cunected to look for new headquarters will finally get under way on this society that they must remain the bosses an the mayor an eum. Dert Winter. committee, watch Labor Defense work in this section convinced new the members of tions. Let us remind you again of capolis branch, 538. 50; Los Angeles dog catcher In Tooner ville have we prizes for the best sub getters. branch, 31. 50: Chicago branches seen such a popular programas ningham figgered out strictly no partisan basis.
as an independent unton, at the The prizes offered are for a total (three branches) 30. 25; Flatbush the one embodied in this song. With trial plece policy, which is just ilke This week a meeting of the Nonpresent time.
of 10 yearly subs. 00 each) or branch, 28. 60; Bronx the ol committee a 100, only with Partisan Labor Defense Committee wandidates that mame. Pleaguonny Sad dance and card party is plana clean shirt on an will probly get was held which worked out plans ned for October 5, to be given in The automobile unlong in Detroit turned in by one individual: He branch 21. 50. New Haven branch good we really believe the about as far.
be at any or can. honest, farmer la for future work. united front the branch headquarters at 631 3rd, are still in a very precarious state tory of the Russian Revolution, by and Boro Park branch, bas the edge on Factory Fall de like ol balubridge used to what many organisations will be invited just been elected, and has already as helped sow more contusion in tions, a bound copy of the Corres. 11. 30: Brownsville branch, sing that song Phil Frankfeld, Bull Is that they got the worker down to have a conference and to invite tee and the entire branch is work decision and besitation to the whole These prizes apply only for new Detroit branch 00: branches of Mink, with Amter at the plano.
an is sittin on his bed. an evry all political organizations, antone, ing hard and swinging enthusiastic movement.
subscriptions time he wriggles, why thats dlatur and fraternal organizations. The ally into the autumn season.
During the week we have received port, Miss. each 00: Berkeley OH SUSANNA bin the Law and Order.
The various federal locals of the date will be announced branch 50; Pattaburgh branch If all articles written in the ya no, emily, the difference beOver twenty dollars worth of of In Detroit continue stag the following amounts: and St. Louls branch 00 each; Daily Worker on the united front, tween us an the guys that vote Our Spartacus Youth League is Workers Party literature was sold nating: Dillon Is threatening that Berkeley branch. 50 Davenport branch 50; Utic, the Labor Party, trade unions, fasfarmer laborite is that we got mem growing rapidly. Many members by the Minieapolis branch during auto parts to be mine tull swing Boston branchen. 75. brancha 500 and Charleston, clsm and democracy were perete orys an they havent like sum came in this week and with the the month of August.
sed, the memory a the working class by Oct. but Dillon has been West Side branch, 00 each.
tune of Oh Susanna and would fit in well with It rained all day aint mind readers un to the way Budenz and Vigilantism Shows with an organization drive for the last year.
the night left, the weather was we refresh there memorys all the so dry: the sun so hot froze my.
time is to get em readin paper, self, Susanna, don you cry.
the NEW MILITANT. an by new savior of the automobile West Coast Labor way, got more subs last week, workers has entered into the De Strike of 400 at Defiance, Ohio Misty Camery inconic se nese is what did you do? ya better get trolt ring: none other than the gofn, baby, or yure goin to owe me world has no trustworthy guide er.
The revolutionist in the modern Worker and conducting Hathaway justice loving radio priest Father that meal.
SAN FRANCISCO. Vigilantism, Coughlin. This unscrupulous demaDEFIANCE, Ohio. Production have had their fingers cut off be Share the wealth campaign.
cept the principles and method of which started its activity as gogue is already beginning an at at the Deflance Pressed Steel Co. cause the company and it cheaper we badewell tas day the other Marx and Lenin to be used, of movement against the red, allen tack against the of Inter Largest employer of labor at Defto operate without any safety de PROOF OF CHRISTIANITY.
Al Smith, the great American NEW MILITANTS of us coleckt. and a weapon. Those who so oft Workers Party developed until the officials were appointed and for two days, as over 100 workers paid are in many cases almost all statesman, in recent speech ed 12. 40 in a coupla bours, almost the Marxian road even at what ap now It is being used as a method were not democratically elected by walked out on strike, at the call of of what a worker would receive in stated The United States evry house wud slv us nikkel or pears to be a small angle find them to deal with men whose only crime the membership. Without question the Defiance Local No. 1p of the Toledo for the same work. The Christian country We are the only a dime, one house we cum to, there selves in the end in a swamp, far is that as of organizers this attack will meet with gym. Mechanics Educational Society of naive and ignorant farm boys of country that puts on its cash monBuenas Dias like ol gonzales used from the goal toward which they lumber barons of Oregon.
Kuz Spaniardskivin there, as indeed from their starting Dolnt and they incur the displeasure of the pathetic reception on the part of America, after the company bad 1988 have had taste of what ay: In God We Trust. And many automobile workers. fatly turned down the contract pro. factory workers life means, and he might have added, the only coun.
to say bak in turtle creek, remem thought they were heading.
At the Dodge Chrysler plant, the posed by the union, establishment have become the strikers of 1986!
try where you will find tens of ber. the Spaniards sed This is the report from the cap local union, which arose out of the the 40 hour week, time and a Making these observations at this talist press of September Toledo Leaders On Job Dias, an cudn think of what to particular time is prompted by the thousands of signs saying In God say next, so Just shoved the colek recent course of Louis Budenz collective bargaining board of the ball for overtime, no discrimination Naturally, with the inexperience we trust, all others pay cash.
Automobile Labor Board, has after against union members, sentorlty of all of the strikers and their lack abun can an a Workers Party tag Whose resignation from the Work Challenge Lovestone a long evolution become a bona side 50e base rate and a signed contract. of understanding of what a strike CROOKED GOVERNMENT.
at them. oh, sex one of the yung ers Party the NEW MILITANT anSpanish fellas, its to fite fasciam, nounced some months ago.
independent union with considerable For two days a max picket line of implies, the first day of the strike In the same speech, Al took a Group to Debate influence at the Dodge plant. Re 350 400 men and women employees was like a nightmare. The picket eb. sure, mister, ll kick in. ya Last year Budenz was among the cently it has decided cudda nocked me over with a crow to start an of the Pressed Steel Co. kept the lines looked like a Sunday picnic: crack at Mexico for its attacks on The Lovestone group, American Workers which organization drive for all Dodge plant shut tight as a drum. Late nobody had the courage to boo the the Catholic clergy. What about bar, emily, here wuant expektin arst in the Congressman recently continues to talk about the re workers and, at the suggestion of Thursday afternoon, the manage acabs as they walked out of the Mexico?
they knew what it wus all about. Party to cry out against the subthe guy gave us bits, to ordination of the to the Soviet form of the Comintern after its some member, Father Coughlin was ment gave in to most of the union plant; the management was trying told me that of 28 state govern next sunday about 20 of us is goin out foreigo office. The first thing we social patriotic betrayal, has invited as the first guest speaker. demands and the workers accepted to divide the strike committee and ments there, 26 are crooked. Well, Al, even that is a better average agin, an shud raze about 28 know. Budenz shouted in anger been challenged to debate in the The Father bas remained to help the agreement by a vote of an over thus break the strike.
following letter. The NEW smackers. you oughta pass the and disgust, the will be the union officials direct the cam whelming majority.
That night about a dozen than we can find in the MILITANT will print the reply paign; he is attempting to use his At first glance, there is nothing men came from Toledo to attend bat, of course, a Tammany brave word aroun, erolly, this is good calling on us to fight in the to this challenge as soon as it position at the Dodge local to or extraordinary about this comparathe mass meeting at Woodmen like Al, a friend of the devout and with things gettin so not all around that there is an alliance between is received.
ganise new Coughlin unions, tively small strike. The Defiance Hall and help organize the strike. honest John Curry God rest is the whole baby, we gotta Roosevelt and Stalin!
based upon peace and justice and to promoted Steel Co. is one of the Burke Cochran of local soul can speak with authority on companies No. of Toledo remained at the re crooked government.
have a daily paper, an thats all! But Budens bad no time for the September 18, 1834.
League for Social Justice. As a around the Toledo area engaged in quest of the strike committee to there is to 10 Communist Party (Opposition)
the pager will be study of Marxist Leninist theory. long step in that direkshun. It a All that, he said, was logic chop 51 West 14th Street result, the union is now engaged in the manufacture of automobile organize the picket line and pat SHADOWS OVER LOVESTONE.
New York City a death struggle between two fac parts. Competition in the field 10 some spirit Into the strike. Next comrade is serious about his or her ping. theology. etc. Furthermore, The Lovestone Group is in an enComrades, work, why theyll go thru alot to Budenz wanted an American revtions. Pro Coughlin and Anti very keen, and the management obdaywith Earl Streeter, secretary barrassing position. Its business viously could not afford to hold out of local No. acting as during its five years of exletenee get that paper.
olutionary party. by In view of the Seventh Con Coughlin.
gress of the Comintern and the for very long. If the union ranks re spokesman for the strike committee, has been defending the theories of meant not only party which decisions of your recent national Those workers who tavor allow. mained solid. The strike took place and Burke Cochran in charge of Stalinism, criticking the ultrawe was sittin aroun the head e would apply Marxist Leninist prineafter the meetin the other nite talk iples to the realities of the Ameri conference, the Werkers Party ing Coughlin to remain only have in a small town and lavolved only the now spirited and well organized left errors of the individual ac in, and jack pulled a good one, he can scene (a sound requirement)
proposes that representatives of in mind, of course, the building up some 100 workers; nothing differ. picket line, the strike really began tions of the outside the of their union; but they must realent in this strike than any one of looking more like a strike. The and denouncing Trotskylar.
sez, dont mind a scab who goes but that, for example, we must four respective organizations de bate the question: the Fourth ize that Coughlin can only wreck the thousand petty disputes. be local newspapers began running At last, after years of patient seraroun lookin ashamed an slinks in build a party here Arst and only International or the reform of the back door of a plant, but when after that concern ourselves about the Comintern?
their union and make it an adjunct tween labor and capital that occur large scare headlines (Deflance has vice, the reward seems to be just to his reactionary League for So every year throughout the country. never seen a strike before) and the around the corner. Real programe sees a scab with a smile on h18 International problems and organ You no doubt recall that the cal Justice. Father Coughlin And yet a study of this small strike strikers began commanding the was noted in the ce. It was map walk rite in towards the front ization!
debate on the same subject a demagogically attacks the of contains a clue to a great deal in sympathy and moral support of all coming to our position. Letters door, why then see red, ani Jus In March he blossomed out in leadership for a lack of demo the development of unionism in this the farmers and small business men were exchanged year and a half ago between Jay Happy days are bave to give em the works, geus the Modern Monthly with an araround Defiance! No more than here again became the theme song thats about the way mosta the ticle setting forth in a solemn and Lovestone and James Cannon cracy, but as was suggested at a country, since the NRA aroused great interest. Comrade woriters feel, eh, emily, which is somewhat pontifical manner the recent meeting of the Dodge local First, there has been no strike in or scabe entered the plant during of the Communist Party Majority why the bones an the cope is havin fantastically absurd idea of achiev. lness to defend the Fourth InterCannon has signified his readino one has ever heard of any elec. Defiance within the memory of any the whole day, and as previously Opposition Group. But alas and tions ever taking place in the body living in the town. There is stated the management met with alack, without consulting either League for Social Justice. These absolutely no labor tradition of any the strike committee and at about Lovestone or Brandler, the all over the country, an once all the u. by an amendment to the the light of the new develop attacks have all the ear marks of kiad; a few of the more akined two o clock in the letter noen ansted with stalin not onder at the head the workers gets to feelin this way Constitution! Today he talks like an actin this way, why we ll all an under cover recruiting agent for ments, get sum wheres. the step is to the Stalinist party. In the present We urge that you consider the laa used by Hitler or Mussolini in chine shops and have had previous The Delance strikers did not lengths, caught up with and, aur matter and reply at an early their own respective countries prior contact with unionism but were possess any superior Intelligence or passed Lovestone and with a dane ket em to read press, an thata period, when it has capitulated to date. Joint committee can why feel so ceenly about the cam social democracy and social patriot make all the necessary detail arto their seizure of power; after they lost among the overwhelming magreater class consciousness than the ling speed that left the reformers Belzed power, they smashed the ority of the men and women who ordinary mine run of men in any diary with success, went over to a pene for the pager.
ism, the will of course have rangementa.
trade union movement by open and had come off the farm only several other Ohlo city of 10, 000. On the social chauvinist position. Enough yure ma sent me down a brace al no qualms about welcoming an adFraternally, undisguised terror. Coughlin is in years ago, and whowe ties with the contrary, there probably was not an is enough, and 200 percent succes ducks las week, kid, an they sure vocate of revolution by constituterested in exploiting the dissatis rural sections were not yet entirely illusion that these men were not is too much Lovestone did some tasted good JOSEPH CARTER.
a course they Educational Dir. faction of the workers with their severed.
burdened with at the beginning ot fancy squirming. First, the French outa senson. but then the farmers Clonal amendment. Budeng on his part is drawn to an organization own treacherous trade union offNatloual Guardsmen in Strike the strike. They were afraid that and American sections were blamed up aroun turtle creek never were which has become 80 realistic, cials only for his own reactionary Defiance is not only a typically the company would move out of for confusing the matter. but at great ones for believin in law or which shouts even more eloquently RALLY TO SUPPORT EIGHT. ends: the automobile workers, in peaceful Ohto town removed from town; they thought the mayor was last the horrible truth must come the seasons when theyre hungry, and uncritically than he was wont PAGE NEW MILITANT.
order to grow and bulld fighting the battle and strife of the larger on their side and fighting for them; out; and with bitter blasts at Trotthey go out an get it, which seems to do about American revolutionrite sensibul to me.
SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO unions must steer clear of Cough citles, but has in addition the repa they thought that Col. Light, hend skyism, Lovestone was forced to goary traditions though Stalin now CAMPAIGN FUND. lin!
tation of being a particularly reac of the National Guard of Ohio, who nounce Shadows of 1914 over appreshiated that LA VERITE openly approves the defense plans tionary city. It boasts a large vigt. had been sent in by Gov. Davey. Even wolte, whose anxlety to do a ya sent me, unforshunately, cant of French imperialism, though the lante committee and one of the was Impartial. they thought the Bukharin crawl exceeds that of all read freuch without my glasses an openly propugntes the concepts Sunday Night Lecture Series largest national guard contingents deputy sheriffs were neutral. But others, acknowledged that degeni never had no glasses, emily, so ya of good and bad capitalist in the Toledo area. At least eight it was surprising how their class eration threatens the Some mite as well save em. or teach me powers and of defending bourgeois percent of the Pressed Steel strik instinct saved them in almost every in Lovestone ranks are still ready french when ya get home. tho ita democracy. though the secretary On The Road To The ers belong to the National Guard situation that arose, and how the to shoulder a rifle for Uncle Sam bin sum job to master the Inglish of the Young Communists bravenly and were present in uniform at the spirit of fight and solidarity com if Stalin says so, but others place language. ll sure be happy to see tells the Young Socialists of France Fourth International Auto Lite strike in Toledo, gassing municated itself to everyone of world revolution as the only real that they will be trattore to the and attacking the strikers of the those 400 workers on the first picket defense of the Between working class if they seek to over Sopt 21 FROM LENIN TO STALIN Auto Lite plant.
Line they had ever walked! these two, the revolutionary and the throw the French state in a war (The Downfall of the Communist International)
But there is something relentless In Ohio today you probably can chauvinist position, Lovestone and ORGANIZATIONS in which France and the Soviet Un Sept. 29 WORKING CLASS POLICY IN THE IMPENDING WAR in the workings of the capitalist not travel 100 miles in any direction Wolfe teeter back and forth with Get estimates on your ion are allies! Clean forgotten by (Revoltuionary Defeatism ss. Social Patriotism) system with its large, disciplined but come up with some plant em eyes longingly cast on the fleshpots printing job from Budenz, it would seem, his fulminarmies of factory workers. The ploying over 150 workers. In every of Stalinism. The mass workers Oct. THE STRUGGLE AGAINST FASCISM ations against these things when The CHELSEA PRESS (Historie Lessons for America)
the tendency was by no means 50 very people who but yesterday were rural community the farmers sons haven said much as yet; but it used by the industrialists of Ohio or daughters are employed in the they could be induced to swallow UNION PRINTERS completely carried out and so openOet. 13 THE ROAD TO THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL to smash any attempt at organiza neighboring steel plant or auto their disgust with the anties of the West 19th Street, ly registered as by the recent Com(Forrest and Prospects for a New World Party Under the tlon on the part of the automobile parts plants, etc. It is becoming Stalinists in the needle trades.
intern Congress.
Bummer of Marx and Lanin)
CHelsea 89646905 workers are today themselves em more and more difficult for the cap chauvinism would just make a good The next step presumably is for Speaker: ployed in the same factories and are italists to artificially divide the chaser.
Budenz to step forward as an offdriven inexorably onto the path of rural communities from the cities, James Cannon unionism and strike against their because the factory system has Brownsville Mans Meeting PAUL LUTTINGER, cial of some non partisan Editor of New Militant innocent outat.
And the very people bound them together. When faith 55th CONVENTION OF THE DANIEL LUTTINGER.
whom they grased and attacked ful national guardsmen are begin OF Irving Plaza, Irving Place and 15th Street Washington Square North come down to Defiance to lend them ning to strike and walk plcket lines MUSTE READ THE NEW MILITANT. 2 and 8 Except Sundayı Admission 180 per Lecture; For Series 45c.
a helping hand in the battle against the capitalist class has good reason National Secretary, and Holidays Auspices: Workers Party, New York District their common enemy! Many of the to tremble for its property and FRIDAY, SEPT. 27th, P.
boys, no older than 17 18 years, monopoly of wealth.
1776 Pitkin Avenue which be y soon.