Bolshevik PartyBolshevismCominternCommunismDemocracyExtremistFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

NEW MILITANT Official Organ of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 39 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1935 PRICE CENTS The Thieves Kitchen and Workers Policy in War Rubber Workers Ride Tarox Makes Mass Uprising against Over Green Machine Stalin Prison Traitor Labor Mayor wish for peace then holds a newly today as ever. the Cannon to Speak Sunday Night on corta e policierate the vartoworkers cacape from a Stalinist jail.
Mpls Mass Trial The arm Flying Squadrons Tie Up WPA Projects in Allentown Strike how.
Reformists and Hberals of all spoiled the party. No, they de shades and varieties are fond of clared, the League is not an agency calling Marxista sectarians, dog for peace. On the contrary, it is matists. fantastic extremists. only a ganging up of the imperialThis is the way in which jelly ist robbers. Its purposes, its real backboned individuals always de purposes, are. 1) To make an im scribe those who have principles perialist united front against the and who take them seriously. It is post war threat of international By JACK WILSON The herole Russian Bolshevik MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Sept. 16. Not for a year has Minneapolis a verbal cover that reformists use proletarian revolution. 2) To en to hide their own cowardly refusal force the Versailles Treaty, and enAKRON, Ohio, Sept. 16 Delegates here were rallying around the Leninist, Taroy, who has been in had such a hectie week of working class struggles as took place during to face facts and draw conclusions. wure the begemony of France on banner of their autonomous new international union, the United Rabthe past week. On Monday, September 9, around o clock at night, a berworkers of Americ, this week to consolidate the gains of their prison and exile since 1928, has group of strikers and sympathizers staged a demonstration at the Four Nowhere is this more evident the European continent. 3) To than on the question of war. ke protect the colonial emple of Great cracy.
tremendous victory over William Green and the of bureau made his escape and is now in Asia City Ornamental Iron Company, where strike of strutural iron awaiting financial aid from his in workers, Local 1313, of has been in progress for about two formists are grievously offended Britain and to prevent any attempt when Marxists are not merely by Germany to regain Its colonies; of Green to clioke down their throats through threats and intimidation Led by progressives, the delegates resisted successfully every effort ternational comrades to enable him months. Again on Tuesday night, over 5, 000 demonstrators gathered scornful of every form of pacifism and (1) to provide a legal and the reactionary leadership of Coleman Claherty, symbol of the beto make the journey to Europe at the plant, to be finally scattered at michight by repeated police charges. Armored cars patrolled the district, drenching block after but is not one relookely against it worth coloration for the next wartrayal policies used in the past two years by the Bureauerats in the where he will unfold the full story block with tear gas, and mercilessly dubbing nen and women.
the dominant imperialist rubber industry.
Seores were injured by the pollee, complain, are honestly and sin powers undertake.
cerely against war; we must all acting under the orders of Mayor They refused to compromise tures inflicted on the BolshevikThis analysis of the League, Join with them and it enough of us made by Lenin at its foundation, whatsoever on the issue of demo Leninists in the Soviet Union. Com Latimer Convicted Tom. Let em have it. Latimer, cratic electiou, sending Green tee rado Taroy, locksmith by trade, Farmer Laborite.
genuinely peace will surely come. But Marx only alteration is to realize that Ists have an inconvenient habit of the League is becoming outworn Port of their protest over his dicta is the first Bolshevik Leninist to As Murderer At pwednesday night climaxed the o clock in the evening, over 5, 000 looking beneath men wishes and even for these purposes. The is hopes to the material reality under sues of proletarian revolution, preconvention, ringing in his ears.
Comrade Taroy spent three years workers and sympathizers had Lenin to Stalin Refuse to Bar Communists lying them. Consequently they reservation of France continental in exile and four years in prison, aguin gathered outside the plant.
ply that paciflam, far from being a position, and prevention of German They wiped out of the proposed the Werchne Uralski Isolator. In double shift of police and halfforce against war, in practice aids colonial recovery, have been intensconstitution a clause which would this one prison alone 485 BolshevikMINNEAPOLIS, Minn, Sept. 17. a dozen armored cars were on hand the war makers; they describe pac Ited to point that takes them generation of the Communist Inter unions. From Lenin to Stalin, the De bar communista from the new Leninists were confined. After a. Jury of more than 800 workers to greet the crowd. Within the fism as the hypocritical front for outside the League orbit. Never nationals is the subject of James They told Green bluntly that the they were subjected to terrible testimony on the massacre of pick Pinkerton thues, armed to the teeth great hunger strike, during which met last night and after bearing plant were over a dozen imported der the pretense of opposition to role to perform. Before it is thrown Cannon lecture this Sunday of leadership today is too beatings and tortures, they were ets by the Minneapolis police unan protecting two seabs. It was this war in general, this particular into the discard, it can still be used first of a series of four lectures on mass industries correct leadership. The hunger strike was declared be Mayor Thomas Latimer and bis ad lat, plant owner, which bad aroused war whichever it may be is made triumphantly for purpose (4. morally respectable provide a legal and moral color the Road to the Fourth Interna They declared they would appeal cause the prison terms of the comministration as exclusively respons the ire of Minneapolis workers. At to the national convention the rulrades were automatically extended Ible.
Lenin Analysis of the League tional.
tion for the next war which the of Nations In a similar manner, reformists take.
dominant imperialist powers under Party, the founder of the Commun. of that the rubberworkers origina sentences had been served in the local press, was held under ences ot opinion as to just how objected to the Marxist analysis of Crime of Stalinism ist International, is the symbol of couldn organize on an industrial The intention is not to let our com the auspices of the Minneapolis events developed. Some workers on the League of Nations The Hereln rests one of the great his of the Soviet bureaucracy, revisionrevolutionary Marxism. Stalin, head basis.
Committee of the Non Partisan LA the picket line claim that the first League, said the reformists, may torical crimes of Stalinist.
Backed by unions in Akron who rades get out alive.
During the hunger strike, which bor Defense. Francis Heisler, Cht shots came from the Pinkerton ist of Marxism, symbolizes the dis are already sending protests not be perfect. But it represents a League can fulfil this function et tortions and falsifications of the Washington, the delegates are de artificially fed, beaten and shot at In the Fargo Flot Stres say the cops, after tenir en comes the ed 18 days, the prisoners were caso attorney who represented the gangsters within the plant. Others the desire of the peoples for peace, the very heart of the working class, carly Comintern theories and prac manding Green withdraw his threat through the Windows of their celis early this year, and who will short crowd across the street from the after the citrage of the Great War. solely because of the Soviet Union tices which are responsible for the of no financial support to the inter several comrades attempted to North Dakota Supreme Court, acted tween the houses, whipped out rely take the Fargo appeal to the plant and driving them back beWe must aid in strengthening it. entry. Hopelessly discredited by working class defeats of the last national unless he can appoint Clacommit suicide.
Alas, once again the Marxista Continued on Page herty as prosecuting attorney at the mass volvers and began to fire hysterThe social democratic scribes of They passed resolutiong unaniIn the near future we will be trial.
ically into the crowd. Other cops our time try to pass of Stalin mously protesting the Italian Fas able to publish extensive and deLatimer having announced he fired shotguns into the demonstraa logical continus cist aggression in Ethiopia and tailed information about the con would hold his own Investigation tion from the confines of tion of Lenin communism. They urging the workers of the world to ditions in Stalin exile camps and of the murders committed by his cred cars. Inspector Fritz Ohman, write that the Leninist theory of unite fin a fight against German report, the situation of the Bolshe day to get in touch with him to Friday by the grand Jury, said, It the dictatorship of the proletariat fascism.
leads to the dictatorship of the Progressives Take Heart vik Leninists in the Soviet Union discuss methods of establishing the just started. No one knows just At this writing, the delegates is shown. The stalinists are seek truth of what caused the massacre with every one of the 1017 workers barrows from the scabe and throw the supremacy of the bureaucracy, further attack against Claherty and because the truth has been hidden the asking him to hear its thrown rocks, no cop was hurt. Two ALLENTOWN, Pa. Sept. 17. taking picks, shovels and wheel stilling of workers democracy and were preparing the groundwork for ing to annihilate them physically. When Latimer evaded the One fact is indisputable. Aside on strike, WPA projects have been ing them into the river.
closed tight in Allentown and sur Henry Mack, district WPA direc democrats to make effective this from still obtaining control of the from the international working witnesses and to permit its attor innocent bystanders were instantly rounding communities in protest to tor, issued an ultimatum that all distortion of Lenin views. new international by hook or crook. class. The escape of comrade Tar ney to cross examine witnesses as killed from gunshot wounds in the 140 hour 56 per month wage scale workers who did not report for All the more important is it Anti Claherty forces in the cenov, and the information supplied by sombled by the Mayor chests. An eye witness has described being folsted on the unemployed of work on Monday, Sept. 16, would therefore that a shar contrast be tral Labor movement took heart at him, will now make possible a The also declared that, the death of 18 year old, Eugene Pennsylvania. Hundreds of pickets be stricken from the rellet rolls made between the Comintern under the victory of the progressives and campaign to mobilize proletarian should the Mayor abandon the Casper, killed on his way home organized into flying squadrons When Monday came, over thou Lenin and the organization using immediately voted back into good public opinion throughout the hearing or forbid the from a church gathering: saw a persuaded workers in Catasauqua, sand pickets were at hand. Not the same name, under Stalin domstanding delegates whom he had world. We must set ourselves reso participation, the would poliecman shoot Casper as he was Northampton and Treichlers to pick or shovel budged.
Afraid to ination, succeeded in ousting.
to hold a trial of its own.
crossing the street in a little trot.
Join the strike which is being con carry out thelr threat, relief offFirst in order is the collection of While the white wash hearing Casper staggered when struck by ducted jointly by the Pennsylvania cials ordered two day holiday Stalin will clearly reveal the un passed a resolution demanding that a fund to provide comrade Tarov was going on in the Mayor office the bullet. He walked on a few Unemployed League and the Key with pay, offering the excuse that bridgeable gap between Leninism their international officers fight for with the necessities of life and the leaflets appeared, announcing the steps, tried to say something, and stone Workers Association. Tuesday was election day. They and Staliniam financial support of the new rub means to travel to Europe. Every mass trial, Attorney Hels then slumped to the ground. Aside The following demands have been extended the deadline to Wednes. The other lectures of the series berworkers international at the internationalist must regard it as ler visited pickets, by standers and from the two killed. a dozen or formulated. 1) minimum wage of day. But huge picketlines on that include: Sept. 20 Working Class next meeting of the executive coun: an urgent duty to contribute to this neighbors of the Flour City plant more were injured by police gun per hour. 2) minimum of 30 day again showed the solidarity of Poley in the Impending War! Oct. ell and they sharply criticized fund. Collections will be received where the massacre occurred, and fire Dozens more were injured by hours per week. 3) Recognition of the workers and the projects remain. The Struggle Against Fascism: Green for his threats against the by the National Office of the Work last night appeared before the the clubs and blackjacks of the the principle of collective bargain. 100 percent closed. So far, nobody Oct. 13 The Road to the Fourth rubberworkers.
ers Party, Muste, Secretary, workers to present the truth about cops. One woman was struck in ing.
4) Weekly pay. 5) Pay for has been cut off of relief.
International (Continued on Page 4) 55 East 11th Street, New York City. Latimer police. Continged on Page 4)
rainy days. 6) Adequate compensation for Injury No dlacrim Strikery Spirit Strong ination against strikers or members of uncemployed organizations. In the capitalist press, the spirit of In spite of adverse propaganda ar Militant Women Pleket the strikers remains solid and the The strike started on Sept. 11 community sympathetic. dntly By ROBERTS the coming Italo Ethiopian war. thirteen leaders of the revolution proletariat the road to victory.
when an attempt was made to open bulletin, Strike News, is issued by the first WPA project. Four hun the strike committee to inform the nounced its intention to smash, if it ean, the revolutionary left wing amount to, we already know. Aris Federation. The majority of these ture! youth comrade writes The bureaucracy of the French Socialist Party has openly an What this program and protestary Socialist Youth of the Seine Forward to the battles of the tudred men threw down tools after public of the true state of affairs represented by working for two hours Picket Dally mass meetings open to the nent threat of war the Socialist and Stalinist bureaucracles with one Bolshevik Leninist group. In the face of the immi tide Briand himself was never more were Rolshevik tenisists. Since the from Tarn: Words fail me, but eloquent than the Socialist and expulsions, which took place early blut you keep courage. Do not for lines were immediately formed ind public are held.
kept on every job. Militant women voice call for pressure on the League of Nations and the extermina Staliniat leaders of today who offer in August, the Socialist Youth or get you have comrades behind you!
At a conference on Sept. 15 at tion of the revolutionary left wing of the French labor movement. the workers of the world no other ganxation throughout France has the secretary from Lot: can as were Instrumental in preventing tended by 25 delegates from as shouting loudly to drown out the rumble of tomorrow war and of way out of the war danger but rell been thrown into turmoil. The new sure you that the Federation of Lot scabe from working, on one occasion many labor organizations, includtomorrow betrayal, the bureaucrats hope to silence the one voice in ance upon the League of Nations, and sale committee installed in 1s entirely in solidarity with you.
ing the Central Trades and Labor France which is calling for the revolutionary mobilization of the massthe of what Lenin called the Seine Federation by the bureau From Grenoble in the Federation of Capitulation Planned by Imously endorsed and committee threat of imperialist war the overt for the seizure of power, for the proletariat only answer to the imperialist brigands. In France crats bas been unable to establish Isere: The Socialist Yonth of last month the Young Communist its leadership Instead 65 sections Grenoble declare themselves preStalinists to Right Wing was appointed to work in conjune threw of the war mongers and impresumably heroic leaders of the League, self styled vanguard of of the Seine Federation and 30 out pared if necessary to follow their Of Teachers tion with the project workers perialist freebooters.
proletariat like Leon Blom, Paul the proletarian youth offered to of the 44 sections in Selne et Oise comrades of the Seine along the strike committee in conducting the struggle. The conference called by the Permanent Administratiwe Thorex and Co. Moreover, and this war by inviting the Socialist Youth leaders. On this support the Bolshe the capitularits. From the FederA set of special decisions adopted Faure, to say nothing of Cachin, hurl itself into the struggle against have solidarized with the expelled path of revolutionary action against Reports reachings from rell upon the Pennsylvania Federation Committee of the French comes second, the group of which to join it in a delegation to Geneva vik Leninists and their allies led by ation of Finistere: We have de able sournes state that the trade of Labor to support WPA strikes Socialist Party) on August 28 (Po La Verite is the organ has associ to exert pressure upon the League Fred Zeller knew they could count. elded to govern our future conduct But all during the month of August by the Instructions of the comrades influence of the stalinister in Le do anything in its power to aid in communication of La verite, organ Fourth International, Spectre of New Party els 60 and 22 in the LL. and the fight was carried out to the of the Paris region. Scores la the Teachers Unlon lave an the extent of calling a general walk which is no longer to be regarded careful not to add, the Bolshevik. This annoying left wing, these both already prove to the hilt that a from whole sections of the youth, winning the local strike, even to ot the French Bolshevik Leninista, In this attempt, the indictment is what, then, is going to happen provinces with results to date which wuch letters, official communications mokinced their willingness to dis out of all union labor.
solve and even give up their opas an organ of the Socialist Party. Leninists have raised and alone held ersomé Trotskyists with that scurtare section of the revolutionary overflow the columns of Revoluposition to the administrations in Organizations at Conference Populaire Le expressly forbidden aloft the banner of revolutionary rilous Journal, La verite, insist youth of France is ready to assume tion. Step by step but surety the these wnions. This policy shows Among the organizations repre to mention or cite from the columns defeatism, rejecting the blatant 80 upon exposing these policies as pol. its full responsibilities in the strug revolutionary youth are drawing that the local stalinists have not sented at the conference were: The of La Verite, or to publish any an. lat patriotism of the Socialist and cles of betrayal. They insist upon Ble against war, against Fascism the necessary conclusions from the been slow in carrying out the Central Trades and Labot Councll. nouncements of meetings of any Stalinist. Internationals.
They have exposing the bankruptcy of the two in the struggle for power. Letters reformist stalinist betrayal.
adopted by the Seventh Worlders, Amalgamated Clothing Work in Verite. Party members who ers the slogan of general strike and new, Fourth International Ther the Federations of the Rhone, Pyr the Bolshevik Leninists and other Congress of the Communist In ers, Carpenters and Jolners. Brick be informed that thegoure carrying swer to the threats of war and broadening sections of the French Rourges, Narbonne, Angers, Puy organization of st. Denis, counting ternational and already carried Layers, American Federation of out work prejudicial to the futer. Fascism. They have alone dared to proletariat. What is it that the le Dome from Morocco and Alger in its ranka 8, 000 workers, has to Hy agreement between the two Electrical Workers Union, Stage esta of the whole party and of the call for an armed workers militin bureaucrats fear? They fear the. froin the Maritime Alps, Morbi nonnced solidarity with the revolusentral trade union bodies: the hands, Keystone Workers, citizens Interntional to which they belong. as an answer to the growing Fas Spectre of a new revolutionary man, the North, Bouches du Rhone, clonary left wing. The Communist General Confederation of Labor Youth of St. Denis, expelled from Wel are League and the Pennsyl. Finally and here is the threat it. cist bands. The French Bolshevik party in France which will cut Indre et Loire and others self the committee decided to re Leninists are the sole obatacle in loose once and for all from the Youth Support Left the Stalinist Party, announced on and the Red Unions, which pro vania Unemployed League.
vides among other things for the quest that the very next National the path of the Socialist Stalinist bankruptcies of reformism and The last issue at hand of Revolu Augnst 10, its readiness to work They are afraid that tion, organ of the left wing youth, with the expelled youth lenders for dissolution of trade union frac Bader, local labor faker, appealed measures, however grate they may the support of the French bourgeot. this new party will win to its ban reports that half of the Federation the regrouping of truly revolutionOn Monday, Sept. 16, when Ray Council of the Party take any program for a union sucree and for Stalinism.
capitulation to the policies of the pending arbitration of the demands ible for the editing of La Verite, as the bureaucrats want them smashed tariat large enough to put a spoke revolutionary left. AI letter from reformist bureaucracy. This new Convulsions in before the WPA appeal board, he are required by the Interests and and silenced. There is no other in the plan for social patriotic be the Orleans leadership says: We It is this ferment which is driv.
was given a loud and long Bronx unity of the Party.
trayal urgently await your directives. In ing the bureaucracles of both par.
policy of the Stalinists to make cheer. At a mass meeting later in At the arme meeting of the blocs and election agreements the day, the strikers passed reso The Crime of La Verito Ample evidence of this perappe the Federation of Gard one section, les to hasten their unholy union which announces the open offentive is already at hand in the altua that of Ales, writes that the little and to sharpen, if they can, their with shady careeristie cliques Tution condemning Bader strike What, according to the French sive against the Bolshevik Leninists, tion which exists today in the group of eight adherents of the blows to the left. The attempt to and reactionary elements, the breaking appeal and calling upon socialist bureaucrats, has been the it was also decided to carry step French Socialist Youth. Renders of left of a year ago has now grown amputate the living, vital left wing most glaring examples of which the Central Trades and Labor crime of La Verite? That repre further the negotiations with the the NEW MILITANT know that in to ninety and that they are all of the French Socialist Party will were those made in the recent Council, of which he is secretary. Sensible little sheet, it seems, has stalinist Party for a common pro August the first barrage of the anti awaiting orders. From the group not take place without terrific conelections in Locul 22 and attempt to take appropriate action in the been guilty of outrageous attacks gram of action and for the elabora Bolshevik Leninist offensive was in Nimes comes word: The hourvulsions within the whole party.
ed in the Furriors Council. matter on good, sterling revolutionaries, tion of a common protest against laid down with the expulsion of has come to show the struggling! Continued on Page league of reason.