BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismPopular FrontsRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1935 Oneal Makes His Report France Faces The Crisis The have a morbid fear of fascism and In general they believe that its rise in Europe could have been prevent ed if the youth with its vigor, Its enthusiasm and its clearer views upon social and economic forces Confidential Memorandum of Right Wing to Second Internat had been invested with the leader Labor Displays Its Readiness To Battle Against The Regime ship.
Shows Reactionary Contempt Towards Young Militants Many of these new elements did But Socialists and Stalinists Sabotage Struggle not come from proletarian families, but from the liberal professions and (Continged from Paco 1) to remove Morris Hillquit from his Soviet Rusia, while rejecting all the petty bourgeoisie, above all By FRANK ROBERTS dred families which pillage the Another incident of the July 14 struggles which were of a vital in post as National Chairman. Hm. the united front offers which it refrom the colleges, the theological France 19 today pregnant with country. But, to realize the demonstration reveals the extent to terest to the working class as gun while going to the extreme ceived from Communist organiza schools and the universities. They change. The imminence of imper. union of France working under the which the Stalinsats have carried But when the United States en the diverse elements and to contrib tion of democracy for the Russian workers party does not find it easy acute growth of internal contradic the government of national disunity. socialist section of the 20th ward limit to his attempts to reconcile tions, and demanding the restora constitute a raw material which a Laliste war and the exceedingt segis of government of trace, we their capitulation to the Radicals tered the World War, the American ute to harmony inside the Party, working class. This was the Party to assimilate because they bring tions are bastening the convulsions Federation of Labor and the malad clear and firm position on policy up to the 1932 convention with them the ideologies of their which will exert decisive indu. And the Communist Party. declar carried banner which read: jority of the unions supported the the fundamental questions of princ when a tendency manifested it. class. hope the Socialistence upon the march of events in ing itself ready to support war whereas the Socialist Party iples and tactics. He always consell, changed this policy in favor of Party resta in bringing into the Europe and in Africa. The government of the Left, demontov. Down with the Decrees of LavalHerriot! The Stalinist leader of became an anti war party. The old sidered that it would be impossible a united front with various com movement an increasing number of eroment of Laval Herriot is a stop and for real truce. My empha rage just as the parade was startits concern for national recovery the same district rushed over in a Socialist milįtants who survived the to build up a genuine Socialist munist organizations for specific men and women coming from the gap. It cannot for much longer persecutions of the war period movement in the political field un aims. This also contributed to ex working class, above all workers maintain its precarious balance besie ing and ripped away the name of think that their position was right, less mutually friendly relations and tend the conflict existing in the who have been educated by the tween class forces moving toward the revolutionary vanguard of ment and stands responsible for the This, today, is the language of Herriot! Herriot is in the goverthat they could not have acted dit collaboration between the Socialist Party ferently Party and the American trade un. The entire trade unton movement stabilizing influence on the Party generally expected that the Laval tles between Frenchmen but the is a Radical and therefore not to be trades unions. They will have a decisive conflicts. It seems to be the French proletariat! Not bat starvation decrees of Laval but he The different positions of the lon movement were established. He was mortally opposed the Com and will guarantee it a strong pro cabinet will give way either to al union of France, the unity of offended!
trade unions and of the Socialist also considered that in view of the munist movement and the Socialist letarian base.
cabinet of the extreme Right all Prenehmen. Not the strug.
Party toward the war alienated very nature of American Institu veterans considered that to conThe agreement which am en which will base itself not on a morgle for power, but national recov Brest the first week in August The fierce clashes at Toulon and these two movements from each tions, it was an indispensable con lude a united front with the comto you is the first step majority but directly collaboration between the clalist to base the tion. The veteran comrades have groupings, or Radical unity. livelihood came into bloody con movements. With very few exceptirely upon democratie and consti working class. It would be to ab displayed tolerance and patience in government headed by Daladier and In the name of national unity. flict with the armed forces of the tions, the trade union movement tutional methods of political action, andon the fraternal relations which their efforts to avert a fatal split. supported by his allies in the Front braced as thelr own the Tricolor gans of the Front Populaire the the French Stalinists have em state brought forth from the or slipped towards a conservative pol. And that is why, since 1922, he were developing between the Party icy and the Party became isolated had more and more violently con and the trades unions in spite of themselves inclined to conclude any ist parties. government support the flag of the French bourgeoisie, be expected that the organs of lowever, have not shown Populaire, Stalinstandard of French Republic, charge of provocation! It was to from the organized working class demned every attempt to flirt with the internal conflict to the party compromises with certain ideas anded by or including de la Roche red with the blood of the workers French capitalism, like Le Petit war came to an end and the Party thizers and had just as vigorously York State, the oldest state organ. Just as fatal to the Socialist move with the help of a coup etat en of 1848, 1871, 1914 18 and of 1935. Parisien and Le Matin would refer had to fight against a powerfully opposed the Socialist Party being ization, counting the largest num. ment of the United States. It is gineered by the General staff. ade of July 14 were being discussed But what could workers have When the preparations for the parto the demonstratore as rabble.
organised Communist movement in drawn into alliances with various ber of members, was the most cate our duty, not only to the working would mean the launching of an by a joint Radical Socialist Stalin thought who read in Populaire, the Its midst which led to the splitting types of bourgeois reformists. gorion in its opposition to the unclass of the United States, but to immediate intensified of the Party in 1919. Three Com The essence of the question at Ited front and in its opposition to the International, to maintain a against the organizations of the ed their desire to carry the Trl were responsible for the demonstraoffensive ist committee, the Radicals indicat Socalist organ, that human seum munist parties were organized by the Milwaukee Convention was not the new Declaration of Principles, healthy Party, while inside the Party there but the conception of Socialism was the center of the Party con and rejecting dangerous adventures, Rum, Cachin Co. would be a delegate, our party is weak here in to persons living on the fringes former members of the Socialist the personality of Morris Hiluquit That is why the State of New York mastes tree from all titopiano ideas et Daladier, royally supported by color. The Stalinists readily as tions, and in Humanite that the still remained members influenced which he held. However, during flicts.
a party based upon the interests of further step in the gross and stay Paris and our flag display will seem of labor carrying out as provoca by Moscow. The fight inside the the underground campaign which The Youth Movement the proletarian class and not upon sering betrayal of the French puny next to the combined forces tears their job as incendiaries. Party continued for a number of was conducted against him for sev These various ideological soluyears, producing a serious loss of eral months, especially outside of tions and tendencies in turn affected have good reason to hope that the watre. Il French Anance capital the stalinist delegate voluntarily turier, the stalinist No. Publicist, membership: the morale of the New York City, his opponents spoke the organization of the Socialist Party has now accomplished turn entrusts the direction of its gov Party continued to decline and dis of Americanizing the Party, youth (Y. pffered the mervices of the outraged the Tricolor flag which couragement took hold everywhere. awelt upon the fact that he was a enced by all the Leftist forma ot and that our comrades will do all tion, it will be because can sections in the parade as carriers the workers put at the head of their Contrary to the European coun foreigner by birth, accused him of ideology and politics. In two months that is possible to bring peace and count on that betrayal. The Front would be good enough to provide on July 14. tries, the United States emerged subinitting to the old traditions of it produced two Communist group unity into its ranks.
Populaire promises not revolution the flags! And so it was done.
from the World War prosperous. the European movement, and also ings one of which joined the Trot And as a political conclusion Generally speaking, the workers made use of the popular prejudice skyists en bloc. At its last. Na should like to insist strongly but civil peace. It stands comOn July 14 Paris was treated to from the Toulon events, the French were content and Socialist propagainst New York which is intitional Convention, it raised the age on the fact that all those who are mitted not to revolutionary defeat the spectacle of communists on the Stalinist party issued special inganda made them. With the exception of ativism and with the agrarian ten permitted, will make it a rival have not for a single moment pro port of the French bourgeoisie side with the Red flag at their head, cateurs who are trying to incite the no progress among mately linked with American na limit to 30 years which, if it is concurrently called the Old guardism in the event of war but to the march, with the Tricolor side by structions to watch out for provo. period from 1916 to 1920 may be Hillquit was reelected by a very New York City the local section of Party. We have openly exercised Fascism, the head of the parade was Dala. In all France only one revolutioncalled the Golden Age of American small majority, but his opponents the youth movement came into con our rights to discuss the principles The events last month at Brest aier, denounced not so long ago by ary organisation is fighting hard capitalism. There was relatively obtained a strong representation in Alict with the Party organization, and the policy which were the and Toulon showed that the French Humanite as the murderer und and courageously to block the path working conditions were on the mittee; he was then afflicted by this section, but as a result of the movement, and in the states and bread and that to carry it through now they call to power! We do Populaire is leading the working whole, satisfactory to the workers. his illness which ended with his peace agreement of July 13 15 it is the cities where our point of view they are prepared to wage and win not abandon to the enemy the Triclass. That organization is the In the course of this period, the death in October, 1933, and which hoped that a united youth move carried we have, naturally, by the the struggle for power. But the color flag of the Revolution, said Bolshevik Leninist group of the so Communist organizations conducted gave them the upper hand. ment will soon be reestablished.
Marcel Thorex in a speech before cialist party which alone in France tendencies which, in our opinion, ele but civil potee. Listen to the Seventh World Congress of the today is upholding the banner of violent war upon the trades un When the National Convention Organizational Conflicts.
ions and the Socialist Party. In met in June 1934, the division in From the intellectual contlict threatened to teclate us from the Taos Pucles in an article headed Comintern, We do not abandon the Lenin and Liebknecht for revolu Government of Truce? Yes! Maneillaise, song of the soldiers of tionary defeatism in the event of certain cases the Communists de side the Party had become very there naturally arose conflicts be organized labor movement, to ob stroyed the trade union organiza serious and the events in Europe tween the national, state and local calism and Communism, and to un The (Laval) Government is 5, 1985. Was it so long ago that armed mobilization of the working scure the differences between So. Humanite, Aug. 23, 1935)
the Convention. Humanite, Aug. wal, which alone is calling for the before the employers. The trades the fundamental differences of ment, centering for the most part dermine the faith of the young gen. heading for battles between French the Communist International pro class in the fight against Pascism unions, for their part. declared war opinion. The defeat of the work around the state of New York. erations in democratic and peaceful men at a time when we must con claimed for the Chinese revolution and which when the crisis breaks upon the Communists. However, ing class in Germany and in Aus. Since its organization in 1901, the methods of labor action. That has cern ourselves with giving work to We will not abandon the blue will alone be capable of providing they did not yet establish with sut tria, the seizure of power by the Party had been based upon the con been the case notably in New York. the unemployed and stimulating na banner of the Kuomintang to the the revolutionary point of polariz ficient clarity the distinction be Naxis, the danger of a new war, ception of State autonomy. That The danger of a split became gentional economy. We certainly want enemy. The tragie betrayal of ation to which the workers, be tween the Communist and the So and the discouragement which re is to say, the state organizations uinely imminent during the first a government of truce which will the Chinese workers marshalled by trayed by the Second and Third Incalist position, with the result that sulted from the continuation of the have always enjoyed the exclusive half of this year when the so called not marshal the workers in uniform the Comintern behind the blue banternationals, will be able to turn our Party was lookol upon with crisis, had strong repercussions up jurisdiction with regard to prob militants, confident in major against the workers in the factories ner of Chiang Kai shek will now be The Bolshevik Leninists of France suspicion if not with a virtual hos on the immature mind of the mem letns concerning afiliation. propa. ity they believed they had in the and offices. We certainly want a repeated, if the Comintern has its are carrying on the struggle for the tility by a large part of the organ. bership and above all, upon our ganda, election campaigus, ete. This National Executive Committee, de sovernment of truce which will no way, for the French workers, mar. Fourth International against teried workers. It must be said that youth. They began to despise en form of organization flowed from manded of this organ to reorganite all Frenchmen in defense of shalled behind the Tricolor stand rific odds but with incomparable certain Socialists, notably among ically the whole European move the experience undergone with the ire the New York movement that their bread against the two hun ard of the French bourgeoisie. courage.
the numerous so called intellectu ment and argued that the defeat Socialist Tabor Party, which had is, to expel all the members and to als and among the inexperienced was due to the old policies and the centralized all power in the hands readmit only those who were in tion of industry without compensa youth, whom our position against old leaders. They argued that the of the National Executive Commit agreement with them or who promtion to capitalists! It is thoroughly the war had attracted into the program of the Party had to be tee, which abused arbitrarily this used to obey their orders. Obvious pacifist on the war question. saying Party, did a good deal to provoke radically revised to the left. power in order to crush all oppoal1g, if this threat had been carried nothing about transformation of this hostility by their harsh criti Inside the Party, a very distincttion to its decisions by the expul out the expelled majority would not imperialist war into civil war cism of the trade union movement. Communist faction was formed and sions of members, of sections and have been disorganized and would analysis of American capitallam bas Meanwhile, there was also a decline various Communist groups blandly of State organizations.
not have disappeared from political no section on the farmers, but inciin the membership of the Commun sent their members into the Party The jurisdictional decisions ad life. The demand for this categordental references show it to con ist Party, and bitter internal strugand into the youth organization in opted during the conflict between Ical measure becoming more and (Continued from Page 1) Allen, and to spreches by Amicus style of the farmers as a homogen ceive, in typical social democratic gles provoked expulsions and splits. order to bore from within. The the local and State organizations more violent, it nevertheless apThe Crisis The great industrial crisis which on the National Executive Commit complicated for an attempt to dis joritics of certain states and strong form speakers, leaving very little Most denounced Allen paper a ton, it goes even further than 70 began in October, 102. produced a up during this convention, which cuss them here. The result of it minorities of others could not tol time for discussion from the floor. Sloppy thinking but himself took militants and calle not for new situation. The Socialist Party also adopted a new Declaration of was accusations and counter accuerute such an expulsion en masse The little time there was for discuss the same pacifist line of stopping Tabor party, which would be bad which numbered more than 100, 000 Principles which aroused controversations of bad faith and of illegal and the reorganization proposed sion was limited to five minutes war. Mary Fox expressed the gen members in 1919, had fallen down sles the like of which had not been or arbitrary actions, the esential for New York would have produced per speaker. Thus little clarifica eral desire of the Militants, who cough, but for. Farmer Labor to less than 10, 000 members.
the sharpening of the crisis, now struggle with the Communists in being constituted by the power at scale. When the National Executive tute. Even one of the Militants, Against War and Fascism, merely section contains not a whit of critUnited front attempts with tributed to the State organizations Committee met on July 13 15, it Evanke Trianger Baltimore, de obiecting the statement release beacy. In succeeding issues of the growth was not very consistent and communist organizations also con and to even today the membership is only tributed to the conflict.
Here, however, it was only three out of eleven were de conference, during the session on not because of its pacifist program. gram will receive the extended crit about 18, 000. Many of the new The new Declaration was adopted above all the veteran members of termined to vote for the expulston the Labor party, and demanded that box. dowever, was very pessimis: ielam it merits.
members were young people who by the membership in a referen. the Party who defended the pow. en masse of the New York Social arrangements be made for a serious tic, describing the sabotaging by the The Revolutionary Policy Pubhad just quit high schools or coldum by a vote or 5, 932 againsters of the state organizations, ists. The New York Committee was discussion of this point. An extra Right wing and the labor fakers of leges and there was a considerabte 1872, that is, by majority of whereas the new members gave then invited to confer with the rep hour was given to the Labor party any attempt to build on the basis fishing Association, whose newly re veterans and the new members. It was a step towards a Communisted by the National Executive Com and an agreement was worked out only arrangement for additional chalrman of the Yipsels, was the at the last Institute session af which produced an abnormal situ declaration and its supporters de mittee.
which was ratified by two thirds of discussion: Paul Porter and only speaker who came near to armed the desire of his group for ation leading to conflicts and dis nied nied it. The Oregon state organix Summary the votes of the National Executive Thurber being authorized to hola Leninist line on the war question. unity with the Militants on the harmony. Ignorant of the objective ation withdrew from the Party and In summarizing the situation in Committee and unanimously by the a conference on this question pre Albert Goldman was the Arst basis of a revolutionary program, conditions which led to the decline the Indiana state organization or the United States, it can be said New York Committee.
ceding the of La convention. speaker in the discussion, criticiz held a conference in New York on August 23 25, with representatives of the Party of the Communist sanized a referendum for with that the conflicts in the Socialist We may hope that this agreement The first sexxion, The Road to Ing the pacifism of the Militants.
movement and of the trade union drawal from the Parts when its Party are due essentially to a new will lead to the reestablishment of Socialism, was given over to two and introduced a series of points, present from Michigan, Missouri, movement, the younger clements charter was suspended and later movement arising out of the world a spirit of good feeling in the ranks main speakers, David Berenbers, which were referred to an editorial Pennsylvania, New Jersey Tennesconcluded that the veterans were revoked. The strucxle between the crisis with all the abnormal phen of the Party, to the dissolution of who is sentially a Right winger, committee. He was strongly supsee, Buffalo and New York City responsible for the weakness of the two groups continued in Novem omena which it involves (1) The precanized groups and factions will and Rgrid Better who is typical of earte de lapte praecis utlensop, betrek eral line of a document, which will Party. for the. so permit the Right Centrist tary Review, by the problems raised by the crisis, membership was recorded Altoge kuish of the apprehensiong in a position to work together ac Yipels come out for the dictator said: Here is a man who comes the principle deviations of the who and which even threatened certain ther the Party lost 5, 500 members. Thence, the attraction that any tively to build the Party and to ship of the proletariat, while Zum, from a group (Trotskyists)
trades unious with disruption, that the activities of the Party were pendo revlutionary program holds propagate its ideas while discussing ex Lovestopeite, declared against have long discussed this problem. Communist International on it was dificult to recruit members paralyzed and the National Bureau for them. 2) The Crists. For five as comrades the differences in the including this fundamental concept We re children on this. it like war question and the class struk for the Party among them. How was incapable of gathering the years millions of young people ory and in tactics.
in the theoretical program.
good whiskey. We want it once in. ever, with the continuation of the funds necessary for the continua have been unable to find employ The American movement has al.
The second session was largely a while, but we re not really ready and declares against any type of coalition government. Other docufor it.
crisis, the trades unions little by tion of its work.
ment and this has led to a morbid ways been very weak link of the given over to a meandering speech little abandoned a number of their Another argument against the peychology of vengeance against International and we are fully by Norman Thomas on the Prac proposals went back to the ments were adopted which views and their conservative poli new Declaration was that a score capitalist society which hardly pro conscious that it is our duty and tical Problems of the Party Frank editorial committee, since the pros analyzed in the NEW that upon us devolves the respons Trager also spoke on the agricul posed Militant program was not very little interested in social legis draconie anti syndicalist laws which Russia. Premature reactions toward ability towards the comrades of all tural situation, taking an empirical officially adopted.
ation. But since 1920 they have endanger the very existence of any the Five Year Plan and the tremen countries to build up in the United approach with no hint of the prob Program Ambiguous NEW MILITANT rogressively changed their attitude party which alluded to the use of dous Communist propaganda on the States a strong Party, a party lem of a proletarian strategy to The program, written by the exwith which is merged nd they are now fighting for num any form of violence or illegal seizure of power have influenced which will be able to contribute toward the diverse elements who con Lovestoneites, Zum and Becker, on THE MILITANT erous important measures of this methods for the accomplishment of the opinions of new members to a the struggles of the masse of all stitute agriculture.
behalf of the top caucus of the its aims. The Oregon Socialists certain degree (4) The European countries and which will fulfill its kind, and the prejudices against tbeithdrew from the Party because Defeat The defeats of the work duty in every crids that may con party, was occupied mainly with criticism. It is highly ambiguous tant Publishing Co. 55 Fast 11th The third session, on the Labor Militants, deserves the sharpest Published weekly by the New MillSocialist Party are disappearing little by little In the meantime, or a severe anti syndicalist law ex. ing class in Germany and in Aus front the working class bere or speeches by Paul Porter and minor on the fundamental questions of the St.
Phone: Algon, 3068 the Communists continue their inisting in this state, because they tria and the reverses suffered by abroad.
trade union functionaries, merely proletarian revolution, envisioning Entered as second class mail matter trigues within the trade unions and believed that by accepting the new our Spanish comrades foster the Fraternally yours, toward the end of 1934 the Ameri Declaration the Party would be un point of view that the blame for (Signed) JAMES NEAL giving pletures of the various situa working class government arising at the Post Office at New York, ations in the trade union movement. only out of the defense against Pas y. under the act of March 3, 1879.
can Federation of Labor issued able to continue ita activities.
JAMES CANNON: Editor ther devolves upon the organizaThere was no time for discussion. cism rather than as an offensive new manifesto declaring war on The United Front tions and the programs of the So PAUL LUTTINGER, Frank Trager at this point de movement, giving no hint of the na Subscription rates: In the United the Communist movement.
Since the Russian Revolution, cialist and Labor parties of the DANIEL LUTTINGER nounced the arrangements which ture of the civil war attending the States 00 per year; 66c per six Since 1932 the Socialist Party had followed an world, and that they must be com prevented discussion.
conquest of power, and slurring months; Canada and foreigo 50 The conflict inside the Party unchanging policy with regard to pletely reorganized. They consider Waolington Square North Pacifist Leads War Discussion over completely the proletarian dic per year; 00 six months Bundle came out into the open at the Na Soviet Russia. It demanded the that the veterans are incapable or and roept Sundays The fourth and final session on tatorship as the period of transition rates: Two cents per copy.
tional Party Convention held in recognition of Russia and the estab doing it and that this task falls to and Holiday War and Fascism was given over from capitalism to socialism. It 1932, when the new elements sought lishment of trade relations with the youth. 5) Fascism. Tbey to a paper by the pacifist, Devere does not even declare for socializa Vol. SEPTEMBER 14, 1935 No. 38 64 Militant Confab Proves Failure Its new elements obtained the majority have been too numerous and tooteared quite obvious that the ma. Sessions with a multitude of plat. Most, Mary Fox and Ernest Erber. eous class. In Lovestonelte fashfons were at the outset, so absors in these states a strong decline in they want to put an end to the anless friction, and will thus put ussion that followed siw a number of x, speaking on Goldman proposalwhleb among other things criticizes the will