CapitalismCominternCommunismFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxMussoliniSovietStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAGE Burning Problems Face Fifty Fifth Convention ela to keep its pledge given at the 1, emphasizes this: Far Easterneratie domination and control or demnation of the prot system and manifestations with their greatest quarters at Moscow. Since Kres Eastern dispute was settled. he charged to be under Communia on the question of creating a labor living movement drives it inexor paring to strengthen his political talls in theory and practice and Fear of Progressive Tendencies in sary to assume that they have a Bankrupt Union Leadership Must Be MARCH OF EVENTS Labor Movement Disturbs Officials reformist purty or that they envis Challenged by Awakened Membership (Continged from Page 1) Their policy is challenged or at direction of new parties and labor the coolie wage scale sacrificed im. 62 percent above last year the Rather the manifestations in the Reld the miserable capitulation to to rise, recording to July this year Warns Soviets. sions and as near to Japan as pos Roosevelt has given warning to the inmtad also. Hinton, writ tione Through Secretary of State Hull alble. Every move with respect to the apparent as the of Lleast subjected to serious question parties represent a desire to breakportant trade union principles and share of the workers in the total Federation is going leftwardIta Soviet Union that be expects Rusing in the New York Times of Sept.
get a square deal by their own ef tained in hard fought struggles.
The heaviest blows to the bureau recent convention came out in conforts. This aspect Invests these ita 21. percent in 1929 to 18. per Faith in System of Exploitation cent in 1934. healthy upswing time recognition was granted. Hull But the E. of Executive indeed.
makes it perfectly plain bis experts were called into consulta. the movement have come from two woted to establish new political significance.
Council does not intend to tolerate Crucial Issues Still Remain statement to the press that what from a perspective including Taped the teachers union and from the little clarity on what kind of a Retreat in Faco of Bosses Assault any of the new manifestations in In face of these facts the decrepit America had in mind in demanding Our Official students of Russian at: newly constituted international un party is needed, but the out worn They are closely tied up with the the trade union movement. It ral. of Leadership. proclaims as Litvinov signature to Article of alrs know that Maxim Litvinovrst was, by far the most decisive. punishing enemies amongst tbe as economie standards. And it is pre system and its present spokesman entirely at the expense of the work ion of automobile workers. The policy of rewarding friends and whole question of working class lies to the support of the capitalist healthy an upswing accomplished the pledge was one institution and the People Commissir for Foreigo one Institution only: the Comin. Atairs, obtained at least two years At its recent national conventionents of privilege does not at all find cisely in this respect that the in who so shrewdly put over again the tern. The language of the above quoted paragraph Irrefutably covof security on his Far Eastern the teachers union admluistered the same favor as before in trade competence of the of lead and capital and Mabor relationshineers, through increased exploltation, ers activities of the Communist In recognition of his government with campaign of Bilt Green and Cotion of labor. It has decided to and a more reactionary position to economic emergency is passed and to the coming convention. It makes border when he negotiated the serious rebuke to the red scare non rankaThat holds true als ersbtp is the most staring and brand new clothing. It backs up aystem of exploitation. This, let us stine, the outstanding world com with Japan almost immediately vote his arrogant demand for ex: Local of unions in the state the opposition encountered in the ing spell for business. It is pre: leadership remains wedded to cap mundet organization, with headtook on a better aspect, the Chinese pulsion of Its New York local wbich United States against the holding the American Imperialisted as that this rebuke the convention elected State Federation of Labor, now ha the capitalists, this leadership has temptible fashion it hails the prese capitalism to sharpen its own dans of the Seventh World Congress of cured by this means the holding the entire progressive slate for of convention, 18. xlving serious con vested Interests to protect.
Many grandiose proclamations far, for it is due chiefly to in with any opposition to its reactionthe official relations between the were issued from A, of head herent economic strength. DIvI. ary policies and bureaucratic domtwo countries may be seriously im. march into Asia, at least of the this happened Bill Green had not paired.
stom of the convention of the next come doubly nigruteunt in view of sever set by the rebosevelt adminise last year by 11, 000, 000, says the nation.
Meantime Walter Duranty ex American diplomacy subordinates constituted automobile workers in Green constant reiteration of fictration on the WPA reliet projects. Executive Council report preparing But the crucial Issues still remain. Boruta come and fused with the earlier congressen move subordinated to this same to his handpicked crew or officials he hails as new progress in rela 594 repeated Green, and all his payments? What other feature is without the base fors. creverthelet grees should in any way be con The neutrality law so called Is a fused to give a vote of confidence and presented by him as real. These tee hearings. The scale of 10 to Othelats all interested in dividend proceed in comparative ale and the interests of the world proletar. bave no entanglements in Europe, autocratic measures, but the att. Undoubtedly the Executive Council correct will tear down the whole cannot be the employment feature, the reactionary course of itp corrupt bourgeoiste to look beneath the left profession in words and violation Challenge to his leadership and tempt to bolster up its record with the coolle scale went into effect. Council states: Employment this ment ever more open to new caplauto expressed in the entire course of pours his troope into Africa, or may expect in the future from the unionists may not understand 80 ward it off and downright sabotage level although production was high workers will take when facing these Stalinism, and not to take too ser Baldwin who rushes the British workers in the mass production in well the lawyers language of the or the struggle against it by the er. In other words with the upute should not be in doubt.
lovely the mere echoes of the past navy the Mediterranean. Sim dustries that have no more real content a llarly Roosevelt is setting the guns laws that have been entered on the F. of officialdom, the Ameri swing. proclaimed as healthy by That can be clearly ascertained far as the is concerned. But in the Pacific and smoothing the statute books. Their attitude can workers now face this scale as Green and company, unemployment from their attitude and their ac tions up to now.
in the matter of relations between path for the air and naval raiders These, however, are not the only reuthatione likely entertated there the the basic steel andere red the neare is growing with the end the In the coming battles both Ideas the and the it is in the coming war.
manifestations disturbing the tran laws on their organizations and on the so called favorable labor laws statement further makes clear that and leadership will be put to the not so much any violations of Sept. 2, 1936 qullity of Green and company. their attempts to struggle for bet on the statute books. And in this while the cost of living continues test.
pledge that counts, as does the main aim and objective of the American bourgeoisle in the near fu ture. These aims concern the period preceding the Second Imperial the in Moscow, Hull warns that back for the same period of Japan Acers and executive board. Whepsideration to the labor party question.
speed of this march.
press for the Stalinists their utter all other tasks to this major task. ion. There also be suffered a retitious labor gains achieved by leg. Much active lobbying was conduct to whoop it up at the coming con to be decided in the future. The buy Roosevelt Assures Business New War Alliances Rubber Workers Convention test woria War for Setar potom of the It Will Get New Breather Rejects Appointed Officials be by world.
On one and the same day, the Daily Worker printed the following Aim of Capitalism. Continued from Paco 1) to have a breathing spell for at comments on the Ethiopian situation. Continged from Page 1) above Green to asimilate one or Pres comment On September 14, 1935, page 1: Laval Asks Concessions for Italy stresses that get old age pensions, o to the least long enough to add up the and Military Rule Over Ethiopia.
Roosevelt was motivated in his ghost of Long or the dreams of profits.
nounced that the new rubber work two of them in the International present move against the Soviet Townsend, but to the sane and ers International will be set up up union as a sop to the workers Naturally, a few details are not Gannes. On September 14, 1935, page 4, in the column conducted by Harry der of control; in other This depends on how strong the op Union by the exigencies of the sound original share the wealther yet taken care of. Unemployment words he will force into office bis position to the bureaucracy coming Presidential elections. He and old age pensioner, Franklin seems to remain close to its low The last important bulwark of the League for a possible support desired to rob his reactionary crit Roosevelt. He is a past master at levels. Real wages have been de of Italian Folm has given way. In an unwilling, but quite definite lackeys despite any fight the rubcomes.
speech, Premier Laval has spoken with the voice of the French masses, ber workers make against his die ics et one of their main arguments stealing thunder; and making it clining during the present year.
Plans to carry a protest to the tatorship.
proving Roosevelt to be radical crack for him.
and not his own nor that of de is, Ronque and the de Wendels, of the The Schechter Decision has given This will be done under the guise Federation of Labor are being made his attitude towards the Soviet UnRoosevelt Program Fraud an impetus to a wide spread inComite des Forges, the war munitions makers and the pro Faseist exploiters.
fon. But should be clear that of the rubberworkers need the ad in the event Green and his coborts while this is undoubtedly involved, The easiest way to expose the crease in hours. The influence of vice and counsel of experienced use the outrageous methods which (Continued from Page 1) people in the struggle for Independ leaders in the formative period of marked their actions at the autoRoosevelt would never have taken Roosevelt hypocrisy. on the share WPA rapidly lowering relief And what of Ethiopia, the pawn once.
the international, so says Greenworkers convention, this further step towards the break the wealth Tax Program as on old standards.
age pensions or any other Indeed, somehow or other, the in the imperialist game? The indeThe slogan of Boycott Goods for In practice it means a continuation The rubber workers likewise feel of relations with the Soviet Unionably liberal reform, is to rely seems to be leaving out the liess than 11 million people, living by the International Communist erty and his assistants whose poll packed with delegates from locals it it had not been in line with the what Roosevelt actually does with present partial revival of prosper. pendence of this small country of Fascist Itals has been launched of the bankrupt leadership of Clab certain that the convention will be major interests of the capitalist the high sounding phrases he is so working class altogether is has league. Everything in our powerries have reduced the unions from miraculously revived by Claberty the refuse to grant Russia beredits: fond of. The Roosevelt Tax Pro prosperity exclusively designed for in the last decades been dependent must be done to arouse the masses over a 30, 000 membership to a scant multe or towel in order to cure the gram is a fake through and through the business men abont whom on the conflicts among the imper for the revolutionary struggle in few thousand.
and on the heel of the withdrawal It does nothing whatever about eli Howard and Roosevelt so solicitous ialist powers themselves. Even this defense of the Ethiopian people and Another false argument to ration. bureaucrats of automatic control of the sessions.
of consuls and military attaches minnting tax exempt securities, the ly correspond.
tenuous independence is now threat against imperialist war.
alize the dictatorship of the bureau from the Soviet Union. It is thus means whereby the majority of the. And this is no accident. Capital ened by Mussolini.
Rubber Workers Aroused This is possible only by an un cracy is the same one used in Dea renewed guarantee to Japan that very rich esea pe practically all in. Ist prosperity was always of a kind The indignation aroused the United States will not aid Rus come taxation. It does next to both that gave 90 percent of its relative can be accomplished only by inter those in the ranks of the labor council will finance the convention Green treacherous methods in DeI Mussolini is to be repelled it compromising struggle against troit. The of executive wia when the Japanese start the at ing to regulate so called personnt benefits to the capitalists, and a tack.
and pay the officers, Green says. troit has been reflected among the movement who wittingly or unwitholding companies, another favor. poor 10 percent to the masses. national working class action. The at a time when Japan was threat port No lacome while they live tits. with perhaps a few dollars and against Italy is a conflict or masses 18 to the aims of French autoworkers found they had to pay ly all reports from the autoworkers Recognition of the Soviets came ite device whereby the wealthy re always meant a prosperity for pro quarrel between France and Eng tingly aid in the deception of the After he said that in Detroit the workers here who have seized eagerconvention and most of the deleSeek to Appoint Officials ening a rapid advance and deeper on 10, 000, 000 a year. And, if all extra for the workers is a by pro Imperialist powers; war between and British Imperialism and prethe bills.
gates realize what sort of a conpenetration into China. Involved of its provisions worked as the duct. But now, in the decline of them is imperialist war, regardlesspare for a new world slaughter and of the immediate cause.
To sup betrayal. In every working class In the domestie crisis and unpre Treasury Itselt predicts, the whole capitalism, with the expansive and port imperialist sanctions against organization, the militant voice of a provision that the of exAn International charter carrying vention they are facing.
The ample warning received by American capitalist class found it over 200, 000, 000 yearly mere economy exhausted, prosperity imperialist war which will go far pared for a military conclusion, the Program would net only a little self reviving powers of capitalist Italy is to pledge support for this Fraternity with the Ethiopian people ceutive council through Green can the delegates from the experience should be raised.
necessary to impede the advance of drop in the bucket of the Pederal becomes a grotesque caricature even beyond a defense of independent appoint all officers temporarily of autoworkers will probably have will, no doubt, be presented by a two fold effect. ou in the form ing a military alliance with Rus of the burden within a fraction of Japanese Imperialism by threaten income, which would leave sharing of its former selt. Prosperity that is, profits can be rehabilitated only Ethiopia.
SMALL QUESTION BOX Green for adoption with the warn. of minor concessions to the rubber ing. take this or nothing workers wil be used by Green to sia. This move succeeded for the the percentages which Roosevelt by the Impoverishment of the mass time being, but could not be a perhimself gives.
The genuine independence of Eth The September 11 issue of the Against this provision will be smooth the troubled waters. es. No possible business upturn topla requires arousing the colonial New York Times asks, on its edi centered all the strength of the pro crystallization of more anti burea manent solution of the problem of This does not mean, of course, can absorb any large section of the masses of Africa against their pretorial page: gressives. If this fails, and it cracy forces will strengthen the the Pacific. When Japan resumed that the present Tux Program is the unemployed, and the contradictions datory masters, the French, English Can it be that the Russian seems probable, a fight will ensue small progressive bloc elected as ito conquest and plunder of China, last in the rise of Income and Inbetween wages and profits always and Italian imperialists and an ac wheat is being sold to Italy by the to prevent Green from automatical delegates.
America changed its course and heritance Taxes. This will come present but often hidden during the tive movement of solidarity by the Comintern over which the Soviet sy appointing the officers. Feeling for an independent union of intervention against the Soviet for the most part until after 1936. glaring and open.
decideer ten rosh Japan inte se war will bave to come. but it will wall advance of capitalism becomes workers in the advanced countries. Government has no control? Another move being watched for has not been entirely allayed as This would weaken both And at that time it will be not the We can see no objection to mak Union.
is that Green henchmen will sup rubberworkers recall vividly to Roosevelt program is substan effect on the masses in the colonies Ing the proper reply to this ques. port George Roberts, an assistant mind the two year history of their ained permit the United States to higher brackets that will share the tially complete at least it is his and semi colonies of imperialist Am. tion. The answer is: to Claherty, for the presideney struggle for an International union kten to detectes moment of exhaus burden, but the lower Income range own words that my so. We can erica who are oppressed under the No. The Russian wheat is be since he is a delegate from Good. which threatens to be climaxed with tion to defeat its Japanese rival as the ones who will be really bit stop, then, to taste the flavor of the iron heel of Wall Street. ing sold to Italy by the Soviet Gov. rich local and his election would another betrayal.
well as the Soviet Union which will be from the same middle class New Era be promised. It 19 for the The task of the workers of the ernment over which the Comintern remove the unsavory stench caused Expulsions in the spring of 1934 from the West through the attack tries to charm with his paper blows RALLY TO SUPPORT EIGHTwould meantime be taken care of which Roosevelt now so winningly working class to make Judgment. United States is to expose the hy. has no control.
by Green in Detroit through his thwarted a move for an Internationby Hitler pocrisy of the Roosevelt governflagrant methods. Such action, al union. Then the United RubberIt te with this strategy in mind Roosevelt does not, however, in at the Tories.
ment in its neutrality position, to however, would not bind any of the workers Council was formed PAGE NEW MILITANT.
rubber workers who expect it.
that the Is now engaged in a his letter to Howard, stop on SEND CONTRIBUTIONS TO Vast project of militarizing the en Left note. As to the cause of the to handle any national convention to head the un CAMPAIGN FUND.
Industrial Unionism tong but Claherty became president tire Pacific, establishing air bases Soviet correspondence, he is anxious munitions, arms or foodstufts going Inc.
Industrial unionism is the second and again kept the relns of conand naval bases in all its posses to assure the public that, though to Italy. Means must be found to major issue before the delegates. trol.
JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY sive material ald to the Ethiopian Stationers Union Printers There are seven craft unions in the Now after montbe of delay, a he is real reforming liberal, rubber Industry.
Since some of convention is to be held which all WORKERS through Selling to Organizations at through, yet he is a them are very weak and virtually indications say will be another DeWholesale Prices.
safe and sane liberal nothing that inconsequential, it would not be troit affair.
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