CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

. 80 Contributions revolu because for Metz PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1935 Stalinists Launch New Phoney Philly Fruit Clerks Shipping Clerk The Manager Corner Comments On Life, Liberty Labor Party in San Francisco Strike in New Facing Jail Terms and Pursuit of York Ended Contributions this week in the Youngstown Branch. 00 Readers Greetings campaign for the page NEW MIL Opportunist Platform Is to Right of Epic; PHILADELPHIA, Pa.
Happiness ITANT again record a drop. The Brownsville Branch, of the NEW MILITANT are aware total brought in for the week is of the fact that ive truit clerka ILGW Heads Paralyze only 38. 50. These Previously recorded. 595. 81 Devised to Catch All Voters contributions are facing long terms in prison convicted as a result of strikes they were received as follows: Militant Battle of By BILL BRICH Grand Tote. 631. 31 By CHARLES CURTISS The program of the stalinist con conducted in Delaware County and The Harlem branch has now takAmong the Patriots.
SAN FRANCISCO Labor Un ceived and executed Labor parts Philadelphia.
Striking Workers West Side Branch. 50 en the lead not only in the New The Liberty League has secured ites with Liberal Democratic and Limits itself to the struggle for imF. Martin, St. Paul. 00 York District but over all the Certain wiseacres in the labor Smith, Hutchinson, Kans. 00 branches in the country. The conThe program movement are spreading the rumor to pase pelvately on the constitu Blections to the heading of a leat does not base itself upon the idea that there is nothing to these over. The strikers returned to work Harlem Branch, 70 branches stand to date as follows: The shipping clerks strike Robert Merriu, 00 tributions from the New York tionality of New Deal legislation let stating the program of the San of the overthrow of capitalism, but he and suggests Al Smith for Preal Francisco Municipal Labor Party. merely to the patching up of this cases, you guys are just making Thursday without winning their Anonymous, 00 Quota Contributed a big howl about nothing, etc. wage and hour demands, and with Center Branch, 00 Harlem branch 96. 00 system. It is silent concerning the 88. 40 In 1919 on marked: Smith has always been the labor party being formed, burning question of the era: capito cite a few examples of Justice a promise trom the bosses associa Astoria Branch. 00 Center branch In reply to these people we want out union recogintion, have Test Side branch 101. 00 68. 40 180. 00 The elemen in Delaware County: 46. 60 too close to Tammany and to cer under stalinist aegls in San Frantalism or socialism.
tlong to pay a 10 16 minimum for Charleston, Va Branch. 00 Flatbush branch 80. 00 27. 50 tain public service corporations to cisco, key labor city in California, tary teachings of Marxism Leninism In March, 1930 Roy Pelts and a 14 hour week.
At a meeting of Cleveland Branch. 00 Bronx branch 160. 00 22. 80 make him an ideal public official. is an indication of the nature of concerning the use of parliamentary Newark branch 54. 00 21. 50. Al Smith replied: Hearst is the Labor parties the Communist elections to propagandize the revo Tom Holmes were convicted of pe the strikers held Wednesday after48. 00 Total. 26. 20 Boro Park branch particularly low type of man. Ele party is going to forma toroughout lutionary solution by the workers of dition and recelved 5, 000 fine and noon the settlernent was pat for 15. 00 Advance Sabeeriptions East Side branch 90. 00 11. 76 hasn a drop of good clean red the state. For this reason it dethelr problems, is thrown overboard to 20 years in County Jail, and ward by the leaders of the union blood in his body. Recently serves the attention of workers naby the Communist party. The high two years, respectively. These two as a victory and accepted by the Cherlo, Youngstown Br. 00 Astoria brunch 80. 00 11. 30 Under the conditions the Hearst announced: think Alfred tionally.
Club Cards 30 est aim of the perilamentary strug workers were trying to organise a clerks, Brownsville branch 83. 00 16. 00 00 Smith would make a powerful The program for the proposed Ele seems to be for the stalinists untion in the Viscose Mill (world elers were given little choice In Rigby, Utica. 50 Paterson branch candidate for President. He is the Labor party calls for everything to give the workers the ider that largest manufacturers of rayon) in the matter. The stoppages called accredited leader of the Democrat from 100 percent untonization of the capitalism can be reformed. The Marcus Hook, Pa. The sedition in various shops in support of the Demo to. Cannon to Lecture on 4th Int Static Party should not have ita Cars; from a demand for referen utilize the interest aroused in poll which advised workers to organize bers of clerks had returned to honored name stolen by the anto dum, to free school beoke: trom a tics around election periods for the into a union and if necessary to work. It was eltber a case of ac carrycratic Aslatie party of Karl Marx unified pubitely owned transbay advocacy of the revolutionary solu brutality and interference. This ins on with badly weakened forces In Series Starting this Week settlement a victory is quite another matter. It Father Coughlin slinks from the ment of opposition to vigilantism; workers the illusion that any gains was construed by the just court But to call such Why has the Communist Interna Irving Place and 15th St.
Roosevelt bandwagon and crawls from the improvement and extend of a substantial nature can be won to mean sedition.
aboard the Hearst Smith Liberty sion of vocational training to a through parliamentary struggle. In the spring of 1982 two was anything but a victory. Antional degenerated from The titles League outfit: It is an admirable demand for the freedom of Tom As a matter of tracte fact, the young workers, John Adams and analysis of the causes for such a tlonary world party to a bureaucra ber 22 Prom Lanin to stallo (the characteristic of Mr. Hearst to put Mooney Epic movement, having as its cen Harry Roth were arrested in Ches that he is the first step towards the organization of social patriot Downtall of the Communist Inter ism? What is the program of the national. September 29 Working aside personal animosity as bebas The program lists 21 demands tral slogan, Production for Uge (inter, Pa. Delaware County) and winning the next battle To begin with, the refusal of Workers Party for the impending Class Policy in the Impending War done in suggesting Alfred Smith and slogans. The mass class Labor addition to series of immediate charged with sedition for the Presidency. Roosevelt pil party so loudly touted by the Stal demands. is tar to the left of they advocated in case of war the President Dubinsky and the War? How can the militant work (Revolutionary Defeatism vs. 80 icles are un American. Norman inists, reveals itself to be a catch the Stalinist created Labor party, workers should turn their guns u. to give the shipping clerks a era prepare themselves against Social Patriotism. October The Thomas is a plker compared to him all to attract votes on any basis. wbich bases itself solely upon the did one year in fau apiece.
They charter as a local of the ILG. clal Democratic and Stalinist be. Struggle Against. Fascism (Histor placed, from the start a great trayal? What are the lessons of Ical Lessons for America. October After all, Thomas stands for a falr. But the burning question to literal struggle for immediate demande, There were two other work handicap on the local As a part the struggle against Fasciam in 13 The Road to the Fourth Interbrand of Russian Communism. thousands enrolled in the Epics and order. The program of the Labor 100 days civilinis because of unem and backed by it in thetr organizu are the forces and is about Roosevelt stands for poor untouched. To these hundreds of workers the need of a new social who were sentenced to 10 to get there too. with the press Germany and France for the work. national (Forows and Prospecte tor What a New World Party Under the The good Father 1s also interested Utopians, besides thousands of un party cannot even be called reform ployed activities.
tion campaign, the local could have Fourth International for the Banner of Marx and Lenin. Great interest in the series is in capturing the auto workers from affiliated workers, the present capist; the best description that can Speaking of Delaware County, we been put on a real mass base before These and other questions will expected. Tickets for the four the of with his Automotive tallet crisis has driven one fact be given for it is Left liberal, Workers Industrial Association. He home: capitalism is an outworn The self proclaimed vanguard of Evening Publle Ledger, September responsibility for this fallure les Sunday night lectures On the Road 16 centa for the series.
ways, Labor shouldn direct its ac system that must be replaced with the working class, instead of lead 9, 1985 tion against the bosses because alla new social order.
not with the clerks but with the to the Fourth International to be admissions will be 15 centa, that in ing the workers to the brond high Governor Earle yesterday at a leadership of the who given by James Cannon, editor if there is sufficient room. Order we have in Detroit, except Henry Upton Sinclair, on the platform way of revolution, is dragging them Cornboll on the Grace Farm, turned down the request for of the NEW MILITANT, beginning tickets in advance from district ofFord, is a bunch of straw bosses of End Poverty in California and to the abyss of the most craven type Swarthmore, attacked the McClure charter.
September 15, at Irving Plaza Hall. fice of Workers Party, 55 Fast 11th carrying out the orders of bankers. Production for Use, polled nearly of reformism. The masses have organization, declaring of all the. My advice is not to say to a million votes in the gubernatorlal seen the necessity of a new social corrupt Secondly, as a Federal union the political hell with the stockholder and capl. elections of last year. The over order (confused though they are as there was never anything in the the officials of the Truckers Locat was then the bounden duty of the By the overwhelming response to organizations, local was given the support of properly organize the strike. It Local 22 taliat but to say charge more for whelming majority of these votes to the means of attaining this social United States to equal this.
your car and take less in profit and were protests against the present order. but the Labor party does 102. This support was of the kind to loan capable and ex. the strike call and by their millpass the money on to labor.
Furthermore, justice a la Del that a scaffold gives a man about rerlenced organizers to the clerks. tancy on the picket lines, the shipsystem, and for socialism, although not even pay lip service to this aware County is not entirely re to be banged. The truck drivers Again, the fallure of proper func ping clerks could not be ignored.
Soak the Rich.
a confused type of socialism as po ideal.
stricted to Delaware County. Al went on strike simultaneously with tioning of the strike machinery Can Financial support was generously The Workers Party of California. Lichtman, one of the five fruit the shipping clerks, and settled not be placed on the young and in given by the LG. and Pree. Henry Ford pularised by Upton pubicity agent, mais envers Porno Porada tant o use and not tor. together different task. It does not 1, 000 cash bond to keep the peace clerks. In other words, they np those who could and should have tervene. This belated intervention contrack obath beer ora de company. That the methods proposed by drag behind the masses; it does not in Philadelphia County, in spite of plied the noose and then kicked furnished the experienced leader could not save the street did Banks have been pulled out from Sinclair to attain socialism, would strengthen their illusions in parlia the fact that the only evidence away the support, leaving the ship.
under it; unions have started and could not lead to the desired mentarism. To those workers con against him was the testimony of clerks dangling in mid ald, Again, though unofficial support by that may pave the way for a strikes there; men have come with goal, but somewhere far off from vinced of the necessity of replacing the boss son.
manager of Local 102, has a record was given to the strike by some future viotory.
hundreds of millions of dollars to 10 very true, but right now we capitalism by socialisme pointe Now Messrs soacres do sou that is known, and not favorably. Locals and particularly Local 22 The shipping clerks and all prothis shall this real way of see what says DelaThis through the calling of stoppages, gressive forces in the rich idea. We think it is simply the question.
this goal: Oscar De! Although nearly a million Cali method through the scientific ware County, the stronghold of the action was in line with that record. this support wal sabotaged by the should now press for the unity of Marxism Leninism, the McClure gang? Do you think that President Dubinsky, who sanctioned reactionary leaders of other loenls. the local with the They Priest, former Negro Congressman fornia voters cast their mandates workers dictatorship over the cap. gentlemen of the calibreof Me the settlement by Local 102, can. Instead of benevolent neutrality should carry on a vigorous organ from Illinois, states: This soak for a new social order, the fact of italist class the rich legislation is striking at the matter is that the proposed pro to the free communist society. To workers to jall for years when they statements wipe out his share of tlonaries were officially silent and force recognition of the minimum the Negro best friend the weal. gram for the Stalinist inspired La the workers still imbued with faith try to organize a union or condnet the responsibility for this act, unofficially sabotaging the strike. wage in all shops all as part of thy employers of the big factories bor party does not even contain a In capitalism, it shows the need for unemployed or anti war activities, Thirdly, when the shipping clerks This was clearly seen by the stop the preparation for a united strugof Americt, such as Henry Ford, word about the necessity of the new social order.
will hesitate to send up union mem responded to the strike call in thou pages. Such stoppages being maingle with the dressmakers in the Standard Oil, General Motors and abolition of the capitalist system, bes when they have conducted a sands, the inexperienced and youth iy called in the dressmakers shops general strike scheduled for next others. If they are soaked we will and the establishment of socialism. JOIN THE WORKERS PARTY. three months militant strike? ful strike leaders were unable to and usually initiated by members of January.
be drowned. Roosevelt share.
the wealth taxation program will have been made to dismiss the form of local and state associations for some time, and wbat salaries Committee to Save the Union raise less than 75 per capita anteacher leaders, with success in one affiliated with the National Educa teachers have obtained have come word must be said concerning nually. In some states sales case. In Massillion, Ohio, the sution Association, have been in from the Federal relief funds. the activities of the delegation spontaxes cost as high as 100 annually perintendent endorsed by Local trenched for a number of years un Again and again the question of sored by the United Committee to per capita. Detailed Treasury 330, the president and vice president der the guise of neutral profession tenure was raised in the convention Save the Union, a delegation configures show that in 1935, 61. perof the local were not reappointed al and academie organizations. Ac and the term company unionism sisting of about sixty teachers from cent of all Federal taxes will be after a vigorous contest Please tually they are the agents of the was frequetly used. Evidence was Local 5, who came to Cleveland at paid by consumers while only 38. note that Massillion 330 shows a Boards of Education and the em presented which showed that the their own expense to oppose the percent will be borne by persons growth. Continuous press accounts ploying interests as has been at efforts of the union movement to wrecking of their local by machbest able to pay. In 1930 the con(Continued from Page 1) been organized within less than two put out by the Ohio Chamber of tested time and time again by the secure tenure for teachers were inations of the Lefkowitz outfit. The ditions reversed consumers or concilliation, they were willing years. number of union teachers Commerce and the Society of Amer position which they have taken on defeated by the opposition of the delegation conducted itselt in such paid 31. percent of the total tax to conter with the administration have also been active in organising cancers branding the American such questions as retrenchment in local and state affiliates of the Na a dignified and impressive manner bill, the well to do 68. percent. under the supervision of the Coun sharecroppers, a phenomenon which deration of Teachers as radical education, salary cuts, tenure, acational Education Association, con that it served to refute the calumScience and Invention.
cil, in order to arrive at a working gives additional significance to the and communistle and its oflicers as demic freedom and loyalty onths. trolled by the superintendents. Thenies heaped upon these teachers by communists have increased the dit. The struggle for the unionization of company unions specifically menthe Lefkowitz Linville crowd. In Marconi, inventor of wireless basis which would result in the ef. union movement Report of Officers of ficulties of holding and building teachers, a struggle which until tloned were the Pennsylvania Edu their private discussions with intelegraphy, has presented Mussolini fective functioning of the union.
with the latest device for transmitIn spite of this, however, now has not received the attention cation Association, the Ohio Edu dividuals and groups of delegates The report of President Lowry locals ting death waves which he claims delegates tere the convention repre containing the usual progressive than held its owne (From the an labor forces, has now become one nia Teachers Association de cer courteous hearing in presenting the It is interesting to note that the was highly academic in character, the Ohio membership has more it deserves from the progressive cation Association, and the Califor they always received a fair and pians will have the honor of being sented a good cross section of the platitudes. It did, however, con nuoleeport of Secretary Treasurer of the important problems of the tuin academic quarters (see for ex minority side of the cause The There were tain a summary dealing with the Hanson. movement. The unionization move ample The Social Frontier, edited members of the delegation, by their murdered in the latest scientific teachers of America, fashion. Julius Streicher, Nazi present teachers of all ages: the fundamental probleme which the. We have quoted from this report ment, as seen in this light, means by Prol. Counts who ought to know Intellige contributed in Jew baiter, advises the use of a grayhalred and dignified one near orxanized teachers fuce. He stressed for various reasons. First it illa not only the winning of the teach better. the National Education As no small measure to the victory small pendulum as a divining rod ing the age of retirement, the mid five problems: the education of the minates the role which the Lefkoers; it means the winning of the sociation has been for detecting Jews. Jewish blood dle nged and the younger genera teacher to fuller knowledge of Witz Linville Green combination is youth of America the future gen though it were merely a useful or The Lefkowitz and Lleville of all teaching current social problems, factional playing in branding hundreds of eration for the labor movement. It at worst a harmless academic pro Slanders in the N, Press.
he says, belongs to lead and wine. tion, represenmentary school to division, fear of dismissal or union members of Local as communista means also the forging of powerful fessional society. The reports of In conclusion we are compelled products of radioactive decay, while levels from language forces that will ald in the defeat of the delegates concerning the activt to reply briefly to the statemente Aryan blood belongs to gold and college. There was also present a activity, closer fraternalixation. It is exactly the kind platinum. In June the StatissprinkUng of Negro delegates from with organized labor, and finance. which the open shop. labor hating fascist tendencies.
tles of this organization left no which have recently appeared in tical Bulletin of the Metropolitan Arkansas, Georgia and Washington, The weakness of his report consist Chamber of Commerce and the pro Teacher Tenure and the Treach doubts as to its company unto the New York press by Dr. Lan Life Insurance Co. attributed the as well as a delegation of ed in the fact that he offered nofessional patrioteers are using to erous Role of Company Unions character. The problem of expos ville and Dr. Lalkowite, which are prevent the organization of teach1934 increase in the birth rate as teachers from Cuba who told the tangible program ing and defeating these company as falee and unfounded as they are of National Education Assn.
Techters in their efforts to smash the The teachers of New York State, union outfits has still to be worked disloyal to the American Federation the direct result of an upward convention of the repression of the lions whereby these problems trend in the economie tide. labor movement by the present re be dealt with.
locals already in existence by due largely to the activities of the out by the teacher union movement. of Teachers. They state that the The report of the Secretary curing the dismissal of teachers Teachers Union, are fortunate in The Struggle for Academic The current issue attributes the actionary regime. Politically, every defeat of their proposal to revoke increase as being due to a lowering shade of opinion was represented. Treasurer Florence Hanson was who are active in union organizing. having secured the enactment of Freedom.
the charter of Local and the elec.
of the standard of living The Because the convention was no rep. more interesting from factual in New York Lefkowitz and La permanent tenure laws for those Another problem which was much tion of a progressive slate was birth rate is well known to vary resentative it demonstrated that the standpoint. It is interesting to note ville, assisted by the capitalist possessing permanent licenses. in evidence at the convention was achieved by an unprincipled com inversely with the income clase though still a small organ that the organization received 28. press and the Right wing Socialist few other states have also passed that of the sight against violations bination of left wing elements and the family and highest birth rates ization compared to the total num. 003 in form or per capita dues and press the New Leader and the For such laws. However, in most states of academie freedom expressed in or office seeking reactionaries are found among the economically ber of teachers, had become a vital that Local 5, supplied 6, 862 ward, are preparing the ground for this important right has not yet the dismissals of teachers for opio is true that in the convention there force among the teaching body. It or approximately one fourth of the mass dismissal of teachers by their been secured. In such states teach ions expressed in the class room, were two progressive caucuses: ono most certain that families on relief showed also that even the most total amount. This fact brings out campaign of union wrecking and ers are usually hired individually for activity in the labor movement, led by Maynard Krueger of Chicago have a higher birth rate than non backward and most difficult to or better than anything else the im slander.
on an annual contract basis, wbich and in the movement for loyalty and the other hy Clyde Kiker of relief families.
ganize of the white collar profes hortance of Locals in the national The second problem which Mrs. contracts contain clauses regulating oath legislation initiated by the Toledo. These caucuses negotiated sions, the teachers, are organizale organization. As to membership the Hanson report raised are the their personal life and often violat Hegrat prors. number of victin and achieved unity of action upon Prosperity.
into trade unions; a un organic report shows that the national or means to be employed to defeat the ing their most elementary right as ined teachers addressed the con the principled basis of a program the surt and not merely as an ally of animation consisted of 196 locals terroristie campaigns of the Boards cits. In addition they can be vention, among them being Victor which called for: 1) rejection of number Cholen Spanplere ne trebarea. who the dole. or minols 300, 000 relief sented to the convention showed this year. The has now a Commerce and the professional pat no reason whatsoever. Under this dismissed for expressing an opin. repudiation of the Green telegram cases, 66, 500 are classified as un that progress toward inss organ total membership of approximately riote. In the Wagner Bill, the Fed system of annual contracts, massion upon aspects life in the So 3) Active opposition by President employable. In New York City, ization bas already been made in a 15, 000, a gain of 450 percent in the eral government was compelled to dismissals have taken place under viet Union; and Dr. Winslow Lowry to the Lefkowitz Green conGeneral Johnson reports 40, 000 number of localities. In Cleveland number of locals and 12 percent in recognize at least on paper, the the policy of economy and retrench Hallett, a teacher at Cedar Crestspiracy to intimidate the conven people or one sixth of the unem the union movement has succeeded members. There was a loss of ten right of workers to organize in un ment pursued by local boards of College in Pennsylvania, who was tion: and 4) Agreement upona played on relief as being too ill to in organizing 500 of the 4, 500 locals, which was unusually large, ions of their own choosing, and to education. Bids have been adver dismissed as a result of his efforts common siate for national officers work, mostly from malnutrition. teachers and has secured recogni. but, bargain collectively with the bosses, tined for the vacancies thus creat to organize teachers and the unem and members of the Exceutive. The Department of Com tion by the Board of Education. In in face of the attacks upon the This fundamental right, for teached, which has resulted in pitting played in Allentown, Pr. In Tole Council. This united front of all merce reports that the natio Indelphia, the local which was teacher unton movement this is a lers, is not recognized by local and teacher against each other in an do, Columbus, and Mussillon, Ohio progressive forces on a principled come increased 10 to 15 percent in organizeil about a year and a hall remarkable record. Some of our state educational and governmental effort to secure these jobs. In a number of dismissals have taken basis is a symbol of the new spirit 1854. Alexander Kotchevovsky, ago with a membership of seven, newest and smallest locals have authorities. This can only be ob North Dakota, for example, as a place during the year because of of realism which has manifested Honston, Texans, dancing master, has grown to over a thousand due beld their position in the face of tained by teachers through their result of this racket, teachers sal similar activities. The convention, itself recently in the struggle to has introduced new dance char to the activities of the progressive strong opposition. barrage of own efforts and struggle and by the aries have been reduced to about voted, of course, to give active sup overthrow the reactionary Green acterized by leaping, flying move leadership. In Arkansas, the land hostility was opened in Ohio last closest association with the labor an average of thirty dollars a port to these teachers in the effort machine and their allies Linville, ments and wide steps symbolixing of sharecroppers and closed schools year. It has been intensited this movement. In the teacher field month. In some states, as in Ar to secure their reinstatement Lefkowitz and the Right wing Sothe return of prosperity. and payless teachers, 42 locals have year. In Toledo where attempts the company unions, which take the Kansas, no salaries have been pala The Delegation of the United Cialists. TEACHER Conflict Continues In Teachers Union It in