CommunismFranceImperialismItalyMussoliniPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

NEW MILITANT VOL. 1, NO. 38 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1935 PRICE CENTS Official Organ of the Workers Party of the Minneap Conflict Continues FormUnholy AllianceatGeneva Labor Hits In Teachers Union For New Imperialist World War LMayor Two Workers Dead, FDR Tells Militant Confab Stalinists Bosses To Proves Failure Hail Laval Drop Fear Argument Prior to the opening of the con. to revoke the charter, which was vention the Executive Council of lost by a tie vote of six to six; sec the met in executive session ond, a motion to refer the matter to crusider the report of the investo Local 5, without any action, tigation committee concerning Local which was also lost by a tie vote ered He men Dziengeliewsky Is Green In Maneuver At Meet He Burning Problems Face 55th Convention home beld.
the fuct that the body had not been to appoint the committee as recomMany Wounded, By formed and had not authorized the mended by the majority report investigation and that the commit mentioned above, which was car.
Farm Labor Cops ried by a vote of eight to four.
The representatives of the oppo BULLETIN Teachers Meeting xition in the local were given a MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 14 A. Muste, former vice presilimited opportunity. In the form of The Socialist Call Institute, was turned over to Norman lbom tense situation here. Red searo dont of the American Federation ter minutes each, to present their held at Bound Brook, New Jersey, as, whose capitulation to the Right planned Indictments posible.
September 8, which the Mullwing at the last proved to Grand Jury absolvos police and of Teachers, and Stamm will case before the vote was taken.
speak on the present situation in The majority in the Executive tants had privately boasted would the hilt the hopelessness of the calls for additional pollon forces.
Farmer Labor mis meeting con the New York Local of the Council was anxious to arrive at a Breathing Spell Note produce a Left wing bound together Militants leaning on Thomas for by a revolutionary program, was support. Despite his abject capitu Sanctions Pleas demna police and Mayor Latimer.
of at meeting to be held at factions in the local in order to To Howard Shows instead an inconclusive and mua lation, the Militants tnvited Tool Irving Plaza, Wednesday, Sept. avoid the necessity of bringing the FL speakers weak and vieillat 18, at P.
dled gathering which took no def mas to what was supposed to be a Conceal Jockeying lag with exception of Scott and matter before the convention. The Masses Bear Load Bellman. Wm. Brown, president All tmchers and other workers administration of Local turned interested are invited to be pres down all offers of conciliation. Dr.
Two months after the last meet. Thomas a five minute ovation when for War Positions of Local 574 demands expulsion In an exxchange of letters with ing of the National Executive Com he rose to speak.
ent. There will be questions and of Latimer from party. Latimer discussons from the floor.
Lefkowitz declared that the motion Roy Howard, owner of the pow mittee of the Socialist Party, which Ever fearful of what the Right booed and jeered by crowd.
Laval speech in support of Eng pelssed by the Council had no legal erfal Scripps Howard newspaper declared war on the left wing wing will say if they attempt to standing and that he would refuse chain, Roosevelt last week gave the through the socalled peace pact organize a real cancus, the Maland position against Italy in the MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 13. Two tow report had therefore no official to recognize it. He presented the middle class another reassurink pat with the Right wing, and only a tant leaders invited all members Ethiopian dispute market new alliance of imperialisms. the and hundreds passed as a result of that the investigation was the reform of an application or a new follow up to the Soviet protest notes take place for the biennial national to the Bound Brook Institute, Franco British murderons police attack on strikesult of private arrangement be charter sigued by twenty five mem of the week before and were de convention, the leaders of the Mil with the result that the 200 present Popular Front in France and the pickets and supporters at the flour tween the administration of Local bers of Local 5, and threatened signed to meet the growing anti Itant Socialists still persist in tak were a heterogeneous group who second and Third Internationals. and the national office over the that if the charter was not revoked Roosevelt blasts now coming York fighting Left wing.
both in regard to neutrality and gram.
Olty Ornamental Company plansherds of the Council without their and a new charter granted to his the Hearst papers, the New Aroming no decisive steps to build a could not possibly agree on a pro The pacifist gestures of Roosevelt here. Five thousand pickets, strike sympathizers and spectators gath knowledge and authorization. Here group, he would bring the matter Herald Tribune, the Chicago Trib The futility of the Militant Following the typical social dem. the invocation of the Kellogg Pact front of the plant late Wed we have an example of the ethics before Green who would see to itune, and the rest of what Roosevelt leaders arrangements for the two ocratie methods of organizing are on a par with similar acts of bis worthy predecessor, the peaceDesday nightWithout warning the or an administration that holds up that the charter of the American likes to call the Tory press police opened fire with tear gas on its hands in horror at the ethics Federation of Teachers was re Howard wrote, In his letter to the fact that one of the most im. Stant leaders cluttered up the four loving President Wilson (Continued on Page 4)
voked. Later, Bernice Rogers, del Roosevelt, as a friend of the Ad portant of the four sessions hela a group of strikers holding a meet of the opposition.
The French minister, who on January 7, 1935 had struck a bar.
ing in a vacant lot across the street The Executive Council had before egate from Cambridge, Mass. and ministration. He stated that many gain with Mussolini understood to tron plant. Following the gas it a majority report, presented by member of the Council, told the business men had been following give the latter a free hand in Ethbarrage which was fired from arm President Lowry and Executive story to the convention on Friday. along with the President as sympalopia, astounded the diplomatic ored cars, the police fired volley Secretary Hanson, which rejected adding that this threat was like a thetically as they could, but that alte volley into the crowd. When revocation of the charter, referred machine gun pointed at the bods they were becoming disturbed over Framed in Scranton world by proclaiming at the League of Nations Council meeting: the meeting was broken up guns the matter bae tlement and called for the appoint. Executive Council which consisted of radical legislation, and clubs were turned on the specment of a mixed committee of or a mujority of liberal and con tioned the Utilities Bill and RooseBy KIM DOLSON France is faithful to the League covenant. She cannot fall in her tatora.
teachers and labor leaders to be au servative teachers were flabbergast velt Tax Program as two particuSCRANTON, Pa. Stanley Dalen obligations. rejoice with my Two Dead thorized to step in and straightened. One member, unwilling to be larly troublesome items. What, he viewlewsky, prominent and militant country (over Sir Samuel Hoare Eugene Casper, years old, shot out the almeulties. The minority Lieve his own speech. which understands the full through the chest by a police bullet, report, presented by Selma Borch atie tonears, said in a dram. wanted to know, were Roosevelt worker, has been indicted by the tone, Will you repeat that plans for the coming period?
grand jury on a charge of aggr necessity of close collaboration died on the way to the hospital. urdt of Washington, called for the again, Dr. Lefkowitz? The repre The Breathing Spell vated assault and battery. Two with Great Britain for defense of Melvin Bjorkland, 21, ridled with revocation of the charter. The sentatives of the opposition ex Roosevelt answer was divided persons who are in no way connect peace and safeguarding Europe.
buckabot in the chest, died on the Council was thus presented with pressed their willingness to a policy into two principal parts. The first, with the case are pressing the street. Young Casper was crossing three propositions: first, a motion This cementing of the Franco (Continued on Page 2)
the street followed by a friend, measures he has taken, especially ample of the manner in which the Expect Head British alliance recently, serlously when a policeman drew a pistol and a defense of the Tax Program. The Hudson Coal Co. persecutes and To Repeat Auto German naval agreement which offideliberately shot him down.
second, and the one that the news honnds down militant class struggle cially recognized and sanctioned was not a striker. Among the wounded in the hospital are men paper headlines have been playing fighters in their persistant war Union Scandal up was the statement that his pro Against organised labor, German rearmament, is halled on all sides as a victory for peace.
who were smashed down by police gram had been substantially com Dziengewlewsky was arrested by clube while walking with pleted, and that he was now able onal and iron cop in front of a BULLETIN Sanctions against Italy econtheir wives.
omic and military measures are to promise business breathing aloon carly in the morning, last AKRON, Ohio. smashing implied in the speech of Laval. The Since the brutal police attack on spell.
Memorial Day, on a charge of steal victory against Green and Claber Second International, the Third InWednesday, mass meetings and The defense of the Tux Program, ing coal. The charge, false of By ARNE SWABECK ty was won when delegates to the ternational and the International demonstrations of protest have been red scare campaign has been it read carefully, was perhaps more course, is a convenient excuse for Problems of unsusual importance given a setback. Its policy of or revealing than Roosevelt intended the coal company to terrorize the rubber workers union convention Federation of Trade Unions have by 44 to votes rejected a resoluLatimer, who attempted to defend face the fifty fifth annual sanization is being challenged and it to be He showed by means of region since anyone walking by a urged sunctions against Italy. The tion asking Green to appoint offihis actions at a mass meeting or convention, scheduled for Octo its time honored political policy. Treasury Department statistics howeoal dump and picking up a plece president of the British Trade Un.
bers. Green said he accepted the 2, 000 Farmer Laborites, was booed ber 7, at Atlantic City. Some of subjected to a severe scrutiny.
ion Congress recently declared: the percentage of the Federal in of coal can be technically accused mantate as final, and In turn this despicable officialdom come derived from town.
and Jeered. On leaving the ball he them cause new conflicts in the consumers of stealing coal.
He pointed out that the rubber There are formidable powers of workers had also rejected his fincoercion to be applied in the econoiron worker and as a result is nurs cronies at Washington may watch closer toward a more outspoken re the masses had risen during the At the Borough Building. Minancial support and advice a hint mic sanctions of the League. They Ing a cracked mouth. The Mayor, with dismay the several indications actionary position. This is the in past seven years from around one orick, the coal and iron cop of what is to come. The Claherty are clearly stated in Article XVI of saulted Dziengiewlewsky with a camp is now working to get him the Covenant. They constitute a to remove Bloody Johannes and his present position and policy. They dencies and it can only become meant a corresponding decrease in gun, breaking his classes and tearkind from the police force, is being do not yet antelpate a direct threat more pronounced the more the con the percentage derived from Iming his nuit.
elented president legally, while compound group of economic, fin progressive forces are concentratancial, and military measures.
bitterly denounced by the workers to their leadership, but the fear oftlict intensifies. Finally the strug come Taxes, Inheritance Taxes, etc.
ing against him It is a grave responsibility to William Brown, president of Local progressive tendencies is beginning sle must result in the victory of the How, in the face of this, asked the SUBSCRIBERA, ATTENTION!
counsel measures which may cause 674 was enthusiastically supported to haunt them like a nightmare. one or the other. The question of President, can anyone object to the By JACK WILSON the number following your war. But what is the alternative, at the Farmer Labor meeting when Fundamentally this is the out. leadership and policy is completely reasonableness of increasing the AKRON, Ohio. The rubberwork from the trade union statepoint, to he demanded the expulsion of the standing issue before the coming interlocked with the very life of income and Inheritance Tuxes in naise on the wrapper. ers convention to form an interna this polley? War is a certainty, Mayor. After the meeting was hur convention. living movement is the movement. With the increasing the higher brackets? This question 38 tional union bere this Thursday anyway. unless Italy is restrained.
riedly adjourned by the Farmer compelled to respond to the pres pressure exerted upon the workers was accomplished by long parawas expected to parallel closely the (British New Leader. September 6, Laborites, Harry Menville of the sure of conditions under which it by the weight of capitalist exploit graphs about sharing the burden.
autoworkers recent convention at 1985)
Iron Workers and Micky Dunne of exists; and the lower strata of the ation progressive tendencies are a juster distribution of the na your sabeeridion has EXDetroit with the of buIn a word, British trade union 574 addressed the crowd. otticaldom as well as the state fed bound to make their way the tion wealth, and the usual Roos PIRED. Wo urge you to send reaucracy headed by William Green leaders are ready to support the Farmer Labor Police erations and city central bodies, trade union movement no matter evelt demagogy which has been in yow ROW by natura mail again usurping all workers rights British Imperialists to declare war.
that are closer to the rank and ble bow much the top leaders fulminate familiar since his campaign days.
Following Wednesday battle and forcing a reactionary leader The French Socialist and Commuthe Inserting the receipt of membership, begin to reflect this aguinst them. But the latter know Mayor Latimer issued a weasel pressure. In several respects they no other recourse than to leun more aims to keep his liberal and refor.
It is in this way that Roosevelt ship on the new international. nist parties add their voices to this your ey without internation worded statement in which he ato come into conflict with the top bu Exactly Francis Dion, auto imperialist front by calling upon directly on their alliance with the mist standing with his middle clasa tempted to place the blame for the reaucracy and so, while the pro eneries of the movement, by more followers. He is the champion of Friday, Sept. 20, P. Forum at about delegates, proceedings, etc. mon international action in screen organizer, kept secret all news the British Labour party for combutchery on the strike leaders and gressive tendencies are still very complete collaboration with the all against the ordinate claims on Tetsdoff, manager of the plant, much undeveloped and confused. bosses and in more outspoken sup of any group or class. And in this Flatbush branch, at Clark of the auto convention, so Coleman ment with the program of Franco at the same time covering up the their existence begins to worry the port of the capitalist parties.
son Ave. Brooklyn (between Bed Claberty, of rubber or British imperialisme. Among the police by stating that all police leadership.
way he continues to draw the teeth Some Blows to Reaction from the sporadic efforts to start a ford and Flatbush Aves. The Kanizer, bas not revealed any facts demands of these social imperialgrung were locked up in the squad This official hierarchy has resubject: War Clouds in Europe. about the oncoming rubber conveniste is: The closing of the Suez Both the growth of progressive liberal or progressive Third Party Speaker: Ludwig Lore, columnist tion.
Canal to all Italian military transcars, but some of the officers must peived some serious blowy to its tendencies in the movement and the movement for the 1936 cumpaign. of the Evening Pout. The pro Plan Rigid Control port.
have found themselves in a tight bureaucratic method of domination increased reaction of its leadership If you want to share the wealth or spot and gone and got their guns. and control of the movement. Its ceeds from this lecture will go to William Green has publicly an. By whom? Obviously by the (Continued ou Page Continued on Pape 3)
The Hennepin County Grand Jury, page NIOW MILITANT fund. Continued on Page 3) anti Italian imperialist powers.
after investigating the murderous And the war among the imperialists attack of the police, and following which will follow will be loyally reports by Mayor Latimer, the Chief supported by these hysterical and of Police and the Mayor Labor treacherous friends of peace.
Board, made up of three tame laConfidence in Pierre Laval and bor leaders, three. union hating Sir Samoel Hoare to prevent war bosses, and presided over by Doctor in Ethiopia or a world war, is preProsser, author of the Prosser paration for a new world betrayal Plan. for blacklisting union memof the working class. The immedibors, brought in a report calling The following document, which throws sich a revealing light on agreement, but the agreement is to this isolation. The American ate interests of each imperialist for additional police and completely for the session of the Executive the situation in the Socialist Party in this country, is the report subsource of hope inasmuch as it regu Socialists have understood that in power are constantly changing exonerating the police force for the Committee of the Socialist and mitted to the session of the Executive Committee of the Second Inter lates some of the most irritating spite of the local successes gained leading to new alignments. France, murder of Eugene Casper and MelLabor International. national, which met last month in Brussels, by the American momber organizational, tactical, and juris in many towns or states, the so which wants pesce in Europe vin Bjorkman, and the wounding of Brussels, August 16 18, 1835. of the Executive, and leading spokesman of the Old Guard in the dictional questions which rose out cialist Party would remain funda since for the time being it is satisthirty others.
Point on the Ageoda. James Oneal. This confidential report was received by the New of the conflict regarding Socialist mentally a propaganda society so tied with its conquests on the conof Minneapolis is but an PARTY OF THE We obtained the report in a German translation, from which the nem introduction, shall now reorganized working class to a policy that the recent Italo German mutuother part of the campaign of labor Memorandum Presented by James orandum printed below is re translated into English.
View the origins of the dispute. of independence from the boural recognition of one another fakers, Mayor Latimer and the CitO Neal, The Labor Movement geols parties.
needs means a threat to France; sens Alliance to break down the (Received by the Secretariat of the origins of this conflict. However, Committee and the New York State One of the principal problems Adopting this policy of winning and that therefore a more solid almilitant spirit of organized labor S. August 9, 1935. before beginning the report itself. Committee. While the conflict ex. that has always confronted the over the trade unions for independ. lance with Great Britain is imper and is particularly directed against July 31, 1935.
Local 574. The spirit of the work to the Secretariat of the cate that at the session of the Na and states, it is in New York that been to establish fraternal relations Party succeeded in 1917 in winning that regardless of Mussolini promera lg high, and they are determ Brussels, Belgium.
tional Executive Committee of the it was most violent and it is deemed of collaboration with the trade unto this polley almost a dozen na ises last Januar Italian aggression ided that the murderous police at Comrades: tack directed by Mayor Latimer The members of the Socialist York City on July 13 and 15, an in the state of New York, the en ical factors which cannot be entim pumber of local and central labor view of the renewed Italo German Party, which took place in New that peace having been concluded sons. As a result of certain histortional trade unions and a large in Ethiopia will be extended, in shall bave no more success in 1986 Party greatly appreciate the interagreement was arrived at which tire Party will eventually be able erated here the American trade organizations in the big cities. In alliance, into French colonial posthan it had when directed by Mayor est shown by the LS. in the con pat an end to the open conflict and to unite.
unions have been, with very few addition to a general collaboration, sessions in Africa.
Bainbridge in 1934.
flict in the American movement, and promises to restore the unity of the Obviously, the differences on what exceptions, isolated from the 80 there was also an intimate colla British imperialism is similarly it is in reply to the request of Sec Party. Enclosed am sending you socialist principles and tactics cialist movement. Many errors boration between the Party and the afraid of Mussolini encroachments RALLY SUPPORT FOR THE retary Adler that present the a copy of the agreement reached should be are not completely elim cornmitted by the Socialist move trade unions in the course of the on its colonies in Africa.
EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT! following report concerning the between the National Executive inated by the adoption of this ment in the past have contributed (Continued on Page Continued on Page 3)
Confidential Report by Oneal to 2nd International Reveals Situation in the Socialist Party of