The Crime of the Auto International ions PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1935 NEW MILITANT effect on the confused and frightened middle with which is merged class.
THE MILITANT To this factor must be added the requirePublished weekly by the New Militant Publiabin: 00. ments of Roosevelt ally, the bureaucracy of 56 East 11th Street, New York City Phone, Algonquin 9058 the of which, to maintain its position against the discontent in the trade union ranks, Writer Discusses Significance of Green High Handed Domination Entered as second class mall matter at the Post Office is anxious to start a real drive on communat New York, under the act of March 3, 1879. ists that is, is anxious to smother the upof the Detroit Convention and the Tasks of Progressives JAMES CANNON.
surge of any militant left wing. To win the. Editor 1936 election, Roosevelt must keep the bulk of By BURKE COCHRAN harnessed the automobile workers some 38 votes, were actually the production industries are beginning SUBSCRIPTION RATES: the middle class and of higher paid labor be TOLEDO, Ohio As a culminato an incompetent and corrupt bu opponents of the progressives in to occupy more conspicuous place In the United States 00 per year; 65c six months. hind him.
tion of a year hard work, during reaucracy which has taken over the their own local, and were not elect in the of and are beginCanada and Fareigo 50 per year; 00 ali months.
Bundle Rates: Two cents per copy.
Consequently, with Congress adjourned and which time their forces were tested powers of the organization with a led by their local membership, but ning to displace in importance to not in a position to raise complications, with in a dozen different battles the heavy dictatorial hand, although it handpicked by the local executive a degree, the older building trades Vol. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1935 Japan temporarily quiet, and with Soviet trade automobile workers sent delegates beard expressed on the floor of the committee. The pressure of the pros andese No. 87 The automobile Industry is led below expectations, Roosevelt was in an easy al union in the automobile industry for it, on the part of the over was keenly felt; the fact that the by the most self confident and as Roosevelt Protest to the taint of Communism.
position to dissociate himself publicly from the with full autonomy within the stat. whelming majority of the delegates other side had no other program gressive combination of industrial utes of the American Federation of Ostensibly, Green and There is something of a mystery in the reThis is the real explanation of the protest Labor. The union they expected routed the progressives at the con pressure of the progressives from ot the few remaining branches of cent sharp protests of the United States to the letters. By their means, Roosevelt said to the way to have full Jurisdiction over vention. The charter of the Inter the other cities at the convention industry which is still able to create all who work in or around automo national limits its jurisdiction to pushed the entire Toledo delegation its own prosperity without beneSoviet Government against the activities of middle class: Of course am a reformer and bile or auto parts plants, it was to production workers; Dillion and his to support the progressive bloc at At of the federal government. This the Comintern. On the surface, at least, this a liberal and against the Tories. But am a be democratically controlled and machine told the entire national the Detroft convention. business combination is least inmove conflicts with the foreign policy of safe and sane reformer, and will never do officers were to be elected by a ma apparatus in thelr hands. Actually, The progressives, although they clined to sentimentality in relaimperialism. The still wishes the Soviet anything to upset the established order. Don forty of the delegates in the con Green and the executive council had come to the convention partial tions with its employees. They will Union to act as a check against Japanese agº let the wicked bankers scare you with their salaries comparable to the wages backs in recent years. The heavy, anywhere near organized to the ex they are forced to do so by the gression in the Far East, corporations talk about Soviets and Communism. Just look received by the workers in the cumbersome machinery of the tent of the reactionary machine. combined strength of the automostill wish to increase their markets in the Soviet Union; and the Administration, not yet tell their fatherland where to get off. And back with a charter of a craft union canning and well olled only when no posibility of agreeing on one can only be accomplished on the ready for war, naturally realizes that a serious he said to the of This will show you workers, with all officers of the new forced to reveal itself in all its tion of candidates come up for the place where Dillon is lost inblow to Soviet relations would aggravate where stand. You play along with me, and International handpicked by the nakedness. No camouflage, no subtle vote, the delegations would have terested in going. The automobile the war crisis. ll help you out.
president of the F. of L, Bill maneuvers were possible here all split wide open.
industry is super centralized and The protest letters must, therefore, be un Unfortunately the matter cannot stop at Green, and salaries of officers of Green cloquence went for The Enemy to overcome integrated. The automobile workthat, at the level of a cheap political trick no Jacked up to as high as 6, 500 per maught. Atter his first defeat on The progressives made a splendiders, split up into a donen diferent al situation in this country. And within the doubt thought up by Roosevelt strategist, The cruel blow that struck the screen ang lambertante question even the shorte greu hans more contingentes content and problem country, not on the international field, lie the Postmaster Farley. The effect of the letters automobile workers was deliberate. He bluntly informed the delegates it obvious that a real progressive barons of the automobile industry possibly dangerous consequences that must be is to strengthen the attempts to get a real Red ly aimed and it has weakened their that their voting one or an group that is to challenge the lend. Again the present leadership and guarded against Drive under way. The vigilantes of California, organisations effectively as a other made no difference. lle was ership of Dillon, cannot be made its policies block the road!
During the closing months of the 74th Cor the Citizens Alliances and Chambers of Com successful onslaught of an open forced to come out with the cold, up of scraps and patches It must The reaction on the part of the gress, Roosevelt completed the political strat merce, will interpret the letters as tacit per mighty protest which rose from the sates must accept his conditions, or broad program which can command Green Dillon machine was very egy which has guided his course during the mission to go ahead on full steam. And, what floor at the Tuesday session of the he would smash them! The rever the interest of the great majority healthy. They did not allow them past year. After successfully blocking all is worse, it will strengthen the hand of Green convention, when the delegates reberations of this ultimatum will be of the automobile workers. All un selves to be provoked, or fall into significant social reform measures during the and Woll in their efforts to start a real purg Jected with indignation and scorn beard for many day in the labor reliable elements, all local union the trap of quitting the unions, and opening months of the session, he reconsolidat ing of the ranks of organized labor.
to appoint. politicians who sprout up around leaving, at this time, the bulk of sign of that inexhaustible vitality Strength of Progressives ed his position as a liberal reformer by cham This is the danger of the letters, and it which has carried the automobile election time, must be ruthlessly the fnexperience workers to the The progressives, who have or eliminated.
tender mercles of Dillon. They are pioning the Wagner Bill, the Guffey Bill, the must be blocked at the start. The Red Drive workers forward despite the sabo ganized themselves in a very ser Long ago the progressive move preparing to appeal the decision of Utilities Bill, and the Tax the Rich program. means, as it has always meant, a drive against tage and betrayals of the corrupt ious manner since the Chevrolet ment or the of in this the executive council to the In this way, while granting nothing substantial every progressivve and militant fighter in the bucaneraty strike, in their determination to op country came to the conclusion of Convention in October: mean to labor and the masses generally, Roosevelt labor movement and its allied forces. And the gates are comparatively new to un the duty of reconsidering the scope gram in the trade unions involves locals to strengthen their numbers Although most of the union dele pose Dillon machine, have now that the fight for a progressive pro while they are going back to their aimed to block the moves to build a Third only way to meet it is to fight back, and fight tonism, the majority of them ex of their work, in the light of what simultaneously a struggle of ruth and to prevent all attempts at Party to his left, and to force the progres hard.
pected some railroading and were happened at the automobile conven less extermlantion with the present splitting them up sives to continue supporting him in the 1936 dong all they could to prepare tion. leadership of the of They are beginning to realize campaign against the Tories to his right.
themselves to it; but such open. At the Detroit convention, the which is the most venal and stupid that to challenge the leadership of However, during this period the attack from LA VERITE cynical perfidy, such an arrogant progressives commanded more of the whole world. To these lead the bureaucracy means the beginthe right redoubled in bitterness and extent.
disregard of even the formalities of strength than they themselves ex ers, the needs and desires of the ning of a battle of ruthless extermOrgan of the Bolshevik Leninist Group In French democratic procedure; such flag. pected. Almost every delegation rank and file workers are as foreign ination; and that the battle once Indeed, by now probably the majority of the formerly Comment Lengte of France) rant violations of their expressed representing the real unions: To as the customs of the Zulu tribes. undertaken, cannot be stopped ballbourgeois press is lined up against Roosevelt.
Single coples, Bench Subcriptions wishes that came as a surprise to ledo, Cleveland, Norwood, South They dread the very thought of way. Dillon will spare no effort In its attack, the old charges of Soviet Washplus 2c poetage. 00 per year even many a die hard.
Bend, Kenosha voted with the pro struggle and fear the development in building up his machine. He The Work of the Bureaucrats gressives. The only real large local and growth of young progressive will spare neither effort nor cost to ington, Roosevelt regimentation, CommuOrder from nistic attacks on the Supreme Court and the PIONEER BOOKSHOP The executive council of the supporting Dillion was the Seaman movements, as they fear the plague destroy the insurgent movement of of deliberately pushed the young dy local 19059 of Milwaukee itself. When they find their posi the prgressives. For that he has Constitution are being featured. These 96 Fifth Avene, Ya mobile laby Otherwise the Dillon machine re tions and salaries endangered, they the support of the F. of charges, for all their absurdity, have a certain rinth of craft unionism; it artin. ceived most of its strength directly are ready to collaborate with the bureaucracy.
cially created craft divisions which from the small locals of a member police, the boats, with anybody to Despite the heavy task and all of Republic would only bear out the made by many shops, the officials do not exist in the industry and ship of twenty to perhaps hundred smash the insurgent movement, the obstacles involved, the progres the report is sufficient in itself to settlements. At the same time con bile workers leadership which resenting not so much membership whole movement in the process. The victorious. If they succeed in ardemonstrate the complete validity ferences with the Manufacturers they do not want and ifor whom as their good intentions, locals such present fossilized leadership of the ousing the still untouched thousands of the Marxian conceptions. Association are continuing. they have no respect. They have as the ones in Detroit, Flint, LANSA. of stands today as one of of automobile workers in the indusThe increasing differentiations Despite the assistance given by placed their heavy hands around ing, small locals in Wisconsin, etc. the greatest obstacles in the path try, whose interests they represent. Continued from Page between the classes pushes for a the dressmakers it is clear that the throat of the young Interna etc. The progressive strength of the automobile workers. They le they push their progressive procompany paid an average of 30 a week and certainly not over 30 greater class consciousness on the such spontaneous actions from tional and deliberately attempted proved larger than expected not be will have to be swept aside, before Igram and win ever wider support; Fifty four companies paid wages be part of the American working class below is no adequate substitute to involve the union with the cause of last minute additions to the automobile unions can develop if in addition, they rely upon the tween twenty and thirty dollars and their increasing will to strug for a general strike called officially plague of jurisdictional disputes. their bloc, but because the early to their fullest potentialities. progressive groups of all the other gle. This has already been present by the union. The unsympathetic They are attempting to cut the stages of the fight on the conven. It seems, from observing recent unions, especially in rubber and week, these being divided equally in the wave of strike struggles ocnot to say strikebreaking attitude membership up into half a dozen tion floor revolved chiefly on the trends in the American Federation steel, they will have created a between those paying twenty five to curring in the last two years. They and actions of the reactionary lead different unions and thus effectively basis of anti Dillon sentiment and of Labor and the trade union move movement which will prove itselt thirty dollars a week and those are bound to become more intense ers of the Truck Drivers and other paralyze their activity and destroy against ang appointment of officers. ment in general in this country that invincible in battle against any and paying twenty to twenty five dol in the immediate future. The local unions, has done much to their militancy. In addition they The Toledo delegation, counting many of the new unions in the mass levery foe.
lars a week. Thirts compentes paid heavy reduction of the standard of nullify the unofficial support given an average of between fifteen and living of the American workers will by some locals, particularly by twenty dollars a week, the remain only belp to drive them further on Local 22.
Discontent near future also used by the makers Internat Youth Day eut pledge themelvedere ing 23 companies averaged between the road to class consciousness.
ten and afteen dollars a week for the general standard of working LA some of the Strike that the prevailing hourly rate (Continued from Page 1) revolutionary, the Bolshevik way the same month, conditions worsened. The collapse The first longon tammered (meaning the union scale, we suptionists do? The program was not out? never. The young Socialist Grips St. Louis The figures reveal that the Cluett of the NRA, the long periods of home by the strike is the Imperaprose) will be paid they are not sat. complete the necessary sections will yet see a good section of his Peabody Company paid an average unemployment, the increase in the tive need of making the LLG.
fixed on the 19 894 monthly stan the party consorting wage or seen a week, the Beechnut cost of living, the spread of water u. completely Industrial union First Successful WPA Hard Set by demonstration aus words were to be written in the fire the war makers ofte some of them a security wage and rumblings Company 13, Phillipe Jones Corp. but taking in relatives, etc. all striking as one, fighting as one Strike Prelude to of revolt are plainly to be heard.
But the fact is, the conference dia urging him, as Dannenberg did be 12, Tobacco, 14, etc. further depress the real average of and under a unified leadership.
Prelude to Wage Slashing call for international demonstra fore them, to join up with the colAll the above Agures represent workers wages. The polarization The second lesson and the Other Actions tions against the war mkers. How ors.
the average for the month of Dec. between the owners of industry, the With some 30, 000 workers in St. the hearts of the revolutionary realization of the first depends The young Stalinist, militant and 1934. While they may not be en capitalists, and the workers, are on Is the necessity of unity By St. Louis Correspondent Louis living on the security youth, bitter from a year of betray eager to follow in the stope of tirely accurate for a complete sur presented very sharply in the re ing the ranks of militant progres ST. LOUIS strike of WPA wage of 10. 80 week, what will al and from the waste and horror Lenin, 18 already learning that vey for all industry over an entireport. more absolute analysis sites eorgete cumpaign to County highway came to a success to 18 a week? Or as to the wages TYD revitalized the depressed youth seventh Congress of the IRVOTS in all local unions coupled workers employed on a St. Lould happen to the wages of the Por of organized mass murder, must Stalin supports the war plans of year they do represent the trends with an tunate ones who are receiving 15 have swelled pasionatly the call the French bourgeoisie: that the in the leading industries.
place progressives in the leader tul conclusion when 800 men came of the building workers who receive fighters, and for once, It even set coalition (unity with capitalists)
One thing is positively clear: The owners of industry received Despite all dimculties the strike there until their demands were such fabilous sums as 35 or 45 in motion whole masses of adult governments; that the point proeither slight losses in comparison has every chance of succeeding. granted.
weck for a month or two out of workers who had needed just this gram of the on war is comto the pre crisis period, equal salContinued and increased financial The men had been cut from 66 10 weekly scale for relief workers pletely reactionary and pacifist: aries or in many instances greater and picket support to the strikers, cents an hour to 45 cents an hour. is but the prelude to a rigantic tion finds similar task today. As gone back to Kautsky, social patriot Our national Spartacan organiza that the Stalinist leadership has salaries. But not for any period did their salaries cease. The work eting and solidarity by the striking former scale. In the original con wage slashing attack against the they in the midst of the war raised and renegade, for it reasons to ers, for the most part, suffered clerks themselves will result in the tract the government had stipulated was of course intended to be. And we in the midst of reaction issue Italist governments. against a clarion call for mass action, so support the wars of peaceful cap losses. In considering these wages (Continged from Page must be borne in mind that the clerks union and a considerable im that the rate of conts be paid that is the answer which the bulla.
When the cut came the Federal ing trade workers are arriving at. against war.
call for revolutionary struggle warlike ones.
great unemployment periods during walk through the market.
single year would depress these dressmakers are giving much grentwalk honoubtedly true that union provement in wages and conditions. Authorities said nothing pretending one of the biggest Jobs in this Spartacus Alone Shows The Waw alliance with the anti war pioneers And so we find ourselves in close ever fewesh terdys than the new or support to the storia e stuhy. Sony Press Rages at Mini es on a picket line and lighting the wages for this work, which is croup of the day, alone on the inter what yon dared and tried to do ever, the reminder of 800 strik old buildings. On all previoås jobs found itself the vanguard youth tend comradely hand. We say: the minimum needs of workers pathetic strikes or stoppages of one. Continued from Page 1)
families, even according to the u. two and three days duration were ordered the workers demand be 10 to 15 cents an hour. There is the war, today the SYL in America know how it feels to see the world Department of Labor standards. Wherever scabs or thugs appeared. National Sacramento Appeal or initiated by any unemployed or different on this one. The workers people telling the truth about alalist brewed hatred, to me the fonso organization known as the granted. This strike was not led nothing to indicate that it will be the only volce among young saturated with the polson Marxist Conception Confirmed In some cases all shops in entire committee has been organized in ganization or relier workers associ employed to do this work are un utem rotten with greed and priv world rush careening toward an The collapse of the NRA will buildings were out 100 percent. New York.
ation although such organizations organised and are hired through lege and alone among youth other tide of blood, to hear serve only to further reduce wages These unofficial stoppages led by The Bee, which did a good deal participated.
of workers. Almost immediately militant union members and the of poisonous buzzing at the time The different of crafts the contract is let. They are most gan some wrecking company to whom groupe stands for the Leninist sio voices of betrayers in workers upon the announcement of the deci assistance given on the picket line of the Mini Appeal Dinner of the employed there, particularly those y Negro workers ranks cover with high sounding sion of the Supreme Court a added to the magnificent militancy LD. in New York, not long ago crafts affiliated with the Building on the one or two Park projects war. Turn imperialist war into clvil phrases the poisoned bait: Join the next war to save democracy.
drop, hours of work increased, and are the brightest spots in the strike cause the New York Nation told a were the leaders and initiators, it have as yet been no strikes, tender tell him there are several we will burd. We will fight. We The young Socialist hears his We will pound away all obstacles.
than the one presented in the New Individual settlements are being few unpleasant truths about its is the first strike in which the but discontent is rife. Only a few ways of stopping war, and if nec. will conquer.
yellow role in the criminal syndi Building Trades have taken an ac dozen men are employed at present.
calism frame up.
tive and official part in any of the Itut if 30. 000 are given Jobs by Raymond Henderson, noted relief projects in this part of the November as the Administration Bakersfield defense attorney, has country. But if present indications plans at wages of 10 a week which MASS MEETING began work on preparation of the mean anything it will not be the will force down the living stand have just finished Olgin booklet on Trotskyism, writes awal brief for Norman Mini, Pris last.
ards to below that of even direct of Massachusetts, which am answering by enclosing a 10. 00 check oner 57606 in San Quentin. It is That the labor skates, with an relief for many, it is safe to predict HANDS OFF ETHIOPIA!
for the page NEW MILITANT. An answer worthy of a revolu expected that in another week the eye to the favors which will come that St. Louis will become a hothed tionist.
court stenographer will turn over their way in supporting generally of strikes. The Building Trades Protest Mussolini War on Ethiopia The Los Angeles branch sent in contribution of 20. 00 this week the transcript of the proceedings of all el improvements, wh who are almost elast am and the New Haven branch sent in a contribution of 13. 00. Together the 74 day trial and that the appeal also support the program of the organized workers to withstand an Speakers: with other contributions received, this week total in the campaign bearing will take place before the bankers and the real estate com attack on their wage structure, will J. MUSTE for the page weekly has been brought up th 69. 70. This represents end of October. The National Sac nanies in the present issue was a not give up o casily. And in their National Secretary of the a welcome change. The previous week brought a total of only 36. 15, ramento Appeal Committee is in foregone conclusion. But the Build struggle they will sweep along MARTIN ABERX and the week before that, ending August 21, recorded the lowest point need of funds for the appeal, ana ing Trades are beginning to make thousands of others who want more of only 39. 00 has called on all opponents of the questions. And so persistent is the than five phrases and empty promFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, at 8:00 The campaign is thus taking on new life and bringing better results. criminal syndicalism law to con pressure of the workers that the ises.
Irving Plaza Hall, Irving Place 15th St.
It should be a spur to the many Party branches, readers and sympa tribute.
leader of these organizations are Auspices: District. Workers Party of the thuizers from whom we have not yet heard. All shoulders to the wheel lining up and the ground is being RALLY SUPPORT FOR THE and we shall soon reach our goal the page werkly.
READ THE NEW MILITANT. laid for a nice battle in the very EIGHT PAGE NEW MILITANT!
Trends in Wages Militancy High In NY Shipping Clerks Strike the The Best Answer to Slander!