AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismTrotskyWorking Class

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1935 NEW MILITANT PAG13 Letter from Pivert Labels and Numbers 63 Editor Note Because of their extraordinary Leoportance for the revolutionary To the Comrades Expelled by the National movement of France as well as On the Subject of the Letter from Marceau their educational value overy Congress of the Socialist Youth of where we publish herewith the Pivert to the Expelled Comrades of letter of Marceau Pivert to the France at Lille; July 30, 1935 expelled Socialist Youth of the Socialist Youth of France Seine District of France and a Through Populaire (Organ of chological error has been committed Seine, which demanded the expul reply to some of his comments By LEON TROTSKY opments obliges him to work in the em. that it is not the dematured the of France. learned by those among you who aygumosion of Poggioll. but which per by comrade Leon Trotely. Com The letter of Marceau Plvert on same organization with the reform and prostituted Marxism of the of the decision on your expulsion this name. Incontestably there is mitted him to remain at the head of rade Pirext is the leader of an the expulsions of the leaders of the 1sts, these political explotters of the reformista (like Paul Paure, and the circumstances preceding it. confusion here, and those who ex socialist municipalitler despite ser Influential left wing group called revolutionary youth of the Seine, proletariat, consists not in taking Longuet, Severac, etc. but the true regret not being able to return to pelled you have utilized the weapon ious breaches of discipline in elec Bataille Socialiste in the soParis to aid you in securing repar. which has been given them; If you toral action, against which reation of this injustice. am in are loyal to original Bolshevism, volted in advance, cannot impartial. o. As previously reported in cialist Party of France (S. some incorrect Ideas, which, in maintaining lying friendship to plied by him to the fundamental their development, can lead to serwards the agents of the bourgeoisle, questions of epoch of Imperial solidarity because this is the first you do not accept the democratic ly apply an inadmissable decision the NEW MILITANT the ousted ious errors. The true task of a but of opposing as clearly, as harsh ism: that they base themselves time in the party that they have structure of the Party, equality for in your case. After a control com revolutionary youth leaders are expelled comrades only for serving all tendencies and for all members. mission hands down its verdict talning support everywhere. In Marxist is to warn the young com. and as unremittingly as possible. the experiences of October, devel rades against these errors the opportunists, the patriota, the oped in the decisions of the first socialist ideals, with faults to be They therefor impute to you the there is still the possibility to ap a recent issue of La Verite, or absolutely bourgeois socialists befour Congresses of the Communist sure, but also with tangible results: intention, which has long been that peal to a higher body. Such an gan of the Bolshevik Leninist Pivert himselt accuses our com tore the reformist masses. In the International; that they are in sol the development of their organiza of the Communist Party. to bore appeal was made in the case of a group in the JO. just ar rades of committing great p8y final analysis those who will choose idarity with the theoretical and tion. am in solidarity because from within, to demolish the so notoriously disqualified gentleman, rived from Paris, there appears chological error by assuming the and decide will not be the Blums practical work accomplished by the name believe there is revealed in this proclalist organization, in order to like Duchanel, who still has his a whole series of protests against Bolshevik Leninist. Since and the Zyromskys but the masses, Left Opposition of the Communical significance which must bring other structure. All the confusion consider your expulsion as final for solidarity with the expelled.
cedure an extremely serious polit win the leadership, but with ap party card. Therefor one cannot the expulsions and greetings of original Bolshevism. according to the millions of exploited. The party ist International (1923 1932. finalPivert, denies the democratic strue must be built on and for them.
ly that they stand under the ban.
to your side all those who sincerely exploited against you arises from it is impossible to imagine different ture of the party, equality. for The Name and the Masses ner of the Fourth International. In and not in phrases stand for revo that. And it is necessary to dis disciplinary rules for the Youth and two Internationals and to hope for name the Bolshevik Leninista glve up till now he has not broken the ner. Those who renounce today all tendencies, etc. by their very The misfortune of Plvert is that politics, the name is the banlutionary unity.
pel this notion (as the adult Bol the Party. Then the Intter is per a better one, with or without chang the bureaucracy of the Parts. umbilical cord which binds him to revolutionary name for the sout Revolutionary unity without com shevik Leninists must also do) un ticularly lenient renegades and ing the number. Did not the Span weapon against themselves.
rades like Fred Zeller or Makar der pain of driving the present contraltors, Marquet was not expelled, ish Young Socialists consider to other words: the psychological the small world of the Blums and of Blum and Co. will tomorrow just ovsky (leaders of the Seine District fliet into a blind alley. The Social nor was Boulsson, nor was coming the Second International? Does error consists in an inadequate the Zyromskys. On every new oce easily renounce the red flag for of the Socialist Youth Ed. mem ist Party has, in fact, victorlously pere Morel (he is even going to casion he looks at his friends and plor mg.
bers of my group is a fraud. The struggled against all attempts of enter. hope in this connection anyone believe that formal disci adaptation to the psychology of. feels their pulse with anxiety. It!
pline and expulsions can add luster the bureaucracy of the Party.
Plvert proclaims the right of splitting action perpetrated by com the to bore from within. It is that Lagorgette will press the de to the prestige of the Second Interis this policy false, fllusory, un every socialist to hope for a better rades who have been artifically Instinctively levelled against all at mand of expulsion against this national? Or does it prevent the This opinion of Plvert represents realistic which he offers to the International. with or without lined up against you and who do tempts at renewing such methods. gentleman which he accepted with workers from wanting complete and even a series or errors. It is you see, renounce their own name a little misplaced on the number a very serious political error, Bolshevik Leninists. They must, changlog the number. This frony, not understand its import (or who But never understood your return Perigaud and myself. have utilized your errors) may have to the Party as a method of this in of the Second not true Does als the spirit of disastrous repercussions not only wiodawa You would certainly have the youth in their place, think pel pet, but someone will prevent me dentes the democratic structure to workers on the contrary mile the the philistinetic of the Sathe for the Party but for the entire la avoided the exploitation of your that the action perpetrated lacks tr believing that it no longer has the party. advance the absolute so called Communists, despite all resents a political error of the same The first thing request of you proclaimed your will to submit to necessary to begin by declaring the saying it. am not the only come not and there is not a more demo whicu they have perpetrated, retain Politically the question is posted at is to do nothing to aggravate mat the rules of Internal propaganda motion of expulsion unacceptable who thinks this way. Are they cratie party than that of Lenin. It an important section of the prole Lollows: Can the world proletariat ters: to demand of your comrades in the same degree and with the for one never knows where that going to expel me?
depended only on the advanced tariat under their banner, it is only struggle successfully against war.
remaining in the organization that same rights as the other ideological will lead to. If in a group, if in Systematic denigration, that workers. It did not know the bid because they present themselves to fascism, capitalism under the leaddespite what has happened they de currents in the Party. This is one a Federation, a Bolshevik Leninist criticism of the point of view orden, masked dictatorship, and the the massess the bearers of the ership of the reformists or este utile vote themselves to the development of the points you must insist upon majority declared, as a reprisal, the those who think that everything is no lose fata! one, the bourgeois traditions of the October revolution. Staliniats (that ito Sorbet of the Youth (organization Ed. And even it, in the aim of obtaining expulsion of this or that minority going well. The right or interni Friends of the proletariat, the The workers do not fear either Bol: diplomacy. we reply it cannot parliamentarians, the sbevism or Leninism, They demand The Second and the Third Internaconceptions which you hold dear. Leninist or Trotskyist has to disap loyal to the real fundamental bases of the best solutions to the prob drawing room journalists, the only (and they are right. are tional are outlived and have become Por ellos. the doors of the Party are ear from circulation. am certain et socialist action, where would we tenus posed by events and which whole parasitic coterle, which per these the real or the false Bolshe obstacles on the revolutionary road.
he discouraged, you will not be change it. The essential thing myselt against this sectarian con not forescen, much less resolved. freely democratically, but ten letarian revolutionists is not to re because the whole composition of orites to live in a democratic Party shanting name but to apply oneself against the sectarianism of the ma this in your own field in our activ and in the final analysis, does any, show their Bolshevism in action to to the tasks and the methods of like ours issue an appeal to the in following the teachings it in jority of the conterence: this or hy in the youth with the care of thing It pleases. This kind of the masses, that is the spirit of the proletarian revolution. These Party Party to revoke an impermis But all this does not apply to this opponent is in the way? dis winning the young generation for democracy in the party is noth. abeolute devotion to the cause of who up till now have not understood the collapse of the two Insible decision if it is true to its comrades like Fred (Zeller Ed. believe that many of the young that you have never the intenseofs democratic state, which also The Meaning of Bolshevik Leninist ternationals cannot raise the ban structure. This appeal must be who are not in the Bolshevik Len comrades who voted for your ex: tion of having any other polley but leaves the real power to a cling to a label. instead of fol or without changing the number. tentative and must allow you to iniet group, at least to my know. pulsion (or whose mandates were than the Party on essential ques handful of capitalsts continue your practical work with lodge! For the latter the measure utilized in this aim) will regret tions; that is not possible (even Plvert com lowing the teachings which it im This phrase is devold of meaning.
out interruption inside the Selne is even more unreal and takes on the deplorable action which has though the Belgian Young Socialist mits a very great political error by plies. Now does not Plvert him. It is not by accident that the three As to the Guards have obtained a hundred Idealizing and embellishing the seli wear the label socialist? In old Internationals were thus num. strongly hope so, the majority threatened by the same token must editor of Populaire. Daniel May times more freedom than you on cracy of the LO. of fields of human activity it is im. alatinct epoch, a program and meth hypocritical and fraudulent demo the field of politics as in all other bered. Every number signifled a which you have won remains loyal band together in solidarity!
to you.
On the Illegal Nature of the comments as an intamy. No! This are still belng debated in the Party paralyzes the revolutionary educa bels, that is, without denominational must not be the same for the and possible to proceed without la ods of action. The new InternaIt is in order to ald you, if you pulak is not the way we treat young com. and it is delaying in taksation of the workers, drowning out tons and appelations as precise as two corpeces, the special believe it useful in your defense, well position, the the strug whether by utilzing these lines of stons decided on by the National direct action and this is not the demand the right to examine them maintain now that the expul and whom have seen at work in gle against war, for example. Welthelr voice by the chorus of munic possible. The name socialist is riot Zyromsky dreams, surprised in ipal counsellors, parliamentarians, not only inadequate but absolutely his unexpected recognition of the dress your appeal to the Federal patible with the statutes of the way to answer them. It is a bad as practises, one might way, and etc. who are imbued to the marrow deceptive for everyone in France defense of the but the of the internal regime which we will sure to make our position known.
of their bones with egoistie petty who has a mind to, calls himself living negation of these corpses Il Party that occupy myself in die ince of a congress to transform It does as he wishes.
cussing the grievances concerning seit into a High Court and to conprejudices. The task of the revolu Bolsbevik Leninists say to each atlon of the historie work accomagainst you, then reproach the tionist, even if the march of devel and all that their theory is Marx. plished by the preceding Interna you which you have written me.
demn (since they have neither inThe Motlyes for the Expulsion The Problem of actions framers of the motion of expulsion tionals. In other words: It is a struction nor defense, and the dele In the motion of expulsion there for lack of courage. Would they question of the Fourth InternationIgorgette (Right wing leader of gates to a congress are not judges. are certain unacceptable considera be expelled the Youth defended the Socialist Youth Ed. con From top to bottom in the Parts for sale boutkerte restlose in besterine Zyromsky on the problem of na The number bere sigolfles a perspective and a distinct program, dissolve them. There is nothing which judge. That is the juridical are unacceptable in your case.
that is a banner. Let the phil istines wax ironical on the above.
new in that. At a certain Federal argument which has always been Congrene at Montrouge the adults made against our demands to expel International. To come out in favor of the 4th case of aggression by Hitler we No, they It is the right of will shoulder arms. By ALBERT GLOTZER Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Dia. We must not imitate them.
launched an extremely heavy and the traitors from the Party. That the Youth and the Party to appre this position does not conform to lie printed a chart Indicating trends iness Machines Corp. Montestery would not! Now, declare that some weeks ago the New Repub mond Match Co. International Bus The Crime of Hiding the Banner vicious attack on us because of our is why the Federal Bureau of the clate the present situation of the the regular decisions of the Tours le petites cand wages that a Ward and Co. Pullman Inc. Stan numbers in politics is as dangerous The aversion for labels faction, the Bataille Socialiste.
nnt belong to any faction in the. Does that mean that they did Congress with which am well ac highly interesting and instructive dard on Co. Westinghouse Elec as the aversion for precise definiThe Moral Guardian of Capitalist Exploitation quainted and which Iagorgette has showing how in the most recent tric, Rubber, Goodrich Rub tions in science. In one case as in Party? do not want here either undoubtedly not forgotten. No, un years of the crisis, particularly ber, Goodyear Tire and Rubber the other we have before us the Into examine or analyze such a postder tion. my merely that it is the the pretext of aggression, must the and wages held their own, after a industry and most of the tobacco In ideas themselves. To invoke the no pretext, consequently, even from 1988 to 1934, salaries increased co. etc, etc. While the automobile fallible symptom of lack of clarity undeniable right for comrades of companies do not appear in the re masse serves in this case only the Party and the Youth who think of the acceptance of war. If that apite the supposed aid to wages in In this or that way to meet togethis the real motive for your expul the form of the NRA. The figures tion and the like are reported on worker who believes in Vandervelde er, 10 act in coneert for the develJust across the Rio Grande in ston, then it should be said frankly, according to the New Republic are taking the 107 companies the or Stalin, will, undoubtedly be ao opment of the propaganda of their Born in an era of chattel slavery, Mexico, the Christero Guerillas openly. We will draw from that taken from two sources, the secur average salary paid to the leading opponent of the Fourth Internatendency, to visit groups, to seek towering in the epoch of feudal anipe at workers parades from we adults who have maintained an ities Exchange Commission for sale official is somewhat over 61, 000 ational. The worker who has under votes on the eve of a Congress, to serfdom, declining with and as a churches as a Christian protest attitude courtesy, even of com aries and the Department of year, for the year 1934. Ten officials stood that the Second and Third designate their representatives for loyal servant of capitalist imper against Socialist Education in radeliness which we do not regret, Labor for wages, out of this total received between Internationals are dead for the Party functions. You have the lalism, the Catholic Church bas un the schools, and the curtallment of in our discussions the inevitable The report on salaries are for the 100, 000 and 360, 000 (the top sal. cause of the revolution will imme right to demand this option, and interruptedly condoned and glori. Catholicism power and income. consequences. We understand that leading officials of the outstanding ary. Forty officials received a diately place himself under our no more: it is impossible to go any filed the exploitation of man by further, that is to say, up to official man. As a beneficiary from the ling, Bishop McConnels, and other by other means than sliken words wages, the average of the workers hundred thousand dollars while a is criminal to hide this banner un At the moment that the Cougt. It would be necessary to struggle companies in this country and for salary ranging between fitts and a banner. That is precisely why it exteriorization (although in fact it system of organized robbery the Christly demagogues beat the tin against the opponents of factions in the corresponding industries like number recelved between der the table.
is difficult to conceal ones group Church fears any slight change, pan of pseudo radicalism for social want to expel from the so Weaknesses in the report are many twenty five and fifty thousand dol.
preferences in public action. But any piece of enlightenment which Justice, and a more equitable dis cialist community, before perhaps It does not contrast the salartes and lars. The remaining salaries ranged Plvert is deceiving himself when that, that is what we have always might threaten the status quo and tribution of wealth etc. Rome dragooning the proletariat into a wages for the years 1933 34 to the between ten and twenty five thou he thinks that Bolshevism is incomdone in the whole life of the Party. therefor its own income.
throws its moral and material new 1914. And if this is not the years preceding the crisis. It does sand dollars year. The inclusion patible with existence of facThat is what we have always done At one time the Church was able weight behind capitalism murder question, then what is at the bot not show the salaries for subordin of automobile and tobacco would tions. The principle of Bolshevik in cases of decisive battles against to organize its own force to combat gangs whose sole purpose is to re tom of your expustion? And if it is ate officials whose incomes are not find additional numbers in the up organization is democratic ceoministerialism and we have prac progressive movements of a past duce the workers to abject pauper not the problem, then all the rest far below the highest paid officials per brackets, these industries par tralium assured by complete free tised it with Paul Friure, with Zy. century. The Jesuits were such a ined slaves has only a mediocre importance and of any company. Likewise the re ing enormous salaries to its ohi dom of criticism and by grouplogs romsky, with Louis Levy, with sev. spearhead against the democratic provided you emphasize your will port, being purely factual lacking cials.
together with a discipline of steel eras, without ever thinking that bourgeoisle. Developments today Even programmatically to serve the Party, with your meth any kind of analysis, does not show Average Wager 21 in action. The history of the party one day that would be a motive for however have put the Church in Papacy upholds Fascism. In his ods and your doctrinal preferences, that for the officials, salaries did In the column of wages the year is at the same time the history of expulsion. against another fac the position of having to depend May 24, 1931, Pope Pius states in the selno, certainly your reln crisis not during its entire exist. somewn. com borda por Quadrogesimo anno eneyelleal of developing them as you have done not stop with the opening of the 1834 reveals and expose ware of the internal struggle of ideas, tion than ours.
on finance capital and its gangster that Corporations will be ap Not one groupings, of Enctions. Certainly. also read with regret the deformations for the preservation of statement must be speedy.
pointed as the supreme authority ence.
in the Spring of 1920, in time of Finally do not belleve that they Important Facts Omitted terrible crisis, of famine, of cold, factional activity, and that individ. help every reactionary measure orer capitalism. As true and rear can seriously prove that your postWhat is the meaning of every downward step which capital the state they co ordinate and di the 10th Congress of the Bolshevik On the side of wages the report tally.
WORKERS tion or your action is anti unity does not indicate whether these Party, which at that time counted this? As for myself would never ism must take in its efforts at selfor responsible for intolerable con wages include also foremen, salesProtect Yourselves Against the sign it. More precisely say: In matntenance, asking in return only rect the activities of the unions 17 years of existence, suppressed fusionism in the ranks of the or in all matters of common intermen, office workers, etc. which in the hour when complete unification that its Peter Pence he not inganization. But in any case, there most cases would raise the average.
Hazards of Life, Join the factions, but this measure was conest. Strikes and lockouts are for WORKMEN SICK DEATH sidered exceptional, temporary and approaches, the right of minorities terfered with. When this latter bidden. If the contending parties judge that this or that responsible pare wages for the years 1983 31 is no impartial arbiter who can As in the above, it does not com was applied by the Central Combecomes most precious with the happens then indeed does Rome cannot come to an agreement, comrade must be expelled. And it with those preceding the crisis. Be BENEFIT FUND OF THE mittee with the greatest degree of alngle condition that the factions thunder against the excesses of 1884 1935 prudence and elasticity The real do not hinder the regular work of Fascism, as in Germany today, public authority intervenes.
It is a question of a political line, ing factual it does not mention the annihilation of factions began only the Party. have always seen only then do its dupes picket Ger Like the Church of Stalin, the then all those who have voted for fact that wages in this period were Organized, managed by and for with the victory of bureaucracy oonfused comrades who have no man consulates. the Church of Icome finds certaio capl you should be expelled (and are raised on an average because of workers with only one purpose: over the proletarian vanguard and strong principled position and are Church is antifascist. Since talist wars to have progressive fea we to suppose that these people forced employment through the to render protection to members often embarrassed by the choice when?
tures in two pronunciamentos on really believe that your followers NRA and indirectly through gov. and their families, and to sup rapidly led to the virtual death of the party. The Fourth Internawhich the existence of fnctions im Unqualifiedly blessed is the ven the subject of Mussolini prepara would desert you. If it 18 aernment projects. That too, would port all endeavors and struggles tional will not suffer in its ranks poses on them struggle against omous arch reactionary Gil Robles, tion for war against Ethiopia, His question of precise facts, of propa raise the average wage. Such a for the improvement of tollers.
from mechanical monolothism.
tendencies and factions.
head of the Spanish fascist Catholic Holiness piously remarks that the sanda contrary to the interests of fact as the years of unemployment On the contrary one of its most You have therefore the right to Action. With what rage and bit dead would be compensated for by the parts, then control comme and the loss of income for the massized In 360 branches. Reserves About important tasks is to regenerate on Justify your appeal to the Party by terners de workers recall how dur the conversion of the survivors to ston must study the documents and of workers is not mentioned. Thus 100, 00 a new, higher historical plane the period of revolutionary democracy of the of the internal life of the Party. Austria, the priesthood went from vampire proceeds in his second In summary, nothing Justifies a five to ten years is presented. Such Deeth benefit graded accord proletarian vanguard. The Bol From this point of view the dis house to house, appealing to the message to describe with what measure so fraught with dangers. a tisure would again depress the Ing to age at entry. Siek benefitshevik Leninists consider thempayments from 360 to 900 to selves as a faction of the Internahas no meaning, if they do not at the Heimwehr butchers in putting questo concluding however the cost follow degree that you are able to average to a far greater level than my suggestions, appeal, reis presented in the report.
men and women, according to tional which is being built They the same time dissolve the other down the starving proletarians struggle for expansion is some main solidly organized, expelled or Granting all the weaknesses in сталев.
are completely ready to work hand Official and secret factions. but Today, labors standard of living thing different, and entirely justi not. The Party must be consulted. dicated in the above it is neverthe Monthly Asessmenta from 45 in hand with other truly revoluthen it is impossible to apply such having been reduced forty percent, liable.
In the last analysis it is it which less possible to gather the trends to 20.
tionary factions But they a decision.
with all unions and workers or The international workers revo must straighten matters out or ag in the report. The report concerns Por further information apply gorically refuse to adapt their polAs to the especial quality of the sanizations under government, ban, lution alone can remove this para gravate them. Give it confidence! itself with 107 leading companies to Main Office: Fraternally yours, icy to the paychology of opportunist Bolshevik Leninists, and here Austria stands a Rome anointed sitic organism. Only socialism can including such as the American 714 Seneca Ave. Brooklyn, cliques and to renounce their own will ay quite clearly that a pay. Papal State.
render such a growth impossible.
MARCEAU PIVERT. Telephone and Telegraph Company, banner.
Bureau and the Bureau of the party. It is not within the provly be in, am certain, if everyone! this is the main grievance they have bourgeois interests and reactionary socialist. By their name the and at the same time the contingTrends in Wage Levels and the declaring cate