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Official Organ NEW MILITANT Mussolini Sparsfor Timein League Palavers of the Workers Party of the VOL. 1, NO. 37 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1935 PRICE CENTS struggle Local Press Militancy High In NY Shipping DefenseComm.
Indignant Over parade Labor Day Green Backs Lefkowitz Co. Publish Pamphlet on SpartacusContinuesStruggle Spartacus Plans Litvinov Talk In Splitting Teachers Local NEW YORK CITY. Union Begun 15 Years Ago on plans for International Youtube Veils Powers Smashing In Sacramento. The Day have been completed, is the Truth About the Criminal Syndireport of Bill Streeter, distriet Aim to Revoke National Charter as Revenge for calisme Trials can 36 page par pladet International Youth Day Embodies Traditions of organizer of the Sun Realize Bandit Deals Defeat at Convention; Progressives selling for centshas just been published by the National Saera Anti Militarism; Revolutionary Youth of intend to make it an occasion mento Appeal Committee. This where the principles of revoluMust Rally Resistance Now thorough going analysis of the Today Fight under Same Banner tionary Internationalism, of revo Shies away from Interorigins, course and results of the lutionary struggle against war NEW YORK, Sept. startling new development confronted the trial is simultaneously an absorbnal Regime of Fascist By SAM GORDON are relterated.
Teachers Union of New York, Local of the American Federation of ing, dramatic story of the class District Educational Director, Y.
The district office of the Youth Italy Teachers with the announcement by Henry Linville, President, and struggle in California and of the Twenty years since that great day in 1915, and the SPARTACUS League announces that its plans Abraham Lefkowitz, Legislative Representative, of their intention to role of capitalist courts In that inelude rally meets in all parts of YOUTH LEAGUE again celebrated International Youth Day. the city. torch light parade, the League of Nations sessions With Italy sparring for time and turn in their resignations at a meeting of the Executive Committee. The pamphlet is written by But is not just another holiday to us. In some respects, it is planned for Saturday night, Sept.
All of the other officers of the local, elected last spring by a small Herbert Solow, well known jour. THE holiday of our organization and the toiling youth because it is 7, will start out from 120. 19th contributing greatly in the shadowmajority, would follow it, it was announced.
nalist who spent four months in play of appealing to public opinStreet at P. march down the concentrated expression of a big part of what we stand for and This splitting move comes as the aftermath of the stunning defeat California last winter direeting Ave. to 7th and Ave. A; after ion. the final dress rehearsals are of the Lolkowitz Linville forces at the recently concluded national the Sacramento work of the NonSght for.
short meeting, to 10th St, and being completed before Duco Partisan Labor Defense. Solow is began as a resurgent movement. It woke to life wide strata marches his fascist hordes Into the 2nd Ave, for a final mass rally.
convention of the American Federation of Teachers, kingdom of Ethiopia.
now secretary of the National of young people demoralized by the crime and tragedy of 1914. It be Max Shachtman, Jane Ogden, Seeking the revocation of the Sacramento Appeal Committee. came a powerful insurgent move BM Streeter and others will adThe recent session of the League charter of Local 5, which would Copies of the pamphlet, which ment. The force it stirred up dia dress a mass indoor meet at Irtwas convened prmarily at the be have meant the wholesale expulsion contains prefaces by Sam not rest until, with other help and ing Plaza Hall, 15th St. and Irr hest of British and French imperiof the left wing, they were rebuffed White of the San Francisco hands, they built the Young Coming Place, Sunday night at 8:30.
alism to make one more effort at a on the convention floor by a vote and Travers Clements, munist International.
The program for the meets peacefal rather than military of 100 to 79. In their attempt to well known author, may be o Treachery Everywhere cludes a presentation of Light partition of Ethiopia tained from the Room The positions of England and ning Red, the Newton Dance We wait today from moment to the convention in favor of the un707, 41 Union Square, The moment knowing that war is crowd Group, and other items.
France had been made clear before.
Ited progressive elements in the committee has announced that England desiring peace for fear Back in 1915 it local, whose spokesmen argued ing close to us.
France bundle orders may be held at reof its African colonies.
should keep these evenings free was already raging on a world against expulsions and for the dueed rates.
ready to back Italy so long as some Betrayed by the leaders in bon forget the dates.
right of minority groups to extat. Vigilante ChiefArrestguarantee could be given it of the whom they had placed trust, young Strike Drives Home the panic stricken New York lead statu quo remaining undisturbed ership called upon william Green ed in Degenerate Rubber Workers factory hands, students and field.
himself to intercede in their behalf.
the first day Hle telegram to the convention, a Assault into the trenches. Typical of the Unionism session in Geneva was net the Ital high sounding ultimatum calculated general disaster to the youth moveSACRAMENTO, Cal. While ve Detroit Auto Deal ment, Robert Danneburg of Austria, to terrorize the delegates into line, Overturned racks, dresses, silks, parture, nor even the plain spoken was overwhelmingly rejected.
llante terror against workers seeksecretary of the International Bu.
werds of the Ethiopian represent ing to organize unions has far from reau of Young Socialists, turned sovelvets scattered on the streets, a ative, Jexe, but rather the speech nudist Strugglo on National Scale vanished as the recent Santa Rosa AKRON, Ohio. Warned by the clal patriot and howled in the hyena scab staging of Maxim Litvinoft, the first spoken This announcement gives quick tar and feather outrage shows one treachery of William Green, chorns with the rest. The revolu swirling crowds battling Armed words of the representative of the substantiation to the statement in source of reactionary violence has of president, at the auto workers tlonary movement ran to low ebh. thugs and police, police car sirens the last issue of the New Mill been dealt a severe blow. The convention where he shoved his re Already influenced by the activend neloping met hierd molbe turned LaudsHunger Regime; Stalim perfeiner and is the late SMS Silent on Falling bound to declare, with regret. de TANT that the victory of the left California Cavallers, a band of pat actionary tools Into offices, the rub ity of the International Left, pre the dress market into a bedlam as clared Litvinoff, with regret. wing at the Cleveland convention rlota and plug uglies who were a ber workers prepared this week for parations were made for the hold the strike of the New York ship was but partial, that greater bat. significant factor in the success of a sharp struggle to prevent the ing of an international conference ping clerks in the ladies garment Wages my inability to agree with the atitude which the representatives of sienation of the New York leader am frame up early this year, and the same trek erase from pulling of the youth. This conference was industry continued through its see In a downpour of rain, mass By JACK WILSON Italy wishes to adopt.
ship, in the light of the struggle at receded from the public eye movention to form an international 4, 1916. It established the International Union of Socialist Youth. picket lince were maintained in the CANTON, Ohio, Sept. After a rubber workers union, Diplomacy for Whom?
the national convention, presents a mentarily.
latest ex. In fact, some of the Akron dele There were present 13 delegates market. Wet to the skin, hounded string ensemble softly played Diplomatic language you suy, but grave new danger, which a mere The reason is that It marked a by police, the pickets fought with Love You. William Green, rear whose diplomacy? The diplomacy few months ago was scarcely fore ploit of its flag waving, labor hating gates and also out of town workers from nine countries won. The danger of aplit had, with chieftain has caused a revulsion of are so Incensed that there is a turning point in the development of strikebreakers and thugs and tied tionary president of the of of imperialism or that of the pro up shipments in the greater part surrounded by chamber of com. ietarian state?
starting suddennes broken feeling against the onganization serious possibility that the unions the youth movement. The Berne Conference, which of the market.
through its local confines, and is among many small middle class will be split and the delegates walk blending straight towards the na slements previously terrorized or out Detroit convention it Green tries to the forerunner of the young the stock berasa series, contribution clans twee vaperheets fand am conterte rent upon a question which does not directly affect the Interests preached the philosophy of classof my country but whileh may There is needed no better evt. Pairly good results came from on the convening of a day of dem labor, Mayor LAGuardia.
Conferences with the Manufae cooperation at a dinner given here Banking on Green support, the dence of the mental and moral level efforts of progressives to co ordinonstration against militarism on an have the gravest consequences for Lefkowitz Linville ellque is clearly of those who intervened in the ate their work with out of town International scale. There was born turers Associations called by David in his behalt and then went into a American Sacramento trial to terrorize jurors delegates in a common anti of International Youth Day, which has Dubinsky. President of the Interna veritable frenzy to whip up another for the fate of the League of Federation of Teacbers.
Nations (how touching. and conHis after dinner speech and the sequently, sooner or later for our are they depending upon a substan. Innocent, than is given by the fol able strength is expected from this years by the Communist youth of ton failed to bring a settlement of tial number of die hard supporters lowing item in a recent issue of bloc own country.
to follow them out of Local 5, but the Sacramento Union, itself an anTalk has already gone around on Oct. 3, 1915 as the Arst Interstated the case for the shipping envy of a rotarian or any other First things first as they say.
they are also counting upon the senounced enemy of the criminal sydamong the rubberworkers that if national Youth Day. The call was clerks. He said the clerks were bourgeois club. But this was but since when has the fate of the cesorion from the Federation of adicaliam defense movement organthey put Claherty or some other sent out to all countries and to all out almost 100 percent and that a prelude to and an indication of Soviet state been linked up with number of influential out of town Ized by the National Sacramento stooge in odlice like they put Dilyouth organizations calling upon members of the ILG. were what workers walting throughout the fate of the Thieves Kitchen ut locals.
Appeal Committee: lon in at Detroit, we ll walk out them to demonstrate against the spontaneously walking out wher the country to hear what he would Geneva. It is nothing but slander The national convention of the to the masses of Soviet Russia to with 90 percent of the delegates. Patriot Lighter Mood of takes place next month. Accused of molesting young ing those years these anti war demployed. He cited the miserably Green spoke before an audience link their late with that of black However, progressives are urging onstrations assumed tremendous low wages of the shipping clerks of not over 2, 500 workers, a sign of reaction.
That the of will be under woman on a lonely street and attack there is a foregone conclu then striking an arresting officer, within the regular convention and proportions. In many countries and called for an immediate set his rapidly declining prestige and and still more. am certain slon. Green can very well be de Ulrich Trusell, 33, SERA exan ominous warning of how he will that there is no one here who feels not let the independent internation against the war, drawing in thou.
they represented the only voice tlement.
Where Figures Lle fare in the future with the workers. in sympathy with the internal repended upon to lead the assault. eeutive bere and president of the al union idea gain headway for itsands upon thousands of adult Coming fresh from Detroit where glme of Ethiopia as described in The aim of Green Lefkowitz Lin California Cavaliers, statewide The bosses had the effrontery be had treacherously folated an the documents submitted to us will weaken the strength of the workers. Since 1915, every year to claim that only a fraction of ultra reactionary leadership on the ville is clearly to seek the revoca anti. communistic organization, was be here be mame witnessed a world wide demonstra, the shipping clerk were on streke new auto workers international of Italy about which Jeze had a What about the internal regime tion of the charter of the will be here to try to play the same tion against war and militarism, and those only in shops where unton, Green still dared to shed least a few words to say? Yes.
and to charter the secessionists as According to official police rec role he did in Detroit.
the new national organisation.
ords, Trussell parked his sedan and larger as the years passed. The forced them out. In the cloakmak ie rights for which we must fight. internal regime of castor oil Italy. Threat CANNON LECTURE SERIES Progressives at 30th and streets at 1:30 slogans of Berne became watchers section of the industry they He meant his right to continue beA. and attempted to force his Thus the situation in the Teach attentions upon his passenger. Izvestia has something to say rade James Cannoo, editor of (YOUNG SPARTACUS, September, Figures given by the spokesman of the coming rubber workers conven September it declares: In its Beginning with Sept. 22 com words of the revolutionary youth. claimed the situation was normal, trayals of labor, for example, at aboot that. In an editorial on era Union of New York takes on a Miss Despo Vlassis, 2822 St.
new, nation wide significance, pro Kieking and gouging, Miss Vlassthe NEW MILITANT, will give a 1903. the Association were 804 shipping too.
series of lectures On the Road The Answer of October clerks out and 2, 119 dressmakers estimate of the Italo Abyssinian found in its implications. Any 18 escaped and ran down the To The Fourtth International at The program of the conference Illegally striking in sympathy standard of living has been calling Soviet bureaucracy) does not con Green told the workers, whose conflict Soviet public opinion (read move against the American Federa street, screaming.
Irving Plaza, Irving Place and tion of Teachers at the coming con Kave a partial answer to the ques with them. That both figures are to an even more miserable rate sider Italy Internal regime. No, Trussell was finally pinched and 15th Street, The lectures will be tion: what should we young revolu false could readily be seen in a vention of the will be brought to the emergency hospital given on consecutive Sundays. Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
than before the Roosevelt adminisHot Italy internal regime, that a dire threat at all progressive where some specialists wanted to tration, that The nation is emere might offend a friendy nation, forces in the labor movement. take a look at him. There, according from a long continued period of but let us by all means judge victory for Green (a two thirds vote ing to the Union, he used foul and distressing and painful economic backward Ethiopia internal rele required for the revocation of profane language in the presence experience, and also that the gime. What a disgusting spectacle.
the charter of a national union of Mrs. Trainor (the nurse) and economic horizon becoming Rather had Litvinoſt not spoken would not only be a disastrous set Dr. Brien.
at all than have once again dirtied back for the teachers movement: Trussell was immediately freed Statement by the National Committee Horns and Wings it would also set up a towering ob on 200 ball. Despite efforts to the names Soviet and Communism.
Making a ine distinction be How Long Now!
stacle in the path of progressive conceal the source, the belief gained of the Workers Party unionism.
employers tween decent and Cnocluding the Italo Ethiopian credence in courthouse corridors ruthless, irresponsible employers, item on the agenda a committee of great responsibility now rekts that the money was furnished by Eight young men and women, denounced the criminal syndical party heresies, to provide bril Green pledged himself to help the five was appointed to sift the matupon the United Committee to save a vice president of the Bank of organizers of the exploited agri ism laws as union smashing Tant legal defense in the court decent employers against the comter once more and again try to the Union, the united front of left America, a leader in the Associated cultural workers of California, device. The Sacramento convie room, and to lay the basis for a petition of the latter in the hope tind a peaceful solution. Italy wing torces in Local Quick, Farmers, Inc, boss strike breaking tions, revealing the stark anti on successful appeal. Unfortunate they might toss him a few bread did not object too strenuously to firm, bold steps must be taken. The organization which inspired the have been railroaded to the prison fon character of these laws, are a ly, after the and the LL. crumbs, so to speak.
such a committee. Reports from fight must be broadened, Lefkow. Cavaliera to hold military drill in hells of San Quentin and Teha most important opportunity to Smashed the united front into Despite the rubber strike be East Africa have it that the cainy itz Linville must be clearly exposed the streets during the criminal chapi for terms up to fourteen rally the labor movement against which they had been forced by trayal, the, Chevrolet strike com season is unduly prolonged this to the membership as unprincipled syndicalism trial in order to scare years. In the terrorist, antithe criminal syndicalism laws. the there was not suffi promise, the failure of the of year.
splitters: the new Executive Coun the jurors.
Had our comrade Norman cient time left to bulld the mass labor atmosphere built up by the to try seriously to organize French pressure must have countcil of the national organization The local press is shrieking with Mini, not smashed the conspiracy defense which might have saved basic industries on industrial lines: ed considerably, too, finally must be brought more closely into rage over the fact that the Socialist Callfornia bosses after the San of silence and sabotage with the Sacramento elgth, the clubbing down of WPA wages termining Italy delegates to ab the fight; every effort must be Party, Workers Party. Non Parti Francisco goral strike, a handwhich the Communist Party and Now this man defense must hy the Roosevelt administration; stain on the proposal for a commade to rally the of mem san Labor Defense, and picked middle class jury convicted the LL. enveloped the case, he and shall be built. The LL. the increased misery for the enemmittee of five. It is likely that bership to the support of the other organizations have joined to these eight under the notorious and the other prisoners would continues its polley of disruption ployed; despite these and hundreis Laval, in private conversation, had gether to fight for the Sacramento Criminal Syndicalism law. These have been condemned to oblivion. and sabotage. It devolves upon of other glaring facts that speak insisted that continued backing SUBSCRIBERS, ATTENTION!
priminal syndicalism appeal. Are workers sole erime despite On the eve of the trial the Work the Workers Party and the other cloquently of the failure of the a. of Mussolini might prove embarrascent full column editorial in the the legal terminology of this in ers Party called upon the Non constituent organizations of the of top leadership. Green sing at home if Italy were intent the number following your Union denounces Mini for wanting strument of capitalist reaction Partisan Labor Defense to pro newly formed National Sacramen bragged of substantial progress to break then and there.
are on wrapper is to read radical literature in jail. Is that they courageously organvide a real defense for the Sacr to Appeal Committee, not only to made by him and his cohorts It is also quite likely that France Another Union article declares as ized farm workers and led them mento defendants. In the short provide legal defense for Norman He had nothing but praise for will suggest that Italy be granted 37 follows: in successful struggles for higher period which remained, the Nonthe so called Federal Norman Mint, former West Security economic control over Ethiopia, wages.
Partisan Labor Defense, with the in fornia Supreme Court, but also to Act, whose provisions are mean with the right to establish what Point eadet, convicted here early The Sacramento prisoners will your subscription has EXsupport of the Workers Party, carry the burden of the flight to ingless to aid the unemployed in will amount to virually a military PIRED. We urge you to send this year with seven others of be but the forerunners of a host the Socialist Party and other or free all the prisoners. In this obtaining even an existence. Out protectorate.
criminal syndicalism, has become of labor victims to this law, un ganizations was able to make a fight the Workers Party stands side of saying Congress and the But the traffic through the Sues he your renewal by retorn mall, the cause colebre of another labor less the Sacramento convietions national Issue of Sacramento, to pledged to do its utmost and we administration made a grave mis. Canal la dotted with boatloads of thene Insuring the receipt of fight similar to that carried on are reversed under the pressure bail out Communist Party mem call on all members and friends take when they failed to accept troops from which the flags of Ilatyour copy without interruption.
in behalf of Tom Mooney. do of the labor movement.
bers who were being deliberately to rally to the fight for the free and apply the prevailing wage ian fascism fly ominously in the (Continued on Page 4) Organized labor everywhere has kept in jail as a punishment for dom of the Sacramento prisoners. Continued on Page The Sacramento Case 1s breeze,