BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMussoliniSocialismStalinismStrikeSyndicalismViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers Party

PAGE NEW MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1935 Socialist Youth of Paris Raise Banner of Revolution; Urge General Strike Against Laval Decree Laws TO THE SOLDIERS Youth Leader Appeals for Revolutionary Action Chronicle of Events. Brest and Toulon The Price of the Decree Laws Teachers Win Victory Over Green Machine Editor Note The articles published herewith the Young Socialists managed toroiding of the decisions of Lille.
are reprinted from a special two distribute more than 5, 000 coples. Then, because in the course of page edition of Revolution, or Simultaneous with the appear the conversations poster apgan of the Soclalist Youth of the ance of this paper, the Bolshevik peared on Saturday in the name The Workers in Uniform Will Not Fire Selne District of France. Devot Leninists pasted up posters all of the Youth of the Selne and the By FRED ZELLER class wants to fight with the max. ed to the revolt against the de over Paris calling for the general issue of Revolution published At Their Brothers in Civilian Clothes Secretary of Seine Federation imum chances for victory: the cree laws of the bonapartist Lar. strike and a struggle against the same day, did not permit us of Young Socialists ulorions demonstrations at Brest, al Herriot government at Toulon, class peace. These were mutilat the hope that any agreement to Toulon, etc. have just proved that Brest and le Havre, they breathe (From Revolution)
od and tom down systematically henceforth respect the discipline (From Revolution. to the hilt.
the very spirit of revolution. To by the Stalinists, the fascists and of the party would be made in As the blood of the workers flows in the varlous regions of France The French political situation is All the workers must be mobil gether with the Bolshevik Lenin the police. Atting alliance in good faith.
we address ourselves to you, sons of workers in uniform Comrade unwinding at the price we long ago ized for resistance to the govern ist group they raised the only deed!
With crocodile tears the lackey soldiers! They are develving you! They are forcing you to march in predicted. After the experiences of ment offensive. Never has the situ revolutionary yolce in all of As one of the articles explains of the bourgeoisie concludes: the name of the nation against your brothers. There is no united Flandin and Bouisson comes Lavalatlon been more favorable than now France, the Stalinists and the the Socialist Youth of the Seine This declaration cut me to the nation; there are only exploiters on the one side and exploited on the and his deeree laws. New wage re for revolutionary struggle. Away Social Democratie leaders being are solid behind their expelled quick. But it was necessary. other, the parasites and the workers, those who spill the blood of the ductions are imposed on the work with fuf measures, away witli pal too interested in covering up (Populaire, organ of the ers in order to make up the nan liatives, away with nerve quleting leaders. The committee apparaitworkers and those who want to defend their lives by relentless clase Herriot, Paganon, ete ministers by the National Aug. 15. struggle. There are two sides of the barricades!
cial deficit, to save the frane and sedatives! The millions of exploit. in the government and responsible tee) of the to explore the In touching unanimity the or maintain the regime. At the same ed feel that now they must size for the murder of the workers in Will you play the game of the exploiters! Will you march with possibilities for reinstatement has gan of the Young Stalinists of time they are reducing the buying complete power to bring order into the seaport and arsenal cities those who would reduce to misery your fathers and your brothers?
already met and refused to inter France, Avant Garde, eehoes power of the toiling in and ag the situation, to eradicate privileges with whom they are in alliance And when you have recelved the distinction of the fatherland, as Yene for the expelled comrades. Blum outspoken hatred of the arvating the this, of the and abuse of all kinds and to ex in the socalled People Front. Thuis committee was composed of ekpelled revolutionists with the veterans, they will cover you with flowers, if they need you, if not fruits of the system.
tirpkite favetem. They feel that the In fact, Humanite, organ of the notorious they will reduce your pensions difference that their depraved reformists including Monsieur Schneider can Maced before the diletoma: an problem before them entirely one has not a word of criticism Leon Blum, who after some high frenzy lacks Mr. Blum polished to coin money out of your blood and your skin will you be the incorrigible and decaying capital of revolution. Let us coordinate the Herriot and company. All of ly hypocritical remarks on how restraint. They speak about the tools of those who murder your own?
ism traguing millions of people in efforts of the workers over the en their miserable scribbling is takwake the good a conciliator he admits him.
No. justlee and the correctness of en up with the obnoxious pink self to be and how much he in the expulsion and quote approyUnder the uniforms beat the hearts of workers. You have nothing tion of the regime by revolution, insurrectionist general strike, dif tea liberal aim of establishing convenieneed himself and how ingly one of the worst reaction in common with the officers who are in the pay of the butchers. They LAN and his lacks have chosen. ferent from the demonstrative the blame for the murders as if difficult the task was made for aries in the Socialist Youth who keep you under arms for two years. Hundreds of your own kind perish They feel themselves supported by strike of February 12 which was there could be any doubt on this him, states the reasons for the Yents his bile on the Bolsheviks.
big tinancial capital and by the made against and not for some score and none of it with calling there like dogx and the Schneiders thrive like crows from your young committee decision: Thelr howls are in vain. The militarized fuscist gangs and arm thing. The enormous crowd which for solidarity and more extensive bodies. First we clashed, as is shown Irs, and they count on the weakness passed in review at La Place de la strike action dugainst the decreespirit that animales Revolution Comrade soldiers! Your place is at our side! You are part of the in the letter from Zeller, with the is the spirit that animated the and lack of resistance of the work. Nation and in all of France lacked laws throughout the country. condition posed by him and his Bolsheviks in October 1917. Not great family of workers! There are no barriers between the proletar.
crx organizations. They will pura precise aim, perspectives and a Although the issue of Revolu friends as a prerequisite and all of the combined Mensheviks ians wer arms and those in the factories! We demand for you politsue their offensive up to the very revolutionary direction.
tion containing the articles be which we could not even consid in France in 1935 will be able to ical rights, the right to express yourselves, the right to make felt your end and hy that very fuet we are sure will say that dignity must low was confiscated by the police er: the pure and simple null and withstand its irresistible force ardent desire for peace and your ferocious hatred of those who are every day approaching closer to the he maintained. Dignity for us is preparing for war, playing with your skin as an unimportant commodiinevitable denouement.
the struggle against fascist barbarty. We demand for you the right to mingle in the life of the country, Revolt is mounting in all corners ism and for the salvation of civil you, whom they call heroes but will not grant any voice.
of France. Everywhere the workizntion! Let In denounce the Raders, dissatisfied with their living ical leaders who are at once in the Soldiers, do not forget that you are not alone! The workers grasp conditions are reacting violently. People Front and in solidarity your hand. Your brothers are defending you and calling upon you for In Paris at La Place de Opera the with the murderers of Brest and common struggle! Listen to this appeal!
public service employees took to Toulon!
Soldiers with us!
the streets. In Brest, In Lorient, We will obtain Bread. Peace and The Executive Committee of the in Toulon the munition workers Liberty only by expropriating the (From Revolution. aries and workers demonstrate.
Young Socialsts of the Seine.
declared strikes and demonstrated capitalist bourgeoisie by force, by The blood of two dead readens July 14: The Peoples Front Postal employees, railroad men, the in tens of thousands in the streets the general strike.
demonstrates for liberty but forgets public service employees, workers fleet, the naval officers give orders a rement. Fearing for the cance of the Green telegram was and were attacked by the Garde Workers violence will expropri to protest against the decree laws. in private industry demonstrate to weigh anchor.
Mobile and the army Street battles seen as one which not only conthe Finalys, the the dead strew the streets.
Blood flows, late the Bamschneiders, the del Regnier, laganon, etc. decide scope. They demand the abolition cerned Local and the existence of The Merciers, July 17: MM. Laval, Herriot, every day in an ever widening continue all through the night.
coercive apparatus functions in full Wendels who support the fascist to retrieve nine billions from the of the decree laws.
August 9: Thanks to the presthe American Federation of Touchsure of the Peoples Front, the ers but one which concerned the swing The bourgeoisie, trembling refuse.
bones of the poor entire trnde union movement.
with fear, wants to drown in blood The Radical leaders maneuver workers return to work.
ID The hour of the transference of Immediately. protests of the rightful revolt of those who power has arrived. Now let us workers break out throughout the string the movement.
the throngh the People Front to bam There are dead, 200 wounded, other words, Green, Borchard and will not bend to its will. When a organize in the factories, the yards, land. Everywhere meetings and 100 workers arrested.
Lefkowitz had issued an ultimatum regime must resort to such extreme the shope, the neighborhoods, demonstrations. But nothing 18 movement are the great ports. Al decides to send an investigation In the vanguard of the protest And the delegation of lefts.
to the trade unions of the country that unless the militants were exsolutions it has already lost constrike committees on which the gov: done to organize an irresistible (Continued from Page 1)
trol of the forces it belleved dom ernment of workers and peasants Atrike movement.
in the personnel ommittee. paychological moment proved a would wreck them.
pelled from all unions that they esticated.
will rest.
the Normandie had gone on Redouble the fire. Enough pact boomerang for the Right wing.
Forward for the berole and deJuly 19: Despite the government strike.
It was a tragic spectacle to see The workers of the arsenals, subDelegate. reprefist meetings and platonic demoncisive struggles under the banner probibition, 50, 000 small function Lefkowity and Lenville, who had strations, The French working of the socialist revolution. government of murderers.
mitting to a rigorous discipline, but ation of Teachers, declared in an the labor movement, even to the August 7: Huge funeral services also determined and disciplined, interview for Barraer in Brest. The workers mull of hatred extent of having been aflated the flag of Vereilles, the symbol bave returned to work on the orders tem, demonstrate vigorously against the military sysDenounces Green as Hitler with the Conference for Progressive What said on the floor of the the starvation government.
Labor Action, and basing itself on decree laws In Toulon, provoked by the mili (From Revolution. onvention was that according to Avant Garde is silent. Probably tary orders, the workers demon onstrate August 4: The workers dem At the National Congress at the fundamental law of the land, a militant trade union program these erstwhile progressives were Brest and in order not to embarrass Messieurs Toulon Lille the bureaucracy expelled anyone has a right to belong to now allied with the reactionary (From Revolution. aguinst the reduction in their wigthe ladical leaders who are cover from the Socialist Youth (J. any political party or to practice es. The protest is unanimous. The Green Woll machine; not only to any political philosophy he de Under the title: Revolution or ing up in the government the as our comrades Fred Zeller, Corvin, sires. There is no regulation of defeat the progressive labor move ment but wreck the very organizCounter Revolution, Avant Garsassinations ordered by Laval. Can organize systematie provocations, by the of to determine poBrando, Kigal. Ivan and Maria de (Vanguard, organ of the Young you tolerate this declaration of ation with which they had been as occupying the arsenal at Brest.
Craipeau, Perl, Makarowsky, litical afiliation. Yes, spoke of Communist League (J. of Humanite: They (the fascists)
August 5: The Brest workers are Bressler, members of the Execusociated for many years and had the telegram as being from Mr.
France) for this week attacks our outrage the tricolor flag which the driven back, bayonneted at the tive Committee of the Seine disHitler. cannot see where Mr. helped to build up.
periodical and devotes an extensive workers placed at the head of their (From Revolution. sates of the arsenal; the workers article to the internal life of the procession beside the red flag on Green had any right to step into Green Avowed Treachery react en masse. They reply to the trict or of the Federal Committee the question.
Entente of the youth or the seine July 14 and these provocateurs ir of the Seine et Oise district, on In a private interview which the The young worker Chevalier military proclamation, to the pro The editors of Avant Garde dare protected by Taval. L)
was shot in the act of ripping vocations of the bourgeoisie; at the the pretext of violation of diseiThe struggle over the revocation writer had with a delegate whose to state Without mixing into the humanite, organ of the of down the tricolor flank (the sym station they of the charter of Local 5, the out. reliability can be vouched for, an fraternize with the internal affairs of the and France, August 10. standing issue before the conven account was given of an interview We consider this decision seanbol of everything that has be railroad workers and delay the dedalous, illegal and unconstitutionthen, ont of mutilated and falsified The young worker, Chevalier, a come odious) from the pollee staLion, began in the sessions of the this delegate had had with Pres!
purture of the train to Paris. They al. Our comrades were expelled quotations they build up an edifice provocateur Struck down on the tion at Brest. The young socialExecutive Council which met bedent Green in Washington this war onward to the sub police stafore and during the convention, but summer.
of absurd talen. We would not dare relers of Lavul Herrioty Chevalier e quoted Green as say.
because together with the of ists of the Selne salute his cour Lion resisting the charges of the an enemy of the people for wanting ageous act and shout with him: trois and shouting for the ahol to invoke the name of Tanin. the Seine they fought against natwhich was deadlocked over the ising that in his opinion the most ienal defense and class peaee. We sue by a the vote. The representa important issue before the Without mixing into the internal to tear down the tricolor slag of the Down with the tricolor flag! ition of the develuws.
tives of the United Committee to at present was that of industrial do not accept this decision and affairs of the we would like exploiters!
Down with the flag of Gallifet, Burner is killed by to several questions to the Save the Union, Cbas. Hendley, unionism versus craft unionism. If Decidedly, Avante Garde is on Fily, Mercier, Laval! This flag we consider our comrades as alball: hundreds of workers are inilitants of the Celia Lewis and Ben Davidson, the Industrial unionists won out, ways and more than ever memC. Are the line road.
drips with the blood of our brothyoung communists in agreement wounded: more than a hundred ar.
Vanguard or Rearguard?
ers and we swear that it will rests are made.
bers of the Socialist Youth! 65 were given an opportunity to pre. then Green and his cohorts would with the transformation of Avantnever fly over our heads, wo grotips out of 70 in the Seine sent their case to the Executive secede from and split the Garde into pretty bourgeois demo.
The trade union leadership gives District are in solidarity with Council and the Convention. Their The treachery and disloyalty of NEW YORKERS ATTENTION swear that we will never betray no concrete goal to the movement, cratic paper, a tribune of Pierre our red flag of class struggle for them and 30 group in the Seine arguments made a profound impres these labor fukers to the of Cot (a violent partisan of French Book Clearance the flag of the three colors, the contenting itself with inviting the ct Oise district have declared vion upon the delegates. Many del vus never better illustrated than workers to join them.
themselves similarly as well as cates resented the fact that the by these remarks. That is why the imperialism and foriner Radical flag of class peace!
To take room for new stock, August 6: The repercussions of minister. Are the satisfied matter had been brought to the con action of the in repudiating numerous federations and groups We have only one flag, the Red the struggles at Brest are enormous in the provinces.
all miscellaneous books. pam.
vention without authorization from the Green policies are so extremely when Avant Garde limits itself to phlets and magazines have been Flag! Only one sim, relentless in the entire country and in all the printing in bold characters: Make The groups must not listen to the membership of Local significant for the entire labor class struggle!
drastically reduced for immedithe rleli pay without saying who forts. In the absence of a general the wreckers and the splitters. The Lefkowity delegation argu movement in the present and future ne disposal, Visit our The bullet which hit him was strike movement of solidarity the They have only one Executive ments for revocation were rehash struggles. victory for Green will make the rich pay, nor how?
quarters today and take advansont by orders of a traitor, but workers in Toulon and Cherbourg Committee and only one Federal of the old red herring of Commun would have meant the immediate Comrades of the without tage of our special prices. rest assured, we will avenge him demonstrate vigorously. Resent Bureau: those which have been ist domination now worn threadbare wholesale expulsions of all progresgoing any further, are you in agree The Young Socialists will beat ment mounts regularly elected at the last Ad throughout the labor movement. sives. But the fight of the progres ment with the attitude of your BOOKS OF ALL PUBLISHERS down the tricolor flog and in its The workers want their demon ministrative Congress at Bou They quoted from publications sives is not by any means over, it press on the bloody events at Brest place will fly, free and proud, the strations to attain its real aims. logne and which continues to di appearing during the third period has just begun. Green is deter and at Toulon? Avant Garde re PIONEER BOOK SERVICE Red Flag of the exploited who They want to defeat the govern rect the activities of the Entente. to prove that the progressive ele mined upon expulsions.
frains from commenting on the ac (formerly Pioneer Book Shop) tomorrow will be masters of the ment of the decree laws, Laval We will return in detall to the ments were out to wreck the unions Today it is the duty of all protion of the young Brest worker world!
100 Fifth Avenue, Herriot, which has become the Congress of Lille and its scandal Chevalier, struck by rifle fire when of the of They charged gressives of different shades of Room 1010 Executive Committee of the strate vigorously. en masse The ous sessions in the next number the opposition with seeking to fos opinion to unite their forces as they he ripped down the tricolor flag.
Young Socialists of the Seine. authorities charge into them and of Revolution ter these policies in Local despite did at the convention be the fact that the United Committee cause great battles are ahead. This NUL Demonstrates gute Relief and of kill Morgan of Defense Conference and the Publix Market, Phila. of the other three the bosses wife to Save the Union was made of must be considered as being only the That these cases ups is the only witness.
elements representing all shades of a partial victory, much greater and ing wound up with announcements and the police to break the strikes on organised labor to help smash from mass expulsions, which would us. complete and permanent vicof classes, lectures and socials to are obvious from the fact that in the frame ups, which are attempts have wrecked it. The Lefkowitz tory can only be assured if the proNEWARK, NJ. AN the first he run at the Unemployed League PHILADEPHIA, Aug 26. This Lichtman case there is no evito brouk the union. Money is very administration threatened to resign gressive forces will unite on a real bombardment in an intensive cam smakers, indicates that the unem. Priday, August 30, P. at 140 dence at all against him and in necessary. Send funds to Lou Ro it they did not have their way istie basis to realize their aims. paign against the WPA slave wages, ployed of New Jersey are on the south 11th Street, a conference is Dubin case the bose himself is berts, Secretary of the union, at complete revelw of the convention the Association for Adequate Relief, move and more will be heard from being arranged to aid the five ar the only witness and in the cases 41806 Poplar St. Philadelphia, PA In the debate the progressive will appear in the next issues of Newark section of the National Un them in the near future rested fruit clerks facing jail terms.
delegates brought out these facts: the NEW MILITANT.
employed Tangues picketed seven of The conference is being called by That the membership of Local Newark eleven relief stations, and the Fruit Clerks Union of Philadel5 had not given the Lefkowitz city hall in advertisement of a mass James NEW MILITANT MASS MEETING phia, Local 713, in conjunction with Cannon, editor of the delegation any authority to ask nieeting held in the Newark City NEW MILITANT, will deliver the and other labor organfor the revocation of the charter; with which is merged Hall.
the first of a series of four SunIxations and prominent liberals.
that no responsible organ of the THE MILITANT The miss meeting held at night day night lectures on the Fourth Lou Bubin, Paul Hirsh, Isadore HANDS OFF ETHIOPIA! union such as the Executive Published weekly by the New MiliBoard and the Delegate Assem was attended by 200 workers who International on September 22.
Klein, Tom Holmes, and Al Lichtenthusiastically approved of the The series will cover the bank man are the five fruit clerks await Protest Mussolini War on Ethiopia bly which the administration tant Publishing Co. Bust 11th St. Phone: Algon, 9058.
plans for further organization of ruptey of the Comintern, the 4th ing court.
controls had ever voted for such Lichtman is charged International and the coming with threat to kill. Dubin is Speakers: the unemployed and a militant cama proposition; that the overEntered as second class mall matter paign of action against the entire war, the 4th Interational and the at the Post Office at New York, charged with malicious mischlef. MUSTE whelming majority of the memY. under the act of March 3, 1879.
relief setup.
struggle against Fascism and Holmes. Klein, and Hirsh are National Secretary of the bership opposed the investigation JAMES CANNON: Editor Tony Ramnglia, president of the forces and prospects for the 4th charged with malicious mischief, as well as the revocation, MCKINNEY NUL, evokel a storm of applause International.
disorcierly conduct, inciting to riot.
Editor of Mass Action It was stressed that the Lefkow. Subscription rates: In the United when he said they call us reds for Comination tickets for the ser It convicted they face long terms itz delegation had brought revoca States 00 per year: 650 per six in prison.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, at 8:00 PM doing things like this, hnt damn it, ies will be sold for forty flye tion issue to the convention because months; Canada and foreign 50 d rather be red than yellow, and cents each Admission to Indit The arrests arise from a militant Irving Plaza Hall, Irving Place 15th St.
they had lost the confidence of the per year; 00 six months. Bundle fight for the right to live decently. dual lectures will be Afteen cents. strike conducted by the Fruit membership of Local and because rates: Two cents per copy.
The series will be given at Irving The ppeeches of Rosenberg and Clerks Union at the Blue Ribbon Auspices: District, Workers Party of the they realized that they would soon be ousted from office. The signif Vol. AUGUST 31, 1935 No. 38 Kotz of the Association for Ade Plans, Irving Place and 15th St. Fruit Market. Upper Darby. Pa The Entente pententive of the Ohio State Feder uncle played a progressive role de Continues Word to the Young ate rotting capitalism and of the of the trade unions Communists Greetings to the police to police or can Chevalier in pline. maunket at Newark City Hall age gredo reti vedno the meets To Aid Jailed Clerks